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The formation of nano-whiskers in Al2O3-C- and MgO-C-refractories as investigated by


H. Berek, C. G. Aneziris, V. Roungos, A. Mertke

TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for ceramics, glass and construction materials, Freiberg,


Carbon bonded alumina and magnesia refractories are widely used in various sectors of
steel production. Examples are linings made from Al2O3-C and metal melt filters on the base
of MgO-C. Recent investigations have shown that the addition of minor amounts of
nanoscale materials can improve the performance of refractories. Especially the thermal
shock resistance of Al2O3-C could be increased by a combination of different factors as the
mixing technology, the curing temperature, the addition of doped silicon and the addition of
nanoparticles. One effect of the nanoparticles is the formation of homogeneously distributed
SiC-nano-whiskers. These whiskers could be analyzed by EBSD using fracture surfaces
without further preparation. The hexagonal α-SiC and cubic β-SiC structures are coexisting.
Regarding the MgO-C-system metal melt filter foams were investigated. As could be shown
by EBSD secondary MgO had been formed in contact with molten steel in the form of layers
and nano-whiskers. As a result the oxygen concentration of the corresponding steel melt had
been reduced remarkably. The corresponding reaction mechanisms for the formation of
whiskers are discussed.


Refractories, Nano-whiskers, EBSD

References [1-6]

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[2] V. Roungos, C. G. Aneziris, and H. Berek, "Novel Al2O3-C Refractories with Less Residual
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[3] V. Roungos, C. G. Aneziris, H. Berek, E. Skiera, and C. Thomser, "Advances of Nanoscaled
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