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Ab Bantue/ past : 13808 3 Viv SSRIS & m souoa byt Bristol Siddeley Brgines Limited, prepared for the benefit of stunts attending the Viper Series 8 Servicing Course at the Gas Turbine Schocl. They are nob Antendad to give a complete daseription of the engine and ite aystane, but will relieve the atudant from the necessity of writing his om notes. Tt 4 onphanisod that ‘esis book fa not at offScial publications 40 up-to-date when the notes are eruad, but no notieo will be piven of subsoquont enonanonts. sono 2 sori 2 section sorte sorte sore snore ‘SBorzoH a seorraN 13 sonia 14 sorrow 15 comers PoRDIED DUNG PARITOHLARS AN LOOTANTONS CHORAL, DSCRTETION AND rou {DIOTALZATIGN AND PREPARING FOR SERVICE Rovrme SHIRE ‘FEnpouLe DACA FUR, SISTBC comenstrot sysTm ‘LURRLCATION SxTBL conus srs ‘BLROTRLCAL StSTAL FIRE RXTDEUISHRR SxSTOL PRILE FINDING SYSTRL PRESERVATION 40D STORICE. eave 5 igen (eROvost) —_iNsTaUCrIeN, wore seem 1 [LEADING PARTING wD eaMrTereNs ‘ype of Engine urbe dots Arrangeoont of Bngine Seven stage sclal flew compreasor with s single armlar combustion clamber ands single stage axial Mas asanctor 2.3 sehen erat 66,982 Ancbes Dia. of Jet Pipe 15 Snchas eign 5is abe * a contre of Gravity 0.5 inahes forwant of the trunnion rountinge on a horizontal centre ines mee ‘Type of fuel, D.BSR-D. 2486 (Avtng) D.E.RD. 2482 (Avtur) nae ann on Tet corms hgh Ground Taling Consumption 6B gals/hour eee aero ae co naenaene eee ee Beate tor ee ave acre ee a econ fA "Ae ASMe RARVI/LA 1 sc} Max, Fuel Punp Delivery _—t inxs Fuel Panp Proesure Sects, Toes 5 Lubrication Systes tyme on Soren Root 38 (Dotan. 2187) aye of Sten roteare an antorod £008 cu tank Capacity rien Egor Consurption Rate aLteappintefter + 9- (20 pials[he rotation Rate 50 12 10 galta/newr iniminPromare Dp veete wt grown idling oem Prva 20 to 32 paste Mase Contimious pom ‘Mintmum Temperature - 26° G(Inlet to Pump) Maximum Temperature + 100°C. (Inlet to Pump) Motoring Bony Delivery 200 to 30 co/hour- starting Satan Rotax elect starter, anoampreceat ep LnoTerrOKS sams : are LT tS eae 1 Gg 5h Intermediate 313,500 * 65, Govsine tints) Biase Continsous 15,100 95 655 Approach Mintan 8,250 © 550 Ground Ta1Sng 5,500 200 wo 23% 600 starting m0 Nome: The overriding Limitation i tho one first attained, hiker Pepe or Jepet Tense 5 Yapen (enovosr) — mSrRUCTTONAL, womES sear 2 (CERAL, UESCRTETION AND Layout ‘Tho Vipor oro ongine {2 « jot turbine engine in nhioh the propulsion effort is produced by tho reaction of a stream of gases from the tasbine exhausts The main engine sections vered fron the front to the rear of ‘tho engine aro as follows (@) Ate intake (2) compe (3) Contre eooticn (4) combustion chanbor (3) Turbine (6) Behe cone. ‘Air A doliverod through an ennlar air intake to = ‘axial flow compressor. ifter compression the air pases, via the tion, Anto on snnter cosbustion chanber share anerey 4 supplied ty the contustion of fuel, The gazea produced pass threugh fa single stage turbine, which $2 coupled to and Arivee tho compressor, and are thon Glecharged at a high veleotty through a Alcea area Fropelling nosso. The rotating ma cf the engine 49 supported at three potnta by the front, contre and roar bearings respectively. The front besring, ‘whlch takes the thrust, is a single row ball bearing and ia aitunted ‘at the roar of the alr intakes ‘The omre roller bearing 8 sipperted, in the contre section, whilat the rear rellor bearing is housed in the Bie Intake ‘The air intake consists of « oatral stricture, which houses the front nan bearing an an internal geartox, theeg hollow struts which radiate from the contral stricture, And an cuter ring structure £2008 Uggla < : Seote2, Io0u0 5 ‘Te intoral gearbox sccopte « drive from the compressor and in tum tronsnits the drive, vie shafts extending through two of the struts, to an of1 pnp unt mounted on the starbonra aide of the intake snd an ovides drives for the high pressure fuel yp ont tachomster generator, ‘and 9 xevote accessory gearbex mounted in tho elroraft: fuselage. Attematively, the drive for the ranate acoossory gearbox may bo taken fron the front of the engine via a reduction gear A brenther pipe extending through the third strut allove the ‘ongino to breathe, vis an extemal pipe, to the engine drain boxe Sompressor ‘The seven stages of the compre jor are numbered consecutively from ‘the low pressure sty each stage consisting of a row of rotating blade fant a row of stationary blades, The rotating blades aro secured in discs hich aro bolted together, and the stationary blades are insarted in lone sor of fixe inlet guide vanes fittol in the rear of the air Antako, and one ror of ccotined ststor and straightener blades mounted lat tho front of the eatin section, caaplate tho stator assenbly. contre Seotion ‘mo contre section serves to straighten and aiffuso the air flow bbetmoen the compressor and the conbustion chmrber, provides the main omting pointe for tho ongine, and houses the centre and rear main beesings, Tt consists of an outer casing, an cuter diffuser casing and mn inner casings The cuter casing provides bostee for tho fitment of the igniter plugs, stoniaors ond tomers) whilst the inner ensing projects rearvands to provide the inner casing of the combustion chmbor and a housing for the roar natn beatings ‘to aiffuser casing 1s supported eonoentricalty within the outer ceasing by six sorofoil struts, ant a dashrage, welded to the aifruser casing ari a sontonl support plate, provides the houskng for the contre main boorinae Beot.2, Tasue 3 Gentustion Ghenber ‘he conbustion chaaher consists of Samer and outer easing, slate (Rot.Seot.8)« urbine am Msinsharté Assembly ‘To turbine rotor dige i¢ secured to the msinabart by @ clamp bolt, positive intor-comection being effected tym Hieth-type coupling. ‘The front end of the mainshart epLines into the compressor roar stibshatt, a split thust-ring boing fitted to tranindt the turbine end-thrust, Unrowh the compressor, te the front main besrings ‘Te nose bla rotating bates are attached to the rotor by fir tres reot Exhaust Cone ‘Te exhanst cono, through which the gases pase to he Set pip 9 of an cuter cone taporing towards the rear end end an mor cone oupported ty three asrofoil stnut, sacra USTALLATICR ASD _PRRPARING FOR SERVICE ‘tho ongine change unit i Located sn a compartment iamodiately tt of the cockpit, and ia wounted on tubular structures on tho port and stexboard sides of the compartnent. Tho top of the eampartnent {is exposed hy hinged cotling panalé which are ronorable to allow the removal or snstellation of the engines [AIL brook points aro Lnllcatod by yellow bands 20 that when the comection is broken, exch aide of the Joint or union 1s ark. Before commencing work the aireraft should bo mado sate by (2) Disconnsoting the Loads from the atreraft batteries. (2) Piscomnocting the ef input Leads to the Heit sgnition unite, (8) mauring thot the LaF, cock te OF. Removal operations ony art Lekd dow in ‘hte Section and unl otherwise statel, the installation 4s the roversal of tho ronoval proceaure, To Remore the Bogie Ghange Unit Jot Pige (2) Remove the exttnctor duct at tho roar of the fs (2) open the hinged doors shove the wing root fairing on tho port end tarhonrd eles, (3) Renove the arain pips fron tho Jot pipe joint shrew; release tho two toggle"fastoners, ond remove the shrouds (4) Disconnect the four thermocoerle Leads frum the port and aterboarl tdes of the Jot plpo+ (5) Remove tho oPLit pin and unscrew tho mut on the keep plate atten. (6) side both keep plates dowmarda yntii they coincide with the ‘Fimge slots and ravove the Keep plates. (7) Wiharer tho Jot pipe clear of the engine exhaust cone and blank ‘ft the oxhnust spartre. jobs 125 Tee, ond mist bo adoguatedy supported on wititrowal «) o (0) ay a, a) an 5) a9) an (a8) a9) (2) Seote5, 1 Release the topsle Pastonors ond withdraw tho quick release pine ft tho contre support boan hinge points and ranove the to rear Undo the Dawe fastencrs snd remove Ue starboard front panels Release the hose clipe nt tho top joint of the Generator cooling feutlot duet ant lide the joint sleeve dom. Release the Brus Fasteners ani remove the port panel. Hithdeew the quick relonse pina at the tap Lengorof end contre ‘wd remove the port and startoasd svetions of the troeverse nails pine at each ai and release the contre Discomect the aircraft batturies and close the L:P. cooks Remove the top section of the roar firomall es follow (0) Disconnect the firmire detector wt the junction somacticns (8) on the port side aisconnsct the outlet and inlet fuel pressuring pipos fran the non-ratum valves (o) Remove the bolt and hinge pir amd rovove the firewall top Disconnect anf Leleacape the accessories drive shatt tovards the eorboxs Tore: When assonbling chook thet the telesooring drive te ood eLiding £4¢ and adjust the roar ongine support strut At nocossaxy. Disconnect the electrical services at tho socket on tho alr intakes Renovo the throttle control rade NOTE: On assably tho red mst be shacked ant sets Remove’ the HP cook Linkagor MOTE: Om assembly tho Linkage mst be checked and aet. Renove the cabin heating aa windscreen Blowing pipe at the Seote5, Tous 3 (23) Disconnect the generator cooling infustion pipe fram the engine ‘conte section and Blank off (22) Disconnect the fel proasurising 1pe fron the engine centre ‘ection and blank off (23) Disconnect the HT. Leste from the Senter plus. OTE: The high energy Sgn{tion aysten af tho aircraft is ghty dorgorous if improperly hailed. Before ony port of the HL, side of the eyaton i teiichod the tats Leads mist be renoved fron the high eneray units and q period of one ninste allowed to claptes (21) Discomect the IP. fuel imtet pps (28) Diecomect the foel/oL1 drain pipo from the three way conection alow the exhaust cero (26) Remove the Jet pipe ehroud drain pipe at the three way connection, (27) Conmact tho B.C. sling (Fart MosKe27826) to the port aed star poor Lifting eyse and take the weights (28) Remove the truvtion bolts and awing bole the Ringed cape (23) olesse the oplit pin, slotted mat and washer fran the rear (30) corefunty ratso the BoC. cloar of the compartment t82¢ing the front uprords sn oase it formard clear of tho ongine bays i ass Revorse the above pracedure and when Anstalled earry out the following checks = ‘A trotley accumiater should be enpleyed when making checks involving electrical oqulanents Pretuininery Checks a a ‘Vimusily examine tho ongine to ensure that S¢ Le eamplete end sendanigoas ure that the mounting trunnions and the rear mounting point Sects}, Tasue 5 (4) Bane that the Jot pipe Ax soouree contro (2) check the LF, fc cock Lever and the Yrottle Lever tm the cookgit for freston of movements (2) With tho ILE. cock Lever Sn tho open and cloned poattiont, ches that the control arw on tho barometxie flow control wnt $= on tho corresponding stone (3) With the Gheottte dover Sm tho open an cloned postions, chook that tho control om cn the baranatrie flow contrsh anit $4 on the fut tarottle atop nd ground Sating atop rospactivelye (1) Wivricate the control rod joints with approved grosse (30-275). aston Syaten heck the electrical nyaton os detailed in Sectien 21. Prine the Isbrioation system ab detailed in Section 9. Prine the fel eyaton om detailed in Sectien 7. ‘ho clesteie stertor mist be Inbrieated