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A study of Scattering Processes in QED

Calculation of Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Electron

Abhinandan Yadav

Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad

03 May, 2018

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Scalar Field Quantization

Spinor Field Quantization

Quantum Electrodynamics

A few processes at leading order

e− e+ → µ− µ+

e− e+ → µ− µ+ (Polarized)

e− γ → e− γ

e− e+ → γγ

Electron Anomalous Magnetic Moment-Calculation at one Loop in QED

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Scalar Field Quantization

I To quantize scalar field we reinterpret the fields ψ(x) and π(x) as operator
I Equal time commutation relation is

[ψ(x, t), π(x0 , t)] = iδ 3 (x − x0 )

[ψ(x, t), ψ(x0 , t)] = [π(x, t), π(x0 , t)] = 0

I In terms of Fourier coefficient above commutation relation is given as

[a(k), a† (k0 )] = δ(k − k0 )

[a(k), a(k0 )] = [a† (k), a† (k0 )] = 0

I Neutral spin zero particle are describe by real scalar field
I Complex scalar field describe charged spin zero particles
Q=q [Na (k) − Nb (k)]

Hence complex Scalar field represent two particles with opposite charge.

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Spinor Field Quantization

I Dirac Equation
(i∂/ − m)ψ = 0
Where ∂/ = γ µ ∂µ and γ µ is Dirac 4 × 4 matrices satisfying anti commutation relation

{γ µ , γ ν } = 2gµν

I To quantize Dirac field we expand ψ and ψ̄ in terms of complete set of plane waves and
impose anti commutation relations

{cr (p), c†s (k)} = {dr (p), ds† (k)} = δrs δ(p − k)

All other anti commutator vanishes

I Number operator for two different type of particles is

Nr (k) = c†r (k)cr (k); N̄r (k) = dr† (k)dr (k)

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Quantum Electrodynamics

I Lagrangian for the Dirac field is

L = ψ(i∂/ − m)ψ

I L is invariant under global gauge transformation but not under local gauge transformation.

I To make it locally gauge invariant, introduce a vector field Aµ

L = ψ(i∂/ − m)ψ − ieψ̄γ µ ψAµ

I Under gauge transformation
Aµ → Aµ − ∂µ α(x)
L is invariant. Full QED Lagrangian is

LQED = ψ(i∂/ − m)ψ − Fµν F µν − ieψγ µ ψAµ

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A few processes at the leading order

I Differential cross section for two final state particle in CMS is given as

dσ 1 |p1 |2
= |M(pA , pB → p1 , p2 )|2 (1)
dΩ 2EA 2EB |vA − vB | (2π)2 4Ecm
I for any genral process total cross-section is
d3 pf 1
1 X
σ = Πf (2π)4 δ (4) (P − pf ) (2)
2EA 2EB |vA − vB | (2π)3 2Ef
× |M(pA , pB → pf )|2 (3)

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e − e + → µ− µ+
e+ µ−

= vs0 (p0 )γ µ us (p)ur (k)γµ vr0 (k0 ) (4)
q q2

e− µ+
I squared of the matrix element is given by

|M|2 = v(p0 )γ µ u(p)u(p)γµ v(p0 )u(k)γµ v(k0 )v(k0 )γν u(k) (5)
I completeness relations
us (p)us (p) = (/
p + m)
vs0 (p0 )vs0 (p0 ) = p0 − m)
(/ (6)

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e− e+ → µ− µ+ contd...1
then summing over all possible spin state and taking me w 0 we end up with

1X e4
|M|2 = 8 4 [(p.k)(p0 .k0 ) + (p.k0 )(p0 .k) + m2µ (p.p0 ) (7)
4 spin q

In center of mass(CMS) system,

" ! ! #
1X m2µ m2µ
|M|2 = e4 1+ + 1− cos2 θ (8)
4 spin E2 E2

hence differential cross section is

s " ! ! #
dσ α2 m2µ m2µ m2µ
= 2
1 − 1 + + 1− cos2 θ (9)
dΩ 4Ecm E2 E2 E2

in the high energy limit E >> mµ

dσ α2
→ 2
(1 + cos2 θ)
4πα2 m2µ 1 mµ 2
σ= 2
1− 1 + (10)
3Ecm E2 2 E2

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e− e+ → µ− µ+ (Polarized)

I the matrices
1 + γ5 1 − γ5
0 0 1 0
= , =
2 0 1 2 0 0
are projection operator onto right handed and left handed spinor respectively.
I there are equal numbers of positive and negative helicity states

Initial State Final State

e− +
R eR µ−
R µR
− + − +
eR eL µR µL
e− +
L eR µ−
L µR
− + − +
eL eL µL µL
1+γ 5
I Replacing u(p) → 2

1 + γ5
v̄(p0 )γ µ u(p) → v̄(p0 )γ µ ( )u(p)
1 + γ5 0 µ
= v(p0 )† ( )γ γ u(p) (11)

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e− e+ → µ− µ+ (Polarized) contd...1

I For an antiparticle, a right handed Spinor corresponds to a left handed antiparticle.

