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International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, June 2015

ISSN: 2395-3470


Ahmed Lawal1, Richard Chukwu Ogbu2

Computer Science Department

Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namoda
Zamfara State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT E-commerce and the internet, if correctly

utilized for development, can be instruments
The ability of the internet to bring together for ensuring future sustainable economic
distant parts of the world in a global growth [1]. Throughout the world, the
electronic market place and information profound impact of electronic commerce in
exchange has a far-reaching and potentially the economics and societies of the glob will
beneficial impact on the developing no doubt improve economic efficiency,
economies like Nigeria. These have competitiveness, and profitability (for those
facilitated a dramatic increase in the volume engaging in e-commerce) and, therefore
of trade and economic information available result in the development of the information
on-line. The overall level of electronic society. E-commerce and the new emerging
commerce, or business transaction digital technologies and services can be
conducted via internet from 1999 to 2013, tools for development and help improve the
was impressive and growing exponentially. livelihood of millions across the globe, by
This paper examines the challenges that is linking up remote regions and bringing
hampering the growth of e-commerce in together scientist, administrators
Nigeria, it will equally survey the development professionals, managers, and
opportunities offered by ecommerce. Lastly people into projects and programmes to
it will offer solution on how some of these promote economic and social development.
critical challenges will be overcome, so that
e-commerce would become an asset for The general category of e-commerce can be
common man in Nigeria. broken down into two parts [2].
1. E-merchadise: selling goods and
services electronically and moving items
INTRODUCTION through distribution channels, for example
through internet shopping for groceries,
E-commerce, is more than just electronics tickets, music, cloths, hardware, travel,
and commerce added together. It represents book, flower or gifts.
an entirely new way of doing business over
a medium that changes the very rules of 2. E-finance: banking, debit cards, smart
doing business. It is therefore, far more cards, banking machines, telephone and
about strategy and business management internet banking, insurance, financial service
than it is about technology. and mortgages on-line.

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, May 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470

Farooq Ahmed [3] reported that the it as business occurring over network which
enormous flexibility of the internet has made use nonproprietary protocols that are
possible what is popularly called e- established through an open standard setting
commerce, which has made inroads in the process such as the internet [5]. This
traditional method of business management. definition distinguishes it from electronic
All facets the business tradition with which data interchanges (EDI) type proprietary
we are accustomed in physical environment based networks or intranets that were not
can be now executed over the internet based on an open (and therefore, not cost
including online advertising, online effective information infrastructure) like the
ordering, publishing, banking, investment, internet. In the WTO work programme on
auction and professional services. electronic commerce, it is understood to
mean the production, distribution,
E-commerce involves conducting business marketing, sales or delivery of goods and
using modern communication instrument: services by electronic means. A commercial
telephone, fax, e-payment, money transfer transaction can be divided into three main
systems, e-data inter-change and the stages; the advertising and searching stage,
internet. the ordering and payment stage and the
E-commerce is not only a new technology delivery stage. Any or all of these may be
carried out electronically and may,
and a new frontier for global business and
trade, it is also still evolving. It is essential, therefore, be covered by the concept of
electronic commerce. Broadly defines
therefore for Nigerians to understand in
detail what is e-commerce, what are their electronic commerce encompasses all kinds
of commercial transaction that are
challenges, and opportunities it holds, lastly
what can be done to harness the benefits concluded over an electronic medium or
network, essentially, the internet. E-
from e-commerce, this paper endeavour to
commerce covers three main type of
answer the above question. Part 2 provide
transactions, i.e business to consumer (B2C)
definition of e-commerce part 3, growth of
business to business (B2B) and business to
e-commerce in Nigeria, part 4, status of e-
government (B2G).
commerce in Nigeria, part 5, discusses the
challenges and the prospect of ecommerce in E-commerce is not limited to the purchase
Nigeria. Part 6 offers suggestions on how to of a product, it include, beside e-mail and
promote the growth of e-commerce in other communication plate form, all
Nigeria. information or services that a company may
offer to its customers over the Net, from pre-
purchase information to after sale service
It is important to elaborate on the definitions and support. These are essentially two major
of e-commerce as that will help determine uses of e-commerce. The first is to use it to
the scope of the technology. E-commerce reduce transaction cost by increasing
has been simply defined as conducting efficiency in the use of both time and
business on-line. The organization for procedure [6], and thus lowing cost. The
economic cooperation and development other is to use it both as a marketing tool to
(OECD) defines electronic commerce as a increase sales (and customer services) as
new way of conducting business, qualifying well as to create new business through it for