in socordmee with Rotax instructions prior to fitting to the Rotel gearbox, MisostLa (2) angore tint the fuel and of drain pipoe are clean. (2) Rnmore thst lL tools pon rage awe Bean ronovod from the sirerart tafore attenpting to start tho exginee ‘yreuR (rROWoor) ~ mesraUOrrOU Homes, ca a suerrat STARTING A KUL enoRDERE Brocautions Before Starting (2) Hoed the abrerart nose inte winds (2) ture that: the whosls are chosked and the brakes i. (3) check that tho ground in the vicinity of the abr intakes and jot cximust in completely free from 0080 stones, rag) sto (4) Warn el personnel to keep clear of the intakes and exhaust pipes Precation Starting (Q) The maximin permissible j.prts during the starting cyole 18 710%. If this temperature 4s reached, the IPs cook mst be moved nmodiately to the OFF post tions (2) 16, atter 15 seconds from pressing the starter button, the engine shows no signe of having 2it by reference to the Jepet+ and rpm Andioators, the ILP. cock mist be closed, the engine alored to ‘top, ond all fuct perm tted to drain from the combustion chenbers (3) showta the ground beneath the aircraft become saturated with fuel, uring an attonpt to start the engine, the aircraft mst be moved to a now site before a further attempt to start is made (2) Battery isolating svitch ot, (Completes the electrical circuit fram the alroraft batteries to fi electrical services. When a 2h volt grout supply is uted, for starting, the ection of plugging in this supply isolates the Amternal batteries ant renders the battery isolating switch inoperative, This switch should still be placed in the otf postion however, to enaure electrical contimity to the airoraft jorvioos vhon the external, supply ia disengaged). (2) gnitson Seotating awiteh aX. _ Tem Ue Wo warm up period is necessery. If the engine readings are normal, and the engine aocolorates to the correct mx repem, tako-ofF ay be made Somadiately. Ground chooking After atarting, check that the engine resches ground Sling pm find that tho engine resiings are within the spoot fied Lite, ‘Gieok that the engine conditions are within tho operating lini tations for each rating and ensure that correct maximin r+p 49 obtadnely Running tine at mucin conditions should be Kept to @ minim Stopping the Begine ALiow the engine to nun at ground Sling speed for a short period so that the temperature conditions within tho engin may stabilize, then (2) HP, cook - cose (2) tars oook ~ cosa (3) Starter mater switch ~ OF” (4) tunttion Sectating oniteh ~ OFF (5) Rattory Aeolating ersten ~ OFF (6) Check that the engine runs dow freely and record tho tine taken Wore: It 4s not nes sary to aviteh off the booster rum, ‘mut Af the angina és not to be started again within ‘a short porfea the isolating switch should be put to “07, Reguperator A fuel rocuperstor 4 tte to supply fuel during dnverted ‘ghts tho capnoity Ss 2 gallons and the-naximun yorsissible tim for inverted {light {9 30 soconls at any ratings remue 5 NIHR ( pnovest) — msrmvorraw worn sscrien Mais aootion te Leauel as a guide only and lays own the minimum servicing vegiirenente. Ground Checks to be Carried Out After Ryne Installation snd After Periodical servicing (2) With the engine bay access panels rmioved, start the eueine in faccortaneo with Seaton ly and run nt Saline speeds (2) Ghook for fol ant ott Loaka partioularly ab pointe which have boon disturbed or comectot during servicing and inataliettons (3) Fit the aosees pansisy (8) Take readings of 11 engine performance instrunents at 4eK, 95%, 9K a 100K r.peme, check that the engine is governing at the ‘correct ripime and chee the acocleration tine, (5) Recomt the mun dom tine from the time the HP, cock $= moval to ‘the OFF rosstion on shat dome (6) Inspect tho LP, Niel Filter, and after reptasing the Filter, prime the system and toot the fuel pum (7) Anepact the oft main proature and aoeverge filters %@) tnapoct the Rotol gosrbox for signs of oll Leske, Botly Serviesng (2) Bumntne the atr intake auct for security and for atgne of ‘mucking or creckas i otrong nspoction Light should be woot (2) With the 7. cock and fuel booster piap Ml, chook for signa of fuel Leakas (2) tnspoot for ott oaks. (8) Inspect for signs of fire extinguisher Fuld Leakage. (5) ranine the Jet pipe for security and for signe of Aistortion sna oracks eee Seot.5, Teme 3 (7) Check th of Level in the Rotel accessory goutbor and top UP (@) check the throttle end HLF, cock controle for full and free trevele (9) Banure that no tools, rage, oF othor losse articles are left Iyine 4 the orgine bay. (20) Rorure that ongine bay socate panols are secures Pre-Flignt Sorvioing (2) Rove the aii intake entay cover and see that no Forelgn matter 4 lying An the Antake duct. (2) Ranowe the Jot pipe exit cover, (3) Ghooke that engine boy access panel (4) Uf required, carry cut» pre-flight ground run and note the readings of engine porfommnce Anstrumnts (5) check that tho quantsty of fel in the tanks 4 a= oxdarod for the might. AebersFuigh Servicing (2) outain the pitot!s report. (2) Ramine the afr intake duct ontry for damage and Fit the covers (3) Bramine the Jot pipe exit for obvious danage and Fit the cover. (4) tnapeot the ongine tay for signs of ofl and fuel Tonks. (5) Ohook that the HP. cock and booster pumpe aro OFF. (6) Roplentan tho fol tank, onturing that tho alfforenoo An fuel contents readings, before and after replenishment agroce with the amount of fuel aldo’. A Stromline filtor mist bs Fitted én the delivery pipe Lines when ro-fuallings (7) 2 necessary, top up the 081 tanks Bnsure thet the Filer cap (8) See tit no tools, rags or othor Isobe articles are lott Tying sin the angine bays : (9) chock the engine bay access Fandls fer signe of danago. -3- Boots5, Teoue 5 Mince Servicing snd in aatstion a @ o 0) ©) @ oO @ o a0) @ (2) a {ALL the Stone sted under "Daily Servicing are to be Included, Rewove sll engine bay sovose paneté Tnayoot the presture and scavenge ofl filters. RAFIt the filters Inepsct engine compenants, sconazeries, slectrical Leads nt fuel, 12 end tr pipos through accoss panels ag For as possible, Insure ‘sat tho parts are sears and that thore are no signs of chafing of Lends or opens Lnepoct the engine mountings for damage and sesurity. Check tho attaciment f the air éntake duct of the engine for damage heck the Jot pipe connections ard exhaust cons struts for damage, end soourity, especially woldod joints Tnapect tho Flexible joints in the aacessory gearbox drive for security and unis wear. Inepect the connections in the throttle and H.P. cock contrels for signe of danmaes Tnapect the LaF, fuol filter, and aftor refitting the fi2ter, eed the fuel pune heck the sparking of the deniters. Raasing flexible fol pipes for signs of leaks, Remove the starting atomiaers and examine for Blockage. ‘un the engine and carey out pargraphe 1 - § of "Grount chooks to be carried aut after engine Snetellation ari after periodical servicing WoTE:- tho ThT. side of the high enoray tgnition equizent ean be highly dangerous 1f mishandleds Tamse 5 ‘yEpma (emovoss) = SsTRUOTTONUL NomES som 6 RERPORUNE nish (Provisional) erflormance end fovoptanco Lintte ‘Tho ongine is clenral for service Sf the corrosted porer output 1s bebroon 1680 and 2780 20a. tmust at m corrected repem of 15,000 and a corrected j.pete not excooting 680°C, as monturat by the meat of ‘tho four thamoocuplos in the Flight Jot piper ‘The engine thrust ie sAjustod to within these Limits ty the aadition of from one to six trimmers in attachnont points provide Sn the propelling nozzle of the Jot piper ‘after Anstaling © now engine, St Sa oetential that the correct ruber of trinmers aro fitted to the propelling nozsls + ona this information can bo obtained fren the "Bngine Log Card", (RelkF. Form 202). During nommal engine Life St should never bo nscessary to ator the timer states BB Stabinity on fully opening the throttle the xepam wl rise above and arop below the mximin engine rvpem before finelly stesdyingr ‘mo feltoving over nnd underovirgs aro to be expected: ~ vareving up to 200 r+pame approximately. Undorewing negligible ‘mo Effect of stitute on Maximum BM ‘The maximn corresiéa engine apeed on tho ground when static se during take-off $9 15,600 rpm Dio to mximn epood governor characteristics, tho maxann engine rspom will drop by approxinately 100 reprme up to 305000 fs ‘tho Bffeot of {Atttute on JET ‘The Jopete will gradually rise with an inorense dn altitude, sod may rive by 10% up to a height of 30,000 ft Care shoul be ‘taxon therefore, when Flying at high aLtitafo, that tho Jepete a Paes Tene 5 Descrsotion ‘The ongine fio) system As coapriaed of the Follering compomante t= ‘ow pressure fiel filter, 1 varinhle Aleplacenent high preseure pum, fa rate re-set valve, an ioclating solenoid, a baromstrio flor oantroly fan air/fuel eatio control, » promure increasing valve, twelve bamers, six stomizors and a starting feel solenoid valves Pucl from the alroratt tonke is fod, under boos win a fucl Slew proportioner, a Plometer, a recuperstor and a low zr pimp pressure, eesture cock, 10 the lor presaura filter After passing through the Filter the fuel de pipet to the high prosoure pimps "The pimp i designed to supnly fuel in oxo of engine rogulvanants {te sotusl output depends on the functioning of @ hyiro-mechanicel maxim ‘peel governor incorporated in the pump itself, the eronetrie flav control land the aix/tiol ratio control. ‘To compensate for variations Sn maximum poe govemor pressure, duc to the effoots of altitude, the rate reset ‘valve ds Fitted attendant to the pump, and to prevent interference of the valve during engine starting the Leolating salaotd is opmateds Tho inp supplies fuel wndor prossure, to tho taromotric Flow eantrale ‘Tho flow control houses a throttle aasenbly by moana of which raitive to air intake pressure, which maintains the solactod nym under varying conditions of altitide and forward speo%, lad sncorporatat fn the control. $e a high pre mare shut-off cock which provides a moana of stopping the engine by disrupting the fuel supply to the combustion sitivity of tho control, at all throttle conditions, in sugmontor valve to fitted in the unlt inlot connections ‘Ruel metered ty tho barometric flow contrpl passon to the aix/ ‘vel ratio cantrol, ths Ainction of which Le to Lindt the enount of Be Ue as. a6. a 18, 2 2. Be $20 Wu. sro pus B.P.0.U, THROOTLE PISTON BAR.G.U. DOLLOK UP suum PINION BLY.O.Ue FOLLOW UP SLEeyR B.N.C.U, MOET RARE VALVE BARLOW, SIROTILE SPRING PEVOP ADAPTER BARU. sBOrILE DrArMUCL B.R.GU, SHROCHLE HU BALL VALVE PunOR B.GU. THROTTLE HALE BALL VALVE IMP QUILL DaIvE SHAPE IMP Roror PUP PLUNGER FMP DoE PILE POP comaiaoR ROTOR "POMP COVEMIOR ROTOR DIABRAGK POMP COVERKOR CAUTIEEVER PIVOT PIMP covASR CAIPTLEVER RIP covcwioR CHMMER S2At POMP CovmOR DIARRA FRO GOVFSKOR ADIUSTING SLES RI COVER ADMUSETNG SHRI HIME COVERIOR ROCKER AR JOM? COVHINOR HAL BALL VALVE Rene RASGE VALVE FIP GOVESION TCSOR CAR "ROMP COVEIOR ROTOR BLIEED ORIFICE PUMP S370 Sea Pa SEV) KeDnRCTOR PRB SKS FLAT? BP.O.U, HIGH PRASOURE BURL FILTER B.GU. BAROSRA® METERING SLEEVE BARGU. maostan REE FUNDER B.P.6.U, BAROSTAD MERERING HUANG SERVO FISTON BLP.G.U. BAOSOAT MERDE VALE B.PLGU. HIGH PRESSURE Coo BPO, naostée CAPSULE STACK A.P.R.C. TAPER VALVE TESRTOTOR FILTER ALP.R.C. SOLIR VALVE SHivO Prana AW-RO. TAPE VALNE ALP.RC. PROSCURE DROP ROCKER ARM