THESIS Political Instability

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Title of the Research Project:

Political instability in Pakistan:
Factors Analysis
Submitted by: Shamsa Kanwal
Roll NO: (42)
Name of Supervisor:
Name of Co- Supervisor:
Madam Shazia & Madam Arooj
Department: Political Science
Pakistan 2019


Examiners of thesis

 Department’s Head Dr. Humaira Dar

 Supervisor Sir Muzafir

 Co-Supervisor Madam Shazia & Madam Arooj

 Date 10-06-2019

Title Page
1. Introductory Page----------------------------------------------------------------------- 01
2. Approval For Report---------------------------------------------------------------------02
3. Contents------------------------------------------------------------------03-4
4. Research Title-----------------------------------------------------------------------05
5. Abstract---------------------------------------------------------------------------06
6. Acknowledgment-------------------------------------------------------------07
7. Student Declaration--------------------------------------------------------------08
8. Statement of the Problem-------------------------------------------------09

9. Literature Review--------------------------------------------------------------10-11
10.Research Objectives---------------------------------------------------------12
12.Research Questions-----------------------------------------------------------12
13.Scheme of study------------------------------------------------------------12-13
14. CHAPTER ONE: Introduction------------------------------------------------14
1.1 Background of the Study----------------------------------------------------14
1.2 Overview of Political Instability-------------------------------------------14-15
1.3 Etymology of Instability--------------------------------------------------------15
1.4 Definition of Political Instability----------------------------------------------15
15. CHAPTER TWO: Political Instability in Pakistan----------------------------16
2.1Historical Reasons of Instable Political System in Pakistan-------------------16
2.2 Political Instability in Pakistan: present situation-------------------------------17
2.3Factors of Political Instability in Pakistan----------------------------------17
1. Corruption----------------------------------------------------------------------17-18
2. Illiteracy------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19-20
3. Poverty------------------------------------------------------------------------21,22, 23
2.4army job--------------------------------------------------------------------24
2.5general vs judges--------------------------------------------------24-25
2.6 American influence-------------------------------------------------26
2.7Personalization of Politics---------------------------------------------27

16. CHAPTER THREE: Strategies that Overcomes the obstacle of Instable

Political System in Pakistan--------------------------------------------------------28
3.2 Conclusion----------------------------------------------------------------------------29-30
3.3 References and Bibliography--------------------------------------------------31

Research Title:
Political Instability in the Pakistan: Factors Analysis


In the developing and under developed countries, Political Instability has turned to more
dangerous and periling trouble. Political instability make massive problem and also obstructing
the evolution of the developing countries. In the advancement of the countries, it is a little
parable to lay out the case for the importance of the Political Instability. In the Arab world, the
Arab spring dissents were seen a forte democracy. The theme of this study revolves around the
factors of the Political Instability that create problems for the developing and under developed
countries and impact of political instability on the countries. The legitimacy crisis in Pakistan
and the problem of political stability is the setting of identity.

Political Stability plays an important role in holding society unified and in maintaining legitimacy
within the society or state. Political Stability is requirement for the supremacy, social
consolidation and economical growth in the state. The Political System and its stability have

clear effect on the progresses of nation and state building. The evolution of the countries is
impossible without well organised political system. If Political instability occur in the countries
then the government becomes only tug of war amongst different interest groups. In short, in
attempt to search the possible factors and impacts of political instability in Pakistan.


I express my gratitude to my parents for their special prays and they support me in completing
my thesis as possible.

I would also like to express my gratitude to my Co-Supervisor Madam Shazia who guided me
alot about my work, without her I would not able to finish this report in good way. She had a
wonderful and very cooperative teacher. It is special thanks to Madam Shazia for guiding me
that I kept finding new ways to face hard problems.

I would also express special thanks to Head of Department Madam Humaira Dar and Supervisor
Sir Muzafar, who gave me the golden opportunity to do this project on the topic ‘’Political
Instability in Pakistan: Factors Analysis’’ which really helped me in doing more research.

I, Shamsa Kanwal (Roll NO. 42) Student of BS (Hons) in the subject of Political Science, Session
2015-19, hereby declare the thesis submitted by the titled “Political Instability of Pakistan:
Factors Analysis” that is my own hard work and struggle and has not been submitted to any
other institution for any other degree.

Dated: 10-06-2019

Vol 3 (4) Oct-Dec, 2017 pp.729-7Problems statement:-

Problem Statement:-

Political Stability plays an important role for the development of the countries and it also
maintains the rule of law in the country. In any country, the Justice is the only way for the
stability of the political System. In the Democratic Countries, there is a direct link between the
democratic values and the education. Education is also necessary for the stable political system
because the educated people stay informed through books, media, magazines, newspapers and
current affairs of the country. There are many factors of the political instability in Pakistan but
the major problem of unstable political system of Pakistan is poverty, injustice, and inequality,
which becoming the cause of crime in Pakistan. Without the stable political system, the
evolution and progress of nation and state is not possible.

