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Muhamamd Sibtain Haider

Roll No. BM678367

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for

B.Ed. (1.5 Year) Program in ___________________
At _______________ Department name

09, 2018
 Muhamamd Sibtain Haider, 2018

Faculty of Education

Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad


The research project attached hereto, titled “Effects of bilingual education at secondary
level in Pakistan” Proposed and submitted by Muhammad Sibtain Haider Roll No.
BM678367 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B.Ed. (1.5 year) is
hereby accepted.

Supervisor: ________________________(Signature)

Evaluator: ________________________(Signature)

Dated: _________________


I Muhammad Sibtain Haider Son of Muhammad Ajmal Khan

Roll No. BM678367 Registration # 17-PKL-01646
A secondary student of B.Ed. (1.5 year) programme at Allama Iqbal Open University do
hereby solemnly declare that the research project Entitled “Effects of bilingual
education at secondary level in Pakistan” submitted by me in partial fulfillment of
B.Ed. (1.5 year) programme, is my original work, and has not been submitted or
published earlier. I also solemnly declare that it shall not, in future, be submitted by me
for obtaining any other degree from this or any other university or institution.

I also understand that if evidence of plagiarism is found in my thesis/dissertation

at any stage, even after the award of a degree, the work may be cancelled and the degree


Date:______________ Signature of
Name of Candidate


This research thesis may not have been accomplished if not for the helped from The
Allah Almighty. I would like to thank to my supervisor for her guidance, suggestion and
improvement throughout its completion. She kept me focused and provided
encouragement throughout the thesis.
I want to thanks to my Parents, friend, colleagues and data provider. Without their
support and prayer I was unable to do this.

Research Project Submission Approval Form

(To Be Attached with Research Project)

Research Project entitled “Effects of bilingual education at secondary level in

Pakistan” Submitted by Muhammad Sibtain Haider Roll No. BM678367
Registration No. 17-PKL-01646 Programme B.Ed. (1.5 Year) has been read by me and
has been found to be satisfactory regarding its quality, content, language, format,
citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and thus fulfils the qualitative
requirements of this study. It is ready for submission to Allama Iqbal Open University
for evaluation.

Name of Supervisor

Date:__________________ _____________________________
(Day-Month-Year) Signature of Supervisor


Any country’s most dynamic asset is refined people serving and participating in

development of country. That means that teaching is the key factor of country’s

development and prosperity. This education may be uni lingual, bilingual or multilingual

according to the need of country. Societies like Pakistan need special focus on language

of teaching. Right now its bilingual concept is implemented throughout Pakistan. This

research article aim to explore how bilingual education system at secondary level in

Pakistan effects the level of education. It also aim to investigate if system is implemented

throughout country how can resources be allocated and can this system effectively be

applied and run in a civilization like Pakistan. This research explored the need of the

training on different subjects and importance of education in English as well as local

language for the better understanding of secondary school students. The model opted for

research is qualitative and the research showed that the way of bilingual education system

is more smooth than single language that may be English or Urdu or regional language.

Key word

Education, Bilingualism, Pakistan


Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1...................................................................................................................................9
Statement of the Problem..............................................................................................................10
Objective of the study...................................................................................................................10
Research Questions.......................................................................................................................11
Significance of the Study..............................................................................................................12
CHAPTER 2.................................................................................................................................13
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE....................................................................................13
CHAPTER 3.................................................................................................................................18
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................18
Type of research.......................................................................................................................22
Sample and sampling techniques..............................................................................................22
Research instrument..................................................................................................................23
Validity and reliability of research instrument..........................................................................23
Data collection Procedure.........................................................................................................24
Chapter 04....................................................................................................................................25
Data Analysis and Interpretation..................................................................................................25
Chapter 05....................................................................................................................................26
Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations..............................................................26


Table of Figures

Table 1.1 languages spoken in Pakistan..........................................................................................9




Pakistan has Urdu as national language whereas English and Urdu both use as official

language. Additionally when move to its province each province have its regional

language as sub official language. Here is overview of spoken languages in Pakistan.