ALP-RG, PRESSURE DROP HALP BALL VALVE ALF-RO, ACCALENATION CONNCL SFRING ADAPTER APRG KP 2 CAMULe Sects], Tome 5 ‘obviating the possibility of compressor stall die to owrfuelling of ‘The apring-lowlad pressure incressing valve provides a r to the fuel lowing out of the 5VP.R.C. and thie ensures firetly, that ‘the fuel proscure at the ntonisers will be suftictently high to ensure the atemtsod spray necossar’ to Mght up the engine and eecondy, that ‘rithin the fuol ayaton compononts will bo sufficient ‘to ovorcom any Ing in rospente duo to fluid inertio. ‘A tapping upatross of the B.1:¥s Lends fuel to the starting solenoid valve which S= opened during the starting oycle to allow fuel to flow to the ntonisure. LP Buel Pane ‘The pumping section of the variable aeplacament high pressure pom consists of sovon mpring-loned plungors, carried in a rotor sssenbly, As the rotor rotates, fucl undor booster pimp pressure 1s fea ‘earough & kidney-shaped port ant enters each hallow plunger bors as the [Mungers move outwanis frum the rotor under the action of thet epringsy this fool is then expelled under high pressure, through » eeoond Hadney~ ‘shaped port, os the angled eam-plate forces tho plungers into their bores fy sltering the angle formed bobwen the ommplate end the rotor, the stroke of the plungora}: and therefore pump delivery, aay bo verted, snd for thie yorpose a servo piston is Linked to the com ‘To one aide of the gare piston 16 ducted pusp outlet jressure ond to the other ade pimp servo pressure, whch ie pimp outlet prossure ‘mideh has yassod thregh « rostriotor, Prosgure balance soress the lston is offected by a spring aselsting the servo pressure, ‘To sérvo pressure is daterninod by the spill slLorad through If bat valves incorporated in the maximin agsed govemer, tho arenotric Flow contre a the aix/fuel ratio eantral, and any variation ABRC DATU/TO CAFSILE DIARRAGH, AIR PORUTTOMETER 12 RESTRICTOR ORIFIGE, AIR PUTATIOMETER PRESSURE UEITAIIODG VALVE CAPER VALI, AGP BALL VALE, CONTROL ROCKER AK ‘TAEER VALI, AL MALL VAL -3- Sects, Tame 3 preature differential across the servo piston. This results én the serve piston moving, shich movenant being transmitted to the oem-platey Maximn Sp008 Governor ‘Te govemor oonsiats of :~ an engine driven rotor on which Ls hinge a weighted cantilever valve, a ASaghragn, a tension spring, and fn rocker am Snooryoruting a half ball valve controlling a flow of servo prosears fuel frum the apeing eide of the pump sarvo piaton, Peel, at pump outyat pron ine, 4 delivered to a rate resot valve from whare St is passed tack to the gowmor section of the fuel pump This fuel enters the pimp and is delivered, via driilings, to the rotor Cchenber and the spring aide of the @iaphragm When tho ongine ie running Dolow maximan rspim, a proportion of the fuel in the rotor chesber ean pass, through an orifion in the rotor, back to the inlet side of the fusl pimp, and result in a reduction of the fuel pressure acting upon the Aiaghmam When maxiaun rvpom 4a reached, contrifugel force, acting ct the cantilovor, causos tendency for it to mve to seal off the orifice fad aiarupt the escape of fol from the rotor chanber, This results in fn Ancroate of the fuel pre sare in the rotor chanber being fall on the ‘alophengn, which overcanes tho strength of tho spring, opens the half ball valve and pormite servo prasure fuel to blood from the spring side cof the pump aervo piston #2 Limit pnp cutyute ‘Rate Reset Valve ‘Pump delivery pressure varios with atffering altitudes and, 0 rnaximin speed govemor presture is proporticnsl to pump delivery pressure, fa tondency would occur for the repim to be govamed at a higher sped ‘an inorouso in altitude, The rate reset valve ie fttea to couteract this tendoney. ‘Tho untt consiate of s casing housing a”dauble acting piston ate Boote7, Teme 3 peesrure on one aide and apring and metered pressure less the governor upply on tho other. Any change in protaure Gifference soross the piston will result in a metering action ty the fluted valve which will nove to maintain a constant. governor delivery pressure. Baronstrie Flow Control Unit ‘the barcmetrie flow control unit motors the flow of fusl to the engine according to the position of the throttle Lever and air intake pressures ‘4 motoring sloove restricts tho paasage of fuel through the control ‘thus causing « drop én fuel pressure aarons tho aloove, The inlet pressure 4s ducted to one aide of « dachragm and the outlet pressure to the thar side, pressure balance boing offooted by a throttle spring, contatnad within o throttle piston, which aastats tho outlet preeoure acting on the alaghraem Ime position of the aiazheaz, via isherod, daterminas the spill of np servo prosmure through @ half ball valve and thus aeterines punp output. With the preamures goroae the aSaghragn balanced, this #pi21 4s auffictent to maintain a certain pump servo pleton position and tims, ‘21 other things boing equal, the engine mine at a steady spoote Xorenent of the pilot's throttle lover rotates a throttle valve hich, by altering throttle serve presture acting on tho throttle piston, romlts in the piston moving to alter the throttle epring pressure. a fs remult the pres sree acting goroes the atarhragn are unbslanced and the atapiragn floxos to alter the pump sorvo prossure eptll nd ths pimp doliverys Opening the throttle sneraaces Uneottle apring pressure, whichy by reducing the epill of pinp sorve pressure, tnoronses pump cutput, and thorofcie sogine rvpeme, until the presouro balance scrots the ‘inphragn Se restore Conversoly, closing the throttle decroas pring pressure, and panp output amd engine repem. are reluceds “Busters Flow Coutet Sot 4A ported elocve eurraunling the throttle valve follows the Inovoment of the valve to maintain the position of the throttle piston Am relation te the throttle Lever possticn. [A spring-loaded valve, the mgnentor valva, 1a fitted in the ‘uaromatrie flow control inlet gort to maintain sensitivity of the throttle control ataphragm For a given throttle acting, variations in altitude or forward spond nioaseitate corrections to the fuel flow in omer to maintain the eslocted repime, and for thin purpose air intake pressure ia fed into a chenber containing a barunatric cspaule stack, Lov intake pressure omses ‘the enpeule stock to expan, which movment, ky moane of « servo machanism, re-positions a piston assonbly tn the mtering aloove, to cover sane of the ‘orifices in the # wre) ond theewy to Snerense tho proseure drop across the slowe, hia incroased prosture drop being communicated to the Ainghesgn omnes yonp servo proenure to bo apillod of, snd pump cutytt reiucel, until the presmures seross the diophrage are again balanced. With wy inoronse in air intake presaure, the piston assonbly moves to uncover wore holes Sn the motering sloovo, and the new pressure Aisforential, ductod to the aiaphragn, cmsen pimp cutput te be incrensod lantil presenre balance across the @laphrogn is restored. With the LF, cock An the open postion, fel is allowed to pase to the ais/fuel ratio control, tut whan closed, the fuel 1s returned to the inst side of the BLP. pase ‘ix/Bvel Ratio Central ‘The ineveasod pump delivery obtained by the taremeteie flow control hon the throttle {= openel rmpldly, mst be restrictel over the erttical reapem range of the engine to prevent over-fuelling of the combustion chegher, ond the attendant possibility of compressor stall. ‘The air/‘vet ratio control operates to provent these conditions by relating fusl ‘punp delivery to the compressor delivery pressures on opening the throttle the amount of fuck which can pass through the aix/fuct ratto control is deteminal hy the position of combined noe Beote7, Tesu0 3 iaton and metoring plunger within an orifice assonbly. The presrurve serots this metering plungar are conmunteated to either side of a resmure conscious platon which, via n half Bell valve, controte a spill of pump servo presoure) tie pump delivery 42 directly controled tay the position of the mtering ylungar, 4m tum, the position of the matering plunger within the oritice 4s govemed by n apring-tonsionod rocker arm incorporating « half ball valve, which controls @ bse! of air/fuel ratio control arve fusl from the crow of the motoring plunger piston, ‘The rocker arm is operated by ‘a control onpsule to which {s fod n mossure of coupwossor delivery pressure ough en alr potontionstors ‘Tho operating pressure, scting on the control capsule, 4 the nteradiate prosaure of the potenticnster, which ‘ton consists of an ‘ovscunted oapeuls snchorod to tho cusing and a capsule open to nacelle proneurs, This capeile stock sa surrounded ty potentiemeter prossure ‘air generated from eonprossor outlet prassuro through restrictor. “At low comprossar outlet pressures tho potentionater cutlot is ‘open to alaossherie pressure which rooulte in a low operating pressures 4 on approxinately constant pro-dotomined ongine pressure ratio hhovovor, ths potantionetor outlet to atmeshore is closed by the contraction of the atmospharie pressure capsule, and the operating rosture builds up to full compressor outst proseure, Tho tro potentionater settings thus-obtained give s redused fuel flow daring tho erttioal ongine r.pem range, and an increased fuel flow for rneximin coveloration in tho higher speod mgoe Pressure fnoressing Valve ‘the proamure Ancronsing valve consists of a apring-londad, slotted ‘volvo operating in a yortod sloeve, The piston 1s pre-set to open at epprorinatcly 85 peseds, ssl this controls the pressure at which fuel {is yossol to the atarting atonisert; 4¢ also nsurss suftiotent beck sure in the fuel aysten for etfietent serve operations are Seote?, Tooue 5 During the initial starting oparation the fel pressure 48 inmufficient to overcome the atrangth of the valve spring, and fuel i fat to the starting stoniacrs through the aterting aelencid valve. ‘Men Light-up oocurs, the engine epee Snoroasen progressively, and a ‘corresponding Snersnse in the fuel pressure 48 exerted on the Face of tho valve, Shon eufficiant protmure is attained, ths valve £6 doprossed to expose tho porta in the valvs leave and Aisk {9 allowed to pase to Sterting Yue) Solonsia Valve ‘The starting fuel solenoid valve Ss onergieed during the starting eyele for 15 seconds to port fuel tu flow to the aix starting atomisers to initiate engine Light=up. ‘mo valve is of the orthodox type in which e eonlenh valve is Drought into the Yopon position by the actien of an energised solenoid, ond returned to the "closed" positien by a sprints ‘Refer to Section Bs poration of Controle Low Proseure Gook ‘Tho low preseura ccek 48 operated by a beo-posttion Lever marke "cat" ed "OFP", When moved to the "OH position fuel Le ported to Flom from tho atsoratt tanks to the low prosoure filter ant in addition, a mlero owiteh is operatall whitch al tchos the booster pump on, provided the booster pimp cut-out oviteh Le sot to "OH". Boonton Amp Gstreut Suite tn electrically porated booster, panp 4 Anatallod in the collector ‘duel tane on delivers iol under pr rare, via a flow proporticnsr att ond the LP. cockyto tho owines fourront to the pump 42 controled by a eizeuit breaker located on tho @istritution yanol in the coakpite + ‘Tho tam cut-out arith 49 Located just below the instructor's wa. Seote7, Taeue 5 uel Pressure Waring Indication ‘A low pressure fel warning