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Assumption University

Master of Business Administration (Fast Track)

BP 6993 Business Research Methodology

“Perspectives on Tourism Industry development of Myanmar among Tourists”

Individual Research


Ms. Khaing Lwin Lwin Kyaw

Student ID: 532-9075 (Batch 1)

Submitted to Dr. John Barnes

Submission Date: 30th April 2012

(Word Count: 5939 words)


I am extremely grateful to Dr. Ismail Ali Siad, Program

Director, Graduate School of Business, Assumption University of Thailand
and Ms. Sandra, Managing Director, Myanmar Professional Development
Centre, for providing this fast-track program of Master of Business
Administration in Myanmar.

I owe gratitude and thanks to my supervisor, Dr. John Barns, for his
kind support and guidance as well as for his invaluable advices
throughout the preparation of this research paper.

I would also like to extend my special thanks my cousin brother, Dr.

Kyi Swe Tin, Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Transportation, who has
helped me a lot to prepare this paper in various ways. There is also my
special thanks to Mr. Phyo Wai Hla, for his kind support to me in data
analysis of this research.

Next I am also indebted to Ministry of Hotels and Tourism for

helping me to collect data and the tourists who had participated in my
questionnaire concerning this research.

My sincere thanks also go to several unnamed friends, classmates

and colleagues who had given strengths and encouragements from the
beginning till the completion of this research.

My heartfelt thanks are also for my beloved Mr. Min Wunna for his
understandings and encouragements throughout my course.

Last, but not the least, I wish to express my special thanks to my

parents, U Kyaw Lwin and Daw Mu Mu Swe for their continual supports,
understandings and encouragements in every aspect during my MBA
course. Without the valuable strengths from them, I would not have
finished the degree.

The purpose of this study is to explore the tourists visiting to Myanmar’s

attitude towards tourism industry development in Myanmar. Political factors,
economic factors, socio-cultural factors and technological factors were
considered as the independent factors. From tourists visiting to Yangon area,
328 useable self-administrated questionnaires were collected back. Using
Descriptive Statistics analysis, respondents’ shows positive attitude towards
tourism industry development in Myanmar. With the help of using multiple
regression analysis this study concludes that ‘political factors’ is the most
important antecedent in affecting respondents’ attitude towards tourism industry
development in Myanmar. ‘Economic factors’, ‘Socio-cultural factors’ and
‘technological factors’ were ranked the second, third and fourth most important
of antecedents. 78.9 percent proportion of variance in the dependent variable
(attitude tourism industry development in Myanmar), which can be explained by
the independent variables (Political changes, Economic development, Socio-
cultural attraction and improved technology).

Table of Contents

List of Figures..................................................................................................................ii
List of Tables...................................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................2
1.1. Background of Study..........................................................................................2
1.2. Statement of Problem........................................................................................2
1.3. Objective of Research........................................................................................2
1.3.1 General Objective.....................................................................................2
1.3.2 Specific Objectives...................................................................................2
1.4. Significance of Study..........................................................................................2
1.5. Purpose of the research....................................................................................2
1.6. Limitations of the Research...............................................................................2
1.7. Definition of Terms..............................................................................................2
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................2
2.1 Theoretical Literature..........................................................................................2
2.2 Empirical Literature..............................................................................................2
CHAPTER 3 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK.............................................................2
3.1 Conceptual Framework.......................................................................................2
3.2 Hypothesis............................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY....................................................................................2
4.1. Research Design................................................................................................2
4.2. Sampling Technique...........................................................................................2
4.3. Data Collection Method......................................................................................2
4.4. Data Entry, Cleaning and Analysis..................................................................2
CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION................................................2
5.1 Descriptive Analysis............................................................................................2
5.1.1 Mean age among respondents...................................................................2
5.1.2 Genders distribution among respondents.................................................2
5.1.3 Marital status distribution among respondents........................................2
5.1.4 Occupation of the respondents..................................................................2
5.1.5 Monthly income of the respondents...........................................................2
5.1.6 Educational status of the respondents......................................................2

5.1.7 No. of visits to Myanmar..............................................................................2
5.2 Inferential analysis...............................................................................................2
5.2.1 Overall Mean of Attitude towards Tourism Industry development in
5.2.2 Multiple Regression Analysis......................................................................2
5.2.3 Major Findings...............................................................................................2
CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.......................................2
6.1 Discussion.............................................................................................................2
6.2 Limitation...............................................................................................................2
6.3 Recommendation.................................................................................................2
Appendix (1) Draft Version Sample Questionnaire...................................................2
Section 1......................................................................................................................2
Section 2......................................................................................................................2
Appendix (2) Schedule and Budget.............................................................................2
Table 10: Schedule....................................................................................................2
Table 11: Budget........................................................................................................2

