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Question 1:

Analyze and justify whole case according to the following aspects:

1. General Ethics and Laws / Rules:

Ethics is a set of moral principles or values which is concerned with the righteousness or wrongness of
human behavior and which guides your conduct in relation to others for individuals and organizations.
In the case, the coca cola company have moral values to perform the business in Vietnam. They produce
beverage by using the polluted water. The things is the company do clean the water for the people of this
society and according to the 3 “R”s: Reduce, Recycle, Replenish.
The company recycle the water the used in their production.
They reduce the usage of water amount.
Working with local stakeholders (communities, governments and NGOs) to replenish water to nature and

A law is a set of laws that are prescribed by a particular state for the purpose of maintaining peace and
public safety. Courts or police can enforce this system and punish people who break the law.
And the Rules are a set of clear or understandable rules or principles that govern a code of conduct or
procedure within a particular area of work.
The government having laws and rules to the manufacture companies that they do during their
Coca cola is aware of the laws and rules that they shows toward the society the Sustainability and the
community engagement in their business.
The company follows the eco-friendly system during their production of beverage.
ii. CSR (Modes and Views) and Business Ethics:

Business ethics is sometimes confused with “corporate social responsibility” or “CSR.” Although the two
are related, they are not quite the same. It is important to understand how they are different as well as how
they are related to each other. We will begin by clarifying what corporate social responsibility is because
this will help us understand how business ethics and corporate social responsibility are related.
The phrase “corporate social responsibility” refers to a corporation’s responsibilities or obligations
toward society. There is some disagreement about what those obligations include charities, employee’s
higher wages and customer’s safer products.
Corporate executives work for the “owners” of the company, and today these “owners” are the company’s
shareholders. As their employee, the executive has a “direct responsibility” to run the company “in
accordance with their desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible while
conforming to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those embodied in ethical
The term business ethics is specialized study of moral right and wrong.
In the case study the coca cola company is responsible for their employees’ wages, safety, and the
society of people who suffered through this activity is also involves in csr.
So the company provides opportunities towards the society like employments, beverage product, clean
drinking water and sustainable development as well.

iii. Moral Development Stages with respect to company:

Many people assume that our values are formed during childhood and do not change after that. In fact, a
great deal of psychological research, as well as our own personal experience, demonstrates that as we
mature, we change our values in deep ways. Just as people’s physical, emotional, and cognitive abilities
develop as they age, so also their ability to deal with moral issues develops as they move through their
lives. In fact, just as there are identifiable stages of growth in physical development, so the ability to make
reasoned moral judgments also develops in identifiable stages. As children, we are simply told what is
right and what is wrong, and we obey so as to avoid punishment. As we mature into adolescence, these
conventional moral standards are gradually internalized, and we start trying to live up to the expectations
of family, friends, and surrounding society. Finally, as adults we learn to be critical about the
conventional moral standards bequeathed to us by our families, peers, culture, or religion. We start to
evaluate these moral standards and to revise them where we think they are inadequate, inconsistent, or
Kohlberg’s six stages were grouped into three levels:
(1) preconventional stages, (2) conventional, and (3) postconventional.

Each level has two distinct preconventional stages stages. During high quality life, a child's sense of
behavior is ruled out. Children accept and believe mathematical laws of authority, such as parents and
teachers, and judge action according to its consequences.

The conventional general pattern of behavioral thinking is exactly the same for adolescents and adults.
Common sense is to judge the behavior of actions by comparing it to the ideas and expectations of
society. The standard consists of the third and fourth stages of conventional behavioral development.

During the postconventional level, an individual's sense of behavior is defined according to unfavorable
terms and values. People now believe that some laws are unfair and should be changed or repealed.
Kohlberg's view has been criticized for its racial and cultural prejudices against whites, men, and boys.

iv. Utilitarianism / Rule-Utilitarianism (Identify problem, solution by

company and cost-benefit analysis):


Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that describes the right thing from a wrong statement by
looking at its outcomes.

Rule Utilitarianism

It’s a form of utilitarianism that describes that an action is right when it confirms to a rule that
leads to a greater good for greater number of people. It also looks at the consequences of having
everyone follows a specific or particular rule set by the authorities and calculate the total
utility of accepting and rejecting of the rules.
Identify problem:

The problem is polluted water and the large usage of the water during the beverage product produce by
the company.

Solution by company:

The company is use less water during the production by you must clean the container before adding the
beverage. Coca-Cola is working with bottlers to produce products more efficiently, with a goal of 2.17
liters of water to produce 1 liter of product by 2012 – down from the current 2.43 liters.

Cost-benefit analysis:

Local communities is that, “Now with the clean water project of Coca-Cola, we benefit from clean
qualified water. It’s very clean, purified, and smells good. We are so happy; we can use it directly for
cooking and drinking. There are two fountains, one for cooking and drinking and another one for

Coca-Cola, the results have been a more positive brand image, with positive press coverage as a result of
their programming.

Question 2: Evaluate the case according to the following:

Moral Reasoning:

The process by which people try to find the difference between right and wrong through common sense.
This is an important and often daily procedure that people use when trying to do the right thing.
The moral season between the company and the people of society, according to this program the company
provides funds to the society, to education. To trained the employed, job opportunities, cleaning water
and the company still positive showing their brand name and quality as well. And also increased the
revenue of the company.

Justice and Fairness:

The word “justice” is on everyone’s lips nowadays, and may signify almost anything. We hear the cry
“Peace and Justice!” from people who would destroy existing societies with fire and sword. Other people
fancy that perfect justice might readily be obtained by certain financial rearrangements as if anything in
this world ever could be perfected.

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