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Sagar S.

Mahajan et al, IJRCCT, Vol 5, Issue- 4, April- 2016 ISSN (Online) 2278- 5841
ISSN (Print) 2320- 5156

Delay Analysis of AODV Routing Protocol

Sagar S. Mahajan, Nikhil S. Rane, Prasad R. Sonawane, Manisha R. Rajput

Savitribai Phule Pune University

Abstract: MANET is a mobile ad-hoc network. It is an In proactive routing protocol each node in the
infrastructure less communication network through network maintains a routing table which contains the
which we can send the information from source to information like all available destinations, no. of hopes
destination in the form of packets using different to reach to the destination, next hop etc.
routing protocols. There are different type of protocols
like AODV (Ad-hoc on demand distance vector), DSR B. Reactive Routing Protocol:
(Dynamic Source Routing) and DSDV (Destination In reactive routing protocol route is discovered only
Sequenced Distance Vector).While sending the when the node wants to send information to another
information from source to destination there are node.
different parameters which have to be considered like
delay, packet loss, throughput etc. Out of the three C. Hybrid Routing Protocol:
protocols named above AODV is the best routing In hybrid routing protocol advantages of proactive
protocol. In this paper we have discussed about and reactive routing protocols are present [2].
MANET, AODV protocol and improvement in AODV
protocol to reduce the delay and packet loss. End-to-end Delay: The average time taken by a data
packet to arrive in the destination. It also includes the
Keywords: MANET, AODV, DSR, DSDV, NS2. delay caused by route discovery process and the queue
in data packet transmission. Only the data packets that
I. INTRODOUCTION successfully delivered to destinations are counted.

MANET is a wireless network in which information is Packet Loss: Packet loss is nothing loss of packets
send using multi-hoping, packets are send from one to while sending the packets from source to destination
another node till the information reaches to the due to congestion or some other reason.
destination node. Information is divided into packets
and each packet contains a sequence number and The routing protocols are implemented using NS2
destination address. There are some major issues faced (Network Simulator). NS2 is a simulator tool by which
by the Ad-hoc network as follows: we can simulate various network models and can
 Routing analyze their performance, along with NS2 another tool
 Medium access scheme NAM (Network Animator) is used to create node, to see
 Energy Management how the information is actually transferred, and to see
 Security the node movements. NS2 is a free open source
 Multicasting available program.
 Scalability
This paper is related to AODV routing protocol
and to calculate delay parameter of AODV routing II. AODV ROUTING PROTOCOL
protocol. There are different routing protocols are used
and they are classified as follows: AODV is ad-hoc on demand distance vector routing
protocol. It is reactive type of routing protocol in which
A. Proactive Routing Protocol: route is discovered only when a node wants to send
information to other node. AODV protocol is used to

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send information from one node to another node which product; 10-15% improvement in delivery ratio, packet
are mobile i.e. they can move from their positions. loss is reduced drastically to 40-50%. N Thanthry, S R
There are two major steps through which data can be Kaki, and R Pendse [5] proposed metric based
transferred and those steps are Route Discovery and enhancement to AODV routing protocol (EM-AODV).
Route maintenance.
They observed that with high transmission range the
AODV uses three types of messages Route Error average throughput or the packet delivery ratio
(RERR), Route Reply (RREP), Route Request(RREQ). increased, percentage of packet loss is also decreased,
Route request message is generated by the source node and also the end to end delay decreased compared to
and it broadcasts the RREQ message to all the small transmission range. The performance of EM-
neighboring nodes and the neighboring nodes forward AODV in terms of average energy consumption was
this message to other nodes till it reaches to the more or less identical to AODV even when the
destination node. When any intermediate node receives transmission range was high.
the packet from any of its neighboring nodes, it copies
the address of that node before forwarding the message IV. PROPOSED WORK
to other node thus creating a reverse path.
In this section a new improved AODV protocol is
When a RREQ message reaches its destination then it proposed with less delay and packet loss compared to
generates RREP message and unicast it to the source AODV. In AODV packets are send through same route
node by the reverse path generated while forwarding the also when the congestion occurs on intermediate nodes
RREQ message. If the intermediate nodes move from which are part of the route i.e. it do not changes the
their positions then they generate the RERR message route when congestion occurs and hence the packet loss
and forward it to the neighboring nodes, when the and delay increases. Congestion is condition when a
message reaches to the source and destination node they network node carries more data that it can handle and
can either stop sending the information or can create a effects of it include loss of packets and increase in
new route. HELLO messages are also used by the nodes delay.
to check if its neighbor nodes are present in its
transmission range or not, if the neighbor node do not The new improved AODV protocol changes its route
give any reply it means that it has moved to some when congestion occurs on the intermediate nodes by
another position [1]. calculating Euclidean distance between the nodes and
then finding a new route to send the packets. As the new
III. RELATED WORK improved AODV changes the route when congestion
occurs, the packet loss and delay to send the packet
There are many parameters based on which reduces. 50 nodes are used to perform the simulation
performance of AODV routing protocol can be judged. with the help of network simulator 2 (NS-2) tool.
Some of the parameters are end to end delay, packet
loss, throughput, bandwidth requirement etc. Many To calculate the delay and packet loss of a network
researchers are trying to improve those parameters and trace file can be used. In trace file all the events which
have proposed different routing protocols Ashutosh have happened in the network are recorded and it is
Lanjewar and Neelesh Gupta [1] evaluated parameters generated when we configure the nodes in tcl (tool
of AODV protocol such as cost, end to end delay, command language) file. A small line of code is used in
network load, and packet loss. tcl file to generate the tcl file. The simulation of the
network is shown with the help of network animator
They observed that as the number of nodes increases the (NAM).
new advanced AODV performs better than AODV and
yields better throughput level with less delay and V. SIMULATIONS AND RESULT
consumes less energy. Patil V.P [2] implemented a new
protocol Enhanced-ADOV (EAODV) which is a A network of 50 nodes is created and is simulated using
modified version of AODV with enhanced packet both AODV and new improved AODV protocol. Delay
delivery ratio and minimizes end to end delay. and packet loss for both the protocols is calculated.
Graph is plotted to compare the performance of both the
J. Premalatha and P. Balasubramanie [4] enhance the protocols with the help of xgraph.
quality of service by effective routing. They improve
quality of service parameters like throughput by 15- The network parameters are as given below in the table
20%, 40-45% improvement in bandwidth-delay 1:

