S1 - 1.2 - Rules and Requirements (V1.0)

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Rules and
Introduction to VATSIM
Introduction to VATSIM | Rules and Requirements Topic: 1.2

Code of Regulations 2
In this topic you will get to know some of the importnant policies and regulations
of VATSIM that are implemented throughout the network.
Note that the following are just a few of the policies, rules and regulations, a member should be aware of all of them.

Visit the following links to be directed to the full policies, rules and regulations set

Code of Regulations:


Code of Conduct:


User agreement:

Privacy policy:

Data Protection and Handling Policy:


Global Controller/ATIS Information Policy:


Virtual Airline and Special Operations Policy:


Transfer and Visiting Controller Policy:


A few more policies can be found here along with all the above:


V 1.0
Introduction to VATSIM | Rules and Requirements Topic: 1.2

Code of Regulations 3
1.01 A. Requirements: VATSIM.net is open for membership to all individuals who have reached the
age of thirteen (13) years old or older. In addition, membership is available to all individuals regardless
of race, creed, color or nationality. Members should be able to converse and/or provide air traffic control
services in English, the internationally accepted official language for air traffic control.

1.01 B. Fees: VATSIM.net does not charge any fees to apply for or to retain membership in the
organization. In addition, no member of VATSIM.net may request money or charge fees as a prerequisite
to advancing an individual in rank and no member may offer to pay money or a fee to another in order to
secure an advancement in rank. Individuals violating these rules, regardless of their rating, may be sub-
ject to immediate and summary permanent expulsion from VATSIM.net.

1.01 F. Code of Conduct: By entering a certificate and password and logging onto the VATSIM.net
network, a member agrees to abide by the Code of Conduct which has been duly adopted by VATSIM.
net as may be modified from time to time. This Code of Conduct will be made available for inspection at
the VATSIM.net web site. Violation of any of the provisions of the Code of Conduct may result in
suspension of login privileges and/or expulsion from VATSIM.net.

1.01 G. Ratings: Upon acceptance by VATSIM.net of a membership application, a member will be

assigned a rating of Pilot/Observer. If a member wishes to provide air traffic control services, he or she
must contact the region to which they have been assigned for details on training, testing and promotion
to the appropriate rating. Notwithstanding any rules adopted by the VATSIM.net Board of Governors
(as created herein by Article II.) to the contrary, VATSIM.net will employ the following ratings system,
listed highest to lowest:
1. Administrator (ADM)
2. Supervisor (SUP)
3. Senior Instructor (I3)
4. Instructor (I)
5. Senior Controller (C3)
6. Enroute Controller (C1) – Center
7. TMA Controller (S3) – Approach/Departure
8. Tower Controller (S2) – Tower
9. Ground Controller Student (S1) – Ground/Delivery
10. Pilot/Observer (OBS)

6.03 Prohibited Conduct: Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:
A. The use of the VATSIM.net network by any member or individual to threaten, harass, abuse, intimidate, stalk or to otherwise
violate the legal rights, including rights of privacy and publicity, of other members or individuals logged on to the VATSIM.net
B. The use of the VATSIM.net network by any member or individual to publish, post, distribute or disseminate any defamatory,
infringing, obscene, vulgar, profane, or other unlawful material or information;
C. The use of the VATSIM.net network by any member or individual to engage in any action or conduct which blocks, interferes
with or otherwise prevents any other member(s) of VATSIM.net or individuals from logging on to and/or enjoying the VATSIM.net

V 1.0
Introduction to VATSIM | Rules and Requirements Topic: 1.2

Code of Conduct: General Rules of Conduct 4

A1: Members shall, at all times, be courteous and respectful to one another.

A3: Without exception, a member may not permit or knowingly allow their VATSIM account to be used
by anyone else.

A4(b): Members shall connect to VATSIM using only one of the following name conventions:
1. Their real, FULL NAME (ie Joseph Smith), as registered.
2. An appropriate shortening of their given name, followed by their surname (ie Joe Smith).
3. Their real given name. (ie Joseph).
4. An appropriate shortening of their given name (ie Joe).
5. Their certificate ID number.

A6: A member may register for and hold only one VATSIM account

A7: A member shall only use software approved by VATSIM to connect to, or interface with the network.
The member shall become familiar with the basic use of these programs prior to logging on to the
VATSIM network.

