Cardiac Preload: Physiology and Clinical Implications

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Cardiac Preload

Physiology and Clinical Implications

N. Bari Olivier, DVM, Mark D. Kittleson, DVM, PhD,

and Grant G. Knowlen, DVM, PhD

PRELOAD is traditionally considered to be a significant tion of actin and myosin myofilaments and a reduction
influence on the beat to beat performance of cardiac in available cross-bridge sites. This cross-bridgeexplana-
muscle. Although the term and concept of preload were tion for the length-force relationship of skeletal muscle
introduced by physiologists, they are frequently used in was assumed to hold for isolated cardiac muscle which
clinical settings to describe a variety of diastolic cardiac also exhibited a similar length-force relationship in
characteristics that affect systolic performance. Unfortu- vitro.
nately, the extrapolation of the preload concept to de- Although cardiac muscle length is related to con-
scribe the state of the intact heart in diastole has been tractile performance, factors other than just the cross-
accompanied by inconsistencies and inaccuracies, par- bridge availability appear to be involved. Length-depen-
ticularly when considering the chronically diseased dent changes in intracellular calcium kinetics and the
heart. sensitivity of contractile proteins to calcium are addi-
The idea that the resting (diastolic) state of the heart tional factors likely to be important. Increasing the rest-
could influence the subsequent contractile (systolic) ing length of isolated cat papillary muscle strips, for ex-
state was initially presented by Frank, Starling, and their ample, results in an increase in the action potential du-
associates more than 70 years ago.’-3 The famous ration4 and possibly the trans-sarcolemmal influx of
Frank-Starling law of the heart stated that “the mechan- calcium. Increasing muscle lengths also results in an
ical energy set free on passage from the resting to the increase in the peak intracellular calcium concentration
contracted state depends on the length of the muscle ([Ca++])following cell activation and a more rapid de-
fibers.”’ Based on studies of isolated skeletal muscles, an cline in [Ca”] during rela~ation.~ Interestingly, the ab-
ultrastructural basis for this length dependency of mus- breviated calcium transient of activation at longer mus-
cular contraction was suggested which involved the spa- cle lengths is associated with prolongation of active ten-
tial arrangement of myofilaments in the muscle con- sion development. Results from studies using isolated
tractile unit, the sarcomere. Short sarcomere lengths intact heart preparations are consistent with these ob-
were associated with overlap of the actin myofilaments servations of papillary muscle strips.6 The reasons for
and a reduction in available cross-bridge sites and the these length-dependent changes in internal [Ca”] have
resulting force of contraction (Fig. 1). Increasing the not yet been fully determined, although an increase in
sarcomere lengths resulted in more optimal myofila- the rate of calcium flux across the sarcolemma and/or
ment and cross-bridge arrangements and increasing release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and an increase
contractile force. Eventually, a length was reached that in the affinity of the myofibrils for calcium’ at longer
resulted in a peak value of actively generated force. This lengths have been suggested.
length was called Lmax, and Lmax, corresponding to The concept of cardiac preload originated from in
whole muscle (m) length and sarcomere (s) length, re- vitro studies of cardiac papillary muscles. These studies,
spectively. Increases in length beyond Lmax were asso- conducted in the 1950s and 1960s used a preparation
ciated with a decline in active force generation, which, similar to that shown in Figure 2. Relaxed papillary
according to the cross-bridge theory, was due to disloca- muscles were stretched to different lengths prior to con-
traction by suspending different masses on the opposite
From the Department of Physiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, arm of the lever. The weight (force) of these masses was
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (Olivier), the De- called the preload. From a mechanical perspective, a
partment of Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of load is a force and preload is the stretching force to
California-Davis, Davis, California (Kittleson), and the Department
of Veterinary Clinical Medicine and Surgery, College of Veterinary which a muscle fiber is subjected in the relaxed state or,
Medicine, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington conversely, the muscle force that resists this stretch
(Knowlen). (since at steady state no net force exists). Within limits,
Reprint requests: Dr. N. B. Olivier, Department of Physiology,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824. increasing the preload (and resting muscle length) re-
(Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 1987; 1.8 1-85) sulted in an increase in the force of “isometric” contrac-

