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The "ideal aperture" in experimental physics.

Roshdestvensky A.E

Bucharov G.F.


The ideal aperture has properties that cannot be improved. Properties such aperture receives for the
account of fundamental properties of numbers. These holes when fixing objects "automatically" filter
wave phenomena of diffraction, interference and give an image strictly within the framework of
geometric optics. For example, if an electron in an experiment 100 years ago did not pass through two
holes (and not through a regular lattice), but through an ideal aperture, we would be able to see the
electron in geometric optics. The article explains the physical basis of the properties of ideal apertures

Keywords ; ideal apertures, geometrical optics in quantum mechanics, mathematical codes

1. Introduction.

Perfect aperture there are synthetic aperture whose properties can not be improved. The ideal
properties of such aperture is based on the exclusive (ideal) mathematical objects ' properties that
underlie its structure. Similar to the area of manifestations of mathematical properties and
structures in physics Academician A. M. Prokhorov called information physics, and the
mathematician, Academic V. A. Arnold, experimental math.

Research in the field of building an ideal aperture is conventionally divided into three parts.
Mathematical work is very limited ( on the one hand mathematical difficulties, on the other hand
a lack of understanding of the mechanism of manifestation of the mathematical properties in an
ideal aperture). Technologists are intuitive ( and often most effectively), creating a design by
"findings" or "too much capability" without explanation of patterns. Physics experimenters to a
certain extent combine the successes and failures of mathematicians and technologists.

2. State of the problem

In modern literature there is the "era" of silence about the ideal coding apertures, despite
extensive and intensive research. Available information on this topic in the open access decrease
in time. In the mid 50-ies of the 20th century appeared the work of Barker about the ideal
properties of some numeric sequence with the number of members from 1 to 13. Barker codes
are used for encoding the signals in time, the processing method which is aperiodic.

In modern scientific literature there remains the assertion that the Barker codes with the length of
the member more than 13 positions does not exist [1]. Follow specified codes type codes for
Barker with a longer sequence of numbers (more than 20) [2]. Since the mid-1960s publication
on this subject was reduced, the studies were expanded - it's the realization of opportunities for
application of codes and the perfect ideal of coding apertures. He created the analogy of "holes"
in the scientific information, as in the atomic project, 1940s - 1950s intensive research was then
carried out with the scientific information silence. Hence the understandable commercial
secrecy, scientific problems and scientific challenges of studying phenomena with the help of

coding apertures. Note that Barker's codes applicable to the construction of linear (one-
dimensional ) aperture for imaging, but only as periodic with essentially batch processing.
Length numeric positions in a linear Barker code corresponds to a Prime number.

This work does not contain information about the laws of constructing an ideal mathematical
codes or technologies. The purpose of this article is to explain the mechanism for the
implementation of mathematical codes for the observer in a physical experiment and to explain
the application of the ideal properties of coding apertures to register phenomena in the

The understanding of the functioning of the ideal apertures stimulates their use in experimental
physics and in various sectors, including in nuclear physics. A description of the implementation
of the mathematical properties of the perfect codes to obtain the most perfect "image" of the
object numbers begin with the operation of the famous "camera obscura".

3. The camera obscura as a limiting case of the coding aperture.

Camera obscura is a hole in a dark box, is quite small in comparison with the studied object and
large enough compared to the characteristic scale of the wave boundary effects (Fig.1) . In this
case, the camera obscura provides a "picture" in the framework of geometrical optics in different
(any) wave bands and waves of different nature. Camera obscura has not lost relevance in
modern physics. For this reason, only a few years ago on the territory of the Kurchatov Institute
carried a multi-ton camera obscura for the study of the radiation of the soil (neutron camera

Note that the camera obscura as a device with extreme properties has in the limit of infinitely
great exposure (exposure time) with an infinitely small aperture (with an infinitely small

The image of the object Fig. 1 Camera obscura via a hole in the opaque

the screen gives the image a positive (or negative photographic film).