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, May 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470

example, information technology enabled institutions in Nigera, a Nigerian IT

business, call-centers, software maintenance solutions provider is already in partnership
services etc. It is thus a tool for both existing with SAS of South Africa to introduce an
business as well as an opportunity for new anti-money laundering solution for the
business, both for existing companies as financial service instutions (Chibueze,
well as for new entrants. E commerce 2006).
provides consumers the ability to bank,
invest, purchase, distribute, communicate, ii. IT Policy
explore, and research from virtually
anywhere an Internet connection can be The Nigeria National IT policy, formulated
obtained [7]. in the year 2000 is responsible for the
monumental developments in the sector. The
vision is to make Nigeria an IT capable
GROWTH OF E-COMMERCE IN country in Africa and a key player in the
NIGERIA information society. Its primary mission is
The following are some of the major efforts to "Use IT" for: education; creation of
made by the Nigerian government to foster wealth; poverty eradication; job creation;
the development of e-commerce in Nigeria governance; health; agriculture; etc. (Ajayi,
[5]: 2005). However, during the year 2006,
Nigeria was reported as the fastest growing
Telecoms nation in Africa.
i. Legislative Efforts

Government had instituted a number of iii. On-Going ICT Projects

regulatory measures to sanitize the finance a. The Mobile Internet Units
sector of the economy, such as: the (MIUs)
Independent Corrupt Practices Commission
These include busses equipped with
(ICPC) Act of 1999; the National Drug Law
Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Act of ICT facilities such as PCs, peripheral
devices and VSATs which are used
1989; the Failed Bank (recovery of debt and
financial malpractice of banks) Act of 1994; to carry ICT education to rural areas.
and the Money Laundering Act of 1995.
They were set up to check the tide of b. The WIN Project
fraudulent practices in the country with a
view to laundering the image of the country This project is tagged "Wire
before the international community and Nigeria". It was intended to provide
within. The other bodies constituted to ICT infrastructure to all the nooks
check the menace of fraud are: the National and crannies of the country. The
Cybercrime Working Group (NCWG); and project includes the provision of
the Economic and Financial Crimes VSAT to the 774 local governments
Commission (EFCC) among others (Ezeoha, in the country, and the installation of
2006b). the necessary infrastructures
As part of the efforts to curb the tide of particularly, fibre optic backbone
fraudulent practices in the financial across the nation.

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, May 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470

c. The E-Government Project commerce before, but only 32% had used it.
This shows that, only a very small
This is part of the civil service percentage of the sample surveyed actually
reforms which was designed to make used e-commerce (about 22%) and is
the Nigerian civil service proactive evident in most researches done on e-
and respond quickly to the needs of commerce adoption in Nigeria. In order to
the general populace. The project is a understand reasons behind the low
joint initiative between the public percentage of e-commerce users, Ajayi et al.
and private sector operators under (2008:6) identify common e-commerce
the aegis of National e-Government activities among users in Nigeria as products
Strategies Limited (NeGST) and the browsing (74%), products selection (56%),
National Information Technology online payment (15%), offline payment
Development Agency (NITDA). The (82%), checking results online (43%). From
project was designed to reduce the these percentages it is obvious that though
bureaucracy that attends to consumers were interested in shopping
government businesses in the online (by browsing online and selecting
country through the introduction of products), only a handful were actually
e-tax, e-learning, e-traffic, e- making online payments (Ajayi et al., 2008).
procurement, e-pricing, e-mail, e- This low level of adoption of e-commerce in
tourism, e-payment, e-revenue, e- Nigeria has been attributed to various factors
legislation, e-policing, e-judiciary, e- by previous researchers. Folorunso et al.
health, e-agriculture, e-services, e- (2006:2224) identifies factors affecting the
kiosk, e-buka etc (Soun, 2004). adoption of e-commerce in Nigeria as
“establishing cost, accessibility, privacy and
E-COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT IN confidentiality, data security, network
NIGERIA reliability, credit card threat, authenticity,
[6] Despite the global popularity and growth citizen’s income and education”. Data
of e-commerce, developing countries like security and citizen’s income were
Nigeria, seem to be lagging behind. As a concluded to be the major factors impeding
developing country, ICT is growing the adoption of e-commerce in Nigeria. Ayo
gradually in Nigeria, with Internet users (2006:2) also identifies the issue of cyber-
making up 16.1% of the total population crime as a major factor responsible for the
(Internet World Stats, 2009). This shows a low level of e-commerce implementation in
considerable increase compared to users in Nigeria. Ayo et al. (2008:2) state that
2006 (3.1% of total population). With more “Internet penetration is still abysmally low
people becoming computer literate and open and is one of the major threats to e-
to adopting ICT usage, e-commerce is commerce implementation” in the country.
gradually gaining popularity among many Other factors identified in previous studies
Nigerians. include substandard online payment
However, previous studies have shown that methods, lack of trust in web retailers, poor
e-commerce has not been fully adopted in technological infrastructures, and fear of
the country. A study by Folorunso et al. inadequate security in online environments
(2006:2226) shows that 70% of the (Adeyeye, 2008; Ajayi et al. 2008; Ayo et
respondents surveyed had heard about e- al., 2008; Adeshina and Ayo, 2010).

