AMH 2041 Syllabus Spring 11

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AMH 2041—Origins of American Civilization

Florida International University
Spring Semester, 2011

Dr. Jeremy Rowan

Office: DM 399
Office Phone: (305) 348-4791
Office Hours: 2:00-4:00 MW

Teaching Assistants:

Ms. Jessica Allison

Office: DM 392
Office Hours: MW 12:00-1:00

Ms. Sarah Otero

Office: DM 392
Office Hours: M 12:00-2:00

Ms. Loraine de la Fe

Office: DM 392
Office Hours: MW 12:00-1:00

Ms. Michelle Perez

Office: DM 392
Office Hours: MW 2:00-3:00

Course Description:
This course examines key developments in the origins and nature of Early America, including
political, social, cultural, and economic developments from the 15th century to the Civil War and
Reconstruction. Written work meets the state Gordon Rule requirement.

Course Objectives:
The primary objective of this course is to familiarize students with the historical events and
movements that constitute the development of EarlyAmerica and the early history of the United
States to 1877. The course will also focus on the impact these events and movements had on
society and how ordinary people have played significant roles in shaping history. Secondary
objectives are to introduce students to historical criticism, to develop writing skills, and to
encourage critical thinking.

Course Methods:
The course is primarily conducted through lectures, class discussion, collaborative activities, and
power-point presentations. Students must keep well-organized notes from the lectures, have all
written assignments handed in on time, and complete all reading assignments by the due dates.
Students will be held responsible for both the lecture material and all reading assignments.

All students must register for this course on It is mandatory. The class number is
3732506 and the password is Washington. We use Turnitin for multiple reasons: to grade your
essays; as an anti-plagiarism device, a gradebook, and finally as an efficient method for
contacting the class via e-mail. When you register, please provide an e-mail address that you
check and use often.

Discussion Sections:
All students MUST attend the lectures every Monday and Wednesday in the College of
Business Complex 155 between 11:00-11:50 AM. During these lectures, attendance will be
monitered and in-class quizzes given through the i<clicker system. Each Friday, students ARE
REQUIRED to attend a discussion group session led by your section TA. It is imperative that
you attend the section that you registered for. The discussion sections will primarily be used for
answering (and asking) questions from the primary source readings. But, the session will also be
an opportunity for students to discuss the lectures, prepare for exams, and peer review each
others’ drafts. Remember, discussion/in-class assignments constitute 15% of the course grade.

Here are the list of sections, times, and room numbers for the Friday discussion sections:

Section 07—11:00-11:50 Room Eng and Comp Sci 136 Otero

Section 08—11:00-11:50 Room GL 166 Perez
Section 09—11:00-11:50 Room GC 275A Allison
Section 10—11:00-11:50 Room DM 163 De la Fe
Section 11—12:00-12:50 Room GC 271A Allison
Section 12—12:00-12:50 Room DM 163 De la Fe
Section 13—12:00-12:50 Room Chem/Phy 103 Otero
Section 14—12:00-12:50 Room Chem/Phy 115 Perez
Section 15—1:00-1:50 Room GC 271B Otero
Section 16—1:00-1:50 Room GC 273B Perez
Section 18—1:00-1:50 Room GC 271A Allison

Required Readings:

America: A Concise History, Volume 1: To 1877. (4th Edition) by James Henretta and David
Brody (Bedford/ St. Martins) ISBN # 0-312-48542-5

Reading the American Past, Volume 1: To 1877. (4th Edition) Edited by Michael Johnson
(Bedford/St. Martins) ISBN # 0-312-45967-X

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano. (2nd Edition) Edited by Robert J.
Allison (Bedford/St. Martins) ISBN # 0-312-444203-3

i<clicker. Available at the FIU Bookstore

Criteria for Evaluation:

2 Essay Exams—each worth 20% of the final course grade
2 Research Papers—each worth 20% of the course grade
Discussion Sections: in-class writing assignments, peer reviews, class participation—all worth
15% of the final grade
i<clicker in-class lecture quizzes—worth 5% of the course grade

Each exam will cover the material since the previous exam. STUDENTS ARE TO BRING A

Writing and critical thinking are primary components of this class. Frequently, we will talk
about the expectations for writing in the field of history. We will analyze, for example, the style
and form of writing presented in your texts and in articles we read. Even if you do not plan to be
an historian, such awareness of disciplinary communication will be useful to you, no matter your
major or career.