If the meaning of camera obscura is obvious, for understanding the operation of the coding
aperture is necessary to pay attention to the work of "anti-pinhole cameras," the meaning of
functioning which is not trivial. In Fig. 2 shows the "anti-camera obscura", which gives the
image a negative, in contrast to the positive images in Fig. 1
Fig. 2 "Anti-camera obscura"

In place permeable "holes" in svetoservice

the screen is placed svetoprochny dot screen

on the background completely transparent plane.

Anti-camera obscura gives a shadow image –the negative.

Svetoprochny screen in the center of the anti-camera obscura gives a shadow image of the object
as image-negative (or positive on film), which is mathematically different from the image of
positive, direct camera obscura with accuracy up to constants. It is possible to make three simple,
but not trivial assertion:

1. If we study the same object from the same position alternately a camera obscura and then a
complete analogue of the anti-camera obscura, the amount of information received in both cases
will be the same as in the positive and in the negative (shadow image), with different background
indicators are equal up to constants. This theorem in geometrical optics was also proved

If the distance between the object and the hole in the camera obscura a lot more of the object (in
practice, the angle of aperture of 20%), and pinhole camera and anti-camera obscura gives a
high-quality image without distortion.

2. Despite the apparent information of the identity of images in the camera obscura and the anti-
camera obscura these cases, and "not equal". The fact that at equal light-sensitive materials (e.g.
films) exposure to anti the pinhole camera is the nano (and Pico) seconds, since this camera has a
maximum limit ( infinitely large) aperture. In contrast to the ordinary camera obscura has
infinitely-small and infinitely large aperture exposure time. This principle of imaging both "not
equal", and this fact further is one of the fundamental for understanding the physical device ideal
aperture. In this sense, only one "hole" or a single screen (antidark) can be regarded as an ideal
aperture with dimension 1, the database 0 or 1 (this is not an obvious fact is commented).

3. Images from two adjacent cameras of an obscure provides additional

information about the object (such as stereo), but doesn't change the time


For example, a pinhole camera is clear that obtaining information about the object under
investigation involves not only a "hole", but also "screens".

The question arises – is it possible to create a chain of holes as a chain of cameras and antigamer
of an obscure to get a good image, and reduce exposure time? Armed with an understanding of
image creation in the camera and in the antechamber of the obscura, this question can be
answered accurately. ". If the "fence" of holes made in the ideal code, in forming the shadow
image participate as a "hole in the fence", and the spaces between the "holes".

4. Perfect mathematical codes and their physical realization

Will make a number series consisting of N elements (numbers) aj. If the autocorrelation function
of this series is the Delta Kronecker symbol, see (1) ,the sequence shows the "ideal properties" ,
let's call it "the perfect code".

S(j) = (( À)( ai ai  j  ( Â )) = { Const при i=j ; 0 i ≠ j } (1)


In the expression (1) values And,In essence constants.

For continuous variables ( conditions and possibility of transition to continuity is not specified) the
expression (1) becomes (2)

A(τ) = Const  f ( x) f ( x   )dx = δ( τ ) (2)


δ( τ ) = 1 при τ = 0, δ( τ ) = 0 в остальных случаях τ ≠0.

A ( τ ) = Const = δ( τ ) (2)

δ( τ ) = 1 at τ = 0, δ( τ ) = 0 otherwise τ ≠ 0 .

Usually a numeric sequence with properties of the form (1) consists of the basic" numbers +\- 1 (code in
the basis +\- 1), which is most convenient to model physically.

We see that this definition of the ideal code is the sequence type of the Barker, in which the
autocorrelation function is identically equal to the Delta function ( discrete case, the Delta symbol
Kronecker).:The autocorrelation function of this sequence is a Delta function on the given interval. (up to
a constant).