List of Figures

Figure 1 Conceptual framework ………………………………………….…8

Figure 2 Gender distributions among respondents………………………..13

Figure 3 Marital status distributions among respondents…………………14

Figure 4 Occupation of the respondents……………………………………15

Figure 5 Monthly incomes of the respondents……………………………..16

Figure 6 Education statuses of the respondents…………………………..17

Figure 7 No. of visits to Myanmar…………………………………………….18

List of Tables

Table 1 Age group distribution among respondents……………………….12

Table 3 Marital status distribution among respondents……………………14

Table 4 Educational status of the respondents…………………………….17

Table 5 Mean values of agreement Attitude towards Tourism Industry

development in Myanmar ……………………………………….….19

Table 6 Results of Multiple Regression..…………………………………...21

Table 10 Propose schedule…………………………………………………….31

Table 11 Propose Budget………………………………………………………32


1.1. Background of Study

Tourism is the world’s largest industry and it is projected to be the world’s

largest employer by the year 2000. It was stated in Travel Industry Association
of America (TIAA) that cultural tourism became increasingly popular as such
81% of American travellers include it as part of their trip. Myanmar is recognized
as a tourist destination with a rich cultural heritage, blessed with a unique
environment; snowcapped mountains, beautiful lakes, long rivers, lush tropical
forests, beaches and archipelagoes. Thus, realizing the importance of the role
of tourism in terms of its generating foreign exchange, contributing to economic
growth, integrating friendship and understanding and creating job opportunities,
Myanmar has given priority to the development of tourism and has been
promoting. Myanmar tourism based on nature, history and cultural heritage as
our major themes, targeting a broad range of markets in Europe, Pacific Asia,
South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia and the Americas.

We can assume that the history of Myanmar tourism started in the

lifetime of the lord Buddha. The two merchant brothers Tapussa and Balika
from Okalapa (later Yangon) travelled to the place where our Lord Buddha
gained enlightenment. Nowadays they would have been classed as foreign
independent travelers (FIT). However, most people in today’s tourism industry
say that the tourism in Myanmar was started by Thomas Cook before 1948. He
conducted tours to Myanmar for adventurous English travelers. After
independence in 1948, many local private travel agencies appeared. The
Burma Economic Development Corporation (BEDC) opened a travel agency
called Tourist Burma in 1962. Later in 1964, it was taken over by the Ministry of
Trade. All private businesses and all of the country’s travel agencies were
nationalized. The Tourist Information Service (TIS) and Tourist Burma were
integrated as the Hotels and Tourism Trade Corporation under the Ministry of

Trade in 1978. In 1988, the government embarked on a market-oriented
economic policy and trade was liberalized.

In 1990, the Hotels and Tourism Law was presented and tourist visas
were extended to 14 days. With the formation of the Ministry of Hotels and
Tourism in 1992 and the promulgation of Myanmar Tourism Law in 1993,
private sector has been encouraged to develop the potentials of Tourism. In
addition, public private relationship has nurtured systematically. The
Associations like the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Travel Association and
the Myanmar Hotelier Association have already been formed. Today, continuing
efforts are undertaken that seek to further enhance public and private
partnership for cooperative efforts in tourism promotion and marketing
overseas.[ CITATION Sta08 \l 1033 ]

According to figures of Ministry of Hotel and Tourism, Myanmar, tourist

arrivals by nationality in 2011, tourists from Asia accounted for 259692, West

Europe for 80895, North America for 25365 and Oceania for 11622. These

figures indicate that Asia and Europe are the most potential markets for

Myanmar tourism. [ CITATION MOH11 \l 1033 ]

1.2. Statement of Problem

Nowadays, Myanmar is becoming a democratic country and moreover

ASEAN Free Trade Agreement will also be taken action not later than 2015.
There is no doubt that that action will positively affect the development of
Myanmar Tourism Business Industry because of no visa needed between the
ASEAN areas. That is why the researcher highly convinced that it will be very
interesting to study the factors that will influence the future of tourism in the
Republic of the Union of Myanmar. According to the problem statement about
business ethics, following research questions were developed.