Review of Literature
Political Instability: A case study of Pakistan
Aslam Parvez, Memon Kiran, semi Memon, Saima Shaikh &famithaMemon (2001)
This book is related to the unstable political system that has get a obstacle special for
developing and developed countries. The theme of this study revolves around the factors of
the Political Instability that create problems for the developing and under developed countries
and impact of political instability on the countries. The legitimacy crisis in Pakistan and the
problem of political stability in the setting of identity. . In short, in attempt to search the
possible factors and impacts of political instability in Pakistan.
Political instability and its Factors in Pakistan

SafdarUllah Khan and Umer Farooq
State Bank of Pakistan Bond University Australia
15 November 2008
This study search for the factors of unstable political system on inflation in Pakistan. In this
study there is applying various generalized method of movement into different model from
1951-2007. This study show that whether marginal they really dependent on political
environment of Pakistan.
Pakistan since its inception had faced unstable political system that ranging from dismissals and
coups cabinet changes. Doubtfully, it is consider that unstable political system did not disturb
policy formulation, policy implementation of effectiveness likewise economic stability in
For implementation or continuation of consistent or coherent policies, unstable political system
does not provide room in Pakistan.
In sum, this study focuses on the scenario for the unstable political system of the state is make
because of the unstable system of government, political parties that are ineffective, political
culture that are imperfect.
Impact of Political Instability on Pakistan: A case study of Pakistan
Asad Mahmood Bhati, Amanat Ali, Muhammad Nasir and Waheed Iqbal (2008)
Stable political system is very much important for the development of nation structure such as
political evolution and national desegregation that has not good influence on shaping political
parties because they are not cooperative with each other and only work for their own sake. In
modern state the achievements for stable political system takes place due to varying degree of
political stability. Political stability is necessary for keeping peace, harmony, ownership of civic
order and for maintenance of government institutions.
Causes and Consequences of Political Instability in Pakistan
Fosu and Ali cheema 1992
This article is concentrated on factors and impacts of unstable political system in Pakistan. Out
of 68 years Pakistan has spent 34 years in political instability that is defined as regime
The government starts undue outlay by lending money when a government become unstable.
In economy, it make really hard for newly elect government because it increase deepness
payments likewise furnish revelation. For stability of the government of Pakistan the era of
struggle have largely bad.

The effect of this struggle is increasing poverty in Pakistan, unemployment, inequality among
leader and illiteracy. The unstable political system of government faces shortfall of budget and
low economy in state. In Pakistan the political system is not stable as compare to East Asia and
Impact of political instability on Pakistan's Economic growth
Noor ullannSallahuddin, Prof Dr. Abdul Gafoor Awan (2017)
The main purpose behind this study was to look into the contact between unstable political
system and economic development. According to this study Pakistan must trim down the level
of unstable political system. The result of this study shows that there is a negative interrelation
between unstable political system and economic development.

Research Objectives:-
 To describe Instable Political System in Pakistan.
 To Find out different Factors of Instable Political System in Pakistan.
 To examine the impacts of Unstable Political System on Pakistan.
 To suggest how to overcome the obstacle of Unstable Political System in Pakistan.

 Different factors leads to Unstable Political System in Pakistan.
Research Questions:-
This report confines itself different Factors of unstable political system in Pakistan. A brief
description of Political Instability in Pakistan. This enables us to see what, in fact, precipitated

the impacts of Political Instability on Pakistan. While determining implications, the study
suggest to whelm the obstacle of Political Instability in Pakistan.
 What is Unstable Political System in Pakistan?
 What are the different factors of Unstable Political System in Pakistan?
 How to overcome the problem of Political Instability in Pakistan?

Research Methodology:-
This report consists of the secondary resources such as books, journal newspapers and articles.
The area study centre GC Women University Sialkot, Allama Iqbal Library Sialkot, Library in the
department of Political Science, were visited to collect secondary data.
In this report mixed approaches work which are as following:
 Historical
 Descriptive
 Analytical
The method of this report will be:
 Qualitative method

Scheme of the Study:-

The research thesis includes the following chapters:
1ST Chapter:-
The first chapter will be based on brief Introduction of the Topic like:
 What is the Unstable Political System.
 Etymology of Unstable Political System.
 Definition of Unstable Political System.
2nd Chapter:-
The second chapter will discuss the main area like:
 Instability of Political System in Pakistan.
 Different Factors of Unstable Political System in Pakistan.
3rd Chapter:-
The last and third chapter will be based on the explanations and solution like:
 Strategies to overcome the problem of Unstable Political System in Pakistan.
 Third chapter will also conclude the topic.

Issue and Problem:-
The issue that I had faced in my research report are, the books are not available related to my
topic, and the books that are available are not able to open.

Chapter 01
The unstable political system of any country is defined as political disturbance or disorder
within certain country. The unstable political system is described as loss of control of territory
of country. In a country, Unstable Political System hinders the economic development there is
loss of sincere government and not have the ability to provide public service.

The political system of any country is not stable when free and fair elections are not held in the
country. Most of the countries in the world have faced unstable political system because free
and fair elections are not held that characterized through rigging of votes. Unemployment,
inequality and poverty can easily trigger unstable system of politics in any state, almost during
The scenario for the unstable political system of the state is make because of the unstable
system of government, political parties that are ineffective, political culture that are imperfect.
For the developing and underdeveloped countries, the unstable political System has become
severe obstacle.
In several fields the obstruction of the unstable political system is comrade with a series of
problems. Unstable political system created more threatening obstacles for state that results in
differential cultural attributes and multidimensional ethnic. In stable political system of
government people are authorized and exercise their vitalities for the establishment of nation.
For instance unstable political system is reversed people are not satisfied and not powerful and
they work for their own sake in country which is not stable.
Political development and national consolidation has lineal work on shaping the political parties
but for that influence stable political system is most compulsory for acquirement of nation
building. Referable to variable degree of stable political system the development in modern
state takes place. Stable political system is compulsory to keep peace and concord and
maintenance of institutions of government and ownership of civic order. Political stability also
used to advert to democratic political stability in society.
In the modern world the unstable political System is really affects developing and developed
countries both and it is a really chilling and terrible problem for both countries. Political
environment of any country become unsure due to unstable political system and it will trim
down plane of investment and gain rate of inflation and decelerate the fastness of economic
and social developmental procedure of country. The primary reason of unstable political system
is inflation because inflation that is high rated trail the country towards the incertitude
investment of future. This system of investment leads to cautious planning that in turn
establishes political agitation. Political system of any country disturbed by inflation in many
ways such as through curtailing its exports it bring down the effectiveness of a country. The
exports of a country makes much expensive through inflation because it affects the tax system
of the state also.
For the achievement of a nation the stable political system is a important procedure because it
is a status for building of a nation. Almost in developing countries the political system of
government is unstable. But through coup or army, even in a single night the new government
comes into power and this new government introduces newly ruling schemes in the country for
functioning of business which is thread among people of that state. Now unstable political
system makes a severe obstacle in developing countries because it postpone the progress and
also creating much difficulties for these countries.