Essentially, that code with the properties of the form (1) always has a length of N positions equal to a
Prime number, and is periodic (Fig. 3)

Fig. 3 the Property of a perfect code is stored in the shift numbers left to right



over windov

1. Images from two adjacent cameras of an obscure provides additional

information about the object (such as stereo), but doesn't change the time information.

For example, a pinhole camera is clear that obtaining information about the object under
investigation involves not only a "hole", but also "screens".

The question arises – is it possible to create a chain of holes as a chain of cameras and antigamer
of an obscure to get a good image, and reduce exposure time? Armed with an understanding of
image creation in the camera and in the antechamber of the obscura, this question can be
answered accurately. ". If the "fence" of holes made in the ideal code, in forming the shadow
image participate as a "hole in the fence", and the spaces between the "holes".

"Rays" from fig 4 image Perfect aperture with window 11. Lite from object

Ideal aperture with window size 11

Cod cod cod

Код Код Код

Matrix with 11 recorders

Example-a Line of 11 identical sensors

Rice. Five

The perfect aperture in Fig. 4 works as a perfect flat lens in almost any frequency range,, Fig.5,
including particle detector (neutron), IR, acoustic or other range. The passage of light through
an ideal aperture is equivalent to the cross-correlation conversion of light (signal) with the
aperture code. The property of the periodicity of codes in practice is manifested in the fact that
the calculation of the cross-correlation function of the signal is used throughout its length
without on the observation segment.. It is important to note that the image in" ideal apertures " is
formed within the framework of the apparatus of geometric optics, regardless of the presence of
wave effects, Fig.5.

2. Perfect mathematical codes and their physical realization

Will make a number series consisting of N elements (numbers) aj. If the autocorrelation function
of this series is the Delta Kronecker symbol, see (1) ,the sequence shows the "ideal properties" ,
let's call it "the perfect code".

Perfect codes in the discrete mathematics are more sophisticated analogues of complete
orthogonal systems of functions in the analysis (analytic functions). For example, in the forward
and backward Fourier transform involves functions – exponent in the forward transform and the
exponent to the minus of the first degree in reverse. In an ideal transformation in forward and
reverse transformation involved the same function without change – itself a perfect code. This
amazing property is the identity of the direct and inverse transformation using the perfect codes
does not have any analogues in mathematics ( in addition to displaying an arbitrary set or rotate
the shapes to 2π ).

Fair Theorem and Lemma ( 1997).


Let f(x) is a series of numbers (as a sequence of measurements of length (n) ).

Let f(τ) is the intercorrelation function between f(x) and the ideal code

KP (x), i.e. the result of the conversion(f) of the series f(x) is an ideal code length (n)

F(τ) = S(f) = , τ (1,n).

Then re-conversion is identical With the inverse (S (f)) f. (3)

Ф(τ) = С(f) =  f (x   )K
n ( x) , τ  (1,n). (3)

Conversion(f) of the form (3) a conventional correlation transformation process, see[3].


Perfect conversion With(f) the number of (n ) members, where n ≥ 3, does not introduce
computational noise in the result of the conversion.

Theorem 2
Any numerical (mathematical) transformation of a series of n-samples of observations with the
number of calculations N > n ,with the exception of the "ideal transform", is making a
computational error (computational noise) and increases the signal-to-noise.

In the expansion on its own basis end-perfect code is equal to the Delta function ( Delta symbol
Kronecker), see expression (1) , and in this sense the "spectrum" is the perfect target code is
identical to the spectrum of an ideal sinusoid of infinite. The meaning of perfect codes for
research and applied work is that perfect codes are "working" over time (with real shifts) to end
the processes, but not with the frequency that end process may be bogus. At the same time in
perfect transformations do not exist computing noises in the discrete Fourier transform
associated with tabular values of the sine, rounding the irrational number "PI", with restrictions
on length of row ( parity in DFT or FFT)

Note that each value vzaimosoedinenii function f(τ) "carries information" about all the samples
of the function f(x) , so the "loss" of part of the samples of the function f(τ) allows some
precision to restore the original function f. This property of "pomekhoustoichivost"
transformation lies the usefulness of its application in the measurement of physical quantities.