RQ 1. What is the Tourists’ attitude towards Tourism Industry Development in


RQ 2. What are the factors that affect the Tourism Industry Development in

1.3. Objective of Research

1.3.1 General Objective

- To study the attitude of tourists towards Tourism Industry Development in

Myanmar and to explore the factors that affect the Tourism Industry.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

1. To explore the attitude of tourists towards Tourism Industry

Development in Myanmar

2. To determine the relationship between Political changes and

Tourism industry.

3. To identify the relationship between Economic development and

Tourism industry.

4. To study the relationship between cultural attraction and

Tourism industry.

5. To find out the relationship between improved technology and

Tourism industry.

1.4. Significance of Study

This research will provide a significance contribution to the factors

influencing Myanmar tourism future. Especially, this research will focus on
tourism condition happened in Yangon area.

1.5. Purpose of the research

The purpose of the research was to study the factors that affect the
Tourism Industry. The results may help the future tourism development in

1.6. Limitations of the Research

For research, it was faced with some difficulties to collect the actual data
of tour per year because tourists come in by air and by land through border
region can only make research on normal tour at Yangon, and also may be
difficult to make survey on border areas like China and Thai borders. Moreover,
it was also difficult to perform actual survey on hotels located through the
country and so it was needed to reference other's survey result. Other than that,
the study includes mainly independent travelers as the respondents whereby
the tourist groups by organizations or travel agents are few due to difficulties to
approach them. Thus, this limitation is hoped to affect much less on the
reliability of research. Overall, only tourists who found convenient and
comfortable to approach are selected. Such limitations are drawback for cluster
random sampling.

1.7. Definition of Terms

Tourism: Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes.

[ CITATION Wik01 \t \l 1033 ]

Tourists: Tourists are the people, traveling to and staying in places outside
their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure,
business and other purposes.[ CITATION Wik011 \t \l 1033 ]

PEST Analysis: PEST analysis stands for "Political, Economic, Social,

and Technological analysis" and describes a framework of macro-

environmental factors used in the environmental scanning component
of strategic management. [ CITATION Wik012 \t \l 1033 ]


2.1 Theoretical Literature

Tourism is the largest service industry in the world. Myanmar is a
developing country which has lots of potentiality in various sectors especially
after changing as the democratic country. So tourism is one of her potential
sectors. In this country, tourism scope can be culture based tourism, policy
based tourism and eco-tourism. Many developing countries have prepared
plans particularly at the central level to guide tourism development. It is quite
clear that political stability and establishing supportive institutions are needed to
develop tourism industry.[ CITATION Cev01 \l 1033 ]
Myanmar has certain strengths and weaknesses in the tourism field.
Tourist distinction is unspoiled and not overdeveloped, especially in terms of the
marine, beach environment and the unique, rich culture and its heritage.
However, some points like inconvenient transportation infrastructure and weak
sense of personal security detract the attractiveness of Myanmar as a tourist
distinction. To be able to develop the tourism, the government plays direct role
by improving the domestic infrastructure, providing more tourism promotional
programs, providing more international flights and providing better level of
security to help improve the international image. The tourism companies to
have joint marketing and promotion in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism,
Myanmar. [ CITATION Eco01 \n \l 1033 ]

2.2 Empirical Literature

There are numerous factors that influence the competitiveness of the
tourism business industry in a certain country. Among them, political factors
play in the main role while others include economic situation, cultural
attractions, growth of technology and some other factors affecting the
perspectives of international tourists such as weather and climate, country’s
security and safety, languages, environmental issues and demographic
changes. In Thai as well, tourism is directly linked to politics and this has been
in worsening crisis since 2006. To maintain level of competitiveness of the Thai
tourism industry, a macroeconomic policy promoting stability will be required.
[ CITATION Tha11 \l 1033 ]

Political and economic situation have great impact on tourism

development of a certain country. For example, because of 9/11 in the United
States, many people became afraid to fly, and worse, in the United States
planes were not even allowed to fly for almost three days. That is why tourism
industry was negatively affected due to canceled flights. Moreover in economic
recession, people lose jobs or tend to save their money because they do not
know when things are going to get better. When people terminate spending due
to an economic recession, the level of going on trips and taking recreation are
lessen. These three activities are part of tourism, and so economic factors also
stand in the important part in tourism development.[ CITATION Fab \l 1033 ]

