Processing FL Exible Endoscopes: Self-Study Series

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HEALTHCARE sELf-sTudy sERiEs Sponsored by

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April 2016 Processing flexible
The self-study lesson on this central service topic
was developed by 3M Health Care. The lessons
are administered by KSR Publishing Inc.
Earn CEUs
The series can assist readers in maintaining their AORN’s updated evidence-based guidelines
CS certification. After careful study of the lesson,
complete the examination at the end of this sec- by Rose E. Seavey MBA, BS, RN, CNOR, CRCST, CSPDT
tion. Mail the complete examination and scoring
fee to Healthcare Purchasing News for grading.
We will notify you if you have a passing score
of 70 percent or higher, and you will receive a

certificate of completion within 30 days. Previous
lessons are available on the Internet at www. lexible endoscopes are arguably the strength and quality of the published find- most difficult pieces of equipment to ings. The evidence ratings are described as:
Certification effectively reprocess. There are over • regulatory requirements,
The CBSPD (Certification Board for Sterile 120 steps involved in reprocessing each • strong evidence,
Processing and Distribution) has scope. Contaminated endoscopes have been • high evidence,
pre-approved this in-service for a huge topic with the media and the public • moderate evidence,
one (1) contact hour for a period due to the reports of infection transmission • limited evidence, or
of five (5) years from the date of as a result of inadequately processed scopes. • benefits balanced with harm.3
original publication. Successful There is no wonder “Inadequate Cleaning For each reference used the appraisal
completion of the lesson and post test must be of Flexible Endoscopes before Disinfection score is noted in brackets at the end of the
documented by facility management and those Can Spread Deadly Pathogens” is listed recommendation(s). This evidence taken
records maintained by the individual until re- as the number one hazard on the Top 10 from science and other literature can help
certification is required. DO NOT SEND LESSON Health Technology Hazards for 2016 from health care facilities to implement best prac-
OR TEST TO CBSPD. For additional information the Emergency Care Research Institute tices necessary to meticulously reprocess
regarding certification contact CBSPD - 148 Main (ECRI).1 flexible endocsopes.2
Street, Suite C-1, Lebanon, NJ 08833 • www. There are several published standards The rationale behind this evidence-based
and guidelines available for processing document is to provide guidance to periop-
IAHCSMM (International Association of Health-
flexible endoscopes. Many of these recom- erative, endoscopy, and sterile processing
care Central
mendations have been recently updated personnel for processing all types of reus-
Service Materiel
Management) or newly created. However, some of the able flexible endoscopes and accessories.4
has pre-approved this in-service for 1.0 Continu- recommendations do not address all of the
ing Education Credits for a period of three years, necessary details for effective processing Endoscope classification
until March 7, 2019. The approval number for this or address the evidence behind the recom- The guideline explains three classifica-
lesson is HPN 160703. mendations. tions of endoscope families proposed by
For more information, direct any questions to Understanding the need to prevent infec- the European Society of Gastrointestinal
Healthcare Purchasing News (941) 927-9345, tion transmission via endoscopes, the As- Endoscopy (ESGE) and based on similar
ext. 202. sociation of periOperative Nurses (AORN) characteristics, such as the amount, con-
released their updated “Guideline for pro- struction, purpose and clinical applications
cessing flexible endoscopes” on February of the channels for each type of endoscope.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1st, 2016. This newest guideline provides The endoscopes are grouped into the fol-
evidence-based, detailed recommendations lowing families:
• Discuss the newest guidelines with for scope processing room design, best prac- • Group 1 endoscopes - typically intended
the most detailed, evidence-based tices for leak testing, cleaning, inspecting, for use in the gastrointestinal tract such
practice recommendations for high-level disinfection or sterilization, and as gastroscopes, colonoscopes, and duo-
processing flexible endoscopes. storage of endoscopes.2 denoscopes with an encapsulated elevator
• Identify new guidelines that will Evidence-based guidelines • Group 2 endoscopes - also intended for
require immediate changes in all AORN completed a very extensive search use in the gastrointestinal tract but may
procedural settings. of approximately 3,400 published pieces of have an additional instrument channel,
• Describe the need for literature on the subject of endoscope pro- an elevator channel and up to two control
multidisciplinary teams to cessing and infection transmission. AORN channels for balloon functions such as,
develop policies and procedures on created this updated guideline using 418 of duodenoscopes with an open elevator
processing flexible endoscopes. those researched documents which had the channel, endoscopes for endoscopic ul-
strongest evidence for recommendations.2 trasound, and enteroscopes.
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Each piece of evidence used was assigned • Group 3 endoscopes - includes endo-
an appraisal score that describes the level of scopes with only one channel system