This feature of "perfect change" fell out of the sphere of mathematics, but that it allows
distortion to obtain a physical image. List the basic properties of the perfect codes and the perfect
transformation based on them:

1. Perfect aperture with a window (n) behaves as a single unit ( as "coherent" structure), rather
than as a set of n independent sensors, giving only a "Gaussian" image. Image in the modern
"advanced" devices built on the principle of information, many independent sensors into a single

( the ratio of signal to noise in such a system decreases with increasing independent of the
number of sensors according to a Gaussian law as 1/ ). The signal-to-noise in a coherent system
of ideal aperture decreases with increasing size of the "window" (the number of positions code)
as (1/n).

2. It is essential that in a perfect aperture in the imaging functionally work the same as a "hole in
the fence", and "fence" - the gaps between the holes. One without the other does not give a
perfect image. This amazing fact (property space) is not used in the optical lens or other known
Supervisory devices. Only in a single dimension for each method of placement of holes and gaps
in the "fence" there is their close collaboration as the new "ideal" property. In this structure, one
"hole" or some opaque period as would "know" about all the neighbors.

3. Re-use ideal encoding conversion the function returns the function to its original state without

4. The "classical" auto-correlation function is symmetric and therefore its application yields only
50% of the information about the object. The use of antisymmetric autocorrelation functions
compensates for this lack and gives additional lost information. Accordingly, the ideal aperture
constructed in accordance with the ideal properties of the antisymmetric autocorrelation
functions, giving this additional information is lost when conventional autocorrelation

5.Two -, three -, and further an n-dimensional perfect codes can be constructed by multiplying
the ideal linear codes, just as in the univariate autocorrelation function is impossible to obtain
two-dimensional or n - dimensional autocorrelation function.

6. Brightness is the ratio of greatest and least amplitudes in the image. Obviously, the largest
possible brightness to give just the perfect aperture, because only the Delta function yields the
highest possible ratio of the magnitude of the Central peak to the background. The brightness of
the images in perfect apertures "monstrous" and by orders of magnitude over all the possible
advances in modern telescopes and observation devices.

7.Ordinary optical lens performs in the focal plane of the Fourier transformation image at the
speed of light with almost no distortion near small angles in the Central part of the lens. In
comparison with optical lens ideal aperture also has a processor performs even better and is
completely reversible transformation of image (function) with the speed of light, and gives the
image in any focal plane (by choice of the experimenter ) and any angular aperture without
distortion and immediately across the frequency range without chromatic aberrations! These
properties can not be improved, therefore, the perfection in the title of this aperture is justified

8. The physical implementation of ideal codes in the construction of ideal apertures and in the
processing of observational data "negates" the phenomenon of interference (diffraction ), which
is especially important in experimental particle physics. The observer sees in this case the object
within the framework of geometric optics in the most distinct image, and does not" suspect "
about the possible wave properties of the object. These properties have already begun to be
discussed by physicists dealing with "metamaterials".

Metamaterials are necessary for the implementation of nanography in the production of

microelectronics. It is in this direction that the physical research of metamaterials is mainly

"Metamaterials" are nanometer-thick artificial materials whose atomic lattices are exposed to
produce analogous coding apertures ( a field of holes and screens of nanoscale size like Fig. 6,
see above). Designers metamaterials have managed to create a mask and "grids" from
metamaterials, which focus radiation almost to the point better perfect optical lenses. But... but
physics design of metamaterials act solely empirically –selection. In the mentioned lattice, which
focuses the radiation to a point better than a perfect lens, the Central peak is really good, but not
perfect – small lateral peaks in the autocorrelation function could not be avoided by anyone.
Such empirical difficulties and imperfections arise from a lack of understanding of the fact that
the construction of metamaterials is based on ideal mathematical objects – ideal codes.