For holding the whole society or state in one unit and for maintaining legitimacy within state
the stable political system plays significant role in a country. Stable political system is also
necessary for economic progress, social cohesion, supremacy of law in a country. Stable
political system affects the process of building of nation and state. For the improvement and
achievements of countries these both postulate political stability. Without a well organized
political system the progress of a nation or state is impossible.
That’s why unstable Political system can be described in at most three various ways:

 First access is such as, the change of government and tendency for any authority of
 Second approach is to concentrate on the occurrence of political violence or upset in a
 Third access is concentrates on economical development that pretend by unstable
political system of the countries.

1.1 Etymology of instability:-

The ‘’Instability’’ word was coined from the mediate French Word "Instabilite"
that means Unsteadiness. In simple terms, Instability can advert to those targets
that are unstable but likewise it can depict incapable positions or relationships.
1.2 Definition of Political Instability:-
Unstable Political System seems to be the significant obstruction of economic
growth, unemployment, inequality, illeteracy and poverty in all countries. (John
MukumMbaku, June 1992).
The disconfirming result of unstable political system:-
The disconfirming result of unstable political system is it splits that the state or society on
several ground because whole parts of society are not slaked with the activities of authorities
and conditions of distrust dominates in all countries.
The societies which are more developed are much politically aware and possess public opinion
on issues of national significance because of being educated. Education is very much important
for the stability of any state because education makes people of that state skilful and their
whole energy towards nation building. In the developed state, another thing is most important
along with education, which is leadership. The solemn leadership renders all basic needs to
their citizens that are absent in developing states.

Political instability in Pakistan
Historical Reasons of Political Instability in Pakistan:-
Pakistan, since its day of inception, has faced several challenges to establish a true democratic
system, which could guarantee its survival, stability and development. Every democratic period
has been followed by the military rule. Unfortunately, the plant of democracy has not taken its
roots deep enough to make the country, “a durable democratic state.” This is the reason that
until now democracy in Pakistan is prone to many threats. These threats emanate from internal
as well as external factors. Internal threats include political, social, economic, as well as
religious which have resulted in the weakening of democracy in Pakistan. Lack of mature
leadership, confrontation between the main organs of the state, poor relations between the
centre and the provinces, rampant corruption, distrust among the politicians, strong
bureaucracy and crisis of governance are the immediate threats to democracy in Pakistan.
Furthermore, meddling with the constitution has also dealt a severe blow to democracy in
Pakistan. In addition to this, terrorism, energy crisis, ethnicity and sectarianism, domestic
violence, religious intolerance, economic instability, unemployment, and recent natural
calamity is posing a great threat to democratic government in Pakistan.
Political instability in any country or state occurs due to the discord between different
institutions lack of pluralistic norms and resentments among different apparatus of the society.
Pakistan since its inception has been consistently remained the pivot of political crisis. This
political order could be traced back in history when the state was disheveled in the issue of
forming a constitution and language controversies.

The Present Political Instability in Pakistan:-

The present political instability in Pakistan has raised the external and internal challenges for its
society and state. Pakistan is facing serious challenges specially in the realms of politics and
economics. The global world is providing aid and assistance to Pakistan but in presence of
insincere leadership and political instable conditions the huge foreign aid is not generating any
positive results.
The present world is a global world where every field is determined by intense competition:
state craft, conduct of diplomacy, effective policy making, and strong economy are the most
important challenges every state has to face. Political instability in any state leads to chaos and
disorder amongst the units.

In global world the trends of establishing substantial regional blocks with other states and
joining economic and security alliances is gaining momentum and these affiliations makes a
state an important partner of the global world. Now pre-requisite for joining these alliances is
strong political and economic conditions of a state, if a country is not stable enough in political

and economic realms no state will be ready to make weak states as their global partners and
they will be left behind the global stage.
The recurring coups and destabilization of democratic governments has periled the future of
people of Pakistan. Pakistan has already suffered from huge losses in form of separation of its
East wing because of political instability and is still suffering from continuous conflicts amongst
the units. All federating units especially Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtoonkhwah are
experiencing the serious impacts of political instability.
The instability poses challenges in the realms of national security, societal cohesion, national
economy, facing war of terrorism, policy making, integrating in the world politics and economy,
gaining global support.
The most important and immediate challenge the political instable condition of Pakistan is
creating is mishandling of issue of war on terrorism. The war on terrorism is affecting badly the
internal conditions of the state and as well as its external relations with other states. The
instable political set up is not letting any clear and effective measure along with policies for the
issue of terrorism.
Since September 2008 USA leading the NATO forces started attacking frontier areas of Pakistan
and violated the sovereignty of Pakistan in the name of combating terrorism and chasing the
terrorists may be hiding in these areas. These attacks are increasing by the times.
Pakistan is already a victim of severe terrorism, further foreign attacks on its territory has
exploited the situation. The people of Pakistan especially residents of frontier areas have
feelings of insecurity, lost their trust on government and army, and feeling of this mistrust could
lead to furious results ultimately. The persistent worst domestic conditions because of internal
terrorism and external threats of attacks have almost bankrupted the economy and discouraged
the foreign direct investment. It has become the biggest challenge for Pakistan to cope
international pressure and face the internal reactions in shape of severely instable economy,
resentment of people, lack of peoples’ trust on government and hatred for army, withdrawal of
peoples’ support to policies and actions of government, terrorist attacks in major cities,
isolation in global world like calling back of diplomats’ families to station because Pakistan is no
more a safe place to live and closure of embassies like UK and USA .
This situation has endangered the future of Pakistani people who are now considering Pakistan
an insecure place. The assurance of national security of Pakistan in face of international
pressure and increased continuous external interference is a challenge which government has
to cope in a way that interests of its own people and global world should be fulfilled. Pakistan is
in danger both from external and internal realms. The security of the world has endangered
Pakistan’s survival. The ignorance of sovereign status of Pakistan, unawareness of external
world from important strategic facts about the area, public opinion of the common masses, and
lack of proper investigation and clear strategies towards the solution has created the
deteriorated scenario and posing a serious danger to its national interest and security.

