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SPE 94352

Case History Evaluation of RPMs on Conform Fracturing Applications

J.A.C.M. dos Santos, Petrobras; R.C.B. de Melo, SPE, and G. Di Lullo, SPE, BJ Services

Copyright 2005, Society of Petroleum Engineers

conformance fracture techniques could significantly impact
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Latin American and Caribbean the development strategies of many fields worldwide.
Petroleum Engineering Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20 – 23 June 2005.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at Water cuts in oil producing wells continue increasing as time
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
passes and oil fields mature. The source of the water can be
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is either formation or injected water used for reservoir pressure
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous maintenance. Limited reservoir thickness, excessive pressure
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
drawdown, high water/oil mobility ratios and reservoir
heterogeneities can cause water channeling through high
Abstract permeability streaks, hairline fractures and/or near-wellbore
water coning early in the well's productive life. However,
Actual worldwide oil production averages some mobility is not the only factor. Wettability effects caused by
75 million barrels per day and, while estimates vary, this is heavy oil deposition, or capillarity effects caused by depletion
associated with the production of 300 – 400 million barrels of such as trapped condensate, can also compound the problem.
water per day. These values of approximately 5 – 6 barrels of Many reservoirs may not prove commercial without proper
water for every barrel of oil are quite conservative. In some stimulation treatments. These may include dirty sandstones,
areas around the world, fields remain on production when the lower permeability layered formations in water drive
ratio is as high as 50 to 1. reservoirs and/or with nearby water zones.
Water production causes several problems to oil Sandstone acidising is usually a damage removal exercise
wells such as scaling, fines migration or sandface failure, and, at best, can produce only about 1.4 folds production
corrosion of tubular, and kills wells by hydrostatic loading, increase in undamaged formations.
amongst other things. Thus, while water production is an Radial, matrix conformance treatments in these types of
inevitable consequence of oil production, it is usually wells are not a commercial option due to the treatment cost
desirable to defer its onset, or its rise, for as long as possible. and limited production potential, so many of these zones are
Numerous strategies, both mechanical and never produced around the world and a substantial volume of
chemical, have been employed over the years in attempts to oil is left behind.
achieve this. Simple shut-off techniques using cement, So far, we have discussed matrix-type treatments, since
mechanical plugs and cross-linked gels have been widely hydraulic fracturing stimulation treatments have traditionally
used. Exotic materials such as DPR (disproportionate been designed to avoid water zones, at all costs. A typical
permeability reducers) and the new generation of relative result has been to end up with a water producer after the
permeability modifiers (RPM) have been applied in matrix fracturing attempt, because the high-conductivity propped
treatments with varying degrees of success. Most recently, fracture reached the wet zone (analogous to having a high
Conformance Fracturing operations have increased vertical permeability), and also to the unfavorable water/oil
substantially in mature fields as the synergistic effect obtained mobility ratio.
by adding a RPM to a fracturing fluid have produced As we have not yet mastered fracturing design or its
increased oil production with reduced water cut in one step, execution to effectively control and restrict fracture height
consequently eliminating the cost of additional water shut off growth, the fracture stimulation technique has not been a valid
treatment later on. option for these marginal reservoirs and again, a substantial
This paper is an evaluation of various RPM materials volume of oil has been left behind.
commonly used on Conformance Fracturing treatments Since both treatments (conformance and fracturing) are
performed in the northeast of Brazil and other South American required, a unique and cost effective solution will be to
countries, rather than the usual laboratory testing methods and perform them simultaneously. In this scenario the only cost
theoretical estimations. The paper also describes the technical associated to the conformance treatment would be the
design and operational methodology to treat single zone to materials themselves.
laminated reservoirs with different mobility ratios. We believe
2 SPE 94352

