Digestion Skin Other Patterns PDF

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Dr Tan’s 8+1 Magical Points! Skin problems. Psoriasis!

Any digestion problems!!!! Jue Yin - Yang Ming + Tai Yin!

LI 4! Lu 7!
More focused on the digestive
Results from toxins in the body. The same
SJ5! Pe 6! track (mouth to anus) than LI ! Lu! for the skin problems). Needs Detox! For
He 5 whole meridian (Dr Tan’s 4
Magic Meridians). !
! Pe detox - Liv + Lu!
Sp 9!
Liv 8(T)
St 36! !
GB 34(T) Thyroid, morning sickness, Sp! St
Lung refers to skin; Liv is deeper, blood
pregnant nausea, IBS, Chron’s Liv Choose Ashi points from elbow and from
disease, stomach ulcer, hiatus hernia, weight knee.!
reduction, hangover, etc.!
For Chrone - alternate with Jue Yin - Yang Ming!
! Skin problems (another pattern)!
Tai Yang - Yang Ming + Jue Yin - Shao Yang!
For Diabetes - Sp / SJ balance + Lime water!
LI ! Lu!
Diet: Mung Beens (soup), Water melon juice,
Weight control Chrohn, IBS SJ Pe

SJ 2,3,10 Pe 9,5 LI 4 or LI 11 Pe 6 Sp! St !

green beens, snake soup.!

Liv GB
Sp 1,2,3,4,5 St 41 Liv 8 St 36,37,38
Tay Yang - Yang Ming
Water Metabolism. !
+ Heat Pattern
Earth over Water Digestion problems LI 3, 11 ! Lu 5, 9! !
SJ 2,3,10!
LI 1,2,4
Pe 9,6,5 SJ 1,4 Pe 6, 9
SI 8, 3 He 3, 7
Sp 1,2,3,4,9! St 41
Sp 1, 4 St 42, 45
Liv 3, 8!
Sp 3, 9
GB 34T, 41!
St 36, 43 !
Kid 2

Other Patterns

Constipation (for severe Constipation, Brain disorder,

12 Magical Points
constipation add St 36,37,38) Diarrhoea,
(V) for ANY cerebral palsy, post
Constipation Constipation digestion
western Heart stroke, epilepsy,
problems & HBP parkinson
SJ 5 Pe 6 SJ 5, 6 Pe 6 LI 11 P3
LI 3! Pc 6! Pe 6 or Pe 9! LI 3!
Sp 8 St 40 A Kid 6 St 37 K 10 St 45 SJ 3! Lu 8! Lu 7 or Lu 11! SJ 3!
SI 3 Ht 5 He 5 or He 9 SI 3
Heatus Kid 1! St 36! St 36! Liv 1!
Hernia Sp 1! Gb 34(T)! Bl 40! Sp 1!
Liv 1 Bl 40 GB 34 T Points for
SJ 5 Pe 6
Sp 9 St 36 tumor
Rheumatoid Athritis

LI 4! 1st joint of
SJ 3! fingers, Yin
SI 3 side

Kid 2,4,7! St 36!

Sp 6! Gb 34(T)!
Liv 4 Bl 40

Notes of Katia Fedotova, Lic Ac www.helianthusclinic.com

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