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This story is completely and utterly fictional. No one I know is depicted in this story,
and no one, living or dead, was used to create this story.

This is a gay, bxm, yaoi, whatever you call it, story. This story is meant for adults for
entertainment purposes only. If you are underage you do not have my consent to
read this story.

Speaking of adults, the youngest person in this story is 18 years old.


This story contains sexual acts between an 18 year old male and several older males
between the ages of 30 and 55.

Sexual acts are committed in full view of the boy's father and others with his
knowledge if not permission.

Now, if you still feel like reading on, enjoy, and leave a comment if you actually like it.

Table Of Contents

PART 01 0
PART 02 4
PART 03 8
PART 04 11
PART 05 15
PART 06 19
PART 07 23
PART 08 26
PART 09 32
PART 10 38
PART 11 46
PART 12 52
PART 13 58
PART 14 63
PART 15 68
PART 16 73
PART 17 78
PART 18 82
PART 19 87
PART 20 91
PART 21 99
PART 22 104
PART 23 108

I saw my Dad's car in the driveway and I was a little surprised to see that he was home before me, but
it has happened before so I wasn't stunned as I pulled my keys out of my backpack.

I didn't smell any food when I opened the door. That was a disappointment. Close to my Dad's job is
this great BBQ place. I love it when he brings food home from there.

"Dad?" I called out as I kicked my shoes off at the door and placed them next to his and my other set
of sneakers and our rain boots. I looked into the living room and he wasn't there watching tv. I peeked
into the kitchen anyway and he wasn't standing there doing something that didn't involve food. I
decided to just go up to my room and start my homework. I was actually going to take a nap when I
got home, but since Dad was already home, I might as well get it out of the way.

“I can’t wait to see my boy’s hole stretched open,” I heard my Dad say as I walked by his room on the
way to mine.

“Yeah, I’m sure he’ll be up for it. Just give me another week. He has vacation time coming up.” I
realized he was speaking to someone else. I peeked into his room and saw it flooded with daylight as
he laid on his bed and pulling down his joggers. He was hard. I licked my lips as I watched him grab it.

“No,” he said into his cell. “I’m bringing him by on the last day of school so he doesn’t have to worry
about going to school for a few days,” he explained to the person on the other end.

I watched as he bent his head back and started to rub one out slowly.

“No, I won’t be joining in. I’m just going to watch to make sure you bastards don’t take things too far,”
Dad said as he gripped the head of his cock hard for a moment before he started to stroke again.

“You have everything?” my Dad then asked as he took long strokes. “The condoms, lube, blood tests,
video recorder?” Was the list he asked about. “I mean it, if your guys aren’t tested and clean, they
aren’t coming near my boy,” he said a little loudly as he held his hand still on his cock and sat up a

A moment past before he slid back down into his previous position. They must have said something
that he was okay with.

“Naturally I want to see them before we arrive. You can drop them off at my office,” he told the other
person. “Yes, but I said more than four, but less than ten,” Dad clarified. Five to nine what? Guys?
Hours? Five to nine what?

“Yeah, that’s fine,” he then said as he closed his eyes and started to work his cock again.

“Got to go, Richard will be home soon, and I want to rub one out before he gets here,” Dad said before
ending the call and tossing his cell onto the bed.

“Oh, Richard,” he moaned. “I can’t wait to see you opened up and begging to be fucked harder,” he
said to himself as he started to fuck up into his hand. His hairy, strong legs made him look more
tempting than he had any right to be. That is when I realized that he had kicked off his joggers during
the call. I had been too focused on his cock to notice until now.

I stood there with my now present boner and watched as he got off from the thought of watching me
having sex. Once I saw him cover himself with cum and breathing hard enough for both of us, I quietly
walked back to the front door. I opened it as noiselessly as I could to slam it shut making him think
that I just here.

“Dad, I’m home! Are you here?” I shouted as I walked back into the house.

“Yeah, I’m here,” he answered back, not sounding fully recovered.

“Did you cook anything?” I asked as I walked past his room for my own. I only asked to sound normal
even though I knew the answer. If I was too quiet I knew he would suspect something.

“No, I ordered Italian. It should be here soon,” Dad told me as he poked his head out to look at me. His
joggers were back on. Of course.

“Okay,” I said before I turned back to my room.

“What? No kiss hello for your old man?” Dad asked as he stepped out into the hallway. I dropped my
bag and walked back towards him. It was a quick peck on the lips, and he patted my back as I walked

“School was good?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I told him. “It would be better without the homework,” I complained. “I can’t wait for spring
break,” I said and meant now that I knew about one of my upcoming activities.

An hour later, Dad insisted that I come out of my room to eat something. I heard when the delivery
guy came, but I really wanted to get as much of my homework finished as soon as possible.

We sat at the big island in the kitchen that came with a breakfast bar and had four tall backless bar
stools. Dad had waited for me, which was a little cool, but also something we always did. Breakfast
was eaten in a rush and mostly on the way to work or school. We were apart for lunch, but for dinner,
we always made sure to eat together.

“So, how was work today?” I asked him as I pulled one of the aluminum containers across the top of
the island to where I was now seated. I peeled back the edges to take out the paper lid while I waited
for Dad to answer.

“Still working on the South Creek Mall expansion. We’ve run into a few delays with material shipments
for a few of the subcontractors, but they swear that they will get them in time. So we moved up
another trade for one of the two buildings that is further along,” he explained. “You?” he then asked

“One guy fell down two flights of stairs. He was taken to the nurse’s office before the ambulance came
to get him. It was during fourth period,” I explained before I took a bite of the cheese-covered chicken.

“Did you know him?” Dad asked before he took a sip of his drink. I shook my head ‘No’ before I went
after some pasta. We ate in silence for a bit, then I drank from the cup that he had placed on the
counter for me.

“Sorry about Matt,” I said again. As I did, I made the connection between Matt and what I heard Dad
say earlier.

“It’s alright. Matt should pull out now than say he felt pressured later, right?” he asked me.

“Yeah, I guess,” I agreed. I almost said something that he told me never to talk about again. Dad had
made it very clear, and I understand his point. I really do. So I just ate as I thought about how I
believed I had solved that problem when I found Matt. I told Matt what he would be getting into if he
wanted to date me, and he seemed okay with it. At first.

I turned my head to look up Dad for a moment as I thought about how different this could have been.

“What?” he asks me as he catches me looking at him.

“Nothing,” I answered back before I started to eat again.


During the week that lead up to our trip, Dad didn't say a word about what we would be doing
together on our getaway other than letting me know where we would be staying and for how long.

It was a nice looking hotel from what I saw on their webpage. It even had two pools. One was outside
and buffered from the town it was located in by at least fifty feet of grass, hedges and tall evergreen
trees. The second pool was inside and on a lower level. It seemed to be part of a spa. Maybe I was
wrong and it was just a very large hot tub or heated pool.

There was a gift shop and restaurant on the first floor of this ten-story building. We were getting a
room on the fourth floor, but it was far cheaper than any suite located on the top floor never mind the

We weren't even going home on my last day of classes. The car had been packed a few days before
and Dad was picking me up after school for the three-hour drive there.

Most of my friends weren't going anywhere for the break and told me to send them pics. Cassy
wanted one of my Dad in a pair of swimming shorts. Any shot where he was mostly naked would do.
She wasn't picky. Cassy was half-joking at the time, but I thought that it was something that I would be
able to pull off when she brought it up.

The day has arrived. Dad reminded me that he was picking me up at four. My last class ended at three,
but he couldn't leave work any earlier. I told him that I hadn't forgotten as I rushed out the door to
catch the bus.

Some kids didn't even bother showing up, so most of the day was a very relaxed version of a normal
school day. So much so, we were allowed to work on our homework and ask the teachers for help and
explanations on the questions. So for most of the day, I just talked with my friends and finished up as
much of my homework as I could, when I wasn't talking with my friends.

When I waved my friends good-bye and sat down on the curb to wait for my Dad to show up, I
remembered the phone call. I hadn't been able or lucky enough to walk in on another one, so I didn't
know when I, we, would be seeing them. Did my Dad arrange a meet up that night? A few nights into
our vacation? I didn't know. For all I knew, my Dad could have called it off if he wasn't happy with
something about this get-together.

I opened my phone and saw notices of three people as they boasted about being on their way to the
airport. I then flipped to the game that I had started to play in one of my last classes. Four wins later I
looked up once again at the sound of a car coming up to the school. It was my Dad's car. I stood,
grabbed my bag, and got in.

"I hope you aren't too hungry," My Dad started. "To make good time, we are going to eat when we get
there," he tells me as I buckled myself in.

We got to the hotel around seven, and just dropped our stuff in the room before turning around and
heading to the restaurant downstairs. There was pasta, cheese, and meat in what I ate. It tasted great,
but I couldn't remember what it was called.

With a full belly, I was more than ready for bed as we made our way back up to our room. Dad used
the shower first and I looked at what I had packed, and just realizing what I had done. I only wore my
underwear to bed these days, so I didn't even think of packing a set of PJ's. I guess I could wear some
shorts over my underwear. By the time the shower was free, I had picked out my thinnest pair and
was waiting at the door.

I didn't waste any time and was out of the shower and dressed for bed in ten, fifteen minutes max.
When I got out, Dad was sitting up in bed, clicking through channels.

"I'm going to sleep," I told him even as I yawned.

"Ok, I'll keep the volume down," he said as I watched him lower the sound on the tv.

I walked over and gave him a quick kiss goodnight before laying on my own bed with my back to him.
Our suite came with two twin beds. Of course, it did. My Dad wouldn't have rented a room where we
would have to share a bed.

He would not touch me himself. At least, I hoped, until I was older. And by then, he said, he didn't
think it would be something that I would still want.

Neither of us would know until that time came. But right now, as I laid in bed, waiting to fall asleep, I
knew what we both wanted it at the moment.


A new day came with my Dad waking me up by brushing my hair away from my forehead. Why was he
doing that?

"Dad?" I asked in confusion as I looked at him.

"Time to wake up and get out to the beach before it gets too hot," he tells me.

"Ok," I start. "But why are you playing with my hair?" I asked him as I stayed where I was.

"Just me being old," he says with a small laugh before getting up. "I ordered breakfast," Dad told me
as he moved to sit in a chair and picked up his phone. "It should be here soon. Go wash your face and

brush your teeth," he tells me.

I rub my eyes as I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I walked straight to the toilet to pee, and
as I reached in to pull out my dick, I was confused when I felt more fabric for a moment before I
remembered that I wore two layers to bed last night.

So instead of gripping and pulling out my dick, I ended up giving myself a brief handjob through my
briefs. It didn't help that my dick was already hard. It was a part of my life now. I woke up every day
with wood. So with my other hand, I held the waistbands away from my body so I could pull out my
dick that was now more sensitive to anything that touched it. There was no way I was going to be able
to pee until I had taken care of it.

I leaned my free arm against the wall and laid my forehead against it as I started to jerk off while
aiming my dick down towards the toilet. I hadn't had sex yet, so I just remembered how I felt every
time I ever masturbated and added in the sounds and pictures from the recent porn material that I
had acquired. I stroked my dick as I imagined another cock sliding in and out of my ass.

I was never interested in feeling a body around my cock, but the thought of feeling one in my ass had
me on the verge of cumming. I bit my lower lip as I stroked faster. Almost...

"Richard," my Dad called, and I came, and I came hard. I was up on my toes as I went taut from the
force my body used to ejaculate the cum from my body. My heart was beating hard in my chest as I
tried to understand how it went from feeling really good to something just on the other side of great.

"Richard," my Dad called again. "Are you ok in there?" he asked without coming into the room.

"Yeah," I said with a very odd voice. I swallowed what I could before I tried again. "Yeah. I'll be out in a
minute," I answered back as I looked down at what I had done. It wasn't that messy. Most got into the
bowl, but there were a few lines of cum on the tank and across the seat.

Once my feet were steady, I peed, cleaned up my mess, and moved to wash my hands. After that, I
washed my face and brushed my teeth as my Dad asked. A few minutes later, I was walking out to find
the table set with a delicious looking breakfast. My Dad was enjoying his share as I took my seat across
from him.

"Is everything ok?" he asked me. "You took a while," Dad commented before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Everything is fine," I told him. "I just had to use the toilet is all," I said as I picked up my fork. We ate
in silence as I enjoyed my plate of waffles and scrambled eggs.

"So we are going to be beach bums today?" I asked Dad before refilling my glass of orange juice.

"For a few hours. Sure," he said.

"Then?" I asked.

"Then we meet up with some friends," he casually mentions. The fork stopped partway from my plate
to my mouth. I looked over at my Dad, and in my head, I saw him sitting ringside as he watched me
lose my virginity. Repeatedly. Can you lose your virginity more than once?


I succeeded in making myself forget about meeting up with my Dad's friends until we were walking up
the steps into the hotel again. We spent a few hours laying around on the beach before we grabbed
something to eat from a food truck and heading back.

The ride to the hotel didn't seem to take as long as it did to get to the beach. I enjoyed the view from
the car as our route hugged the coast even if most of it was cliffs before we pulled into the town
where our hotel was.

I watched as Dad opened the door to our suite and walked inside. I didn't hear him talking to anyone,
and there was no hint that anyone was there. I shook my head slightly as I now walked inside. How
would they be our room? I realized. They would have to meet us here to get inside.

I walked right into the bathroom to use the toilet, dropping my phone and beach towel on my bed on
the way there. I was washing my hands when the thought occurred to me that I should be taking a full

"I'm going to take a shower," I shouted out to my Dad.

"Ok," was all he said.

I took my time. I washed all over and hoped I didn't leave any soap behind after I tried to wash my
butt out a few times. I even washed my hair with the small bottles of shampoo and conditioner that I
found in there last night.

I was standing over the sink with a towel wrapped around my waist as I brushed my teeth when I
heard the doorbell ring. They were here. I finished up then wondered what to do next. Did I get
redressed in my swimming shorts? Did I go out there just wrapped in the towel? What was I suppose
to do?

"Richard, my friends are here," Dad said through the door.

"I don't have any clothes," I answered him as I stood in the middle of the bathroom waiting for his

"It's ok. You don't really need them," he told me. That sent a weird shiver down my spine. I shook
some of the lingering water droplets out of my hair as I walked over to the door and looked out as I
opened it.

There was Dad, and behind him were five other guys. They weren't all the same age. For some reason,

I thought that they would be. I was eighteen, finishing up my senior year, and the youngest guy there
looked to be at least five years older than me. The oldest one seemed to have about ten years on my

"Hi," I said as I left the door open and looked at each of them.

"Come on out, and I'll introduce you," my Dad said as he placed an arm around my shoulder as he
slightly pulled me into the room and walked me around to make introductions.

I shook hands with all of them: Sam, Kent, Jimmy, Alic, and last but not least, Robin. There was an
awkward moment before my Dad asked if anyone wanted something to drink. Just about everyone
said yes and moved to follow him. Jimmy then walks over to me with a smile, and I thought he was
going to say or ask me something. But instead, he reaches for my bare waist and pulls me to him for a
kiss. I was too shocked to do anything for a minute, and then I remembered why they were here. Until
they provided a reason, I wasn't against this happening.

My Dad, I noted somewhere in the back of my mind, didn't pull him off me. He stood there, waiting to
see if I was willing to go along with it or not. I wrapped my arms around Jimmy, a little awkwardly, I
think, as I kissed him back.

I mentioned before that I was a virgin right. Well, I'm really a virgin. I hadn't kissed or anything. This
wasn't the same kind of kiss I gave my Dad. This was the kind of kiss you saw lovers share. I at least
hope I made it look that good. I was excited and nervous, and it was doing a number on my stomach. I
pulled back, but I didn't let him go. We just watched each other as I got my breath back.

"Alic, why don't you set up. I have drinks for the rest of you," I heard my Dad say before Jimmy kissed
me again. I'm going to guess that Jimmy was forty-five. He had light sand-colored hair, and he looked
in shape without looking like he was trying to be. I moaned into his mouth before he did the same to

They must have all been watching us as we continued to make out. But there was no way that they
wouldn't have been looking at us once Jimmy pulled the towel from my waist to have me standing
there naked. Jimmy ended the kiss and stepped back to give me a once over. I took the time to look at
all of them again. Alic was leaning against the wall, Kent was sitting on the couch, and Robin was
standing the closest to us. Sam had turned the other chair around to sit on it backwards as he faced us
and the show we were putting on for them. My Dad was sitting next to the door. Just to the right and
in front of him was the video recorder that I heard him talking to Alic about.

It was back there close to him, for the same reason he was back there too. To see and capture
everything. My attention was caught by Jimmy again as he began to strip. It was a warm day, so he
didn't have a lot to get rid of. A striped tee-shirt, some light-colored cargo shorts, logo covered boxer-
briefs and his sandals.

When he moved back in for another kiss, I gasped into his mouth as his hand grabbed my ass. He

pushed his cock into mine, and I believed that we were going to froth our way to my first assisted
orgasm. I was proven wrong when I felt his fingers as he wrapped them around my hard dick. He
pressed his own into the top of my thigh and was dry humping me as he gave me a handjob.

We weren't kissing at this point and but were holding each other close as he continued to stimulate
me and rub his now wet cock into my thigh. I felt as some of his pre-cum dripped down my leg and
that had me wetting his hand and giving him something to make his handjob go a bit smoother. I
shivered at his first slick stroke.

My arms were wrapped around his shoulders as I started to jerk into his hand. I felt his lips on my neck
and everywhere connected to it as I looked over his shoulder at my Dad.

He just sat there looking at us as he drank whatever it was he was drinking. As my eyes darted around
before settling on him again, I saw that they displayed more interest in what was happening to me
than he was.

But I also knew that it wasn't entirely true. Not after what I heard of that phone call he had with one
of these guys. He just learned to hide it better, but he was thinking what they were all thinking.

How did the weight of my body feel next to theirs? How my trembling body, wrapped in their arms,
would push them faster to cumming. My breath hot and skimming over their skin, something that was
only in their dreams, was now so real.

I locked my eyes with my Dad's as my body moved up onto its toes as I came close to orgasming.

"Let it out," Jimmy whispered into my ear as he held my cock tighter and yanked the cum out of me.
"You know you want to say it," he grunted a little before I felt him emptying his balls onto my legs.

"Daddy!" I shouted as I came.


As I gasped for breath I turned my head to see the clock on the nightstand telling me how late it was.
It was just past eleven o'clock and Alic was the last of the guys still in our room.

"See you tomorrow," he told me before kissing my ear and then pulling his cock from my well used
and raw ass. I was asleep before I heard the door opening, never mind closing behind him.

I was so tired that I didn't dream at all. I woke up a little stiff and sore but amazed that it was already
morning. The sun was up and shining through the curtains of the one window we had in the room and
the clock confirmed that it was almost noon. Dad wasn't there when I looked around and then slowly
made my way to the bathroom. I stood over the toilet and stared down to see that I was still naked,
and my morning wood didn't seem to remember what happened over eleven hours ago, or it just
didn't care.

But as I tried to jerk off so I could pee, I did care. I was still sore. The pain helped put things into
perspective for my body, and my erection died enough for me to empty my bladder. I was going to
have to tell my Dad that I couldn't see them tonight, I realized as I washed my hands.

I was disappointed with either myself or the situation I found myself in. It might have been both. Even
as I was falling asleep last night, I was rather happy when Alic said that they were coming back. But it
wasn't just my dick that was sore. Now that I've applied movement and some additional pressure to
other parts of my body, I was feeling pain everywhere.

As I made my way back to the bed, I replayed how Robin had me sitting back on his face as he ate me
out. He had wanted me to suck on his cock at the same time. And I managed to a little, but between
worrying about him being able to breathe and being distracted by how good he was making me feel, I
ended up giving him a lazy handjob until I came. Once I caught my breath, I tried to suck him off like
Kent did to me.

My stomach grumbled loudly as I laid on the bed. I so needed to eat something. I winced a little as I
tugged at several body parts to pull myself up and out of the bed again. I then proceeded to walk
across the room for the phone. Why on earth do they have a stationary landline? I asked myself as I
moved forward in pain.

I was going to order my typical breakfast of eggs and waffles, but when they started to ask what kind I
got slightly different versions than I was use to having and I was informed that it came with a side of
fruit salad. I didn't care. By the time I hung up the phone my belly was asking me why the food wasn't
here yet.

I saw the bed and almost thought about collapsing into the chair next to me, but I knew that was just

more painful than relaxing. With focus, I slowly moved back to the soft bed I kept in my sights. I
happily laid back onto the bed in a more comfortable position before I thought about looking around
the room again.

This is the moment that I noticed that there was a glass of water and a bottle of Advil on the side table
just to the left of the clock. I had to tilt my head back to see it this time. I pulled myself into a sitting
position and saw a piece of paper under the Advil with part of my name written on it. Rich. Dad left
me a note.

Only take two. If you are still not feeling better, call me.

Speaking of my phone, I started to look around for it as I tried to remember where I last had it. I was
lifting my body off from the bed when I was reminded of why I was holding a bottle of pills. I got two
out and took a sip of water to get them down. Then I slowly stood to look around the room as I tried
to remember. Did I take it to the beach with me? I walked into the bathroom to see if I left them in my
shorts. I did. While I was there, I gathered up the clothes and placed them in the bag we had brought
along to hold what needed to be washed when we got back.

I was checking my notifications as I walked back to the bed when I heard a knock at the door. Cole,
one of my friends from school, had sent me a video of his dog as it barked at fish that kept jumping
out of the lake that they were on. I was laughing as he tried to catch one with his mouth when I
opened the door.

At that moment, two things happened to remind me that I was standing there naked. One, the colder
breeze that was in the hallway as it rushed past me into the room, and two, the attendant's eyes as
they grew large when he saw me.

"I'm Sorry!" I shouted as I shut the door in his face. I was embarrassed and turned on at the same
time. He already thought that something was wrong with me for opening the door naked. I didn't
need for him to see me get an erection too as he looked at me.

"I'll just leave the cart here," he told me through the door.

"Thanks," I answered back. I waited two full minutes before I slowly opened the door and then pulled
the cart inside once I saw that no one was around. I liked them: the waffles and eggs and even the
fruit. I didn't think I was going to be able to eat everything once I saw how much was one the table,
but I ate around and got to eat a good chunk of everything.

I was thinking of crawling back into bed again when my phone dinged from its place on the table to
tell me that it was low on power. I retrieved my plug and cord and was on my knees, plugging
everything into the wall next to my bed when I heard the door open. Before I could say anything, I
heard my Dad's voice.

"Richard? Where are you?" he asked as I kinda heard him coming closer. I almost had it in. The stupid

plug wasn't behind the nightstand but behind the bed.

"Richard? What are you doing?" he asked this time. I still hadn't said but now let out a grunt as I finally
got everything in. Then I realized the position that he just found me in. I quickly got up and turned to
face him. Before answering his question, I realized that I should really get dressed.

"I'll just go get dressed," I said as I started to leave. But Dad held his hand up to stop me.

"No need," he said as he cleared his voice and took a small step back. "What were you doing down
there? Did you drop something?" Dad asked as he finally pulled his eyes off me and looked at where I
kind of crawled out from. I held up the other end of my cable to show him.

"I was going to charge my phone. It's low on power," I explained. Dad nodded his head before he
turned and walked over to the cart holding the last bits of my meal.

"Feeling better?" he asked me. "Did the pills help?" Dad added on. I thought about it. I hadn't realized
it, but I did feel better. I still wanted to go back to sleep, but I felt better.

"Yeah," I answered. "Thanks for the Advil," I told him.

"You're welcome," he said as he pulled my chair back to the table before picking up a piece of
cantaloupe from the bowl that held my fruit salad.

"Ahm, Dad," I started.

"Yeah?" he asked back as he now settled into my seat.

"I like the guys, and I want to see them tonight, but I don't think I can do anything with them, not like
last night. I'm still tired," I added on. In my head, it didn't sound that weak, but I already said it. I felt
self-conscious as I stood there even if his back was to me. I don't think I've been naked in the same
room with my Dad, other than last night, since I was like ten.

I plugged my phone in, laid it on the nightstand, and for the first time, slid between the sheets on my
bed. They actually felt cool against my skin.

"They'll be happy to hear that you want to see them again, and you will tonight," Dad said as he cut
into my last waffle. I opened my mouth to tell him that I was too sore for sex when he continued.

"That movie that you wanted to see is playing and I thought that we could all go watch it and have
dinner afterwards," he told me. So no sex? He then laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked him. The only movie I could think of was a sci-fi flick.

"Just that it's a little backwards," he said before taking a bite. After a few chews, he answered my

unasked question. "Normally it's a movie and dinner first."



I slept until my Dad woke me about four hours later.

"Time to wake up. We're meeting the guys in an hour and a half downstairs. Go take a shower," he
tells me as he moves to slip into his sandals.

"You're already dressed?" I asked him as I sat up in bed. Dad was wearing a green crewneck tee under
a button-down short-sleeve shirt that was navy blue with the white outline of lobsters all over it. He
wore khaki shorts and was now bending over as he adjusted his sandals.

"I've been up for a while, and I'm going to meet Alic and Kent for a drink before the others show up,"
Dad tells me as he now stands upright.

"Ok," I say as I think for second before flipping the sheet off and heading into the bathroom buck
naked. I was still too asleep to care if he looked at my ass as I walked away.

"Don't forget your phone," my Dad shouted to me before I heard the door close behind him.

"Yeah, yeah," I mumbled into the empty bathroom where the afternoon light filled the whole space.
Less than an hour later, I was downstairs looking around the lobby for my Dad when it occurred to me
that he might still be in the bar. I was pulling my cell from a pocket to call him, since I knew they
wouldn't let me in there, when I heard a familiar voice.

"Richard," Sam called out. I turned around to see him and Robin walking in my direction.

"You look good," Robin told me as he gave me a once over as we stood there. I knew I was blushing as
Sam started to speak again.

"You feeling ok?" he asked me as his eyes also moved up and down my body. I was wearing white
cargo shorts, a white Tommy designed tee, and flip flops. I didn't have much to pick from, and I just
hoped that the movie theater wasn't too cold.

"A little sore, but the Advil is helping," I confessed.

"Where's Trever?" Robin asked as he looked around the lobby.

"I think Dad's still at the bar with Kent and Alic," I told them. "I was just about to call him to say I was
ready," I said even as I turned to look at where the bar was even though I couldn't see it.

"It's alright. I'll go get them," Robin told me as he rubbed my shoulder before walking away.

"Want to sit?" Sam asked. I shrugged my shoulders, and he led us over to the closest sitting area
where there were a few brightly colored and comfy looking chairs. We sat there for a moment before I
decided to ask him a few questions. After all, we didn't get to do much talking last night.

