Zodiac Signs 3rd ISA PDF

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19/5/2020 Zodiac Signs


Zodiac Signs
Look for your own sign and share what things you can and cannot do.

ANÓNIMO 15 DE MAYO DE 2020 19:45 ABELPXO 14 DE MAYO DE 2020 16:11

My sign My name is Abelardo i'm student of ISA "3"A My signo Zodiac si

Pisces  You've been a while, brave Leo, not paying attention to what
your inner voice dictates and this is the cause of the dif cult
My name si Ricardo Saucedo Vázquez from 3A . My sign says moments that have come and that you could have avoided.
that it is one of the most sentimental signs, that it canción Starting today
give love in the most direct and honest way, I can change my
attitude from one day to the next, I can get up with move
desire, I can be noble, with great charisma and analytical.  ANÓNIMO 14 DE MAYO DE 2020 15:43

My name is Roberto Carlos Pluma

ANÓNIMO 14 DE MAYO DE 2020 19:16 Mixcoatl. I am student of ISA "3" "A". My
I am kevin marquez castillo im student if sign zodiacal is Libra
isa 3ª A It is the most incapable sign of being alone, since it was born
to share, complement and nd its soul mate. It has the inner
my sign zodiacal is virgo 
urge to share life, to be connected, to interact. It is not a self-
f you really want to prosper in your work, methodical Virgo,
centered sign and often seems to trust others more than itself.
you need from today to expand your knowledge, catch up on
His taste for aesthetics and ethics often leads him to seek
the news that concerns you. This takes time and effort, but it
perfection that he does not nd. From there arises his known
is the way to progress on a daily basis. Yours and everyone
indecision. He takes into account the opinion of the other, to
else's. It is likely that today you will come across information
the point of remaining without expressing his own, at least
about some courses or workshops. They would be excellent
directly. Sometimes he asks for opinions or listens to them
for the smooth running of your professional life. In the
because he needs to counter, but then he will act as he likes,
economic eld, if you are a little more comfortable now,
because in essence he is free as the wind.
remember to settle those bills that you have pending and
remember that checking accounts on a daily basis will help
you. In love, don't be so suspicious or suspicious for no reason.
This insecurity is conferred by your Virgo sign, Dig a little ANÓNIMO 14 DE MAYO DE 2020 14:10
deeper and you will realize that the person who is around you
comes to you like a ring on your nger.

ANÓNIMO 14 DE MAYO DE 2020 16:36

My name is Alejandro Guzman Robles from 3 A.
According to my zodiac sign, I can be a happy idealist. I'm
usually lucky. My love is super cial, but honest. I rarely get
sick and recover quickly. I can think with mind and heart.

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19/5/2020 Zodiac Signs

My name is Jose Angel Sanchez Avila, I always with absolute faith and sincerity. A Leo usually likes
luxury and power. Its defects can be as wide as its virtues and
am student of ISA 3 "A". My sign is
an excessively negative Leo can be an arrogant person, proud
aquarium. Aquariums have a strong and and with a very bad temper. They are able to use tricks and
attractive personality. There are two types lies to discredit their enemies. They can also adopt certain airs
of Aquarius: one is shy, sensitive, and of superiority and arrogance.
patient. The other guy is exuberant, alive,
and can conceal the depths of his ANÓNIMO 14 DE MAYO DE 2020 12:24
personality under frivolous air. Both types My names is Juan Francisco Muñoz
of Aquarius have a very strong conviction Monteon of 3"A" and my sing is Scorpio
and truth force and are so honest that they
A Scorpio tends to be extremely passionate,  They are not
know how to change their opinions if average, they are always on the extremes in any aspect. They
evidence appears that shows the opposite are intense, persistent with grat strength and maturity if they
of what they thought before. Aquarians are have something on theri heads, they dont release it until they
able to see both sides of an argument succeed they are also reserved and shy but with excellent
topics of conversation. They dont trust everyone and if you
making them one of the most tolerant and eran the trust of a scorpio, he will respect, adore and treat you
non-judgmental signs in the entire zodiac. with immense affection that will surprise others.
They are open to the truth and ready to  
learn from everyone. An aquarium is
human, sincere, re ned and idealistic. ANÓNIMO 14 DE MAYO DE 2020 11:19
They know how to persevere and express My name is Jose Uriel Ramirez Flores of
themselves with reason, moderation and 3"A", my sing is PIsces.
sometimes humor. Almost all Aquarians
A pisces has a quiet,patient and friendly, They are sensitive to
are smart, clear, and logical. Many are
the feelings of others  and respond with sympathy and tact to
imaginative and psychic. Sometimes they the suffering of others because they have an affable,loving and
feel the need to withdraw from the world to kind character, y do not pose a threat to those  who want to
meditate or think. They refuse to follow hve positions of authority or greater populary.They tend to
the crowd. Despite the open-mindedness assume their environment and circumstances and do not
usually take the lead in solving problems. They care more
of aquariums and their desire to help about other people´s problems than their own problems.
humanity, they do not often make friends Pisces tend to exist emotionally rather than rationally,
easily. They don't give up their soul easily. instinctively. They  don´t like to feel con ned and don´t
respect conventions like that for the good. But they also don´t
have the energy or motivation to ght the established power.
ANÓNIMO 14 DE MAYO DE 2020 13:30 Pisces often retreat to a dream world where their abilities can
My name is Edgar Omar Morales Vazquez bring them bene ts.
of 3a and my sing is leo