36 April 2016 • HEALTHCARE PuRCHAsing nEWs •

Sponsored by Self-study series
for biopsy, irrigation, and suction or Attire delayed processing recommendations from
endoscopes without any channel used in Clean surgical attire provided and donned the manufacturer are necessary.2,4
bronchoscopy, such as bronchoscopes, at the facility should be worn in both the
laryngoscopes, and nasendoscopes.4 procedure room and the processing room of Dedicated processing personnel
According to Sharon Van Wicklin, MSN, the endoscopy suite. Surgical attire includes Individuals who have received education
RN, CNOR, CRNFA(E), CPSN-R, PLNC, two-piece pantsuits, scrub dresses, cover and completed competency verification
senior perioperative practice specialist at jackets, head coverings, shoes, masks, and activities related to endoscope processing
AORN and lead author of this guideline, protective eyewear.4 should perform the endoscope cleaning
anyone processing flexible endoscopes must This guidance emphasizes the need to and processing. When the facility has a
be responsible to stay up-to-date on the follow the regulatory requirements for ap- team of competent individuals dedicated to
most current evidence to protect patients.2 propriate personal protective equipment endoscope processing the facility and most
Some of the new evidence-based guidelines (PPE) whenever splashes, spray, splatter importantly the patients can benefit.6 “A
will necessitate changes that should be or droplets of blood, body fluids, or other dedicated team of individuals responsible
implemented immediately, for example potentially infectious materials may be for processing flexible endoscopes may also
no longer disinfecting flexible endoscopes generated. PPE includes, surgical masks in allow endoscopy nurses to focus on clinical
manually (e.g., soaking in a pan of high- combination with eye protection devices responsibilities.”4
level disinfectant solution). 2 (e.g., goggles, glasses with solid side shields, Endoscope processing staff should receive
or chin-length face shields), fluid-resistant initial and ongoing education with complete
Processing room design gowns, general purpose utility gloves that competency verifications including an un-
All flexible endoscopes should be processed extend beyond the cuff of the gown, and derstanding of the principles and processes
in a designated area that is designed and fluid-resistant shoe covers.4 related to recommended practices for pro-
constructed to support processing activities. cessing flexible endoscopes.4
This recommendation discusses single vs. Preclean at the point of use
two separate processing rooms and how Flexible endoscopes and accessories should Leak test
they should be designed. It also addresses be precleaned at the point of use according Flexible endoscopes designed to be leak
the need for at least two sinks of appropriate to the specific endoscope manufacturer’s tested should be leak tested according to
size, the availability of instrument air that instructions for use (IFU). The external sur- the IFU for the specific make and model.
can be regulated, appropriate eyewash sta- face should be wiped with a soft, lint-free Leak testing should be preformed after
tions that are immediately accessible, and cloth or sponge saturated with cleaning each use, after any event that may have
physical design parameters which include solution. Cleaning solution should be suc- damaged the endoscope, and before use
appropriate air exchanges, airflow patterns, tioned through all channels and discarded of a newly purchased, repaired, or loaned
humidity limitations and temperature after each use.4 endoscope.2 Leak testing can decrease the
requirements.4 potential for patient infection or injury and
Instrument air is a medical gas that is not Transportation help reduce damage and repair costs. Leak
respired, and is filtered to 0.01 micron, free Used endoscopes and accessories should testing should be performed before manual
of liquids and hydrocarbon vapors, and dry be transported to the decontamination area cleaning and before the endoscope is placed
to a dew point of -40º F (-40º C).4 as soon as possible in a biohazard labeled, into cleaning solutions. 4
In a one-room endoscope processing closed, leak-proof, puncture-resistant
design there needs to be at least a 3 foot container or cart large enough to hold all Manual cleaning, followed by
minimum space between the decontamina- contents.2,4 mechanical cleaning
tion area and the clean work area, as well as Since biofilm starts to form within min- After leak testing and before high-level dis-
a separating wall or a barrier that extends utes, processing should begin as soon as infection or sterilization, flexible endoscopes
a minimum of 4 feet above the sink rim in possible after transport or within the manu- should be manually cleaned. Cleaning and
order to separate the dirty from the clean facturers recommended time to process. rinsing should be performed with the type
work areas. 4 of water, cleaning solution and brushes
When bronchoscopy procedures are Timing is critical recommended in the manufacturer’s IFU for
performed the procedure room should be Processing the scope ASAP, or within the the specific make and model of endoscope.
designed to be under negative pressure to manufacturer’s recommended period can In addition to manual cleaning, AORN now
the surrounding areas. When a negative help discourage the formation of biofilm, recommends the following when compat-
pressure room is not available, supplemen- especially in the lumens where it is more dif- ible with the endoscope manufacturer’s
tal air cleaning may be accomplished with ficult to see and remove. Recommendation IFU: “Mechanically clean and mechanically
a portable, industrial grade high-efficiency IV of the AORN guideline encourages facili- process flexible endoscopes by exposure to a
particulate air (HEPA) filter or portable ties to note the times the endoscopy proce- high-level disinfectant or a liquid chemical
anteroom system (PAS)-HEPA combina- dure is completed and when the cleaning is sterilant or mechanically clean and steril-
tion unit.4 initiated. The recordings can be as simple ize.” 2 The evidence shows mechanical
Structural surfaces (e.g., doors, floors, as using a white board or other means of cleaning improves cleaning effectiveness,
walls, ceilings, cabinets, shelves, work recording. Knowing the time the procedure increases efficiency, minimizes personnel
stations) should be smooth and able to was completed allows processing person- exposure, and the process can be monitored
withstand frequent cleaning.4 nel to improve effeciences and establish if for quality consistency.2
Page 38
Self-Study Test Answers: 1. A, 2. B, 3. C, 4. B, 5. A, 6. A, 7. B, 8. A, 9. B, 10. A • HEALTHCARE Purchasing NEWS • April 2016 37