indicator is installed on the central instrument panel eva, shan showing unaate (white), Antiostes the failure of the booster pumps Povp-athura 1a aleo-thove-ty-e-magnetic-inttoator provided a\jacant, tothe pump cut-ont-eudtahe Mieh Preagure Cock Incorporated in the barometric flow contral unit and operated by Teterox cable from the two-pasition control Lever on the central petestal, the high preseure cock provides a ness of stopping the engines ‘to the pressure Ancroaning valve, tut whan placed in the "OPP" poaitson, ‘the fuel $a diverted hack to the HP. pimp inlote ‘Throttte Levers ‘Tho oookpit throttle levers actuate the throttle valve control arm fon the baronotrie Flow contol unit by Teleflex exbles, the total movment of the control am being Limited hy ground idling and full throttle stops. Tt fs eotential that the Linkage be adjusted so that morenent of the cookie Levers, fron the grou Saling to the fully open positions, i also Limited by the ‘stops and not ty the ents of the throttle quadrants ‘Tho maximum rsp of the engine Will be obtained when the throttle lovers aro approxinately 10° from the fully open position, which enaures ‘hat maximum ropem is contwolled by the maxim speed govemor ant not ty the taranatric Flor control wnit full throttle stop, the setting of whieh With the flying controle Jocked, the throttle levers are prevented ‘from being oponod beyond one ‘hind of thet full travale Servicing and Minor Recaire or Pressure Fuel Filter ‘Me Tooalankt fabric type f42ter, which fiztere the fut en route fran the tanks to the HhPs pimp, is contained within a casing 9. Seote7, Teaue 3 A self-Locking handvheel operates the cover ascombly securing tolt, which scrove into the stay-tube aid offectively secures the filter cover to the ‘A vtocked or partially block f12ter element would onuse fuel starvation to tho ongine, and Sf the filter Se damaged or airty, or Af it has completed the period of service prosoribod in the appropriate Servicing Schedule, new element will be roguireds ‘When fitting © filter element, Sts inner end mat be Located over 1s ssigot fone intomaly in the filter easing before the cover and cnd-plate assembly 49 tightened dom. Leaks may bo cured by Fitting new fuel seals whore required. Pel Bmp ‘Te HP. el pump As secured to, and driven fron, the accessory rive box mounted al the outer end of No.2 aly intake strut. Arfoutt in the pimp, oF the naximin sped governor, could result dn fatluro to 2ight up the engine, or incorrect or Muctuating saan ‘The maxim speot governor may be adjusted but no repairs ere pomissibie to the pimp, shich, 4f proved unserviceable, mist be repLecet by & serviooshle pum. To Mjust te Maximin Spo0d Governor ocsen the Lecisut and tim the adjusting scram clockriss to snoreaia the Tepem, © anti-clodlrise to decrease the rpm ‘one completo tum of the adjusting sor ie oquivalent to approximately 450 rpm ato Reaot Valve ‘The valvo io attechad to the underaide of the compressor casing adjacent to the fuel pom. Ne adjustmnts are pornitted to the valve and in the event of marvicesbality Lt mst be change. Basometrte Flow Control -10- Ssote7, Teow0 5 A faulty unit could romult in tow maxinn rene fluctuating ‘mo ground 4aling atop my be adjusted, and the afr intake presture pipe ond WLP. fas) Filter checked, but othersiae no adjustments for repairs are pomitted to the control, and it mst be changed i unserviceable. To Must tho Grand TaLing BEA oe ao a: ‘tom tho self-locking grou SdLing stop im Welockrise direction to increta the idling rpem and ewei-clockrise to dacrense the rps fone compote tum of the adjusting seror will give an adjustment of ayproxinately 250 rspem, one olfck being oqial to 12 = 15 rpm ‘Yo Gheck the Aix Intake Proseure Supsly Check the pitot on Not aix inteke strut for blockage and the floxible pips Lending fram the ais intake adaptor to the baronstric ‘ow control capsule chimber, for Leake and soourtys Disconnect the caysule chanber fuel drain plpe and chock that the senteiotor = eles 4p Service the HPs Fusl Filter Remove the fL1ter fram ite housing 4 the barenetric flow control Andot adaptor ant wash An lead-fros gacclen Change an unscrvicesblo filters Ais/Puel Ratio Gantzo) Inefficient aoooleration, or a tonney for the conproasor to statt during an ooccleration, denotes © fasity air/fuel ratio controls ‘ho comproasor delivery presmure pipe can be chocked for leaks fot gocurity, and an attonpt mado to adjust the aocoleration tine, but Af eausteant has no etfoot on the rato of acosleration, or if the engine stall, the contrel mist be changed ‘the frcoodures for carrying out acceleration and stall tests, ot for eajusting the rate of acceleration, arp given horevith, tut it is cophasiand that the tall test ‘and adjustaont of acceleration rate -a- Seote7, Taaue 3 Acceleration Test (3) Stort the engine and move the throttle Lever fron ground 4aling to the fully open position in not more than 2 seconde The ‘engine should reach maxdimin reps Sn 9 ~ 11 secon (2) Seteot 8,000 repvme then opan the throttle rapidly. Tho engine should osch mazimun rpem in not more than 6 seconds. To uajuat the Rate of Acceleration (2) Deprons the apring Zoned aajusting screw which 1s fitted in serrated sleeve on the pressure drop housings (2) tum clocloriae to incrense the acceleration rate. (2) tach servation 49 equal to approx 1 second in acceleration tine, (0) on release the adjoating torer Tears ot estan zest (moby te be cored rem, f-Looknee maactaibive of SP (2) Start the engine and run Tat 25,800 repens (2) Rapidly close the throttle, (3) As tho engine speed passes 9,000 r.pem open the throttle rapidly 10 the take-off position: (4) Repent this operation Yeatching” tho ongine at speele of 8,000, 7,000 ana 6,000 2. pee (5) The engine should bo stall free. Brosaure Increasing Valve ‘ho pressure increasing valve 4s bolted to the air/fuel ratio control nd is rig-est to oven at spproxinately 05 msSs stuck in either the open or eleged positions would remult An the engine failing to ight up ‘to cure Leaks sealing rings may be roplaood, but Af the valve 4s unaervicoaste it must bo changed. Stosting-Fuet Solepoid Valve ‘tho Storting-fvsl solenoid valve 4 mounted on the top of the ‘compressor casings x A vatve stuck in the closet position would result in failure a ‘087, Teaue 5 smo audible operation of the valve my bo checked by mows of the relight aystem (rofer to Section 2,)- Repair is by replacement. Rate Rosot Valve Iociating Solenoid Valve ‘This valve ie mountad on the underside of the ccmprossor easing sn the vicinity of the rate rosat valve ‘Should the valve remain closed after completion of the starting cyele 0 high mimi pom will romult; Af the valve remains open during the atorting eyele the engine will fall to ent up Printing the Fusl Syaten eving onmured that the fuel tanks have Been fled proceed at Inhintted System (2) Remove, drnin and roeit the LP, fitter, (2) open the LP. cook and switch on the booster pump. (2) Blood the HL. Mel pump untiZ Peel free from oL1 snd alr flows freely from the teed valve (8) Ghose the nF, cook and wire-tosk the punp bleed valves Non tnnibstod Syste (2) Open the LP, cock snd swith on tho Booster pum. (2) Most the HP, ol pimp until fuel free from alr flows freely from the best valves. (3) Ghose the LxF. cock and wize-lock the bleed valve, Inhinsting the Puan Syston Approximately 6 pints of inhibiting ofl will. be required to inhibit tho Ask aysten which mist be wndertaken, with appréved clean and serviceable aquigment, within 48 hours of the last ground 0 for any reason a tithing inkibiting vig cannot be utilise, fa prossuro hood should be obtesnad ty positioning « supply tank containing ‘he inhibiting oi shove the Level of the LaP., filter. (2) Chore the eR. cooks o % o o om @ o 0) @ “3 - Soote7, Teaue 3 Comoct the inubiting Muka auprly pipo to the LaP, filter Dizconnoot the lef. Leeda from the Hels dgnition unite pen the LF. cook ne re! wot tne eaine overs If ors Smet HS pad open the starting solaioid valve for approximately 10 seconds, ‘ed opon and close the theott lovers tien during motoring nen the Snthsting 1 anergoe fom the combustion charbar rain, ‘tam off and disconnect the inhibiting ofl surRlys [Blank off the IF. Anlot union, allow the engine to drain, then cose the arin valve, 2 > Vg sy Electrics Fat ta enue 3 YmER_(RRoVOSr) = ermCrIOUE NorES seer 8 Detoription ‘Tho amlar coninstion chamber assembly ¢ Fitted between the ‘centre section and tne tusbine aasenbly, and is disposed axially around the contre section extansion which form the inner casing of ‘the chonber, In edition to this Amer oasing, the assanbly includes en outer cosing and a flane ‘abe astenbly which, An tura, is eopriset of Amor end cuter Flame tubes, an Snner aiftuser and an air tube surport plate. ‘twelve burners positioned in the eantro goction, deliver fuel to ‘eenty-four primary air tubsr, where the fuel Se eixod with air ant the resulting mixture vaporized. Six atontsers ant two high energy igniters, aounted in the combustion hamher ini tHate engine starting, ‘To provent fuel aeammilating daring an attonpt to start the engine, «drain valve is fitted to the lowest point of the canbustion chaser tor ening. The velve closes vhen the pressure in the combustion chanber roochool Rast. operation of Controls Starter Button ‘With the starter master and ignition deslating srdtches "ON", the proseing of the starter button allow electrical anergy to peas to the tro Hz, dguiter pluge and tho starting fuel solenoid valves ‘me starting valve thin opens to allow fuel to flow to tho ston the remsiting fuel apray Boing ignited by the Lgniterss Roldeht Batten hon the relight button ie proased, with the ignition tacking witch "a", the starting Aiel solenoid valve ar the Suniters renin cnorgisad for ar Long as tho switch 4s operated. Seots8, Tasus 3 SEVIONG 20 uoR REPAIRS Bach of the turers 1s snaortod into a eupport bess in the centre section ton the inside, and then secured ty 4 loolmat on the outor och min berner foal eupplios two tubes each Fitted with « sina1t jot ond position’ a9 that they inject into pare of primary air uel enters the min fel feed through @ plvot bolt carrying amine fatter, Yo routine servicing of the bumer is required; to change & lumer requires ronal of the lane tube assembly. Atemisers ‘The aix starting atasisors are socured to the centre section by fntarnally threaded flangus and are supplied with fuel, thrash banjo comections, from a priming rings ‘To minimise the formation of earben on the atoniser the priming ring is fitted with a arcin connuction, insorporating a restrictor at Lite Lowest points The ccnnestion allows excess fuel to drain to the cslloctor box after thy atarting fel solenoid valve closes. Boch atonisar contains a anal guise Filtor and a epimer through ‘which tho fel passat bafore being Snjestod Sn tho form of m hollow cone of fine spray through @ delivery orifice, A shroud surrounding tie atoniser aivarte a cooling flow of air aroun tho atoniser body, the air then being deflectot across the fa00 of the otoniser ty © 2ip on the shroudy, thin miniaieing carbon fermion. ‘A viockod atomiser my remlt iit failure to ight up the engine in wich eaao the atoniser should bo changed. utters ‘Te bo high enoray igntters are scoured in support bosses on the contre section, and if faulty, can result in failure to start the engine ‘ Reyate ie hy