"So, how old are you?" I asked. It was a question that I wanted to know the answer to, but as I said it, I
realized I might have wanted to ask another question to begin with.

"I was betting on you asking me where I was from first," Sam said with a smile.

"Sorry," I apologized.

"No worries. It's still an expected question," he told me. "I'm thirty-eight. Do you really care?" Sam
asked. "You didn't seem to last night," he told me.

"No," I answered as I shook my head. "I just wanted to know," I told him.

"Do you want to know everyone else's age?" Sam asked me.

"Sure," I told him. As it turns out, Robin was forty-nine. Alic was twenty-five. Kent was thirty-two and
Jimmy was the oldest at fifty-one. "I thought that Robin was the oldest," I admitted to Sam.

"He does look it doesn't he," Sam agreed with a smile and warmth in his clear brown eyes. "Any other
questions?" he asked me. I had nothing but questions, so it didn't take me long to pull out another to
ask him.

"How did you meet my Dad? No offense, but I didn't hear of you, any of you, until yesterday. At least
not by name. So you couldn't have been friends with my Dad for long," I explained.

Sam smiled at me for a moment as he took in all that I said. He was probably wondering what he could
tell me.

"Your Dad joined our online group a few weeks ago. More like two months really," he started. "We all
share similar interests." And that was where Sam ended it. If I wanted to know details, I guess I would
have to press him or Dad for those answers. But I think I knew, or at least I could guess what he was
talking about.

We heard a deep laugh and looked up to see everyone else walking towards us. Even Jimmy who must
have been in the bar with Dad and the others.

"So what is this movie that we are going to see again?" Jimmy asked when his eyes landed on me as
they got close enough.

"I think," I said before turning to look at my Dad. "We are going to see Godzilla: King of the

Monsters?" I couldn't end that statement without making it sound like a question.

"Indeed," Dad answered before he reached into his pocket to pull out his phone to show me that he
already paid for the tickets.

"Cool," I answered. We divided ourselves between two cars and drove quietly the two miles to where
the movie was showing. We walked in as a group and made a beeline to the concession stand to get
popcorn and drinks. We were a little surprised that the place didn't have more people there when
there was next to wait time to get our slightly large order and only saw about five other people
around not counting staff.

"I thought there would be more people here," I said before taking a sip of my lime soda.

"It's a weeknight," Alic said.

"More people will be here for the later showing," Jimmy added in.

Dad said something about how he didn't want to keep me out too late, and that we still had dinner

We stood in line as Dad flashed his digital tickets and we were counted off and directed to theater
number five to see Godzilla: King of Monsters. We were soon settled in and waiting for the movie to
start. You might be thinking that I sat next to my Dad, but I didn't. I was seated between Jimmy and
Robin. I didn't believe it was planned that way until after the movie had started and Robin leaned over
during a slow moment to whisper into my ear.

"You can touch us if you want to," he said with his breath heating my skin like it did last night. "Your
Dad said that we couldn't touch you, but nothing's stopping you from doing what you want to us,"
Robin told me before he settled into his seat again. I looked to either side of me as I tried to make out
there faces in the dark. All of them, even Robin, were looking dead ahead.

It was up to me if I wanted to do anything at all. Did that include kissing? Kissing wasn't very taxing.
But I think they were thinking of something else. Besides, I actually wanted to see this movie. Perhaps
some light rubbing? That should be ok. I could tease them all, and they could pay me back tomorrow?

That sent a chill through me, and it had nothing to do with the air conditioning. Fingers that were
itching since Robin whispered to me moved over to the front of Jimmy's pants, and I just left my hand
there. I scratched a little at the fabric, but only for a few seconds. Then I would do nothing. Rubbed my
hand over his crotch four times then stopped once more. When the movie surprised me, I grabbed his
cock hard without thinking, then relaxed my grip again. I felt how hard he was and moved my hand
back to the armrest between us. Then I gave Robin some attention along the same lines. I treated his
cock like it was part of my own body.

A rub here, a scratch there. I think I even palmed him twice while spacing them out at irregular

intervals. When I felt Robin starting to rock against my hand, I knew I had gone too far without
realizing it. I pulled my hand away and worked on Jimmy again. I stopped a little sooner with Jimmy
and moved back to Robin, just to make it even.

I stopped playing with Robin and Jimmy to quit torturing them and allowed all of us to watch and
enjoy the rest of the movie. I was able to eat half of my popcorn that was accompanied by all of my
soda by the time the movie was over.


"Are you even hungry?" Dad asked me as we left theater five.

"Not as much as before, but I wouldn't mind some fries at least," I answered him as Alic bumped my

"I'm going to need a little more than that," Jimmy said as he spoke up.

"I'll have to agree with Jimmy. I'm famished," Kent chimed in with.

"I think I saw a 'Five Guys' on the drive here," Sam suggested. "What about you, Robin?" he asked the
man next to him.

"Sure," he answered. Robin's eyes kept straying in my direction, which I guess was to be expected
considering what I had done to him less than an hour ago.

"Five Guys' it is then," my Dad announced before turning a corner and leading us out of the building.
Without discussing it, we split up as we got back into the cars. Other than the drivers, everyone else
had swapped cars.

I sat in the back seat with Alic while Sam rode shotgun with Kent. I watched as the sun finish setting as
we followed the other car onto the highway. After a few minutes, I turned to look to Alic and
wondered why he was there.

"What?" he asked me when he looked in my direction and saw me still looking at him from the last
time he glanced my way.

"I don't understand why you're here," I told him.

"What do you mean?" Alic asked as he turned a little towards me. The car paused at a red light and I
looked at the others as they faced forward with the light from other cars and the red from the
stoplight filling the car a little as we got off the highway.

"I'm not sure what kind of online club you guys are from, but it has to do with dads and sons or just
older and younger men. Or just forbidden gay relationship in general," I said more to the car than just

"Something like that. Kind of," Alic told me.

"So I'm thinking you're kinda young for your part in all of this," I said. "Because if it's an older/younger

thing, aren't you ...?" I stopped without finishing my sentence.

"Well," Alic said as he scratched the side of his face.

"I think I'm lost," Kent told us as he stopped at another red light.

"I'll call my Dad for the address," I told him as I moved to get my phone.

"Don't bother, I'm already looking up the address on my phone," Sam said with his head now bent
over his cell. I was putting mine back when Alic's phone rang.

"Yeah," he answered. "Yeah, we lost you, but Sam's looking for the address now in his GPS." He went
quiet again. "Ok," Alic then answered before lowering the phone from his ear. "They want to know
what to order for us," he said.

"I just want some fries," I said before adding. "Regular size of the cajun style and a milkshake," I
ended. He repeated it into the phone before turning to the two guys upfront. Sam ordered the veggie
sandwich with regular normal fries and lemonade while Kent asked for a cheeseburger with regular
cajun style fries like me. He almost forgot to ask for a drink but got his request in for a 7up before Alic
said what he wanted. I didn't quite hear what it was since I was holding on to the handle next to the
door as Kent took a U-turn that Sam was arguing with him over taking to get us to my Dad and the
other guys.

"You are kinda right," Alic said about a minute later.

"About what?" I asked him as I turned my attention from a large, lit up, old house, with a swing
attached to a big tree that was off to the side.

"My age. It is a little odd for this," he explained. "But for optics and to put you at ease a little, they
asked me to come along," Alic clarified.

"Optics?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said with a shrug. "It would look better if you were seen hanging out with a bunch of guys
of different ages and having one kinda close to your age, than just you and a bunch of older guys," Alic
said with a smile. "You looking all cute would just have the cops watching them all the time," Alic said
as he raised a hand and touched my chin. I was smiling at him when he pulled his hand away.

"Sorry," Alic said as he looked sorry, for touching me. "I forgot, no touching," he explained.

"Unless I want to," I told him as I reached across the space between us and pulled at the front of his
shirt. I kissed him and there was no delay in him kissing me back. Alic pulled me closer, and our hands
gripped and moved around but we never went lower than the other person's waist. I don't know how
long it lasted for, but just as I thought about maybe really pressing my crotch into his, I heard someone

speak, which got us to stop.

"As much as I would love to sit here and join Kent in rubbing one off while watching you two, the
other guys are waiting for us inside," Sam told us.

"You are a mean man," Kent told Sam as I watched him pull up his boxers and started to fix his fly. I
licked my lips at remembering the feel of that cock in my mouth that was now hidden from me before
turning to look at Alic again as I felt his hand rubbing my back.

"You can kiss me goodnight later," Alic said as I felt him give up on the idea of doing anymore at the
moment. I nodded in agreement before we moved to get out of the car. The fresh air helped to clear
my head. When we stepped into the eatery, it wasn't hard to find my Dad and the others. They were
the only ones sitting down. The place was either closing soon or we were there during a lug in

"Just in time," Jimmy said as he started to unwrap his burger. They had pushed two tables together
along the wall so there was space for all of us to sit together. Now my Dad sat on my left with Kent on
the other side.

As we ate, we talked about Kent's driving. The movie. A little bit about everyone's job, and the good
bits about high school as far as I saw them. It tuned out that they, Five Guys', was closing down. We
were in there talking for over an hour and now it was time to leave because they were starting to
clean down the tables and mop the floors.

In the parking lot, I got back into Kent's car and waited to see who was going to join us. I was
pleasantly surprised that it was Alic that got into the back seat with me and that Sam was once again
joining us in the front seat.

"I'm setting up the GPS for you now Kent," Sam told him as he started the engine. I heard Kent say
something back at Sam, but I didn't catch it since my mind was already somewhere else as I slid closer
to Alic to continue what I had started earlier.

"I think that I'm going to get a jump on those goodnight kisses," I told him before I went in. I don't
know how, but I was able to register when the car pulled over and came to a stop this time. I looked
over Alic's shoulder to see where we were, and Alic started to kiss down my neck. My eyes closed a
little as I'm sure I felt Alic give me a hickey.

"My turn," Sam said as he opened Alic's car door and leaned in to look at us. We were still wrapped in
each other's arms as we both now looked at him. "Didn't you say that you were going to kiss all of us
goodnight?" he asked me as he leaned a little against the car.

"Yes, I did," I told him before looking at Alic again.

"Guess I don't have to walk you to my room now," Alic told me.

I nodded my head before pulling back and giving him room to get out. Sam soon took his place and
when Alic had closed his door Kent took off once again. Sam was strong and it made me wish that I
hadn't asked for the night off. I wanted to feel his hands lower on my body. Jerking me off as we kissed
or stretching my hole as he sucked on my chest. I had just started to hump his thigh when the car
stopped again.

I pushed myself away from him, breathing hard, as I waited for Kent to now take Sam's place. I kept
Kent at arm's length until my heart wasn't pounding wildly in my chest anymore and could make me
do something I was going to regret later.

He laid his hand over mine and moved it up my arm. I was leaning in as his fingers made their way up
to my jaw and the back of my neck. When we did kiss, it didn't escalate like I half feared and half
wanted. Kent was keeping it sweet and as he slowly licked and sucked on my lips. I was now enjoying
just kissing again until we pulled up in front of our hotel.


"We're here," Alic said as the car took a turn and the inside of the vehicle lit up from the lights
surrounding the hotel. It was easier to let Kent go, but that didn't mean that I wanted to. We got out
of the car and waited for the valet to get in before we walked into the foyer. I saw my Dad standing
with the others as they waited for us.

"So we'll see you tomorrow then?" Kent said first.

"Yeah," I agreed. "Tomorrow," I stated again before Sam stepped up and hugged me.

"Later," he said as he dropped his arms. Then it was Kent's and lastly Alic's turn. Each hug was short
before they left as a group to go to their rooms or room. I hadn't a clue what their sleeping
arrangement was. I just knew they headed to another bank of elevators while I turned to walk towards
the others and the elevator they were standing in front of.

"Where are they going?" Robin asked as he looked at the other guys walking away.

"We already said our good-byes, so they're going to their rooms," I said as I got closer. The elevator
opened before I came to a stop, so I just walked right in and held the door open for them. "Or did you
want them to say good-night to you too?" I asked as I waited for them.

They looked at each other and Dad shook his head before they walked into the elevator.

"So you said good-night already to the other guys?" Robin asked once the doors were closed.

"Yeah," I answered as I glanced at my Dad for a second. "We just kissed," I added on when I saw the
questioning look in his eyes.

"Are we all going to get a kiss tonight?" Jimmy asked.

"I thought so," I answered. The guys then turned to look at my Dad.

"Kissing is fine," he said as he turned to look at the doors. A second later they opened onto our floor.
Jimmy and Robin walked with us down the dark-colored carpet to our room. I barely got one of my
shoes off before Jimmy pulled me against his chest and lips. He pushed me back against a wall as we
swapped spit. I was starting to learn that Jimmy was a wet kisser.

"I've been waiting for this all night," he commented as he took a moment.

"I'm sorry about what happened at the movies," I told him as I went back in to continue the kiss.

"Really?" he asked as he pulled back a little stopping me from reaching my target.

"Well, it was a little unfair what I did to you and Robin considering you guys couldn't touch back and I
did leave you kinda hanging," I admitted.

"Well, we get to touch back now, so no hard feelings," he said before kissing me again as his hands
grabbed my ass and pulled me into his grinding crotch.

"Just kissing," I kinda heard my Dad say as I wrapped my arms around Jimmy's neck.

"I ain't stripping the boy," Jimmy said quickly over his shoulder before he pressed his lips back to mine.
I wasn't sure how I felt about that, or if he was lying to my Dad, but I was pretty sure that what almost
happened to me in the car was going to happen here.

My upper back was pressed up against the wall as we kissed hard and Jimmy's hands, with a firm hold
on my ass, held my crotch over his thigh and wedged my thigh between his legs. He was going to
hump us into an orgasm and I wasn't going to be the one to stop him.

A deep moan left my chest and moved into his mouth as I felt my climax coming. I wrapped one leg
around him as my hips moved faster. Jimmy broke away from my lips to kiss, suck and lick my neck as
he pulled our bodies together harder. I tightened my arms around him as my body shook.

"Yes! Ahh, Fuck!" I screamed out as I came fully dressed. My hard cock was crammed up against
Jimmy in my tight underwear under my shorts. My heart was going a mile a minute and I was
somehow aware that Jimmy must have cum too since we were now standing still.

When I could see the rest of the room again, I saw Robin as he jerked himself off watching us. There
wasn't much light and the window seemed to let more darkness into the room somehow, but I was
able to see him clearly. He was standing in the middle of the room with his pants down around his
ankles. His underwear was pulled down to below his balls as his hands moved fast over his cock. I
watched his body shake as I made my way up to his face. As I locked eyes with him he came, shooting
longs lines of jizz across the carpet.

As I remembered about my Dad, I looked around for him but he was nowhere to be seen. Then I
realized that some of the light was coming from the bathroom. He must have been in there. I
wondered if I would be able to suck Robin off before my Dad came back out, but that idea was killed
as he walked back into the room at that moment.

"Your turn," I told Robin as Jimmy freed me from his grasp and stepped aside. Robin looked at my Dad
for a second as he tucked his cock back in and pulling up his pants before walking towards me. It was a
nice lazy kiss that I just hung out in until he ended it.

I was in a comfortable afterglow of a dying haze as I said goodnight to Jimmy and Robin at the door. I

turned around and saw my Dad turning on the tv in the still mostly dark room. He was flipping
through what few channels came with the room as he looked for something. I walked over and gave
him our normal quick peck of a kiss.

"Night Dad," I told him.

"Night Richard," he said in response. "Take a shower," he quickly added on.

"Of course Dad," I answered back as I started to strip on my way to the bathroom. As I pulled off my
pants I saw they hadn't gotten wet from my cum. So I tossed them to one side before walking into the
shower with my underwear on. Once the temperature was right, I stood under the flow of water for a
while as my whole body and my briefs got completely soaked.

It had been a great night. I felt up two guys in public. I almost had sex in a car and I was humped to an
orgasm while dressed. I watched a great movie and made out with five guys in one night. Great night. I
was ready for bed and I knew what I was going to be dreaming about while I slept.

I peeled the briefs off my body and washed them out before hanging them over the shower rod. I
finished up my shower and found myself feeling very tired as I turned to brush my teeth. I was dry,
with clean teeth, as I sleepily walked naked to my bed.

Dad said something about the tv, but I didn't say anything back as I crawled under the covers. I knew I
was asleep within moments of closing my eyes and laying still.


Something was touching my face. I turned away before raising my hand to swat at it for good measure.
I came in contact with someone's hand. At first, I thought that it was Dad's. He would just say
something silly if I let him know he woke me up, so I didn't say anything and waited for him to stop on
his own.

"Time to wake up Richard," he said. It wasn't my Dad's voice. My eyes shot open and I turned to face
them. It was Alic. He was sitting on the side of the bed looking down at me.

"Alic?" I asked. "What are you doing here?" I looked around and saw that we were alone. "What's
going on?" I asked as I sat up and looked at him again. This wasn't the way it was suppose to be.

"I got breakfast waiting for you," Alic said as he continued to smile down at me. I looked around again
and this time I noticed the food on the table. I got out of bed and started to walk to the table when I
felt his eyes on me. Then I remembered that I went to bed naked. I didn't expect anyone else to be
here when I woke up, but as odd as this felt, he had already seen me naked. I turned around to see if I
was right or just projecting. I was right. Alic was sitting in the same spot looking at me as I stood away
from him and the bed I was just in. At this point, I felt an itch on my left side and scratched it causing
me to feel even more naked as Alic's eyes followed my fingers.

"Do you want me to put something on?" I asked Alic as he went back to looking me up and down.
Mostly down.

"Up to you," he said as he came closer to pull me into his arms. "But I would like it if you stayed naked
for the hour I was with you," Alic said before he kissed me.

I kissed him back enjoying how our lips felt together and the way he gripped me and not processing
what he just said until I had pulled away and I was seated at the table.

"What hour?" I asked him as he lifted the domes off the plate of eggs and waffles. I was starting to just
want a bowl of cereal, but I dug in anyway. Just one more day to go after all.

"Plans changed," Alic said before he started to eat. His mouth was clear when he talked again. "Your
dad decided that as much fun the full-on gang bang was, it took a lot out of you. So we drew straws
and I got the longest and the first hour alone with you," Alic explained before he bit into his sausage. I
reached for my orange juice and took a sip before saying anything myself.

"So every hour you guys are going to switch out on me?" I asked before cutting into what turned out
to be banana nut bread waffles and the eggs had concealed a small hill of veggies under it. This
provided renewed interest for me in my meal.

"Kinda," Alic answered. "I being the first," he stopped to grin at me. "Will be with you for an hour. We
can do whatever we want, then you get an hour by yourself, and then the next guy shows up. I don't
even know who that will be," he told me honestly before taking a sip of his coffee.

"When do I get to see my Dad?" I asked him after I made it halfway through my eggs.

"He can be here whenever you want. Just call him," Alic said as he wiped up the yoke of his runny eggs
with some whole wheat toast.

"Has your hour already started?" I asked him once we were both done eating and sitting back in our
chairs drinking water, or what was left of the orange juice or his coffee.

"No, not yet. Your Dad said that you had to wake up and eat first." Alic then looked a little worried.
"Sorry for waking you," he said as he placed his cup down on the table.

"No, it's not that early," I told him as I turned to look at a clock.

"It's nine sixteen," Alic informed me as he looked up from his watch. He actually wore a watch.

"See," I said with a laugh. "It's not that early at all," I told him again. Then I felt stuck. What do I do
now? "I'll be right back," I told him as I got up and went to the bathroom completely aware that he
was looking at my back and ass the whole time.

I felt like putting something on, but I also knew that there was no real point in doing that. I didn't think
I needed to take a shower since I took one before going to bed. But I had to brush my teeth. So I did
that. I used mouthwash and brushed for over two minutes. Before leaving the bathroom I felt like
peeing, then I just gave up and took a quick shower.

When I walked out, I had a towel wrapped around my waist as I dried my hair with another. When I
looked up I saw Alic typing on his phone before I heard the sound of a text being sent. He then looked
up at me with a smile on his face.

"I was just letting your Dad know that I did let you eat and that my hour is now starting," Alic stated as
he placed his phone on the empty table and reached for the bottom of his shirt to pull it over his
head. I finished drying my hair as I watched him getting undressed.

I kinda knew what he looked like, but with all five of them going at me the other night things might
have gotten a bit blurred. Alic was just a little taller than me, but considering I was five feet eleven
inches tall, most of the guys were. When he stepped out of his shorts I saw that he went commando.

"It's not like I needed underwear to walk down the hall," Alic said when he saw the surprised look on
my face.

"Your room is on this floor?" I asked since I was paying attention at the moment. I lowered my hands
from my mostly dried hair as Alic now walked towards me.

"Figure of speech," Alic said with a smile. "I'm one floor down by the way," he decided to tell me.
Outside of the black hair that reached down to the back of his neck, eyebrows, and eyelashes, I didn't
see any hair on the rest of his body. He was fit without any sign of ripped muscles on his body. But I
felt his strength as he pulled the towel free of my waist and pulled me towards him for a kiss that
reminded me of last night as he turned me around.

I held back a little that night, for a few reasons, but now I didn't have to. Now we could do what we
wanted, including fucking. At the thought of him pushing his cock into my ass, I moaned, then fell
backwards as my legs hit the side of the bed. I expected Alic to fall with me, but he just stood there for
a while as he looked me over with his cock pointing straight ahead.

"Get on your knees," he tells me slowly. "I'm getting the lube," he added on before he finally moved to
the side table to get the bottle. When he turned around I scrambled up onto the bed to do what he
told me. "No," he then said to stop me. I looked at him not understanding. "On the floor, over the
bed," Alic clarified.

I pushed with the heal of my hands until I slid off the bed and my knees hit the carpet. I felt like it
would be a sexy move. When he knelt beside me and kissed my shoulders as his hands pushed and
pulled my legs apart, I thought I had succeeded. He caressed my ass and down between my legs until
he reached my balls to grab and play with them for a bit. I leaned forward and pressed my face into
the bed as I moaned a little.

When Alic let go, he traced his finger all the way back up into my crack and slightly tickled my hole
before pulling away completely. The next thing I felt was both his legs and knees on the inside of mine
as he pushed them even further apart. Alic placed a hand on my lower back and he traveled it down
to between my cheeks where he pushed them apart. He didn't warn me that the lube was coming and
I jerked forward a little as it was drizzled over my opening.

"There," Alic said as he rubbed the lube all over my crack and pushed a few fingers of the stuff into my
hole. "All nice and wet like a pussy should be," he whispered into my ear before pushing his finger
deeper. "Now to loosen you up a bit," Alic said as he pressed his face into the bend of my neck as he
shoved his thumb in and out of my ass hole, or pussy as he called it.

I moaned into the room again. It felt so good. I gripped the sheets as he moved his thumb in and out
of me slowly. Then he pulled it free but soon replaced it with two other fingers and a fresh coat of
lube. He opened them when they were fully inside me and closed them as he pulled them out. He did
this over and over again. I felt his cock on the lower part of my back. It was as hard as mine. It was
dripping pre-cum like mine. I wanted to reach down to jerk off, but I didn't want this to stop either. It
was madding and satisfying at the same time.

"I'm going to fuck your pussy now," Alic said with a strained voice into my ear. "We are going to make

this last for as long as we can," he tells me as he trails both his hands up my sides and along my arms
to hold my hands for a moment that were clutching the bedsheets. "Don't let go," he whispers as he
sucks on my right ear lobe. "Don't touch your dick," Alic says as his hands move back down my body.
"We are going to edge until we both can't take it anymore," he confesses as I feel him sliding the head
of his cock down from its place on my back. Over the crack of my ass, and pushes it between my butt
cheeks to sit over my pussy.

"Are you ready?" Alic asks me. I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding in until that moment and
just nodded my head as an answer to his question.

"Ah!" I exclaimed out loud when he popped the head of his cock past my ring. Alic's hands once again
moved up my sides but then curved around to my chest where his hands settled over my chest with
each palm covering a nipple.

Alic was tortuously slow, except for when he wasn't. But those moments of speed were just that.
Moments. He would speed up. Slapping his crotch into my ass and I would breathe as I felt my orgasm
building and when I started to enjoy the progress Alic would slow down again. Almost to a stop before
we started to crawl forward again.

My cock was in pain. If I looked down I knew it would be red. My nipples were hard under his hands
and Alic would roll them with his palms when he was moving in and out of me slowly.

"Alic please," I started to beg. I didn't know how long we had been at it, and I didn't care. My legs
were shaking for the wrong reason and I had cum that I just knew was making my balls heavy and
blue. "Alic," I moaned again.

He pressed his hands flat against my chest and he pulled his cock back until I felt the head of it hit my
ass ring from the inside. Alic then just rubbed back and forth over an inch of distance inside my hole
until I cried out in denied pain. It felt great, but I couldn't live in this sexual limbo anymore. My body
needed to cum. That is when Alic did something new.

His hands moved up from my chest and held the front of my shoulders as he pushed his cock deep
into my ass as he lowered his body onto my back. Warm wet skin stuck to warm wet skin.

"You did well Richard," Alic tells me as he kisses and licks my neck. "Just over thirty minutes," he
continued to praise me. "I don't think I can last any longer either. Your pussy is so tight," he said
sounding almost delirious. Hope is sparked in me that I was finally going to cum and my ass contracted
around his cock. "Oh Fuck!" Alic swore loudly at the same time.

The grip that I had loosen on the sheets, tightened up again as Alic started to fuck me. Truly, long
strokes, deep inside me fucking with increasing speed.

"Yes. Oh fuck yes," I moaned over and over again. My skin prickled with sensations and more sweat.
My cock was forcefully slapped up against my body as his thrusts got harder and faster.

"Sweet Pussy Boy," Alic moaned into my hair before he pulled back and took me with him. He would
fuck me away from his body, but his hands and arms would pull me back to him. The slapping of his
crotch to my ass was starting to feel like I was being spanked. Alic worked his cock over my prostate
with every stroke. My balls burned as they waited for some signal to shot the cum from my body. My
eyes watered. It was coming. Everything was coming together. This couldn't last much longer.

Then I felt it all. I was attacked head-on and blindsided all at once. I screamed out as I came. My whole
body shook as it contracted and opened up at the same time. Alic kept fucking me until I felt him
holding on for what seemed like his dear life once he went still. We were frozen on our knees for a
moment or two, then we both sank into the mattress with Alic covering my body.

"Are you ok?" Alic asked me after we had pulled the sheets off the bed and made a nest around us on
the floor.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I asked him.