The present and immediate need of the time is a stable political system, since Pakistan has to
combat inside terrorism, has to face and convince its own people that this war is necessary ,
and Pakistan has to satisfy its allies and as well as neighbours and manage the pressure that
Pakistan is taking positive steps to counter the situation. In this context nobody else knows the
ground realities except Pakistan. The main problem in this whole scenario is lack of trust
amongst Pakistan and the allies and neighbours keep exploiting the situation. Pakistan and also
half of the world has had experienced the adverse effects of Cold War. Pakistani society, and
economy have still not recovered from the negative after effects of Cold War and after the
incidence of nine eleven this War of Terrorism is another challenge of global politics. In this
situation, the future of Pakistan is largely influenced by the way government handles the
serious issues relating and arising from war of terrorism like economy and society.

The immediate effect of this worst law and order situation is a worst for the already aid driven
economy of Pakistan. The lack of interest by the foreign investors for foreign direct investment,
and giving Pakistan access to the lucrative markets are making economy stagnant and more
prone to rely on foreign aid. The improper use of aid on the huge disasters like earth quake in
2005 and on the wake of flood in 2010 has lost the trust of donors to support Pakistan
sufficiently even in most difficult times. The instability of the system and accordingly the
unaccountability of the public servant to the masses has created and raised the practice of
corruption as an accepted tradition. The foreign world mentioned the issues mishandling and
clearly said that they would prefer the nongovernmental organizations to perform the task
rather than giving direct aid too the government employees. The situation of mistrust of the
foreign world on political structures of Pakistan has created a complex scenario for the people
of Pakistan who are the real suffers of all this situation including weak economy, natural
disasters and political instability. The prosperity and heath of society and economy is not
largely but wholly solely dependent on the stability of the political system of the state, and a
cure for the possible ills arising from the dysfunction of the system.
Political Instability has become a serious problem especially in developing and underdeveloped
countries. It is creating massive problems and hindering the development of the country. The
instability of government, inefficiency of political parties and weak political culture create the
scenario for a politically instable state. The problem is associated with a series of problems in
various fields. The problem of political instability generates more serious for society which is
multi ethnic, having people of diverse cultural attributes.
Factors of Political Instability in Pakistan:-
There are some important factors of political instability in Pakistan Because of these causes the
political system of Pakistan is not stable.

The word corruption is derived from the Latin word “corruptus,” which means “corrupted” and, in legal
terms, the abuse of a trusted position in one of the branches of power (executive, legislative and

judicial) or in political or other organizations with the intention of obtaining material benefit which is not
legally justified for itself or for others.

Corruption was referred to as a great sin already in the Bible: “Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds
those who see and twist the words of the innocent.” However, the history of corruption is in fact related
to the beginning of the creation of law and the state and was already in the antiquity considered an evil,
which negatively affects the public administration and the functioning of the political system. The
earliest records of corruption date back to the thirteenth century BC, to the time of the Assyrian
civilization. From the found plates, written in cuneiform, the archaeologists managed to discern how and
who accepted bribes. Under the Roman law, the criminal offense of corruption was defined as giving,
receiving or claiming benefits in order to influence an official in connection with his work. Due to the
prevalence of corruption in the country, this law was supplemented by a new law, which predicted
compensation for damage in double value of the damage, and the loss of political rights for the
perpetrator of the corruptive act. However, this did not help alleviate corruption, especially due to the
fact that corruption was most practiced by the members of the Senate and senior state officials, both in
Rome itself and in the remote Roman provinces.

Corruption is authority plus monopoly minus transparency. Our society is facing a very grave
problem of corruption that has threatened basic foundations of society. This is one of the most
serious problems which are not natural calamity or disaster. Corruption is the cancer that will
gobble up all the socio-economic and political achievements.
The major reasons of fast creeping corruption are political instability, poverty, unequal
structure of society, unemployment, lack of accountability, weak political institutions and
absence of rule of law. Resultant they are affecting political stability, equal distribution of
resources and power, confidence of local and foreign investors and political institutions.
Although corruption has wide-ranging deleterious effects on society and governance but its
most deadly impact is always on the poor. It undermines democracy, hinders in good
governance and weakens the democratic institutions. It hampers the economic growth and
sustainable developments. Increase in corruption in any society is inversely proportional to
good governance.
If these suggestions and practical measures are taken, the cancer of corruption can be cured to
reasonable extent. Institutions should be made strong for proper working of the democratic
system. Proper system of accountability and check and balance should be implemented. Justice
delayed is justice denied. In time justice can minimize corruption practices.
Salaries and wages should be increased in order to decrease the chances of corruption.
Education system must be revised and improved according to national needs. Stable
governments are essential to prevail justice and to uproot corruption and public awareness is
must to eliminate corruption.
It is multi-faceted problem so it should be countered on all possible fronts with sincerity. We
must reform ourselves. Only proper planning and strictly implemented policies with public
support can put halt to this growing menace