Different tourists visit different destinations for different motives, be it for

commercial attractions, cultural enrichment or social interaction. There are four
basic categories of tourist motivations: physical, cultural, interpersonal and
prestige. Tourists seeking out recreation and sporting activities fall under the
physical motivation category. Culturally motivated tourists travel for activities
that would satisfy their curiosity about other environments, cultures and
societies. The desire to travel to meet new people or to spend time with friends
and relatives concurs with the category of interpersonal motivation. Lastly,
tourists motivated to travel for prestige and status reason will seek locations and
experiences that satisfy their needs.[ CITATION Tak09 \l 1033 ]

Social, economic, environmental, political, cultural or religious can have a

great influence on tourism business industry especially in today rapidly
changing world. Only technology has helped tourism fulfill the customers
demand as they want easier, quicker and cheaper service. [ CITATION Ste041 \l
1033 ] In this ICT age, the Internet is positively affecting the tourism industry
in three areas: planning, commerce and industry structure as it is the perfect
connection between consumers and suppliers. By surfing the Internet websites,

tourists have enough information for their travel destinations. As a result of the
growth of the e-commerce in the tourism industry, the travelers have many
options provided by the Internet to acquire online. So the technology of using
the Internet has a remarkable impact on today’s tourism. [ CITATION Eri10 \l
1033 ]

After reviewing the above literatures, perspectives on Tourism

Industry development are influenced by political, economic, socio-cultural and
technology conditions of certain country.


This chapter contains conceptual framework of this research and

presenting hypothesis.

3.1 Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework made by the review of the literatures. Following

determinants are the independent variables (IV) of the proposed conceptual
frame work.

- Political Factors
- Economic Factors
- Social-cultural Factors
- Technological Factors

Dependent variable (DV) of this conceptual framework is attitudes

towards Tourism Industry Development (in Myanmar).

Independent Variables(IV) Dependent Variable

- Political Factors Attitude towards Tourism Industry

Development in Myanmar
- Economic Factors

- Socio-cultural Factors

- Technological Factors
H1 to H5

Figure 1 Conceptual framework of attitude towards Tourism Industry
Development in Myanmar

Source: [ CITATION Tha11 \l 1033 ]

3.2 Hypothesis

Ho1: Tourists’ show no positive attitude towards Tourism Industry

Development in Myanmar

Ha1: Tourists’ show positive attitude towards Tourism Industry

Development in Myanmar

Ho2: Political changes in Myanmar is negative relation with attitude towards

Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar

Ha2: Political changes in Myanmar is positive relation with attitude towards

Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar

Ho3: Economic development in Myanmar is negative relation with attitude

towards Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar

Ha3: Economic development in Myanmar is positive relation with attitude

towards Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar

Ho4: Cultural attraction of Myanmar is negative relation with attitude

towards Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar

Ha4: Cultural attraction of Myanmar is positive relation with attitude

towards Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar

Ho5: Improved technology is negative relation with attitude towards Tourism

Industry Development in Myanmar

Ha5: Improved technology is positive relation with attitude towards Tourism

Industry Development in Myanmar

This chapter contains Research Design, Sampling Technique, Data Collection

Method, Data Gathering Procedure and Data entry, cleaning and analysis.

4.1. Research Design

Descriptive Case study design was used this research. It focused on

prevailing conditions or how a person, group, or thing behaves or functions in
the present.

In survey technique, we cared about gathering of data that requires

precise and adequate interpretation. In this study consists of collecting socio-
demographic data of respondent’s behavior, opinions, interests and their
attitude and then the collected data are prepared, analyzed, and interpreted.

4.2. Sampling Technique

The population of this research consists of Tourists visiting to Myanmar

who stay in a hotel located around Yangon City. Yangon is a big economic city
of Myanmar and Yangon International Airport is a main gate way of foreign
visitors. So that, Shwe Dagon Pagoda, Sue Lay Pagoda and Karaweik
Restaurant which located in Yangon city were approached for data collection.
These are the better position to assess the data for this research because most
of the foreign visitors visit to those places. Sample population was selected on
the basic of convenience sampling. The respondents were requested to fill out
the questionnaires.

4.3. Data Collection Method

420 tourists were being distributed each set of questionnaires and only
350 sets of questionnaires were collected back. From this received sets of
questionnaires, regarded the 24 sets of the questionnaires that were not
completely answered as invalid. It was implicated that the respondents were
either unenthusiastic to assist or not consider important of this study. Therefore,
only 328 valid sets of gathered questionnaires were applied for the data
analysis. By this means, the rate of response was 93.2 percent.