roplacemt, tt bafore ax igniter is changed to essentisL to dlscomect the Left input to 11s anscetstot ILE. Agnition unit an 9 ported of at Losst ono minite allowed to classe, ‘thy Agniters can be Bighly dangerous if mishantled. Desi Valvo Ua Sttuntet at tho lonest paint of the cantustion chamber outer ccosing, tho drain valva unit provants en gocumlation of surplus fishy attor a faiture to stort the engine, by venting this surplus fuel to the collocter bors A leaf spring incorporate in the wntt closes when tie pressure in tho combustion chanber reacheeff p.s-is an tins prevents the ogress of combustion goses fron the chanbers ‘A volvo stuck in the closed position could retult in a Fotteving on occumilation of fuel in the chinber and nn unserdooable ‘lve should be ehangod [A second drain valve is fittet at the lowest point of the exhaust cone to provnt an sccumiation of fuel in the turbine/eshaust cane aasontly. A valve stuck closed could result in a thot" start and tuckling snd crncking of the oxhaust cone, wise (over) = _iermorzosut noms seoriot ORRICATION sxSTmE Description The Lubrication aysten consists of main presmure anf somvenge bearings. ‘The lobricating cil Se contained in a tenk mounted on the starboard ‘side of the conpressor stator caning. Pros the tank, of2 18 delivered, ‘vin an extemal pipe, to an ofl pimp unit mounted on the base of Nox fair intake atrity entering the aysten through atatic sealing valve in After passing through the preseure pimp, the oll enters the resture filter housing from which a series of intemal ériizings connect up to the Follovinat= (2) Pressure reliee valve arsenbiy. @ () amp untt Intemediate goers. fire Yoaring ail rear bearing metering Panes (4) Pressure gmaze connection. (5) the bane of No.3 aii intake struts [Fron the base of How air intake strut the ofl 1s ducted through the sont of the stmut to a "YM junction fone arm of the "Y" Loge oft to the intemal gearbox and to the ‘teont support hearing of the internal gesstox driveshaft and acc craliction gear and the other am ducts ofl renewed to an annulus ‘surrounding the front main bearing housingy from where it is fed into the front bearing.and, via further detllinga in the rear of No.2 al Antake strut, to A jot in the engine accessory arive boxe eternal pipes eed the of from the metering wimps to a Junction ‘vox bolted to the base of the centre section, apd intemal pipes then fairest the oii from the junction box to the contre and roar bearinase -2- Seots9,reme 5 ‘ith tho exoeption of the oit fed te the centre and roar bearings, hich 1s exiusted to elgonsire, all soavergs i f4ile Sato the Lower Antato strut and eters the soarengo filter housings Fram the scavenge ego fof uso So O38 on the mami exnsumptiony pce setaty THEE pinta ozerntion of controle 011 Preseure Gauge (0-100 peesie) ‘The ofl pressure gauge roearde the oll prossure prior to tte centering the Iubrication aystem of the engine: ‘me opernting presmures are :~ Minimum praseure (at 5,500 rpm) Hp roeis Yormal proseure (at 13,100 rpm) = 30 rete Operating at Low oll precaur could load to bearing failure and ‘n Grop 4m prosoure should be Snveatigated by examination of the £12¢er= ‘for Wlocknge, and the prosmure relief valve fer servicosbility, 2s Aotailed sn the folloring pavegrorhss [Avhigh of2 pressure should be expwoted only when the ofl tonporature As low, othorsise it may indicate a faulty relief vale. Servioing and Minor Raga ‘tho ofl tank, which ins e capseity of WRpints, iz ascurot to the startoard olde of the compressor stator casing: Tt contains an inverted flight tank Breather, dipsticr, oil filter fa drain plage A drain pips fitted to the filler neck carries overflow oil to the engine collector boxe ‘Sorvictag the O11 tank Piter (2) Drain the ofl tonk by ronoving the kmrled cap frm the base of ‘the Fiber hovekng, saan tinenesciatmi gees, (2) Remove the fitter cap wnt withdra the filter, = Seote9, Tasue 5 To Change the O11 tants (2) Drain the bane ty gonoving the imiried cap fram the base of the PALter MOONE, RTI (2) Disconnect tho fotioring pipes + (0) tank to pnp Foot, (0) Seavenge pimp +o tanks (2) 08 tane rinter rain, (a) Breather ~ arter ranoving tho mate fron the cover une Discard the jointing washers (3) Witharew the eet bolts from the tonk mounting brackets and remove the tanke (4) Position the roplacanont tank between the meunting brackote ent cure with tho sot bolts and plain washers. (5) Reconnect all disconnected pipes, (ref. (2) above), fitting a now Jointing washer to the breather pipe cover units (6) Ghock for ssourity and witelook there applicable: (ou Pap Unit Mounted nt the outer end of Wo.5 air intake etrut, the oil pump nit ineluios a gear type pressure pump, a gear type foavenge pump, two matering pips, pretaure relief valve, presture filter end a scavenge ‘The scavenge pump 4 deivan from the anternal gearbox ty @ shart extending theeugh the hollow Nor}. atmuts Intemediate goars, ariven by ‘ine scavenge pump shaft, drive a oanmhaft gear which sctuates tho meter ling pimps, and also trananit the drive to the rrossure pump ariven gears ‘Apart fron sorvicing the filters and relief valve, no aAjustmants fro yormitted to the oi pimp unit, enfin the event of unsarviooebitity, A mst be changed (2) Drain the oft tenis (2) Drain tha unit ond sump by noms of the araia valve on the scavenge vitor using snecial toot w.13660. Ae Seated, Loaus 3 (3) Piseonneet the following pipes = (0) Tank to pomp foot. (2) Soavonge ramp to tanks (©) Ramp to oft prosaure tranenitter. (@) Roar main bearing Food, (0) Contre main bearing Food. (2) Renovo te 8 onp-nuta from the pump attachmant studs, HOME: Do not rmove tho vo cap-mts aljacent an parallel to tho scovenge Filter hosing a2 they retain tho sopnrating plate fant cover to the pump Beds (5) Beco the pump unit from thi studs end Aiseard tho Jointing masher. ‘To Replace (6) Rasuro that the mounting feces on the air intako and pump are clean fd feo fron barra. (7) tasuee that the loonting devel and tho ofl transfer dorel are Fitted (8) Pit the replacement pump using a naw jointing washer, ond seoure using now tabemoshorss (9) Reconnset ali pipes (ret. (3) shove). (20) Ghock for security ond wirelole wharo necessary. (21) Rota the tank aint prime the aysten tL Prossure Relief Valve ‘the relief volve consists of @ spring-loaded plunger howsed in a ported slecve, Excessive oil prissure forces the plunger along tho bere of the sleore exposing the ports, thus allowing excuse 12 to pase through the ports and intomal drillings to the inet side of tho proasurs ‘The opsrating pressure is aajusted ty akime éneartod boneath the faring, the corrvct shim thiknos being determina’ ty He-testin Man the valve is atemntlod, it in important that the corrvct shim thiclnos ss maintained “5- Seot.9, Teaue 5 ‘Tas valve may to dismantled and aorviced tat no adjustments are {fo Servion the Pressure Relief Valve (2) Unscrom the valve body and withdraw £¢ togather with Ste spring Plunger tod aealing wesher, (2) Dienantie the valve assembly, taking care not to Lote the e@justing shina, ond wash all parts in clean lead-free gasclonce (3) Bawnino atl parts for dango ond renew if nec say. Slight scoring on the plunger my be renova by Light stoning (4) Roftt he chine an eprings ofl and ToFit the plungore (5) Rott th valve sesonbly, using @ nor sealing washer, and wirelocks ‘The presmure {Star 4s housed im the Bedy of the of} pump unit betng rotained in position by a spring and a sorowed cap-mit, tho lattor incorporating a prining constion: Blockago of the fiiter would romult Sn ofl starvation to tho engine ba bearing falluror {To Service the Proseure Oil Filter (1) Umoror the cap mut and withdrew the springs (2) wittarwe tho filter clement by moans of the extractor handle art ‘nosh in Lond-frae gasolencs (3) examine the filter for dmage especially the fino mesh goure and ‘ite soldered joints, Changs the Filter Af necessary. (8) “Rott the essonbly wing a now sealing washer, Highton and wirelocks Sonvenge Filtor ‘Tho scavenge filter is housed in a eylindrteal chenbor in the pump Dolly and Se retainat in yosition by a cap mut. All the engine oft, with tho exception of the contre and rosr main bearing oil, yasses through ‘this feiter, and therefore whan cleaning the flLer, « careful check of its contents will inticate the ninaing condition of the engine ani may sive waming of impending bresktom : To Service the Soavongs Filter (2) Drain the ongino sump using spootal tock me 3620. (2) Renovo the cap mut ant wltiizow the Fiber, (3) ash the Pitter tn test-teoe gossleve and oxasino for danagos Grange Af necossarye (2) Roptaco tho F2ter ond cap mit using @ now sealing washer, and wirelocke Omtre nd Rose Bosring Motoring Pumpe ‘The two motoring pumps, which are similar in construction and loperstion, are sttachod toy and driven from, the ofl pump unite Tho layne pump suyplios ofl to the rar Boasing ard the Lovar pump to the fcontro boning. After Lubricating the bearings, the ol supplied by ‘the motoring pumps Joins tho oocling air stroan of the engine ant is ceventuntly lost to ataoophares ‘tho pampe aro rig-sct to deliver’ approximately $ pint/hour and to sAjustients ore permitted. ring Pomp (1) Renove the beating food pipe an priming cennection pipes To change 4 Bet (2) Remove the (wo mite from the attactments studs, ease tho pam from its housing and aiseant tho souling washore (3) Cleon the wating aurtaces af the replacamant yup and pun nousinee (4) Pit a new somting washer ont socure the pump on ite abtocuont (5) Rotit the eit food pipe aed the priming connection pte (6) chask for security ant wirstecte (Prine tho voartn Erining the O11 Syston [Aftor the romoval of any component of pipe from the oil eystem, the system mist be prinod. Wo priming Je nocossary after the servicing of filters, tut having ensured that tho oll tank has sutFicient content, oT. Booted, Teoue 3 Using the spociriea op (0H.58), prim the systen an follows := (2) PU the tant to aha 20 pinte Aipstick Level. (2) tnoot $ pint ofl nto the rear bearing priming comoction. (3) Inject Bint oft into the oantre beuring priming conection. (2) Injoot 4 pinte of of2 nto the main prining connection on the ‘presoure off fitter. (5) Seoure the priming connections. (©) Ro-cheok the level of ofl in the tak after running the engine. NOTE: The Rotol eooeesory geastox mst be topped up in eccerdance vith Rotol instructions. TehNbting the O62 syetn ‘The type of ofl used, (01-56), obviates the need to inhibit the syeten, sites Lt provides ample protection for all the campmnentos VER (erovost) - msraverrowL nore ssuo 5 suorat_10 comane srsmmy 4n viow of tho high gas tonpernture romulting fron the turning of fuel, it in necessary to direct a proportion of the air nna flow to the hot compenints of the engine in order to keep them at safe working taxp- ‘oraturess In oidition, oir is lapped off to provide for the proseurisation of the font Woaring labyrinth seal, and the heating and prosturisation of ‘various alzoraft services: rout Bosring Proraurtastion ‘To prevent the motion of the compres or from depriving the front imain bearing of lubricating oll, air fram the 6th cemprossor stare ie sLlored to entar the compressor dios where sone of S¢ travels forward to prosaurise the sfoce centainal between the cil seo} and labyrinth serl situated to the rear of the Bearings tn adition to providing air for the