Journal of Veterinary

ing force, can be increased beyond that associated with

Lmax, without an appreciable change in sarcomere
The effect of a change in preload in the intact heart is
not as well documented as that for isolated papillary
muscles. The ventricular myocardium is far more com-
plex than the papillary muscle, experiences continually
A B changing loading conditions throughout the cardiac
FIG. 1 . A schematic of sarcomere myofilament overlap at different cycle, and is required to eject a viscous fluid into a vis-
sarcomere lengths. Short sarcomere lengths (A) are associated with coelastic arterial system rather than lift a mass. It is
overlap of the thin myofilaments and reduction in effective cross- unrealistic to expect the intact heart to behave in exactly
bridges. At an optimal sarcomere length (B), the utilization of cross- the same manner as an isolated papillary muscle sub-
bridges between the thin and thick filaments are maximized, which
results in maximal active force generation. (Reproduced, with permis- jected to static loading conditions. Additional confusion
sion, from Janz RF. Estimation of local myocardial stress. Am J Phy- exists because of the inconsistent use of the term preload
siol 1982; 242:H876.) in the context of the whole organ. Hemodynamic vari-
ables often cited as indices of preload include myocar-
tion and the shortening velocity of an “isotonic” con- diaI segment length, end-diastolic volume within the
traction. As with skeletal muscle, an optimal muscle ventricle, and end-diastolic pressure within the ventri-
length (Lmax,) was identified with resting lengths cle. While each of these variables is a valuable descrip-
greater than Lmax, associated with a decline in active tor of diastolic properties of the ventricle, individually
they are neither measures of preload nor universally reli-
force generation. From these studies, contractile perfor-
able predictors of changes in preload.
mance of the papillary muscle and presumably the in-
Myocardial segment length is a distance measure be-
tact ventricular myocardium was inferred to be preload
tween ultrasonic markers embedded in a region of ven-
dependent, an unfortunate use of the term since it was
the resting muscle length, specifically the sarcomere tricular myocardium. Pairs of ultrasonic crystals are
length, that was responsible for most of the observed used to detect dynamic changes in distance between the
changes in contractile performance. The preload pro- crystals. Acute changes in the distance between crystals
vided the force that determined this resting length. Al- at end-diastole represent a change in regional muscle
length and presumably sarcomere length. Thus, end-dia-
though preload and resting muscle or sarcomere length
are closely related, they are actually distinct entities and stolic myocardial segment length acts as a valuable
can change independent of each other. The passive me- index of muscle length rather than a measure of the
chanical characteristics of the ventricular myocardium stretching force inducing that length (the preload). A
illustrate this important distinction since cardiac sarco- change in myocardial segment length as an indicator of
meres resist stretching beyond their optimal length relative sarcomere length is reliable only for acute
(Lmax,) of about 2.2 fim. Thus preload, i.e., the stretch- change^.^ Chronically, the number of sarcomeres in
series between the segment markers can change and
thereby alter the transfer function between segment
length and sarcomere length. Even acute changes in seg-
ment length may be unreliable under some circum-

-0, I..
stances since muscle length and sarcomere length are
not directly related throughout the range of muscle
End-diastolic volume as an index of preload is similar
to that of myocardial segment length with the distinc-
tion that it represents the entire ventricle rather than a
f. t. single region. The assumption is that determinations of
diastolic ventricular volume also reflect changes in the
stretch of the ventricular wall and indirectly that of the
sarcomere. Still, volume, like segment length, is not a
measure of the stretching force or preload. Whereas an
FIG. 2. A schematic of the isolated papillary muscle preparation illus- acute change in ventricular volume is usually accompa-
trating the use of suspended loads to alter resting muscle lengths. nied by an increase in sarcomere length, the same rela-
Increasing the preload (P)results is an increased resting length of the tionship is not necessarily true for chronic diseases
papillary muscle (M), which is controlled by a stop above the fever.
Increasing resting muscle length (up to Lmax) results in an increase in where sarcomere numbers associated with hypertrophy
the “isometric” force of contraction, which is sensed by a force trans- or atrophy of the ventricular myocardium change the
ducer (Et.) connected to the fixed end of the papillary muscle. relationship between volume and Sarcomere length. As
an example, in eccentric hypertrophy it is thought that
sarcomeres are added in series. This completely changes
the relationship between end-diastolic volume and sar- I

