Picture Prompts

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Picture 1- What do you think is happening in this picture?

Teaching points:
• Get students thinking about the impact cutting down trees has- wildlife, ecosystems, local
• What is the wood being used for?
• The term ‘deforestation’
• Are humans using too much trees?
• What earth resource does this image show? (Trees/ nature)
Picture 2- What do you think is happening in this picture?

Teaching points / students’ responses to look for:

• Why is there so much rubbish in the water? (Overuse of one-use plastics, lack of recycling ect)
• How does the rubbish impact the environment / wildlife? (Polluting eco systems, animals eating rubbish)
• How could the rubbish polluting water ways impact people? (Clean drinking water)
• What earth resource does this image show? (water)
Picture 3- What do you think is happening in this picture?

Teaching points / students’ responses to look for:

• What may the impact be on food wastage? (More rubbish = pollution)
• What else could be done with the food? (Donating to the less fortunate, composting, sell cheaper)
• Why is so much food being wasted? (High demand for ‘perfect looking’ fruit and veg, over buying)
• What earth resource does this image show? (Food- grown fruit and vegetables)
Picture 4- What do you think is happening in this picture?

Teaching points / students’ responses to look for:

• Why is so much clothes, shoes and hard waste thrown away?
• Who does this impact? – The environment, wildlife, people?
• What could be done with unwanted goods? (Donating to less fortunate, fixing / repurposing clothes)
• What earth resource does this image show? (Grown fibbers- Eg cotton, wool ect)
Picture 5- What do you think is happening in this picture?

Teaching points / students’ responses to look for:

• How can the overuse of cars impact the environment? (Poor air quality)
• How can humans be impacted? (Poor air quality = impacts health)
• What could be done to fix this issue? (Using public transportation, riding, walking, car polling)
• What earth resource does this image show? (energy / air)

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