"I got a little carried away in my head, and I want to make sure I didn't weird you out or anything," he
told me.

"It was a little different than I thought, but nothing was wrong," I told him. I was looking at the room
from this new lower angle as we rested on the floor. "How much is left of our hour?" I asked Alic. He
looked at his watch.

"Eleven minutes," he answered. "What do you have in mind?" Alic asks as he looks at me.

"A nice long kiss goodbye with maybe a hand job thrown in?" I tell and ask him. Alic smiles as he leans
in to kiss me. As I snake my arms around his neck he lifts me up and has me straddling his waist with
my cock trapped under me.

I lean forward to continue our kiss and Alic slips his hand between my legs to push my cock under my
body to have it laying on top of his. With a little shifting on both our parts, I'm laying down over his
body as we kiss, and our cocks are being pressed together by our grinding masses.

It felt like déjà vu but so much better without the clothes. There was no teasing this time. We weren't
rubbing long before pre-cum from both of us added lubricant to our movements. I was humping fast
when Alic's alarm went off. We weren't even kissing each other at this point. It was easy to tune it out
since it was buried somewhere close to us and muffled.

"Don't stop," I told him. "Don't stop. Almost there," I said again but Alic came before I did. He pulled
down hard on my ass as he erupted between us and as he pressed my balls into his body causing me
to come right behind him.

Eventually, Alic looked for his phone and turned off the alarm. We then laid there, side by side for

about five minutes. Then I watched as he got up, got dressed, bent to kiss me on the cheek before
leaving the suite.


I laid there for another ten minutes or so before I got up, slowly, to make my way to the bathroom. I
didn't need to pee but, I had to get washed up. The next person was most likely going to find me in
bed and we were going to stay there, so I was going to get the clean-up out of the way now.

As I washed lube and cum from different parts of my body I realized that we didn't use a condom. I
almost freaked when I remembered that my Dad made sure that they were all clean when he was
setting this whole thing up. I even wondered if we even had any condoms here.

I managed to not get my hair wet but had to walk into the bedroom to find my towel to dry off with. I
took both of them back to the bathroom and hung them up to dry. Speaking of dry, I looked up and
saw my underwear that I had washed last night due to the kiss I shared with Jimmy. I took it down and
walked back into the bedroom with it. I was about to put it into the suitcase when I thought it would
be better to be wearing something when I met the next guy since I most likely had to get out of bed
and open the door for him.

So dressed in my very fashion-forward black boxer-brief underwear, I fixed my bed and got under the
sheets again for a little nap.

A noise woke me up and while I was looking around to find out what it was, I realized it was the
doorbell. As I thought of who could be ringing it, I remembered what Alic told me. While I made my
way to the door I wondered who was going to be standing on the other side.

"Good morning," he said when he saw me. It was Robin.

"Morning Robin," I said as I smiled back. I opened the door wider to let him in.

"Did I wake you up?" he asked once I had closed the door. He looked around the room before focusing
his attention on me.

"Yeah," I admitted. "I was just taking a nap," I said. His face was covered in a medium stubble of hair
growth. I expected it to be shaved off by now, but it was still there and it looked like he even had it
touched up a bit since last night. Robin's hair was light brown with a few bits of silver scattered
around. Its length would be something close to a grown-out crew cut I think.

I didn't know what to say without sounding stupid or like a slut, but considering we were here to have
sex, wasn't sounding like a slut something unavoidable? Warranted even?

"You want to get back into bed?" Robin asked as he started to walk towards me. I guess I was quiet for
a bit too long.

"That was the plan," I said with a smile, more to myself than to him. I took a step in his direction
before I reached my hand out to pull on his shirt. "Aren't you a little too dressed to be getting into
bed?" I asked him sounding as confident as I wanted him to think I was.

"That is a problem I can fix," Robin tells me with a smile of his own before pulling his tee-shirt with its
faded Green Bay Packer's logo over his head. Then he started unbuttoning his black jeans. I got back
into bed and laid against the headboard just in time to see as he finished pulling his jeans off. A
memory of my hand pressing against his hard abs flashed through my mind as I watched him walk
towards me with more refinement than I thought a guy had. By now he had ditched his classic blue
briefs. His cock was just waking up, but it still looked mouth-watering. Robin leaned forward when he
got to the foot of the bed and I watched as he ended up on all fours as he crawled towards me.

He moved over my legs. He brushed the outside of my thighs with his hands as he moved higher.
Robin's face came closer until he kissed me as he laid his body over mine. His weight grounded me as I
started to float away with the kiss. He pressed without making it hard. He took my breath away
without making it hard to breathe. Robin held the back of my head as he pulled my body down to lay
fully on the mattress.

We were just kissing. No real grinding. No humping. Our hands didn't go further than our waists, but
my body was warm and occasionally a shiver ran through me. I gripped his hair with both my hands as
I started to want more. That was Robin's clue to move a hand to my hip and held one of my ass cheeks
with his other as he moved himself to lay between my legs with the help of his knees nudging mine

The temperature between us rose until it was hard to breathe and kiss at the same time. I became
aware that my hips were matching his movements now. When Robin pulled away to look down at me,
he pressed his hard cock against mine and I realized that I was still wearing my underwear and that it
had to go.

I opened my mouth a little wider to speak and Robin slipped his fingers into my mouth instead. I
closed my lips and my eyes as I sucked on them for him.

"Thank you, Richard," he told me far too soon as he pulled his fingers free. I opened my eyes as I felt
them sliding over my lips. We held eye contact as I felt him working his hand into my boxer-briefs,
through a leg hole. I moved my leg in such a way to make it easier for him to enter my ass.

"You want to feel up my pussy?" I asked him as I remembered Alic calling my ass by that name.

"I prefer the word ass," Robin whispers as he leans in closer. His lips found mine as his fingers felt for
my opening. I gripped his arms as he pushed in with the fingers that were just in my mouth. "And I
want to do more than just feel you up," he confessed before starting to kiss his way downward.

"Aahh," I moaned out into the room as he continued to push his way into my body. I closed my eyes

and felt every hickey Robin left along my skin. How his mouth moved in a slightly wandering line that
ended at my nipple. Now he pulls his fingers out. My ring burned from how hard he pressed against it.
I slightly wondered if his whole hand could fit inside before I gasped for air as he sucked hard on my
nipple as he jammed his fingers back into me.

"Alic really opened you up didn't he?" Robin asked as he gave my nipple a break.

"Yes," I cried out loudly for a few reasons.

"But you need more lube for what we are going to do," Robin said as he raised his eyes to look at my
face. I didn't see him do this. My eyes were still closed, but I felt his breath as it traveled up my chest
and ghosted past my jaw.

"The lube is in the side table," I told him as I hit my hand on that side of the bed.

"You took three fingers with just your spit," Robin informed me as he pulled them out.

"Ah!" I exclaimed when he was free and I keenly felt empty. I opened my eyes and watched as he
moved to the side.

"You should take that thing off," Robin said as he waved his hand in the direction of my crotch. But I
just laid there and breathed until he was pulling the bottle out of the side table. Now I sat up and
stripped off the last bit of clothing that I had on.

"Do you want me to just lay here?" I asked Robin as I looked in his direction. I watched as he made his
way back between my legs that were now hanging off the bed.

"Scoot back. Put a pillow under your ass and plant your feet apart as much as you can," he said with a
smile on his face. I pulled myself backwards and grabbed a pillow along the way. Once I was in the
middle of the bed, I sat on the pillow with my feet flat on the mattress. I looked at Robin as he rubbed
some lube over one of his hands. His whole hand. All four fingers, the one thumb, and his wrist. I
looked back up into his face and a few things went through my mind at that moment. One of them
being fear.

"We don't have too if you don't want to do it," Robin said when he saw that emotion move across my
face. I looked back down at his hand and the wet skin covering it. I had wanted to feel this when he
had three fingers in my ass. But this is two more digits. I was less concerned about his wrist.

"You'll go slow right?" I asked Robin as I looked back up into his face.

"Of course," he said as he leaned in and kissed me for a moment. "I don't want to break you," he then
said with a laugh.

"We'll try it then," I told him before falling back onto the bed and waiting to feel his fingers.

"What a sight," Robin said softly before he moved. My hands gripped the sheets as I gasped out loud
when I felt his mouth over my cock. I was not expecting that. My eyes closed as I enjoyed the feel of
his tongue as it licked me while I was inside his mouth.

I was trying really hard to stay still, and just as I thought that I wouldn't be able to stop myself
anymore, I felt his fingers separating my butt cheeks. I knew what was coming, but so far nothing felt
wrong. I felt the tip of three, then four fingers as they pushed into me. I opened my mouth in sync
with my ass as Robin pushed further.

I expected to scream in pain, but it didn't happen. He went slowly. He paused when he found himself
pushing a bit harder than he wanted. Robin rocked his hand where it was until he was able to slip in

"Almost there Richard," Robin told me. Now I noticed that he wasn't sucking on my cock anymore. I
had no idea when he had stopped. I pinched my eyes even tighter together as I clearly felt what had to
be the biggest part of his hand as he pushed it in.

"AH!" I now screamed out as the burn of it moved into my body. I regretted making that sound
instantly, believing that Robin was going to pull his hand back out because he thought he was hurting
me. I braced myself to feel that pain again, but nothing happened. Robin wasn't moving at all. I dared
to open an eye to see what he was doing.

Robin's faintly green eyes were looking down at me. He kept his hand in me as still as possible as he
moved his other hand to press into the bed at my waist. He braced himself on it as he lowered his face
to my body. Robin kissed his way up from my belly button to my chest. I raised one of my hands to
hold his head as he sucked on one of my nipples then I gripped his head tightly as I shouted again.

This time it was pure bliss as he twisted his hand and pushed it over my prostate. My legs forced my
body up against his and I'm sure I leaked some cum too.

"There," Robin said as he continued to kiss my skin. "All the way in. How does that feel?" he asked me.
My breath was coming out in huffs because he was still sliding back and forth over my prostate and
my body was trembling from all the sensations.

"Different," I told him honestly when I was able to get a word out. My eyes were closed again as I felt
him pulling himself out of my grasp. I felt his waist between my legs, as he moved his hand around
inside me. I started to fuck into the air right before his eyes as I felt myself being pulled closer to
coming. I was holding on to the sheets as I tried not to cum yet. It was different and weird, but I liked
it and I wanted to feel this for a little bit longer.

"Enough of that," Robin said sounding breathless himself. "You look too fucking good," he told me as
he started to pull himself free. Soon I was just left there, breathing hard and feeling like I had been
robbed of my orgasm. I was about to look between my legs at Robin when I felt one of his hands on

my thigh. Next was the head of his cock at my hole.

"Don't need to ask if you are ready, do I?" he asked me. I shook my head as I laid there believing he
saw my movements but at the same time not needing an answer from me. "Look at me Richard,"
Robin told me.

I opened my eyes and saw him kneeling between my knees on the bed.

"Watch me until the end, Richard," he told me as he started to push his cock into my ass. Despite the
fact that his hand was just in there, I felt the delicious slide of his cock as he pushed forward. The
contours and firmness had my sighing into the room as I looked into his face. "That's my boy," Robin
said as he leaned down and kissed me as he bottomed out in my ass.

Now we fucked. I got the full length of Robin's cock as he thrust into me each time. I was pinned under
his body as he impacted his crotch into my ass and balls over and over again.

"Stop holding out Richard," Robin told me as he continued to fuck me. He was coated with sweat. I'm
sure I was too. "Fucking cum," he all but shouted at me as he fucked me harder.

"FUCK!" we shouted at the same time a few seconds later as we both came. I reached my hand up and
pressed against his chest as we were swept along with it all. Robin pulled out before he laid down next
to me and I slid into his arms when we could move again.

"You almost had me breaking one my rules there," Robin told me.

"What rule?" I asked as I looked up at the side of his face.

"My boys cum before I do," he said as I felt his fingers in my wet hair.

"How many "boys" do you have?" I asked as I wondered about the rest of his life.

"Hahaha," Robin laughed. Despite the nap I had just before he got there, I was already starting to drift
back off to sleep. "I'll tell you later. Maybe," Robin told me quietly before I passed out.

When I woke up I felt very alone. I looked around and saw no one. The curtains covering the large
window looked more drawn than they had been a few hours ago. For a moment I thought that Robin
might be in the bathroom.

"Robin?" I called out. No one answered. I hope he got his hour with me, I thought to myself as I got up
to pee and get some water to drink. It was while I was standing over the toilet that I felt his cum start
to leak onto my leg. I ended up in the shower again trying to clean out my ass as best as I could before
going back into the main room.

I grabbed my underwear off the floor as I wondered how it got there. It didn't look like Robin ruined it

at all. I pulled it back on before walking to the bed and shaking the sheets out a few times before
walking away. I took a seat in the chair in front of the tv.

I then reached for or at least tried to reach for my phone, when I remembered that it was still charging
on my side table. I got up to get it, and the first thing I saw when I woke it up was a text from my Dad.

Put out the "Do Not Disturb" sign to keep housekeeping from interrupting you.

Doing it now, I texted back to him as I walked towards the door.


I was trying to watch the tv but five minutes in, I wanted to go outside. I was starting to feel cooped up
in the room. I didn't really want to do anything outside, I just wanted to feel space beyond me that
didn't stop at these walls. I quickly typed up a text and sent it to my Dad. When I didn't see the little
bubble right away as he typed something back to me, I placed my cell on my leg and tried to watch tv

Where do you want to go? He texted back.

A park. A beach. I just want to be outside where there is space for a little while. I told him.

Kent is on his way to our room. He'll take you out for a drive and you can decide when his hour
starts with you. Just let me know where you end up. Dad told me a few minutes later.

Thanks, Dad. I texted back as I stood up from the chair. I placed the phone back on its charger as I
moved around the room finding clothes and getting dressed.

As I picked up my phone again, fully dressed and with my key card in my pocket, the doorbell rang. I
walked across the room and opened the door to find Kent looking back at me.

"Ready for some joyriding?" he asked me. I got the double meaning and smiled back at him. Unlike
Robin earlier and myself currently, Kent wore shorts instead of jeans. They were camel-colored with
black drawstrings that I saw hanging down from behind a red v-neck tee shirt that had black sleeves
and shoulders.

"Yes," I answered. "But can we get something to eat first?" I asked as I stepped out into the hallway
and pulled the door closed behind me. "I'm starving," I explained.

"Sure," Kent replied. "What do you want for lunch?" he asked as we walked towards the elevator. I
shrugged my shoulders as I thought of what I was in the mood for other than the basics of it just being
food. By the time the doors to the elevator closed, I still didn't have an answer for him, but he didn't
press the issue. Instead, he pulled his phone out and leaned against a wall as we went down.

I thought of pizza, a burger and fries, fried chicken from KFC and Popeye's, even getting a few hot dogs
crossed my mind. But I hadn't settled on anything by the time the elevator dinged.

"How about some Dim Sum?" Kent asked me as he finally spoke up and held out his phone to show
me what he found. The name of the place was Dim Sum Palace. They served more than just Dim Sum
or dumplings as they seemed to be written here. They had a lot of stuff, even dessert. Along with
something that caught my attention that I knew I would never try. Braised Chicken Feet. Like never.

"It looks good," I told him once I moved my eyes back to the other side of the menu and saw chicken,
beef, and veggie dumplings along with the Hello Kitty Buns that I saw below in the desserts section.
"Yeah, we can try them," I said as I handed him back his phone.

"Good," Kent said as he looked at the screen again. "It's not that far away. I'll have you fed in no time,
then some sightseeing perhaps?" he asked as he looked up at me.

"Well, I did say I wanted to get out," I told him as we neared the entrance for the hotel. When we
stepped outside he walked over to the valet and he was handed some keys before the valet pointed to
something off to the side. I followed his hand and saw Kent's car. He must have called down before to
have it brought out front.

After a short walk and buckling ourselves into our seats we were soon merging with traffic.

"What is your favorite Chinese dish?" Kent asked to get a conversation going.

"I don't know," I told him as I thought back to the few times I've had something that was really
Chinese. "Do chicken wings covered in Chinese barbecue sauce with french fries count?" I asked with a
laugh knowing that it didn't. "I've had Dim Sum before. Once I think. I've also had scallion pancakes.
Those weren't actually what I thought they would be so I'm not sure how much I liked them, but I
think they were ok," I told him as I looked out at the passing buildings and cars.

"Not even an egg roll?" Kent asked me.

"Big cabbage stuffed Totino's?" I asked him. "I thought they were an American thing. Like fortune
cookies," I told him as I looked in his direction again.

"What are Totino's? And no, egg rolls are real Chinese food," Kent answers back.

"Totino's? Pizza Bites?" I asked him in surprise. "I think we have a bag or two back home in the
freezer," I pointed out as it crossed my mind.

"I never had that," Kent confessed. "I saw the tv ads but I never bought any. If I want pizza I buy pizza,"
Kent ended with a quick smile in my direction.

"Well sometimes you don't want a whole pizza," I told him before looking down at his GPS to see how
close we were to ordering some Dim Sum.

"You know you can order it by the slice right?" Kent decided to enlighten me.

"Not from Domino's or Pizza Hut or Little Caesars," I decided to let him know.

"Wow," Kent remarked with a whistle. "You need to broaden your food boundaries son." We

continued the drive in silence as I thought about it for a bit. I ate a variety of foods. Just because I
didn't eat everything doesn't mean I was missing out on something. Did it?

"Can your car connect to iTunes?" I asked as playing some music crossed my mind as something to do
until we got to the Palace.

"No need," Kent answered back. "We are only two blocks away now," he said as he took a right turn,
and I saw the sign with their name on it, on the corner. There was parking in front, so Kent pulled off
the road and picked a spot to park the car.

I was slipping my phone into my back pocket when I remembered that I was suppose to let my Dad
know where we went. So I was texting as we entered the restaurant. I blindly followed Kent as he
walked in, talked with someone, then was lead to a table. As he sat down, I finished my short
conversation with Dad.

I took the seat across from Kent at a small, dark wooden table. The chairs were actually two benches
that were attached to the wall and had the table in the middle of them. As I looked around, I saw that
there were other groupings that had free-standing chairs. Kent then set about talking me into trying a
bunch of stuff that he said we were going to share if I agreed. We then joked about food mostly while
we waited for our orders to be brought to our table. Talking to Kent was fun and wasn't that long of a
wait at all.

Sticky rice Dim Sum wrapped in lotus leaves, one for each of us. A three-piece serving of sesame balls,
and some fried wontons Hong Kong style that was a serving of six. There was also the one dish that I
wasn't sure about at all but agreed to try because Kent promised me a blow job in the car for it.

I would have tried them if he said we would just make out in the car. For a full blow job, he might have
gotten me to try a chicken foot. But on second thought...

"Hey, earth to Richard," I heard Kent say which dispelled the image of me looking down at a plate of
yellow sticks that had claws on the end and being told chicken feet tasted great with chili oil.

"Yeah," I answered as I turned my head to look in his direction while blinking a few times.

"Is something wrong?" he then asked. He seemed really concerned for a second. Then I realized that I
might have looked a little green from the threat of chicken feet.

"No, I'm fine," I told him as I adjusted my grip on the fork that I was already holding. "So we are trying
the wontons first?" I asked as I pointed my fork at what he had on his.

"Yeah," he said. "It's all good, but I thought I should ease you into the stuff you weren't sure about,"
he said as a small smile now graced his lips.

"Ok then," I said as I stabbed one and chewed the entire thing whole. It was like there was a small

pocket of soup inside the doughy wrapping. It was surprising and tasty. I had seen some of the liquid
come out when I poked it, but I thought that was just from cooking it. For the next one, I used the
spoon that came with the plate. Fifteen minutes later I could say that it was all great. I wasn't full, but I
wasn't hungry either and it all tasted delicious.

While Kent went to use the bathroom, a waiter came by to clean the table. I gave him Kent's credit
card before deciding to send a picture of the menu to my Dad. I was sipping the last of my water when
Kent returned to our table.

"So where to now?" he asked me without sitting down.

"Where ever you want to take me, except back to the hotel. I want to stay out a bit longer," I
confessed as I stood up from the table. I then handed him back his card.

"Ok. Lazy sightseeing it is," he said before draping his arm around my shoulders and walking out of the
building. There were a few interesting places to look at as we drove by, but since we had gone inland
for the Chinese food, it now looked more like any other small city without the tourist traps that were
closer to the beaches. I was about to tell Kent that he could take me back to the hotel, or a beach,
when he turned off into the parking lot for a mall.

"A mall?" I asked him as I waited to see where he wanted to go. He drove around for at least five
minutes as he looked for something, then he apparently found it.

"Perfect," Kent said as he now looked at the back parking lot of the mall that only had six cars and was
like a football field long. I watched in silence as he drove to the other end, away from the other cars
not to mention the buildings that made up the mall complex.

Then it clicked as the engine was shut down. I was a little slow, but I got it before I had to be told, if
not shown, what we were doing here. I turned towards him and found his hand gripping the back of
my head and pulling me in for a kiss. A rough kiss. A tongue poking through my lips kiss. A moan-
inducing kiss. From both of us. There was no stick shift between our seats so I was pulled over to his
side easily.

My legs were spread over his lap and I pressed my cock down onto his crotch which was already
sporting an erection of its own. Kent pushed me backwards to pull my shirt up and off my body. I did
the same to him before he pulled me back down for another kiss. He moved his mouth down and
sucked on my lower lip and I painfully ground down my crotch into his until I had to stop before I came
in my jeans.

"We are getting ahead of ourselves," Kent huffed against the side of my face while I tried to not cum
but rocked my hips against him anyway.

"Then where should we be then?" I managed to ask as he placed his hand against my waist to keep me
from moving.

"For one, you should be more," he pulled at the waist of my jeans. "Well, less dressed. And two, I
should be the one on top of you," he informed me.

"In the front seat or the back?" I asked him as I thought of how he would fit in the front with me.

"I was planning on doing this bit in the front, but on second thought, we should just get comfortable
and stay there the whole time," Kent told me as I felt his hand moving across my face, over my parted
lips, and down the side of my neck.

"Oh!" I said a little loudly as I lifted my head and instantly hit the roof of the car. "AH!" I shouted more
in surprise than pain, but it still hurt.

"Easy. Easy," Kent said to soothe me as he held my head and kept it from hitting his roof again. "What
was that all about?" he asked.

"Well, before I damaged myself, I remembered that I'm suppose to let Dad know when we got started.
You know, to keep things fair for your guys," I told him as I still winched from the pain at the back of
my head. I opened my eyes when I heard him laughing softly.

"Ok, in the back with you," Kent said as he continued to protect my head as I moved off of his lap and
soon out of his reach. "Let your Dad know what you are up to while I make a little more room for us,"
he said before opening his door and getting out.

I laid out on the back seat and unlocked my phone to send another text to my Dad.

Kent's hour is about to start. He's just making room. I texted my Dad as I saw the driver's seat being
folded forward and then slid closer to the steering wheel. I continued to watch Kent as he walked
around the car to the other door and folded down that seat, and pushed it into the dashboard. I think
that doubled the space we had to work with.

What do you mean "making room"? Dad texted back.

We are doing it in his car. He found a near-empty parking lot in the back of a mall complex. I texted

Ok. Let me know when you guys are on your way back to the hotel.

Ok. Text you later.

I placed my phone in the back window behind the seat as I looked up at Kent looking back at me from
the open door at my feet. I reached for my jeans to get them off. Kent didn't move or say anything as I
unbuttoned, unzipped, and push-pulled them off my legs once I remembered to take off my shoes.

When I had finally chucked my underwear and laid there naked and spread out in front of Kent, he
took off his sandals and tossed them in the direction of the front seats. He was already topless, and I
looked at him wondering if he going to strip down outside. He even looked around like he was thinking
of doing just that, but he ended up stepping inside with his shorts still on.

Kent pushed my legs apart as he moved closer to my dick. I closed my eyes as I felt his hands sliding up
my thighs. I waited to feel his lips on my dick or balls. But when I did, they were too far south of where
I wanted them to be. I lifted my head to see what he was doing, and I saw Kent looking back at me.

"Keep looking at me," he says as he lowers his face to the inside of my leg again. I watch as he drags
his tongue along my skin in the direction of my crotch. I move my arms to my sides and prop myself up
on my elbows to make sure I could look at him like he wanted. My mouth hung open, and I'm sure I
said something before I licked my lips a few times. As he swiped his taste buds across the base of my
cock I jerked a little at the contact and saw as my balls jerked up also. I tried to grip the seat as Kent
moved his tongue over my cock like it was a lollypop that he was only half interested in sucking on.

"Ahh, you're killing me," I moaned out as he once again circled the head of my dick and even sucked
on my hole before going back to licking down the shift instead of taking me into his mouth like I
expected. Hoped. Waited for. My head fell back, and I finally broke my slightly wavering eye contact
with Kent.

"Aauugg," was pulled out of me as I finally felt his mouth consume my dick from the tip down. My legs
flexed, and I tried to pull them together as a reflex, but Kent kept them apart and pressed down on
them even more as it felt like he was trying the use my dick as a straw to suck the cum out of my balls

"FffuuuccK," I moaned as I moved my hands into his hair and held on as he seemed to now suck in
waves. I couldn't move, he wouldn't let me. I gripped harder as I felt like I was being tortured and yet,
wanted more. Then he found extra room in his mouth and sucked me in some more. The head of my
cock was pulled into a wet tight place. The walls there were like a grip that loosened and tightened in
a pattern that seemed to be speeding up.

"OH Fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck," I chanted as I started to cum. I pushed up from the seat with
one foot as I tried to get that tightening feeling further down my cock.

Kent fought and pushed me all the way. He held me down as much as he could while he continued
sucking on my dick to get as much cum out of me that was currently possible. Once I collapsed I was
surprised at how tired I was.

"Fuck," I whispered as I enjoyed my trip back to earth. Then I thought of Kent. "Do you want me to
suck you off?" I offered him without opening my eyes, knowing I wouldn't be as good at it as he clearly

"No, but do let me know when I can fuck you into that seat you are laying on," he tells. I open my eyes

at his interesting answer and looked in his direction to see that his shorts were open and he was
hitting his cock through his underwear. How did I not hear the slaps until I looked at him? But now I
noticed them. They were a little muffled and they were also in time with my breathing, but it was the
only other sound in our space. Once I thought I could move my body again I tried to turn over. I did it
with a measure of success.

"Have at it," I told Kent as I slapped my right ass cheek. Then I remembered that I didn't bring any lube
with me. "Do you have lube?" I quickly asked as I turned my head to look at him. I haven't had a dry
fuck yet, and everything I've read and watched told me that it's nowhere close to a good idea.