4.4. Data Entry, Cleaning and Analysis

Data entry, data cleaning and analysis were done by applying Microsoft
Excel and SPSS version 16.0. Categorical data are shown in percentage, pile
chart and bar graph and analytical data are using multiple linear regression


Questionnaires were distributed to 420 tourists who were visiting to

Myanmar at the time of surveying. The total numbers of 350 questionnaires
were returned and 24 sets of the questionnaires were not completely answered
as invalid. Therefore, only 328 sets were completed and applied for data
analysis and response rate was 93.2 percent. It has been said in ‘Research
Methods in Arts and Science’ that non response rate not more than 70 percent
cannot reveal the satisfactory result. [ CITATION HLA02 \l 1033 ]

In this chapter, the results from the data analysis will be presented in two
sections which are descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Responses
were encoded by assigning value to each statement as;

1 = strongly agree

2 = agree

3 = neither agree or disagree

4 = disagree

5 = strongly disagree

5.1 Descriptive Analysis

5.1.1 Mean age among respondents

Table 1 Mean age among respondents
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Age 328 21.00 75.00 45.1311 13.62577

Valid N (list wise) 328

In this study, the minimum age of respondents is 21 years and the

maximum 75 years. The mean age was 45 years with the standard deviation of

5.1.2 Genders distribution among respondents

Figure 2 Genders distribution among respondents

Regarding the sex ratio of the respondents, 46.04 percent were male
respondents and remaining 53.96 percent were female. There were 151 male

and 177 female respondents which seemed that the percent of the female was
more than that of male.

5.1.3 Marital status distribution among respondents

Table 2 Marital status distribution among respondents

Marital Status

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Single 131 39.9 39.9 39.9

married 197 60.1 60.1 100.0

Total 328 100.0 100.0

Figure 3 Marital status distributions among respondents

Most of the respondents, 197 out of total respondents were married that
is 60.06 percent and only 131 respondents that is 39.94 percent were single.

5.1.4 Occupation of the respondents

Figure 4 Occupation of the respondents

Unemployed/Retired among the respondents were 25.91 percent,

students were 5.79 percent, Self-employed were 33.84 percent, Professional
were 16.16 percent and Management/Administration were 18.29 percent noted.

5.1.5 Monthly income of the respondents

Figure 5 Monthly income of the respondents

Monthly income of respondents showed that more than half of the

respondents were having US$2000 to US$6000 income per month.

5.1.6 Educational status of the respondents

Table 3 Educational status of the respondents

Education level

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid < high school grad 25 7.6 7.6 7.6

high school grad 109 33.2 33.2 40.9

college graduate 168 51.2 51.2 92.1

post graduate 26 7.9 7.9 100.0

Total 328 100.0 100.0

Figure 6 Educational status of the respondents

According to the figure 6 and table 3, nearly 60 percent of the

respondents were well educated persons holding underlying bachelor degree
included 7.93 percent were post graduated.

5.1.7 No. of visits to Myanmar

Figure 7 No. of visits to Myanmar among the respondents

Figure 7 shows 43.9 percent were first time visitors, 16.46 were 2 times,
9.76 were 3 times, 7.93 were 4 times and 21.95 were more than 4 times visits
too Myanmar.

5.2 Inferential analysis

5.2.1 Overall Mean of Attitude towards Tourism Industry development in


Table 4 Results Mean values of agreement Attitude towards Tourism

Industry development in Myanmar

  Attitude Statement N Mean SD

1 “I consider that tourism industry in Myanmar is 328 4.46 0.66
2 “I will come back to Myanmar again” 328 4.29 0.58

3 “I will recommend to other that Myanmar is 328 4.31 0.60

attractive destination for tourists”

According to the results showing in table 5, respondents’ showed positive

attitude towards Tourism Industry development in Myanmar, as all the overall
means of all three statements concerning with attitude towards Tourism Industry
development in Myanmar are above neutral value (3) and can reject the Null
Hypothesis 1, Ho1: Tourists’ show no positive attitude towards Tourism Industry
Development in Myanmar.

The first research question “(RQ1): What is the Tourists’ attitude towards
Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar?” can be answered as they have
positive attitude towards Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar.