Conformance-Fracture Concept closure. Usually, the water saturated zone, is below the
productive zone and proppant settling benefits water
A water conformance fracture treatment must provide a return production, as the more conductive section of the fracture is
on investment over its useful life. If the well is marginal or closer to the water-saturated zone.
damaged, it must be stimulated anyway (at least to an Unfortunately, the relatively high cost of VAS fracturing
undamaged state), if water zones are near by, then the fluid systems could prohibit their use in some marginal wells.
fracturing fluid becomes the cost effective carrier for the Therefore our choice is often limited to the use of neutral to
conformance material. higher pH, polymer based fracturing fluids. Low polymer
From all types of materials available today for radial fracturing fluids (concentration below 20 ppt) are
conformance treatments, the only types that do not produce recommended in very low permeability formations and
damage to the oil zones and that can be injected under high conventional fracturing fluids (concentration above 25 ppt)
shear (pressure and rate) are the Relative Permeability can be used in medium to high permeability formations. In
Modifiers (RPMs). Therefore, these become the obvious actual fact, as the added RPM material improves the efficiency
choice and the ones that are chemically compatible with the of the fracturing fluid, lower polymer concentrations than are
selected fracturing fluid can then be used. customarily employed can be used. Indeed from all the
The addition of an RPM to the fracturing fluid, will create “conformance fracture treatments” done in South America,
a resistance to water flow in the fracture fluid filtrate-invaded only one had a premature screen out. However, with polymer-
region on either side of the fracture faces, and also (even based fluids, to prevent proppant settling during fracture
though not so important), inside the proppant pack itself. This closure, it is recommended to apply the “forced closure”
resistance will act against the high proppant conductivity to technique (bleed off treating pressure immediately after
the wet zone and the usually higher water mobility. Assuming pumping end) or to use ultra-light weight proppants (specific
the RPM achieves a high NFRR (normalized fluid resistance gravity below 1.75).
ratio, reference 3), the net effect on oil productivity would be In our field trials we used three different fracturing fluids:
an increase. As a consequence, a conformance-fracture a VAS fluid, as described in reference 2, 3 and 4, and two
technique is a method of selectively stimulating a well. Oil polymer based fluids (guar gum), where the only difference
productivity is selectively increased, while water productivity between them is the replacement of a cost effective mono-
is selectively decreased or maintained constant. borate cross linker with a more exotic and expensive
Some will wonder how such a reduced RPM penetration organoborate complex. In both cases, enzyme breakers were
could impair or reduce water flow. The answer is simple, first used to break the fluid viscosity and destroy polymer residues.
the fracturing treatment reduces the drawdown pressure at the Other breakers, such as oxidizing agents (ammonium
