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M i c ro o r g a n i s m s

o f t h e No s e an d
Paranasal Sinuses
Richard H. Haug, DDS

 Microorganism  Nose  Paranasal  Sinus

From a teleologic standpoint, the human nose NORMAL MICROFLORA OF THE NOSE AND
and paranasal sinuses developed from prehistoric PARANASAL SINUSES
ancestors with specific functions as the final Nomenclature
outcome. The pneumatization of the craniofacial
Consistent nomenclature is the key to com-
region by the nose and paranasal sinuses resulted
munication of the various microbes of the body
in a lighter weight of the skull, allowing humans to
from one health care professional to another.
begin standing upright, a departure from 4-legged
Taxonomy is the branch of biology that deals
mammalian relatives. The resonance provided by
with classification, and the taxonomic classifica-
this pneumatization permitted the development
tion system from the general to the most specific
of speech beyond simple barking and grunting
is kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus,
to eventually more culturally unique capabilities
and species.1,2 To create consistency and unifor-
such as chanting and ultimately singing. Although
mity during this review of microbes of the nose
the vibrissae of the nose create physical barriers to
and paranasal sinuses, the descriptions of the Pro-
foreign bodies ranging from insects to particulate
tista (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and so forth), when
matter, the moist mucosal lining of the nose and
speaking in general terms, will include only the
paranasal sinuses traps finer substances and
genus. As an example, the genus Staphylococcus
microbes by mucostatic tension. The constant
contains many different species. When speaking in
fasciculation by the villi of the pseudostratified
more specific terms, both the genus and species
columnar epithelial lining helps to eliminate these
are included. Using the same example, the genus
potentially disease-threatening foreign bodies
and species might be Staphylococcus aureus or
and microbes. The moisture of this mucosa
Staphylococcus epidermidis. Although the viruses
humidifies and warms the air before it enters the
also follow the same classification scheme, they
lungs. The endogenous normal flora of the nose
are more frequently referred to by more common
and paranasal sinuses works to create an en-
names. For instance, the common name for one
vironment of homeostasis within the region. This
of the viruses of the herpes genera is herpes
homeostasis can be interrupted by eliminating
simplex virus type 1.
the anatomic barriers created by the skin, bone,
and mucosa, such as after trauma and/or surgery;
Factors Affecting Microbial Flora
by altering the atmosphere of the surroundings,
such as the creation of an anaerobic environment Most areas of the human body harbor an indige-
by obstruction of the sinus ostia or foramina; or by nous microbial flora that is specific to both that
a change in the normal flora of the region. To fully anatomic area and the individual human being.1,3–5

understand the microbiological environment of As mentioned earlier, this specific ecosystem

this region, it is first important to understand the helps to play a role in protecting the individual
normal flora of the nose and paranasal sinuses. from invasion by pathogenic organisms. There

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Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 24 (2012) 191–196