Language Spoken languages

Urdu 8%
English 49%
Punjabi 45
Pushto 15
Sindhi 12
Balochi 3.6
Saraiki 10
Table 1.1 languages spoken in Pakistan

English which is allowed language of Pakistan and being used within government and

non-government institutions. Several schools, universities and institutes use English as

medium of instruction along with regional/Urdu language. Mostly English is used for

written and instrcutions are declared in urdu or regional language that can understand

easily. Several other languages like Saraiki, Punjabi, Balochi, barohi and Kashmiri

several more spoken in respective area. Pakistan is rich in languages where all languages

absorb in Urdu. Its time to decide which language is use as medium of teaching so that

secondary students easily understand and interpret it. Every area has it alive and

culturally rich language which make this decision difficult. Most languages are derived

from Arabic or Persian but now they are very much different from their progress time


Right now, in Pakistan, English is supported by Urdu in government schools as medium

of teaching. Most private school use English only as teaching medium. From the table

above not every child in school can understand either English or Urdu. Their mother

tongue may be some other regional language so English and Urdu become third language.

So its difficult for them to understand the comprehension, grammar and other basic

concepts of language and thus lack of information reported. In this research we will

observe which language can be used as part of education.

Statement of the Problem

Pakistan has diverse language network which change its theme when move some

kilometers away. In this research report we will assess the system of teaching bilingual

education in Pakistan at secondary level.

Objective of the study

Pakistan is rich in literature and cultural inheritance. Right now two languages English

and urdu is used as teaching mode throughout Pakistan. In the private school the only

mode of teaching is English. Though they teach urdu as a subject but no more than this.

Where as in government schools entire education is delivered in English with the support

of urdu at secondary level. As cultural diversity secondary students came from different

language face difficulties to study in English or urdu. The receive education that is not

their mother tongue or spoken language.

Thus objective of the research is to

1. Evaluate the standard of teaching in English and Urdu medium at secondary level

2. Assess the feasibility of teaching in English and urdu along with regional

language at secondary level

Research Questions

On the basis of discussion above research question are:

1. Is it possible to launch bilingual education method at secondary level in Pakistan

2. Is it possible to implement and run bilingual education method at secondary level in



Haₒ: An education system can be proposed to use bi language education at secondary

level in Pakistan

Ha₁: An education system cannot be proposed to use bi language education at secondary

level in Pakistan

Hbₒ: it possible to implement and run bilingual education method at secondary level in


Hb₁: it difficult to implement and run bilingual education method at secondary level in


Significance of the Study

In Pakistan more than 70 languages are spoken which is example of rich cultural and

diverse nature of country. Regardless of education procedure that is developed in just two

languages i.e. English main language and Urdu as sported language. The secondary

students came from that diverse society and may or may not able to understand either one

or both of these instructional languages. Almost 90% population cant speak or understand

both languages properly. Research indicate that education that is served in native

language is far better than 2nd or 3rd language of secondary student. Because its take more

power and energy of secondary student to interpret languages and then memories.

This research will help educationist, policy maker and secondary students to understand

the barriers in bilingual education effectiveness.


This research is vast and diverse in nature. This study deals with only government school

of district. No attempt to make it generalized the result of study. It is specific to subject of



The opted schools are only 10 government schools in district for this study. No private

school, institute, academy or university is included in this research.




21st February a First mother language day was first declared in General conference of

UNESCO in November 1999. According to Koïchiro Matsuura language is not for

culture transfer, communication but it helps early age group to understand, tolerate and

respect each other.

In world’s 200 countries most of them have officially bilingual or multilingual but mere

handful recognizing more than two official language. It is also considered that the ratio of

mono lingual population is few that bilingual or multilingual in world. In addition there

are more secondary student who have been and continue education in their 2nd or 3rd

language of understanding. In several parts of world two or more languages are used as

mode of teaching to better deliver the concepts of education to meet the real life practices

(World Bank, 1995). The language can be use by several factors such as country

heterogeneity, social and religious obligations or the need of national identity.

