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Fase 4 - Mural de Gestión Ambiental


Jesica Paola Rincón Chacón

Cod. 1.099.553.184

Mario Fernando Jiménez Grijalba


Mónica Andrea Díaz Rodríguez

Cód. 53931934

Nelly Yorley Carrillo


Zyanya Jesruzka Suarez Larrotta

Cód. 1.098.708.450


Claudia Milena Ospina


Principios y Estrategias de Gestión Ambiental


358020_ 3

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Agrícolas, Pecuarias y del Medio Ambiente ECAPMA

Ingeniería Ambiental

Junio 17 del 2020


The life cycle analysis (LCA) is a methodology used to analyze and verify the environmental
impacts generated in industrial processes, the analysis ranges from raw materials to the effects
caused by their extraction and the different methods of obtaining them. , the use of energy within
production is analyzed, what type of emissions originate, until the end of the useful life of the
This methodology is used worldwide, this activity has been carried out without taking into account
some fundamental aspects of sustainability, such as social, cultural and economic factors, which
at this time are not incorporated into an adequate application, for this reason The proposal arises
to include a comprehensive vision of environmental impacts to the LCA methodology, to make
decisions in a production system aimed at environmental sustainability.
Studies on stroke started in the 1970s and have been developing worldwide with notable changes
that show its continued progress; in the eighties this methodology was used separately, nowadays
there is evidence of a dynamics of creation of new LCA models favoring the vision of this analysis
in the sense that environmental problems are integrated, allowing the quantification of the
magnitude of the impacts generated and also the opportunity to define possible solutions for these
effects in favor of environmental sustainability.

Currently, the way implementation is carried out only allows evaluating impacts to the biophysical
environment, since there are only tools for this purpose, therefore it has been proposed to
implement impact assessment tools and types of impacts that include indicators of sustainable
development. , this is carried out from three stages, in the first a critical analysis of LCA is carried
out to identify the points that must be complemented, a second stage in which the factors of the
PESTE ergonomic system are established (political, legal, economic , financial, socio-cultural,
technical, scientific, ecological and geographic) to identify the type of modifications, and a final
stage in which a proposal is made as an example of an evaluation tool that includes these
indicators, forming a construction of new tools for evaluating the sustainability of production
systems that can improve LCA under the parameters sustainable development. By definition, life
cycle analysis (LCA) is the collection and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and potential
environmental impacts of a product system throughout its life cycle. The standards that allow the
study to be certified are ISO 14040 and ISO 14044.
For the present work, we will talk about concepts about the Analysis of the Life Cycle of a Product
in accordance with the NTC ISO 14040 and NTC ISO 14044 standards, where an Environmental
Management Mural will be developed as a group.

The life cycle analysis (LCA) is responsible for analyzing and verifying the environmental impacts
that are generated in industrial processes; The analysis goes from the entry of raw materials, the
effects caused by their extraction and the different methods of obtaining it, analyzing the use of
energy within production, what type of emissions originate, until the end of life useful of the
product, in addition to energy consumption, this methodology is used worldwide and has been
developed little by little, to demonstrate its effectiveness in environmental performance, although
it must be integrated with economic, social and political aspects to develop more projects where
renewable energy is the focus.

Therefore, the present work conceptualizes and analyzes the results of the use of the life cycle
analysis method in a project developed in China, comparing it with five other cases of different
energies, as a result it is synthesized in a mural on a web platform , concluding that distribution
energy with natural gas is more feasible than the traditional method.
Enlace Padlet

At the following link you can see the mural:
Password: 12345

And in PDF:

✓ Life cycle analysis is a tool with which we can carry out a study to identify all the costs and
processes that a product can have from its beginning to its end, and the damages and
repercussions that it can cause at each stage. Energy through renewable and
environmentally friendly processes has the potential to change our way of life and the way
we evolve both technologically and socially and culturally, and industrially helping to
redefine environmental impact and halting climate change by reducing fuel use and
reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

✓ In the project of distributed energy system with natural gas can use 7% more energy at the
entrance reduces energy consumption (8%) and ghg emissions (38%) further integral use
of biomass-wind energy improved the system.

✓ The distributed energy system is possibly a solution to the growing demand for electricity.
It could become a resource that would help consumers to produce, store and manage their
own energy in an environmentally friendly way by replacing some or all of their dependence
on electricity companies and helping to optimise the use of available natural resources.

✓ The Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) method has become a key issue and the companies through
it have sought to establish how to minimize its environmental impacts, applying the study
of both input and output variables that have allowed us to advance objective comparisons
between different types of processes in this case compares traditional processes against
new technologies or renewable technologies, assessing them objectively through
sustainable strategies or processes with the environment.

• Hansi, L., Xiongwen, Z., & Xunmin, O. (2017). Life Cycle Analysis of Distributed Energy
System Projects’ Energy Consumption and GHG Emission – A Case of Beer Brewery
Auxiliary Power Supply in China. Energy Procedia, 105, 3456–3463. Recuperado

• Haya Leiva, Esperanza (2016). Análisis Ciclo de Vida. Master en Ingeniería y Gestión
Medioambiental.Escuela de Organmizacion Industrial. Recuperado de:

• La generación eléctrica Distribuida. Recuperado de:

• Norma Técnica Colombiana NTC-ISO 14040, Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y

Certificación (ICONTEC), Bogotá, 26 de Septiembre de 2007, Recuperado

• ECO Inteligencia. (2013). El Análisis del Ciclo de Vida. ecointeligencia licencia de acuerdo
a Creative Commons. Recuperado de
ciclo-vida- acv/

• Ramirez, O, A. (2014, Abril 16). Análisis del Ciclo de Vida con el Software SimaPro. [Blog
Post]. Licencia de Creative Commons. Recuperado de

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