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As per Jain Cosmology, time is infinite without any beginning or end.

The cycle of time - Kāl-

chakra ( also called as Kālpa or Mahakālpa ) is further divided in two half-cycles: Utsarpiṇi (
Ascending or Progessive cycle ) and Avasarpiṇi ( Descending or Regressive cycle).

Each half cycle ( Kāla or Time ) consists of 10 x 1 crore x 1 crore ( 10 Kotakoti Sagaropama ).
So one cycle of time ( Kāl-chakta ) gets over in 20 Kotakoti Sagaropama.

When the descending cycle ends, the ascending cycle begins and these Aāras ( also called epochs
or yuga ) occur in the reverse order. This cyclic flow of time is perennial.

During the Utsarpiṇi ( Ascending ) of the half-cycle ( Kāla ), in the regions of Aryakhandas
of two Bharatas and two Airavatas in Dhatakikhanda and Puskarardha Dvipa each, there is the
gradual progress in knowledge, lifespan, prosperity, happiness, morality and spirituality of the
living beings. Ashubha bhāva (auspicious aspects) gradually decline and Shubha bhāva
(inauspicious aspects) gradually increase.

During the Avasarpiṇi ( Descending ) of the half-cycle ( Kāla ), there is the gradual regression
and deterioration and people attain all the pleasure and happiness at the starting point which
reduce gradually upto the last era. Shubh bhāv (auspicious aspects) gradually decline and Ashubh
bhāv (inauspicious aspects) gradually increase. 63 salakapurus ( 24 Tirthankaras, 12
Chakravartis, 9 Balabhadras,9 Vasudevas or Narayanas and 9 Prativasudevas or
Pratinarayanas ) who promote the Jain religion, regularly appear in this era.

The first three of the Avasarpiṇi era and the last three of the Utsarpiṇi era are collectively called
the bhogbhumi ( happy and contended associated with kalpvriksha ). The remaining eras called
the karmabhumi ( age of action ) where the people lean to work, write, trade, educate and express
art etc.

All the present 24 Tirthankaras appeared in third/ fourth cycles of Avasarpiṇi.

Bhagwan Rishabhanath Bhagwan Ajitnath Bhagwan Sambhavnath Bhagwan


Bhagwan Sumatinath Bhagwan Padmprabhu Bhagwan Suparshvnath Bhagwan Chandraprabhu

Bhagwan Pushpdant Bhagwan Sheetalanath Bhagwan Shreyansnath Bhagwan Vasupujya

Bhagwan Vimalnath Bhagwan Anantnath Bhagwan Dharmnath Bhagwan Shantinath

Bhagwan Kunthunath Bhagwan Arahnath Bhagwan Mallinath Bhagwan Munisuvrat

Bhagwan Naminath Bhagwan Neminath Bhagwan Parshvnath Bhagwan Mahavir

Each half-cycle is further divided into 6 periods of time ( Aāras or epochs).

Avasarpiṇi ( Descending or Regressive half cycle )

1. Sukhma* - Sukhma ( period - 4 kotakoti sagaropama )**

2. Sukhma ( period - 3 kotakoti*** sagaropama )
3. Sukhma - Dukhma**** ( period - 2 kotakoti sagaropama )
4. Dukhma - Sukhma ( period - 1 kotakoti sagaropama minus 42,000 years )
5. Dukhma ( period - 21,000 years )
6. Dukhma - Dukhma ( period - 21,000 years )

*also called Susma

** equals exactly 4 × 1014 Sagaropama years (one Sagaropama, literally "ocean-like" period of
time, is equal to 8,400,000 × 1019 years)
***also called Kodakodi
**** also called Dusma

Six Aäras of each half cycles ( Kāla )

 Sukhma - Sukhma ( Period of Absolute Happiness )

This is a time of absolute happiness. People lives for 3 Palyopama. People take their food on
every fourth day. They are very tall. Children are born as twins, a boy and a girl. They are devoid
of anger, pride, deceit, greed and other sinful acts. All the needs and desires of the people are
fulfilled by ten different kinds of kalpavriksha. The trees provide places to live, clothes, pots and
pans, good food, fruits and sweets, harmonious music, jewelry, beautiful flowers, radiant lamps,
and a bright light at night.

 Sukhma ( Period of Happiness )

This is the phase of happiness, but it is not absolute. During the second period, people lives for 2
Palyopama. People are not as tall. They take their food on every three days, but the kalpavriksha
supplies their wants, less than before. The land and water become less sweet and fruitful than
they were during the first Ara.

 Sukhma – Dukhma ( Period of more Happiness than Sorrow )

This is a phase consisting of more happiness than misery. The kalpvriksha does not consistently
provide what is desired. The age limit of the people becomes 1 palyopama. People takes their
food on every second day. The height and strength of the body go on decreasing and they
become less than they were during the second period. On account of happiness and pleasures, the
religion, renunciation and austerities were not possible.