Language development yet obvious but concerned with society norms, tradition and

cultures with specific speaking skills and codes. (Rubin and Jernudd ,1971).

After Pakistan Independence Urdu is declared as national language and as a symbol of

nationality. It is also identified that provisional languages need growth but not merely as

medium of instruction. Although provisional languages use as ‘tool for the propagation of

culture’. To keep the unity in country its decided to declare Urdu as mode of instruction

throughout country. At the same time it is also felt that English is common throughout the

country due to British rule. After partition this English instruction mode trend continued.

Though several governments did effort to continue urdu as official language but still

English survive. Not only survive but flourish in several parts of country rapidly. The

reason was most elite class like burucracy, army, politician and upper class use English as

mode of communication in habit of British time. It birth English medium schooling

concept. English is thought to be ladder of success and prosperity in life, job and security.

Effects of bilingualism

Several findings show negative effect of bilingual education system. but as far as

Pakistani societal, its difficult and hard to teach through out in English language. Mostly

students learning in government schools are from middle class or lower middle calsss

background who don’t study in English medium before secondary. Most of the student

speak regional language at home that might b Punjabi, sindhi, Pashto or Balochi and list

is very long. So its difficult to implement same negative theory at Pakistan education

system where student pay hard to get education. According to Federman (2000) learning

two or more language at early life make student cognitive ability strong and effect him




This research “effects of bilingual education at secondary level in Pakistan” lies within

the sphere of qualitative research model to explore. While working with secondary

schools of Pakistan teacher need special attention as its multi lingual society. According

to Strauss and corbin (1998, 17) quantitative research which produce findings which is

not only statistically proven but also quantified. It is also referred that research about

community shows how people live, behavior in certain circumstances, emotions and

feelings, social movement, culture and interaction among them. Thus in qualitative model

findings are not only statistically prove but also quantitatively verified. Many languages

in world have yet spoken, written and recorded. There is hardly any language which has

its initial codified or expended theory. Furthermore, initially there is hardly teachers who

are trained and have advanced education in language. These are issues highlighted by

World Bank (1995) in most reports and journals for priorities and strategies setting for

education development and advancemet. It is also described that initial mastery training

material is still unavailable for most languages. And those language who have history are

mostly disappear from world.

According to Tucker and Richard (1999) a number of important questions include are

what are level of students, parents, teachers and administrators in multi-language

understanding. The reports review is as belows


1. What are the specific or implicit goals for formal lingual education within the


2. Is there general satisfaction throughout the region with the extent of lingual

academic attainment by all participants ?

3. is that the region comparatively lingually and culturally undiversified or is it

heterogeneous, and however would bilingual education balance the linguistic

and cultural characteristics of the community?

4. will the region have a policy with relevance the role of language in

education, and the way would bilingual education match or not match with

this existing policy?

5. What priorities ar accorded to goals like the event of generally primarily

based purposeful skill, the worth of education for people who could for good

interrupt their schooling at AN early age, and therefore the power of

language to foster national identity and cohesiveness?

6. ar the language(s) elite for instruction written, codified, standardized, and


7. Is there a well-developed info for the varied levels/stages of formal

education-- that specifies fairly expressly a group of language ar then tied to

or illustrated by exemplary techniques, activities, and supported by written


8. ar enough core and reference materials on the market for lecturers and

secondary students within the language(s) of instruction? If not, ar there

trained people on the market WHO will prepare such materials.

9. ar there a enough variety of trained and intimate lecturers WHO ar fluent

speakers of the language(s) of instruction and WHO ar trained to show via

that language(s)?

