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The Hypothetical Syllogism explained

This type of syllogism is called Hypothetical because it uses a Hypothetical Proposition, at least
in the major premise, except if the syllogism is a Pure Conditional Hypothetical Syllogism
because its minor premise is also a hypothetical proposition. Hypothetical Syllogism also has a
major premise; a minor premise; and a conclusion. But unlike categorical syllogism,
Hypothetical Syllogism has no major, minor and middle terms. Instead, it has clauses within the

an antecedent is an expression that gives its meaning to a proform. A proform takes its
meaning from its antecedent; "John arrived late because traffic held him up." The pronoun
him refers to and takes its meaning from John, so John is the antecedent of him.
Parts of a Hypothetical Syllogism:

1. For Conditional Syllogism, it has an ANTECEDENT and a CONSEQUENT. But if it’s a Pure
Conditional Hypothetical Syllogism, it has the 3 parts plus CONSEQUENCE.

Example of a mixed hypothetical syllogism:

If you study, you will learn

You study.
Therefore, you will learn.

Note: If you study is the antecedent

You will pass is the consequent

Example of a pure conditional hypothetical syllogism:

If you study, you will learn.

If you learn, you will pass.
Therefore, if you study, you will pass.

Note: if you study is the antecedent

You will learn is the consequent
You will pass is the consequence

2. For Disjunctive Syllogism, it has the two members of disjunction.

3. For Conjunctive Syllogism, it has the two members of Conjunction.

The 3 types of Hypothetical Syllogism based on the 3 types of hypothetical proposition:

1. Conditional Hypothetical Syllogism, because it uses hypothetical proposition or

propositions, otherwise called the “IF” proposition.

There are 2 types of Conditional Hypothetical Syllogism:

a. Mixed Conditional Hypothetical Syllogism – only the major premise is conditional

hypothetical proposition.


If you study, you will learn. If you study, you will learn.
You study. You don’t study.
Therefore, you learn. Therefore, you don’t learn.

Rule: If the minor premise affirms the antecedent, the conclusion will affirm the
consequent. But if the minor premise denies the antecedent, the conclusion will
deny the consequent.

In the activity, it will go like:

If you’re sorry for your sins, God will forgive you.

You’re sorry for your sins, Therefore, God will forgive you.
You’re not sorry for your sins, Therefore, God will not forgive you.
God forgave you, Therefore, you were sorry for your sins.
God did not forgive you, Therefore, you were not sorry for your sins.

b. Pure Conditional Hypothetical Syllogism – the major and the minor premises are
both conditional hypothetical propositions.

Rule: If the antecedent of the major premise is affirmed by the antecedent of the
conclusion, the consequence of the minor premise will be affirmed by the
consequence of the conclusion.

If you help the needy, God will bless you.

If God bless you, you will have plenty of graces.
Therefore, if you help the needy, God will bless you.
Therefore, if you don’t help the needy, God will not bless you.

2. Disjunctive Hypothetical Syllogism, because it uses a disjunctive or “EITHER OR”

proposition for its major premise.

Length is either long or short.

It is long, Therefore, it is not short.
It is short, Therefore, it is not long.
It is not long, Therefore, it is short.
It is not short, Therefore, it is long.
Rule: if the minor premise affirms one member of the disjunction, the conclusion
denies the other member. If the minor premise denies one member of the disjunction,
the conclusion affirms the other.

3. Conjunctive Hypothetical Syllogism, because it uses a conjunctive proposition otherwise

known as the “can’t be at the same time” proposition.


An animal cannot be a dog and cat at the same time.

It is a dog, Therefore, it is not a cat.
It is a cat, Therefore, it is not a dog.
It is not a dog, Therefore, it is uncertain.
It is not a cat, Therefore, it is uncertain.

Why “uncertain”? Because, if an animal is not a dog, it can be a cat or a pig or a lion or
any other animal while if an animal is a dog, you can be sure that it is not a cat or a pig, etc.


What is the difference between Disjunctive and Conjunctive?

In disjunctive proposition, there are absolutely only 2 choices where if you affirm or deny one,
you will deny or affirm the other.

Example: In length, the choice is only between long and short.

In sex, the choice is only between male and female.
In a married couple, the choice is only between husband and wife.

In conjunctive proposition, there are 2 choices given where if you deny one there is a possibility
of another choice outside the given choices.

Example: If a city is Tacloban, you’re sure it’s not Ormoc or any other city.
If a city is not Tacloban, it can be any other city.
Gender is conjunctive because it could be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,

So, was it easy to comprehend? Ok then, after you have dealt with Activity 7, letter A, do letter
B. Because it’s easier, submit your answers on June 20.

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