5.2.2 Multiple Regression Analysis

Multiple regression analysis is defined as “An analysis of association in
which the effects of two or more independent variables on a single, interval-
scaled dependent variable are investigated simultaneously” (Zikmund, Babin,
Carr, & Griffin, 2010). Hypotheses were tested by using the multiple regression
analysis method and presented the results in Table (3). Based on the Table (3),
the relationship between Attitude towards tourism industry development in
Myanmar and Political changes is positive (.255), based on the t-value (4.104),
conclude that this relationship is statistically significant p-value <0.05. Hence,
there is a statistically significant positive linear relationship between Attitude
towards tourism industry development in Myanmar and Political changes. The
relationship Attitude towards tourism industry development in Myanmar and
Economic Development is positive (.225), based on the t-value (6.592),
conclude that this relationship is statistically significant p-value <0.05. Hence,
there is a statistically significant positive linear relationship Attitude towards
tourism industry development in Myanmar and Economic Development. The
relationship between Attitude towards tourism industry development in
Myanmar and Socio-cultural attraction is positive (.216), based on the t-value
(5.972), conclude that this relationship is statistically significant p-value <0.05.
Hence, there is a statistically significant positive linear relationship between
Attitude towards tourism industry development in Myanmar and Socio-cultural
attraction. The relationship between Attitude towards tourism industry
development in Myanmar and improved technology is positive (0.211), based
on the t-value (5.913), conclude that this relationship is statistically significant p-
value <0.05. Hence, there is a statistically significant positive linear relationship
between Attitude towards tourism industry development in Myanmar and
improved technology. The outcome presented that the p-values for all of the
four independent factors were less than 0. 05 (alpha value), hence Political
Changes, Economic development, Socio-cultural attraction and improved
technology are positively related to the Attitude towards tourism industry
development in Myanmar proving the Alternative Hypotheses Ha2, Ha3, Ha4
and Ha5 to be supported and rejected the Null Hypotheses Ho2, Ho3, Ho4 and

Table 5 Results of Multiple Regression Analysis

Unstandardized Standardized
Model   t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficient

  B Std. Error Beta    

1 (constant) 4.079 0.4   10.198 <0.05

Political Changes 0.255 0.054 0.027 4.104 <0.05

0.225 0.035 0.268 6.592 <0.05

0.216 0.036 0.228 5.972 <0.05

0.211 0.053 0.206 5.913 <0.05

Dependent Variable: Attitude towards tourism industry development in Myanmar

Independent Variables: Political changes, Economic development, Socio-

cultural attraction and improved technology.

R = 0.889, R Square = 0.791, Adjusted R Square = 0.789

F = 305.964, P = 0. 000 (p<0.05)

The values of Un-standardized Beta coefficient among the independent

variables ranged from the weakest relationship of 0.211 [between improved
technology and the respondents’ attitude towards Attitude towards tourism
industry development in Myanmar] to the strongest relationship of 0.255
[between political changes and the respondents’ attitude towards Attitude
towards tourism industry development in Myanmar]. Therefore this suggested
that ‘political changes’ is the most important antecedent in affecting the
respondents’ attitude towards industry development in Myanmar. ‘Economic
development’ (0.225) and ‘Socio-cultural attraction’ (0.216) were ranked the
second and third most important of antecedents.78.9 percent proportion of
variance in the dependent variable (Attitude towards tourism industry
development in Myanmar), which can be explained by the independent
variables (Political changes, Economic development, Socio-cultural attraction
and improved technology). Lastly, significant of the overall model is showed by

the study (F = 305.964, p <0.05). Moreover, all of the independent variables
were statistically significant.

The following is the multiple regression equation for the study:

Equation 1: Multiple Regression Equation

Attitude towards tourism industry development in Myanmar =

4.079 + 0.255 Political changes + 0.225 Economic development + 0.216 Socio

cultural attraction+ 0.211 Improved technology.

The second research question “(RQ2): What are the factors that affect
the Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar?” can be answered as ‘Political
factors’ is the most important antecedent in affecting attitude towards industry
development in Myanmar. ‘Economic factors’ (0.225), ‘Socio-cultural factors’
(0.217) and ‘Technological factors’ (0.211) were ranked the second, third and
fourth most important of antecedents. 78.9 percent proportion of variance in the
dependent variable (Attitude towards Tourism Industry Development in
Myanmar), which can be explained by the independent variables (Political
changes, Economic development, Socio-cultural attraction and improved
technology). Moreover, all of the independent variables (Political changes,
Economic development, Socio-cultural attraction and improved technology) are
statistically significant factors that affect the Attitude of tourists visiting to
Myanmar towards tourism industry development in Myanmar.