Luis Enrique López (2000) said that BE schemes would be compelled to certify that

careful devotion is given a minimum of to the subsequent parts within the

implementation process: tongue linguistic elaboration sufficient because the main

educational language within areas varsity programme additionally on empower

secondary student happiness to subaltern societies normally and to native societies

specifically so as to bolster these secondary student’s confidens, self assurance and self

mangment Effective second pedagogy and learning created on the idea of the secondary

student’s tongue development, so as to organize them to perform with efficiency during a

society wherever currently a minimum of 2 if not 3 languages are needed; on this basis,

secondary student ought to even be given the chance to find out a further second

language progress ought to listen to various skills and knowledge associated with

language abities

Type of analysis

This qualitative analysis relies on associate informative approach involved with

subjective that means during a specific background. Qualitative analysis refers to the

ability to speak, pronounce and like term when talk about language. Experienced and

loyal researcher do this task easily and perfectly. Focus group discussions, interviews,

phone calls and audios are the back bone of qualitative analysis. This research is also

qualitative based to analyzed the way of teaching in bilingual system at secondary level

in Pakistan along with its effectiveness and long run ability to takeup.


There are fifty colleges subjects to analysis are in targeted district. All colleges are

government secondary colleges or government highschool in specific space.

Sample and sampling techniques

tThis study took sample of 5 schools along with 40 Teachers who teachers at secondary

level. The school are high school who have bilingual education system already

introduced. Teachers use to deliver lectures in English alog with Urdu or majority

understanding language. Teachers use to switch code between session to keep the interest

of students and for their better understanding. Thus these school represent the population


Research instrument

This study appearance into the vital problems regarding the event of communicative

ability of Urdu-English bilingual secondary student in Pakistan. Pakistan is a state where

English is presented as must learning language to be successful in society. To assess the

real situation teacher understand while delivering lessons and code switching two

questins are formed for the teachers to asked

1. What do you understand that delivering lesson in English along with Urdu is

better than only delivering in English or Urdu


2. If you keep code switching do students learn better than not switching

Validity and reliability of research instrument

The instrument is qualitative research questionaair which is pretested with 2 government

schools and 40 students of each school. On the issue raised during the pretest questionair

is improved and now its relaiable and valid for qualitative research

Data collection Procedure

The data is collected from both students and teachers. After a session in English/ Urdu

researcher asked question from students about understanding of lesson which delivered.

The other day lesson was delivered in two language that is English and majority

understanding language (Urdu/ regional language).

The same process done with teachers also. Teacher were requested to deliver session in

one language most probably English. The other day they were requested to deliver in two

language English along with Urdu/Regional language.

The research record the findings and calculations about

1. Number of Question asked by teachers

2. Number of answers by students

3. Understanding level of students

4. Teaching methodology interactive


Chapter 04

Data Analysis and Interpretation

After the collection of data, data is coded as it was qualitative data. All material which

include answers of the students, question asked by students during and end of session,

two days comparisons and recorded material is listen and read several times for clear and

perfect picture. All material is transcribed then coded and finally analyzed by researcher.

After the analysis four findings are obtained

1. What teacher think about teaching in mother language (regional language or


2. What teacher think while teaching in two language and how s/he feel about

teaching like that

3. Code switiching importance in class room at secondary language.

4. What teacher feel why is it important to switch code in class.

At the stage of analysis, all the collected data was read thoroughly and especially

questions, and answers to the questions. The digitally recorded interviews were

transcribed, coded, and then categories were developed from the interviews. These

categories helped-out the researchers to produce themes which later on facilitated data

analysis and then, finally conclusions were inferred on the basis of developed themes.

The following refrains emerged as the core of the discussions after the categorization


1. Teachers’ perception about the judicious use of mother tongue

2. Code-switching improves the teaching performance of the language teachers

3. Code-switching is a necessary technique in the classroom

4. Importance of knowing the reasons for code-switching in bilingual classroom

5. The interview is taken from 40 secondary teachers from rural and urban area

Gender Rural Urban

Male 26 26
Female 26 25
Total 52 51

Table 1: Teachers’ perception about the judicious use of mother tongue

  Frequency Percent

Valid SD 1 2%

D 6 10%
A 50 83%
SA 3 5%
Total 60 100%

Table 1 shows that 89 respondent agree with “Teachers’ perception about the judicious

use of mother tongue” while 5 respondent disagree with statement.