A8: A member shall only make one connection to the VATSIM network during any given session, except
as may be otherwise provided for in this Code of Conduct.

A9: Except as provided for in Section B3(b) of this Code of Conduct, members shall not leave their
connections unattended. Members not actively participating in the network (ie connected as an observer)
shall not log on for excessive periods of time.

A10: Members shall exercise patience and tolerance towards other members, especially where a
member is less familiar with an area, or learning new skills.

A14: Voice is the preferred method of communication on VATSIM, though all members shall
accommodate, with the same level of service, those communicating only by text. There shall be no rules
preventing or discouraging the use of either voice or text. Only unaltered speech is permitted to be

A16: Members shall not carry out private conversations over any communication channels,
frequencies, or resources, with the exception of private messages, while connected to the VATSIM
Network. The guard VHF radio frequency (121.500) shall not be used.

A17: The re-creation of, or organization of events recognizing real world disasters, tragedies, or other
such events, particularly those which resulted in loss of life, are not permitted. In addition callsigns that
VATSIM has deemed prohibited shall not be used at any time.

• American Airlines 11 • Malaysian Airlines 370

• American Airlines 77 • United Airlines 93
• Malaysian Airlines 17 • United Airlines 175

V 1.0
Introduction to VATSIM | Rules and Requirements Topic: 1.2

Code of Conduct: Pilot’s Conduct 5

B1: A pilot shall not connect to the VATSIM Network on a runway or taxiway. If a pilot chooses to
connect while airborne, a pilot shall ensure doing so does not cause disruption to other members.

B2: A pilot shall not pause while connected to the VATSIM Network except when operating under air
traffic control, with the express permission of the controller. If the controller revokes the permission for
any reason, the pilot shall unpause immediately

B3(a): Pilots shall monitor their flights at all times. It is the responsibility of the pilot to check for, and
make timely contact with appropriate air traffic controllers. This includes making prompt contact when
requested to do so.

B3(b): If it becomes necessary to leave a pilot connection unattended, the member is encouraged to
disconnect from the network. Notwithstanding anything in this Code to the contrary, no pilot connection is
permitted to be unattended for a period of longer than 30 minutes.

B5: Pilots flying through uncontrolled airspace shall monitor VHF radio frequency 122.800 or other
designated “UNICOM” frequency until they come under air traffic control coverage. Where another pilot
may benefit, a pilot shall transmit their intentions on the designated unicom frequency.

B6: No flight may declare itself to have priority over another. Pilots are permitted to declare in-flight
emergencies only when under air traffic control. If, for any reason, air traffic control requests the pilot to
terminate the emergency, then the pilot must do so IMMEDIATELY or disconnect from the network. Pilots
are not permitted to simulate any unlawful act including, but not limited to, declaring a hijack by any
method, including entering a transponder code of 7500.

B7: Two or more pilots are permitted to fly in formation. If, for any reason, air traffic control instructs
pilots to separate, the pilots must immediately comply with the request or disconnect from the network.

B8: A pilot must comply with all agreed (read-back) air traffic control clearances and all issued
instructions, or notify air traffic control without delay if unable to do so. Additionally, compliance with the
following ATC instructions is mandatory, unless operational safety (e.g. TCAS conflict resolution) is
1. Holding position when on the ground at an airport.
2. Flying at a speed.
3. Flying a heading.
4. Flying at an altitude or flight level.

B10: All pilots flying IFR shall submit a flight plan before flight. The IFR flight plan must contain, at a
minimum, the aircraft callsign, departure airport, arrival airport, aircraft type, and requested route.

All VFR pilots are encouraged, when appropriate, to submit a flight plan.

V 1.0
Introduction to VATSIM | Rules and Requirements Topic: 1.2

Code of Conduct: Controller Conduct 6

C1: Controllers who are new to VATSIM, or are otherwise unfamiliar with an airspace shall educate
themselves by first observing operations and/or studying procedures used in that location.

C2: Controllers shall follow local rules and procedures. Controllers who choose to work in locations other
than their requested and assigned location must follow the local rules and procedures at that location,
and must be approved to control as a ‘visiting controller’ where required by local policy. Visiting controller
status is governed by the Transfer and Visiting Controllers Policy.

