Revista Países Bajos - Orientación y Vulnerabilidad

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Werken aan een toekomstperspectief voor

kansarme jongeren

Een Argentijnse
Gabriela Aisenson, Leandro Legaspi & Viviana Valenzuela

Het team Counseling and Guidance Psychology van de Universiteit van

Buenos Aires werkt al jaren aan de ontwikkeling van methoden voor de be-
geleiding van jonge mensen in kwetsbare sociale situaties. Denk aan tiener-
moeders, criminelen en daklozen. De ontwikkelde interventies zijn gebaseerd
op analyses van de levensomstandigheden en de diepe impact daarvan op
hun identiteit. Hoe beschouwen deze jongeren hun toekomst en hoe antici-
peren ze daarop? Gert van Brussel ontmoette de onderzoekers in Madrid op
de IAEVG-conferentie en nodigde ze uit de essentie van hun onderzoeks- en
ontwikkelactiviteiten te beschrijven.

62 LoopbaanVisie augustus 2017


In the current context of globalized societies, the on the results of our research that aim to respond to
aspiration of sustainable life path and securing the specific problems of these populations.
decent work set as essential objectives, although
it is difficult to reach at times. In the context of Typologies
increasingly precarious life paths, reflected in the From life path narratives we aim to understand
augment of poverty, indigence, unemployment the individual patterns that young people use to
and job insecurity, the following question is priority: interpret and give meaning to their life experiences,
How can interventions in guidance and counse- characterized by material conditions that hinder their
ling accompany the development of people's life personal development and limit them in achieving
paths, considering their institutional and community significant social involvement. The pathways of these
insertions, while keeping in mind the achievement of young people are marked by poverty and preca-
sustainable development and ensuring decent work riousness, tough family experiences, institutional
for all? Argentina's current outlook sets a discoura- and social violence, numerous discontinuities and
ging picture. The country is experiencing a complex ruptures in their environment, school failure and
period of changes at political, economic and cultural work difficulties. These circumstances have a deep
levels, which are expressed in the rise of social con- impact on their identity construction, and contribute
flicts and overall increased inequality. to how they give meaning to what happens to them,
and influence how they can anticipate the future in
Social vulnerability different ways, as an opportunity for openness or in-
The Counseling and Guidance Psychology team stead a situation involving repetition of old patterns
in the University of Buenos Aires has an extended and hopelessness.
trajectory of work concerning vulnerable populations
in three developed and articulated areas of academic
activity (under-graduate and postgraduate teaching,
These circumstances have a deep impact
research and services) that are connected to the
particular issues and challenges that people in our
on their identity construction
country face nowadays. Social vulnerability is one of
the problem areas in Argentina, a context in which
large groups of people engage in their occupational
and educational decision making and activities. This Our research results have allowed us to build typo-
circumstance reduces people’s possibilities and op- logies related to ways to consider and anticipate
portunities to actively participate in the social world. the future, with special stress in the constructive
outcomes that these anticipated futures can enable
In our work we have focused on groups of young young people to achieve. These typologies progres-
people in different vulnerable situations: discon- sively go from 1) a “Ruined future”, denied since
tinuous educational trajectories, homelessness, the beginning in their life stories; 2) the future
teenage motherhood and offenders of the legal as unimaginable, which translates into a “Day by
system. We also have worked with young people that day” way of living; 3) a future linked to hope and
participate in social inclusion programs like school or- change, as a “way to repair” their history; 4) “Step
chestras. We developed a program of work that stu- by step” future, considering it as a series of actions
dies the relationship between psychological factors that involve personal learning and changes that are
and social determinants, involved in the processes recognized by the subject as valuable, and taking to
of project development and identity construction. In the achievement of more decent insertions.
addition, we created intervention approaches based

LoopbaanVisie augustus 2017 63

Links FUTURE – IDENTITY CONSTRUCTION in the typologies


F: doing
F: non-
F: transformable / something
F: denied - IC: A inimaginable /
hope - IC: New different - IC:
poten/al lost/ a norma/ve
roles to iden/fy Meaning
waste projects - IC:
with Worthwile/
Personal Value


F: future; IC: identity construction

Figuur 1. Future life typologies of adolescents

Proper contexts The social stand “build projects for their future”
From Guidance and Counseling Psychology per- that is held from many social institutions in which
spective, it is a priority to investigate and create vulnerable individuals participate, may disqualify
approaches and interventions with the intention of and paralyze them. We can observe in young peo-
understanding and providing assistance to the most ple's stories how they try to comply with society’s
disadvantaged populations. This enables the deve- imposition of having to "build a project", which they
lopment of conceptual tools and specific approa- associate with being someone socially accepted
ches, needed in community work, to promote more and recognized. Many times they feel inadequate
successful integration of disadvantaged groups and and without resources to satisfy these demands,
in promoting social justice. It´s necessary to create but when they manage to distance themselves
proper contexts to help young individuals recover from others’ expectations and take charge of their
and value their personal and environmental resour- own stories, a creative new personal construction
ces. Also, principal objectives should be to make appears. From this experience, they can discover
critical reflections and considerations about the themselves as being day to day constructors of their
social representations of work, and denature certain own lives, capable of achieving things, and provi-
meanings that can perpetuate inequality and lack of ding a whole new range of possibilities. Accordingly,
opportunities. It is also necessary for the counselors we accompany the construction of their life stories
to adopt an analytical stance to their practices. It is and projects, with the purpose of creating new pos-
noted that, even from well-intentioned ideas, certain sibilities for insertion focused on decent work.
practices, far from accompanying in building sus-
tainable trajectories, actually block the possibility of Social inclusion
constructing validating narratives of personal stories. In the context of 21st century guidance and counse-