Table 2: Code-switching improves the teaching performance of the language teachers

  Frequency Percent
Valid SD 2 3%

D 6 10%
A 3 5%
SA 49 82%
Total 60 100%

Table 2 shows that 95 respondent agree with Code-switching improves the teaching

performance of the language teachers while 2 respondent disagree with statement.

Table 3: Code-switching is a necessary technique in the classroom


  Frequency Percent

Valid SD 3 5%

D 2 3%
A 3 5%
SA 52 87%
Total 60 100%

Table 3 shows that 93 respndent strongly agree with Code-switching is a necessary

technique in the classroom while 1 respondent is disagreed with statement.

Table 4: Importance of knowing the reasons for code-switching in bilingual classroom


  Frequency Percent

Valid SD 1 2%

D 5 8%
A 4 7%
SA 50 83%
Total 60 100%

Table 4 shows that 92 respondent agree with Importance of knowing the reasons for

code-switching in bilingual classroom while 5 disagreed with the statement.

While discussion it was also questioned from 50 respondent that do you want to teach in

English or Urdu at secondary level for the ease of students.

Graph 1: Teaching in English/Urdu is easy for secondary level students





15 Urdu


urban rural

Graph 1 represent the answers value. 30 respondents from urban were in favor of English

as mode of instruction to secondary level student while 10 were in favor of Urdu. 17

respondents from urban were in favor of English as mode of instruction to secondary

level student while 23 were in favor of Urdu.

Graph 2: Teachers who can speak English/ Urdu easily and switch language in class




speak english

15 speak urdu
switch language as

Urban Male Urban Female Rural Male Rural Female

This graph represents the answers value. 12 male respondent speak English while 8

respondent feel comfortable in speaking English in Urban where as. 8 male respondents

speak English while 7 respondents feel comfortable in speaking English in Rural Area.

7 respondent male feel comfortable in speaking Urdu in class while 4 respondent female

feel comfortable in speaking in urban. 9 respondent male feel comfortable in speaking

Urdu in class while 12 respondent female feel comfortable in speaking in urban.

20 males and 28 females from urban while 25 males and 21 females from rural feel

comfortable while switching languages in class.

Summary of Interviews

Focus group interviews reveal that the issues related to teachers’ perception about the

judicious use of mother tongue, code-switching improves the teaching performance of the

language teachers, Code-switching is a necessary technique in the classroom and

importance of knowing the reasons for code-switching in bilingual classroom. 90 %

respondents reveals the importance of teaching in mother language andthey feel student

understand easily in mother language. 89% respondent discuss how code-switching

improves the teaching performance of the language teachers. 97% respondent respond

that code-switching is a necessary technique in the classroom. 94% respondent know the

importance of knowing the reasons for code-switching in bilingual classroom

Chapter 05

Summary, Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations



The study “effects of bilingual education at secondary level in Pakistan” was undertake in

district Multan to find the issues related to bilingual education system. Secondary data

review shows that there are four major issues i.e. Teachers’ perception about the

judicious use of mother tongue, Code-switching improves the teaching performance of

the language teachers, Code-switching is a necessary technique in the classroom and

Importance of knowing the reasons for code-switching in bilingual classroom. The study

find these issues most related and a survey is designed on it which reveals that these

issues should be reported and solved so that student can get education in an easy manner

in Pakistan. Pakistan is culturely diversified and vast area. If a village has Punjabi as

mother toungue the next village may b some other form of Punjabi. So its very difficult

for students to understand concept at secondary level. Focus group interviews reveal that

the issues related to teachers’ perception about the judicious use of mother tongue, code-

switching improves the teaching performance of the language teachers, Code-switching is

a necessary technique in the classroom and importance of knowing the reasons for code-

switching in bilingual classroom. 90 % respondents reveal the importance of teaching in

mother language and they feel student understand easily in mother language. 89%

respondent discusses how code-switching improves the teaching performance of the

language teachers. 97% respondent responds that code-switching is a necessary technique

in the classroom. 94% respondent know the importance of knowing the reasons for code-

switching in bilingual classroom


 Table 1 shows that 89 respondent agree with “Teachers’ perception about the

judicious use of mother tongue” while 5 respondent disagree with statement.

