Tema Limba Engleza

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Proba de înţelegere a unui text audiat la Limba engleză

Subiectul I
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
Subiectul II
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. C
10. B
Proba orală la Limba engleză
1. I genereally prefer the film of the same story, because I understand better the story. In films we can see
special visual effects, the place/places where action happens, the way the characters look and and the way
they talk, we do not “see” this things in book.

2. A person about I could say that ”the world would be a better place if there were more people like him/
her” should be a person of good faith, friendly, useful, loyal and honest. We shoud talk about such a person
that he/she does wonderful things and helps society as much as possible.

3. Yes , I fell that, despite the advent of social media, people are becoming increasingly lonely nowsays. I
have noticed over time that people are more and more attracted to social media. People want to be more
connected and more informed and therefore they spend more and more time in front of TV, personal
computer and smartphones. People have no time left to meet other people or to make more friends and
therefore people are lonely.
Proba scrisă la Limba engleză
Înțelegerea textului citit
Subiectul I
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
Subiectul II
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. D
6. A
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. A

Producerea de mesaje scrise

Subiectul I

Dear Alex,

I am writing to you to tell you about your next years of study abroad. I’m happy for you, because you will
study in UK. The English language will be very important for you to live in UK so I am writing to you some
ways to improve your English.

Firstly, I recommend you to solve lots of grammar exercises, learn new words and expressions .
Step by step, you will be at a high level of understanding of English. Then you will be able to understand
better spoken language.

Best wishes,


Subiectul II

My country have one of the most the beautiful, largest and oldest cultural heritage in the world.
The cultural heritage begins from the time of the Dacian people, who lived a long time ago on the current
territory of Romania, until nowdays. We can see that the potential of this cultural heritage is not fully
exploited so I have in mind three solutions to improve the current situation.

The first solution is to increase funding for restoration of historic buildings, monuments and archeological
sites. We need to finance more tree palanting and to support the few remaining craftsmen.

The second solution is to protect more the cultural heritage and to explore more and more the earth below
us, full of mistery and history.

The third solution is to attract more and more tourists to see our cultural heritage. We can offers for tourists
unforgettable trips around the country and full of stories.

I strongly belive that Romania has many beautiful places, wonderful and talented people, a large history, It
is absolutely necessary to take these measures, mentioned above, in order to save the cultural heritage.

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