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Rock Permeability

NAME: Lulav Saeed Sadiq

CLASS: One , 3rd stage

SUBJECT: Reservoir Properties / lab

DATE OF SUBBMITE: 18/11/2019


List of content

Introduction……………………………………………………………………page-2 to 5-

Measurement of permeability…………………………………………page-5 to 12-

Calculation …………………………………………………………………… to 15-

Discussion ………………………………………………………………………page-16-

References ………………………………………………………………………page-17-

Definition Permeability
Is a property of the porous medium and it is a measure of capacity of the medium to
transmit fluids. Permeability is a tensor that in general is a function of pressure.
Usually, the pressure dependence is neglected in reservoir calculations, but the
variation with position can be pronounced. Very often the permeability varies by
several magnitudes, and such heterogeneity will of course influence any oil recovery.

Darcy’s Law

Darcy (1856) performed a series of experiments on the relationship affecting the

downward flow of water through sands. The generalised equation called Darcy’s law
may be written in the form.

where u is superficial velocity, k is permeability tensor, µ is fluid viscosity, ∇P is

pressure gradient, ρ is fluid density and g is gravitational vector. Writing flow
velocity ν as the ratio of volumetric rate to cross-sectional area perpendicular to flow
q/A in distance L, Darcy’s law can be expressed.

The dimensions of permeability can be established by substituting the units of the

other in the equation. The unit darcy results from the choice of 𝐶𝑔𝑠 system units.

The permeability in SI system has dimension of 𝑚2 .

The Klinkenberg Effect

Klinkenberg (1941) reported a variation in the permeability test results with the
pressure when gas is used as testing fluid. Klinkenberg found that for a given porous
medium as the mean pressure increased the calculated permeability decreased. Mean
pressure is defined as follow:

This variation caused by “gas slippage” phenomenon. The phenomenon of gas

slippage occurs when the diameter of the capillary opening approaches the mean free
path of the gas. As mentioned before in flowing of the gas through the porous media
the velocity at the solid wall cannot, in general, be considered zero, but a so called
“slip” or “drift” velocity at the wall must be taken into account. This effect becomes
significant when the mean free path of the gas molecules is of comparable magnitude
as the pore size. When the mean free path is such smaller than the pore size, the slip
velocity becomes negligibly small. As in liquids the mean free path of molecules is of
the order of the molecular diameter, so the no-slip condition always applied in liquid

The mean free path of a gas is a function of molecular size and the kinetic energy of
the gas. Therefore the “Klinkenberg Effect” is a function of the gas that is used as
testing fluid and the conditions of the test like as pressure and temperature. Figure
2-26 is a plot of the permeability of the porous medium as determined at various
mean pressures using hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon monoxide as the testing fluids.

Note that for each gas a straight line is observed for the observed permeability as a
function of 1 / Pm. The data obtained with lowest molecular weight gas yields the
straight line with greater slop, indicative of a greater slippage effect. All the line when
extrapolated to infinite mean pressure, ( 1 / Pm = 0 ), intercept the permeability
axes at a common point. This point is the equivalent liquid permeability, KL.

It is established that the permeability of a porous medium to a single phase liquid is

equal to the equivalent liquid permeability.

The magnitude of the Klinkenberg effect varies with the core permeability as well as
type of the gas used in the experiment as shown in Figure 2-27

The resulting straight-line relationship can be expressed as


b = Klinkenberg factor

Kg = measured gas permeability

Pm = mean pressure

KL = equivalent liquid permeability, i.e., absolute permeability, k

m = slope of the line

b = constant for a given gas in a given medium

Klinkenberg suggested that the “Klinkenberg factor” is a function of:

1.Type of the gas used in measuring the permeability

2.Pore throat size distribution

Measurement of Permeability :

Is measured by passing a fluid of known viscosity through a core sample of

measured dimensions and then measuring flow rate and pressure drop. Various
techniques are used for permeability measurements of cores, depending on sample
dimensions and shape, degree of consolidation, type of fluid used, ranges of confining
and fluid pressure applied, and range of permeability of the core. Two types of
instruments are usually used in the laboratory:

(a) Variable head permeameter, IFP type.

(b) Constant head permeameter, Core Laboratories type.

Permeability tests are performed on samples which have been cleaned and dried and
a gas (usually air) is used for flowing fluid in the test. This is because:

1. steady state is obtained rapidly,

2. dry air will not alter the minerals in the rock, and

3. 100% fluid saturation is easily obtained.

Measured values using constant head equipment range from a low of 0.1 mD to 20 D.
Data accuracy declines at high and low permeability values and is within ± 0.5% of
true value otherwise.

Permeability measurement by using air
1-Constant Head Permeameter

This equipment is designed for plug or whole core permeability measurements. This
experiment may be used for single or multiphase, compressible fluid or liquid
measurements and can also be used under reservoir pressure and temperature.

Fig 3.3 shows a diagram of a constant head permeameter. Air is usually used as gas
flow. Upstream and downstream pressures are measured by manometers on both
sides of the core and air flow is measured by means of a calibrated outlet. Air
permeability can then be calculated using Eq. (4.16).

Hassler core holder may be used with this instrument. The Hassler system is an
improvement of the rubber plug system whose tightness is limited at certain
pressures. The core is placed in a flexible rubber tube (Fig. 4.4). The Hassler cell has
these advantages:

− Excellent tightness.

− Can be used for samples of different sizes. 24

− Much higher pressure or ∆P can be used.

