Actividades Ingles-Grado Noveno

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FECHA: De abril 20 a Mayo10, 2020.


OBJETIVOS: 1- Identificar la estructura del tiempo pasado simple, así como

Los verbos regulares e irregulares del inglés.
2- Hacer uso correcto de los verbos regulares e irregulares en las
Estructuras afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas del pasado
3- Expresar de manera escrita acciones desarrolladas en el pasado.


NOTA:-Esta guía será aplicada de igual manera, a estudiantes con diversidad en el



El pasado simple se usa al hablar de Una acción finalizada que no tiene conexión con
el presente. Nos sirve para narrar historias o eventos históricos.

Las siguientes palabras indican que hay que usar el pasado simple: “yesterday”
(ayer), “last week (la semana pasada) , last month(el mes pasado),last year (el
año pasado), “ago (hace)”. Además, si hay alguna otra palabra que indica un tiempo
o lugar determinado del pasado, también se usa el pasado simple en inglés.

        “I met him a long time ago”. Lo conocí hace mucho tiempo.

        “We visited Sue yesterday”. Ayer visitamos a Sue.
        “Last week I saw them at the post office”. Los vimos en la oficina de
correos la semana pasada.

Cómo se forma el pasado simple

Normalmente los verbos en inglés se dividen en dos grupos: los regulares y los
irregulares. Los verbos regulares no son difíciles porque su pasado simple se forma
añadiendo “-ed” al verbo.

Mientras que los verbos irregulares cambian completamente, por lo que debes
aprenderlos de memoria.

1- Resolver el crucigrama utilizando los verbos irregulares del pasado.

2- Completar la historia “Jack and the beanstalk” colocando los verbos que se
encuentran en paréntesis, en pasado simple.

3- Responder las preguntas acerca de la historia “The frog Prince” haciendo

uso de la estructura afirmativa y negativa del pasado simple.


Once upon a time there (1)…………………….. (be) a boy called Jack.He (2)…………………….. (live) with
his mother.They (3)…………………….. (be) very poor.All they had (4)…………………….. (be) a cow.One
morning,Jack’s mother (5)…………………….. (tell) him to take the cow to the market and sell
her.On the way Jack (6)…………… (meet) a man.He (7)…………………….. (give) Jack some magic
beans for the cow.Jack (8)…………………….. (take) the beans and (9)…………………….. (go) back
home.When Jack’s mother saw the beans she (10)…………………….. (be) very angry.She (11)
…………………….. (throw) the beans out of the window.The next morning,Jack (12)……………………..
(look) out of the window.There (13)…………………….. (be) a giant beanstalk.He (14)……………………..
(go) outside and (15)……………………..
(start) to climb the beanstalk.He (16)…………………….. (climb) up to the sky through the
clouds.Jack (17)…………………….. (see) a beautiful castle.He (18)…………………….. (go) inside. Jack
(hear) a voice “Fee,fi,fo,fum!” and …………………….. (run) into a cupboard.An enormous giant (20)
…………………….. (come) into the room and (21)…………………….. (sit) down.On the table there (22)
…………………….. (be) a hen and a golden harp.”Lay” said the giant.The hen (23)
an egg-it was made of gold.”Sing” said the giant.The harp (24)…………………….. (begin) to
sing.Soon the giant (25)…………………….. (be) asleep.Jack (26)…………………….. (jump) out of the
cupboard.He (27)…………………….. (take) the hen and the harp.Suddenly the harp (28) (sing)
“Help,master!”.The giant (29)…………………….. (shout), “Fee,fi,fo,fum!”.Jack (30)...............(run)
and (31)…………………….. (start) to climb down the beanstalk.The giant (32)…………………….. (come)
down after him.Jack (33)…………………….. (shout) “Mother,help!” Jack’s mother (34)……………………..
(take) an axe and (35)…………………….. (chop) down the beanstalk.The giant (36)…………………….. (fall)
and (37)…………………….. (crash) to the ground.Nobody ever (38)…………………….. (see) him again.With
the golden eggs and the magic harp Jack and his mother (39)…………………….. (live) happily ever

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Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved.