Leo is the most dominant zodiac sign. Is also creative and ANÓNIMO 14 DE MAYO DE 2020 03:36
extrovert. They are the kings among humans, in the same way My name is José Arturo Sánchez Tepatzi, I
that lions are kings in the animal kingdom. They have
study engineering in automotive systems,
ambition, strength, courage, independence and total security
in their abilities. They usually have no doubts about what to
neither classroom and grade is 3A.
do. They are uncomplicated leaders, they know where they My zodiac sign is Gemini:
want to go and they put all their effort, energy and creativity symbolizes concrete consciousness and is demonstrated by
into achieving their goal. They do not fear obstacles, rather the Gods
they grow before them. In general they are good, idealistic and The bad thing is that I can't run very well. I don't always run
intelligent. They can become stubborn in their beliefs, but the risk of getting sick, I'm a little lazy but I always turn in my

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19/5/2020 Zodiac Signs

jobs. I don't like clutter, I always have my area clean. MY SODIAC SIGN IS AQUARIUS FABIAN
Sometimes I have a very bad character, I do not like or be told
REYES COTE 3ºB Aquarius' most
to do my job when I know what to do. I am very socialist with
my colleagues and I can interact with them. outstanding feature is its ambitious vision,
I am not discouraged by the job changes that are happening both for its future and for the future of
around me because even if they seem complicated. society.Aquarius is a very intelligent brain
sign that tends to get lost in thought while
ANÓNIMO 14 DE MAYO DE 2020 00:20 analyzing something or trying to identify
My name is Juan Carlos Tecante Gómez of possible solutions to problems.Our sign is
3 "A" , my Zodiac sing is Sagittarius famous for being innovative and they are
not afraid to think out of the ordinary when
<Sagittarius> is the most positive sign of the Zodiac, it is the
one that represents religion, travel, philosophy, important
it comes to creative projects,
positions, outdoor life and sports. Their element is re and solutions.Although being a visionary is
they are ruled by Jupiter. Its colors are blue, amber, violet and one of the best features of Aquarius, it is
purple. They have against them being capricious and reckless. also one of its downsides. Why do we
They have an open mind to receive new ideas, they are very
become too stubborn
optimistic, they face dif culties with a positive attitude.
Honesty, reliability and sincerity characterize Sagittarians,
they are good, ghters, they follow good causes (social, ANÓNIMO 13 DE MAYO DE 2020 18:54
religious, political) to the end and without lowering their arms
to the end.
My zodiac sing is cancer
My name is Marco Antonio Flores Ortiz from 3°A. .
Cancer represents the door of feelings. We can have great
emotional sensitivity and deep faith. We can be intuitive and
withdraw at times of risk. We can have an incredible
imagination of the emotional world.
We can be loyal, emotional, constant, protective, sensual, and
sweet, but we cannot be very sure.
ANÓNIMO 13 DE MAYO DE 2020 23:44
Lack of con dence in us means that we cannot be sure of
Axel Bryan Paredes Juárez ourselves.
(PapiRey) 3°A

<Taurus> ANÓNIMO 13 DE MAYO DE 2020 18:43

For you, Taurus, this nal stage of the month of May will serve
for you to take stock of everything you have achieved, and
what you still need to achieve the goals you have set for
yourself both in your love life, as well as in social and
economic life. You overcome the mistakes of the past. You nd
out something that lls you with joy. Dedicate yourself to
exploring the Internet or doing something different outside of
your working hours and you will discover new ways to use
your free time. The prospects you have in front of you this
coming June are exciting.