comere length. Despite the limitations of end-diastolic

volume as a predictor of relative muscle or sarcomere
length, it is an important hemodynamic variable. In
acute situations, it does provide an index of a change in
muscle length. In chronic situations, it provides an
index of eccentric hypertrophy as long as wall thickness
is normal. It should be noted that eccentric hypertrophy,
i.e., a dilated chamber with normal wall thickness, is
more important than increased preload as a means of
compensation for chronic left ventricular diseases in
which total left ventricular stroke volume must be in-
creased to compensate for left-to-right shunts or valvu-
lar regurgitation or for myocardial failure.
Although intraventricular pressure is a measure of A B
force normalized for cross-sectional area, it is not a di-
FIG.3. A, Diastolic circumferentialwall stress is related to the product
rect measure of the stretching force imposed on the rest- of diastolic ventricular pressure and internal radius (r) divided by the
ing muscle fibers of the ventricular myocardium. Intra- wall thickness (wt) of the ventricle. B, The force of internal ventricular
ventricular pressure is directed perpendicular to the en- pressure is directed perpendicular to the myocardium while wall
docardial surface rather than in the direction of the stresses are oriented parallel to the muscle. (Reproduced,with permis-
sion, from Sandler H, Dodge HT. Left ventricular tension and stress in
myocardial fibers that are to be stretched (roughly paral-
man. Circ Res 1963; 13:91-105).
lel to the endocardia1 surface). In relation to preload,
end-diastolic pressure is frequently used as an indirect
indicator of end-diastolic volume. This association is wall stress = pressure X radius/wall thickness. In either
based on the diastolic pressure-volume relationship of case, the resulting value is only an approximation of the
the ventricle. The reciprocal of the slope of this curve actual stretching force since corrections are usually not
represents the compliance or elasticity ofthe ventricle. If made for differences in the direction of the calculated
this diastolic pressure-volume relationship does not stress and the inhomogeneous orientation of the myo-
change, an increase in pressure is generally associated fibers. Wall stress calculated from intraventricular pres-
with an increase in volume, although the correlation sure, ventricular radius, and wall thickness also relies on
between pressure and volume is often poor." Unfortu- equations whose geometric and structural assumptions
nately, the ventricular diastolic pressure-volume rela- are not strictly fulfilled. The use of other parameters
tionship is very labile and can change even acutely in such as end-diastolic pressure or volume as convenient
response to a variety of stimuli. Drugs, myocardial hyp- but incorrect measures of preload is no doubt partially
oxia, and tachycardia, for example, can all acutely due to these difficulties in wall stress determination.
change the diastolic pressure-volume relationship and Normal values for end-diastolic circumferential wall
invalidate end-diastolic pressure as an indicator of end- stress in dogs are variable and range from 10,000-
diastolic volume unless the new pressure-volume rela- 30,000 d y n e ~ / c m ~ . ~ ~A' cute
* - * ~and chronic interven-
tionship is known.12-'sAlthough inadequate as an index tions such a's volume or pressure loading of the ventricle
of preload, end-diastolic ventricular pressure remains a can result in significant changes in preload. Volume
very important hemodynamic parameter. It is the major overloads routinely increase end-diastolic stress by in-
factor influencing the development of venous conges- creasing chamber radius and end-diastolic pressure. The
tion and edema in heart failure. increase in chamber radius causes the myocardium to
The current best estimate of the diastolic stretching become thinner since it is stretched around a greater
force of the myocardium (preload) is diastolic wall volume. The myocardium hypertrophies to offset the
stress. Wall stress is the force per cross-sectional area resultant increase in wall stress, which brings the wall
acting within the ventricular wall (Fig. 3) and is a func- thickness back to or toward normal. Despite this restora-
tion of intraventricular pressure, the geometry and in- tion of wall thickness, end-diastolic wall stress tends to
ternal dimension of the ventricle, and the reciprocal of remain chronically elevated. Moderate acute volume
ventricular wall thi~kness.'~.''Wall stress is a calculated loads increase end-diastolic stress by about 33%. More
value either using directly measured myocardial forces severe volume loading, maintained chronically in dogs
and area or using directly measured ventricular pressure with aortocaval fistulas, results in an average end-dia-
and wall thickness and a calculated ventricular volume stolic stress over 65,000 dyne~/crn'.~
according to variants of the Laplace equation, where Reported preload responses to experimental systolic
Journal of Veterinary