64 LoopbaanVisie augustus 2017

ling practices general objectives, we aim to help visible to conference participants from other regions
people develop a strong and positive sense of them- of the world.
selves, and develop anticipations of the future that
allow a satisfactory social inclusion. We recognize Nawoord Gert van Brussel
that, in recent years, these issues are also part of Argentinië en Nederland zijn op het eerste gezicht
many countries' agendas. In our country, we have moeilijk te vergelijken. Er zijn grote culturele en
been working on these issues for more than three sociaal-economische verschillen. Het publieke debat
decades, with a tradition of research and practices wordt in ons land momenteel vooral bepaald door
that studies and tries to help those who need it the zaken als klimaatverandering, migratie, Europese
most. Furthermore, in Latin America, as has been (de)stabilisering, et cetera. Argentijnen hebben
seen in the Congress of the International Association vandaag andere zaken aan hun hoofd. Maar toch
of Educational and Professional Orientation (AIOEP) hebben wij ook onze criminaliserende jeugd. Zo
2016, there are developments that can certainly verscheen zaterdag 11 juni een onthullend artikel:
contribute to these objectives, related to the XXI ‘Criminelen op het schoolplein’. Voor collega's werk-
century guidance and counseling practices. Our zaam in het onderwijs niets nieuws, voor mij toch
participation in the Congress, has enabled us to een eye-opener. Verschillen, maar zeker ook overeen-
transmit, share and discuss experiences, research komsten dus. We kunnen de nodige inspiratie halen
and theoretical conceptions with Latin American uit het engagement van de Argentijnse onderzoe-
colleagues, and has made our contributions more kers en leren van hun ervaringen en benadering van
kansarme jongeren. ■

Gabriela Aisenson, Ph.D in Psychology. University of Buenos Aires -

CNAM Paris. Buenos Aires Argentina. Conceil de direction UNESCO
chair of Life Long Guidance and Counseling

Leandro Legaspi, Lic. in Psychology. Mg in Educational Psycho-

logy. University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Co-director of research.
Professor in under-grated and post-grated area of Vocational and
Gabriela, Viviana en Leandro Occupational Counseling and Guidance.

Viviana Valenzuela, Lic. In Psychology. Ph.D scholarship- University of

Buenos Aires, Argentina. Professor in under-grated and post-grated
area of Vocational and Occupational Counseling and Guidance.

LoopbaanVisie augustus 2017 65



1 dag | 4 sprekers | 1000 vakgenoten!

Thema: Verbinden!


66 LoopbaanVisie augustus 2017

KANTELING Hoofdartikel

In gesprek met Liesbeth Kramer, Congrescommissie

‘Verbinding’ als hoofdthema, waar moeten we aan denken?
“Verbinding staat voor ontmoeten, met elkaar in gesprek gaan, met delen waar we aan werken, met van
elkaar weten wat ons drijft. Verbinding binnen de vereniging, maar ook daarbuiten. Noloc speelt een verbin-
dende rol tussen loopbaanontwikkeling, jobcoaching en onderwijs. En zet ook nadrukkelijk in op samenwer-
king met HR-management binnen organisaties. Verbinding staat voor deze dag, een inspirerende, motive-
rende, verdiepende en vooral gezellige dag waarbij zo’n 1000 vakgenoten elkaar ontmoeten.”

Hoe is de dag opgebouwd?

“Om deze dag vakkundig aan elkaar te praten kunnen we rekenen op de verbindende kracht van onze
dagvoorzitter Anouschka Laheij. Dit jaar is het programma verdeeld in 4 themablokken met plenaire
sprekers. Tijdens de ochtend gaan Jitske Kramer en Kim Spinder respectievelijk in op de thema’s Verbinden
en Verbeelden. De thema’s Verkennen en Verwonderen komen in de middag aan bod en worden gepresen-
teerd door Ans de Vos en Jaap Bressers. Direct na de lunch zal Aaltje Vincent haar nieuwe boek Jobmarketing
3.0 lanceren en presenteren. Gedurende alle pauzes, de lunch en de borrel na het middagprogramma is er
volop ruimte om te ontmoeten en om de diverse inspirerende exposanten te bezoeken. Ook dit jaar hebben
de exposanten diverse aanbiedingen, activiteiten en demonstraties op hun stands.”

Voor wie is het Loopbaancongres bedoeld?

“Voor iedereen die met carrières en het loopbaanvak te maken heeft. We hebben een afwisselend en voor
iedereen aansprekend programma samengesteld, van student tot senior loopbaanadviseur, HRM’ers en
jobcoaches. Er is veel relevante informatie over actuele ontwikkelingen te krijgen en je kunt er nieuwe
inspiratie en contacten opdoen. We zijn trots dat we mooie sprekers en goede exposanten hebben en onze
vakgenoten volop ruimte bieden om te verbinden en te netwerken.”

Utrecht als locatie?

“Het Noloc Loopbaancongres 2017 vindt dit jaar op dinsdag 14 november plaats in het Beatrix Theater in
Utrecht. Een toplocatie, centraal gelegen en uitstekend bereikbaar. Alle ruimte voor onze ambitie om voor
het eerst meer dan 1.000 vakgenoten te mogen ontmoeten, met wie we het evenement tot een groot succes
gaan maken!”

Nieuwsgierig geworden? Kijk op

Tot 1 september kun je nog gebruik maken van de vroegboekkorting!

Tot dinsdag 14 november 2017 in het Beatrixtheater!

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