ANÓNIMO 13 DE MAYO DE 2020 19:27

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19/5/2020 Zodiac Signs

my name is fortino reyes coyotl zambrano

my zodiac sign is Leo is xed and ery,
also the most dominant zodiac sign.
Creative and open, he has ambition,
courage, strength, autonomy and total
self-con dence: he knows where he wants
to go and nothing and nobody can avoid it.
I am an ambitious and impulsive person
with a bad temper. I do not like receiving
orders I hate that, I hate being scolded or
exposed to others, I am not patient at all I RAMIREZ_ADRI_ELE16CV 13 DE MAYO DE 2020 20:56
am concerned about a quiet place I nd it My name is Adriana Ramirez Rojas,  my zodiac sign is Aries.
di cult to pay attention I am creative Aries: people with this sign are full of energy and enthusiasm. I
when it comes to exposing before others I can be independent , competitive, ambitious and impulsive.
Something bad is that I can have a headache frequently. So I
am kind to most people but when I don't
can get sick very often. A good thing is that I can be very
fall someone tries to avoid it. creative , generous and hardworking. Sometimes I can be very
aggressive and impulsive.
I cannot be patient nor calm. I can't let them give me orders. I
ANÓNIMO 13 DE MAYO DE 2020 15:12
have a hard time seeing messy things and I can't sleep for so
my zodiac sing is scorrpion many hours in a row.
my name is ivan arturo sanchez lopez.
ANÓNIMO 13 DE MAYO DE 2020 14:53
particularly resourceful and uses words and looks on purpose.
His goals are direct and uncompromising. My zodiac sign is Aries
He is a very strong and very brave person, you are rarely afraid My name is Alberto Uriel Nava Sanchez 3 A 
of something, Scorpio. Although it is also true that he is Pioneer and adventurer, I love challenges, freedom and new
sensitive, but that is more emotionally speaking. ideas.
You are a very strong and very brave person, you are rarely  I begin to believe in a good cause, ght tirelessly to promote
afraid of something, Scorpio. Although it is also true that you it. I am usually honest and direct in my personal relationships
are sensitive, but that is more emotionally speaking. and he is a very good friend of my friends, although
You are a very strong and very brave person, you are rarely sometimes I can be irritable and hurt the sensibilities of
afraid of something, Scorpio. Although it is also true that you others.
are sensitive, but that is more emotionally speaking.

particularly resourceful and uses words and looks on purpose. ANÓNIMO 13 DE MAYO DE 2020 14:24
His goals are direct and uncompromising.
My Zodiac Sign is Virgo.
He is a very strong and very brave person, you are rarely afraid
of something, Scorpio. Although it is also true that he is My name is Luis Enrique Sanchez Lemus from 3 A.
sensitive, but that is more emotionally speaking. Virgo: Land sign, and very hardworking, he is able to carry out
You are a very strong and very brave person, you are rarely large companies because of his detailed and schematic mind,
afraid of something, Scorpio. Although it is also true that you which sometimes leads him to a certain obsession. He always
are sensitive, but that is more emotionally speaking. has a kind word for anyone and in love his heart and mind
You are a very strong and very brave person, you are rarely con ict too often.
afraid of something, Scorpio. Although it is also true that you I can work hard to get what I want. I can think twice before
are sensitive, but that is more emotionally speaking. acting. I can analyze the enviroment and think a solution. I
Scorpios can end up jealous in their relationships. They can can't act without thinking. I can't be fair with who doesn't
also be vengeful when they get carried away by rancor by deserve it. I can't be bad, I always try to be nice with the
feeling aggrieved. people.