Once upon a time, there lived a princess who adored objects made
of gold. Her favorite toy in the world was a golden ball.
On hot days, she liked to sit beside an old well in the cool forest,
tossing the ball in the air. One day, the ball slipped from her
fingers into the well, which was so deep that the princess could
not see the bottom.
"Oh dear! I'll never find it!" the princess said, and she began to
Suddenly, a voice called out from below.
"What's the matter, beautiful princess? Why are you crying?"
The princess looked all around but couldn't see anyone.
"Down here, " said the little voice.
The princess looked down and saw a green frog poking its head
out of the water.
"Oh, it's only you," she said. "If you must know, I'm upset
because my golden ball fell into the well."
"I could get it back for you," said the frog.
"But what will you give me as a reward?"
Whatever you like, frog. How about my pearls and jewels," the
princess suggested. "Or perhaps my golden crown?"
"What would I do with a crown?" said the frog.
"But I'll get your ball if you promise I can be your best friend,
and come for dinner and sleep over at your house."
All right. You can be my best friend," said the princess. But
secretly she thought the frog was talking a whole lot of nonsense.
READ THE TALE AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS The frog dove deep into the well and soon returned with the
What did the princess adore?
golden ball in its mouth. As soon as the frog dropped the ball at
the princess's feet, she grabbed it and ran home, without even a
What was her favourite toy in the world?
thank you.
"Wait!" called the frog. "I can't run that fast."
What did she do on hot days?
But the princess paid no attention to him.
What happened to the ball? The princess forgot all about the frog, but the next day, as she
........................................................................................... was eating dinner with her family, she heard something come
Could the princess see the ball? crawling splish-splash up the marble steps of the castle.
........................................................................................... Then a voice called, "Princess, open the door!"
What happened while she was crying? The curious princess ran to open it, but when she saw the frog
........................................................................................... standing there, all green and dripping, she slammed the door in his
What did she see when she looked down into the well? face.
........................................................................................... The king could tell that something was the matter.
What did the princess offer to the frog? "Has a giant come to get you?" he asked.
........................................................................................... "Oh, no, father. It's only an ugly frog," she replied.
What did the frog demand from the princess? "And what does a frog want with you?" asked the king.
........................................................................................... As the princess explained, they heard more knocking.
What did the frog do after the princess accepted his promise?
"Let me in, Princess," the frog pleaded.
"Have you forgotten what you promised down by the well?"
Could he take the golden ball out of the water?
" If you made a promise, daughter, you must keep it. Let him in,"
What did the princess do after she got the golden ball? said the king.
........................................................................................... With a long face, the princess opened the door. The frog followed
Did the frog and the princess ever meet again? her to the table and said, " Lift me up beside you."
........................................................................................... "Don't be ridiculous," the princess said, but her father gave her
What happened the next day?Who wanted the princess to open such a look that she changed her mind.
the door? The chair wasn't high enough so the frog asked to be lifted onto
........................................................................................... the table. And once there, he said, "Push your plate closer so I
Did the princess open the door?What did she see? can share your dinner."
........................................................................................... The princess moved her plate, but it was quite clear she didn't
enjoy the rest of her meal. Once the frog had eaten his fill, he
said, "I'm tired. Carry me upstairs so I can sleep in your room."
The thought of sharing her room with the cold damp frog so
upset the princess that she began to cry again. But the king said,
"Be on your way. It's not right to turn your back on someone who
helped you when you were in trouble" father," said the princess,
and she carefully picked up the frog with two fingers

Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved.

When she got to her room, she set the frog down in the corner farthest from her
But soon she heard the frog plop down beside her.
"I'm tired, too," said the frog. "Lift me into bed, or I'll tell your father."
So the princess tucked the frog into bed, with his little green head resting on a
fluffy pillow.
Was the princess pleased to see the frog?
But when she got back into her bed, she was surprised to hear the frog sobbing
Who noticed that there was a problem? "What's the matter now, little frog?" she asked.
"All I ever wanted was a friend," the frog replied. "But it's clear you don't like me
Did the king ask about the matter? at all! I might as well go back to the well."
At this, the princess felt very badly indeed. She sat down on the edge of the frog's
How did he learn about the promise? bed.
"I'll be your friend," she said, and this time she meant it. Then the princess gave
him a kiss goodnight on his small green cheek. Instantly, the frog was
What did the king say about the matter?
transformed into a very handsome young prince! The princess could not have
been more surprised or pleased.
Could the frog Of course the prince and princess became very good friends indeed. A few years
come in and stay later, they were married and lived happily ever after.
with the
What did they do at the table?
What did the frog want after the meal?
Why did the princess start to cry?
Did the princess take the
frog to her own room?
Did she
put him

16. Did the frog

stay far from
the princess?
17. Why did the
princess let him
sleep in her own





OBJETIVOS: 1- Identificar la estructura del futuro simple del inglés en su forma

Afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
2- utilizar correctamente la forma del futuro simple a través de la
Elaboración del taller propuesto.