Self-study series Sponsored by
Visual inspection and cleaning storage area in packaging systems which daily, weekly) basis or when visibly soiled
verification test protect the integrity of the sterilized contents with an EPA-registered hospital-grade
Endoscopes and accessories should be until the package is opened for use. 4 disinfectant.4
visually inspected for cleanliness, missing Following high-level disinfected or liquid
parts, integrity of seals, gaskets and function chemical sterilization, flexible endoscopes Summary
before use, during the procedure, after the and accessories should be stored in cabinets Flexible endoscopes are very complicated
procedure, after cleaning, and before dis- of sufficient size to allow scopes to hang free- devices that are difficult to process and
infection or sterilization. Visual inspection ly without coiling and without touching the require specific attention to detail in every
includes the use of lighted magnification as bottom of the cabinet. Flexible endoscopes processing step. Following the new AORN
well as a camera or borescope for inspecting should be stored with all valves open and updated evidence-based guidelines can help
internal channels (if available).4 removable parts detached but stored with facilities ensure the effectiveness of process-
In addition to visual inspection, cleaning the endoscope.4 ing procedures and help eliminate the pos-
verification tests should be used to confirm Endoscopes storage cabinets should not sibility of infection transmission from one
the ability of the cleaning processes to ad- be placed in the procedure room. The endo- patient to another. Having competent pro-
equately remove organic soil and microbial scope storage cabinets should be in a clean cessing staff and following the endoscope
contamination. “Cleaning verification tests and secure location of the clean workroom in IFU can help to decrease damage to the very
include adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and a two-room processing area or in a separate expensive endoscopes. A multidisciplinary
chemical reagent tests for detecting clinically clean area close to the procedure room.2,4 team should be established to help develop
relevant soils (e.g., protein, carbohydrate). Flexible endoscopes should be stored in a policy and procedure for endoscope pro-
Periodic verification of cleaning effective- a drying cabinet. If drying cabinet is not cessing. AORN has a policy and procedure
ness may help reduce errors in manual available the flexible endoscopes should template as well as a competency verifica-
cleaning and improve effectiveness.”4 be stored in a closed cabinet with HEPA- tion tool. The endoscope processing policy
filtered air with positive pressure that and procedure should be standardized
High-level disinfect or sterilize circulates filtered air around the scopes. throughout the organization. hpn
After cleaning and inspection, flexible endo- “Using HEPA-filtered air helps prevent
scopes and endoscope accessories should be bacterial growth in the endoscope. Positive References
high-level disinfected or sterilized. Accord- pressure helps prevent contamination of 1. 2016 Top 10 Health Technology Hazards. What technology
ing to the Spaulding classification system, stored endoscopes.”4 hazards are lurking in your hospital? Available at: https://www. Accessed 1/25/2016.
critical items, such as biopsy forceps that The researched evidence points to the
2. 6 New Evidence-Based Practices For Implementing More Effec-
enter sterile tissue or the vascular system, most favorable storage, which includes tive Processing Of Flexible Endoscopes in; AORN Periop Insider,
should be sterilized. When compatible the use of a drying cabinet that circulates 1/13/2016.

with the endoscope manufacturer’s IFU, HEPA-filtered air through the cabinet and 3. AORN’s Revised Model for Evidence Appraisal and Rating. In:
AORN recommends mechanically cleaned forces filtered air under pressure through AORN Journal, January 2016 vol. 103, No.1 p60-72.

flexible endoscopes be either mechanically the channels. Drying cabinets were shown 4. AORN Guideline for Processing Flexible Endoscopes. In: Guide-
lines for Perioperative Practice. Denver, CO: AORN, Inc; 2016:675-
processed, by exposure to a high-level dis- to successfully limit bacterial growth dur- 758.
infectant or a liquid chemical sterilant, or ing storage.2 5. Putnam K. Preventing biofilm formation in flexible endoscopes.
sterilized.4 Mechanical processing should be Staff should wear clean gloves when In AORN Journal, January 2016 vol. 103, No.1 pP7-P8.