C3: When logging onto the VATSIM Network as an observer, a member shall use a callsign which ends
as follows: “_OBS”. Prior to the underscore an individual shall use their initials or a locally accepted
observer format. Other observer callsign formats designating an official network staff role are approved.
An observer shall observe only and not communicate on any open text or voice frequency, or provide air
traffic control services.

C4: A VATSIM recognizes the following suffixes for air traffic control positions. A member shall only use
the corresponding facility type when connecting.

• XXXX_DEL - (Clearance) Delivery

• XXXX_GND - Ground Control
• XXXX_TWR - Tower Control
• XXXX_DEP - Departure Control
• XXXX_APP - Approach Control
• XXXX_CTR - Enroute (Centre) Control
• XXXX_FSS - Flight Service Station

Example: OEJN_GND - Jeddah Ground Control.

C6: Only approved positions and their corresponding frequencies may be opened by controllers.
Controllers may only open a position they are authorized to, in accordance with global and local policy.
See the Global Ratings Policy and the Transfer and Visiting Controller Policy for more information.

C7: A controller may make one additional connection to the VATSIM Network to provide an airport voice
ATIS at facilities which have an ATIS in real life. There must be an accompanying text version, which
shall always be in English. The ATIS shall be formatted in accordance with the Global Controller/ATIS
Information Policy.

C8: Controllers shall set an appropriate visibility range for their position. The maximum ranges for a
given position are as follows:
• Observers: 300 Nautical Miles
• Clearance Delivery: 20 Nautical Miles
• Ground Control: 20 Nautical Miles
• Tower Control:50 Nautical Miles
• Approach Control: 150 Nautical Miles
• Departure Control: 150 Nautical Miles

• Enroute (Center) Control: 600 Nautical Miles

• FSS Control: 1500 Nautical Miles
Controllers shall not set visibility ranges higher than the maximum ranges set forth above unless they have prior written approval
from the VATSIM.net Board of Governors, or the Executive Committee.

V 1.0
Introduction to VATSIM | Rules and Requirements Topic: 1.2

Network Supervisors 7
Network Supervisors are well-established members who uphold the Code of Conduct on the Network
and provide assistance to members online. If necessary, Supervisors may impose disciplinary measures
on members who break the rules. On the Network, Supervisors will generally use the login callsign “xx_
SUP”, where “xx” is their initials. This standard format helps other members identify Supervisors more
easily. Supervisors may however also log on as a regular station such as LON_S_CTR or EGLL_N_APP
and will be able to provide assistance when called upon.

Supervisors are there to enforce the rules on and off the network, however they are also there to guide
and assist members. There is a misconception that they are there specifically to ban people which isn’t
the case. This is a last resort and they will always try to educate Pilots where possible.

Contacting a Supervisor
Any pilot or controller may contact a Supervisor for assistance. Members should take reasonable steps of
their own to resolve the issue before contacting a Supervisor.

Example 1: a controller is having difficulty with a new pilot and does not have time to explain a proce-
dure to him. A Supervisor could assist by directing the pilot to online learning materials about the subject,
allowing the controller to continue their other tasks.

Example 2: a pilot has just connected to the Network on the runway and is blocking it. He/she is not re-
sponding to ATC messages. A Supervisor could disconnect the member and contact them to explain the
reasons why connecting on the runway is a bad idea.

All controller and pilot clients have a facility to send text messages or commands. By prefixing your text
message with “.wallop” this will send your message to all Supervisors currently on the Network, who will
be able to respond; it’s a shout for help. Ensure to include the location of the incident and the callsign of
the member you’re having a problem with. A wallop message might read “.wallop SVA123 spawned on
the runway at OEDF and is taking off , the traffic has not contacted me. There are multiple active
traffic in the vicinity and may impose conflicts”.

All members have a CERT member record in the central database which contains details of a user’s

name, rating and rating history. Supervisors may keep a list of noteworthy occurrences and actions taken
against the user on this record for the benefit of other Supervisors who may interact with them at a later
date. Only Supervisors and Administrators may access this record.

V 1.0
Introduction to VATSIM | Rules and Requirements Topic: 1.2

Disciplinary Action 8
When there is no other alternative, Supervisors and Administrators may disconnect or suspend
members from using the Network for violating the Code of Regulations or Code of Conduct.