"I've got something," Kent said as he reached into a pocket and pulled out a little blue bottle. "The
cliché tube of Astroglide. Every guy out for a good time should have a tube on them," he tells me as I
watched. He kneels then sits on the floor before kneeling again as he works his shorts and briefs off
before he lightly jacks his cock with a lubed-up hand. Kent moves forward on his knees to get between
my legs again as I opened them up for him.

I watched as a few cold drops hit my skin, and he quickly rubbed them along my crack and into my ass
hole. I push back at his fingers, wanting to feel him push them further in. Kent smiled at me as his
smooth and slow fingers thoroughly prepared me. When he started to fit us together, I turned my
head forward again and closed my eyes.

His hot hand was on my waist. I felt his other one pressing against me as it guided his cock into my ass.
Then it was on my waist too, helping to pull my body into Kent's crotch. I felt when his balls touched
mine as he bottomed out in my ass. That is the only thing that feeling could have been. Slowly he
picked up speed as he was true to his word and fucked me into the seat. I'm sure the car was now
rocking with us. I didn't think that anyone was going to disturb us. Anyone observing this car, as the
movements got stronger, would be too busy fantasizing about who was inside.

Kent was grunting long before I allowed myself to join in. Once he heard me, his hands now pressed
down onto the seat as he fucked me harder into it. My dick is caught between my body and the
covering of the seat. I swear Kent was starting to rub my ass cheeks raw with his pubs. His cock
banged into my prostate with every stroke. I was going to cum. I couldn't stop myself from cumming. I
was cumming, and a deep grunt was pounded out of me as Kent somehow hit me harder for a few
more fucks until I felt him finally cumming inside me.

I huffed loudly into the car through my open mouth as nothing felt normal inside me. Not even my
eyes were working. I think they were open, but I couldn't see anything. But I was now aware of Kent
breathing on the left side of my face as he recovered himself.

"Am I too heavy?" I heard him ask me. Kind of.

"You're good," I tell him. I didn't want either of us to move yet.

"What on earth?" I groaned as I heard an alarm going off. For a fleeting moment I was disorientated,

but then I remembered where I was, and who I was with as Kent lifted himself off of my body and
pulled his cock out of my sticky ass.

"Time to get you back to the hotel," he says as he rubs the side of his face. It looked like both of us fell
asleep for the remainder of our time.

"Hey Siri," Kent called out to his phone that was still in its cradle. The phone made a sound.

"End alarm," he told it. His phone then told him of two alarms he had and that they were both off.

"Goodbye Siri," he then told the phone.

"See you next time," it answered back before it made that same sound again. I looked at Kent
impressed. He smiled in my direction before pulling a bag closer to him that I paid little attention to

"Here," he told me as he handed me a packet of wet wipes. "Or do you want me to do it for you?"
Kent asked with a laugh.

"Thanks," I told him as I took it from him. Once we were clean and finally dressed, I reached over and
pulled our faces closer together. Kent was kneeling between my legs, and I wrapped both my arms
around his head as I kept him close. We kissed. I just wanted to, and it was clear that Kent didn't mind.
His arms laid across my legs, but I felt his fingers on my back and sides, gripping me through my shirt.

"Ok, that's enough of that. I have to get you back," Kent says as he pulls away.

"Can I get a slushy?" I ask as he gets out of the car.

"Sure thing," Kent tells me before he closes the door behind him.


With a half-empty large raspberry slushy cup in my hand and some chicken nuggets in my belly, I
exited Kent's car as he came to a stop outside of our hotel. I looked up the short set of steps to see my
Dad standing there talking with Jimmy and Robin. I smiled at all of them as I got closer. Either Jimmy
was walking me to my room or Sam was already waiting for me there. Maybe. Was it even time yet?

"Having fun?" Dad asked when I stopped in front of him.

"Yeah. Interesting and fun," I said while I tried not to blush. Dad clasped the back of my head and
rubbed my neck for a few seconds with a smile on his face too.

"Well, Robin and I are heading out for a few hours. Call if you need me for anything," Dad tells me as
he drops his hand and looks me squarely in the eye.

"Sure," I answered him. He nodded once then looked over at Jimmy.

"I'll let you know when I'm on my way back," he tells me as he walks past with Robin right behind him.
As I look around I realized that Kent wasn't there either.

"Come on," Jimmy said to kinda get my attention. He had both his hands in his pockets. I knew that
move. "You want me to walk you to your room? Or do you want to hang out down here for a bit?" he
asked me. I smiled at how much effort Jimmy was putting into not dragging me up to my room and
fucking me with the hardon he was working to hide down here at the entrance to the hotel.

"You can walk me up," I told him before we both turned to walk inside and towards the elevators. We
were the only ones in the elevator by the time the door closed.

"I need a shower. I'm all sweaty," I told Jimmy. I didn't know what it was about him, but it was like I
knew he wanted to be teased and I just went with it. Maybe it was because he allowed me to play
with him when we went to the movies. Whatever it was, I liked it. It made me feel like I was in control
even though I knew it was up to me anyway if anything happened at all.

I held his eyes until the doors dinged and we turned to see a couple trying to step onto the elevator
before we even had a chance to leave. Once they saw us, they smiled and stepped back to let us off.
We walked down the hall side by side without saying anything but it did cross my mind that we
couldn't touch in public. Heck, even cheating wives and husbands get to touch in public. I pulled out
the key card for my room when I saw the metal numbers for my door. The first swipe didn't take, but
my second attempt was deemed more acceptable and we were allowed inside.

"I hear that in a few more years they will have some kind of entry bracelet to let you into the room

automatically," Jimmy said as he walked in behind me. I nodded my head as I walked towards my
charger. I pulled my phone from my pocket and connected it before pulling my fading yellow champion
shirt up and over my head.

"I'm going for a shower," I reminded Jimmy before I started towards the bathroom. Before I got to the
doorway, I stopped to look back at him as I thought of something. "You want to watch me?" I asked
Jimmy. At this point, there wasn't anything left for me to hide from any of them.

I walked into the bathroom and without looking back, I stood in front of the shower to unbutton my
jeans. I zipped and pulled them past my waist to let them fall to the floor before kicking them aside.
Next were my boxer-briefs that I dropped onto my pants. I was naked as I reached into the shower to
turn on the water and adjusted the temperature. I stepped in and dunked my head under the water
before I allowed myself to see if Jimmy was there.

And he was. Leaning against the door frame looking at me with his arms crossed over his chest. I
looked down at his crotch and saw that he was sporting a nice bulge, but it didn't look like he was fully
hard yet.

"I can't get the floor wet," I told Jimmy as I looked him in the eye while reaching for the plastic curtain
between us. I nodded my head in the direction of the tub hoping I wouldn't have to spell it out for
him. As his hands moved to the top button of his short-sleeve shirt, I pulled the curtain closed before
ducking my head under the water. I smiled as I heard him getting undressed. I didn't have long to wait
before I saw him with tousled blonde hair as he pulled the curtain aside and stepping into a shower
that just shrunk on me.

Jimmy stood opposite the shower head and leaned back against the wall as he watched me, watching
him. I acted like I knew what I was doing before, but now I didn't know what my next move should be.
I knew how to take a bath, but I was suppose to tease him or something along those lines. That is
what I didn't know how to pull off. Did I go slow? Did I look at him the whole time? Did I scrub my

"Would you like some help?" Jimmy asked making me look in his direction. I had turned my back as I
tried to decide on how to even get started.

"No," I quickly said. I was eight-teen years old. I knew how to take a bath, and I was suppose to be
teasing him. How would having him touch me be a tease? "No, thank you," I said again when I thought
I said my first no too loudly. I wasn't upset with him. Just myself for acting weird. I told him he could
watch me take a bath, not that I was going to put on a show for him.

I reached for the soap and worked my way down my body from the top of my neck. And yes, I washed
my armpits. I looked at Jimmy every now and again, but for the most part, I just took a shower. At least
once I saw as he pulled on his stiffening dick. Not that I could miss it. He was half-hard when he got
into the shower with me and he was a grower. I stepped under the shower head, facing Jimmy, and let
the water flow all the way from the top of my head down to my feet. I may or may not have had a

boner of my own by the time I stepped closer to him as I wiped the water from my face and eyes.

"Do you want to rinse off?" I asked Jimmy as I stood close enough for both of us to feel the heat
coming from the other's body without touching.

"Maybe just a quick rinse," he agreed to.

"I'll go brush my teeth," I told him before exiting the shower. I had just grabbed the towel when I
heard the water sound change as he stepped under the spray. I quickly rubbed my hair before
wrapping it around my body as I walked to the sink to brush my teeth. I was walking out of the
bathroom when I heard the water being turned off and then the shower curtain as it was pushed

I stopped about two feet into the bedroom when another thought occurred to me. I pulled the towel
from around my waist and dried my hair some more while my back was still to Jimmy. I then ran it
down my body before I turned to see him looking at me as he dripped onto the bathmat. I tossed him
my towel.

"Sorry," I told him. "We don't have any extras," I explained before I walked towards the bed to wait for
him. I pulled myself onto the bed and its crisp white sheets. Extremely crisp white sheets. I looked the
bed over even as I saw Jimmy walking towards me. My bed was made. Its sheets had been changed
and even that odd blanket that went across the foot of the bed was back in place. I guess Dad had let
housekeeping in while I was out with Kent.

"What are you thinking about now?" Jimmy asked as he bent his head to my shoulder and kissed me
there before pulling back.

"I just noticed that the bed has been made and," I looked around the room to make sure. "The room
was cleaned while I was out," I explained before I turned to look him in the eye. I leaned back on the
mattress and pillows to look up at him. Jimmy was as naked as I was. "I"m ready," I told him when I
couldn't think of anything else to say as I took in the sight of him towering over me and the bed.

"Indeed," Jimmy answered as he bent his head to kiss my waist. He lowered his weight between my
legs, spreading them apart as he kissed and licked all the skin between my chest and crotch. His body
moved back and forth over my dick as he pressed into it.

By the time he moved his body down to pay some attention to my dick, I felt as he dragged a trail of
pre-cum up his body before I felt the heat of his breath on my slightly tortured, and hard cock.

"Oohh," I moaned when he got around to sucking me into his mouth. I combed my fingers through his
short wavy hair. His blonde strands stood out against my tanned fingers when I was able to keep my
eyes open to look in his direction. He wasn't as great as Kent, but it wasn't an experience that I would
have passed up either.

"Turn over," Jimmy told me after he gave me one long lick from behind my balls, over them, and up my
shaft where he licked the cum from my tip. I was slightly gasping for breath as I did what he told me.

"Do you want me to stay like this?" I asked him when I found myself on my hands and knees with my
ass facing him. I turned to look in his direction and Jimmy was just standing there looking at me as he
pulled on his cock. He wasn't jerking off, he was pulling on it. I was lost in thought as I tried to think of
how that would feel as I watched his hand. When I heard him calling my name, I knew it wasn't the
first time my name had crossed his lips.

"Yeah?" I answered back as I looked up into his face.

"Where is the lube?" Jimmy asked me as he gripped the head of his cock now.

"In my side table," I told him as I nodded my head in that direction.

"Don't you dare move that ass of yours," Jimmy told me before he went to the side table to get the
lube. I watched as he got the tube and let go of his hard dick that was pointing straight in front of him.
I followed Jimmy's movements as he slathered two globs of the stuff over his whole dick and balls as
he walked back to standing behind me.

"Get your ass down here so I can fuck you," he tells me as I hear him actually jerking off now. There is
no way I could not know that distinct sound of flesh slapping flesh.

With a wet hand, Jimmy spanked my ass causing me to jump a little once I was close enough. I stayed
where I was and closed my eyes as I felt him rubbing lube along my crack and into my ass. I moaned
quietly before I went from being up on my hands to down on my forearms. I bent my head into the
bed as I turned up my ass.

"What a pretty tight ass you have there Richard," Jimmy said before he slipped his fingers in again and
rubbed over my prostate. I groaned into my sheets instead of saying anything back to him. "I'm
mounting up boy," he said in warning before the bed dipped on one side before the other as he got up
onto the bed behind me.

"Ohhh Yes," I moaned as he pushed his cock all the way in.

"Fuck," Jimmy said himself when he couldn't push his cock any further. "I've been dreaming of this ass
since the other night when I got my hands on you, but couldn't do anything to this fine body of yours,"
he confessed before he pulled out and drove back in. Jimmy grabbed my hips in his big hands as his
fucking got serious.

My whole body rocked with the bed as he fucked himself hard into me each time. There was a hard
pulsing feeling slowly taking over my cock.

"Oh, you're tightening up on me boy," Jimmy said before he started to go faster. Now I couldn't stop

myself from uttering something each time his crotch hit my ass. "I'm almost there," he said as he
changed how he was thrusting his dick into me without slowing down. Now I was shouting with each
smack of his cock and words were just pouring out of me.

"Yes. Yes. Fuck me. Fuck my pussy ass good. Yes. Oh, my ass. My pussy. Fuck me, Jimmy. Yes. Yes.

My balls were tight. I felt it starting to explode out. I was going to cum and cum hard.

"That's it, boy. Come with your ass," Jimmy told me, and I did. I don't know if telling me to come at
that moment made it happen, or if it was just great timing on his part, but I put no effort in holding
back and came on the bed as I felt his cock grow bigger in my ass.

"Oh, you little fucker," Jimmy ground out between his teeth as he tried to fuck me a few more times,
but with his cock now swollen, it was harder to do than it was before. Each push was a slap on my
prostate that had been taking a beating all this time. But it didn't stop a spurt of cum from being shot
out of my body each time Jimmy made contact with it.

My toes curled as he kept going. My chest heaved as new explosions scattered themselves around my
body. I was starting to feel like I was coming apart. Jimmy forced my body to make room for him again
before riding me hard once more. I wanted him to stop and to keep going at the same time.

I opened my mouth and screamed into my bed when I felt hot liquid hit the inside of my ass as Jimmy
grew again fully rubbing me raw as he fucked me with each spurt he let loose inside.

I was no longer kneeling in any way at this point, but I didn't realize that until I had caught my breath a
few minutes later. I was lying flat on the bed with my legs pushed up to give Jimmy space between my

"Oh," we both groaned as Jimmy pulled himself free of my body before landing with a loud puff at my

"You were so worth the wait," Jimmy confessed with a heavy breath as he looked at me still breathing
through my open mouth. I smiled back as my ass painfully told me a few things. One of them being
that I was going to need this next hour to recover.

"Was I too rough with you?" Jimmy asked me with concern lacing his voice.

"No, not really. Not in a bad way," I answered when I opened my eyes again to look at him. "Just the
day catching up with me," I confessed. I reached forward and grabbed the back of Jimmy's head as I
used my other hand to push my body in his direction. As I pressed my lips to his, he pulled me over his
body until I was straddling his hips.

I invited his sloppy kisses as I rocked and rubbed our cocks together. I didn't know if I could come

again, but it was fun trying to see if it was possible, and getting Jimmy off in the process was going to
be the satisfying cherry on top.

I got one of the guys off today. I wasn't just on the receiving end of this spread out gang bang. I could
rock their world as much as they shook mine. I pulled myself up a little to look into Jimmy's eyes. He
was turned on. He looked like he could eat me if I let him. My cock grew from pride, and my hips
rotated faster at how hot that made me. I pressed my hand into one of his pecks, burying my fingers in
the silver and light brown hair that covered his chest as I wrapped my free hand around both our
cocks. I pushed my cock against his a little faster. I looked down to admire his cock and understood
how he was able to make me come twice like he did.

My eyes moved back up to his face, and we held eye contact as he rubbed his hands up and down my
legs. Over my thighs and hips. Jimmy grabbed my ass, and each hand clutched a cheek as he pushed
me into a quicker pace as he now thrust upward.

"That's it, boy. Ride your daddy," Jimmy said between moans as he continued to hold my attention. He
wants to be my daddy? I can go with that, I thought to myself before lifting my other hand to help out
my first. Jimmy was growing again, and I needed the help.

"Oh daddy," I told him and saw as his eyes sparked. I won't deny the little thrill that shot up my spine
at saying those words.

"Oh, my boy," Jimmy said before he closed his eyes and enjoyed the ride as I rode his balls and gripped
our cocks harder. We grunted and swore as we got closer to coming. We ended up coming at the same
time. My body dug deep for the few drops that were pulsed out of my red dick. My body felt different
as I came without much of anything to show for it by the time I collapsed on Jimmy.

I managed to not fall asleep this time, but we didn't move until I noted the time out loud, and Jimmy
said that it was time for him to get going. But that didn't stop him from kissing me for another five
minutes before getting out of bed and into the bathroom to clean up and get dressed. I watched him
as he left my room looking a little happier than when I saw him about an hour earlier.


Something warm and wet was slowly waking me up. It was smooth and moving around my crotch, I
realized as I continued to become more conscious and tried to understand what it was before I saw it.
Then it really sank in that it was around my cock, and before I freaked out and shouted in horror as I
jumped out of bed, I realized it had to be Sam and relaxed.

"Sam?" I asked as I turned my head to where I thought his face would be and slowly opened my eyes.
Instead of looking into his eyes like I expected, I saw his hand as he wiped me up with a washcloth. A
nice warm washcloth. I closed my eyes for a second before trying to find Sam's face again. I followed
his hand to his shoulder and then just to the right I saw the top of his black head of hair. He appeared
to be as naked as I was.

Sam was looking at what he was doing and was more focused on his self-assigned job than if I was
awake or not. I was already spread open a little, but I shifted my butt and widened my legs a little
more as I watched him. Sam bent his head and kissed my hip as he continued to clean me up. He was
apparently in no rush to finish what he doing.

When the cloth got a little dry Sam removed it from my skin to drop it into a bowl or something on his
side of the bed, on the floor, and picked up another one, this time yellow, as he goes back to cleaning
every inch of skin between my knee caps and the ridge under my chest.

I swear it took him thirty minutes, but I can't say for sure since I nodded off a few times. I was
regaining consciousness again and moaned as I felt good from Sam's slow jacking off of my cock with a
wet washcloth. I don't think he was trying to get me off. Sam was moving too slowly, but his fingers
would squeeze me in a pattern that he weaved into the rhythm of his slow fisting of my dick. So he
wasn't just cleaning me but he also wasn't in a rush either. As I continued to become more aware, I
felt this hot thing pressing into my thigh. It was his penis.

"Aaahh," I moaned softly as I felt my body kinda relax into the slow pace he had set. I felt tingly and
awake, but so relaxed at the same time.

"I'm going to turn you over now," Sam told me when he let go of my cock. I felt his fingers and palms
doing just that and he didn't seem to need or want me to help in any way. I reached my hand down
and adjusted my dick as I settled down on my stomach. I was grateful that I wasn't fully hard yet.

When the washcloth touched my skin again it was warmer than the one before. I sighed as the heat
seeped into me. Sam slowly moved his hand up and down my lower back as he moved from one side
to the next. Then he graced my butt with another warm and wet cloth.

"Ah!" I gasped when he parted my cheeks and just lightly brushed the cloth against my puckered hole.

"Shhh," Sam told me as he kissed me a few times around my ass as he continued to wipe, wet, and
soothed my well-fucked hole. How was I being relaxed and turned on I wondered when I pushed my
ass back towards his hand.

"Calm down Richard," Sam said as I felt his cock being pressed into my thigh again. "I'm not trying to
get you off. Just relax," he told me.

I tried to do what Sam said, but he continued to wipe me down as he slowly humped my thigh, my
mind took me to places that got me breathing faster.

"Can you jerk me off?" I asked him when he intentionally or unintentionally, brushed the washcloth
over the tip of my cock.

"Not yet," he answered as he paused to replace the washcloth. This time I heard water being poured
and the cloth was much hotter this time as he moved it over the back of my thighs. "I'm almost done
cleaning you off," Sam stated when he reached the back of my knees. Then he started going up again. I
growled a little in frustration.

"You've been worked up all day. You should rest and not try to push anything," Sam tells me as he
wipes at the creases where my ass meets my upper thighs.

"That's kinda hard to do when you're getting me horny," I tell him as I itch to feel his hand slide up my
crack and massage my hole until I came all over the bed.

"Should I rub one out of you then?" Sam asked before he slipped a fresh washcloth between my
cheeks. I gasped and gripped the sheets. "You are still so tense," I heard him say with his mouth just
over my shoulder blade with his lips brushing against my skin.

Sam kissed me again as he pulled himself closer to my thigh.

"I guess I'm not very good at relaxing you," he lamented as he pulled his hand away again. I started to
guess where Sam would place the new warmed-up washcloth since I forgot where he left off. I got
kinda distracted by his cock that he was still slowly humping into my leg.

"OOOoohhhh," I moaned long and low when I felt a different kind of wetness as it was dripped down
between my ass cheeks. I heard a bottle snap shut, then I felt Sam's hand as he moved his fingers as
slowly as ever downwards, from the top of my ass crack to the back of my balls.

Sam made that path with slick fingers twice before he paused over my puckered hole to make circles
around and around and around my opening. That relaxed my muscles enough to allow him to slide
two fingers inside.

"See," I told him. "You can relax me," I explained.

"That wasn't the kind of relaxed I was going for," Sam confessed. "But it's working for me too," he
added on as he started to finger fuck my ass. For his sake, I tried to stay still. I moaned and whimpered
as his fingers slipped and slid in and out of my ass and around and across my prostate. His fingers
weren't big enough to cause me pain, but I felt a building burn there nonetheless.

"That's it," Sam cooed into my neck as he ground his desperate cock into me. When I was almost there
I started to fuck myself into the mattress and up onto his hand. Sam's breathing got harsher and I even
felt his teeth as he pressed them into my shoulder.

"So close," I said as I picked up the pace and jerked my leg out of the tight grasp his thighs had on it on
every upthrust. Before I had a chance to think that I might have hindered Sam from getting off he
spoke up.

"Yes. Let's cum together," Sam says as his other hand tightens around me. "Call me daddy," he then
tells me. My eyes are screwed tight as I felt myself getting ready to explode.

"Do you just want me to say your name, daddy?" I asked him even as my body shuddered as I
remembered Jimmy asking me to do the same thing earlier today. Like I called out that first night
when my Dad was there. He watched as I was fucked by all of them. "Or do you want me to ask you to
fuck me harder?" I asked him as I felt the bed under my cock get even wetter.

"Fuck yes daddy," I half-shouted as Sam's hand started to move faster. My insides were oiled from
what Sam used to glide his way in. He hit my prostate but slid right over the surface again and again.
My ass hole pulsed, burned, and tingled and it all felt great as my balls told me they were going to

"Daddy I'm Cumming!" I shouted into the room even as the back of my thigh felt Sam's hot cum as it
left his body. My body strained as I continued to cum while my mind couldn't tell if I meant Sam or my
Dad with my last statement. Sam's fingers still walked across and played with my prostate as he laid
over me huffing as he came down from his climax.

"Stop," I told him as I started to twitch in a few places.

"Why do you want me to stop?" Sam asked me as he changed his fingers somehow and my balls tried
to squeeze their way into my dick.

"AAAHHH!" I shouted. It shouldn't have felt as good it did.

"Just a little more," Sam said as he eased his body off mine and pushed his thigh between my legs,
pushing me to sit on his fingers as they continued their sexual torture. Sam pulled me up from the bed
I was gripping onto.

"I-I caann'tt," I stuttered as I fell back against his chest and my body started to come apart.

"Yes, you can baby," Sam whispered into my ear. I somehow felt his other arm as it moved around my
side. Before I could think or care about what it was going to do, I felt my cock explode before the rest
of me.

"AAAAHHH!" I shouted with the force of a boom as I shot up off his thigh and onto my knees with my
head laying back on Sam's shoulders.

"That's my boy," I heard Sam say before I felt his hands moving me to lay down again. Everything was
dark, then everything was quiet.

There was no sunlight coming through the large window when I woke up again. I could just remember
seeing orange-tinted light streaming through the curtains from earlier. Sam was still here and moving
his fingers through my hair. I looked in his direction to find him laying on the bed at my side. Maybe
that is what woke me up, I wondered as he now moved those fingers slowly through my hairline.

"What time is it?" I asked without looking for any clocks.

"Does it matter?" Sam asked me as his fingers moved down my face.

"Did I sleep most of your hour away?" I then asked, feeling bad since I thought I already had.

"I stopped the clock when you were sleeping. You needed your rest and time to recover," Sam replied
before he reached for something on my other side. "There, it's going again," he tells me before leaning
in for a kiss. And we kissed and kissed. It was also as slow as the jerking he gave me earlier.

"How much time do you have left," I managed to ask once he allowed us to separate. Sam looked past
me for a moment.

"We have eight-teen minutes and twenty-nine seconds," he informed me.

"Are we going to kiss our time away?" I asked as I raised my hand to touch his hair. My fingers easily
sank into its softness. This was the first time where the darker contrast wasn't on my side. Somehow
he managed to have big hair or was it just thick? I smiled as I pulled my hand out and tried to touch
the strands.

"We could," Sam tells me even as his hand migrated downwards moving the sheet, he must have
placed over me, out of the way. He went past my chest, and beyond my waist until he got to my dick
that was still mostly asleep. "I was hoping to be kissing this until my time was up," Sam enlightened

"You don't want to actually fuck me?" I asked him. All the others did. "My ass is feeling better," I told
him without really thinking about it.

"It should. I rubbed enough aloe and coconut oil down there," Sam tells me even as he brushes his
hand around my crotch area and along my penis. "Besides, fucking you now would just undo most of
that," he continued as he slid under my dick and twirled a finger around the head of my dick. "I don't
have to fuck you to enjoy our time together, but feel free to fuck me all you want," Sam ended as he
slid his body down mine to lick at my dick that he had fully awakened with all his touching.

Once again Sam was taking his time. I don't think he knows how to do sex quickly. That sparked a
memory that I just as quickly filed away for later as I was pulled into his mouth. About five minutes
into the tongue bath he was giving my dick, I felt the bed as it moved with his body as he now humped
his cock into the sheets. I spread my legs wide and gripped his long black hair as I held on and enjoyed
what he was doing. When his alarm sounded and he hadn't gotten me off yet I took the matter into
my own hands and held his head still as I thrust up into his mouth. He wasn't going as slowly as when
he started, but he wasn't going as fast as he needed.

His fingers now gripped my ass as I lifted it off the bed. With my feet planted on either side of his body
and his arms wrapped around my thighs, I now fucked him.

"Come on you cock sucking daddy," I taunted him as I started to come unglued. "You love hot young
dicks don't you?" I continued. "OH FUCK!" I shouted as I came into his mouth. Sam moaned before he
sucked hard on my quivering body by way of my dick, before swallowing my cum and licking it clean.