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, May 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470

It is however, noteworthy to state that • Unable to Examine Products

although these factors exist, one aspect of e- Personally
commerce that has been widely accepted by • Online Purchasing Security
the Nigerian population is the use of e- For the Business
banking and payment systems. Nigerians • Hardware and Software
engage in online banking (money transfers • Maintenance of Website
between accounts, obtaining bank • Costs
statements, paying bills such as electricity, • Website Stickiness and Customer
water, etc) because it offers quicker and Loyalty
more convenient delivery of banking • Training and Maintenance.
services to customers as opposed to physical
banking. However, these customers are
exposed to various forms of cyber crimes
when transacting online (Egwali, 2009). In There are a number of issues affecting e-
addition to substandard payment methods commerce which are [5]:
and insecurity, the growth of e-commerce 1. Taxation
activities such as Internet banking in Nigeria 2. Security
has been inhibited by insufficient 3. Privacy
telecommunication facilities and erratic 4. Profitability
electric supply (Ayo et al., 2008:4). 5. Content
All these factors mentioned, discourage 6. Participation in new international
most people from fully adopting and using standards development
e-commerce, thereby hindering the
development of e-commerce in Nigeria. The main reasons that are cited for the low
These factors can also be considered to be penetration of ecommerce in Nigeria [6].
environmental factors that influence people • The high cost of shipping goods to
studied in that particular environment Nigeria
(Nigeria). • The relatively low credit card
penetration combined with
ADVANTAGES OF E-COMMERCE relatively low personal
The following advantages and disadvantages computer penetration.
of e-commerce[5]. • Residual distrust among Nigerians
For Consumers to do online shopping in a society
• Reduced Prices where cash is king.
• Global Marketplace • Unreliable ʻlast-mileʼ delivery.
• 24 Hour Access
• Increased Potential Market Share The uptake of e-commerce is influenced by
• Low-Cost Advertising its potential to create business value and by
• Low Barriers to Entries awareness of its participants of the potential
benefits (Salnoske, 1997)[9]. A major
DISADVANTAGES OF E-COMMERCE reason for most companies, irrespective of
For the Consumer size, to participate in business is to extract
some benefit from it. E-commerce is no
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, May 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470

different. The benefits of e-commerce 1999)

identified from the current literature are
classified in two main categories - tangible Competitive (Kalakota et al. 1999;
and intangible. Table 1 presents the key advantage Hoffman et al. 1999;
benefits as described in the literature. Straub, 2000; Kare-
Silver, 1998)
The benefits of ecommerce as identified by Convenient (Hannon, 1998;
[8] are as follows: shopping Winner, 1997)
Tangible benefits
Business efficiency (Fraser et al. 2000;
Lee 2001; Riggins, CONCLUSION
Many companies, organizations and
Increased (Fraser et al. 2000; communities in Nigeria are beginning to
automation of Dan et al, 2001). take advantages of the opportunities offered
processes by e – commerce, critical challenges remain
Transformation of (Fraser et al. 2000) . to be overcome before e – commerce would
traditional market become an asset for a common man in
chain Nigeria. Challenges like, consumer’s
Retained and (Fraser et al. 2000; confusion, apprehension and risk need to be
expanded customer Rahul, Biju and identified, understood and alleviated.
base Abraham 2001; E – Commerce provides tremendous
Turban, et al, 2000). opportunities in different areas but it
requires careful application for consumer
Reduced operation (Kent and Lee, 1999; issues.
costs Grover and
2000; Kare-Silver,
1998; Fergusson,
Acquisition of a Riggins, 1999; Rahul [1] International Labour Organization
niche market et al. 2001) (1999), Human Resource Implication
Of Globalization and Restructuring
in Commerce, ILO, Geneva.
Intangible [2] Elizabeth Goldsmith and Sue L. T.
Benefits McGregor (2000); E- Commerce:
Enhancing well- (Whinston et al. consumer protection issues and
being and education 1997; Lee 2001) implementations for research and
of customers education; J Consumer Studies &
Consumer loyalty (Lee 2001; Hoffman Home Economics, Vol. (24)2, 2000,
et al. 1999; Coulson, pp 124 – 127

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, May 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470

[3] Farooq Ahmed (2001); Electronic

Commerce: An Indian Perspective;
International Journal of Law and
Information Technology; Vol. (9)2,
2001, pp 133 – 170
[4] OECD (1999), The economic and
Social Impacts of Electronic
Commerce: Preliminary Findings
and Research Agenda, OECD, Paris.
[5] Dr. Zeinab Mohamed El Gawady
International Conference of
Globalization , Technology and
Sustainable Development , United
Arab Emirates University, World
Association for sustainable
Development , Al Ain , UAE, 21-32
November 2005.
[6] TillaberiMobile 2011
[7] ALLEY, VIVIAN M. September
2010 The University Of Sheffield
[8] Joze Kuzic, Julie Fisher, Angela
Scollary Electronic Commerce
Benefits, Challenges And Success
Factors In The Australian Banking
And Finance Industry, Ecis 2002 •
June 6–8, Gdańsk, Poland
[9] The Prospects of E-Commerce
Implementation in Nigeria Journal of
Internet Banking and Commerce,
December 2006, vol. 11, no.3


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