preseurdastion of the front Dearing Latyrinth aosl, 6th stage compressor sir also flows rearwards ‘teaugh the hollow mainshaft, and 9 drilling in the turbine cLamp-tolty to pase scroes ail cool the roar fee of the turbine asc. Sovonth stage compressor air cools the front face of the turbine inc. It roaches this fo0e By Floving through driltings in the centre section @taphragn to the snmular epeco contained between the muinshart fod the conbustion chenber incr caskng, end then through furthor arittings in the resr bearing support ond the rear Ataphragne tn both casas, after cooling the turbine, the air joins the exhaust stream at the turbine blades Contre and Rose Bearings Sonoot the 7h steae compressor air passing to the front face of ‘the turbine 4s aivertod through the contra and oar bearings, and in addition to cooling the bearings, soavengos the motered lubricating oll. Seot10, Tesue 3 Durbine Stator Bing 1A proportion of thi?air qaasing Between the cuter Flexo tubo ant cconbustion chanber outer casing flows through dri22ings in the turbine louter stator ring, end having coated the ring, jotne the gaz strenn by entaring the exhaust cones 4 similar eupply of alr botwoon the immer lone ‘be ond rear bearing support manber coals the inner turbine stator ‘ing before joining the gas stroan over the roots of the turbine blades, Six camections on the centre section allow air to'be tapped off for various aircraft services. Air from these tappinge 4= used as follows (1) comin nesting = ()Wintsoreen dewisting, 3! SIP} (D_— Pael tank and recuperator presaurisation, @ To aenint exhaustion of the gonerstor cooling abr peasy to the alt/tvel ratio contests Q Bese *) Beek ot ontine siut dow in flight Mel tank and recurerstor peesourisation 1s mntained ty air supplied vie a ram air auct attuated fn the outhoars wall of ths starboard atzoragt air intakes Sete Issue 5 Yizex (enovasr) = mesrversquL, NOTES stoma 12 Dosorsption ‘he electrical eyston suppl solenoid valves, tho Hi ignition units and the 24 volt electric Ground atarting of the engine Sz contrallad ty @ Rotax startor for the starter motor, and the starting fuel and iguition aystone ‘tho ewitches directly connacted with engine starting are contained ‘on a cockpit control panel fitted at the bottom of the port instrument xerntion of Gontrote Battery Tesleting Seiten ‘The battery SesLating avltsh opene ov closce the eireult between tune alrorntt batteries and the clectrienlly operated components. ‘Te action of "plugaing Sn” a trolley ooouiator rentors tho battory isoloting avitsh inoperative, Laclates the aizorart batter fm generator, and conplotos tho eirouit via the trolley ascumlaton Iga. tion Isolating Sviteh ‘me Sgnition isolating switeh ie situated on the imodiate right of tho starter panel ‘Myon the switch i= placed in the *OFF” position the cineult te the ignition relay 48 broken, ond the Hef gutters and starting fuel Starter Master Seiteh Bituated to the left of the tgnition isolating switoh, the starter mater eviteh controls the cineutt to the angine starter atten. Starter Bupton : ‘ho otartor ish button sa wituated in tho centre of the engine ae Sectel1, Issue 5 Men the startor button ie pressed the soquence of operations ix (2) (2) Gurront 19 passed to the mate reset ssolating sslenola ‘ley switch and to relay tet, The relay closes aa makes the ctreutt to tho etarter mator, through to sposd control resistors, aul the eoiis of the overspeed relay Worle The and starts rotating the ones (8) The starter motor current, passing through the coils of the overspeed relay, cloves the relay reulting in the tne onorgising of the starter button held-in aolenoia. (2) Three asconds aftar the comencenent of the cycle, contacts in the ‘ine delay oriten close to ener relay No.2+ This action cute lout ono of tho rosistancos an allovs the starter motor to increase ite spect. (3) Hive secands after the comencoment of the eycle, contacts clos to onergise the ignition relay, via the relight relay and the ignition isolating evitehs This results An the anorgiaing of the storting Mil solenoid valve ant the Holl Sgrition unites (®)Mlovon scconts after the comenoment of the cycle, contacts in the time delay avitch close to operate relay Now5. This ahiort etreulte the second resistor anf allows the starter mtor to rin st $002 apeots (5) Firtoon covonds after the comenconent of the eyele, contacts open to bronk the ofrosite to the ignition relay anil de-energise the LB, tgnition unite, but further contacts close to enorgise ‘tho starting fusl solenoid valve for 5 more seconds, opening 20 seconds after tho eyele comencode (6) Tairty-tive sooonte after the comencment’ of the ayele, contacts aya Seoteil, Teeue 5 faction allorng the starter button to be salen for sibaegint (oti doay seth wild omtime to nin for aprocintaly 6 sccndn daring ehich time the contacts wl return to thee cteteah asttingh NOrE:~ Should the angle roch Ste sehf-ouaining speed afore the comlstion of the ecto, tin carren sang Shh contacts closed and the opel 411 be interrupted tho tine dalay swteh will continne to run wntal the contaots have retumo’ to their starting yositions. Relight Button A pusheovlteh fitted to the top of the HP, shut-off cook allows ‘the engine to be re-started during flight whon assistance from the tester motor 19 not require’. ith the appropriate cloctrical switches Off, prossing the relight ‘mutton operates the relight relay, whieh in tum energises the 4gnition relay and comlotes the cinuits to the ignition unite and the starting ‘ust valve, The elrouite ronain onergised fer aa long as tho relight Ytton 62 pressed. tho rats reset Saolating solenoid valve is not operated by the relight aystom Servicing and Minor Bopatre To chesle tho Ignition Syste (2) Piug tn a trottey accumatator. (2) Chore the Lars cooks (3) Seiten at tho battery and ignttion isolating switches. (4) close the Hh, fed cooks (5) Prose the relight button and chock the audible oporation of the We, igniters. If oparkdng 19 inrogatar both gutters are serviceable ‘ub Sf tho sparking is regular et an approx, rate of 2 por second ono igniter is not opaeating magyor , ae ae aa fae ae enue 5 YEEER (EROWogT) - DesTRUORrOWN, nore sworton 12 ne ccurorones Desoxintson A Rotax electric starter, mounted on thn Rotel accessory gearbox end oupplicd from a 2b volt ground acoumator, motors tho engine during ‘the starting ayele by means of a back drive through the engine accessory drive Yor: sitemnativaty;-the-ongino-nay-be-rotabed.for-atarting by plying compreseod-nir;-threugh an air conection; ‘o-the-turbine-bhedoss Qreration of Controle Starter Button ‘When the startar button 4a preaaed, with the starter master evitch Yu", tho time delay eviteh fitted to the atartur panol closes a relay sihich completes tho circuit from the electrical mupely to the starter nmotors En route the ourrnt passes thrasgh two speod control resistors syd the coils of sn overspeed ralsy, an tho starter motor drives he engine at 1/s0th 011 powers [After 3 seconds tho tino dalay sritch energt ss 15 sooend Paley, ‘hich short cimmuite the fist eantral resistor, and causes tho starter rotor to receive 1/20th full powar, and aftor a further 7 seconds « tint olay is energised which short-cizeulte tho sooond control resistor emt the starter motor nine ot full powers ‘Actor 35 esconda the thind relay ‘a do-morgiasd which braska the clreutt to the atsrter motor and do-onergises tho ovorspecd relay, the Anttce action renuLting in the release of the starter buttone ‘the coil of the ovorspoot retsy is in surdos with the starter rotor and its estion depends opon the currant taken by the motors Should this current fell below 90 anpe, to relay opens and breaks the ‘aupply to the starter panel, thus interrupting the cysle an proventing dongs to the startor rough ovorspooaing. ae Seot-12, Tssue 3 Servctng and Minor Repairs Intufficient soceRirntion from the starter moter could result in failure to start the engine or in the mimi j.psts being reschell uring o start atterpts In this evant, or in the cise of tho startor rotor failing to rolete the engine, the ground scoumator and the roouo 5 igeR (rRovoSt) —_isrmUorrON worms © serio» ue mepovtsieg sysrms riptien ‘Te fire extinguisher eyston compris a Bottle containing methyl Drondde extingutahant, a pipe and spray ring which carry the extingfshant and discharge it over the engine, and tro electrical cireuite, one ‘Slootrical cirouit is coupled to a fire wire system and a warning Light sich gives ‘isuel infication of « igh tumporatare + » and the thor 4s covpled to the bottle end push button watch enables the contents of the bottles te bo Atacharsoas ORERATION oF coTROL Gained Fire warning Light and Operating Button ‘The combine fire warning Might ard operating button Ls altuatea, on the top starboard side of the inatiument panel én the cocknite ‘To vod waming Light is howsed in the contre of the operating button and is illuminated when the fire wire elves indication of a rine in temperature above aafe Linttos Pressing the operating button cowplotos the electrical firing cirouit to the bottle which te discharged immodiately. Tnsrtia Suttch In tho ovent of homy oF ersshell landing, an intortin switch, positions’ in the novs of the aizoraft, rutenstically operates the ‘iro extinguisher aystan, and nt the sane tno oporates m relay which Aisconnacts All other electrical sarvige _SHRTTOMNG AND YONOR EATS, Bire-Ectingutener Bottle ‘The bottle which 4» connooted to the spray-ring situated around the oir Antake, 4s fitted with a cartelage discharge head, and is -2- Seots15, Tose 5 ‘mo aischange head contains 9 eartriage which, whon fms lectricaliy, crestes efgos which forces a pin through retaining Ataphregne, and croatoe an orifice through which the contents of tho bottie can flow to the pipe and spray rings The pin afterwards pprotmaies from the Giacharge hesd to Anticate discharge of the bottles xtinguishant is also ductal to 9 fe indicator at the rear of the cockpit, which tums yollow in the evant of the bottle being fred. TE the Antionter records that the Bottte has beon discharged cr if £4 te ouspocted thet Loalge has socurrol, oven Af the pin £8 not protmiding from tho discharge howd, the bottle mst be changed. care should be taken to ensure that ths replacement bottle is of the cormvot type a5 iniicsted by the atone referense munbor stamped on ‘the hoad, ond by the colour of the bottle, The weight of the Dottle host also be chookod bafors installation or when enrrying out routine sorvieings Fine Woming Girouit ‘To tost the serviceshility of the waming system ant fire wire, cloct aircenft invertors "al" and Af on intemal batteries, press the ‘outton mocked pron the cantnlised oookptt warning panel. The red. ‘narning Might will cone on plus an saber "AITHNTION DICHTOR" cn the warning pons} markod "O" and, also to contral attention indiestore Jan audible worning will be hoard on the intercon circuit. Press button 0" to cancel tho Light ae witton "MM to canceh the audible warning « Nomn:—se-n-xtome-tettrtor wert ben ac Em eet pent totes Tet bettins Tinted & fire cack, Ha fire sssening yh ety ‘Tho aonsing elawnt consists of d flexible atainless steal capillary containing a central eloctrote, separated from the walls of ‘the captttery by temperature sensitive material ccmpletely #41Léng ‘eho tuboe oe Sootel5, Ta onereises the warning Light