I thanked God silently when Sam let my cock loose and kissed his way up my body with my legs still
straddling his body. If he wanted to push me some more, like he did the first time, I didn't think I
would have had the strength to stop him.

Sam laid his head on my chest after he slowly licked around a nipple.

"You came?" I asked him once I could speak evenly. I had matched his speed as I moved my hand
through his hair again with half the energy I had left.

"Of course," he answered quietly before his lips kissed my skin again. I laid there feeling everything as
my body made its way back to being normal. "I didn't know you had such a filthy mouth," he told me
with a slight chuckle. "It helped," he added on.

"That reminds me," I said as that thought I had earlier came back to me.

"Mm?" Sam asked.

"How come you've been so slow today when we could have gotten off in the car if we had four more
minutes?" I asked him as I continued to look up at the ceiling.

"Just different situations," Sam told me a moment later. I was too tired to push. His answer was good
enough. I closed my eyes for a moment. "I had been looking at you all night," Sam continued on his
own. "I watched as you copped a feel with Robin and Jimmy. Then twice in the car with Alic. By the

time I was able to taste you, I'd been edging …


-: Father's P.O.V. :-

“I can’t wait to see my boy’s hole stretched open,” I told Jimmy as I laid in bed. My last client
rescheduled our meeting until tomorrow. So I was able to leave work early and have some time to
myself before Richard came home.

"Are you sure your kid will be up for this Trever?" Jimmy asked me. I rubbed my hand over my
hardening cock at the ideas of what my boy could be doing and what would be done to him in a few
more days.

“Yeah, I’m sure he’ll be up for it. Just give me another week. He has vacation time coming up,” I told
him as I couldn't stop myself from pulling down my sweats any longer. Of course, I was hard and lightly
flicked my cock. I lazily showed it some attention since I was trying to hold a conversation.

"So we’ll see you guys on the Monday then?" he asked to get the dates settled.

“No,” I answered Jimmy. “I’m bringing him by on the last day of school so he doesn’t have to worry
about going to school for a few days,” I explained. Richard was getting a week off and he was going to
spend a week enjoying what he was going to get into, but I was going to have him home two days
before school started.

I closed my eyes and saw Richard in a generic hotel room as someone fucked him from behind as he
stood on all fours on the bed that rocked with each thrust he was getting. I bent my head back and
started to rub one out slowly.

"Will we get you on film getting a go at him?" Jimmy asked with a lot of interest in his voice.

“No, I won’t be joining in. I’m just going to watch to make sure you bastards don’t take things too far,”
I said as I gripped the head of my cock hard for a long moment to kill the idea of me actually touching
Richard. When that notion had passed I started to stroke myself again to my current fantasy. As I saw
cum leaking out of his backside I was reminded of something.

“You have everything?” I asked Jimmy as I made long strokes to continue but slow down my pending
climax. “The condoms, lube, blood tests, video recorder?” I listed off for him. “I mean it. If your guys
aren’t tested and clean, they aren’t coming near my boy,” I firmly stated as I held my fist over my cock
head for a second time as I sat upright again.

"Of course Trever. I have everything that you asked for from the guys. Even background checks to

make sure they weren't just saying things on the board," Jimmy assured me.

I slid back down into my previous position on the bed as I took him at his word for the moment.

"Do you want to see them before you hit the road or when we met?" he asked me. The moment was

“Naturally I want to see them before we arrive. You can drop them off at my office,” I answered as I
worked my pants further down my legs.

"You said about five guys would be ok right?" Jimmy asked me.

“Yes, but I said more than four, but less than ten,” I reminded him. Five was a nice number and that
should keep him occupied but not completely wear him out so he couldn't go back to school even
after the two-day rest up. I can admit it now that ten was a number I shouldn't have put out there. I
don't know what I was thinking. At least Jimmy was more level-headed than I was and I was starting to
trust him again.

"I picked a nice mix of guys for your Richard," Jimmy continued. "We shouldn't look too out of place if
we all hang out together around the hotel," he said. "I can bring the files by Wednesday afternoon?"
Jimmy asked.

“Yeah, that’s fine,” I answered when I realized he said something, then remembered what it was. I
closed my eyes again and started to jerk my cock again. I couldn't put this off any longer as I freed my
legs completely and kicked my sweats to the floor.

“Got to go, Richard will be home soon and I want to rub one out before he gets here,” I confessed
before I ended the call and tossed my cell onto the bed. Now I saw five guys surrounding him in the
hotel room.

“Oh, Richard,” I moaned. “I can’t wait to see you opened up and begging to be fucked harder,” I said to
myself as I fucked up into my hand to match what I was seeing in my head. Saying it out loud edged
my orgasm closer.

These five guys I would only know by name since we didn't share pictures at our online club. All of
them either praised me for being strong-willed enough to not touch my son or for being stupid for not
making a move on him since Richard confessed to wanting to sleep with me. I had to put my foot
down to keep him from bringing it up ever again after he tried to all-out seduce me a few months

Then Richard started to say things like he wouldn't mind if I watched as he had sex with someone else.
And how some guys got off knowing that they were having sex with someone's kid and it wasn't a
secret. Or they liked being watched. I let him talk me into trying to see if that was even possible,
without the chance of me going to jail, but that plan failed. So now this is plan B. A plan I was keeping

secret from Richard in case anything went wrong and it didn't happen. But I was sure he was going to
be on board with this plan also.

In my head, I saw him sucking a cock as another opened up his virgin hole. Naked men were standing
around him waiting for their turn as they watched him cum along with the other guys. My cock
jumped in my hand as I watched his throat as he swallowed the cum he milked from that guy's balls.

I dug my heels into the bed as I pushed up while imagining the guy pushing even harder into Richard's
ass. I pictured as he gripped my boy's waist firmly and grunted strenuously as he emptied his balls into
him. I envisioned Richard's sweaty body barely kneeling on the bed, as the first two stepped aside to
make room for the next two guys who had waited their turn. I watched as cum dripped from his cock
and the cum in his butt being pushed out, showing the force of his orgasm.

I came hard myself and felt my cum as I sprayed it over my body. My limbs shook and my whole body
ached in a good but very tried way.

“Dad, I’m home! Are you here?” Richard called out just as I was about to congratulate myself on being
able to finish before he got here.

“Yeah, I’m here,” I answered back not sounding like myself at all. I climbed out of bed and cleaned the
cum from my body and pulled something on before he saw me.

“Did you cook anything?” Richard asked as he walked past my room. I was now more composed and
walked out into the hallway.

“No, I ordered Italian. It should be here soon,” I told him as I poked my head out to look at him.
Richard was my height now. He hit five feet eleven inches when he was sixteen but now he's filled out
that height in a very balanced way.

“Ok,” Richard said before he turned back towards his room.

“What? No kiss hello for your old man?” I asked as my whole body now existed in the hallway. He
dropped his bag and walked towards me. It was a quick peck on the lips and I patted his back as he
walked away.

“School was good?” I asked Richard as he tried to disappear into his room.

“Yeah,” he answered back. “It would be better without the homework,” he complained. “I can’t wait
for spring break,” he said as a smile graced his lips.


I looked up from my desk as I heard a knock.

"Yes?" I called out as I continued to type up a progress report.

"There is a Jimmy out here to see you," Karen told me. "He said that he has an appointment for today,
but I couldn't find in him your calendar," she explained.

"Yes, he does," I told her. "It's something personal," I told Karen as a way to explain why he wasn't in
the appointment app.

She just nodded and backed out of the room. A moment later a man about fifteen years older than me
walked into my office. He looked older, but he didn't look old. Jimmy had a messenger bag slung
across his body and his wavy blond hair caught the light as he walked towards me. I stood up and he
extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Trever," he said as we shook hands.

"Same here," I answered back as I dropped my hand and sat down again. I turned back to my screen
to save the document before minimalizing it to give Jimmy my full attention.

"Busy?" he asked as he slipped the bag over his head.

"Just a report," I told him. "I can finish it when we’re done," I explained as I nodded my head at his
bag. Jimmy didn't say anything as he started to pull legal-sized envelopes out of his bag and placed
them on the desk in front of me.

"I picked Alic, Sam, Robin, Kent, and of course there is myself," he ended. I knew he would be part of
this, but I was a little surprised that Kent was included.

"Why Kent?" I asked him as I looked for a packet with his name on it.

"I tried to get a wide range of ages so we would look more mismatched. More natural, so to speak,"
Jimmy told me. "But Alic is the youngest of us and since you didn't want anyone to share your
Richard's spotlight we couldn't bring any of our boys," Jimmy said without sounding too disappointed.

Jimmy was right. This was for Richard and I didn't want him to not feel as special as I wanted it to be
for him.

"Maybe next time," I told Jimmy before I continued to pull out the contents of the envelope that was
in my hands.

"Next time?" Jimmy asked as he leaned back in his seat.

"That will be up to how this goes and if Richard wants to do it again," I informed him.

"That will be something to look forward to," he commented as I looked over the blood test results and

the date it was taken.


-: Father's P.O.V. :-

I woke up before Richard and called Jimmy to see if everyone had arrived and checked in.

"Alic is the last to show. He had a late shift and is on the road now. He should be here by lunchtime,"
he informed me as I turned away from the window. I now saw why this room was so cheep. Nice
window, but less than great view.

"So after dinner then?" I asked him as I paced across the carpet along the furthest wall away from
Richard. I didn't want to wake him up yet. He was very tired last night. I wanted Richard to have some
time to just relax before he met Jimmy and the others. I was thinking of asking Jimmy if the
introductions could have been done after dinner even if everyone was already here.

"After dinner is fine," he answered back. "Robin is downstairs checking in now and we still need a
moment for all of us to get together and go over a few things again," Jimmy informed me.

"Sounds good," I answered back as I stopped pacing and looked at my boy sleeping. He may be my
son, but he wasn't my little boy anymore and he certainly won't be after tonight I realized. "You have
my outlines to go over with them, so you won't see me until tonight. If something comes up, text me,"
I tell him as I walk towards the beds. "I'm spending the day with Richard to start his vacation as normal
as possible," I said.

"Will do. Oh, what room are you?" Jimmy asked before I was able to hang up.

"468," I told him.

"Ok. Later," he said.

"Later," I answer back before ending the call and walking over to Richard's side. He woke up about
fifteen minutes later to see me combing his hair away from his forehead with my fingers. He looked so
puzzled and cute that for a split second I thought about calling the whole thing off.

"Dad?" he asked sounding sleepy.

"Time to wake up and get out on the beach before it gets too hot," I tell him.

"Ok, but why are you playing with my hair?" Richard asked as he continued to lay there.

"Just me being old," I confessed with a small laugh before getting up. "I ordered breakfast," I informed

him as I moved back over to the chair that I left my phone on and took a seat. "It should be here soon.
Go wash your face and brush your teeth," I tell him with a smile that he couldn't see.

"Richard," I called into the bathroom a few minutes later when I thought I heard something. There it
was again and this time it was followed by a muffled grunt. Did he hurt himself?

"Richard," I called again. "Are you ok in there?" I asked without going into the room in case I was
wrong and he was having a hard time emptying his bowels.

"Yeah," he answered me with a strained voice. "Yeah. I'll be out in a minute," Richard answered again
sounding more like himself. Then there was a knock at the door. At first, I was upset thinking that one
of the guys decided to show up on their own when I heard a voice say 'Room Service' through the

"Be right there," I answered as I heard the toilet flush. I opened the door to find a smiling lady on the
other side of a pushcart.

"Good morning, Sir," she said as I smiled back at her.

"Good morning," I repeated as I stepped aside to let her in. When Richard came back into the room I
was already digging into my choice of breakfast that I was not disappointed with at all.

"Is everything ok?" I asked him as he took his seat. "You took a while," I added on before taking a sip
of my coffee.

"Everything is fine," Richard told me. "I just had to use the toilet is all," he said as he picked up a fork.
We ate in silence as I enjoyed my plate of Eggs Benedict with a side of home fries. I covered everything
in their hollandaise sauce and I was impressed.

"So we are going to be beach bums today?" Richard asked pulling my mind away from the fried piece
of ham I found under the eggs. I looked up to see him refilling his glass of orange juice.

"For a few hours. Sure," I answered him before taking a sip of my coffee.

"Then?" he asked me.

"Then we meet up with some friends," I offhandedly stated. The fork stopped partway from his plate
to his mouth. He looked over at me and I didn't see questions. I didn't see surprise. I saw excitement.
He knew.


"I'm going to take a shower," Richard shouted from the bathroom.

"Ok," I answered back as I pulled my phone from my pocket. I told Jimmy that they were going to
meet Richard after dinner this morning, but around two Richard, who had calmed down from hearing
this morning's news, was starting to look around at everyone again. Hoping for, I don't know what. But
it was clear that he was expecting something.

So I called Jimmy to ask the guys if they were ok with coming to our room before dinner. After a few
muffled sounds from his end, Jimmy came back on and said that everyone agreed. They would be
ready and waiting for my signal.

I sent the text now that we were back in our room. I got an ETA from Jimmy for about ten minutes.

While I waited for them to show up, I found the equipment that I had packed in my things. By the time
I heard the doorbell to our room ring, I had hidden six cameras around the room and setting up the
last one on my phone to save its feed to a server that we all pitched in to rent three terabytes of space

When I opened the door I saw a group of five unassuming men standing there. I knew better than to
think that anyone looking at them would know what they were into, but I lost some of that worry now
that I laid eyes on them myself.

"Hello, Jimmy," I said since he was the only one I knew.

"Trever," he said as he stepped forward and into the room.

"I'm Alic," the youngest looking one said as he stepped up and shook my hand with his free one,
before following Jimmy inside. It looks like he was the one given camera duty.

"Robin," was the next guy's name. The accountant I think I remember him saying. I nodded at him
before turning to the next guy.

"Kent," that next guy said. I kinda remembered the name from club chats, but I couldn't remember
him saying anything personal. It as all fantasies I think.

"Sam," I said as the last guy stepped up and grasped my hand.

"Yep," he answered back. I closed the door and turned to face the guys as they looked around.

"You placed the cameras?" Jimmy asked when I walked in his direction on my way to the bathroom

"I just finished," I answered before turning to face the door separating my son from his surprise. Well,
I hope most of it was still a surprise for him.

"Richard, my friends are here," I said through the door.

"I don't have any clothes," he answered back.

"It's ok. You don't really need them," I told him since I was sure that was the only thing he knew for
sure. A few seconds later I watched as he opened the door and looked around our room and the other
guys in it. Richard's skin was dry, but his hair still had a few droplets in it and a white fluffy towel from
the hotel was wrapped around his waist as he stood there taking everything in.

"Hi," Richard finally said.

"Come on out, and I'll introduce you," I told him as I placed an arm around his shoulder to pulled him
into the room. He didn't seem on edge but he did relax a little more as I introduced him to the guys
and he shook their hands.

Now we were at the part where no one wanted to act first and seem too eager and possibly freak
Richard out so I asked if anyone wanted something to drink. Just about everyone said yes and moved
with me over to where the minibar and mini-fridge were. I looked up after holding up a coke to see
who wanted it when I saw Jimmy as he reached for Richard's bare waist and pulled him in for a kiss.
Richard was surprised and was completely still for a minute before he started to kiss him back. He
lifted both his hands that were still hanging at his sides and gripped Jimmy's shirt as well as the back
of his head as they continued to kiss in front of us.

I didn't really know how I was going to feel watching my son with another guy. Yeah, I talked about it.
Got off picturing it, but to actually see it? Not to have everyone act the way I would have them act if
this was all in my head was different than I expected. I wasn't as much turned on by Richard as I was
turned on for him. I saw that he was into it, and the fact that he was enjoying himself allowed me to
want him to have a fucking good time and it got me going too. Richard pulled back but didn't let
Jimmy go. They just watched each other as they breathed deeply for a few seconds.

"Alic, why don't you set up. I have drinks for the rest of you," I said before watching Jimmy as he kissed
Richard again after they got their breath back. When I heard Richard moan I was sure we all tented
our pants.

I was thinking of handing out more customized drinks, but once Jimmy got started, I just gave
everyone a can of something without truly caring what it was. When I happened to see Alic setting the
camera up too close to Richard and Jimmy, I nudged him with the can in my hand.

"Put the camera by the door so you don't have to move it later," I told him quietly as if I was
interrupting a show by just speaking. He nodded his understanding as he took the drink from my hand
before he moved the tripod. My skin tingled as Richard moaned again. I was closer now and felt like I
needed to back away before I was burned or something.

I decided to follow the camera and grabbed a chair on my way. I sat down next to Alic and approved of
my choice. I saw the whole room so when the action moved to the bed, the floor or a wall, I would see


"Everything is in focus," Alic told me in a hushed tone as we both observed Jimmy pulling the towel
away from Richard's body, leaving him naked to the room. "Just tilt it in the direction you want with
this handle," he said before walking away.

Jimmy ended the kiss again but this time he took a step back to look Richard over again. This time
without the towel that had been kicked away I think. Richard's eyes were slightly dreamy as he looked
around the room. Was he looking for me, or just remembering where he was? He continued to scan
around the room until his eyes found me. We held each other's gaze until Jimmy started to strip and
caught Richard's attention again.

Once Jimmy was free of his tee-shirt, sandals, cargo shorts, and boxer-briefs he moved back in for
another kiss. Apparently, Richard tasted very good, I told myself as I waited for something new. I didn't
have to wait that long it turned out. When Richard wouldn't stop gasping after Jimmy grabbed his ass,
I looked down their bodies to see what was being done to him.

I watched Jimmy as he slid his hand up and down Richard's dick. Jimmy contented himself with
rubbing his cock into Richard's thigh as he gave us a view of how he worked over Richard's dick.
Richard had his arms wrapped around Jimmy as if he was trying to hold himself up as he had his pre-
cum rubbed into his cock as Jimmy continued to jerk him off.

My cock hardened a little more as I observed Richard's legs and thighs flexing as he started to fuck
into Jimmy's hand. I flicked my eyes back up to his face. I saw the back of Jimmy's head as Richard
looked directly at me. I had never seen his eyes like this before. I lifted my beer to wet my dry mouth.

I watched as he looked at the other guys who were also looking at him. The light of the room shone
off of the slight sheen of sweat that now covered their chests and backs. I didn't follow my son's gaze
to look at the others. I wasn't interested in them. I wasn't here for them. I was here for him.

Eventually, Richard was looking at me again. We held each other's gaze as I watched what he was
feeling play across his face. Not even Jimmy sucking on his neck was able to divert his attention or get
him to close his eyes. I watched both of them as their movements got faster. Their rhythms slowly
worked their way out of sync until Richard was up on his toes. His fingers dug into Jimmy's shoulder as
Jimmy told him something.

His mouth stayed open as his moans got louder. Jimmy turned his head to say something to him again.
Each word was louder than the last until I heard the words, "...want to say it," before he jerked hard
into Richard's side as he came on him.

"Daddy!" Richard shouted a moment later and I forced my eyes not to close as I came in my pants as I
watched my Richard cum while looking at me.


-: Father's POV:-

I watched everything from my seat as the night wore on. The only times that I got up were when I
wanted a new drink and when I had to use the bathroom while everyone was taking a breather.

Other than Richard's first time with Jimmy, he was the center of attention for at least two of the men
at a time, for the rest of the night. Those who didn't have their hands, or mouths on him, never mind a
cock in one of his holes, stood around jerking off to what I was recording.

During my quick bathroom breaks, I didn't just pee and no one would be surprised to learn that. Every
time I cleaned up I was surprised that my pants remained as dry as they did. Hour after hour, they hid
every instance I creamed my shorts at seeing Richard climax. When I watched him suck on a cock until
he swallowed what he earned. As I listened to his moans got as they got louder with each ass
pounding. He was ready for everything and wanted more.

As if that wasn't a test in keeping my hands off my cock to jerk off with everyone else, he pined me
with his eyes as often as he could. He looked deep into my soul to let me know he was thinking of me
as he got fucked. Richard screamed my name like he paid for it. Like he wanted me close to him as he

I don't know which one of us cracked first, but it may have been a draw, or I just read the room
correctly, when I told them to call it a night around eleven o'clock. It was only then that I saw that the
guys looked almost as tired as I felt.

I felt like kicking them out at one point, dressed or not when I thought that they had done what they
were there to do and weren't moving fast enough to leave. That was when I felt shame for the first
time that night. I packed up the camera and tripod for Alic. I picked up wipes and condoms that
missed the two trash cans that were in the room along with the scattered Pepsi, coke, and beer cans.
They used the bathroom to clean up before getting dress and leaving our room. Sam even helped me
clean Richard up and put him to bed properly before he left. By the time the last one left, Robin, thirty
minutes had passed.

Once everyone was gone I turned the cameras off for the rest of the night before I at long last was
able to peel myself out of my clothes and sticky underwear to take a bath. While in the shower I was
finally able to touch my dick and jerk off to a collage of scenes I had witnessed that night. I fell to my
knees with a suppressed groan as my legs gave out.

I don't know how long I stayed like that, but eventually, I stood up, finished my shower, put on a fresh
pair of boxers, and walked towards my bed. I stopped to kiss Richard good night on his forehead, out

of habit, before setting my alarm and going to sleep.


I don't know how long my alarm had been going off for, but once I silenced it, I looked over at Richard
and breathed a sigh of relief that he was still asleep. I still felt a little tired, but nothing that a strong
cup of coffee couldn't fix. I looked through my bag for a fresh pair of cargo shorts and a polo shirt. I
was about to slide into my sandals when something occurred to me.

I first went into the bathroom and looked behind the mirror to see if they had something like aspirin in
there for guests, but there was nothing. The space was there, there was just nothing in it. So I grabbed
my wallet, room card, and phone to go down to the hotel's gift shop to see if they had any pain
medication that I could buy for Richard. He was bound to be sore when he woke up.

I was able to get there, find some Advil, pay the attendant, and be back in the room in under ten
minutes. I peeked inside to see if he was still asleep before stepping inside. I then got to work setting it
up with a note and glass of water before leaving the room again to find the guys and get something to

"What room are you in?" I asked Jimmy when he answered his phone. I stood in front of the elevator,
but I hadn't pushed any buttons since I didn't know where I was going yet.

"209," he said sounding a little sleepy.

"I'll be right there. Do you have coffee?" I asked as I now hit the down button and waited for the

"I'll order some," he told me before hanging up. I started to think of what I would order for breakfast
to go along with that coffee.


An hour and a half later everyone was in Jimmy's room. A few asked about Richard. Once I said that he
seemed ok, but was still sleeping when I left our room, someone else asked about seeing him tonight.

"See him how?" I asked Robin. There was a silence that could have meant a few things. "You aren't
having sex if that is what you are thinking. He was a virgin until last night and I may have let that go on
for longer than I should have," I told all of them. "But see him? Sure," I ended as I looked at Robin
before turning away.

"Sam, can you pull up the server files?" I asked him. He was already on his laptop.

"Sure," he answered as I heard the keys clicking.

"We should have enough space no matter how much we film," he said without turning the laptop
around for us to see. The clicking continued for a few more seconds before there was a pause and
then the sound of Richard groaning filled the space between us. It then stopped and Sam was doing
something else on the computer. Then I think we heard Sam's voice as he shouted "Fuck" out of the
laptop speakers before a deep-throated grunt was cut short. Some more clicking and finger movement
on the touch-pad and Alic spoke up before we heard anything else coming from Sam's direction.

"Just show us a video already," he said sounding slightly exasperated.

"I was just making sure they were intact. I hadn't checked them yet," he answered before clicking
something and turning it to the side as he got up to walk across the room towards the mini-fridge. I
gave the screen a quick look before getting up and following Sam. I got a Pepsi as I leaned against the
table next to Sam as he drank a seltzer.

"I'll double-check all the files later to make sure nothing was corrupted," he tells me before taking a

"YES!" was shouted from the laptop.

"Turn it down," I said in the guy's direction. Someone noticeably lowered the volume.

"Not going to watch it with them?" Sam asked.

"I can ask you the same thing," I deflected.

"I'm going to spend hours editing them, and what gets recorded next, then send links out to a finished
file once I've watched it all the way through to make sure there are no issues with playback," Sam said
as he continued to look at the group. Jimmy was the only one missing. He was sitting up in bed while
looking at his phone. At that moment he looked up and searched me.

"I found Godzilla: King of Monsters," he said once he found me.

"Ha?" Alic asked as he looked up from the movie.

"I'm taking Richard out to see a movie," I told them.

"When is it?" Sam asked. I turned to look at Jimmy.

"Six forty-five," he answered as he read the information off his phone. "There is also a five pm
showing if you want to go a little earlier," he added on before looking back up at me.

"No, the later one is ok," I told him as I pulled out my phone and checked the time out of habit.

"I'm going back," I said as I started to drain what was left in my can. "Send me the link," I told Jimmy

when I tossed my can into the trash.

"Can we come?" Alic asked.

"Come where?" I asked him not understanding what he meant.

"To the movie," he said. "With you and Richard," Alic added. I looked at all of them as they forgot the
video for a moment and waited for my answer.

"I haven't changed my mind," I told them. "No one is having sex with him tonight. I don't care if he
says he wants to," I said. They remained quiet and still waited for an answer to Alic's question.

"How young do you think we are, that we can't control ourselves for one night?" Robin asked
sounding almost insulted. Almost.

"Fine," I said. "I'll get the tickets and you can pay me back later," I said as I made my way to the door.

"Hey," Kent said as he met me at the door before I opened it. "You want to get a drink before we head
out to the movies?" he asked me. I looked at him. "Just to talk," he said. "We use to just talk online
didn't we?" he asked as I looked for a motive. But he was right.

"Yeah," I admitted. "Downstairs?" I asked him.

"Yeah," Kent agreed. I nodded before walking out.


When I got back to my room I found Richard on the floor with his bare ass sticking up in the air. I was
stunned, surprised, and more turned on than I expected to be.

I ate what was left of his breakfast to hide what I was feeling as I told him about going out tonight. He
told me that he was too sore to have sex with the guys like I expected him to be, so I was happy with
my decision to put him off-limits for them tonight. I informed him that it was just a movie and dinner.
He then went back to bed. I thought about how his next few days were going to be spent. I didn't want
all his interactions to wear him out this much or he would need a vacation from this vacation.