First Tirthankar Rishabh Dev who preached the eternal Jain doctrine and tought cultural skills to
people was born to King Nabhiraja and Queen Marudevi in Ayodhya towards the end of this
period. Account of Bhagwan Rishabh Dev as given in Adipurana and Harivamsa Purana is quite
similar to that available in Brahmical Puranas. Bhagavata Purana also mentions him as the 8th
of the 22 Avataras. The first Chakravarti Bharat and Bahubali Swami also known for his
strength, and Brahmi who devised 18 different alphabets were Tirthankar Rishabh Dev’s

In this age when the people brought the living problems before Tirthankar Rishabh Dev, the
Indra, by the order of Tirthankara Rishabh Dev, constructed villages, cities, etc. Tirthankar Rishabh Dev
through clairvoyance ( Avadhigyan ) knew the whole order in Videhakshetra and established the
communal system and showed them the means of livelihood. He taught the people the skills of
farming, commerce, writing and arts (in total 72 arts for men and 64 arts for women) and
organized the people in societies. That is why he is known as the father of human civilization.

 Dukhma – Sukhma ( Period of more Sorrow than Happiness )

This is a phase of more misery, sorrow, and suffering than happiness. The fourth period is the
age of religion, where the renunciation, austerities and liberation are possible.
Other 23 Tirthankaras including Bhagwan Mahavir appeared in this period. The historicity from
the second to twenty first Tirthankaras is somehow mentioned in the Vedas and Pali literature.
2nd Tirthankar, Bhagwan Ajitnath and 7th Tirthankar Bhagwan Suparshvnath also seem to find
mentions in the Vedas. The Yoga Vasistha Ramayana by sage Vasistha mentions that Lord Rama
longed to become like a Jina and King Dasaratha had entertained the Sramanas who were the
Digambar Jains Ascetics. Thus there remains no doubt that during the time of Lord Rama,
Jainism existed and 20th Tirthankar Bhagwan Munisuvrat, a prince of Rajagrah and a
contemporary was as real a person as Lord Rama.

The 22nd Tirthankar Bhagwan Neminath, son of king Samudravijaya is also referred to in the
Rgveda and the Yajurveda.

Bhagwan Parsvanath, the 23rd Tirthankar, undoubtedly a historic personage was born in
Varanasi in 950 BC. Bhagwan Mahavir was born in Kundalpur in 599 BC/ 659 BC and attained
nirvana in Pavapuri in 527 BC/ 587 BC ( exactly 2547 years before ). His father was Asvasena
and mother’s name was Vamadevi.

24th Tirthankar Bhagwan Mahavir taught that observance of the vows of ahimsa (non-violence),
satya (truth), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (chastity), and aparigraha (non-attachment)
are necessary for spiritual liberation. He also taught the principles of anekantvada, syadvada and

 Dukhma ( Period of Sorrow )

According to Jain texts, currently we are in the fifth period ( pancham kaal that started after 3
years and 8 1/2 months after the nirvana of Bhagwan Mahavir ). As of 2020, approx. 2,550
years have elapsed and 18,450 years are still left. A person can live for not more than 120
years. No liberation is possible, although people practice religion in day to day life. At the
end of this period, even the Jain religion will disappear, only to appear again with the advent
of First Tirthankar in the next half cycle.

 Dukhma – Dukhma ( Period of Absolute Sorrow )

This is the time of absolute misery and unhappiness. During this time people will
experience nothing but suffering, making it impossible to practice religion in any form.
The life spans of people will be very short, not exceeding more than twenty years. Most
people will be non-vegetarian and the social structure will be destroyed. The weather will
become extreme. At the end of this period, Utsarpini will start and the time wheel will
take an upward swing. There will be days of rain which will provide nourishment so that
seeds can once again grow. Happiness will increase until absolute happiness is once
again reached at the onset of Utsarpiṇi
Utsarpiṇi ( Ascending or Progessive half cycle )

7. Dukhma - Dukhma ( period - 21,000 years )

5. Dukhma ( period - 21,000 years )
4. Dukhma - Sukhma ( period - 1 kotakoti sagaropama minus 42,000 years )
3. Sukhma - Dukhma ( period - 2 kotakoti sagaropama )
2. Sukhma ( period - 3 kotakoti sagaropama )
1. Sukhma - Sukhma ( period – 4 kotakoti sagaropama )

Names of future 24 Tirthankaras who will appear after 81450 years in fourth cycle ( Dukhma -
Sukhma ) of Utsarpini:

Bhagwan Mahapadm Bhagwan Surdevnath Bhagwan Suparshva Bhagwan Svamprabhu

Bhagwan Sarvanubhuti Bhagwan Bhagwan Udaynath Bhagwan Pedhal
Swami Devshrutiprabhu Swami
Bhagwan Proshtilnath Bhagwan Shataknath Bhagwan Munivrat Bhagwan Amam
Bhagwan Bhagwan Nishpulak Bhagwan Nirmam Bhagwan Chitragupt
Shrinishkashay Swami Swami Swami
Bhagwan Samadhinath Bhagwan Samvarnath Bhagwan Yashodhar Bhagwan Vijaynath
Bhagwan Malyadev Bhagwan Devachandra Bhagwan Anantvirya Bhagwan
Swami Swami Swami Shribhadrakar

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