 Table 2 shows that 95 respondent agree with Code-switching improves the

teaching performance of the language teachers while 2 respondent disagree with


 Table 3 shows that 93 respndent strongly agree with Code-switching is a

necessary technique in the classroom while 1 respondent is disagreed with


 Table 4 shows that 92 respondent agree with Importance of knowing the reasons

for code-switching in bilingual classroom while 5 disagreed with the statement.

 Focus group interviews reveal 90 % respondents reveals the importance of

teaching in mother language andthey feel student understand easily in mother


 Focus group interviews reveal 89% respondent discuss how code-switching

improves the teaching performance of the language teachers.

 Focus group interviews reveal 97% respondent respond that code-switching is a

necessary technique in the classroom.

 Focus group interviews reveal 94% respondent know the importance of knowing

the reasons for code-switching in bilingual classroom

 Graph 1 represent the answers value. 30 respondents from urban were in favor of

English as mode of instruction to secondary level student while 10 were in favor

of Urdu. 17 respondents from urban were in favor of English as mode of

instruction to secondary level student while 23 were in favor of Urdu.


 This graph represents the answers value. 12 male respondent speak English while

8 respondent feel comfortable in speaking English in Urban where as. 8 male

respondents speak English while 7 respondents feel comfortable in speaking

English in Rural Area. 7 respondent male feel comfortable in speaking Urdu in

class while 4 respondent female feel comfortable in speaking in urban. 9

respondent male feel comfortable in speaking Urdu in class while 12 respondent

female feel comfortable in speaking in urban. 20 males and 28 females from

urban while 25 males and 21 females from rural feel comfortable while switching

languages in class.


While looking literature review and findings it is concluded that

 Teachers want to use mother tongue in class

 Teacher feels that code-switching improves the teaching performance of the

language teachers

 Teachers understand that code-switching is a necessary technique in the


 Teacher know the importance of knowing the reasons for code-switching in

bilingual classroom

 Teacher wants to use English in Rural and urban area

 Teacher want to switch in codes for better understading of students.


It is recommended to allows teacher to


 Use mother language when and ever required

 Use code-switching to improves the teaching performance of the language


 use English in Rural and urban area


Dutcher, N (1994). The use of first and second languages in education: A review of

educational experience. Washington, DC: World Bank, East Asia & Pacific Region,

Country department III,

Kaplan, R.B. & Baldauf, R.B. Jr. (1997). Language planning: from Practice to theory.

(Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Luis Enrique López, & Wolfgang Küper (2000). Intercultural Bilingual education in

Latin America: Balance & Perspectives

Rubin, & Jernudd, B.H. Honolulu, (1971). The university press of Hawaii,

Rubin, J., & Jernudd, B.H. (1990). Introduction: Language planning as an element in

modernization. In can language be planned? (Ed.) J.

Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990).Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory

procedures and techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.,

Tucker, G. Richard. (1999).A global perspective on Bilingualism & Bilingual education:

ERIC Clearinghouse on languages & Linguistics, Washington: DC,

Word World Bank(1995). Priorities and strategies for education. Washington,

DC: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development


Semi –structured interviews

(For Teachers/Principals/ group of secondary school students)

Note: This semi-structured interview is being conducted to identify the teachers’ attitude

towards the implementation and use of code-switching in bilingual classroom discourse.

Age: __________________ Gender: _____________________________________

Qualification: ______________ Teaching Experience: _______________________

Institution: ____________________________________________________________

1. What is your Perception as a teacher about the judicious use of mother tongue





2. Do you think Code-switching improves the teaching performance of the language

teachers ?





3. How much is it important to use Code-switching technique in the classroom?






4. What do you think that how Important is knowing the reasons for code-switching

in bilingual classroom





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