pressure loading appear to depend on the model used sulting cardiac function is thus influenced by at least two
and the duration of the study. When chronic aortic con- changing variables. Moreover, it is at least conceivable
striction is imposed abruptly in adult dogs, end-diastolic that some of the effects of preload on systolic perfor-
stress at 18 days is increased by 44%.20In contrast, when mance may not depend on an increase in sarcomere or
a similar degree of obstruction is imposed gradually on even muscle length.
young dogs, the diastolic stress 4 months later is not An additional important consideration of preload re-
significantly different from control value^.'^ The initial serve includes the potential for changes in the properties
increase in preload that occurs in response to acute sys- of the myocardium to alter the transfer function be-
tolic pressure loading appears to resolve with time as tween preload and muscle or sarcomere length. An in-
compensatory myocardial concentric hypertrophy crease in myocardial stiffness, for example, can result in
(thicker walls, normal chamber diameter) develops.2' a reduction in the degree of muscle stretch for a given
The capacity for increases in preload to mediate an magnitude of preload. The possibility of independent
increase in sarcomere length and/or systolic perfor- changes in muscle and sarcomere lengths in response to
mance (preload reserve) in the intact heart remains a chronic change in preload further complicates the in-
somewhat controversial. Sarcomeres in the intact heart terpretation of preload reserve.
strongly resist stretching beyond their optimal length of The reserve in sarcomere stretch in the normal heart
about 2.2 pm.22,23 The observation that average end-dia- apparently represents a relatively minor form of com-
stolic midwall sarcomere length in normal rapid-fixed pensation when considering overall cardiac responses to
heart specimens is approximately 2.1 pm24had led some disease. The sarcomere stretch reserve also tends to be
to speculate that the reserve capacity for sarcomere maximally utilized early in the course of volume over-
stretch is very limited. More recent reports, however, l o a d ~Thus,
. ~ even though end-diastolic wall stress may
have documented that a significant heterogeneity of sar- be markedly elevated in chronic left ventricular volume
comere lengths can exist across the entire width of the overload, it probably augments ventricular performance
ventricular wall.25Average diastolic sarcomere lengths no more than a small to moderate increase in wall stress,
are shortest in the subendocardial region, intermittent in which fully exploits the reserve for sarcomere stretch.
the subepicardial region, and longest in the midwall re- The primary importance of an increase in preload in
gion. Changes in preload could exploit this disparity in response to disease may actually be indirect, acting as a
Sarcomere length25and represent a potential preload re- stimulus for compensatory myocardial hypertrophy
serve up to the limits of sarcomere stretch. In support of (particularly eccentric hypertrophy),16which exerts a
this potential reserve is the observation that increases in much greater effect on systolic ventricular performance
the diastolic stress of isolated hearts in anesthetized dogs than that associated with preload and sarcomere stretch
are associated with an increase in peak isovolumic left reserve.
ventricular pressure and myocardial fiber shorten- The apparent minor role of preload reserve in overall
ing.25,26However, baseline ventricular volume (and per- cardiac compensation to disease does not necessarily
haps sarcomere length) is less in anesthetized dogs than diminish the importance of preload on ventricular per-
it is in conscious dogs. This could lead to an enhance- formance in acute situations. An acute reduction in pre-
ment of the apparent reserve capacity. Results from load, as in hypovolemic shock, is an important negative
studies of conscious dogs are conflicting. End-diastolic influence on ventricular function. Reductions in sarco-
volume in conscious dogs was reported to increase only mere stretch due to low diastolic wall stress have even
3% in response to rapid volume loading despite large been suggested as-a partial explanation for the reduced
increases in end-diastolic stress. This was interpreted as ventricular performance occasionally associated with in-
evidence that a dog's heart normally operates near the appropriate hypertrophy of the ventricles (hypertrophic
limit of wall fiber stretch and thus has little preload cardiomyopathy).28
reserve. Other investigators have concluded that a signif- Because of the invasive instrumentation required for
icant preload reserve does exist in dogs after showing wall stress determinations, the load placed on the myo-
that an acute increase in end-diastolic stress ( 5 1%) re- cardium at end-diastole is only of conceptual value for
sulted in a 9% increase in end-diastolic volume and a individual clinical cases. Current evidence would also
14% increase in stroke volume.'8 The discrepancies be- suggest that the importance of preload reserve as a
tween these results may be due to differences in the mechanism for cardiac compensation has been overem-
method of calculating ventricular volume. Another phasized, particularly for chronically dilated hearts.
problem in interpreting the role of preload and preload Rather, cardiac hypertrophy, inotropic state of the
reserve is the difficulty in isolating preload as the only myocardium, ventricular afterload, and heart rate are
changing variable. Changes in the preload of the intact probably more important determinants of cardiac per-
ventricle, particularly those involving a change in end- formance in chronic left ventricular disease. Preload and
diastolic volume, also tend to change afterload. The re- its effects on systolic performance play a more impor-

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