Illiteracy is a big problem because the illiterate people are unable to understand the new
techniques of social and political life. They do not enjoy the life. They do not understand the
new policies. Every individual has right to get education in better institutions. Illiteracy
minimizes the social relations in the society which leads to less development of resources.
Illiterate person is unable to read books, magazine, articles, and other reading materials.  
He cannot participate in platforms of educated people. The society does not develop, if there is
a number of a person un-educated. Illiteracy is a barrier in the social progress among people for
betterment of the society. To bring them out of this illiteracy, they should be provided
information through mass media of communication and educated people should explain the
impacts of being literate. If we want to overcome on illiteracy, government should teach the
illiterate people in good institutions with good teachers. To fulfil the dream, we should get good
education. Education is a good tool which benefits all along the life. In fact, education is very
important tool for everyone to succeed in life.
Today the education rate in Pakistan is 58%. This education rate is the least in South Asia.
Pakistan is facing numerous problems. But the people of Pakistan being less educated do not
care for the problems and consider them as a political fault.
A higher crime rate is one consequence of lower literacy rat e. Government should take steps to
create jobs for the young active labour force. Government should also take steps to establish
colleges and universities in villages so that children who are living in rural settlements may
not have to travel to cities to get higher education.Every individual has a right to get
education in good institutions. Illiteracy minimizes the social progression of a society and by
extension of it also hinders economic development and growth of a region. It is about time
that the new government that has vowed to priorities education takes reformative steps to
improve the literacy rate in all the provinces particularly Baluchistan, that has been neglected
by the previous governments.
The biggest reason of the downfall of any nation is the alarming increase in its illiteracy
rate.Illiteracy is the root cause of almost every problem today. It increases poverty due to less
employment and also decreases the educational facilities due to lack of teachers and educated
people. On the whole, because of illiteracy we are left behind in every aspect, economically,
politically or educationally.
Illiteracy is a key issue in Pakistan with the main causes having already been discussed. It has
become a major hurdle in the progress of the country since the illiterate population struggles
withbasic instructions regarding machinery and therefore can’t progress technologically which
hampers economic development of a country. Women illiteracy is also a subsequent problem
which has led to increased problems regarding malnutrition, child mortality, unwanted
pregnancies and an increase in the population at alarming rates which puts a heavy strain on
resources. While the root causes stems from poverty, the cultural and religious mindset of the
residents of rural areas also play a role, acting as hurdles in the illiteracy problem. Pakistan is

lagging behind other developing countries like Bangladesh and India who have been relatively
successful at increasing the literacy rate and educational opportunities.

Poverty is a curse. Pakistan is a poor and under developed country. Most of its population lives
in entirely adverse circumstances.  Some reports reveal that more than forty percent
population of Pakistan lives below the line of poverty. Four out of 10 Pakistanis are living in
acute poverty with the population of Balochistan faring the worst among the provinces,
according to Pakistan’s first-ever official report on multidimensional poverty.
A large number of people in our country do not have proper place to live, this miserable
condition has given birth to a large number of beggars and needy people who live on the
charity of the rich people. The economic condition of an average individual is very pathetic.
Poverty; hunger and unemployment afflict a large section of population. The causes of poverty
are quite obvious and known.

A STUDY on poverty has brought Pakistan face to face with a reality that it will find hard to
accept: every third Pakistani is caught in the ‘poor’ bracket i.e. some 58.7 million out of a total
population of 180 million subsist below the poverty line.

This includes more than half the population in the forever remote Balochistan, 33 per cent in
Sindh, 32 per cent in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and 19 per cent in Punjab. These are daunting
figures. But they are much needed for planning, especially when the government appears too
embarrassed to release statistics related to poverty. The Sustainable Development Policy
Institute, which has carried out this economic-mapping exercise, is justified in calling for the
release of government figures and for a policy to combat acute poverty. These are facts which
are being kept under wraps at great peril to the country.

At one time, not so very long ago, a Pakistani could proudly say, while drawing a comparison
with India where millions slept hungry at night, that no-one in his country went to bed with an
empty stomach. No more, alas! The spiralling rise in the prices of goods of daily use, on the one
hand, and the static incomes on the other have combined to spread hunger, which now affects
a large segment of our society. And if one were to add the growing incidence of unemployment
caused by inflationary pressures, the picture would become starker.

Firstly we are facing a population explosion. There are more mouths to feed than there are
hands to earn. Ones income is limited; he cannot afford to maintain a large family. He works
hard and consequently he falls ill and dies. Then his wife steps in works in village, fields or city,
homes to bring up her children, this cycle of poverty goes on. Poor remain a poor, the whole of
his life. The main cause of poverty in Pakistan lies in the difference between the resources and
the population increase.

Secondly most of the people in Pakistan are uneducated. They are ill equipped to lead a good
life; they do not know the modern methods of farming. They are ignorant to better ways of
earning money in the mills and factories with poor knowledge of life. They cannot increase
production in mills and factories. Modern machinery is mostly computerized. An uneducated
person cannot understand and operate computer. The result is that the remains poor till the
last day of his life. It is very sad that result do not educate the workers. The workers do not get
a chance to earn more money.

Thirdly our economic system is based on feudalism. A big landlord keeps the small farmers and
workers under his political slavery. In Punjab and Nwfp the same condition exists. The economic
condition of the small farmers and workers cannot become better in the presence of feudal

Fourthly, Pakistan is a country where does not exist any form of social, cultural and economic
justice. The rich people in Pakistan are becoming richer while the poor are becoming poorer.
The economic disparity between the rich and the poor has eaten the very vitals of society. The
interesting thing is that no ruler has paid attention to minimize this disparity. The rich do not
pay taxes; they do not abide by any law. They live in a rich bungalow, ride a beautiful car and
send their children to costly schools. They enjoy every comfort and luxury of life without any

Fifthly poverty in Pakistan exists due to scarcity of jobs in the public and government sector.
Our rulers are not responsible, dedicated and missionary. They failed to build new dams, a
network of industry and roads in the country. The shortage of electricity and gas has resulted
the lock up of mills and factories. New factories were not set up in the past. The result is that
our uneducated worker remains unemployed the educated people have degrees, but they do
not have opportunities to get job.

