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Learning activity 1

Evidence: The time is now

This evidence is divided into two parts: A composition and an audio file. Read the
instructions below and make sure you complete both tasks.

Fuente: SENA

A. Answer the questions below. Use the examples as models of the grammar and
vocabulary you have to use.

1. Why didn’t you study English before? (List at least 5 reasons in a


Answer: Yes I have studied English before. Some of the reasons why I did
not continue my English studies are:

Because I didn’t have the financial resources to take classes at an institution.

I didn’t have enough tools to study on my own. I had other priorities like
finishing my engineering studies. I didn’t have enough time to take virtual
courses, and over time I lost interest in continuing to study English.

2. How different would things be if you had learned English before? (Name and
explain at least 5 things.)
If I had learned English before, I would have certified my knowledge in
English, so that I could apply for an academic exchange with another country.
If I had learned English before, I would have a better professional profile, with
which I could aspire to a vacancy in a multinational. If I had learned English
before, I could have participated in ecological restoration projects in different
countries of Central America. If I had learned English before, maybe I would
be living in another country. If I had learned English years ago, I would have
been able to take advantage of many of the opportunities offered by
mastering a second language.

B. Record an audio file of yourself answering the following questions. Use the
examples as models of the grammar and vocabulary you have to use.

1. Why are you studying English? (List and explain at least 4 reasons.)

I am studying English because I want to be certified, to take advantage of the

different opportunities at work and academic level that require a high level of
English. Because I would like to travel to other countries and for this, mastery
of another language is required. Because through English you could interact
with people from different places and get to know other cultures better.
Moreover, because it seems to me that it is important to prepare and learn
this type of knowledge, which contributes positively to our lives.

2. In what ways are you going to benefit from this learning?

With this learning, I can recognize what my strengths and weaknesses in

English are currently, acquire new knowledge and skills through the course,
and finally know the level of English I have.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
 Formula consecuencias hipotéticas a cursos de acción distintos en el
pasado en el contexto requerido.

 Comunica ideas sobre iniciativa y aprendizaje autodirigido usando el

vocabulario requerido.

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