fracture faces to values below 0,5 pound per square inch and persulfate) or even encapsulated peroxides, can be used, but
under these drawdown pressures, a RPM can choke water only after checking their compatibility with the selected RPM.
production by up to 270 times in two inch long cores (see The criterion for selecting the polymer base fluid was decided
figure 2). Typically, all fracturing treatments performed as and based solely on well configuration and fracture geometry
designed today, already produce an invaded leak-off zone at considerations.
the fracture face, with a penetration deeper than three inches.
An additional feature of the conformance-fracture Relative Permeability Modifiers Selection
technique is that the RPM material also restricts filtrate flow These are water-soluble, hydrophilic polymer systems that,
(reference 1) into the reservoir (leak-off), since the fracturing when hydrated, produce long polymer chains that, in the rock
fluid in these cases is commonly water-based. While not the will loosely occupy the pore spaces. Being strongly
subject of this paper, some consequences are reduced fracture hydrophilic, RPMs attract and trap water and repel oil. As a
leak off, improved fracture efficiency and reduced treatment net result they produce a reduction of water flow in the
volume. The conformance-fracture concept is illustrated in productive zone with minimal (and sometimes positive) effect
Figure 1. on oil flow (reference 5). When water flow, is caused by
channeling through high permeability streaks, the use of
Fracturing Fluid Selection RPMs produces impressive, long lasting results. The same
As long as they are chemically compatible, any fracturing could be said for water coning. However, in this case, water
fluid could be used (including oil base fluids and foams). production is caused by an excessive drawdown, or a low
However, as we are discussing marginal wells, a cost effective horizontal-to-vertical permeability ratio. In extremely water
fracturing fluid may be the right choice. saturated, homogeneous formations, the RPM will initially
Chemically, however, a viscoelastic anionic surfactant reduce the water cut without altering the rock-matrix water
fracturing fluid would be the perfect technical choice. These saturation and, therefore, treatment durability is unpredictable
fluids are the least damaging to the formation. They possess as it depends on too many variables. At the level of the
their own selective conformance/blocking mechanism formation matrix, the pores either produce water or oil
(breaking in contact with oil, but do not break in the presence (segregated oil theory, reference 6), but not both. The overall
of water, reference 4), they water wet sandstones favoring oil fluid distribution, within the matrix-rock, dictates the
production and they have reasonable fluid leak-off control formation’s water saturation level and this, in conjunction with
characteristics under pressure (reference 2). In addition, rock heterogeneities (permeability profile), is the basis of the
viscoelastic fluids prevent proppant settling during fracture water cut measured during production. In other words,
percentage wise, the water cut will not necessarily be the same
SPE 94352 3