− Can be used for measuring relative permeability.

Darcy’s equation may be used for determining permeability of liquids. The

volumetric flow rate q is constant for liquids, because the density does not change
during flow through the core.

Measurement of Air Permeability

The constant head permeameter with the Hassler cell is used to measure the air

The measured air permeability is influenced by the mean pressure Pm of the core.
The mean pressure is regulated by the upstream and downstream values on the sides
of Hassler cell. The rate is measured at atmospheric conditions with a mass flow
meter in percent of maximum rate which is 200 l/hour. Air viscosity as a function of
temperature is shown in Fig. 4.5.
Four measurements of air permeability will be taken at different pressures. It is
important to keep the ∆P constant, because the air flow at the core sample must be
laminar. It is best to have relative little pressure difference, ∆P. To avoid turbulent
flow, use a maximal ∆P = 0.2 bar.

2-Gas permeameter
Ruska gas permeameter which measures the permeability of consolidated core
section by forcing gas of known viscosity through the core sample of known cross
sectional area and length. The equipment consists of; Core holder with built in
thermometer, triple range flow meter with selector valve, hand calibrated burden
tube pressure gauge, pressure regulator, gas inlet connection.
Ruska permeameter
operation manual

Procedure :

1-Mount a clean, dry core in a rubber sleeve of the appropriate size so the core and
sleeve completely fill the core holder.
2-Place the core and sleeve in the core holder and tighten it securely into place.
3-Turn the flow tube selector valve to a large setting.
4-Apply an upstream pressure 0f 0.25 atm to the system by adjusting the regulator.
Tap the pressure gauge lightly during adjustment to stabilize the needle.
5-The preferred range on the flow tube is between 20 and 140 divisions. If it
remains below 20, the selector valve should be slowly turned to the medium setting.
6-Record barometric pressure (mmHg, corrected for temperature and latitude),
pressure (atm), gas temperature (oC) and flow rate tube reading (cm).

7-Repeat steps 3 through 6 for pressures of 0.5, 0.75, 1.00 atm.

8-Measure the core plug diameter and length in cm.
9-the flow rate in centimeters given by the permeameter at different pressures
must be converted into cc/s using figures 6-3, 6-4, and 6-5 for pressures of 1.0, 0.5
and 0.25 atm, respectively.
10-The gas viscosity is given in Figure 6-6 for air and N2 at the measurement
11-Calculate the gas permeability of each reading using Equation 6-3 and find
the liquid permeability using the Klin
kenberg correction procedure.

Objective of this experiment to determine flow rate of liquid in time and later to
calculate absolute permeablity of core sample. Permeability is the fluid transmissivity
of the rock which determines the production capability of the reservoir. We use
Darcy's equation to find permeability of the rocks. The aim of this experiment was
calculation liquid permeability of a plug rock sample and observation that
permeability was a stationary property of rocks and Klinkenberg effect. Equation:

Q (k.A.dP)/(.L) , where

k= permeability (mD)

viscosity (cp)

Q flow rate (cc/min)

L length of core plug (cm)

A cross-sectional area of flow (𝑐𝑚2 )

dP pressure change (psig)


Core plug sample(Figure 1)

Liquid permeameter (Figure 1)

Procedures: Firstly, we recorded dimensions of core plug. Then, we placed our

sample inside core holder. We arranged liquid permeameter pressure and we
ensured 10 cc distilled water in order to pass into core holder. We pumped nitrogen
since nitrogen was a inert gas and it had only mechanical effects on permeability test
with increasing overburden pressure.We kept time until whole 10 cc distilled water
passed through our

sample since we needed to calculate flow rate. After all water passed, we recorded
final pressure and calculated liquid permeability of our sample by using Darcy's

Figure-1-:core holder & liquid permeameter

Effect of reactive liquid on permeability

While water used as testing liquid in permeability determination, in samples with
clay material water act as a reactive liquid in connection with permeability
determination. Reactive liquids alter the internal geometry of the porous medium
which causes permeability change. The effect of clay swelling in presence of water
when water used as testing fluid in permeability test is the most known effect of a
reactive testing fluid. The degree of swelling is a function of water salinity. While the
fresh water may cause swelling of the cementation material in the core it is a
reversible process. Highly saline water can pass through the core and return the
permeability to its original value.

Example 5

The discussion in this paper indicated that testing permeability in laboratory
conditions is tedious and requires accurate measurement and procedures. As
explained in this paper, during the testing phase, many complications were found to
disrupt the calculated permeability. The most common challenges that cause a
fluctuation in the permeability are the saturation pressure and injecting pressure. It
was discussed if the sample is not correctly saturated; the increase in flow rate across
the cylinder increases the saturating capability of the sample, and thus increases
permeability. The other challenge of laboratory measurements of permeability was
mentioned to be the saturating and injecting fluid, in terms of chemical reactions
within the sample and the effect of overburden pressure and fracture. Clay swelling
and excessive pressure effects demonstrate a decrease in permeability and fracture
within the sample result in an increase in permeability. All these factors make it
challenging when trying to experiment on the permeability of a sample in the laminar
and turbulent regime. Finally, it was discussed that a proper test profile is required to
differentiate between the temporarily and permanent permeability alteration for
determination of the boundary of laminar and turbulent regimes. Any permeability
measurement should be visited by this filter, to evaluate how the results are
representative of the porous media response in both regimes of flow. The test
procedure proposed here can be applied during flooding experiments for either
determining the beginning and also characteristics of turbulent regime.



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