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192 Haug

are numerous factors that may alter the type, Box 1

frequency, and distribution of normally occurring Some of the most common indigenous and
microbes of the body. These factors include such colonizing nasal and paranasal sinus flora
entities as the individual host’s immune system,
the relative humidity of the specific anatomic Aerobic and facultative isolates
region, the presence or lack of oxygen, local Corynebacterium diphtheria
surface characteristics, the available nutrition,
Corynebacterium species
any interaction between the microbes present,
and so forth.1,3,4 Although there is generally H influenzae
a normal resident flora for any particular anatomic Haemophilus parainfluenza
region, a transient flora may also be found to colo- Neisseria species
nize for periods ranging from hours to weeks
Staphylococcus species
without being retained permanently. The author’s
discussions are limited to indigenous flora (not Streptococcus pneumoniae
transient) and, for brevity, have been listed in box Moraxella species
form. Micrococcus species
Nasal and Paranasal Sinus Microflora Neisseria meningitidis
S aureus
Unlike the skin and mouth, the nasal passages and
paranasal sinuses are sterile at birth. Yet, within S epidermidis
days, the infant acquires a flora, mostly associated Streptococcus viridans
with the mother, the nursing staff, and the specific
Anaerobic isolates
hospital that the newborn resides in.6–10 As the
human breathes air and its contents, it pass Propionibacterium acnes
through the nose. There the air is filtered, and Data from Refs.6–9,12
most of the microorganisms are trapped by
vibrissae and mucous secretions and are routinely
swallowed. These mucous secretions contain
enzymes and immunoglobulins that further kill or Streptococcus species, S aureus, Moraxella catar-
inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Yet, with rhalis, a-hemolytic Streptococci, and anaerobic
time and altered host resistance, the adult human bacteria have also been associated with this
acquires an indigenous microflora and occasion- form of sinus infection. Complicating the diagnosis
ally is subjected to colonization (Box 1).6–11 S and treatment of this problem has been the obser-
aureus and Haemophilus influenzae are the most vation that both viruses and bacteria may be iden-
common inhabitants of the nose and paranasal tified as simultaneously causing an ACABS. When
sinuses, although many others may inhabit this cultures fail to yield bacteria for an ACABS, which
region (see Box 1). occurs approximately 40% of the time, a viral
etiology should be suspected. Even fungi may be
responsible for an ACABS but are more associ-
ated with nosocomial sinusitis and sinus disease
Acute Maxillary and Ethmoid Sinusitis
developing in compromised hosts such as dia-
Sinusitis is a disease that results from an infection betic patients. S aureus, Pseudomonas aerugino-
of 1 or more of the paranasal sinuses.13,14 Acute sa, Serratia marcescens, Klebsiella pneumoniae,
sinusitis is generally categorized by its etiology, Enterobacter species, Proteus mirabilis, and
as nosocomial or community acquired, or as viral, Legionella pneumophila are also associated with
bacterial, or fungal.13,14 Combinations of these nosocomial sinusitis and the compromised host.13
etiologies are possible. Perhaps the most common The relative distribution of microorganisms res-
cause for acute maxillary sinusitis is an infection ponsible for ACABS has not changed in either
secondary to a rhinovirus. The ability to accurately appearance or prevalence over the past 6
culture viruses is a relatively recent development, decades.12,13,17 What has changed is their antimi-
and thus changes and/or trends in viral pathoge- crobial susceptibility. Penicillin-resistant S aureus
nicity have not yet been established. has emerged as a difficult microbe to manage, along
The etiology of acute community-acquired with b-lactam–resistant strains of H influenza and
bacterial sinusitis (ACABS) has been well substan- M catarrhalis. Worse yet has been the emergence
tiated for the past 6 to 7 decades (Box 2).8,12–17 S of multiple strains of resistant S pneumoniae.
pneumoniae and H influenzae account for most The emergence of these forms of resistant
occurrences of this form of sinusitis. Yet other microbes is based on the acquisition of antibiotic
Microorganisms of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 193