as the water saturation and comparative lower water cut rate Case History Argentina - Overview
(percentage) cannot be necessarily used to define the treatment Even though the conformance fracturing technique has been
as successful. In environments highly water-saturated, where, used with five different operators in Argentina, in this paper
the water cut is different than the water saturation level, it is we review sixteen jobs that were performed in a field near
good indication that RPM can be successfully used to control Rincon de los Sauces, in the Neuqen basin. Lessons learned
water production. Some engineers have questioned the from theses treatments (reference 2) where applied
application of RPM in highly water-saturated reservoirs in the everywhere else in South America and especially on the
past, but field results have proved that the application of Brazilian project discussed later on. This field is a water drive
RPM’s can result in a good technique for water control. reservoir, in which production started over twenty-three years
ago, and today has around 280 producing wells. At the
From all RPMs available, those that produce a higher moment, pressure is being maintained by close to 200 injector
NFRR and are not sensitive to shear or water hardness are the wells and water saturation everywhere in the field is quite
preferred choice. Obviously, they must be chemically high, with wells producing with water cuts varying from 50%
compatible with the fracturing fluid, as noted above, and this to as high as 90%. The lithological profile of one well is
is an important factor, as a low pH (below 5) fracturing fluid presented in figure 3 for illustration purposes. Water
could impair their performance. production in this field today is 3.6 times higher than oil
Ideally, RPM materials should be liquid and the production and, at the moment, there is an extensive in-fill
concentration applied should be proportional to the formation drilling campaign to reduce well spacing from 60 acres to 23
permeability. The selected RPM should produce a resistance acres. Fracturing during the completion phase is a standard
(drag) to water flow in the order of 3 to 10 times and a procedure in this field and the newer wells being drilled are
detrimental drag to oil close to one, and no higher than 2. neither tested nor produced before the fracturing job.
In our field trials, we used three different RPM materials; a However, historical data show an average of four folds of
cost effective anionic polyacrylamide, an amphoteric production increase after the frac. A few wells that have been
terpolymer and a new vinyl-amide terpolymer (reference tested have water cuts similar to the older wells (50% to 90
1&5), specially developed for stability under harsh %). The first conformance fracture job performed, and the
environments (temperature, pH and salinity conditions). most successful so far, was done using a polymer free
The selection criteria were based on formation fracturing fluid (VAS) containing 4% by volume of the
permeability, produced water salinity and temperature. amphoteric terpolymer throughout the treatment. This case
study is thoroughly explained in reference 2 and a production
Design Methodology for Field trials comparison with neighboring wells is presented in figure 4
and a production curve versus time in figure 5. As can be seen,
Over 500 conformance fracture treatments have been the one-month water cut was below 20%, being the lowest in
performed so far. Of those, fifty-three were performed during the entire field. The water cut was low for almost 2 years
the last two years in South America for nine different before reaching water cut levels similar to neighboring wells.
operators. In this paper, we review the results obtained of A second attempt with the system didn’t produce such a
sixteen treatments in a field southwest of Argentina and spectacular result and the search for a more cost effective
twenty-three new treatments performed in a field, in the solution started.
northeast of Brazil. Another thirteen treatments have been performed so far
Initially, the jobs were done, as designed for the using a guar gum based fluid, crosslinked with an
particular area, with the addition of the RPM to the complete organoborate complex and broken with an enzymatic breaker.
fracturing fluid using a liquid additive pump (including From 2% to 2.5% by volume of either a terpolymer or
minifrac when applicable). As such, an RPM penetration of at vinylamide RPM were added in the minifrac and pad fluid and
least 4 inches in each fracture face was achieved. As the jobs the average water cut measured after one month of production
were successful, an optimization process was started and the was, respectively, 64 % and 57%. Most recently two
RPM was then removed from the last sand stages, as this fluid additional treatments have been performed using a low
remained in the fracture itself and never penetrated into the polymer fracturing fluid (carboxymethylguar) and the
formation. Later, the RPM total volume was calculated terpolymer RPM. One-month production data is not available
assuming that two inches of filtrate penetration was sufficient at the time of writing this paper, but initial results looks
(based on laboratory results), allowing us to add the RPM only encouraging.
to the minifrac (when applicable) or to the pad stage, which The forced closure technique was not applied in any of
represented around 15 to 25% of the total treatment volume. these treatments because of their smaller size and rapid
Under these conditions, the RPM penetrated around 3 inches fracture closure.
in each fracture face. Considering that the fracture could
growth in height during the treatment, a better procedure Case History Brazil
(applied in a few jobs) was using a lower concentration of
RPM, throughout the complete treatment. In the northeast of Brazil, there are several small to
medium size oil reservoirs. In most of them, three distinct
formations are encountered which contain different API crude
and are produced independently.
Each formation is a structure that contains various
producing zones; one of the formations is extremely
4 SPE 94352