I rubbed my eyes before looking at my bed and not hating the idea of a nap. I pulled out my phone
and calculated that I could get a few more hours of sleep before meeting Kent for a drink downstairs. I
also saw that my phone needed charging too. Next to my bed I still had my cable socketed into the
USB wall charger that I found there our first night. I thought that Richard had his own. I guess I was

I set my alarm for about three hours from now, plugged it in, and stripped out of my shirt before
bedding down. My heart was racing as I bolted out of bed at hearing Richard shout "Daddy" in my

dream again. I looked over at my phone. I had slept for two hours and my alarm wasn't set to go off
for another fifty-odd minutes. I turned off the alarm and went into the bathroom.

I wasn't going to get back to sleep and I wasn't going to sit in bed next to Richard as I jerked off to my
wet dream of him being gang banged. Although I thought I had already cum, I was surprised to see
that my clothes were still dry as I undressed. I got into the shower and just stood there for a moment.
Then I saw his eyes again.

Those eyes may haunt me until my dying days. His brown eyes were so dark and almost weeping with
need. Richard fucked down onto the cock that was thrusting upward to meet him. He had his hands
pressing down into their thighs while he continued to look at me. The rest of them stood back and
looked on as we watched each other.

I refused to let Richard see me as one of them. I was there to look after him. That was how he was
going to get over this idea of being with me and I could remain his father and not just play the part in
his eyes. I gripped my hard dick as I watched the cum leak out of his cock and was pulled down by the
force of his fucking. The amount of cum increased until his legs shook with effort and the guy he was
fucking held his waist and ass to keep him moving. The guy came first, but he kept fucking Richard
until he sprayed his cum over their legs and his stomach.

That time he didn't say my name. He wasn't looking at me either. I jerked my hand faster as I saw his
body quake from his orgasm. I rubbed the head of my cock as I was pelted by warm water out of the
shower head while I saw Richard's chest heave as he sucked in breath after breath. I felt my balls
tighten against my body when someone placed their head between his legs to suck his cock empty
and clean. His mouth opened at the surprise sensation. Richard wrapped his arms around their head
and looked like he was going to cum again. I leaned my head against the tiles.

The man never left his ass and started to fuck him again. They both didn't last long. Richard shouted
"Fuck!" as the cum was sucked out of him and I emptied my balls against the wall in front of me.

When I finished my shower and was standing on the bathmat drying off, I realized that I still had a
problem to figure out.

How was Richard going to have sex with all the guys for the next day or so, without getting worn out
and sore by the end of it all?


-: Father's P.O.V. :-

Alic told a joke that had me laughing into my drink as I tried to drink it. When I finally managed to
touch the glass to my lips Kent tapped me on the arm. I turned to look at him to be pointed towards
the entrance. For a moment I thought I would see Richard there trying to get my attention, but
instead, I saw Robin walking towards us.

"Hey, Robin," I said when he was closer. "What do you want to drink?" I asked as he took a seat at our
table. I noticed when Kent waved our waiter over at the same time.

"What are you guys having?" Robin asked instead of giving me an answer.

"I'm drinking an Old Fashioned," I said as I lifted it for another slip.

"A coke," Alic admitted to.

"A Whisky Sour," Kent chimed in with.

"All over the place, I see," Robin commented. The waiter arrived and he turned to Robin right away
and waited to be told what he wanted to drink. "I think I'll try a Moscow Mule," he said with a nod of
his head as if he was making up his mind after saying what was on it. "How much would that be?" he
then asked the waiter.

"That would be $10.23 unless you are staying at the hotel," he told him.

"I am. Room 344," Robin informed him with a slight grin.

"Then it's $8.50 with proof of your room's key card," the waiter said as if he would be happy if Robin
got the drink, but would live if he asked for something cheaper.

"I'll take it," Robin then said as he fished out his card and showed it to the waiter.

"Do we have time to get some fries?" Alic asked before the waiter tried to leave.

"No," Robin said as he spoke up again. "Richard's already outside looking for you, but I thought we
could have a drink. He's chatting with Sam right now," Robin ended and the waiter walked away to get
his drink.

"So you are giving Sam and the kid some alone time?" Kent jokingly asked. The idea didn't sound all

that bad to me, but I checked my phone for the time instead of commenting. Robin was right, we
didn't have much time left.

"Do you normally drink Moscow Mules?" I asked Robin as I turned my phone back over on the table
where it had been with the others.

"No. It's something new that I've been wanting to try. Normally it would be a beer or Seven and Seven
or a Gin and tonic the few times I go to a bar," Robin said before looking up as the waiter walked over
with his freshly made Moscow Mule. It's the only time I've seen them serve a drink in a copper cup.
This one wasn't very shiny and it had a pattern of pits all around the body. It even came with a handle.

"How is it?" I asked once he had taken a sip and didn't complain.

"Not bad. I haven't had vodka much, but," he said before taking another sip. "Not bad," he repeated.

"I hear the trick is the copper mug," Kent informed us before he took a sip of his drink and puckering
up after tasting it. "I like the sour part," he said defensively when he saw all of us looking at him. Alic
laughed, Robin took another sip of his drink and I checked the time again.

"Time we got going," I said as I stood and swallowed what was left of my drink. They did the same
before we made our way out to the lobby. I soon saw Richard sitting in a bright floral decorated and
overstuffed side chair as he talked with Sam.

"I love being on time," I heard a familiar voice say behind us. We all turned and saw Jimmy as he
stepped up to our little group. Robin laughed before we started walking towards Richard and Sam who
had seen us by now.


The rest of the night was as normal as a night out with the guys could be. Outside of Richard feeling
up Jimmy and Robin during the movie, everyone behaved themselves, as far as I saw.

When I was waiting for Sam, Kent, Alic, and Richard to show up at the hotel, I was starting to question
not if they went off-script, but how far off-script.

"Do you think they stopped for a quickie?" Jimmy asked out loud as we stood on the top step at the
entrance to the building.

"I hope for their shakes that they didn't," I answered back. I wasn't trying to bust anyone's balls for no
reason. I had real concerns about them injuring Richard.

"They're in the car, so there that," Robin said.

"So?" I asked as I turned to look at him.

"It's small. If they are having sex with him," he stopped when he saw the look in my eye. "If, I said if.
Then it would have to be one at a time and that would take a while. If they get here soon, you would
know they didn't," he ended on what he thought was a good note.

"Five more minutes and I'll call Sam myself," Jimmy said from his place against the wall. I looked out to
where all vehicles would have to turn off the main road to come up to the front of the hotel. One car
tuned in, but it wasn't theirs. I walked into the lobby to take a seat and see how long it was going to
take for them to show up.

"Here they come," Jimmy said. I turned around, and there was their car. They were waiting for the
light just outside the entrance.

"Let's meet them at the elevator," Robin suggested even as he started to walk towards one side of the
lobby. We both turned and followed him.

We watched as they walked into the lobby, hugged each other, and then separated. Richard walked
towards us and they walked to the other bank of elevators on the other side of the lobby.

"Where are they going?" Robin asked as he looked at the other guys walking away.

"We already said our good-byes, so they're going to their rooms," Richard said as he got closer. The
elevator opened as he caught up to us, so he walked past us and held the door open. "Or did you want
them to say good-night to you too?" he asked as he waited for us to get in with him.

Jimmy and Robin looked at each other while I shook my head before I stepped into the elevator. The
other two were right behind me.

"So you said good-night already to the other guys?" Robin asked once the doors were closed.

"Yeah," Richard answered as he glanced at me for a quick second. "We just kissed," he added on really

"Are we all going to get a kiss tonight?" Jimmy asked causing me to look at him now.

"I thought so," Richard answered. Now the guys turned to look at me. I thought about it and realized
that since Richard claimed to have kissed the others and I never said that kissing wasn't allowed, I
couldn't deny them what the others got and what Richard was more than willing and capable of giving

"Kissing is fine," I finally said as I turned to look at the doors. A second later they opened onto our
floor. Jimmy and Robin walked with us to our room. I unlocked the door and left it open as I walked
inside. I kicked off my sandals and thought about turning on one of the cameras for a split second, but
decided to let them have a moment instead. So I, along with Robin, looked on as Jimmy pushed

Richard up against a wall and kissed the life out of him.

"I've been waiting for this all night," Jimmy told Richard when they stopped for a breath.

"I'm sorry about what happened at the movies," Richard told him as he leaned back in to continue the

"Really?" Jimmy asked as he pulled away a little, preventing Richard from reaching his lips.

"Well, it was a little unfair what I did to you and Robin considering you guys couldn't touch me back
and I did leave you kinda hanging," Richard admitted.

"Well, we get to touch you back now, so no hard feelings," Jimmy said before sealing their lips
together as his hands grabbed Richard's ass and pulled him into his grinding crotch.

"Just kissing," I warned both of them as Richard wrapped his arms around Jimmy's neck.

"I ain't stripping the boy," Jimmy said quickly over his shoulder before he pressed his lips against
Richard's again. I told them only kissing, but I knew that they were going to find a way to get off. I was
going to make sure that it didn't get out of hand.

Richard's back was pressed against the wall as they kissed hard and Jimmy's hands, holding on to his
ass, pushed Richard's crotch over his thigh and wedged his thigh between Richard's legs. They were
going to hump their way towards an orgasm.

A deep moan left Richard's chest and I barely heard it because Jimmy failed in swallowing all of it.
Richard was getting more into it as he wrapped a leg around Jimmy's hip and rocked his ass faster.
Jimmy broke out of the kiss to suck and lick Richard's neck as he squeezed their bodies tighter
together. Then I saw as they came at the same time.

"Yes! Ahh, Fuck!" Richard screamed out causing my cock to go from hard to painful to leaking in my
shorts. They were motionless now and leaning against the wall. I then became aware of Robin's
huffing and looked to see that he hadn't been able to resist jerking himself off. I looked back at
Richard and he was still holding on to Jimmy. The leaking was getting worst. I knew that if I didn't do
something about it, I would look like I peed myself.

I walked into the bathroom and freed my cock quickly. I didn't have to rub or tug or anything. Once I
held it I was cumming and I grunted as quietly as I could while I aimed my cock at the toilet bowl. I
didn't want them to take advantage of my absence so I cleaned up as quickly as I could before going
back out there.

"Your turn Robin," I heard Richard say as I re-entered the room. Jimmy was just letting him loose and
moving away. Robin looked at me for a second as he tucked his cock back in before walking around the
mess he made and towards Richard. Compared to Jimmy's it was a slow kiss that looked like it would

take a while since they had both came already.

Jimmy went to use the bathroom and I cleaned up the mess on the carpet before it set in. When we
were both finished and I had decided to give Robin and Richard another minute they stopped on their

While Richard was saying good-bye to Jimmy and Robin at the door I picked up the remote for the tv. I
was flipping through what few channels there
were as I tried to find something to lull me to sleep when Richard walked over and gave me a quick
peck on the lips without any warning.

"Night Dad," he told him.

"Night Richard," I responded. "Take a shower," I added on as I remembered what just happened to

"Of course Dad," he answered back as I watched him stripping on his way to the bathroom. I turned
my attention back to the tv, but I didn't see anything as what I just witnessed played before my eyes
again only to have me remembering my problem. The pieces were starting to come together when
Richard walked out of the bathroom. I watched his lean nude body as he walked right towards his bed.

"I'll turn the tv off soon," I told him. He looked happy, and I clearly saw finger bruises on his back and
hips. He didn't say anything and when I pulled my phone out to think about calling the others, I heard
him snoring.


-: Father's P.O.V. :-

Throughout the day I watched the streaming video as it was saved and remotely cut it once their hour
was up. I would then go to the bathroom to take care of myself and then watch over Richard as he
took a nap for a few minutes.

I would then start the count down for the next hour. Each time someone came back, lots were cast to
see who would go next and that person would do what they wanted for the rest of the day. Stay and
hang out, go to their rooms and sleep or get something to eat. A few wanted to see how their video
turned out but they weren't allowed the watch the whole thing since I had to be monitoring the live
feed for when the next guy's hour started to hit the record button.

Robin was the one who set up the lots system. His lots' medium were spoons. Those white disposable
ones. He marked the handle with a red marker he happened to have in his bag. I held them this
morning to see who would win the honor of seeing Richard wake up. Once Alic came back, he held the
lots and so on.

When Richard called after his time with Robin saying that he needed to get out of the room, we had to
quickly set up Kent's phone to send a video to the server. At that point, I took a nap.

When I woke up from my alarm, I saw that Kent's video had been saved to the server twenty minutes
earlier. Unlike my cameras in the room, Kent's phone has access to controls I had to use a computer to
get to. I played it for a moment to see where he had placed his phone. Any longer and I would have
been entranced by the movement of Richard's back. I felt myself sliding under the pull to watch him
without blinking and wishing I could touch his skin. I've had to fight that feeling a few times already for
the day.

"I need to get out for some air myself," I said as I stood.

"Where do you want to go?" Robin asked. He had stayed back after he oversaw the lots to talk with
Jimmy while I took my nap on the couch.

"I don't know," I said as I shrugged my shoulders. "I just don't want to see my son getting fucked for a
few hours," I confessed.

"Why?" Robin asked me.

"You are the ones who can't keep your hands off him," I pointed out.

"That's because we aren't the ones trying not to," Jimmy added in. The only two left to spend time
with Richard were Jimmy and Sam so we had just tossed a coin to see who would get to be with him
last instead of next. Sam won that hour and in doing so asked for an extra thirty minutes since he
would have to go slow because Richard would have to be sore by then and may not even want to have
sex with him. I told him that I would think about it.

"You do remember why you guys get to fuck him and not me right?" I asked Jimmy feeling a little
defensive since I wanted to hold my son down and fuck him like he wanted me to. Like Kent just did.
Like Jimmy was looking forward to doing. He was mine and I loved him. I balled my hands up in rage at
the unfairness of Richard being my son and having other guys fulfill his fantasies instead of me.

Then I felt the crack of guilt and duality hit me again. I was his father and I did love him and to make
sure he continued to see me that way, I couldn't have sex with him. I opened my fists and rolled my
shoulders. Jimmy hadn't answered my question and he didn't need to. We all knew the answer.

"I can do with a ride," Robin said. "How about I meet you downstairs and we can go see the beach or
something?" he suggested. The beach was only thirty minutes away via highway, but it gave us a
destination when I didn't have one.

"Ok," I agreed. "Just let me get a few things done first," I told him as I moved towards the door.

"I'll meet you in the lobby," he said as I was about to close the door. I made it to my floor in time to
see a maid coming out of the room across from ours. I let her into our room and told her to change
the sheets along with doing a general cleaning before I went to the bathroom. When I came out she
was sprinkling something onto the carpet. I thanked her and gave her a tip of twenty dollars before I
left to meet Robin downstairs.

I found him talking to Jimmy. I was still half upset with him, but we both knew where the other was
coming from even if we took different actions concerning the same situation.

"I decided to wait down here for Richard instead of hanging out outside your room like a creep,"
Jimmy explained. I guess he thought I was wondering why he was there. I just thought he was still
talking to Robin.

"Sorry for earlier," I started. "I just need to see something different for a bit," I explained. I watched as
he nodded his head in understanding. "Do you mind if I wait with you?" I asked Jimmy. "I just want to
see him get back safe before I leave," I explained.

"Not a problem," Jimmy answered, and I took a seat next to Robin. We didn't have much to talk about
at this point, but we managed to pass a few sentences back and forth until I stood to see if Kent's car
was driving up. My phone said that Richard's rest hour would be up in six minutes.

"They should be here soon," I pointed out as I drifted towards the entrance while I continued to look
for their car.

"Do you ever think you are too protective of the kid?" Jimmy asked me as we all now stood at the
entrance. A valet walked up to us and Robin talked to him while I looked at Jimmy.

"I set this up for him and left all of you alone with him for hours at a time and you accuse me of being
too protective?" I asked him without giving him time to answer. "I care about Richard. I worry about
him when I'm sure he's fine until I can see him for myself," I told Jimmy. "I'm sure you use to worry
about your kids too," I pointed out.

"I still do," Jimmy answered back. "But I also know they are old enough to take care of themselves and
if they need my help for something, I know they would ask. It doesn't help me or them to worry," he
told me. At that moment I realized that Kent had driven up the driveway and Richard was already out
and walking towards us with a large raspberry-covered slushy cup in his hand.

He smiled at me as he got closer before glancing at Jimmy and Robin before looking back at me again.
My heart swelled at the light I saw in his eyes.

"Having fun?" I asked when he stood in front of me.

"Yeah. Interesting and fun," Richard said while his ears started to turn red. I clasped the back of his
head and rubbed his neck for a few seconds as I smiled at his slight embarrassment.

"Well, Robin and I are heading out for a few hours. Call if you need me for anything," I tell him as I
lowered my hand and looked him squarely in the face.

"Sure," he answered back. I nodded before I looked over at Jimmy. He nodded back at me, and I took
some comfort from that gesture.

"I'll let you know when I'm on my way back," I tell Richard as I walk past him and towards Robin's car. I
didn't look back as we pulled out into traffic. We weren't in a rush to get where we were going, so
when we saw a supermarket up ahead about fifteen minutes into our trip, I had Robin pull over so I
could get us some drinks. Ten minutes later I was back in the car with a six-pack of flavored seltzer,
and we were moving again. Robin was driving and didn't need a DUI ticket, and I've had my loosely
allotted amount of alcohol for the week.

The ride took longer than thirty minutes, but then Robin wasn't taking the highway. He cut through
town after town as he stayed away from the coast until he no longer had a choice.

We made it to the beach in just over an hour. We rolled down the windows, eased the seats back, and
watched the beachgoers as they walked past, sat under the sun, or played with a ball of some kind as
we sat there slowly drinking. Kent had turned the radio on when I went into the supermarket, and we
left it on so it wasn't quite in the car as time ticked away but it was low enough that it wasn't too
distracting. As the sun started to slip away and I finished my third drink, Robin spoke for the first time
since we got there.

"Ready to head back?" he asked.

"Yeah," I admitted. "Let me toss these out first," I said as I collected the empty cans. I got out and
walked about fifty feet to the only trash can I saw and dumped them in it. On my way back, I saw
some people walking past me with ice cream cones.

"I need to stop off at the supermarket again," I told Robin as I started to buckle myself in.

"What for?" he asked me.

"Ice cream for Richard," I explained.

"I like Pistachio myself," Robin mentioned as he reversed out of the parking spot and drove back
towards the hotel.


Someone was playing with my hair again. I turned and pressed my face into their hand and kissed the
palm before I opened my eyes to see who it was. I froze when I saw my Dad looking down at me.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me instead of being mad at the level of affection I showed him.
Unknowingly, but still.

"Ok," I said, not being able to think of what else to say. "Maybe a little tired," I added as I fished
around for something more to say.

"Hungry?" he asked as he leaned back a bit. I wondered what time it was. How long ago did Sam
leave? I quickly found the clock this time as I looked to my side. It was after six o'clock. I think I was
sleeping for over two hours, but I wasn't sure.

"Maybe," I said as I questioned my body. Yeah, I felt it there. I was hungry. "A little hungry," I said as I
looked back up at him.

"Let me know what you want," Dad said as he stood and walked over to the landline in the room. I
almost asked for a burger and fries when I remembered what Kent said about trying new stuff.

"Where's the menu?" I asked my Dad since I was sure there was one here. Somewhere.

"It's over here," Dad said as he picked it up from next to the phone. "You don't know what you want?"
he asked as he brought it over.

"I feel like trying something new," I told him as he handed it to me. I looked the menu over, looking for
the dinner section to find out that one didn't exist. What I did find was an all-day menu. I then studied
it like I was preparing for a test.

It had the headings of Starters, On The Fly, Salads, Flatbreads, Handhelds, Savor, and Sweets. I didn't
look twice at the Salad section since the hunger I felt when Dad woke me had already grown more
intense, and I wasn't willing to bet that a bunch of lettuce would be enough.

I drifted back to the Flatbreads and read it over in more detail. Margherita came with tomato sauce,
fresh mozzarella, plum tomato, and basil. The Pepperoni sounded like a pizza with tomato, mozzarella,
and parsley. The BBQ Chicken one caught my attention with its bacon, tomato, cheddar, and avocado.
The last one was Fig and Chevre. I didn't read anymore since I wasn't sure what chevre was, and I
wanted to actually eat what I ordered.

My eyes strayed to Handhelds which were a mix of wraps, burgers, and sandwiches. But I liked that

they came with fries, but I should be able to get some fries with the flatbread right?

"Ok," I said out loud as I looked up at my Dad.

"What will it be Sport?" my Dad asked as he picked up the cordless phone. I waited until he got
someone on the other end and waited to hear what I wanted.

"I would like the BBQ Chicken flatbread with a side of fries and a Seven Up," I told him. I listened as he
repeated it to the person at the other end.

"Normal fries or the truffle ones?" he then asked back as he came closer. I was slightly surprised that
he bothered to ask. He would have just picked the plain ones for me normally. I remember seeing
truffle fries on the menu and did a quick check. Sea salt, truffle oil, garlic aioli, and reggiano. I'm pretty
sure that the last thing was cheese.

"The truffle ones," I decided and told him at the same time. Dad then held his hand out for the menu
as he confirmed the truffle fries to the person taking the order. He then did a quick scan of the menu
himself before saying what he wanted. Dad asked for the turkey burger and crispy cauliflower bites.

When I moved to get off the bed, I felt twinges of pain in my hips and back, and I looked for the bottle
of Alive that my Dad had gotten me yesterday. I was a little surprised to see that it was still on the side
table with the same note he left me, under the empty glass.

As I stood, allowing the sheet to fall away, I realized that I was naked once again. For a moment I
thought about putting something on, but considering how naked I had been for most of this trip and
my Dad's lack of protest to my nudity, I decided to stop worrying about it. I took the bottle of pills and
the empty glass as I walked naked into the bathroom.

While I filled the glass, I stretched and extended out the other half of my body as I yawned. I took the
pills with half a glass of water. I brushed my teeth before I had to sit on the toilet. Eventually, I was
walking back out feeling even more hungry and drinking another full glass of water.

"You're sure you're feeling ok?" Dad asked when he saw me walking towards him. I think I saw his eyes
as they moved slowly over my body. But I knew he wouldn't do anything about it, and I didn't want
him upset at me for hinting at any sexual interest he had for me.

"Yeah," I told him when I lowered the glass and looked down at the table that must have just gotten
here. "I just had to use the bathroom," I explained as I pulled a chair closer to the table.

"That was quick," I exclaimed as I looked over the food that got here faster than I thought it would
take to make it.

"You were in there for over fifteen minutes," he informed me. "That's why I'm asking if you're ok," he
repeated looking a little worried.

"Yeah," I said looking up at him. "I'm fine." he stayed quiet as he moved to sit in the chair I saw him
holding when I came back out.

"I don't think you've ever tasted a truffle," Dad commented as he sat down next to the table.

"Well, today is the day," I told him as I removed the dome and placed it off to the side. Dad then
stacked his dome over mine. His crispy cauliflower bites didn't look like the hard white bits of
cauliflower that I expected. They looked more like chicken nuggets that just weren't as dark with two
dipping sauces on the side.

My plate didn't look that bad either. I went right for the fries since no fry I ever ordered tasted as good
as it did than when it was hot and fresh. I couldn't describe what truffles tasted like other than a little
smoky, maybe, but the fries were great anyway. They were thin and crispy and covered in the snowy
reggiano cheese. I licked my fingers before reaching for a flatbread. There were three of them on the
plate. The flatbread was softer than I expected, and they looked like funny little pizzas topped with
avocado slices. Not that the flatbreads were small. They required both hands to lift them from the

We were both quiet as we ate, but I think that was just because the food was too good to be spoken
over. Also, what did we have to talk about? He knew what I've been doing all day, and I was more
interested in eating than asking about what he was up to all day while I was having sex. I decided that
unless he brought it up, I wasn't going to ask. So we ate in silence.

There was a pitcher of lemonade along with my Seven Up, so when I ran out, I poured a glass and used
it to wash down the last of my dinner.

"That was great," I said to the room at large.

"Yes, it was," Dad agreed as he ate the last of his cauliflower bites. "Do you have any room left for
dessert?" he then asked.

"Dessert?" I asked as I looked around the table for a plate I knew I didn't miss.

"I got you some ice cream when I went out with Robin," he said.


I woke up with my phone hot in my hand. I had been playing a game while sitting in bed after eating
dinner and half a pint of Rocky Road ice cream, and it looks like I fell asleep. I looked around to see
where my Dad was. He was sitting in the armchair with his back to me.

"Dad," I called out thinking he might have fallen asleep too as I sat up. Then I saw the lights playing
across his face from a video he was watching on his phone. I didn't hear any sounds, but I've fallen

asleep that way too, so I wasn't surprised he was sleeping through the sounds playing in his ear.

I placed my phone on the side table and slide out of bed feeling less achy as I walked towards him still
naked. I had wrapped myself in the sheet to feel less exposed after dinner, but I hadn't bothered to
put on any clothes.

I was about to reach out and shake him awake when I saw that he was already trembling. He wasn't
asleep. He was jerking off to the video. I had seen him masturbating about two weeks ago, but I was
so much closer now. His smell mixed with the heated scent of sex made its way to me. I pulled my
hand back. I didn't want to stop him. I wanted to see him cum again.

My cock hardened at the sight of him fisting his cock and the sound of his labored breathing. I drifted
too close to the back of the chair and brushed my now hard cock across the fabric. I refocused my
eyes and for the first time saw what he was looking at. It was me and Kent in the back of his car.

He knew what I was doing because he was having us recorded. I then remembered the camera that
they had set up the first night. I thought it was a one-time thing. I looked around the room. Were
there cameras in here too? Or was this something that Kent did on his own? I looked back down and
saw that his hand was moving faster over his stiff cock. I looked at the video, and I remembered what I
was feeling then.

Kent's cock was already in me. My hand was extended as I gripped the top edge of the seat. Kent was
going faster. I smelled the seat under me again. A mix of cleaning products and fake leather. My ass
cheeks burned from the friction of his pubs on me. I was going to cum at any moment. I saw it building
up as my legs shook outside of Kent's. I turned to look at my Dad. His movements were stiff and hard
as I watched him milk his balls. I didn't hear a grunt or swear word from him as he seized up in his

I felt the inside of my cock burn as it waited for me to jack it off too. Dad wasn't moving, and I didn't
think he wanted me to see him like this, so I retreated quietly and crawled back into bed before he
saw me. I watched him as he stood and pulled the earbuds out a minute or so later. When he turned
around, I closed my eyes and listened for hints of where he moved to. I opened them again when I
heard the door to the bathroom close.