Box 2 Chronic Maxillary Sinusitis

Some common microorganisms responsible for The specific etiology and pathogenicity of chronic
acute maxillary and ethmoid sinusitis sinusitis disease (CSD) remains unanswered,
Aerobic and facultative isolates although its successful treatment modalities
continue to evade the clinician.16,17,37 Although
Escherichia coli
some cases of CSD exist as separate and distinct
H influenzae entities, it has been assumed that most of these
M catarrhalis infections arise from treatment failures of ACABS.
S pneumoniae, H influenzae, and other strepto-
Neisseria species
coccal species have been isolated from patients
P aeruginosa who have CSD (Box 3).8,9,15–17 Of particular
S aureus interest is that b-lactamase–producing strains of
S pneumoniae S pneumoniae, H influenzae, and M catarrhalis
have been isolated in ACABS aspirates.37,38 It
Streptococcus pyogenes
would therefore seem likely that CSD is merely
Streptococcus the continued manifestation of an ACABS caused
a-hemolytic by ineffective management.
Infectious Rhinitis
Anaerobic isolates
Infective rhinitis has been classified as acute, self-
Bacteroides species limiting, or chronic and is the major component of
Fusobacterium species what many consider the common cold.39 Viruses
Peptostreptococcus species are the most frequent cause of infectious rhinitis,
and rhinoviruses are the most frequent causative
Viruses agent among viruses (Box 4).7,9,10,39 Bacteria are
Adenovirus an infrequent cause of isolated nasal infections but
Influenza virus are common as causes of combination nasal/para-
nasal sinus infections.39 Granulomatous nasal infec-
Parainfluenza virus tions such as rhinoscleroma, tuberculosis, syphilis,
Rhinovirus aspergillosis, and mucormycosis are rare and
Data from Refs.13,15–18
caused by numerous microorganisms, including
fungi, protozoa, and mycobacterium.7,9,10,39
The herpes simplex virus is a common cause of
nasal/perinasal infection. This virus is usually intro-
duced into the body through mucosal exposure.
Although the initial infection may be subclinical,
resistance mechanisms, either through mutation recurrences are common. More than 90% of
or by transfer of genetic information from other
bacteria.19–21 Thus, there has been an increase
in the antibiotic resistance of important pathogenic
genera. The most dramatic example in the devel- Box 3
opment of resistance during the past 4 decades Some common microorganisms responsible for
in terms of cost, both economic and human, has chronic maxillary sinusitis
been the evolution of methicillin-resistant S aureus
Aerobic and facultative isolates
(MRSA). It is estimated that methicillin resistance
in certain strains of Staphylococcus species has Corynebacterium species
arisen from 2.4% in the 1970s to 29% by the end H influenzae
of the twentieth century and that the costs of S pneumoniae
hospitalization for these types of nosocomial
infections could approach $3 billion annually in Anaerobic isolates
the United States alone.13,22–36 Yet, it must be Bacteroides species
remembered that money is not the real issue and
Peptostreptococcus species
that the ultimate cost for humans is death. Post-
surgical patients who develop nosocomial infec- Veillonella species
tions such as MRSA are twice as likely to die as Data from Refs.8,12–17
those who do not.32,33
194 Haug

Box 4 Frontal and Sphenoid Sinusitis

Some common microorganisms responsible for The microbial flora of infected frontal and sphenoid
rhinitis sinuses is separate and distinct from that of
Aerobic and facultative isolates maxillary and ethmoid sinuses. Acute sphenoid
and frontal sinusitis is uncommon, difficult to diag-
Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis
nose, carries with it a significant degree of
Mycobacteria morbidity, and yet accounts for less than 5% of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis paranasal sinus infections.18,40,41 Headache is the
most common consistent finding and may be
Spirochetes accentuated with activity or may become debili-
Treponema pallidum tating in the degree of pain associated with it.
Several organisms have been identified with this
Fungi disease (Box 5).15,18,40,41 S aureus, S pneumoniae,
Absidia species H influenza, and other streptococcal species are
Aspergillosis flavus the most frequent pathogens.18,40,41 Although
changes in the microbiology of the diseased frontal
Aspergillosis fumigatus
and sphenoid sinuses have not been identified by
Bipolaris species scientifically scrutinized investigations, changes
Cladosporium species in the clinical management point toward the use
Curvularia species of antibiotics that address b-lactamase–producing
strains of organisms. Especially problematic are
Exophiala species
b-lactamase–producing Staphylococci, Strepto-
Exserohilum species cocci, and H influenza.
Histoplasma capsulatum
Mucor species
Box 5
Rhinosporidium seeberi Some common microorganisms responsible for
Rhizopus species sphenoid and frontal sinusitis
Wangiella species Aerobic and facultative isolates
Protozoa b-hemolytic Streptococci
Leishmaniasis Citrobacter
Viruses Coliform bacilli
Adenovirus Enterococci
Enterovirus Escherichia coli
Influenza virus H influenzae
Parainfluenza virus K pneumoniae
Respiratory syncytial virus Pneumococci
Rhinovirus Proteus

Data from Refs.7,9,10,39 P aeruginosa

S aureus
S epidermidis
adults have antibodies to herpes simplex virus.
The prevalence of this microorganism increases S pneumoniae
with decreasing socioeconomic status. It is more S viridans
prevalent in African Americans than other Ameri-
cans and more prevalent in Western Europe than Anaerobic isolates
the United States. Although relief and compla- Anaerobic streptococci
cency was initially perceived in medical and lay
populations after the discovery of acyclovir,
consternation has again arisen with the isolation Aspergillus
of acyclovir-resistant strains of herpes simplex Data from Refs.15,18,40,41
virus with increasing frequency.
Microorganisms of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses 195

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