performed according to both the endoscope handling processed scopes. A sign on the 6. Putnam K. Benefits of collaborating with sterile processing
personnel. In AORN Journal, January 2016 vol. 103, No.1 pP4.
and the mechanical processor manufactur- outside of the endoscope storage cabinet
ers’ IFUs. As soaking for high-level disin- may help remind staff to never touch pro- Ms. Seavey is an Educa-
fection is no longer recommended, AORN cessed endoscopes or accessories without tional Consultant to 3M
comments that some facilities may need to clean gloves. Health Care.
invest in mechanical processors.2 Rose Seavey is President/
For processing flexible duodenoscopes, Maximum storage time CEO of Seavey Healthcare
AORN recommends that a multidisciplinary AORN no longer recommends a specific Consulting. Rose served on
team consider enhanced methods for pro- maximum storage time, such as five days. the AORN Board in 2008-
cessing. Enhanced processing methods The recommendation is now to establish 2010 and was President of
include high-level disinfection followed a multidisciplinary team including infec- ASHCSP in 2003. She received numerous
by: quarantining of the endoscope until it tion preventionists, endoscopy nurses, awards such as AORN’s award for Mentor-
is culture-negative; use of a liquid chemical processing personnel, endoscopists, etc. to ship in 2012 and Outstanding Achievement
sterilant processing system; a second high- determine how long the scopes can be stored in Nurse Education in 2001. In addition, she
level disinfection process; ethylene oxide without being reprocessed prior to use.2 received the national 2013 IAHCSMM award
sterilization; or use of another FDA-cleared, The team should take into consideration of Honor, the Industry Leadership Award from
low-temperature sterilization process. variables such as how and where the scopes the Massachusetts chapter and the educator of
are stored, the results of cleaning verification the year award from the Golden West chapter.
Endoscope storage tests, the requirement to wear gloves when Ms. Seavey is widely published in professional
Flexible endoscopes and endoscope acces- handling processed scopes. AORN has pro- journals and is the author of the book titled Sterile
sories should be stored in a manner that vided an extensive evidence review to assist Processing in Healthcare Facilities: Preparing for
minimizes contamination and protects the the team in making this important decision. Accreditations Surveys, published by AAMI and
device or item from damage. Terminally Endoscope storage cabinets should be she serves on several AAMI committees writing
sterilized items should be stored in a sterile cleaned and disinfected on a regular (e.g., standards.

38 April 2016 • HEALTHCARE Purchasing NEWS •

Sponsored by Self-study series
Continuing education test • April 2016

Processing flexible endoscopes:

AORN’s updated evidence-based guidelines
Circle the one correct answer:
1. “Inadequately Cleaning of Flexible Endo- 4. The updated AORN evidence-based guideline 7. Contaminated endoscopes can be transported
scopes before Disinfection Can Spread Deadly for endoscopes will, more than likely, not to the decontamination area in a towel or
Pathogens” tops the list of the ECRI’s Top 10 require any changes that need to be imple- pillowcase as long as it is labeled with an
Health Technology Hazards for 2016. mented immediately. appropriate biohazard sticker.
a. True a. True a. True
b. False b. False b. False
2. The AORN evidence rating system describes 5. If a facility processes endoscopes in an area 8. Flexible endoscope processing should include
the strength and quality of researched litera- that only has one room for both dirty and cleaning verification tests such as ATP or re-
ture used to create their updated endoscopy clean processing they should ensure there agent tests that detect soils such as protein in
processing guidelines. The ratings include all is at least a 3 feet space between the clean addition to visual inspection with the use of a
except: and dirty areas and a barrier that extends a lighted magnification, a camera or borescope.
a. Regulatory requirements minimum of 4 feet above the rim of the sink. a. True
b. Undocumented sources a. True b. False
c. Strong evidence b. False 9. Cabinets for storing flexible endoscopes
d. High evidence 6. Surgical attire (e.g., pantsuits, cover jackets, should be stored in the procedure room for
e. Benefits balanced with harm head coverings), and PPE should be worn easy access in case an additional endoscope
3. Laryngoscopes and bronchoscopes belong in during endoscopy procedures. or accessory is needed during the procedure.
the _________ family of endoscopes according a. True a. True
to the ESGE. b. False b. False
a. Group 1 endoscopes 10. AORN recommends that a multidisciplinary
b. Group 2 endoscopes team consider enhanced methods for process-
c. Group 3 endoscopes ing duodenoscopes.
d. Group 4 endoscopes. a. True
b. False

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