I peeked to make sure that he didn't just walk in and then back out again. I was alone, so I quickly
wrapped the blanket and sheets around me some more before I made space under them so I could
jerk off without being seen too clearly. I kept my eyes on the door and stopped when my Dad came
back out. My eyes were slits in the dark as I watched him walk around my bed. I heard the faint creak
of the springs of his bed as he laid down. He was to my back now, and he may have been watching me
for all I knew, but I didn't think he would see what I was doing as I slowly moved my hand up and
down my cock again.

I went slow. Either to draw the feeling out, or because most of the guys got me to delay cumming so
much today, or I somehow thought I could do it until he fell asleep. I didn't care. I was enjoying myself

whatever the reason, and then I came without warning. It was the hardest fight of my life. I couldn't
moan or scream out. I couldn't let my body move the way it wanted, but my tremors shook the bed

I waited to hear anything to prove that he saw me. I waited and waited, but the room stayed quiet. So
I slowly turned around and saw him laying on his bed, with his back to me. He hadn't seen me. I was
safe. Now I could go to the bathroom and clean up, and I did.


I woke up today feeling good. Rested, and almost completely ache-free. I sat up and looked around.
Dad was still sleeping but light filled the room. I checked the time and it was almost eight am.

I entertained the idea of ordering breakfast for both of us, but I didn't know what he would have liked.
So I got up and made my way into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and used the toilet before taking
a shower. I was back in the bedroom area pulling on my shorts when my Dad finally woke up.

"Morning," I told him as he looked in my direction.

"Morning," he answered back as he rubbed his face. "You're up early," he stated as he sat up.

"I was thinking of spending some time by the pool, or going to the beach again," I told him. "Unless," I
hedged my answer as I waited to find out if my Dad and the guys had already made plans.

"Nothing," Dad said before he swung his feet over the edge of his bed. "I was thinking of perhaps
having dinner with them since they are leaving tomorrow," he said as he looked in my direction.

"Where?" I asked him as I walked towards the phone and the menu next to it. I think I saw the
breakfast section on the front. I leaned against the small desk as I started to look it over. Right above
SIDE ORDERS was a Breakfast Quesadilla. But I wasn't feeling it.

"Not sure," he said as he stood and started towards the bathroom. "I was going to ask if you even
wanted to before I made plans beyond that," Dad said before entering the bathroom. "Oh," he said as
he stuck his head back out. "Can you order me some coffee, blueberry pancakes with a side of
western scrambled eggs please?" he asked before disappearing again.

I picked up the phone and called in his order and decided to get about the same thing. I got some
apple juice along with my western omelet with homefries. We were both sitting in chairs watching the
morning news when the bell for our room rang.

I got up, confident in the fact that I was dressed this time, and opened the door to get our breakfast.
Instead, Alic was there with a stuffed backpack slung over one shoulder.

"Alic?" I asked completely surprised and puzzled. "You're leaving?" I asked him as everything I saw
pointed in that direction.

"Yeah. I have work in the morning, so I'm heading out now. I just wanted to say good-bye," he told me
with half a smile on his face. I started to drift towards him. Either for a hug or a kiss, I wasn't sure, but
before anything could have happened, Alic saw something and stepped back. I followed his eyes and

saw a lady standing off to the side with a cart as she waited on us.

"Good Morning," she said to both of us.

"Good Morning," I answered before stepping back into the room, to keep the door open for her. I
almost bumped into Dad who came to see what was going on.

"Alic came to say good-bye," I told him as the lady wheeled the cart past us.

"Ok," he said before stepping up to my side and looking at Alic. "Have a safe trip," Dad told him as he
extended his hand. They shook hands before Dad nodded in my direction and went back inside and I
then made room for the lady to leave.

"I won't keep you from your breakfast," Alic told me.

"It'll keep," I answered back. "Do you want some company while you wait for the taxi?" I asked him.

"I have my own car," he told me with a true smile. "I just haven't needed to use her since I got here,"
he explained. "She's a sweet little two-seater," he explained. "Do you want to see?" he then asked.

"Sure," I said as I smiled back. I turned to tell my Dad, but he just waved me out without having to
hear me ask.

"I'll be right back," I told my Dad as I pulled the door closed behind me.

"What kind of job do you have?" I asked him as we walked towards the elevator.

"Warehouse worker," he said as we fell into step.

When we exited the hotel a valet was already waiting and asked if Alic if he was Mr. Tant before giving
him a set of keys when Alic said yes. I looked ahead and saw something that honestly looked like a
cute little red car.

"It's a 2008 Smart Fortwo Passion Coupe," Alic said as he rubbed the roof of the car. "Do you want to
go for a ride?" he asked me.

"I thought you were leaving?" I asked, surprised by his offer.

"I am," he answered back. "I was giving myself a lot of time, but I can give you a short ride before
hitting the road," Alic told me.

I looked at him, and then at the car. I wanted to jump in, but my Dad thought that I was just walking
him out, not going somewhere with him.

"I don't have my phone," I finally told Alic as he loaded up his bag into the back of the car.

"I'll call him," he said as he pulled out his phone and I jumped into the passenger seat. It wasn't
cramped at all, but it was a little odd when I looked back and didn't see more seats. Then Alic got into
the car and buckled himself in. I quickly followed suit.

"Your dad said thirty minutes," he told me. "I would take you out to eat something, but you have
breakfast waiting for you back in your room," Alic said as he started the car. "So where do you want
me to take you?" he asked as he checked the traffic before pulling out and turning right.

I sat there thinking about it and as quickly as I thought about him pulling over for a quicky, I dismissed

"I had fun," I told him. "Maybe we can keep in contact?" I asked him.

"Maybe," Alic answered back as he took a left. "I'll have to ask your dad to make sure he's ok with it,"
he added on as he pulled to a stop outside of a park.

"Why do you have to ask him? He introduced us," I told him.

"He brought us together for this one thing," Alic said as he turned off the engine and sat back in his
seat. "Just this one thing. I don't know if he would like it for all of us to keep in contact with you," he

"Well not all of you," I started off too quickly with. "Just you," I added on as I looked away.

"Do you want to date me?" Alic asked without laughing at me.

"I honestly haven't thought that far," I admitted. "I just wanted to get to you know you some more," I
told him.

"Why me?" he then asked.

"Logically, you are the closest to my age, so we should be able to get along a little better than I would
with any of the others. But Kent is cool too," I told him as I thought about it. Kent did seem to want to
hang with me more and I liked how we talked about food and stuff.

"Maybe you should try and get Kent's number then," Alic said as he looked out his window at a guy
pushing a baby buggy past his car. "I like you, don't get me wrong," he started again. "And if I had met
you on your own and we clicked I would be all for us keeping in touch-" Alic paused. "But this wasn't
meant to be anything more. Like I said, I was here for optics and perhaps to let you not have to deal
with only a bunch of old guys," he said as he tried to make a joke at the end. "But you aren't what I'm
looking for right now," Alic confessed.

"I get it," I said as I tried not to feel disappointed and a little rejected by what he said. He was right
and I wasn't that stuck on him. "You can take me back now," I told Alic. "I have to heat everything
when I get back. I don't know if that is going to save my home fries," I continued as he pulled away
from the curb.

We hadn't gone that far so we were back at the hotel in like five minutes. I got out of the car when he
came to a stop, but before I closed the door I looked back at him.

"It was nice to meet you, Alic," I told him. "Really," I added on.

"It was nice meeting you too Richard," he said before I closed the door. I didn't look back as I jogged
up the steps and walked into the hotel. A few minutes later I was knocking on the door to my room
since I didn't take my key card with me.

"That was quick," Dad said when he opened the door and saw me.

"We didn't have much to say," I told him before I walked towards the table and pulled the dome off
my plate of cold eggs and home fries. I took them over to the microwave and set it for a full minute.

"Is something wrong?" my Dad asked. He was still standing by the door that was already closed. "Did
Alic do or say something to upset you?" he asked again.

"Not really," I said as the microwave beeped. I pulled out my plate. "I just asked him if we could stay in
touch and he said that he wasn't interested," I explained as I walked back to the table and took a seat.

"Oh," he said before he walked across the room and sat down next to me. I had eaten most of my fries
and was working on my eggs when Dad spoke again. "If you want to keep in contact with any of them
and they feel the same, I won't stop you," he told me.

"Thanks," I told him before I took a sip of my juice. I glanced up at my Dad and he was looking at me as
if he wasn't sure things were ok. "Thanks, Dad," I told him again and I smiled back at him this time.

"So I take it you would like that dinner with the rest of the guys then?" Dad asked as he stood.

"No," I told him as I cut into my eggs again. "I can just see them off and thank them for showing up," I
said before I lifted a piece of my omelet to my mouth. Before it touched my lips I paused as I thought
better of the question that paused in my brain before I continued eating.

"So you said that you wanted to go to the pool today and the beach?" Dad asked.

"How about just the beach and on the way back we get more ice cream?" I asked him with a grin on
my face. I felt like eating a different flavor.


When I was finished eating, and we both used the bathroom, we were off to the beach. It wasn't the
same route we took the first time. We stayed in the town a bit longer this time, but when Dad pulled
up to a supermarket I understood why.

We got a six-pack of sprite and four more bottles of flavored water. When we were in the car again,
Dad took a right, and after four or so blocks, I finally saw the sea as we got onto the highway. Twenty
minutes later we were pulling to a stop in a nearly full parking lot. We each carried a bag and a towel
as we walked towards the umbrellas and hoped two were still available.

I was starting to think that we would have to lay our towels in the shade of the pier that was on the far
end of the beach when two girls packed up their things and left. Right in front of us. Score! We quickly
claimed the chairs before anyone else did.

The shadow cast by my umbrella started about mid-thigh when I was laying on the lounge chair once I
had ditched my shirt. After plugging in my earbuds, watching people as they walked by, and a few as
they sunbathed with and without shade plus two Sprites later, my whole body was shaded and I fell

I'm positive that it was my face starting to feel tight and hot that woke me up. But I did hear Dad
calling my name as I tried not to look into the sun as I opened my eyes. It was then that I realized he
was standing next to me and moving my umbrella.

"Sorry," he apologized. "I just realized that your umbrella wasn't covering your face," Dad explained.
"It's time we got something to eat anyway," he added on with a nod of his to the side when he saw me
watching him. I knew what was back there, but I looked anyway. These umbrellaed seats were an
advertisement and lure.

I saw people sitting at the bar that was out front under a covered trellis type thing. The tables and
chairs of the dining area were in the back, inside.

"Sure," I said as I now appreciated the umbrella's shade again. I looked around the chair until I found
my phone lying on the sand. My earbuds were still in my ears, but they had been pulled free of my

phone. When I picked it up I saw that it had paused partway through Freedom by George Michel and
that it was almost two in the afternoon.

"Come on," Dad said as he patted his pockets to make sure he had his wallet. I held on to my phone as
I stood and looked at the other shaded lounge chairs. Half of them were empty so I was sure that ours
would still be here after we ate, but we picked up our things anyway.

Dad held one bag with what was left of our drinks as we started to walk towards the Mexican
restaurant. We could have eaten at the bar, but I followed Dad as he walked into the back and my skin
shivered a little as I came into contact with the cool breeze from their air conditioner.

There weren't that many customers back here, so as soon as we sat down, there was someone there
giving us a menu and saying welcome. The waitress smiled a bit longer in my Dad's direction after she
told us her name and that she would be back soon to take our order.

After reading through the menu, I decided to try the Chilaquiles. It sounded interesting. Dad asked if I
wanted to share a plate of Elotes. There were three to a plate, and whoever liked it the most could
have the last one. I agreed because who could turn down corn on the cob?

Within a few seconds of us laying down our menus, Chloe, our waitress, was back to ask us what we
would like. She was clearly keeping an eye out for us. But how much of that attention was due to my
Dad, or the lack of customers, I didn't know.

Dad went first since she was looking at him. Camaron al mojo de Ajo, he said in bad-sounding Spanish.
Then the Elotes that we were going to share and two glasses of house-made lemonade. I then asked
for my Chilaquiles.

She asked if that was all, but we already knew that we were picking up ice cream on the way back, so
we told her yes. I picked up my phone to send a message to Cassy as I realized that I hadn't texted her
for the whole time I've been here. Granted, I've been busy, but I didn't think I could tell her about this,
at least not right away and certainly not all of it. I then noticed the photo button next to the text field.
I didn't understand why it caught my attention until my Dad tried to get my attention.

"Do you want to go back to the hotel after we finish eating, or do you want to hang out for a few more
hours?" he asked me. I blame my still drowsy self for stopping me from processing his near-naked look
earlier. He must have taken his shirt off when I had fallen asleep or not looking in his direction. She

wanted a picture of this. I could appreciate what I saw, but there wasn't much of an itch to do
anything, not even touch him.

As I lifted my phone to take a picture of him as he looked around for a second, I thought of an answer
to his question.

"Are you sure the rest of the guys are leaving tomorrow?" I asked him as my phone clicked loudly
letting him know that his photo was taken. I approved the photo and was typing a message when he
started to speak again.

"What is that for?" Dad asked me instead of answering my question.

"Cassy wanted a picture of you in swimming trunks," I told him. He nodded his head as he looked
around at the decor again.

"As far as I know, the rest of the guys are leaving before check out at eleven," he answered. "Do you
want me to ask them what time they would be leaving, or do you want them to stop by the room
when they do?" Dad asked me next. I hit send on the message and placed the phone down on the
table as I thought about it.

"I think having them swing by our room would be best," I told him. Dad nodded his head in at least
understanding if not agreement.

"And staying at the beach after we eat?" he reminded me.

"Can we go to the indoor pool when we get back to the hotel?" I asked instead of answering again.

"Oh no," Dad said as he shook his head. "That is a price tag I'm not paying," he told me.

"That much ha?" I asked without expecting an answer. "I don't feel like staying," I finally said and Dad
nodded his head again.

We didn't have anything else to talk about so after a few seconds I picked back up my phone and
played a game while we waited for our food. Dad soon did the same, but I really didn't think he was
playing a game as he did something on his phone.

Ten to fifteen minutes later our food showed up hot and smelling great. I went straight for the corn on
the cob. It was roasted and sprinkled with different colored spices that covered this white sauce-type
thing that clung to it. It had a taste that I couldn't describe but was undeniably delicious. I ended up
playing rock, paper, scissors with Dad for the last one. It was so good that we both wanted it.

I won, but I cut it in half and gave Dad the other piece. He would have done the same and the smile on
his face as I gave him the plate with his share made me happy. We then ate the rest of our meal. We
ate slowly and then as we sipped the water that was left on the table for us, because of how spicy the
food was, Chloe materialized to leave the bill and clear the table.

Dad was on his phone again while we waited for Chloe to come back and take his card, but for some
reason, she was taking a while.

"Why don't we just pay the bill at the bar?" I asked him. Dad looked around to make sure she wasn't
headed in our direction before he picked up the bill and his card that he had already placed on it.

"Come on," Dad told me and he started to walk away from our table. We quickly paid and then walked
along something of a boardwalk back towards our car. We were halfway there when a cold breeze
swept by and I shivered a little. The sun was still up, but the heat seemed to have already moved

When we finally got to the car, the parking lot was half empty and I enjoyed the heat that had gotten
trapped inside the car while it was sitting there. We were going around a slight bend as I looked at the
sun hanging in the sky over the water when Dad said something.

"So what kind of ice cream do you want this time?" he asked even though we were like ten minutes
away from the supermarket at least. He had gotten Rocky Road for me the other day, and it was one of
my favorites, but I was flexible with my flavors.

"Do you know if they have Moose Tracks?" I asked him. I had about five flavors that I picked from
depending on what I was in the mood for. And right now I felt like Moose Tracks.

"I think I saw some," Dad told me as he turned around another bend. I looked ahead of us on the road
and saw the stoplight that marked where we would be turning back into the town. About eight
minutes later I had the towel wrapped around my shoulders when I exited the car. It was only as I was
hurrying across the street that it occurred to me that I should have put my shirt back on.

I didn't think the hotel would be a problem, but stores were the ones that had those "No Shirt, No
Shoes, No Service" hang-ups. I made sure that my towel covered me enough that they couldn't tell if I
was shirtless or not and no one stopped me as we walked in and I followed my Dad to the aisle that
had the ice cream. I was bent over looking for my flavor when someone slapped my ass. I shouted as I
quickly turned around and Kent was standing there grinning at me.

"Kent," Dad said before I could.

"What are you doing here?" I got to ask him next.

"Robin told me where he got the ice cream from so I came to get some for myself," he told us. "Robin
didn't feel like sharing," he added with a grin.

"What flavor do you want?" I asked him as Dad turned back to the freezer.

"Strawberry," Kent answered.

"Strawberry?" I questioned him. "Mr. 'broaden your food boundaries' likes simple strawberry ice
cream?" I slightly mocked him.

"I'm simple when it comes to my ice cream," he told me with a grin. "What about you?" Kent asked as
he nodded to the shelves of ice cream behind me.

"Trying to find Moose Tracks," I told him as I turned around and started to look again. Then I
remembered that I had already searched the upper shelves and was looking at the back of the bottom

"Found it," Dad proclaimed from two doors down as he held up the carton to show me.

"Great," I said as I walked down to take it from him. When I turned back to Kent, he was reaching in
for his own.

"I'm glad I ran into you," Kent said as we all started to walk towards checkout. "Well, both of you
really," he added on. Dad and I stayed quiet as we waited for him to tell us what he wanted. "Can I
give Richard a ride back to the hotel?" Kent asked my Dad. "I want to ask him something." Considering
how my talk with Alic went this morning, I got tingles up my back at hearing his words. I looked at my

Dad to see what he was going to say.

"Why?" Dad asked him back.

"Just to talk," Kent assured him.

"Just to talk," Dad repeated and Kent nodded his head.

"Ok," he said as he took the ice cream from me and then the one that Kent was holding on to. "I'll just
make sure these don't melt. You have thirty minutes," Dad told both of us. I nodded my head in
agreement and understanding.

"Thanks, Trever," Kent said as he shook my Dad's hand. I then followed Kent through an unmanned
checkout and then out onto the street.

"The car's this way," Kent said when I stood still too long as I pulled my towel closer to my body. I
turned to follow him and we walked down the side of the block. Soon I saw his car not much further
down the street. We got in, buckled up and he pulled away from the curb. As we made a turn, I saw
my Dad walking out of the supermarket holding a yellow plastic bag before he stopped to look at us as
we drove by.

"So what do you want to talk to me about?" I asked Kent about a block later.

"I wanted to know if you were willing to have something of a relationship with me," he started and I
looked in his direction. "I'm not saying that we date, even though you are old enough," he started.
"But maybe see each other once in a while. Text or a real phone calls every now and again," he
hedged before going quiet.

I was still looking at him. He really wanted to stay in contact with me after all this.

"Well?" Kent asked me when he couldn't stand my silence anymore.

"I would like that too," I told him as I snuggled a little into the towel around my shoulders.

"Well that was easy," he commented. "Do you think your Dad will be ok with this?" Kent then quickly

"He already said yes," I told him with a smile.

"Huh?" Kent asked in confusion.

"This morning Alic came by our room to say good-bye and I was able to ask him if he wanted to stay in
touch when I walked him down to his car. He said no," I looked over at and then away from Kent. "I
told my Dad afterwards when he asked me what happened. He then said that if any of you wanted to
keep in touch with me, he wouldn't be against it," I explained.

"Lucky me," Kent said a few blocks later. I smiled to myself, but I'm sure he saw.

"Are you taking me to the hotel now?" I asked him as I swore I saw it up ahead.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" Kent asked without trying to sound like he was trying to be innocent about it.

"Well, my Dad did give us thirty minutes," I reminded him. "We could pull over and exchange phone
numbers," I told him. I was being honest, but smooth I was not.

"Hahaha," he laughed. "Alright," Kent said before he turned off the street and into the dark parking lot
of a building that didn't look abandoned. I had my phone out and ready by the time he turned off his

"So what's your number?" I asked him. I typed it in as he told me then I told my phone to save it as a
new contact. "What's your last name Kent?" I asked him next.

"Willis," he answered as he now reached for his phone.

"Richard Kirkson right?" Kent asked as he looked up from his phone. I nodded my head as I clicked on
the contact photo placeholder.

"Smile," I said when I looked back up and saw him look up at the same time. I was blinded by the light
of his flash as I took his photo. We both laughed before saving the photo we took of each other.

"I have to take your photo again," Kent said as I moved down to the Facebook field. I lowered my
phone and smiled in his direction as he lifted his phone to try once more. I forced my eyes to stay

open as the flash went off again.

"What's your Facebook?" I asked as he saved my photo.

"I don't use it much just so you know," Kent warned me. "But if you really want it, it's kt.williss. With
two s'es," he told me.

"So you don't want mine then?" I asked him after I entered what he told me.

"Not really," I heard him say as I saved the contact information and turned off the screen. "Done?"
Kent asked as I looked up at him.

"Yeah-," I barely finished saying when he caught me off guard with a kiss. Once I got over the shock, I
was kissing him back and showing off what I had learned that week as he pulled me across the space
between our seats. Kent leaned back against his door as he laid my weight over his. He then held my
face between his hands as he pushed me away.

"I don't think we have much time left, so are you ok with us just kissing?" Kent asked as he rubbed my
nose with his as he waited for my answer.

"Yeah," I answered Kent as I pushed forward to kiss him again. I laid my full weight over him as he
turned his body to have me lay between his legs. My upper body was bare as Kent gripped my waist
and held me by the back of my neck as we continued to kiss.


I didn't know how much time we had left to spear, but we were back at the hotel and standing outside
my room as I knocked to be let back in, before Dad made any phone calls to find out where we were.

He opened the door and looked us over before looking a bit more relieved and letting us in. The tv was
paused on a still image belonging to a dog food commercial.

"Everything good?" Dad asked as he closed the door and I walked into the dark bathroom to put my
towel with the other things we had to wash.

"Yeah," Kent and I answered at the same time. Dad looked at the two of us again, even if his eyes had
to look from one side of the room to the next to see both of us.

"Are you hanging out here for a while?" he asked Kent as I sat down on my bed.

"I don't mind," Kent said with a shrug as I looked up at him standing next to me. "If you don't mind,"
he quickly added on. I looked at my Dad as we waited for his answer.

"I don't mind," Dad said as he walked past us. Kent now sat down next to me and bumped his
shoulder into mine.

"The ice creams are in the fridge," he continued as he reached for the tv remote before taking his seat

"Thanks," I told him as I got up. "Do you want your ice cream too?" I asked Kent as I heard the
channels being clicked through as different sounds filled the room.

"Yeah. Thanks," Kent answered from somewhere behind me. "Where are your spoons?" he asked as
he came closer.

"Spoons?" I asked myself as I started to look around. "Oh," I said as I looked down. "They're right
here," I told him as I bent to open the fridge and pull out our frozen treats. As I stood upright I felt his
warmth touch my back.

"I got the spoons," Kent told me as he reached around my body to pick up the plastic-wrapped
utensils while he held my bare waist with his other hand. I shivered a little as his breath skated down
my neck. "You should hurry up and close the fridge, you are starting to shiver," he joked before
stepping away.

I turned and watched Kent as he walked back towards my bed before I quickly closed the fridge and

followed after him. We sat on my bed again and he handed me a spoon as I handed him, his
strawberry ice cream. He placed a spoon in my mouth so he could take the container. I grinned around
the plastic until I took it out of my mouth.

I pulled my feet up onto the bed and crossed them in front of me giving me a space to place the ice
cream. I was ripping the seal off when I heard something I recognized coming from the tv. I looked up
to see Jeff Goldblum, then I remembered the movie. Independence Day. The first one.

"Good movie," Kent said before he placed his spoon into his mouth as he started to eat.

"I think both are good," I said knowing that a lot of people didn't like the second one for some reason.

"Really?" Kent asked me. But instead of starting up a conversation to find out why I thought that, he
smiled in my direction before turning to watch the tv.

I worked my spoon into the ice cream to soften it up a little and then moved it around to get as much
of everything in my first bite as possible. As I had my first taste, I saw the stripper telling her friend not
to go out that night. Dad had found it early and we all stayed quiet as it continued to play. Kent and I
ate as much of our ice cream as we dared while watching the movie. Dad got up a few times to get
something to drink and use the bathroom, but he wasn't distracting.

When the end came I looked over at the clock and Kent stood. It was nine twenty-four.

"So what time are you leaving tomorrow?" Dad asked him. I turned and saw both of them as they
walked towards the door.

"It's only a three-hour drive back, but I have a few things that need to be done before work the next
day," Kent answered. "So I'm going to check out after I grab something from the buffet breakfast
downstairs," he ended as Dad opened the door.

"I'll walk you to the elevator," I quickly said as I placed my ice cream on the side table.

"No further than the elevator," Dad said as he gave me the look. I said nothing as I waited. "Fine," he
eventually said. "And grab a shirt," Dad told me as I started to follow Kent out into the hallway. I
turned back and grabbed the first one that I saw.

"Oh, did I give you my address?" Kent asked as we walked down the hallway towards the elevator.

"No, I don't think so," I answered him. What would I have needed that for? It's not like I was going to
send him letters. I don't think I've ever sent anyone a letter.

"I'll just text it to you later," he says as he pushes the down button. I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't

"And you will send me yours?" Kent asked as he placed his hand under my chin to raise my eyes a little
higher, so I was looking into his face.

"Sure," I told him, not caring if he knew.

"So what will you be going back home too?" he now asked me as he dropped his hand. I continued to
look him in the eye until we both heard something fall and looked down the hallway. No one was

"Just some homework," I told him already dreading the one essay that I started but didn't finish. I
think I had two more pages to write on that thing. At least it was all research. I might be able to get
some help from- the ding from the elevator interrupted my thoughts.

"I'll see you later then," Kent told me as he took a step onto the elevator before he reached back for
me and pulled me close for a kiss on my forehead.

"When will I see you again?" I asked him as he continued to hold me close.

"I'll surprise you," he said before he stepped inside and letting me go so the doors could close. I
walked back to my room wondering if the whole talk about addresses was his way to get mine without
making a big deal out of it. My mind reeled with the possibilities of what could happen with him
showing up at my house. Staying at my house. Having sex with me inside my house.

When I got back to my room the door was open so I just pushed my way in.

"I found Independence Day 2 if you want to watch it," Dad informed me as I closed the door.

"Sure," I said as I walked back over to my bed and picked up what was left of my ice cream as Dad
started the movie.


Everyone stopped by our room, except Kent, when they got ready to leave the next day. First, it was
Sam. He sneaked in a kiss when my Dad's back was turned, though it wasn't necessary, and he handed
me his e-mail address. He said if I ever wanted to ask or tell him anything, I could.