I Only opposite helicity of electron and positron similarly for muon are allowed.
I Here we have only four non vanishing combination

e− +
R eL → µ− +
R µL
e− +
R eL → µ− +
L µR
e− +
L eR → µ− +
R µL (12)
e− +
L eR → µ− +
L µR

I The other twelve helicity cross sections are zero.

I Let’s calculate first e− + − +
R eL → µR µL of these process.
I Same routine calculation give

4e4 h i
|M|2 = 4
2(p.k)(p0 .k0 ) + 2(p.k0 )(p0 .k) − αµβν p0α pβ ρµσν p0α pβ kρ k0σ
= e4 (1 + cos θ)2 (13)

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e− e+ → µ− µ+ (Polarized) contd...2

I differential cross-section is given by

dσ − + α2
(e e → µ− +
R µL ) = (1 + cos θ)2 (14)
dΩ R L 2
I we can get cross-section for other three non vanishing combination which is given as

dσ − + α2
(eR eL → µ− +
L µR ) = 2
(1 − cos θ)2
dΩ 4Ecm

dσ − + α2
(eL eR → µ− +
R µL ) = 2
(1 − cos θ)2
dΩ 4Ecm
dσ − + α2
(eL eR → µ− +
l µL ) = 2
(1 + cos θ)2
dΩ 4Ecm
I In the limit E >> mµ only 4 helicity combinations give non-zero matrix elements.
I Adding up all sixteen contributions, and dividing by 4 to average over electron and
positron spins, we can recover the unpolarized cross sections in the massless limit.

3  mµ 4
σ→ 2
1 − (15)
3ECM 8 E

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e− γ → e− γ

Amplitude of this process is sum of this two diagram and it is given by

γ µ /k γ ν + 2γ µ pν −γ ν k/0 γ µ + 2γ ν pµ
iM = −ie2 ∗µ (k0 )ν (k)ū(p0 ) + u(p) (16)
2p.k −2p.k0

squaring above equation and taking average over all spin states we get
"  #
e4 p.k0 1 2
1X p.k 1 1 1
|M|2 = + + 2m 2
− + m 4
− (17)
4 spin 4 p.k p.k0 p.k p.k0 p.k p.k0

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e− γ → e− γ contd..1

To obtain cross section we draw a picture of kinematics in lab frame four momenta for initial
and final photon is given as
k = (ω, ωẑ)
k0 = (ω 0 , ω 0 sin θ, 0, ω 0 cos θ)

from kinematics we get the following useful relations

ω0 = ω (18)
1+ m
(1 − cos θ)

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e− γ → e− γ contd..2

The phase space integral in the lab frame is

ω 02
dΠ2 = d cos θ
8π ωm
plugging squared amplitude in the formula of differential cross section (8), we get
πα2 ω0 ω0
dσ ω
= 2 + 0 − sin2 θ
d cos θ m ω ω ω
in the limit of ω → 0 we see that ω
→ 1, so the cross section becomes

dσ πα2
= 2 (1 + cos2 θ);
d cos θ m

σtotal =

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e− e+ → γγ

The annihilation process e+ e− → 2γ, in lowest order, describe by the diagrams

this process is related to Compton scattering by crossing symmetry to obtain the correct
amplitude from Compton scattering we make replacements in(17)

p → p1 p0 → −p2 k → −k1 k0 → k2

making these replacement we get

"    2 #
1X p1 .k2 p1 .k1 1 1 1 1
|M|2 = −2e4 + + 2m2 + − m4 +
4 spin p1 .k1 p1 .k2 p1 .k1 p1 .k2 p1 .k1 p1 .k2

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e− e+ → γγ contd..1

kinematics for this process, in center of mass, is given as

after doing some algebra we get the differential cross section

 " 2 #
dσ 2πα2 E E + p2 cos2 θ 2m2 2m4
= + −
m2 + p2 sin2 θ m2 + p2 sin2 θ
d cos θ s p m2 + p2 sin2 θ

in the high energy limit, this becomes

2πα2 1 + cos2 θ

d cos θ s sin2 θ

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Calculation of Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the electron – Calculation at
one loop


= ie2 ū(p0 ) Γµ (p0 , p) u(p) 2 ū(k)γµ u(k0 ) .
q q

if we add an interaction term Z

∆H = d3 xeAcl
µj ,

in Hamiltonian of QED then S-matrix elements for scattering from this field is

iM(2π)δ(p00 − p0 ) = −ieū(p0 )γ µ u(p)Ãcl

µ (q),

the vertex correction modify this expression to

iM(2π)δ(p00 − p0 ) = −ieū(p0 )Γµ (p0 , p)u(p)Ãcl

µ (q).