Initial Actions
According to Sections 6.05 and 6.06 of VATSIM Code of Regulations, at the sole discretion of
the suspending Supervisor or Administrator a member may be:

• Removed for a period of 24 hours, in which time they cannot connect to VATSIMTemporarily
suspended for a period of 48 hours, in which time they cannot connect to VATSIM.
• A review process by the DCRM will then decide the final duration of the penalty. The suspending
Supervisor must submit a report stating why the suspension has occurred.

Division Conflict Resolution Manager (DCRM)

Each Division of VATSIM has on its staff team an independent DCRM. It is the role of the DCRM
to investigate and review all 48 hour suspensions imposed on members within their Division and
decide on an appropriate penalty. In reviewing a case, the DCRM shall:

• Notify the accused member and invite them to submit a written statement about the incident. The
accused member may request copies of written evidence gathered by the DCRM.
• Gather evidence and written statements from other parties involved, including the suspending
Supervisor, and review this evidence. The temporary suspension may be extended by up to 30 days
from the day of the suspension to allow this process to be completed.
• Reach a decision within 30 days from the day of the suspension. If no decision is reached the case shall
be dismissed and not refiled.

According to Code of Regulations; 6.07.A5.a.

The DCRM has the authority to impose, in his or her sole

discretion, any penalty he or she deems fit in a particular case. These
penalties include, but are not limited to:

• Imposing a formal suspension period of any length including the time of suspension which has been
served by the guilty member; or
• Permanently expelling the member; or
• Reducing the rating of the member; or
• Any combination of penalties.

In the event of the imposition of a formal suspension, the DCRM shall give credit against the
overall suspension for any days served under a temporary suspension period.”

A member has a right to appeal the decision made by the DCRM, which is explained in CoR
6.07.B and CoR 6.07.C.

Following a 24 hour removal, a not guilty verdict by the DCRM or expiration of the imposed
penalty, full membership privileges including rating shall be immediately restored.

V 1.0
Introduction to VATSIM | Rules and Requirements Topic: 1.2

Military Organisation 9
There are specific rules to regulate the simulation of military and government operations on
VATSIM. These rules are in place to prevent members from offending or inconveniencing others
by their actions, such as simulated bombing runs over a city. The rules apply differently to pilots
and controllers.

Rules for Pilots

Pilots are prohibited from flights which are inherently ‘military’ by their nature. They are not
prohibited from flying military aircraft or from using military/government aerodromes provided
that their flight follows civilian-style purposes. It is the military activity which is prohibited, not the
aircraft or aerodromes. For example:

• A pilot wishes to fly in an F-18 fighter jet from one military aerodrome to another. Provided he makes
the journey without executing high energy manoeuvres, dropping bombs, flying under bridges, etc.
(flying as if in a Cessna 172, albeit a lot faster), this is acceptable.

• A pilot wishes to fly in close formation with other aircraft. This is not acceptable, no matter what air-
craft he is flying in (see below for exceptions).

• A pilot wishes to fly in a Boeing 747 from Paphos (Cyprus) for a bombing mission over the Middle
East. This is not acceptable.

VATSIM Special Operations (VSO) organisations are exempt from this

prohibition for certain activities. Pilots must be a member of a VSO and have
completed the relevant training before they are allowed to take part in the
following activities:
• Conducting joint training exercises with other approved VSO organizations
• War games
• Air to air refueling
• Carrier operations
• Flying low level military training routes
• Flying escort missions (and formation flying)
• Executing air combat manoeuvres
• Interception/scramble of other aircraft
• Having access to special use airspace
• Search & Rescue and Fire Fighting

Rules for Controllers

Controllers of VATSIM Saudi Arabia may control both civil airports and military airports according
to their Controller Rating. At civil aerodromes controllers should control military flights in accor-
dance with civil procedures; no military authorisation is required. When controlling at a military
aerodrome, the controller is subject to follow military ATC instructions and phrasology taught in a
later chapter.

V 1.0








Version: 1.0
C r e ate d o n : 6 / 1 5 / 2 0 2 0
u p d ate d o n :

Document written and designed by

Rhone Khandoker | 1344871

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