It is the ideal codes in the physical realization that exhibit the special properties of a space
organized in a unique way on the basis of the properties of Prime numbers. That is why the ideal
aperture "does not care" from what "metamaterial" it is made, what object is observed, what are
the properties of the object of observation.

The cell size of the ideal aperture should correspond to the wavelength (do not exceed the
wavelength by many orders of magnitude. Therefore, to fix the objects of the microcosm in
geometric optics, the linear size of the lattice cell has the order of tens of nanometers.
Nanomaterials and nanographic technologies are used to manufacture such gratings. Such
gratings can fundamentally fix quantum objects, atoms, electrons, within the framework of
geometric optics.

5. The practice of application of perfect codes and apertures in modern physics.

The first serious application of the apparatus of perfect codes was implemented in the USSR in
1975 in a production product the control system which was ahead of the world 50-70 years and
today has considerable ahead of 15-30 years in relation to world analogues [ 4 ].

A perfect short codes are already applied in mass products in mobile phone is the perfect code
dimension 7 (standard GSM), and its use considerably in order to millions of users of one and
the same frequency band found each other without error. The transition from the frequency
representation when searching for a subscriber ( resonance frequency method) to an information
presentation about the movement , allowed the connection between millions of subscribers.

The "big" of a known aperture was created in the USA as encoding a two-dimensional grid with
dimension 41х 43. The aperture is not perfect, because the simplified was created by multiplying
two linear codes and two-dimensional autocorrelation function is not limited to multiplication of
two-dimensional. It is used as a lens in space telescopes but proved to be a fiction – the pseudo
lattice. American designers created it by trial and error. Initially by trial and error they found the
perfect linear code of length 41, then the linear code of length 43. On the search for the longer
codes, brute force computing power is not enough. After that, the designers of the aperture has
multiplied two linear code 41 x 43 believing that got an ideal two-dimensional code.. By
multiplying the linear perfect codes, two-dimensional code will not receive. However, this is far
from perfect coding aperture was useful and could give new astrophysical information since
exploring the objects are not arbitrary, but objects with large pre-restrictions ( infinitely distant
objects). If American scientists and engineers were aware of the law and the laws of perfect
codes, it would not do this "voluminous" work.

Will do evaluation. Perfect linear code of length position not more than 19 in a matter of
minutes, the physicist will find brute force on the computer. You have to check (iterate), the
number of autocorrelation functions . For finding the perfect linear code of length 29 (the
number of calculations and searches ) personal computer useless. It will require a powerful
computer and time brute-force will be at least a month. The search time increases substantially
ideal nonlinear code c (n) as a function f(n) = ( because with the number of passes (number of
autocorrelation functions ) increases the calculation time of each autocorrelation function with
the number of n calculations .

Finding a linear code with dimension 43 (excess of 2 calculated autocorr. functions) is possible
only on a supercomputer with an element of luck – American engineers hooked up the most
powerful computing systems and they were lucky – they work "stumbled" on a two-dimensional
perfect codes dimension 41х 43.
The search time of the two-dimensional ideal code size exceeds 43 41х civilization possible,
because the number of estimated autocorrelation functions is equal to 2 . It is obvious that to find
such aperture, brute force, impossible.

Due to extraordinary difficulties in the "direct" search of the perfect codes by brute force in
practice arose "surrogates" as a pseudo-random sequence, M-sequence, P –sequence, etc. non-
ideal properties.

7. Тhe ideal monitoring device

The simplest the perfect monitoring device, designed on the basis of the mathematical properties
of linear perfect code of length 11 is shown in Fig. 4. The image of the object 11 is fixed on the
sensor (see matrix-an array of 11 sensors at the bottom of Fig. ). The image of the object
recorded on the line sensors, but the image of the object by the human eye isn't known – in the
image we see a random sequence of dark and light spots. If this image is to be re-transformation
(convolution code with a length of 11, see expression 3 p. 6),in the end, without distortion get the
image of the object. I wonder what this image is better image from the camera obscura with the
window as one "hole"? The differences are obvious:

1. The image contrast (contrast – ability to differentiate the number of gradations for the
background noise ) from the ideal aperture with a length of 11 positions 11 times higher contrast
from the camera obscura with one diafragmalna hole.