heterogeneous containing thin and intercalated layers of temperatures are lower and the vinylamide was used where
shale’s and sandstones and production wise is considered as a conditions were harsher, this is the reason why most jobs were
single zone. As the shale zones are thin and weak, they cannot treated with the terpolymer.
be trusted as barriers for fracturing operations that are required The other objective of a fracture conformance treatment is the
for commercial production. Two examples are illustrated in oil production and due to the fact that formations and
figures 6 & 7 showing that fractures could propagate above treatments are not exactly the same, the only way to obtain
and below the perforated interval (in orange). Looking at the some meaningful information is to calculate the oil production
lithological columns, the zones colored in light blue are water on a per foot of net pay basis at different times. The fracture
saturated. As can be seen, water is found anywhere within the treatments using the polyacrilamide produced an average of
structure. Notice that in figure 6, the water is at the bottom 2.40 BOPD/foot and 3.19 BOPD/foot after one month and six
while in figure 7 it is at the top. months respectively. Meanwhile the terpolymer RPM
Fracture Conformance stimulation has been found to be the produced an average of 6.04 and 7.14 BOPD/foot and the
only viable way of producing this structure. So far, twenty- vinylamide RPM produced 16.08 and 14.05 BOPD/foot for
three treatments have been performed using a guar gum base the same periods.
fluid, crosslinked with monoborate, for bottom hole
temperatures under 150 degrees Fahrenheit. At higher Conclusions
temperatures, an organoborate complex was used and, in both
cases, the gel was broken with an enzymatic breaker. All three 1. The conformance-fracturing method has been
RPMs have been used. Polyacrylamide, being more cost successfully demonstrated to selectively stimulate oil
effective, was the preferred choice to start with and it was production, while simultaneously controlling water
used three times. One problem caused by the polyacrylamide production.
is that, at the required concentration (0.6 to 0.7 %), it increases 2. The conformance-fracturing technique has proven to be a
the fracturing fluid viscosity, making fluid handling more viable method for stimulating marginal zones in highly
difficult. The average one-month water cut obtained was 70% water saturated reservoirs.
and 5 months later it has dropped to 14%. However, post 3. A new vinyl-amide polymeric RPM has been field-tested
fracture analysis indicates that one of these treatments did not at one third of the concentrations required by the
reach the water zone (figure 7). Removing it from the statistics traditional terpolymer in Fracture Conformance
changes the average water cuts for one and six months to 56% operations with excellent results.
and 19%, respectively. Another 12 jobs were performed using 4. NFRR estimated from linear core flow tests must be
from 2% to 6% by volume of the terpolymer. In seven considered for conformance fracturing treatments; as
treatments it was added to the entire fluid and, in the expected the new generation of RPM (vinylamide)
remaining five, only in the minifrac and pad fluids. The produced over 2 & 4 times more oil on a per foot basis
average water cut after one month for the first seven than the terpolymer and the polyacrilamide respectively.
treatments was 39 % and, five months later 35%. Two 5. The use of the “forced closure” technique with polymer
treatments are not considered in the statistics, as these wells based fracturing fluids (instead of VAS systems) helped
didn’t produce oil. on reducing water cuts as it prevented proppant settling
The remaining five treatments had an average one-month’s during the fracture closure period. Alternatively, ultra
water cut of 27% and 5 months later increased to 44%. lightweight proppants could be used.
Five additional jobs were performed using from 1% to 2.5%
by volume of the vinylamide that was added in the minifrac Acknowledgments
and pad fluids. After one-month of production, the average
water cut was 51% and 5 months later was 52%. The authors thank Petrobras and BJ Services for permission to
Three other treatments that were done later (two of them with publish this paper. Thanks are also expressed to Phil Rae and
polyacrylamide and the last one with the vinylamide) are not James Curtis for their technical contribution and to BJ’s
included in the statistics as production data is not available at engineering staff for supporting the project and collecting the
the time of writing this text. data.
The fracture “forced closure” technique was used in all 23
treatments. Nomenclature
An initial analysis of above data indicates that the
polyacrylamide affects fluid returns and well clean-up takes kw = Horizontal permeability, darcies
much longer. When the RPMs (all three) are added throughout ko = Vertical permeability, darcies
the complete treatment, the water cut gets lower as time Rfw = Resistance to water flow, dimensionless
approaches six months, probably due to a deeper penetration Rfo = Resistance to oil flow, dimensionless
into the formation. Overall, the 6-month water cut is at least NFRR = Rfw/Rfo, normalized fluid resistance ratio
10% lower than with the other treatments, with less RPM. VAS = Viscoelastic anionic surfactant
Meanwhile, the wells treated with the RPMs added in the RPM = Relative permeability modifier
minifrac and pad fluid have lower initial water cut, but this
Bfpd = Total fluid production rate, bbls/day
one increased with time. It is not possible from above data to
Bopd = Oil production rate, bbls/day
depict the best RPM, as the polyacrilamide was used in areas
Ppt = Pounds per 1000 gallons
where formation water is less salty and bottom hole
SPE 94352 5

