Example:: True False. All Pigs Are Dogs. ? - Some Pigs Are Dogs. ? - No Pigs Are Dogs

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This is how to answer the first part of Activity No.

6 using the Truth Tables and Square of



________ Some pigs are not dogs.

Contradictory: ______ ________________________
Subcontrary : ______ ________________________
Subaltern : ______ ________________________

Answer: (in red font). Note: ? means doubtful

True Some pigs are not dogs.

Contradictory: False. All pigs are dogs.

Subcontrary : ? . Some pigs are dogs.

Subaltern : ? . No pigs are dogs.

Explanation: Use your analytical power!

1. Why is it True that Some pigs are not dogs? Well, have you seen a pig which is a dog?

Take note: The given proposition is always either True or False.

2. How come it’s “All pigs are dogs” in the contradictory? Because, in the Square of
Opposition, the opposite of O is A. “Some pigs are not dogs” is an O proposition.
3. Why is it False in the Contradictory that “All pigs are dogs”? Because, according to the
Truth Table for Contradictory Propositions, “ If the first proposition is true, the other
proposition is false.”

4. How come in the Subcontrary it is “Some pigs are dogs”? Because, in the Sqaure of
Opposition, the opposite of O is I. “Some pigs are dogs” is an I proposition.
5. Why is it Doubtful in the Subcontrary that “Some pigs are dogs”? Because, according to
the Truth Table for the Subcontrary Propositions, “If the first proposition is True, the
other proposition is Doubtful.”

Take note: The propositions involve in the Subcontrary are both PARTICULAR while in the
Contrary, both propositions are UNIVERSAL.

6. How come in the Subaltern, it is “No pigs are dogs”? Because, in the Square of
Opposition, the opposite of O is E. “No pigs are dogs” is an E proposition.
7. Why is it Doubtful that “No pigs are dogs”? Because, according to the Truth Table for the
Subalterns, “If the first proposition is particular and True, the second proposition which
is universal is Doubtful.”

Are you ready? Then, answer the first part of Activity no. 6.

Deadline of submission is June 10, then we will proceed to Syllogism.

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