To solve this cause, Pakistan have to adopt the following measures:

The rulers of Pakistan must discard their lavish way of living. They must be one with their
people; they must lead a life of a common and hard working person. This will go a long way to
bride over the disparity between a rich and poor person. The population explosion must be
controlled. People should be educated and guided to produce small number of children. More
industries, mills and factories should be set up to provide jobs to the workers and small

Education must be made compulsory for all the individuals in Pakistan. It will train them earn
more money by using their skill in a modern way. Opportunities to get computer education

should also be increased. To address the root causes of poverty, the key issue is to provide
quality education.

Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime. It is not natural it is man-made and can be reduce
by justice and quality education because the best way to end poverty is to empower people
through access of quality education. Moreover, if we can’t feed the people but atleast we have
to fund a war against this cause because it’s time to restore humanity.

Job of Army:
The Oath currently recommended for the Members of the Armed Forces as allowed in the
Second Schedule (Article 244) of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan is as per the following:-
 The officers moved the conditions to support them and executed such strategies which
fortified their unlawful hold.
 Shockingly, the tyrants got 'helpful' Judges and 'amicable' legislators to draw out their
The military, for every single commonsense reason, has been and stays in control. It has
relentlessly expanded its capacity since the primary military overthrow in 1958. The military has
a veto over most basic choices influencing both outside and security arrangements, and during
the Zia period, it extended its venture into certain zones of local legislative issues too,
instigating, and after that containing, ethnic disunity in the Sindh and pandering to religious
extremists in social approach.
Non military personnel governments in Pakistan are of transient criticalness. The military, the
higher echelons of the common administration, and the insight administrations are the lasting
highlights of the state. There is practically no proof that the regular citizen government has any
significant self-sufficiency.
Ayub hosted a political get-together, the Convention Muslim League, similarly as Zia
appreciates the help of Majlase Shoora and Musharraf has his Quaid-I-Azam MuslimLeague.
The arrangement of essential majority rule government and neighborhood government made
another supporting class for the commanders. Amusingly, geo vital circumstances dependably
benfitted the despots.
GeneralAyub got US help because of virus war, General Zia was supported because of Soviet
intrusion of Afghanistan (1979), in conclusion General Mushraf was gave because of forefront
state. Along these lines, US sponsored military principles did not think about individuals' will.
The economy developed in Ayub's time. Gross domestic product development rates were high
under Zia and Mushraf. In any case, what is Ayub's heritage? The fall of Dhaka-after Zia partisan
and Ethnic frenzy and Mushraf left delicate economy, annihilation of state organizations and
ghastliness of US Intervention.

General Vs Judges:
On the three events since autonomy when military upsets have finished vote based principle in
Pakistan the legal executive not just neglected to check additional sacred routine change, yet in
addition embraced and abetted the union of wrongfully picked up power." Numerous judges
have been evacuated by power, Justice Ramday regretted. Goals Resolution (1949) clarified,
"The freedom of legal executive will be completely verified." Despite each ensurance in
resulting constitutions, autonomy of legal executive was ridiculed at by the almighty Executive
in military guideline as well as in supposed vote based routines.
On 25th Oct. 1954, Governor General Ghulam Mohammad disintegrated the principal
Constituent Assembly, the leader of Assembly Molvi Tameezuding tested the activity, and won
under the watchful eye of the Sindh High Court. In actuality, the Chief Justice of Federal Court,
Justice Munir proclaimed that the Sindh high Court judgment restricted the forces of senator
General, in this manner approved the activity of disintegration under 'Precept of Nessity.'
On eighth October, 1958, General Ayub forced Martial Law and finished the 1956 constitution.
For the second time, Justice Munir favored Executive matchless quality over the Legislative.
Simply after the fall of Yahya Khan, the court renounced this regulation of need in Asma Jeelani
On July fourth , 1977, General Zia ul Haq finished non military personnel rule, again the
Supreme Court, in the Nusrat Bhutto case, approved the military overthrow on the bases of
need. Additional astonishing, the court clarified that Zia had the forces to pass every single vital
law, incorporating revisions in the constitution 1973.
On October twelfth 1999 General Mushraf, caught control, issued 'Temporary Constitutional
Order No. 1 of 1999' notwithstanding any court making any request against the Chief
Executive's Authority.
In Pakistan, the battle for an autonomous legal executive is insofar as battle for majority rule
government. Abuse of Justice Sajjad during Ms Bhutto's residency and afterward his sacking at
the command of previous leader Nawaz Sharif and now the suspension of CJ Iftikhar under
General Musharraf. No regular citizen or military ruler has ever regarded the autonomy of legal
executive in Pakistan which, thusly, become an instrument in the hands of each military tyrant
for the sake of the "tenet of hecessity."

Administration's job in pushing popular government to the brink of collapse:

The author of Pakistan Quaid-I-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said on 25th March 1948 in his
location to the common administration officers at Chittagong:-
"I realize you are burdened with the old heritage, old attitude, old brain science. Make the
general population feel that you are their hirelings and companions, keep up the most
noteworthy standard of respect, honesty, equity and reasonable play."