Then it was Jimmy. He told me how it was he and my Dad that had set this whole thing up, and that he
was glad he did. I was cool and cute it tuned out. I told him thanks. He also gave me a post-it note with
his email. He said he wanted me to have it just in case. I thanked him before kissing him. I didn't have
to care if Dad was watching or not. For how Jimmy kissed me back, I don't think he cared either.

Last, but not least, was Robin. He said that he likes to sleep in, so he was waiting until the last hour to
check out. I told him it was a good plan. Although my plans, which aren't really planned at all, didn't
end up giving me that much time to get ready.

When the guys were gone, and I had three pieces of different kinds of paper with their e-mail
addresses, we decided to explore the hotel since this was our last day. I fished through my backpack
until I found my wallet to put the e-mail addresses in. It had my school ID, my library card, a credit
card with a two hundred dollar limit for emergencies, a blood donation card showing my blood type,
and two photographs. One of me and Mom right after I was born and one of me and Dad after my
Junior High graduation.

First, we went to the roof where there was suppose to be a green space, and we found one. It wasn't
what we expected, but it was quite nice. Most of the center area was shaded with sails. Well, I called
them sails. They were over the tables, chairs, and benches. The circular bar in the middle had its own
wooden roof that the sails were anchored to. Around most of the perimeter were tall trees, shrubs,
and bushes. I was going to say all around the perimeter, but then I saw a few people walking through
an opening in the trees. I walked in front of Dad as I went to see what was back there.

There were another ten to fifteen feet before we got to the edge that was lined with a wooden railing.
The space was split between a wide lawn path and a walkway that ran the length of the roof, in front
of the railing for as far as I could see.

"Want to see if it goes all the way around?" Dad asked when he stood looking at the group of
sunbathers who were on the right side of the opening. Two girls and a guy.

"Which direction?" I asked him. Both ways looked the same except for the different people laying on
the grass. While I looked both ways, Dad picked one and I followed.

"We could have been up here instead of going to the beach," he said after we passed the second
entrance into this sunning area.

"Yeah, less sand," I told him as I saw a lady unclip the back of her bra while hiding her breasts before
lying down again.

"But the drive was nice," Dad said before he came to a stop causing me to almost bump into him.
"This is interesting," he said before I looked around him to see what was so fascinating. I looked up
before I looked back down at the sign. I had been watching the people laying around us, so I didn't see
the fake greenery of a fence that looked to be seven feet tall. The sign said that this was the entrance
to the nude sunbathing area.

"Where to now?" I asked Dad as I looked back the way we came.

"How about lunch in the restaurant downstairs. Then the spa, before we head back to our room to
watch some more movies?" he asked as he turned back around.

"I thought you said the spa was too expensive?" I asked as we started to walk back towards an
opening in the trees.

"I said the heated pool was too expensive," Dad clarified. "But I asked the staff, and the price I read on
the website was for one of their expensive bundle sessions with access to the indoor heated pool
included," he explained.

"So we can use the indoor pool?" I asked as I saw myself floating in some kind of huge roman-looking
bath-type pool, with warm water that would take away the memory of pain.

"Yes," he answered. "But after lunch and before movies," Dad ended.

"What movies?" I asked him as we walked past the bar. This time I saw the barkeeper. The rest of the
day went by smoothly. Lunch was familiar and tasty. The spa had us soaking in water that had
additives for thirty minutes before an almost full-body sugar scrub that was topped off with a hot oil

At the end of our massage session, they just wiped off the excess before we got dressed to head back
to our room.

"I think I may get more of these," Dad commented during our elevator ride.

"Yeah. I liked it more than I thought I would," I said as the elevator dinged. We didn't end up in the
actual pool, but a smaller tub that could have held four people max.

"You fell asleep in the hot tub," he told me with a smile as we started our walk towards our room. I
was in the lead so I asked Dad for his room card and swiped us in.

I stripped down to my underwear before realizing that we didn't have anything to eat.

"I'm getting french fries and nuggets," I told Dad as I walked over to the phone.

"Get me some nachos," he told me as he moved towards the tv. "I'll see what's playing," he said as he
sat down and turned on the tv.

Dad found a marathon of the first three Star Wars movies. Our snacks showed up right after Obi-Wan
Kenobi died. By the time the last movie finished, I had been fighting sleep for over fifteen minutes.

I pulled myself into the bathroom to wash my hands and brush my teeth before I crawled into bed.

"Night Dad," I said without looking for where he was or what he was doing.


I had my last fancy waffle before we checked out and I had never seen so many berries and cherries
on one breakfast plate before. I loved it.

My phone was fully charged by the time we left our room so I was sure that it would last the whole
ride back. I found myself catching up on Facebook posts, e-mails, and messages on the way home. I
had a few texts from my friends and a colorful set from Cassy. I told her that she was more than
welcome for the photo and that I was looking forward to seeing it in the frame she made to house it
in. Her floating hearts kept me happy as I opened a game that I hadn't played since we left home.

"Want to get out and stretch your legs or use the bathroom?" Dad asked me. I looked up and saw as
the car turned off the highway and drove towards a rest stop. The sign said that there was a gas
station, a Wendy's, a subway, and a Taco Bell.

"Sure," I said as I fished around the seat for the power cord for my phone. I might as well charge it for
the few minutes I wasn't using it. Fifteen minutes later I was walking back to the car with a pineapple
slushie, a few bags of barbeque pop chips, and a trip to the bathroom under my belt.

Dad was right behind me with his own drink from the fountain and a box of something that was
covered in chocolate.

"How much longer until we get home?" I asked between putting down my drink and opening one of
the bags once we were back in the car, buckled in, and moving once again.

"An hour or so," Dad informed me after he navigated his way back onto the highway. With the music
playing, the windows partially rolled down, and amidst food and drinks, we made our way home.

I was about to win a level on Candy Crush when I got a text. It was Kent.

Hey, he said.

Hey, I quickly answered back as I moved my game to the background and fully opened my messaging

Are you home yet? Kent asked.

Just about. We made a stop about an hour ago, I told him.

You didn't send me your address, he reminded me.

Sorry, I told him before typing up my address and sending it in the next bubble. Then he sent me his. I
was reading it when he sent a follow-up message. But I didn't look at it as I read the address over
again. I didn't believe it. Then I read his next message before I started to think of typing anything.

Can you swing by on your way home? Kent asked me. Swing by?

"Dad," I said before I looked up at him.

"Yeah," he answered as he slowed down at a stoplight.

"Kent wants me to come to his house," I told him.

"When?" Dad asked as he continued to look at the light.

"Now," I told him.

"Now?" he asked me with some confusion in his eyes as he looked in my direction. I was handing him
my phone so he could see the text when the car behind us honked letting us know that the light had
changed. Dad drove past the intersection and for about a block and a half before he pulled off to the
curb. "Give me your phone," Dad told me as he extended his hand.

He took a while looking at it, so he must have been reading everything and not just Kent's last text.
Dad gave me back my phone before he pulled his out of its holder on the dashboard. It took a while
before he held it to his ear. I then watched in surprise as he unbuckled himself and got out of the car.

My eyes followed him as he walked to the back of the car while he talked to whoever he called. I'm
sure it was Kent but I didn't hear a word of what was being said. The song that was playing when Dad
got out of the car ended, and I was listening to the forecast for the next five days when he got back in.

"Do you want to go see Kent?" Dad asked as he buckled himself in.

"I think so," I started. "Yes," I answered again. Dad looked at me as if he was silently questioning my
answer. "Did you know he lived in our neighborhood?" I asked him as I still worked through the shock.

"I didn't know where any of the guys lived," he confessed. "You still have projects to finish for school
right?" was his next question for me a moment later.

"Yeah," I told him as I slumped down in my seat. "One is a research paper, but I already started it. I
have a worksheet for Pre-Calculus and some required reading for world culture," I explained.

"Ok," Dad said while he was looking out the window. "You can go to see Kent now for about two
hours, or you can go home, get some of that work done and then spend the night at Kent's and have
him drop you off at home on his way in to work," Dad ended as he now turned to look at me again. I
looked down at my phone that I was still holding on to.

I pressed my thumb to the button on the back to unlock the screen. I looked at my text window with
Kent and made my decision.

I have to go home first. I need to do some school work, I told him in my first text. Is it ok if I come by
later and spend the night? Dad said that it was ok. I then explained.

We both sat there as I waited for his answer, but it didn't take long.

Ok, the first bubble said. How about I pick you up around nine? Kent then asked.

"Is nine ok?" I asked Dad.

"It depends on how much you have done by then," he answered. I checked the time. It wasn't two yet,
so I think I would have at least one if not two of them done by then.

Yeah, nine sounds good, I texted back. I'll let you know if I need more time. I added on.

Ok. See you tonight then, was his reply.

"So what did you decide?" Dad asked as I texted See you later, to Kent.

"Homework, then I'll spend the night at Kent's and he's going to come get me at nine," I answered
him. "I should have one if not two of them done by then," I continued.

"Ok," Dad said as he started the car back up again and drove us home. I texted Cassy to let her know
that I won't be able to see her today. She texted back that she was busy with her pre-cal work anyway.


I looked up at the clock and read seven forty-eight. I finished my research paper around six and I was
now reading through the required pages for world culture class. I had two more assigned sets to read.
I reached for my drink as I continued to read.

There are seven elements to every culture. Social organization, customs and traditions, religion, arts
and literature, forms of government, and economic systems.

I checked the block of pages that I had to read and then read on for the next fifteen pages. I checked
off that set and moved on to the next one.

Culture regions have changed as they have borrowed cultural traits from one another. They have
also come to depend on each other economically. Advances in transportation and communication
have increased this interdependence. When oil-producing nations in the Middle East raise the price
of oil, for example, the price of gasoline at your local station is likely to rise. More and more, people

of different countries are becoming part of one world.

I closed the book and checked off the last set of pages that were on my list. I couldn't guarantee that I
would remember everything, but I did read it. Now all I had to-

"Fuck!" I shouted as I glanced at the clock again. It was nine-thirty-three. "Dad!" I shouted as I left my
room. "I need my phone!" I shouted again as I hurried down the hall. He took it from me to make sure
that I wouldn't get distracted. "I need to call Kent-t," I said as I stuttered to a stop in the living room.
There was Kent. Sitting on the couch watching the news and drinking a beer next to my Dad. They
both turned and looked at me as I just stared back.

"Are you finished?" Dad asked.

"Yeah," I said as I looked between the two of them. "I just have Pre-Calculus to do tomorrow," I

"Alright then," Dad said as he stood with Kent. "I was hoping that you would have finished before
nine, so I ordered pizza," he told me as he walked towards the kitchen. "You can take this one with
you," Dad said as he came back with a box. I tried to hide my grin. "What?" he asked.

"Kent's a pizza snob," I told him as I laughed at the Domino's pizza box. Dad looked from me to him.

"I can eat Domino's," Kent said with a shrug. "Besides, I don't think anyone else is open and I'm not
that good of a cook," he told Dad as he reached out for the box.

"Ok then," Dad said as he handed over our dinner. "It doesn't matter what time you bring Richard
home. He has a key and doesn't have school for another day," Dad told Kent as he leaned against the
door frame that separated the dining room from the living room.

"Ok," Kent said.

"I'm going to get my keys and stuff," I told them as I turned to go back to my room. A few minutes later
I had a bag over my shoulder with a change of clothes, a charger for my phone, my wallet, and keys.
"Ready," I said as I came back out.

“Your phone is on the coffee table,” Dad said as he watched me enter the room again. Kent moved in
the direction of the front door as I retrieved my phone.

“Got it,” I told my Dad as I pocketed my cell.

"See you Later," Dad said from the same spot in the doorway. He hadn't moved, but I wasn't gone that
long. I waved at him as I followed Kent out the front door.


"So how long have you lived here?" I asked Kent as he took off from in front of my house.

"Not long," Kent started. "Just three years. Give or take three months," he told me with a grin on his

"Three years is 'not long'?" I asked him with a laugh.

"Well, it doesn't feel like it's been that long until I think back," Kent answered. Less than five minutes
later Kent was pulling up to a small house that had a detached garage that appeared to be about
twenty feet from the residence.

With my bag back over my shoulder, I followed Kent up the path and the little steps to stand behind
him as he dropped his duffle and wedged the box between him and the door as he unlocked the front
door with its three locks. I'm sure he had at least two too many. This was a very safe neighborhood.

"Do you want me to heat up the pizza?" Kent asked once he got the door open and was walking
inside. I saw the kitchen from the doorway before stepping inside and closing it behind me. I think it
actually looked smaller on the inside. There were three chairs around a table on my right that was six
feet away from the back of a purple couch. That faced a tv that hung over a fake fireplace which
housed an electric heater. Just beyond was a small kitchen that had a little island on wheels, and there
is where the pizza was placed among a sea of light blue cupboards.

"No, I don't need it to be hot," I told Kent as I placed my bag on the couch and continued walking

"Ok," he said as he turned towards the fridge. "Do you want a coke or grape Fanta?" Kent asked me
with his head still in the fridge.

"Whatever you have more of," I told him as I thought of doing to him what he did to me back at the
hotel. "Where are the plates?" I asked him as I got a little closer. When he backed out of the fridge, he
bumped into me. My arms moved forward to grab on to this shirt to steady both of us. "Where did
you say those plates were?" I asked him as I licked his ear lobe. I didn't wait for an answer as I licked
down the side of his neck, not that I was ever waiting for one. I tightened my grip on him as I kissed
his skin and breathed in his scent.

"They are to the right of the sink. Up top," Kent told me before he pulled himself loose. Not that he
had far to walk. "Are you trying to get a rise out of me, or are you just that impatient?" he asked me.
He watched as I shrugged my shoulders in answer to his question. Kent shook his head before lifting
the lid of the pizza box. "I hope it isn't plain cheese," Kent's raised head seemed to say to the universe

before he looked down as the box's lid fell open.

"I like Hawaiian pizza," I said while watching him as he gazed down at a pizza crust that was smothered
under a thick layer of cheese, diced ham, diced pineapple, chopped onions, and diced bell peppers.
Without saying a word he picks up a slice and takes a bite. I watch him chew and swallow before he
took another bite and looks up at me. He then points his slice at the cupboard to the right of the sink.

Oh, yeah. The plates. Three steps later, I was pulling two black plates from the cupboard. Kent placed
the slice he was eating on the plate I held out for him before adding another and taking the plate out
of my hand. I took two slices myself and the Fanta he left behind when he walked towards the table.

We sat, drank, and ate in silence. I got up to get two more slices for myself and Kent's hunger or the
pizza being better than he expected, had him asking for two more slices himself.

"You want to take a shower?" Kent asked as he eased back in the chair after eating everything on his
plate. He rocked his can on the edge of its bottom ring as he looked at me. I'm sure he would have
taken a swing if there was anything left.

"Sure," I answered. I hadn't taken a bath since this morning. Or was that last night? "Thanks," I said as
I moved to get up. I reached for my plate to put it in the sink when Kent reached his hand out to hold
me in place.

"I'll take care of them," he said as he looked into my face. "There is a closet of fresh towels in the
bathroom," Kent then told me as he nodded towards the hallway next to the kitchen. I started to leave
the table when Kent tightened his hold on my arm. I watched him smile as his face came closer. I
grinned my way into the kiss as I leaned down to meet him halfway. Lips, tongue, sucking, licking. Kent
biting my lower lip, me sucking his upper one. When Kent pulled back, I found myself pressing both
my forearms on the table.

"Go on," he told me with a laugh as I tried to continue sucking the air out of his lungs.

"You started it," I informed him as I gave his lips a lingering look.

"I know, but I really wanted to kiss you," Kent confessed as he looked at me like I was the rest of his
dinner. But instead of pulling me closer, he let go of my arm.

"Fine, I'm going," I told him as I stood back up and walked down the short hallway. I checked the first
door and it was a bedroom that was currently living in the color green. I continued down towards the
window at the other end and the only other door.

While the bedroom was shades of dark green, the bathroom was in the expectant colors of bright blue
and stunning white with chrome accents. I was a little surprised to see that there wasn't any kind of
tub in there, but then the whole bathroom looked newer than any bathroom I've ever used. I quickly
stripped and stepped around the glass wall to enter the shower area to just look at the setup that I

found. The large showerhead came out of the ceiling, and there were no knobs or handles to turn on
the water never mind adjust the temperature. What I did see was an LCD screen display with one dial.

The screen showed twenty degrees Celsius. I wasn't sure what that was in Fahrenheit, but I was pretty
sure that it would be warm. I pushed the dial to get the shower started since I saw no other way to
turn it on.

It was a very interesting sensation as the water first misted up then rained warmly straight down on
me. I turned my face up into the downpour for a few seconds before I tried to look around for the
soap, something I should have done before turning on the water.

I had to walk out from under the shower to get the bottle once I spotted it through the deluge. That is
when I noticed that there were a few fluff balls in the nook with the liquid soap.

I was enjoying my shower and putting off getting out when it turned off by itself. It was timed. Cool. I
walked out and onto the deep blue bathmat as I reached for one of the two towels that were already
out and hanging over the towel bar.

"Alright in here?" Kent asked as he stuck his head into the room. He found me standing naked in the
middle of his bathroom as I rubbed the water out of my hair.

"Yeah, everything is fine. It took me a while to understand your shower and find a few things, but I'm
good," I told him as I continued to dry my hair as I took in his appearance. Kent was standing in the
doorway naked with a stripped towel over his shoulder. His dark brown hair looked more ruffled than
you would expect from him just pulling off his tee-shirt.

"I sometimes forget that my shower isn't normal for everyone else," he told me as he came closer. "I
hope it wasn't too cold for you," Kent continued as he pulled the towel from my hand. "You can use
whichever body oil or lotion you like in my room. My sister keeps bringing different ones by, but not
the kind I use," he explained across my lips before he kissed me again.

His skin was warm, and my cock got harder as it pressed into his thigh. I wrapped an arm under one of
his to hold the top of his shoulder. The other held him around the waist. Kent grabbed the back of my
head and my ass to pull me close as I started to work up a sweat, and he ground his pre-cum into me.

I kissed as much as I was being kissed until I wasn't anymore. He stopped again. I groaned across his
lips before I pulled him closer to continue. And we continued. Kent sealed our lips together as he
played with my tongue. I held on tighter, pressing my fingers into his side and shoulder. I felt his short
nails as they dug into my skin.

When Kent pulled out of the kiss this time, I instantly sucked in a lung full of air before huffing loudly
as I started to breathe fresh air again. I felt his hips as he humped my body. I rubbed my face against
his as I rocked my crotch into his movements. I started to breathe faster. This felt so good, he felt so

Kent moved both his hands to my ass now. He spread my cheeks and pressed a thumb to my hole.

"Let's see how clean you are?" Kent whispered into my ear before he pushed his way inside. I went up
on my toes as he moved further in and pulled at my skin. We needed lube. I was a little wet from my
shower, but it was no substitute for being greased up.

"Sshh," Kent said to soothe me as he kissed the side of my neck. "I'm just checking," he told me. I
gripped his upper arms as he went further still.

"AH!" I gasped when he hit my prostate. I was in pain, but I felt good at the same time. I breathed out
in relief all the same when he pulled himself free.

"You seem clean enough," Kent told me as he kissed my jaw this time. "I'll have a quick shower, and
maybe I'll be in time to help you with the lotion," he said with another kiss in the same place. "Or
not," he ended with a brush of his lips over mine.

"But perhaps," Kent started again. "You could do with a slight rinse off," he pointed out as his hand
drifted towards my cock. "You seem to be a bit sticky," Kent pointed out as his fingers moved through
the mess.

"Are you going to help?" I got out before he jerked on my cock causing me to suck in a breath.

"Well, it is partly my fault," Kent admitted. "So how do you like my shower?" he asked as he pulled me
back towards the shower with a firm hold on my dick. "I always wanted one like this, and six months
after I moved in here I started my window shopping, and I ended up getting this one when I was
walking through a store downtown," Kent continued as he handed me the soap and released my dick
to turn back on the shower. "I saw this and cracked a joke about the ceiling opening up and raining on
me. When I thought about it, I realized that I liked the idea," Kent ended as he pushed the knob to
make the water fall on us.

"It's something," I told him as I snapped the lid close on the bottle before putting it down. I soaped up
the only place that needed cleaning as I watched Kent stand under the water and just watched me as
he got drenched. Before I knew it, I was jerking off as I watched him get hard from looking back at me.

Oh, we were going to do something in here, I told myself before Kent reached out to push me up
against a wall of warm tiles. He nudged my hand aside to rub my cock with his. Kent then moved that
hand to my ass and picked up where he left off. I, in turn, wrapped my hand around both our cocks
before I closed my eyes. Kent pulled my ass open, and I sucked on his lip that brushed mine before he
sealed them with a kiss as he smoothly pushed his fingers into me this time. Soap works. Noted.

We both fucked my hand. Our mouths slipped across the other's as we huffed for air. Our labored
voices bounced off the tiles as we sank our nails into each other's body while we raced towards our

"Fu-CK!" I shouted as I came first, slamming my ass back onto his hand, pushing more cum out of my
balls. Kent didn't come right away, but he wasn't that far behind either. We held on to each other and
leaned back against the wall to keep us upright while we caught our breath, and our heart rate slowed

Once we were able to pull ourselves together, I washed up while Kent, as promised, had a very quick
shower and ended up walking with me into the bedroom. He pulled the towel out of my hands and
pushed me onto the bed once I was close enough.

"Stay there while I get the lotion," Kent instructed. I propped myself up on my elbows and watched as
he walked over to the dresser and made his way back with a blue pump bottle. "It doesn't have much
of a smell," Kent said before dropping the lotion on the bed.

I picked up the bottle and read it as he started to rub it into my skin at my ankles and worked his way
up my leg. It was the Vaseline brand for men, and it said that it was fast-absorbing. I dropped it back
onto the bed to watch Kent as he moved his hands up between my thighs.

Father's P.O.V.

My laptop's battery was dead when I turned it on, so I lost more time in getting the cord and plugging
it in. I sat down on my bed and drank from my glass of OJ as I waited for it to allow me to log in. Once
the wallpaper was up and showing me the time along with the count of thirty-four e-mails waiting for
me, and that it was seventy degrees in my area, I logged in. I took a sip from my glass once more as I
waited for my cursor to stop being busy before opening my browser.

The site I wanted came up right away. It was the last one I visited, so it wasn't that much of a surprise.
But I still had to log back in. I clicked my way through the site until I saw what I wanted. A video file
with today's date on it and the word streaming next to it. I was about to click on it when I paused to
see if there were any more. There was just the one, but my disappointment was a blink in time as my
excitement grabbed ahold of me again, and I now opened the file.

The video's angle was from high on the wall at the head of the bed, looking down at the mattress
covered in a green sheet. And there, perfectly centered on that mattress, was Richard in his naked
glory straddling Kent's hips and riding his cock.

I knew I should have stripped before I started to play the video, but I didn't want to expect too much.
They could have been just lying there, and my boner and I would have been anticipating more. More
like what I was looking at now.

I watched the cords of Richard's neck as he tilted his head back.

"Oh, fuck yeah," Kent loudly said as Richard started to move faster. Richard reached back and placed
his hands on Kent's legs. Richard's cock was hard as it stood up against his stomach and slapped
backwards against his skin with each pivot of his hips. His foreskin was pulled tight against his shift
showing off his glans that was shiny from the pre-cum that coated it. My balls tightened when I saw
some of it spatter off of his skin from another cock slap.

I quickly got up to pull off my shirt and push down my shorts and the boxers underneath. I sat back
down with a stiff cock of my own and the laptop positioned between my legs. On my screen, I
watched Kent as he rocked Richard faster.

"Lean forward," I heard Kent say before Richard arched himself over Kent's head and placed his hands
on the wall. I looked down his smooth back to see Kent's hands as he gripped Richard's ass and his
legs as he gave himself leverage to start fucking up into my boy's hole.

I heard Richard's voice as he moaned in pleasure, and my cock was wet as I gripped it. I groaned in
satisfaction as I virtually joined them. It would be the first time that I got to cum at the same time as

"Do you miss having the other guys here?" Kent asked Richard for some reason as he slowed down his
fucking, but kept my boy up on his knees.

"No," Richard breathed. "Why are you slowing down?" he now asked Kent as he raised his head, and I
saw the lust and want on his face with this close-up view. I swallowed as I jerked myself a little harder.

"A man is honest when his brain is being fucked into mush," I heard Kent say and saw as Richard
smiled slightly at the answer. "I slowed down so I could hear your answer," Kent confessed.

"Don't think you're man enough for me on your own?" Richard taunted him. "AH!" Richard shouted as
I saw his body shake. First, from a hard thrust that Kent gave him, then from his own body quaking in

"We are working through round three, and you think you need to ask that question?" Kent questioned
with a playful tone to his voice.

"I didn't know the bathroom counted," Richard told him before he moaned in appreciation.
"OOhhh..." I moved my other hand to my balls as I looked at the sweat on his skin as it temporarily
pooled in his lower back before being tipped over his smooth and rocking ass.

As their grunts and moans got faster, I pulled harder on both my cock and balls. I wanted to cum with
Richard. I watched his screwed-up eyes. His open mouth as he pulled in air. His slick back. His ass that
Kent couldn't let go of as he fucked Richard's hole hard.

Richard started to hold himself still as he absorbed the ass fucking that was coming at him harder and
faster with each new hip thrust from Kent. They were getting close. We were getting close. I was

matching my strokes with Kent's hip movements.

"FUCKKK!" Richard shouted as he came. "Ahhh," he continued as Kent kept at him. His body did a
violent shake as I think he came again.

"That's My Boy," I heard Kent say while my eyes were closed as I came over my hands from imaging
how tight and hot Richard's hole must have been. How his muscles clutched Kent's cock as it
continued to piston in and out of Richard's body. "Yessss," Kent drew out as he now came. I opened
my eyes slightly to see Kent as he pushed his legs and cock up into Richard as he pulled Richard's ass
down hard.

"Stop. Moving. Your. Cock," Richard pleaded. "I-I'm ccumming," I barely heard while I watched his
reaction. I couldn't see his face, but I saw Richard's body gave up its ability to support itself. He looked
like he had been deboned as he laid limply over Kent. Only his heavy breathing proved that he was still
alive. "I think you did very well by yourself," Richard said into the room after a few seconds.

"I think you need another bath," Kent said as I used a tissue to clean some of my mess off my

"Not now. So not now," Richard protested without trying to move. Richard may not be up for a bath,
but as I thought about wiping more cum off my thighs, I realized that I should be taking one myself.

"You like my shower," Kent said as I stood up.

"I just came three times," Richard protested. "I can't stand yet," was the last thing I heard as I walked
naked out of my room.



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