References SI Metric Conversion Factors

ºAPI 141.5/(131.5 + ºAPI) = g/cm3
1. Kalfayan L. and Nelson S.: “Reducing Water Permeability
Through the Application of a New Unique Relative Permeability
bbl % 1.589 874 E – 01 = m3
Modifier” presented at the 2003 SPE Annual Technical cp % 1.0* E – 03 = Pa·s
Conference and Exhibition, Denver, USA, Oct 5-8. ft % 3.048* E – 01 = m
2. Zubillaga A., Cortona M., Veiga M., Briggiler N.: “Control de ºF (ºF – 32)/1.8 = ºC
Agua, Aplicacion de Nuevas Tecnologias y Productos” gal % 3.785 412 E – 03 = m3
presented at the 2003 II Congreso de Hidrocarburos, Buenos lbm % 4.535 924 E – 01 = kg
Aires, Argentina, Feb 5-8.
3. Di Lullo, G. Rae P. and Curtis J.: “New Insights Into Water psi % 6.894 757 E + 00 = kPa
Control – A Review Of The State Of The Art, Part II” presented sack % 4.535 924 E + 01 = kg
at the 2002 SPE International Thermal Operations and Heavy * Conversion factor is exact.
Oil Symposium and International Horizontal Well Conference,
Alberta, Canada, Nov 4 – 7.
4. Di Lullo, et al.: “Towards Zero Damage: New Fluid Points the
Way,” paper SPE 69453 presented at the 2001 SPE Latin
American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference,
Buenos Aires, March 25 – 28.
5. Di Lullo, G. and Rae, P.: “New Insights Into Water Control – A
Review Of The State Of The Art,” paper SPE 79963 presented
at the 2002 Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference, Melbourne,
Oct. 8 – 10.
6. Stavland, A. and Nilsson, S.: “Segregated Flow is the
Governing Mechanism of Disproportionate Permeability
Reduction in Water and Gas Shutoff,” paper SPE 71510
presented at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept. 30 – Oct. 3.

Conformance-Fracture Treatment Concept

Shale Propped hydraulic fracture stimulates the reservoir.

Pay Zone RPM provides reduction in relative permeability to

water everywhere (in the filtrate-invaded zone and also
inside the propped fracture itself).


Optional VAS base fluid provides selecti ve permeability

Water Zone blocking only in the water-saturated zone (in the filtrate-
invaded region and also i nside the fracture itself).
The VAS system breaks clean i n the oil-saturated zone,
allowing the oil to flow unrestricted.

Figure 1 - Illustration of the conformance-fracture concept.

6 SPE 94352

Pressure Polyacrylamide Co-Polymer Amphoteric

(psi) DMDAAC Vinyl - Amide
1.0 4.5 4.9 270
2.0 4.0 3.5 60
3.0 3.3 3.2 29
4.0 2.6 2.0 13

Figure 2 - Comparison of normalized fluid resistance ratios

Perforati ons
114 5 – 5 0m

Sw > 75%
( Wet Zone)

Figure 3- Lithological profile of a water flooded reservoir with bottom-drive in the Neuquen basin, Argentina, which was treated
with a conformance-fracture treatment. The bottom of the interval is wet (below 1158 m), showing a water saturation of 75% –
100%. There is no lithological barrier to restrict downward vertical fracture height growth into the water.
SPE 94352 7

Water Cut Comparison Versus Neighbours Wells

A "Conform-Fracture Treatment " - B & C "Conventional Fracture
Water Cut, %

2-Nov-01 20-Jan-02 9-Apr-02 27-Jun-02 14-Sep-02 2-Dec-02 19-Feb-03 10-May-03

Water Cut A Water Cut B Water Cut C

Figure 4- Water cuts obtained after a fracture conformance treatment (A) and two conventional fracture treatments in neighboring
wells (B & C).

Well A - Historical Production




Qp [m3/d] / W.Cut [%]








































Qp % Water

Figure 5- First Fracture conformance treatment in Argentina using the VAS-Terpolymer combination, which produced spectacular
results with regards to durability and water cut.
8 SPE 94352

Figure 6- Lithological profile and calculated fracture geometry for a layered formation northeast of Brazil. Notice that the fracture
reaches the water formation at bottom (light blue).

Figure 7- Lithological profile and calculated fracture geometry for a layered formation northeast of Brazil. Notice that the fracture
does not extend to the water zone that in this specific well is above the perforated interval (light blue).

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