Liaquat Ali Khan was killed on Oct. sixteenth, 1951. senior civil servants influenced Nazimuddin
to be a ground-breaking PM on the lines of Liaquat Ali Khan. This control was designed by,
Iskander Mirza, to make Ghulam Mohammad, an individual from the Accounts Service as GG.
He was at last evacuated as PM by Ghulam Mohammad. Mohammad Ali Bogra was
handmpcked to supplant Nazimuddin. With his dear companion Gen Mohammad Ayub Khan
(who remained C-in-C) he joined the Bogra bureau as inside clergyman and safeguard serve
individually. For testing GG's authoritarian expert, Bogra was supplanted by Ch. Mohammad Ali.
Making Ghulam Mohammad into a psychological case, Mirza wound up acting GG and expelled
Ghulam Mohammad to progress toward becoming GG, Promoting himself from major to the
position of real broad.
In 1956, Pakistan turned into a Republic and Iskandar Murza its first president. By 1958, he had
introduced and expelled four PM,s Choudhry Mohd. Ali, Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy, II
Chundrigar and Feroz Khan Noon. Since there was no chance he was regularly going to be
chosen in his own right, even with falling apart political and monetary conditions he proclaimed
conjugal law on Oct. 7, 1958 and made the C-in-C of the Pakistan Army, Gen. Ayub. Plotting to
expel the exceptionally military officers who had upheld him, Mirza was himself evacuated by
the military on Oct. 27, 1958.
Somewhere in the range of 1960 and 1968, the organization was the prevailing accomplice with
the technocrats and government officials. A mainstream majority rule development brought
Ayub down in 1968. he gave over capacity to Gen. Yahya Khan, the C-in-C. Yahya Khan's military
standard finished three and a half years after the fact on Dec 20, 1971 after a fierce common
war and the war with India and Pakistan got eviscerated Zulfikar Ali Bhuto turned into
Pakistan's leader.
Also, its regular citizen boss military law (CMLA) overseer on Dec 20, 1971. He remained
president Aug 1973, under the 1973 Constitution he expected the workplace of a ground-
breaking PM and FAzal Elahi Chaudhry progressed toward becoming president. Bhutto must be
given extraordinary kudos for unearthing popular government from its grave and reviving it
following 20 years. Majority rules system's defeat was nationalization on Jan 1, 1974. this made
administrators all – ground-breaking again as a substitute, heading the majority of the state-
possessed ventures and the nationalized ones.
On July 5, 1977 Gen Ziaul Haq caught control and progressed toward becoming CMLA,
alleviating Fazal Elahi Chaudhry as president on 16 Sep 1978 and remaining so till his demise in
the flying machine crash on Aug 17, 1988. a designated Majlis in 1982 offered approach to
party-less decisions in 1985, Mohammad Ali Khan Junejo getting to be PM. Zia evacuated Junejo
in May 1988 and expected everyday control. During the Zia time frame, Ghulam Ishaq Khan.
On Zia's passing, ghulam Ishaq Khan, who was made director of the Senate by Zia, wound up
acting president. He was chosen president by the congregations on Dec. 13, 1988. From Dec 2,

1988. As President till July 18, 1993, this civil servant sent two chosen PMs home on unstable
Farooq Laghari, another administrator turned-government official, was chosen President on No.
14, 1993. before being made to leave on Dec. 2, 1997, he removed his very own gathering PM
Ms Benzir, and was wanting to send home another PM, Mian Nawaz Sharif who had turned into
all-ground-breaking. Mohammad Rafiq Tarar was chosen president on Jan 1 1998, remaining so
till Jan 20, 2002. rather than making majority rule government work, Mian Nawaz Sharif went
on gorge of sacking every one of those he didn't care for. When he attempted this with the
COAS, Musharraf and his nearby associates tossed him out on Oct 8, 1999.

American Influence:
Incredible forces have extraordinary structures Pakistan has asset rich zone in the north-west,
individuals wealthy in the north-east. Pakistan is intersection of South Asia, West Asia and
Central Asia. US premiums in the districts to contain the Growing China, atomic Iran, fear based
oppressor Afghanistan, and to profit by the market of India.
Security and Business are two fundamental US interests in the locale while Pakistan is assuming
a from line job against fear based oppression. Along these lines Pakistani governments, either
military or regular citizen, constantly looked for green sign from Washington which bolstered

Job of Opposition:
Resistance groups less worked for popular government and more for getting into power-even
with the help of undemocratic powers and illicit activities. Lamentably, ideological groups
dependably figured out how to lessen the targets of political developments downs to one a
point plan—toppling of the common/military government. Rather than testing business as
usual, the oppositional powers were progressively inspired by the catching state capacity to
receive the rewards for themselves. Subsequently, every political development that took the
penances of numerous individuals goes out to e close to a difference in countenances at the top
dimension with progression in social, monetary and international strategies of the nation.

Job of Media:
The regular citizen and military despots controlled media which reprimanded individuals' voice,
fed each sort of defilement, kept the general population oblivious and the judges feeble.
Factors behind horrible weaknesses:The level of influence between the official, legal executive
and parliament is the most crucial essential for a liberal law based state. Be that as it may, the
post-provincial state o Pakistan was always unable to accomplish this funds to be paid to the
political job of the military, which we acquired as the most sorted out organization in the post
freedom period. Besides, the ability of the standard ideological groups to function as the 'B'

group of military and common organization and the Better legal executive than trade off its
freedom by summoning the tenet of need intensified the circumstance.

