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Brendan Lockhart Eboard Nomination Speech

Hi everyone, if anyone does not know me my name is Brendan Lockhart, [ad lib joke
about zoom nametags or something] and I’m a freshman here at Mott. I’d like to talk today about
why you should vote for me for next year’s Eboard. As you know, the members of Eboard are
essential to the success of the drama club. A good president or vice president is experienced,
intelligent and hardworking. I believe I possess these qualities and have the ability and desire
needed to take our drama club to the next level.
One of the biggest things I have going for me in terms of being on Eboard is my
experience. Since I got into theatre about 5 years ago, I have gotten a lot of theatrical
experience under my belt. My exposure to several different aspects of theatre makes me
knowledgeable and versatile. I have performed, stage managed [comment about kip and mary],
worked tech, directed and even been in pit. I have also done several paid professional
productions, for example, I have stage managed professionally, performed in multiple paid adult
shows, and worked in 4 professional shows at the Detroit Opera House, including two
professional tours [comment about having to brag]. My hands on experience and exposure to
multiple aspects of theatre makes me an extremely knowledgeable and experienced candidate
for Eboard.
Outside of theatre, I am hardworking, intelligent and organized. As a student I have
straight A’s and am in several honors and accelerated classes. I have to work very hard to
balance my busy extracurricular schedule with my schoolwork, and my success in both shows
that I consistently give nothing but my best in everything that I do. These qualities are very
important for a good Eboard member and I believe I have the skill and drive to bring my hard
work to Eboard. Another trait I possess that makes me a great candidate is my leadership skills.
I am comfortable taking command and leadership where it may be needed. As someone who is
looking into directing as a career I am eager and interested in helping others be the best they
can be and being a role model. For example, this year at festival Alexis, Bella, Nolan and I
performed a quartet IE. It was a tough song that wouldn’t just come together through run-thrus
over and over again, [improv this so it doesnt sound bad] and arranged the music, created
tracks and taught the music as well as blocking the song. [as quartet people about how my
directing is]. I will bring the same eagerness to make the drama club the best it can be if I am
elected to Eboard.
Now, I’m sure you’re sick of hearing about how great I am, blah blah blah, true as it may
be. I would like to share some ideas and plans I would bring into action, should I be elected.
While there are countless little things I could list off, I have narrowed down my ideas into three
main categories: publicity, teamwork, and organization. As you know, our drama club has
struggled a bit this past year, what with Brockie off experiencing the miracle of life and woop de
doo and now being stuck at home, and we are woefully short on members, and therefore need
to skyrocket our publicity, both by bringing in larger audiences for shows and fundraisers and
whatnot, as well as drawing in new members from Mott. Social media is a great way to
accomplish both of these things. [ask people about drama club being a highlight for them and
telling people about it] By expanding our social media outlets with things like challenges,
account takeovers and other things that encourage participation and showcasing our great
drama club, we can hook audiences as well as potential members. Increasing our presence in
school is also a great step to hook members. [say something about sharing info to the public] By
hosting activities, workshops and other fun events open to the school community, we can bring
drama club to the forefront of the Mott community and regalvanize [say something funny about
this word] the drama club to its full potential. Now, obviously a lot of attention is paid to grabbing
new members, but lets talk for a sec about our current members, you guys. I believe that one of
the best ways to grow our drama club is by strengthening what we already have. Things like
more outings and activities[give examples], in school things like tech days and cleanouts,
workshops and bonfires we can strengthen the drama club and take Troupe 4686 from a club to
a community. Finally, I want to talk about organization. If you all are so generous as to elect me
to Eboard, I want to create a stronger connection between the board and the rest of the
members. Right now, every other Wednesday the board reads some updates, maybe gives a
couple announcements about upcoming events and then disband the meeting. While the board
may be the leaders of the drama club, I want to turn drama club into a team- run system. I think
by increasing and encouraging communication with the board as well as encouraging members
to research and present ideas and information, we can connect and strengthen the drama club
and make it an experience each and every member is invested in.
Alrighty folks, that is my schpeal, thank you for bearing with me and
congratulations on not falling asleep! [point someone out and make joke] I hope that I have
been able to show you why I am a great candidate for next years Eboard and you can see just
how excited I am to be working with you guys to make the Wat Mott drama club the very best it
can be. Theatre is my passion and it would bring me no greater joy than to be serving as one of
your board members. Thanks again. [you miss people even tho you dont]

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