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Routing protocol AODV

Number of nodes 50

MAC type IEEE 802.11

Packet size 812

Area 1407 * 832

Simulation tool NS-2.35

Table 1 – Simulation Parameters

Simulation is carried in the area of 1407 * 832 with the

help of ns2. Packets of size 812 bytes are send from
source to and destination.
Fig .2 Graph of comparison between delay of AODV
As shown in fig. 1 graph of delay vs. simulation time
and new improved AODV.
for both the protocols is plotted. The red curve is for
AODV protocol and the green curve is for new
improved AODV protocol. The delay for different
simulation times is calculated and as shown new
Information about MANET, AODV protocol and its
improved AODV as less delay than AODV.
working is given. Performance of AODV and new
improved AODV protocol is evaluated with help
performance parameters like delay and packet loss.
Comparison of both the protocols is done using the
same parameters. Future improvement in AODV
protocol can be done by improving other parameters
like bandwidth, energy consumption etc.


[1] Ashutosh Lanjewar and Neelesh Gupta, “

Optimizing Cost, Delay, Packet Loss and Network Load
in AODV Routing Protocol” International Journal of
Computer Science and Information Security, No. 4, Vol.
11, April 2013, Page no. 66-71

[2] V.P.PATIL “Efficient AODV Routing Protocol for

MANET with enhanced packet delivery ratio and
minimized end to end delay” International Journal of
Scientific and Research Publications, Issue 8, Volume
2, August 2012, ISSN [2250-3153], Pages 1-6.
Fig .1 Graph of comparison between delay of AODV
and new improved AODV. [3] Jia Liu, Min Sheng, “End-to-end Delay Modelling
As shown in fig. 2 graph of packet loss vs. simulation in Buffer-Limited MANETs: A General Theoretical
time is plotted. As shown the packet loss which occur in Framework” IEEE Transactions on Wireless
new improved AODV is much lesser than AODV Communications, 2015, Digital Object
protocol. The packet loss for AODV protocol increases Identifier:10.1109/TWC.2015.2475258, IEEE
with increase in simulation time but for the new Transactions on Wireless Communications, Pages 1-13.
improved AODV it decreases with increase in
simulation time.
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[4] J. Premalatha and P. Balasubramanie
“Enhancing Quality of Service in MANETS by
Effective Routing” International Conference onWireless
Communication and Sensor Computing, 2010, Digital
Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICWCSC.2010.5415878, 2-4
Jan. 2010, Pages 1-13.

[5] N Thanthry, S R Kaki, and R Pendse “EM-AODV:

ROUTING PROTOCOL” Vehicular Technology
Conference, 2006. VTC-2006, Digital Object
Identifier: 10.1109/VTCF.2006.534, 25-28 Sept. 2006,
Pages 1-5.


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