El futuro simple nos sirve para expresar acciones en el futuro, planes a largo plazo.

1-Completa las frases de la copia utilizando el tiempo futuro simple

2-Desarrolla el taller propuesto poniendo en práctica la estructura del futuro
simple en sus formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
Forming the Future Simple Tense
(Wh- question word) ‘will’ and the
Task 1 - Rewrite the sentences into interrogative then give
base form of the verb (infinitive
without ‘to’ / V1) short answer. Look at the example.
e.g.: You will paint the walls of his house tomorrow. Y  Will
Sample sentences you paint the walls of his house tomorrow? Yes, I will.
1) The doctor will examine you. N
Yes/No questions:
Will you buy anyting in the shop? ___________________________________________________
Short answer: ________________________________________________
Yes, I will / No, I won’t. 2) Mrs Jenkins will punish Robert if he tells lies. Y
Why will you dig in the garden?
Question words ________________________________________________
3) I will pay for the dinner tomorrow. N
Useful to know ___________________________________________________
If you ask about the subject of
the sentence, the word order is 4) The dog will bark if someone comes here. Y
the same as in an affirmative ___________________________________________________
sentence. ________________________________________________
5) They will deliver the food I buy. N
6) Lily will remind me before I leave. Y
7) Sam will join a tennis club if he can play tennis. N
8) You will prepare for your lessons next week. Y
9) We will complain about their noisy dog. Y
10) George and Iris will marry next year. N

Task 2 – Fill in the gaps with the interrogative form of the verbs in
the brackets.
e.g.: Will you write a letter?
1) _______ they ______________ about this event? (report)
2) How much _______ you ______________ for this book? (charge)
3) Why _______ you ______________ a meal until Anne arrives? (not
e.g.: Who will ask 4) _______ mum ever ______________ me as a child? (treat)
me? 5) What _______ they ______________ her? (suggest)
What will happen 6) Who ______ you ______________ your new bike? (lend)
there? 7) How _______ you ______________ his son at the party? (avoid)
8) _______ Mr Jacobs ______________ me this homework if I ask him
to? (explain)
9) _______ Tim ______________ me after 30 years? (remember)
10) _______ you ______________ a message for me when you go home?
Task 3 – Ask questions about Task 5 – First write a question withV Toth
© Susan the given
the underlined parts of the information. Then write a full answer with the words in
sentences. the bracket. Look at the example.

e.g.: You were eating a cake. e.g.: They will come to the party.
(Who) (my classmates)
 What were you eating?
 Who will come to the party? My
classmates will come to the party..
1) Grandma will knit me a beautiful jumper.

1) I will correct the students’ tests. (When)
2) Surely you will copy my identity card tomorrow. (tomorrow)

__________________________________________ _______________________________________
3) The kids will play in the playground next Sunday.
2) Jake will meet her. (Who) (Anne)
4) Ms Greene’s daughter will wait for the taxi.
5) They will compare the two pictures. _______________________________________

__________________________________________ 3) We will make an excursion. (Where) (to the

6) Maybe Anne will read a book because she won’t have
any homework.
Task 4 – Ask questions about _______________________________________
the underlined parts of the
4) Dad will change his email address. (Why)
(somebody has broken into his email account)

1) Grace and Andy will watch TV _______________________________________
when they come home.
5) I will do something. (What) (skip the rope)
2) I will ride Tom’s bike. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________

3) Hopefully Mavis will buy some juice. 6) You will paint a dog. (Whose) (Daisy’s)

__________________________________________ _______________________________________
4) The teacher will write on the blackboard.
7) He will read newspapers. (How many) (two)
5) The teacher will test the students.
6) The boys will walk fast. _______________________________________


© Susan V Toth

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