To meet the state of Florida’s Gordon Rule writing requirements, you will complete a sequence
of writing assignments, ranging from informal in-class writings to essay exams and formal
essays. These assignments provide evidence of your reading and comprehension of the material;
they prepare you to participate in class discussion, and they also facilitate your understanding of
the readings. You will also complete essay exam questions on your two major exams, and write
two thesis-driven essays that synthesize main ideas from the course. I will provide you with
detailed assignment sheets for these essays. About a week before their due date, you’ll be asked
to bring a rough draft (hard copy) of your essay to class for peer review. You are then required
to upload your final draft to The essay will be graded online through
Late writing assignments will be penalized a letter grade for every day that the paper is late.

Make-up Exams:
No make-up exams will be given except in cases of illness and/or emergency. A doctor’s note
must be presented upon the instructor’s request for a make-up exam to be given. If no note is
forthcoming, the instructor retains the right to refuse to administer a make-up exam. A doctor’s
or dental appointment which is a non-emergency, and which, therefore, can be reasonably
rescheduled, is not a valid excuse. Unexcused missed exams will receive an automatic grade of

In the course, grading will follow the scale below:
A = 100-94 %

A- = 93-90%
B+ = 89–86%
B = 85-83%
B- = 82-80%
C+ = 79–76%
C = 75-73%
C- = 72-70%
D+ = 69-66%
D = 65-63%
D+ = 62-60
F = 59% and below

Attendance Policy:
Students are required to attend both the lectures and the discussion group sessions. During the
Monday/Wednesday large lectures, attendance and participation will be monitored through the
i<clicker system. Note: i<clicker points cannot be made up—if you miss class or forget to bring
your i<clicker or the batteries fail on your i<clicker—you still cannot retrieve the points. Also,
your discussion leader (TA) will record attendance and participation during the Friday discussion
sessions. Regardless, listening to the lectures and participating in class discussion sessions are
essential to success in this course.

Academic Dishonesty Policy:

Cheating and Plagiarism
a. Cheating is defined as the attempt, successful or not, to give or obtain
information by illicit means in meeting any academic requirements including,
but not limited to, examinations;
b. Plagiarism is defined as the use, without proper acknowledgement, of the
ideas, phrases, sentences, or larger units of discourse from another writer or

Students are expected to know and abide by the academic dishonesty policy as
outlined in the university handbook and catalogue.

Students are therefore warned: Cheating and/or plagiarism in are grounds for an
automatic grade of “F”.

Student Behavior:
All FIU University students are expected to behave according to the accepted norms that ensure
a climate wherein all can exercise their right to learn. Such norms are set forth in the
undergraduate catalogue. Please be sure that you have read and understood the section. No
faculty member will tolerate classroom behavior that violates these norms. Such behavior will
be grounds for withdrawal from the class, judicial proceedings, and/or failure of the course.

Class Schedule:

Week 1:
Monday, Jan 10—Course Introduction and Syllabus
Reading: Henretta Ch. 1

Wednesday, Jan 12—Native American Societies

Friday, Jan 14—Discussion: The Discipline of History

Week 2:

Wednesday, Jan 19—The Atlantic World: European Encounters, 1450-1550

Reading: Johnson # 2-2, 2-3, 2-4

Friday, Jan 21— Discussion: Johnson # 2-2, 2-3, 2-4

Week 3:
Monday, Jan 24—The Atlantic World (cont.); European Settlement of
North America: 1550-1700, Chesapeake

Wednesday, Jan 26—Chesapeake (cont.)

