Property Lab 3

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University of Zakho

Collage of Engineering
Petroleum engineering department

Experiment No.3
Aniline point

Name: Lulav saeed sadiq

Stage: second
Class: two
Date of Ex: 14/4/2019
Date of sublimating: 21/4/2019
Supervised by: mr.Yusif mohammed sheriff ali

Table of content
Material & Equipment…………………………………………page-3-

Experiment NO. (3)
Measurement of aniline point

Aim: To determine the aniline & mixed aniline point of petroleum products and
hydrocarbon solvents.used in some specifications to indicate the aromatic content of
oils and to calculate approximate heat of combustion.

The aniline point is the lowest temperature at which equal volume of aniline and oil are
completely miscible (clear). Aniline point for a hydrocarbon or a petroleum fraction is
defined as the minimum temperature at which equal volumes of liquid hydrocarbon and
aniline are miscible. Determination of aniline point is a test to evaluate base oils that are
used in oil mud. The Test indicated if oil is likely to damage elastomers (rubber
compounds) that come in Contact with the oil. The aniline point is called the “aniline point
temperature “which is the lowest temperature (℉∨℃ ) at which equal volumes of aniline
(C6H5NH2) and the oil from a single phase. This method is suitable for transparent liquid
samples having an initial boiling point above room temperature and where the aniline
point is below the bubble point and above the solidification point of the aniline sample
mixture. The procedure is useful in characterizing pure hydrocarbon. The lower the aniline
point, the grater the solvency or reactivity of the oil, which in turn gives an indication of
the oils aromaticity. Paraffinic hydrocarbons have higher aniline pointes than aromatic
types (Mair & Willingham 1936; Rossini1937). For instance, for an aromatic oil with a
75% aromatic content, the aniline point would be between 32.2℃ and 48.9 ℃ . The aniline
point for mixture of hydrocarbons such as diesel oils and mineral oils serves as a guideline
for judging the aromatic hydrocarbon content of oil and for comparing oil. Aniline being
an aromatic compound freely mixes with aromatics; so a low aniline point indicates a low
diesel index. Aniline point also predicts the amount of carbon present in the aromatics.

Material and equipment
1. Aniline 2ml.

2. Diesel 2ml.

3. Test tube

4. Burner

5. Thermometer

6. Paraffin oil

7. Beaker figure (1): aniline point.

Calculating aniline point of the diesel by these way:
The initial temperature which aniline is completely soluble and mixed with diesel:
T1 = 66 ℃ (150.8℉ ¿
The final temperature which aniline and diesel separated completely:
T2 = 60℃ (140℉ ¿
Aniline point of diesel = 2
= 63℃ (145.4℉ )

In this experiment we learned how to determine aniline point of a sample such a (diesel), It
also gives us some knowledge about the cetane number of the diesel. As we know that
diesel with high cetane number ignites and burns at a good rate. Which shows greater
number of straight chain hydrocarbons in it. Higher the aniline point, lower the number of
aromatic compounds in it. And it results in high efficiency of fuel oil. So, grater aniline
point compounds have high cetane number and vice versa. Hence a direct relation is
established between aniline point and cetane number. The test for finding the aniline point
of given oil or other hydrocarbon, such as a petroleum distillate, is relatively simple. A
volume of the test liquid (diesel) and an equal volume of aniline are placed together in a
container, such as a test tube or other laboratory vessel, and slowly heated while being
gently agitated. When two liquids completely dissolve into one another, the mixture turns
from cloudy to clear. The sample is removed from the heat and stirred until it becomes
cloudy again. The temperature at that point is the aniline point of that compound which is
(diesel 63 ℃ ¿. And there is little error of first temperature and final may be we didn’t care
About it when mixture become miscible completely and also when cooled the temperature
Decreased when they separated and we didn’t found the exact value and finally when
Doing the experiment, we should be more care about the temperature when the two phase
cooled and heated.

Q / which of the following tests is not done for transformer oil?

A. Flash point.
B. Aniline point.
Answer/ B. Aniline point.

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