5.2.3 Major Findings

Based on the results using Descriptive statistics to test Hypothesis 1,

respondents’ showed positive attitude towards tourism industry development in
Myanmar, as all the overall means of all three questions concerning with
attitude towards tourism industry development in Myanmar are above neutral
value (3) and can reject the Null Hypothesis 1, Ho1 Tourists’ show no positive
attitude towards Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar. The first research
question “(RQ1): What is the Tourists’ attitude towards Tourism Industry
Development in Myanmar? can be answered as respondents’ have showed
positive attitude towards Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar. The
outcome of multiple regression analysis to test Hypotheses 2, 3, 4 and 5
presented that the p-values for all of the four independent factors were less than
0. 05 (alpha value), hence Political changes, Economic development, Socio-
cultural attraction and improved technology are positively related to the attitude
towards Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar.

The second research question “(RQ2): What are the factors that affect
the Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar?” can be answered as ‘Political
factor’ is the most important antecedent in affecting attitude towards Tourism
Industry Development in Myanmar Economic factors’ (0.225), ‘Socio-cultural
factors’ (0.217) and ‘Technological factors’ (0.211) were ranked the second,
third and fourth most important of antecedents. 78.9 percent proportion of
variance in the dependent variable (Attitude towards Tourism Industry
Development in Myanmar), which can be explained by the independent
variables (Political changes, Economic development, Socio-cultural attraction
and improved technology). Moreover, all of the independent variables (Political
changes, Economic development, Socio-cultural attraction and improved
technology) are statistically significant factors that affect the attitude of users
towards Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar).


6.1 Discussion

Findings and contributions of this study recommended some suggestions

to many stakeholders. For Theoretical suggestions and managerial were
categorizes by sorting the suggestions; presenting empirical study confirm the
concept that the factors of tourists’ attitude towards Tourism Industry
Development in Myanmar can be applied in National development program on
tourism. Tourists visiting to Myanmar normally have a positive attitude towards
Tourism Industry Development in Myanmar therefore stake holders and
developer in tourism industry can aim tourists by launching tourism
development programs. They can apply the mixture of the considered factors in
the model in order to increase the effectiveness of tourism industry
development. In terms of management suggestion, the results carry out several
approaching and opinion for tourism industries when outlining a variety of
promotion plans to enhance the tourism development programs.

6.2 Limitation

The major limitation of this study putted on time frame and its research
methodology. According to this restraint of cross-sectional study, the results
were unable to ‘explain why the observed patterns are there’[ CITATION Eas03 \l
1033 ]. Then, the sample was only derived from the limitation of the border place
in choosing tourists who were visiting to Yangon area and not represented all of
tourists visiting to Myanmar. In addition, self-administered questionnaire elicited
opinions form respondents on their perspectives so that their actual behavior
cannot test in this manner.

6.3 Recommendation

In terms of future research, followings are recommended.

1. More research on the tourism industry development should be


2. Survey should be conducted in the whole Myanmar.

3. Further research in different population such as business

personnel, government employees and employees of non-profit
organization should be conducted.


Annonymous. (2001). Managing Sustainable Tourism Development. Economic

and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Tourism Review (22), 50-54.

Cerina, F. (2005). Tourism Specialization and Sustainability:A Long-Run Policy

Analysis. International Conference on Tourism and Sustainable Economic
Development - Macro and Micro Economic Issues (pp. 4-18). Cagliari: The
University of Cagliari and Sassari.

Cevat Tosun, Dallen J. Timothy. (2001). Shortcomings in planning approaches

to tourism development in developing countries. International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Management , 352.

Contributors, W. (2001, January 10). Article: Wikipedia. Retrieved November

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2012, from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PEST_analysis

Contributors, W. (2001, January 10). Article: Wikipedia. Retrieved November

26, 2011, from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourists

Cooper, S. (2004). A2 Geography. London, United Kingdom: Hodder Education.

Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R., & Lowe, A. (2003). Easterby-Smith, M. Thorpe,

R. and Lowe, A. Management research: An introduction (2nd Edition ed.).
California: SAGE Publications.

MOHT. (2011). Myanmar Tourism Statistics. Nay Pyi Taw: Ministry of Hotels
and Tourism, The Rupublic of the Union of Myanmar.