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19/5/2020 Zodiac Signs
ANÓNIMO 13 DE MAYO DE 2020 01:26 ANÓNIMO 12 DE MAYO DE 2020 21:28

Muy ñame is Ramiro Pérez Cortes 3"A" My Zodiac sing is Scorpion

Picis you can be calm, patient and friendly we can also be My name is Evelyn Carvente Rojas
sensitive to the feelings of others we can not be very well Study engineering Systemas Automotive 
de ned in terms of perception. Symbilizes destruction and rebirth is rigid by the planets Mars
and pluto 
Things that I can do:
I can do listen music, I can homework ,I can be sociable ,I can
go for a walk,I can to cook,I can to work,I can go partying 
Things that I can not do:
ANÓNIMO 13 DE MAYO DE 2020 00:16 I cannot drink alcohol, I cannot yell at my mom, I cannot say
obscene words, I cannot control my emotions.
My zodiac sign is Cancer
My name is Cristian Segura Márquez 3A.
Cancer can be tenacious, loyal, emotionally strong,
sympathetic, and persuasive.
We can be very temperamental, with anything we can get
angry, we can be manipulative and insecure at the same time. GIOVANNI 261010 RODRÍGUEZ HERNÁNDEZ 12 DE MAYO DE 2020 19:28

They tend to choose the right people in their lives, loyal My zodiac sign is Scorpion
without hypocrisy. They can love when they are in love, be
loyal to their partner. They can have many mysteries. They can My name is giovanni rodriguez hernandez  3 A 
be very reserved alive. Automotive systems engineering
Symbolizes: Transmutation, renewal, change, the mysterious,
the hidden forces, magic, death, destruction and regeneration
ANÓNIMO 13 DE MAYO DE 2020 00:28 my zodiac sign is scorpio i can focus on my goals. I can
manage money well. I can be sociable. I can work as a team . I
My zodiac sign is Libra
can be sarcastic. I cannot be patient. I cannot be good at
My name is Heidy Carreto Carreto studied at the Polytechnic sports. I cannot be good at math. I cannot bear the lies . i
University of Tlaxcala in Automotive Sistems Engineering. cannot be very creative.
Libra symbolizes ideals of balance, justice, fairness,
agreements, relationships, beauty, artistic culture, harmony,
autumn, re nemen, and contracts that these natives pursue. Is MAURICIO JUAREZ 12 DE MAYO DE 2020 18:27
an air sing, does not like to be contradictied. Venus is the My zodiac sign is capricorn
planet of libra which means it has spiritual values. Are very
sociable, delicate and with artistic gifts. Their cons are Mauricio Juárez Picazo 3°"A" ISA
undecided, super cial and very irty. Symbolizes wisdom and waters by the primordial god of the
Sumerians: Enki; its symbol represents the mountain, it
belongs together with Taurus and Virgo to the earth element.
It is ruled by Saturn and within that Earth trilogy it represents
the Sowing. Its opposite sign is Cancer.
ANÓNIMO 12 DE MAYO DE 2020 21:25
The astrological symbol presents a hybrid animal: a goat with
My zodiac signs is Aries
a sh tail or sea monster or a Pandavaje. The shtail
My name is Karen Miranda from 3A. symbolizes the nutritious waters where the being is born to
Aries is a energetic and enthusiastic person. We can nd the rise to the highest degree of spirituality. It represents the
truth in any lie so we can't trust any. We can be a wild and Unicorn with its only protruding horn on the testus, similar to
passionate re sign. We can be very talkative bau honestly too. a spear.
we can be agressive and self-centered. we can be very skillful
with everything, for example, we can practice some sport or
sing too. we can very estrategics. however, we can't be patient,
sometimes, we can't control us emotions, we can't be sent by JONATAN99TROMPETA 13 DE MAYO DE 2020 10:26

another person, so, we  can't stand stagnant relationships, we mi name is Jonatan Cahuantzi Decasa
can't y. nally,  i want to emphasize that We can always, to
aries, everything can be little. THANKS. my zodiac sings is Aries The bad thing about my sign is that we
do not have so much patience, because we want everything at
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19/5/2020 Zodiac Signs

the moment, we are also very stubborn when we want or need

something and we do not give up until we get it. but the good
thing about our sign is that we can become very romantic,
detailed and sensitive


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