2. The image of the object in the ideal aperture is received strictly within the framework of
geometrical optics, and is theoretically completely devoid of interference effects (diffraction).

These properties allow us to get new experimental data about elementary particles (lower m.

In experimental particle physics the use of flat and three-dimensional ideal apertures improves
the accuracy and reliability of measurements in time. because if the "ideal" location of the
sensors, the signal noise increases c the number of measurements (sensors) as (n). As with any
other as .

Based on these properties it is possible to offer two physical experiments that do not require a
significant investment and allows to obtain new data and understanding of already "known"

8.1 In the early 19th and 20th century experiments were conducted on the diffraction of light and
electrons on the hole. To paraphrase these experiments we can say that the experimenters were
trying to consider the photon and electron (or their property) through a "window of observation".
With the passage of an electron through the hole of the electron showed wave properties
(experiments on diffraction of electrons Millikan, S. I. Vavilov).With the passage of an electron
through two adjacent holes and it is not known through which of the two holes an electron went.
Thus, we do not have a visual representation of what is an electron.

If for 100 years after these experiments the electron is considered through the ideal code (after 7
holes, через11), we would have seen a picture of an electron in geometrical optics.

Also, it is possible to obtain an image of the photon (leptons and nucleons) in the geometric
optics outside the interference effects (diffraction). We don't know., what happens and how they
will "look like" particles, but no doubt we will get new data and new ideas.

The authors hope that such search experiments will be conducted after our publication, because
they are possible on the instrument of the 19th century.

8.2 Form of modern particle accelerators in the form of the Torah gives you the opportunity to
apply properties of two-dimensional ideal aperture placed on the surface of a torus, for
monitoring the amount of accelerator (Torah). You can use the whole volume of the Torah as
"coherent sensor based on two-dimensional ideal aperture. This possibility arises from the shape
of the closed surface of the torus, which can automatically satisfy the condition of periodicity of
a perfect code over a large radius and small ( the surface of the torus gives the flexibility to blend
her two-dimensional aperture with one or another of the whole period). The system of sensors
placed on the surface of a torus in accordance with the coordinates of the two dimensional ideal
of the aperture, is superimposed on the surface of the torus, is a "coherent structure" and
functions as one sensor. So instead of posting, for example, of sensors (as is usually the case
with a uniform placement), it is sufficient to use only the sensors placed in the ideal position of
the aperture, which will give the same precision as millions of sensors (relative to the Gaussian
distribution of an ideal aperture reduces the signal-to-noise in time). So the idea of replacing the
data frequency (the idea of resonance methods NMR, EPR, etc.) on the information
representation of the shifts (perfect codes), apparently will be a key to the practice of physical

A simple volumetric ideal aperture as a three-dimensional target on the accelerator placed in the
cube with the smallest dimension positions 27 ( 2 ). This is the lowest number associated with
the answer and the question – what is the smallest number of samples (measurements) required
in order for the concept of the autocorrelation function in discrete mathematics make sense? This
unexpected question refers to the fundamental understanding of the properties of the perfect
codes and has no obvious answer – the length of the measurement series must consist of at least
3 values.

It can be argued that the ideal aperture, provide the most accurate information without distortion
of the observed object ( register the signal with maximum possible signal-to-noise ratio), and the
ideal transformation of the form (3) do not add to the computational noise in the analysis of
observations. Transformation of the form (3) do not have such faults. as Fourier transformation.
In the Fourier transformation direct transformation differs from the opposite, the values of the
trigonometric functions in the numerical realization are rounding. These shortcomings deprived
of the device convert the discrete perfect codes (also periodic), making this the perfect machine
for the most promising mathematics experimental physicist.


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