Reading: Henretta Ch. 2; Johnson # 3-1, 3-4, 3-5

Friday, Jan 28—Discussion: Johnson # 3-1, 3-4, 3-5

Week 4:
Monday, Jan 31—European Colonialism: New England
Reading: Johnson # 4-1, 4-3, 4-5

Wednesday, Feb 2—New England (cont.)

Friday, Feb 4—Discussion: Johnson # 4-1, 4-3, 4-5

Week 5:
Monday, Feb 7—British Imperial Expansion, 1660-1750

Wednesday, Feb 9—Slavery and 18th century Colonial Society

Reading: Henretta Ch. 3; The Life of Olaudah Equiano

Friday, Feb 11—Discussion: The Life of Olaudah Equiano


Week 6:
Monday, Feb 14—Colonial Society (cont.); British Imperial Crisis, 1754-1763
Reading: Henretta Ch. 4

Wednesday, Feb 16 —British Imperial Crisis, 1754-1763 (cont.)

Friday, Feb 18—Discussion: Essay 1 Rough Draft Due (Peer Review)

Week 7:
Monday, Feb 21 — Origins of the American Revolution; Essay 1 Due (Upload to Turnitin)
Reading: Henretta Ch. 5

Wednesday, Feb 23— Origins (Cont.); The War for American Independence: 1776-1783
Reading: Henretta Ch. 6 and “The Declaration of Independence”
(Henretta D1--D-3) Johnson 7-1; 7-2; 7-3;

Friday, Feb 25—Discussion: Johnson 7-1; 7-2; 7-3; “The Declaration of Independence”

Week 8:
Monday, Feb 28—The War (Cont.)
Reading: Henretta Ch. 6 and Johnson 8-3; 8-4

Wednesday, Mar 2—Building a Republic:1775-1789

Friday, Mar 4 —Discussion: Johnson 8-3; 8-4; Midterm Exam Review

Week 9:
Monday, Mar 7— Midterm Exam

Wednesday, Mar 9—Politics and Society in the New Republic, 1787-1820

Reading: Henretta Ch. 7; Johnson 9-4; 9-5; 10-4

Friday, Mar 11—Discussion: Johnson 9-4; 9-5; 10-4

Week 10:
Monday, Mar 14-20—SPRING BREAK

Week 11:
Monday, Mar 21—Politics and Society in the New Republic (cont.); Republican Culture
Reading: Henretta Ch. 8; Johnson 10-2; 10-5; 11-4

Wednesday, Mar 23—Republican Culture

Friday, Mar 25— Discussion: Johnson 10-2; 10-5; 11-4


Week 12:
Monday, Mar 28—Industrial Revolution and Economic transformation
Reading: Henretta Ch. 9
Wednesday, Mar 30—Industrial Rev (cont.); Jacksonian Democracy and Popular Politics
Reading: Henretta Ch. 10

Friday, April 1—Discussion: Essay 2 Rough Draft (peer review)

Week 13:
Monday, April 4—Popular Politics (cont.); Southern Society: 1820-1860
Reading: Reading: Henretta Ch. 12; Johnson 13-3; 13-4; 13-5

Wednesday, April 6—Southern Society (cont.); Essay 2 Due (Upload to Turnitin)

Friday, April 8—Discussion: Johnson 13-3; 13-4; 13-5

Week 14:
Monday, April 11—The Impending Crisis, 1844-1861
Reading: Henretta Ch. 13; Johnson 14-2; 14-3; 15-1; 15-3

Wednesday, April 13—The Impending Crisis (cont.)

Friday, April 15— Discussion: Johnson 14-2; 14-3; 15-1; 15-3

Week 15:
Monday, April 18—The Civil War, 1861-1865
Reading: Henretta Ch. 14

Wednesday, April 20—The Civil War (cont.); Reconstruction

Friday, April 22—Discussion Session: Final Exam Review

Week 16:

Wednesday, April 27— 9:45-11:45 AM—Final Exam—College of Business Complex 155


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