Ortega, E. D. (2010). The Internet Effects on Tourism Industry. Spain:

University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Star, P. E. (2008). Tourism Industry Not New to the Golden Land. The
Myanmar Times , 22 (439), 5.

Tak-Kee Hui, David Wan. (2009). Advances in Hospitality and Leisure (Vol. V).
Singapore: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Thavorn Thitthongkam,John Walsh. (2011). An Analysis of Factors Influencing
the Competitiveness of the Thai Tourism Industry. 2010 International
Conference on Business and Economics. 1, pp. 138-141. Kuala Lumpur:

Appendix (1) Draft Version Sample Questionnaire

Dear Sir/Madam,
This questionnaire has been developed by the MBA batch 1 student of
the joint MBA program of Assumption University and Myanmar Professional
Development Centre for the subject BP 6993 Individual Research in semester
4. All of the information will be treated with high confidentiality and used for
education purpose only. Please complete all the questions truthfully given below
the following questions.

Section 1

Please choose the relevant answer by ticking the boxes below.

1. What is your age? (Please specify)


2. What is your gender?

Male Female

3. Current marital status?

Single Married Other

4. What is your occupation?

unemployed student Self employed Professional

5. What is your monthly income?

Less than US$2001 – US$4001 – US$6001 – More than

US$2000 US$4000 US$6000 US$8000 US$8000

6. What is your education level?

<high school grad high school college graduate post
grad graduate

7. No. of visits to Myanmar?

More than 4th

1st time 2nd time 3rd time 4th time

Section 2

1. I consider that tourism industry in Myanmar is promising.

Neither agree Strongly

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
nor disagree Disagree

2. I will come back to Myanmar again.

Neither agree Strongly

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
nor disagree Disagree

3. I will recommend to other that Myanmar is attractive destination for tourists.

Neither agree Strongly

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
nor disagree Disagree

4. Recent political situation changes in Myanmar are one of the reasons of

increasing tourist.

Neither agree Strongly

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
nor disagree Disagree

5. Future changes in government policy in Myanmar may help the development

of tourism industry.

Neither agree Strongly
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
nor disagree Disagree

6. Currently sanction lift from EU and US is one of the reasons of increasing


Neither agree Strongly

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
nor disagree Disagree

7. ASEAN free trade agreement may help the development of tourism industry.

Neither agree Strongly

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
nor disagree Disagree

8. I am interested in understanding the history and culture of Myanmar.

Neither agree Strongly

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
nor disagree Disagree

9. For me, Myanmar is one of my leading cultural destinations.

Neither agree Strongly

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
nor disagree Disagree

10. Better communication channel (Telecommunication, internet etc.) may help

the development of tourism industry..

Neither agree Strongly

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
nor disagree Disagree

11. Online banking system may help the development of tourism industry..

Neither agree Strongly

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree
nor disagree Disagree

Appendix (2) Schedule and Budget

Table 6: Schedule

Key Activity Completion

Preliminary 1st week of January 2012
Decide on topic/Area of interest  
Identify problem  
The Proposal 1st week of January 2012
Chapter 1  
Write background, introduction,  
Explicate thesis objectives, scope, significance and
Chapter 2 2nd week of January 2012
Organize notes for literature review  
Write body of the literature review  
Write terminology of the literature review  
Chapter 3 3rd week of January 2012
Design Conceptual Framework and Hypothesis  
Chapter 4 3rd week of January 2012
Introduce propose study design  
Design and justify method, Survey Instrument  
Design sampling technique and data analysis  
Generate Bibliography 3rd week of January 2012
Draft Sample Questionnaire 3rd week of January 2012
Finalize proposal 4th week of January 2012
Hand in proposal 4th week of January 2012
The thesis  
Complete data collection 2nd week of February 2012
Analyzing Data 3rd week of February 2012
Writing the finding and discussion 3rd week of February 2012
Finalize chapter structures 3rd week of February 2012
Write body chapters 3rd week of February 2012
Write the conclusion 3rd week of February 2012
Finalize the introduction 3rd week of February 2012

Deal with formalities: abstract, appendices, etc. 3rd week of February 2012
Update the bibliography 3rd week of February 2012
Edit the final draft 4th week of February 2012
Submission 4th week of February 2012
Hand in the final draft 4th week of February 2012

Table 7: Budget

Category Cost

Stationery and Books 10000 kyats

Printing / Copying 15000 kyats

15000 kyats

Transportation Cost 20000 kyats

60000 kyats
Total Amount Sought


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