cizcait. Whon the temperature @rops the current flow in the ofrcnst 1s inauetiosent te hala in tho warning cireuit relay, which rotums to the ojen position by spring action The consing bor ot the renr of the cockpit this box inooryorates a transformer, rectifier, soloncia and relay ond corrise an extemal tent sritch. ire wire contimitty should te checked at regular intervals by the toat eviten on the relay box Saxe snd Delivery 2 ‘he stainless steal spray ring te attechod to the bifureated alr nto Before installing s nr engine oF one which has boon "aoszled", the @tacherge holes in the aeny ring should be checked for freedom fon blockage 11f necessary the holes enn be olestod by comecting up © clear fair supply to the captors on the engine bay fSrownl and applying @ pressure of 100 poate for one minuto esue 5 MER (enovost) = misrmuorron, norss worsen Un Pug FHOIG srsTBE Introduction possible omises of particular conditions ana the action te be takon to Aocate and ranedy thm The infomation auppliod 4s devoted to the YVIFER/PROVCET conbinstion, and consiate of a fault Atagnoeis chart vinich relates briefly the condition of the H:C.U+ to the components fr ayatent that may have brought this shout, and makes appropriate orses-references to an krpondix where the practical rovodial actions fe dosoribeds Tt Se possible on infividunl engine change waite that ctocure oulte not Sncluded in this section may oocur, Conversely, may of the Running defects will be reduced to a minim ¢ the BO.U. £2 reegilarly aod conscientiously sorviced. aulte that would arise only ‘tarough & lack of servicing, or because of incorrect installation or cperstion, are not included in thia section, Tn instances whore dofests fre fndicated ty Anstimmante qlone, the instrunont should be choke ‘first wiloss otherwise specified An the appendix. Defective units abould not be ASamantled in the recess of fault rectification; the extent of field separ work 4 apocified in Volum 6, Pavt 1 of the engine Air Pubisostion 3f 1t 4a necessary to ASscomect the pipes of the fuel and of} systems, a1 possible procnstions mist to taken to provent foreign nattor fron entoring the aystone, Sinilasty, all apertures renting from the rimoval of components mist be Smodiately and afoquately blankod offs Becta, eeus 3 BALE musWosIs aus a ‘Gamponents or ayetans ‘appeal eee a es Reference ores Txnition eyston meine fails to 1B, Tanktor ples chook 2 ext up. Tonitien cables hese 2 Get set e8r0) i tenstion units Check 5 Starting pened Grea Starting fuel systen Starting fuel solanoia valve cheat § Pressure Snoronaine valve Cheat Storting, avonsaers Chea 7 Rngine fai2s to Light — Rato-resot taclating aelensta ceo 1 op lary Jot ips) ‘iol tank pomp Groce 2 LP lla Posh flere Ge 5 ELE fuel jump Check & ELE aht-otf cook Gheok § Posseure-ineuening valve Ghost & Bases Raging Lights up bat Starter ronal neck 1 fasoode maxim Blootrionl starter Shock 2 ommiaatble Jets Continous hot Possible engine defect chook 3 starts Barost Ingine Lighte tut ‘aronetric flor control unit Grok 2 faile to nttnsn thing speed) Breed ow Tang RAP Starting fie solenala valve hvok 1 oromotrie flow contro) unit hook 2 ‘Techomler system Gheok 5 Parees igh Taling REM, Throttle 4aling stop Gheok 2 ‘Teoharoter Bystan Crook 2 arse ‘Low Waximin RPI Pach tank pump check 2 axlonin sppod governor hook 2 Beromtrie flor control wnt Check 5 Tochoneter ajetan Check i ona ton Bara Piootanting RAP.M Parae10 Brgine slow to ‘eeelarate gine atta on Bores2 Low, high oF instant ine ou prosaure Py prosoure pie aSr/iel ratio contrel, six/fel ratio contrat tL pipes Ou Filters Ci pressure relief valve i presssre gauge O11 preemie tranenstter “appewax Reference chook Gresk 5 heck 2 theo 2 Cheol 5 check Shook 5 Groot & Seotel Toe 5 ge (@) mepe pants 10 ufo up (wer gor erER) Tt te assumed thet the starting Gril ns Leia dom An Sootion 4 of ‘ihoso Instructional Hotes has heen carried cut and tht x fully changed ground starter tattory has boon employed. The wot Jet pipe 1s sn indication thst som fel 4s daliverod to the combustion Cchonberi st is therefore rossonablo to assume, first of e12, that tinore is s fault Sn the 4gnition eyston, If that systen proves to bo satisfactory the fnctioning of tho starting fusl systen should bbe investigated, ao ‘The HT. side of the high-ensrgy Senttscn equipment can be engerous if mishondlad. Disoomect tho Ta supply to the high-enersy ignition unite thon wait one minuto before handling the equipment zarzzcn sxsrm BOK 1 = HB, Taniter Piuge ‘Bamure thet the HP, fuel cock Levor 4m sn tho OFP positions Seiteh (0 the tettony isolnting awitch, ignition scloting sxltch ant prees the relight oviteh, The sparking of the ILB. igniter plage should bbe audible; $F only ono dgniter plug 4s operating, sparkine will be regular at an a:proxinate rate of 2 per second IF both plugs aro eporeting, eparking will bo drrogslars BoE 9 = Ignition cath ‘teat ignition cables for continuity, inmulation and esturity of cn comections, Clean all conneotions and ensure good contests hangs any estes found to bo dofoctive. hock’ the Lo Anput to tho Hy dation unt 4 found to be sntiafsotory, sxploy tvo TLE, igniter plugs lexam to bo 1 for ofesotent sriceshle su, using tho relight aysten, ts eee Sects, Tanne 3 BOK b - Startor Fonel men sterting thoingino tho tino-Aelay switch controis the sequence cf opirctions in the atarting cyole, Cam opsratet by the time-delay witeh opsrato aots of contncts which cloge the starter motor relaye 4m sogionco, ard oporato the ignition elreust and the fust valves at the required atogos. It will be opproctnted, thorafore, Ut if a ‘oult develops An the steetor panel = particularly a faulty sgnition olay, whieh would provent tho operation of the igniter units and the starting fuel solenotA vslvu = the result would be a failure to tert the engina, Gatry cut an electrieal check in accontanco with instructions contained in Saction 11 of these Inatisotfcnal Hota. HOE 5 = starting Mis) Soleneia Valve Prior to checking ensure that the HP, fol cock Lever 48 in tho OFF position, and rumive the LT. comections fra the HB ignition unites Switch dt the battery ieclating aeitch, dgnition Seoteting fitch avd prose the relight switch ch pressing the relight evita the operation of the fel solenoid waive should bo audible, Whon the chock has been carrisd out, sviteh OFF the battery seclating owitch, gnition isolating ewiteh and the starting aaster ewitch. Rosonnest WEE 6 - Pressure Increasing Valve Disconnect tho starting fuel feed sips from the pressure increasing ‘valve bally and connect sn 0-350 presi prossuro gauge to tho body fcennsctier Disconnect the Inf, exblos from the high-ensrey ignition units and with the I.E, fuel cook Lever ab (y-motor the erin, A ronding of approximately 85 prast+ should be obtained, LE the rouding obtained 48 cxcossively Lor, change the pressure noroosing velve (sefar to Sootion 7 6F these Instructional Notee)+ 00K 7 - storting otenive Remove ont examine the starting atantsors; thoreughly clean and chock the Jot orifice for blockage, In the event of the Jot being eis Sect.1h, Tesue 3 (2) mop rans ro nicer ue (one Jer EIR), 116 an engine has Won nevly Snotallod, or whon any of the components for pipes of ths fot aystem havo been aisturbel, oncure that the tus) system is prined sn cacordance with Sootien 7 of those Instmctions} Totes, bsfors en abienpl 42 mide t9 start the engine. The absence Gf fuel in the jot pips, eubeeguent to an ottenpted start, 19 an Andsoation of fel starvation, Tt is reasonable to assune, therufore, tit the fatture to Light up Se due to» fault in the fuel eysten GESOK 1 ~ Rate Rasot IooLating Soleneia Select the battery iaolnting eutch to "ON" and the starter master witch bo "ER", sot the Sgnition mostar awitah to "OP - thon with LP. ond H.P. cocks "OH" prose the grounf/etart switch and chook the suible operation of the solensid valve. Tha valve willl open snmosintely ant Witt close 55 cos lator at the ond of tho terting eyela, The gine will motor over during thie check to approxinately 4,000 repem_ thon mun dome (aK 2 ~ Huot Tonk Fup ‘To onsure that fuel 42 cing deliveroa ty the fuel tank pump to tho 1. fuel Fi1ter, check the pimp in seoordance with snstruction= ‘contained in the rolovont sir Publéeat ions WOK 5 — LAP. ent HAE, Mol Filters If the flow of fuel 4s roatrictod ty dirt or ethur foreign miter An the fucl Fi2kers, snmetetont fel wiI1 be avaslable for Lighting up. Within the #42tore from the Filter bodes and exanino carefully. If the in fiLtor olonent $2 dirty or danagod a now cloont mst be Fitton. GOK b= HP, Ful Pap Unscrew the union ond disconect the dutlot fuel pipe fron the pumps With tho LAP, and HeP, fusl cook lavars An the OH poss tion, the throttte closed, sid the ignition isolating sritch OH, motor the engine onl check that @ {uli flow of wah “Le obtained, Seoteldy Toews 3 mK 5 — We. smut-ott cook Wore the HP. fel eck Lever to the opsn position aa check that the fuel shut-off cock on the beronstee flow contro} unit is also 4in the OPH positions In the event ef s asorepancy, which would restrict the flow of ful, adjust the control Link-rod situated ‘between the double Teleflex unit, ond the shut-off cock Levery nth the corruct relationship As achiovels This shoula be checkest st Voth OW ont OBR poss tones GucK 6 = Pressure Inorossing Valve o Ccarsy out tho procedure detetted in Pornel, Check 6 If the pressure 4s owoasivoly high change the valves WIE LIGINS UP MT exmans wXIMOM FSOGSSIME J.P. ‘men starting the angine the tine delay switch controls the sequence of operctions in the starting eyeles Cane ogerated by the tine delay witch operste euls of contacts which close the starter motor relays in soquance, sid operate the fgniticn etrouit ond the fuel valves ot tho required tac Twill bo aprrociated, therefers, thet if a autt dovelops in the time delay seitoh, or in the starter panel, the starting ayes will to throm cut of eoquonse, rosulting, Jn some crounstanccs, in a delayed and consequently hot start, the following chooks axtune thot the casbustion chanber and exhmist cone drains aro Gum | - Starter Fano 1n the event of the engine excooding waximin pornlesible JoP.T. uring the starting oporntion, save the HeP. fuel cock Lover to (FP ond stlow the engine to stop. Carry aut an electrical chock on tho starter jane In socordance wlth inetructions contained in Section 11 of theta Inetiictiensl Hotes. GOK 2 = Bloctric Starter Tt to aspunod that the ground starting battory Ls in a fully charyol condition, ‘he elseteic atartermiy be producing ici Scots, Tseue 5 fepoat during the starting cycle, The will result én the delivery of an excess quantity of fucl before the engine attains idling speeds Chock tho atartor motor esbles fer contimsty, ination fond scourtty of ond Fittings. Tf the cables and connestions are Proved satisfactory, ravove the elsctric starter from the gearbox: If the chovo chocks fil to improve starting j.p-t+ tho 2.C.U. mst be chaos (0) mucpw Lows uP wr PiaLs v0 jane mane seu (GOK 1 = marawtrte Mew Contest Unset Jajust the tmrottla dling atop on the beromstrie flow contrel unit (2 turn is oquivalont to spprosinstaly 150 rpm) (5) tow ame If the sterting fal solenoid valve is stuck in the open position, ‘ol wil bo continously aisttted to the starting atanizere, thereby roaucing the fuel pros wre to tha humors and resulting in rode rpm Low idling reps