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Electron Vertex Function contd..1

The form of Γµ is
iσ µν qν
Γµ (p0 , p) = γ µ F1 (q2 ) + F2 (q2 ).
in lowest order F1 = 1 and F2 = 0
amplitude for scattering of electron from a non zero potential Acl
µ (x) = (φ(x), 0)

iM = −ieū(p0 )Γ0 (p0 , p)u(p)φ̃(q)

= −ieF1 (0)φ̃(q) · 2mξ 0† ξ

this is the Born approximation for scattering from a potential

V(x) = eF1 (0)φ(x)

here we see that F1 (0) is the electric charge of electron in the units of e.

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Electron Vertex Function contd..2

For the static vector potential Acl cl

µ (x) = (0, A (x)), the amplitude for scattering from this field is
−1 k
iM = −i(2m) · eξ 0† σ [F1 (0) + F2 (0)] ξ B̃kcl (q)

again this is Born approximation to the scattering of electron from a potential,

V(x) = −hµi · B(x)

e σk
hµi = [F1 (0) + F2 (0)] ξ 0† ξ
m 2
and the expression for the magnetic moment of the electron is
µ=g S
where g is Lande g-factor and S is the electron spin, hence

g = 2 [F1 (0) + F2 (0)] = 2 + 2F2 (0)

in the leading order of perturbation theory we have F2 (0) = 0 so QED predicts g = 2 + O(α).

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Anomalous Magnetic Moment
Let’s evaluate one-loop diagram

in O(α) contribution , amplitude from this diagram is written as

d4 k ū(p0 ) /k γ µ k/0 + m2 γ µ − 2m(k + k0 )µ u(p)

ū(p0 )δΓµ (p0 , p)u(p) = 2ie2 .
(2π)4 ((k − p)2 + i)(k02 − m2 + i)(k2 − m2 + i)
consider the identity
Z 1 X (n − 1)!
= dx1 · · · dxn δ( xi − 1)
A1 A2 · · · An 0 [x1 A1 + x2 A2 + · · · xn An ]n
by using this identity we can write denominator as

Z 1 2
= dxdydzδ(x + y + z − 1)
((k − p)2 + i)(k02 − m2 + i)(k2 − m2 + i) 0 D3

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Anomalous Magnetic Moment contd..1

where D is the new denominator

D = k2 + 2k · (yq − zp) + yq2 + zp2 − (x + y)m2 + i

introducing l ≡ k + (yq − zp), then D becomes

D = l2 − ∆ + i where ∆ ≡ −xyq2 + (1 − z)2 m2

and numerator is

−1 µ 2
Numerator = ū(p0 ) γ l + (−y/ p)γ µ ((1 − y)/
q + z/ q + z/
+m2 γ µ − 2m(1 − 2y)q2 + 2zpµ u(p) (21)

by using Ward identity, Gordon identity and

pγ µ
/ = 2pµ − γ µ /
pu(p) = mu(p)
/ and ū(p0 )p/0 = ū(p0 ) (22)

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our expression for the order O(α) contribution becomes
d4 l
Z 1 2
ū(p0 )δΓµ (p0 , p)u(p) = 2ie2 dxdydzδ(x + y + z − 1)
(2π)4 0 D3
−1 2
× ū(p0 ) γ µ · l + (1 − x)(1 − y)q2 + (1 − 4z − z2 )m2
iσ µν qν

+ (2m2 z(z − 1)) u(p). (23)

To get the correction to the magnetic moment of electron in O(α) we have to evaluate only

second term, by using this integral

d4 l i(−1)m
1 1 1
4 2
(2π) [lE − ∆] m (4π)2 (m − 1)(m − 2) ∆m−2

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we have

Z 1 
2m2 z(1 − z)

F2 (q2 ) = dxdydzδ(x + y + z − 1) + O(α2 )
2π 0 m2 (1 − z)2 − q2 xy

at q2 =0
F2 (q2 = 0) =

correction to g-factor O(α) is

g−2 α
ae ≡ = ≈ .0011614.
2 2π

Magnetic moment is thus

α e

µ= 2+ S
π 2m

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I Scalar Field

I Spinor Field

I Lagrangian of QED

I Scattering processess in QED

I Electron Anomalous magnetic moment-calculation at one loop in QED

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I Quantum Field Theory by Mandl and Shaw

I An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Peskin and Schroeder

I I used this website to draw Feynman Diagram

I QFT lecture notes by Dr. Tong

I CFT lecture notes by Dr. Shubho Roy

I Intermediate Quantum Mechanics by Jackiw and Bethe

I Advance Quantum Mechanics by Franz Schwabl

I James D. Bjorken, Sidney D. Drell- Relativistic Quantum Fields-Mcgraw-Hill College


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Thank You!

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