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Change, Again?

Change is permanent. To reword Newton’s third law, For every change in an

environment, an equal an opposing reaction from Mother Nature is realized. Then
Climate Change is the result of man’s touch in the world. What started as hunting and
gathering for nourishment has now evolved to ordering food through a click on a
device. Man’s exponential growth at technology led to the rapid decline of our
resource. An unprecedented manner. With all the events that transpired to remind us
of our place, we have become to be made aware of Her ways. She has handled all
these life in our planet through sustainable means. We too must imitate that way of
life to be able to live in harmony. And perhaps it should start with ourselves.

A growing trend in my peers is their perception on the environment and how we

have abused Her. A simple ‘Like” or ‘Share’ in Facebook of posts regarding anything
that supports the environmental movement is a manifestation of their eagerness to
contribute into providing aid. This is what we must cling to, the good in people.

The current political landscape of our world is fueled by business interest. What
makes this dismal is when the business is prioritized than to the overall ecology of an
area. And what media could ever do is to cover the story with depth or not cover at all
due to business association. Consequences are dire when one makes a false move. It
should be noted that fighting fire with fire won’t resolve anything.

Certainly the threat of Climate Change is real. Thousands and thousands of

scientific journals published to support the claim. But what matters is what gets
popularized socially. More people are of aware of popular songs or movies than of
‘boring’ scientific articles that continually prove that we are destroying our planet. It’s
what make a lasting impression to the mass that matters.

Listing all the facts I know about the environment in this essay raises two points:

 I am knowledgeable of the environment and

 what have I done with that knowledge.

I have possibly 30 or so years to make a mark on this planet. 2050 could either be
a worse or better situation right now. What I know is that all my intentions lead to the
overall outcome of a healthier planet. What I can do is to always start with myself,
practice what I preach. What I can only hope to see is an understanding with all
people that indeed we must leave a better place for the future generations.

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