Personalization of Politics:
The military is much change and organised than other regular establishments and personal
establishment and political process is from behind the window or straightforwardly system.
With the help of finding political office or from political office dislodging others when one
organisation of state holds such unbridled power and it turns out to be incredibly enticing for
other political powers.
In the event that these recommendations and viable measures are taken, the malignant growth
of debasement can be relieved to sensible degree. Establishments ought to be made solid for
appropriate working of the equitable framework. Legitimate arrangement of responsibility and
check and equalization ought to be executed. Equity postponed is equity denied. In time equity
can limit debasement rehearses.
Pay rates and wages ought to be expanded so as to diminish the odds of defilement. Training
framework must be updated and improved by national needs. Stable governments are basic to
win equity and to evacuate defilement and open mindfulness is must to take out debasement.
It is multi-faceted issue so it ought to be countered on every single imaginable front with
genuineness. We should change ourselves. Just legitimate arranging and carefully executed
approaches with open help can put end to this developing hazard.
The International Monetary Fund is totally right that imbalance is awful for dependability
however even before the IMF report this relationship the United Nations commission of
specialists on changes of the International budgetary framework recognized progressively in
quality as a standout amongst the most significant elements adding to the extraordinary
subsidence of 2008 in the cost of disparity clarify the channels through which imbalance
generally drives insecurity both were in the proof in our ongoing emergencies. One is that
disparity prompts feeble total interest for interest that would be frail without countervailing
activity spared by the Federal Reserve the reason is straightforward those at the base and
Middle buyer century the majority of their pay entryways at the top spare 15% on more than
cash ships from the base to the top has happened in ongoing decades in the United States is
law of interest with leaves joblessness and an economy the fatso wounded in with low loan
costs and legs guideline it was making a Bubble Witch upheld of utilization palliative.
An arrangement create that tends to disparity would be multifaceted ready part would be
progressively impartial expense framework including shutting the escape clauses and that
advantage the wealthiest and making capital additions content at a similar rate as wages and
compensations the page that individuals get from their works a great part of the
adornments at the top is of consequence of absence of authorization of rivalry of Lost lacks in
corporate administration and insufficient guideline of the money related industry better and

increasingly equivalent access to instruction including Moped Grounds and better understudy
credit projects are fundamental equivalent at the separation in pay in the center and base so
you are more grounded associations and progressively compelling implementation of hostile to
segregation laws and most grounded arrangement of social security on vital on the off chance
that we are to decrease neediness basic choices are taken in the political Arena that that is the
reason the most imperative to frame is more grounded assurances of our vote based system
against the unbalanced impact of ladies in governmental issues lamentably the strategies
supported by one of the competitors in this decision with pretty much every make any four
letter words mean by the doctor has expanded disparities both in salary and riches this does
not board well for future.

Strategies to whelm the trouble of unstable Political system in Pakistan

Stable Political System in Pakistan can restore by picking few measures. Such as judicial
reforms, create election commission that is not dependent on others, interior party elections,
Constitutional executions, increasing unhampered press, persistence of elections that are free

from favouritism or self interest, sections of provinces and protective cover of civil libraries
Driving steps to reward unstable political System of Pakistan:
1. To do forcible resource through instructing majority, appropriate assigning land,
cite, Zakat and Usher warranting financially understanding arrangements of crucial
wants. Generally improved techniques among people and embodied parts to afford
principle of jurisprudence.
2. Judiciary’s Independence will fortify vote based scheme, reinstate believe among
Centre and Provinces, and promote fairness snappy administration.
3. For skirting miserable political burden there is a need of depoliticizing of open
4. On national progress, for powers and opportunities public security and periphery
will give equal valuable quality no matter it is internal or external.
5. Through unfastened treatments media can joint militant groups and will its
preternatural power by confining differentiations.
6. For the benefits of the state, stable bulk regulations works to the theoretical
7. To convey amicableness nationalist learned people composition.
8. Answerability at all attributes, Self adequacy for provinces and raising Islamic
9. For peace and security of society political system turn into social duty of informed
white collar class.
10. All government functionaries prepare as Pakistan leads itself towards existence
majority rules scheme and distance from psychological war or brutality that has
beginning to take set up in spotlight.
11. It also bond fiscal achievement and betterments that are workable.
12. For outstanding disposal, increase in pollution in whatever universal public is


The stable political system is compulsory for nation building and for powers withstand hardship
or stress and development of a state the nation building is a necessary process. Political
Stability plays an important role for the development of the countries and it also maintains the
rule of law in the country. In any country, the Justice is the only way for the stability of the
political System. In The outcomes of stable political system are to be mat up all over in the
kingdom of economics, society and politics. Pakistan face political instability it is a rich nation
having good resources, well informed people, necessary strategic locations and atomic power.
Political Stability plays an important role in holding society unified and in maintaining legitimacy
within the society or state. Political Stability is requirement for the supremacy, social
consolidation and economical growth in the state. In stable political system all parts of the
society is satisfied in all active pluralities as a result people become more patriotic to the state
and persuasion of patriotism set up among them and citizens irrespective of the severe feeling
a part of national unity.
The societies which are more developed are much politically aware and possess public opinion
on issues of national significance because of being educated. Education is very much important
for the stability of any state because education makes people of that state skilful and their
whole energy towards nation building. In the developed state, another thing is most important
along with education, which is leadership. The solemn leadership renders all basic needs to
their citizens that are absent in developing states.
In any country, the Justice is the only way for the stability of the political System. In the
Democratic Countries, there is a direct link between the democratic values and the education.
Education is also necessary for the stable political system because the educated people stay
informed through books, media, magazines, newspapers and current affairs of the country.
The bad effect of unstable political system is its disunited the society on several grounds
because all parts of society are unquenched with activity of governments and state of affairs of
distrust dominates in a state. The feeling of being displeased of society tracks it towards the
quest of individual interests and ignorance of collective interests. The disconfirming forces
outside and inside welfare from vacuity make because of unstable political system.
In Pakistan legitimacy crisis and identity the obstacle of stable political system has been point
that made sharp imputable to issue of speedy socio political militarization and inordinate role of

civil and military bureaucracy that has imbalance the political order of country. The social and
political alteration has as well political requirement of political involvement. These type of
alterations have subvert traditional political establishment and complicated obstacle of
establishing fresh bases of political involvement.
An increase to counteract a perceived discrepancy of request and contest of various
communities for barely resources has politicised communal parts stress among provinces and
lack of ability of political institutions to own the capacity to react for increase the demands that
leads to identity and legitimacy crisis in Pakistan. But unstable political system in any country is
a good chance for outside interventions, anti state factors and pressure groups for
development of own selfish involvement.

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