can also te the reault of sncornent eating of a feutt An the tochometor aystin. (luck 2 - Sterting Fuel Solensid Valve Prior to checking the starting fucl aclonotd valve, augur that tho so LP, fuel lovers ro in the OFP posktion, and ranove the Ins connections from tho this Agnition unites Seiteh a the Dottory Asolating ovitch avi the ignition teolating eritah. Prose ‘the ro-Light switeh Long enough to hear the oporaticn of the starting Ail eolanoid volvo, On completion of the cheak, suite (OPP the Senition mostor aritch and the battery izclating ee tele connect up the IeT. leads to the HZ, Sinstion unites (imcK 2 - parenotsic Plow Control Unit [Rin the ongine ond neoslomte up to full throttle, If tho correct -6- Soet.1h, Tosu0 3 apem stop, t eas bo ossuned Usat there se 6 fault An tho tachemter aystemg GBR 5 - Tachenstor systen Employing & tachowstor indeatcr Imam to be aeourate, echeok tho repem If the fmlt still porsiats, chook the electrical wording botwom. the tachanotor indientor ond the tashonatar generator for contimsty, insulation and sucurtty of en comections; should thie tost prove the wiring to bo sstiafactory, obange the tachonotor enartors o TOLER Bae High sating x.pum. my be the remlt of maladjustmont of wither the throttle control Linle-roa or the SAling x-pem stop on the Dborometrie flor contrel unt. nex 1 pcottle Taling Stop [Pilly close the throttle and ascertain the position of the throttle lever in rection to the Sling rejeme atop on tho baremotrie Mow control unit. 3f the Lovar ie faunt to be off the atop, adjust the control Linkered betwoon the throttle box en throttle Lever unt the Lover shuts the Sdling staph the avant of the throttle lover Doing slneady on the {dling stop, eAjust tho stop until the engine 4s ehving tho eorroct Aline x-pem (2 tum of the stop i convivalent to approxinatoly 150 r-pem). amox 2 — nechenotor Syston 1 it wan found during the previous check that tho throttle controls sna the tating Jp wore correctly eat, osexy cut tho provoture for hocking tho tachonster aystan givon An Parngreeh 5, Chock 3+ 7) om yu Bae ‘ow moximim r.pett 48 normally the reqult of insufficient fuel olivory, which provents the ongine developing the roguired reps in relation to the setting of tho throttle lever, or fonit sn the tachonstor eystem Tho folloxing chooks asmuno that the fuel Te Issu0 3 0K 2 ~ Put tank Pane nsure that tho foo) tank yunpe are sorvicesblee GOK 2 ~ Naximmspo0d Governor TF tho HAR, vel ump maximus epecd governor requires aajusteont, iteration to the govenor spring tmston can be me on tho sajusting acravs To Snorwace tho rspei Halove the Looking wire, Avosen the ajustine sero Locking mit and tum tho sores lock sos ‘he sajustnont is oxtromly sunaitiva; e frsetion of a tm wild islve on epprecinble difverunos in r.pem and caro mint thorafore be excrotaad hon any aajustmont 4s being mates = Boronstrie Flor control Unit Inmefiotent fuel ot altitude, whic would be intdeatet Wy low pom ond Sets could inkoste an unsorvicesble barosotrie flow control unit on also would anibilty to receh mscaum rs pie GEEK 4 - Tachinotar Syston Eeploying « tochonstor indicator Imam to be securate, re-chocke tho renem If the fault oti poraiete, chosk the whens botwoon tha tnehonator Sniicetor a the tachanster generator for contimity, ansulation and scuurity of end connections. Should tho wring end connections be found satisfactory, change the (8) 10H wiouam n.. High mocimun yep con bo caugad by a fault in tho techonotor system or to the LP, fel pimp mximm speed governor requiring ajurtmant GW 1 - tachenetor Syston eploying a tachonater indtontor mom to be accurate, ro-ceok the repame If the fault still persists, chook the wistng bobwoon ‘tho tachomoter gouorator and tho tachonator for contimity, ineulation and eacurity of and connoetiens, Should tho wixing ond comections be fovtd aatiatectony, change tile techeneter gonaratory a. Soot Teme 3 G9OK 2 - Rate Re-sot Isctating Solensia ‘hock the operation of thy velve aa Jala dam in Porm 2, Check 2. G@BOK 5 = LP. Puck Pu Alter the satting of the Quel pump maximum sposd govemor serer to five the correct maximin ropem To effect a dacrease in maximin repeme tum tho adjusting serv anti-cleckise, The adjustaent ke extremly sonsitive, a frotion of a tam will give an oxpreciable Aifterence in rpam al oare musty therefore, be exercised when ony sAjustnant $8 boing mode. Should 1t be inpossitie to obtain the correct naxcimin reps oF oxoess throttle movement (refer to Tote, pares 7, Chock 3), change the fuel pump in accontance with Secticn 7 of these Instmctionat Noteae (9) Hwonwsrme BPs, |in unsteblo high pressure fuel pimp masimim apocd governcr, or an unserviceable barometric flow control unit, #22 result im sotunl ems fluctuntions, whereas a dafact in the tachamter ayston nay give eeratic tochomster readings, Leading to an errenecus ‘assunption of fctunting =p BOK 1 = Tochonoter Syetan (chook the tachenetor system ‘dotailed in Paras 8, Check 1. WOK 2 - Mul Pep TE the rope: fluctuations are evident omy st full throttle position, it can be aamuned that th fuel systan requires Tlceaings Open the Las fuel cook lever and renove the cop-rit fron tho blood point on th cover of the HP. fuel pimp governors Deproce the spring-Lesdad bell valve, and rotate tho engine until 9 AVll flow of fuel, free from nix, is obtained, Close the 1aPs fuel cook Lover and Toft and wirelock tho enp-rite ‘Ro-chook the repere and if it Sa oti} unaatiefectory, change the ‘vel pimp in socordance with Section 7 of these Instructional Totes wot 3 = Baresetrie Plow Control Unit Be Secte1by Taaue 3 sticking throttle control valves ange the baronetrie flow contol unit sm sogordance with Suction 7 of these Inateustionsl (Qo) mene 18 stow 90 soem (on eccoleration, the throttle valve 4s oponad to provide an Anoreatod fusl flow to tho engine; the demand Le passed by the sia/tiol otic control up to tho maximum pormd ttod by the moter ng plungor setting for tho provasing compressor delivery proseure (22). Tt will be soon, thorefere, tt a Blookod or Leaking P2 pressure pips, or ite comactions, will affect the delivery of fuel ond qut the aix/fuel ratio control out of equilibrium, with emultant undorfuslling and inofPielont ecolerations Beaming the unions of the P2 pressure pire for socurity, aml the Pipe for damage, particularly in positions eAjacont to the airorat stmictare where chafing could take plases If the P2 protsure Fine and anions have boa proved sorvicsable hangs tho ain/fuel ratio control in aocerdanee wits Section 7 of thosa Instructional Haters (2) Bone srs ou jocmenrice (UEK 1 = Ay/Puel Ratio Control on sooslstution, the throttle valve 4s opaned to provido an Snoreased fuel Flow to tho ewginss This inarease of fuel Foy faring ncosleration 18 controlled. entirely by the air/fuel ratio contrel. Thus, apart from n mechenioal failure in the engine, ‘the only enute of engine stalling would be a fart in tho ate/fsl ratio control, In this case the etsllwod be the rorult of the s/tuel ratio control allowing the delivery of more fuel, for particular compressor mats-flow, than is ante for stall-f200 toceleration, ‘Thorofere, Af the engine stills on secelaration ant Phone 48 na mine rather nat Faftira, hanes Hh e/a -20- Sect.h, Issue 3 (22) 10m, son on mvcrTIG OL prs Peforescar-ying out any of the undementioned checks, ensure that the of tank contains suffieiont oll for engine miming, Also sscortain that the of1 tank brosthar is not restricted, othorv 8 partial vanuum oan be erastad in the tank remlting én oi starvation at the oll pump. Given thot these conditions hare been sotisfiod it ean bo ssmunod that the fault ie in the oll pump oi the ll prosoure teananitter ayatons (QWOK 1. = 041 Pipes sours that the unions of the ofl pps etwamn the tank end the 12 rump, and botwaon tho pump and tho of] proasuro trenanttter, sro sooury ant fra from 2eake, iBoK 2 081 Fitters 46 the $1 f<2tors are dirty ct damaged the oil will be restricted with « rapultant low or erratic roading on the gmgee Clean the Liters sn aasordanes with Section 9 of there Instructional Hots BO 3 = G12 Fremurs Relief Vaive Danoge to the relief volvo apring, oF malfunctioning of the reliot valve plunger, will affect the prosmure of oi deliversa to the angina, Service the relief valve An sovontonce with Seaticn 9 of those Instructional Hotere GmEK 4 = 041 Prossure Gouge nove and check tho oslibmation of the ofl pressure giges 6 Found to be"unservicsahle, £1¢ « new gece GEEK 5 = 011 Pressure Transesttor (rock the wiring betmoen tho oil pressure trananitter and the ofl proseure gauge for centinity, insulation and sosurity of end ccomuctions; child this teat prove the wirine to be satiofactary, amcx 6 - 0:2 ramp If tho fault still porsists, ching the ell pump unit in socondanse with snstrueticns contained in Seotion 9 af these Instructions Notes Tesue 5 ‘Yieme (rRovosr) — msraverowsL wores sons 15 sismwarion go or ‘nie soction deals with the protection of the ongine under Long fo short term storage coniitions. Reference mist be made to ALF-MiTLy or to any overriding sdvanes information Lécflat, for current infomation concerning the protective materials to bo uted, and the extent of the work to be carriet cuts ‘tho fotowing trestments necesaitate the handling of inflammable fant tore materials, amd it Se omental that adequate precentions are taken agsinet fire isk anf dangor to persomels ‘Short Tem storage ‘ygines Which Gan Be Aun (2) once every 7 days prepare ad start the engine ss described sn (2) Ran the ngine for 5 mimtos ot grou idling. During this run, chook to enaute tha satisfactory finetioning of accessory oqsiznents (3) Inerease the engine apeod and run for a further ong mint st rexcimin contimiows pom to clear the anginos Bogines Wich Cansot Bo Hun Xf it ia not posaiblo to grocna man the ongine as raqutrod in the provtous parsgrath, the engine fel systen mst bo inhibited as describe 4n Section 7 within 48 hourd of the Lact ground rons An unsarvicectle ongine which camot be tamed is to have the ‘ust eystem componente renowil for separate trontuont; engines in this ‘ostegory aro to be ropetrod ant made srisuable a2 gen ae possible. Long Tom Storage Internal Proservaticn ‘ving to tho type of ofl weed for lubrication it is umecesssry to Andbit the sil eysten of tho ongins, but the Auel aysten must bo inhibited a2 datatled in Section 7. atemal Prosorvs pe Soote15, Tame 3 ‘The ongine 2 protectal extomally ty 9 mist preventative epplicd fengino 09 roLow + a @ o 0) @ o Thoroughy cleon the engine with white spirit. Beaming the parts protected ty cnamel for danage an eorrenion: ‘Ths corrosion must be removed and the damage made geod by o-enamelling, Ccovsr all rubber components, fire oxtinguisher spray holos and othor parte inkl to be sdvurscly affoctoa by the protorvativa ‘with grease proof poper held in position with adhesive tapos Rasure thst the alhosive tape does not foul the fixe oxtinguisher laprey holes, or ie in a posttion to mun into then under the influence of heat. Fit blanks to aisconoctod pipe connections. ‘Treat the eybericsl engine mountings with D.luGy Nos6 (coltehdal eraphite ond saetons). ‘Speny the exterior of the engine, excluding the combustion chanber, ‘with two coats of rust proventative Fa, the second coat mst be syplicd not Leas than 6 hours after the first.

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