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 Introduction : Mintzberg(1973) identified 10 separate role of manager on behavioural

basis under three headings :
 Inter-personal contact
 Figurehead : ceremonial or symbolic activity
 Leader : primary role
 Liasion: maintaining and gathering external information.
 Information Processing
 Monitor : looking relevant information
 Disseminator: Release factful and meaningful information to
subordinators .
 Spokesperson : Face of the company for external world
 Decision- Making
 Entrepreneur: designs and initiates changes in organisation.
 Disturbance Handlers : Managing unexpected situation
 Resources Allocators: Having a proper look into resources available
 Negotiator : act in a negotiation with organisations and individuals.
For performing these roles , skills required by the managers are ;
 Technical Skills : Ability to apply specialized knowledge , depends on
cognitive level. IQ.
 Human Skills: Ability to work with both individual and groups. It depends
upon his social intelligence , personality.
 Conceptual Skill : The mental ability to analyse and diagnose complex
situations. Depends on cognitive ability.
All is based on psycho-social behaviour.

 Manager will be effective in these roles when he possess skills , understand both
organization and employees properly . Organizational Behaviour is the systematic
study of human behaviour , attitudes and performance within an organisational
setting; drawing on theory methods from disciplines like psychology, sociology and
cultural anthropology to learn about individual perceptions , values etc.
 The Nature Of People : the six basic concepts relevant to the nature of people are as
follows :
 Law Of Individual Differences : The diversity such that each person has
individual way of behaving, comes from different background have different
needs, traits should be recognized and used as asset.
 Perceptions : Each person will not think objectively , he will judge the
situation in the terms of his beliefs . Selective perceptions is not good for
organization .
 A whole person : People in the organization work as human begins. They
should be looked up as whole unit or society.
 Motivated Behaviour
 Desire for involvement
 Value of the person
 Three concepts related to the nature of organizations are :
 Social System
 Mutual Interest
 Ethics
 Basic Approaches Of Organizational Behaviour
 Human Resources : People are central resources in any organisation and their
growth on competency ,skill enrichment should be taken care.
 Contingency Approach : Different managerial behaviour is required for
different situations
 Result-oriented Approach : Outcomes of organizational Behaviour are
assessed in terms of efficiency .
 System Approach : Organization is complex in nature . this approach takes
across the board view of people in organisation and analyses issues in terms
of total situations.
Models of OB is based on three theoretical framework i.e cognitive, behaviouristic
and social learning. The cognitive approach is based on expectancy demand and
incentive concepts and it was coined by Edward Tolman. The behaviouristic
approach explain human behaviour on the basis on connection of stimulus and
response. It was explained by Ivan Pavlov and John B Watson. The Social Learning
approach is the combination of both cognitive and behaviouristic approach. OB model
is based on (S,O,B,C) situation, organism, behaviour and consequence.
The OB model has some dependent variables such as … productivity, absenteeism ,
turnover, job satisfaction , deviant workplace behaviour. The independent variables
are Individual and group or group and individual levels organisation environment.
 The Goals Of Organizational Behaviour are basically below mention
four :
 To describe systematically how people behave under different
 To understand why people behave as they do
 Predicting future behaviour
 Control at least partially and develop some activities
 Assumptions about employees
 Theory X and Theory Y ( Mc Gregor 1957)
 X employee is assumed to be lethargic,
 Will look for excuse to not work
 Absenteeism will be high
 Try to avoid work as well responsibility
 The management of such employees will force such employees or punish
them or direct them to work due to fear .
 Theory Y wants to perform job and if the feel lazy it might be due to
experience .
 Employee have potential and take responsibility
 They are pro learner and need not to direct to perform
 The management has to understand and develop the activities that can
motivate them and increase the work efficiency. The growth of the employees
should be channelized towards organisational development.
Basis Of Power Economic Leadership Partnership Trust,
Model Resources Community
Managerial Authority Money Support Teamwork Caring,
Orientation Compassio
Employee Obedience Security and Job Responsible Psychologic
Orientation Benefits Performance Behaviour al
Employee Depend on Organisation Participation Self Self
psychologic Boss Discipline Motivation
al result
Employee Subsistence Security Status and Self Wide r ange
need met recognition Actualizatio
Performan Minimum Passive Awakened Moderate Passion and
ce result Cooperation Drives Enthusiasm commitmen

 Effectiveness Of Organisation
Two approaches of effectiveness is been laid down by Icancevich , Konopaske and
Matteson .
 The Goal Approach : It is the oldest method of measuring the effectiveness of
organisation . It assume that organisation existence depends on
accomplishment of goals which reflects purpose, rationality, and
achievement .
Drawbacks of this theory is as mention :
 Difficult to measure the goals of organisation producing intangible
 Conflicts of goals frequently arises.
 Goal achievement doest not show organisation effectiveness.
 The System Approach : Under this approach organisation effectiveness
depends upon the internal and external environment. This approach cast the
inter-dependence of internal and external environment . The manager must
know to deal with both aspects. External environment has two kind to inputs :
Human Inputs and Non-Human Inputs. An important aspects of this theory is
feedback(market research, financial reports, company complaints) .
 Social Equilibrium : In the Organisation as a larger group there are many big sub
groups and within these sub groups there are many smaller sub groups. And this tiny
sub groups are inter-connected i.e they send and receive the massage from the bigger
group of which they are part of .And all these bigger groups exchange communication
between them and which lead to the behaviour of a Larger Group which is the
Organization. This larger group is connected to the eternal environment which also
send are receive the massages between them. If the change in external environment
causes the change in the organisation and these changes take place in a working
balance then it is known as Social Equilibrium.
 Psychological Contract – Contact means mutual agreement between two parties. The
same thing happens when an employee join the organisation he entre into contract
with organisation in which he renders his services and will receive salary. But there
are some terms which are expected from employer by employees and vice versa
which is not mentioned is known as psychological contract. It provides satisfaction on
the fulfilment of this terms.
 Organisational Culture
When people in the organisation works it is the collection of different values and
norms and it is shared among the groups , individuals in the organisation, and it
controls the way that they interact with each other and stakeholders outside the
Deal and Kennedy defines the organizational culture as the way things get done here.
They measured the organization in terms of feedback and risk.

 Organizational Culture and Change (by Cummins & Worley) has six
guidelines :
 Formulate A clear strategic Vision
 Display top management commitment
 Model culture change at the highest level
 Modify the organisation to support change
 Select and socialize new comers and terminate deviants
 Develop ethical and legal sensitivity
 Attraction – Selection – Attrition Cycle (ASA… by SCHNIEDER 1987)
According Schnieder “ the people make the place” . He say that
Attraction : The people would like to join the job which is according to their
own interest , personality .(VROOM 1966).. has stated that people search
environment that suits their personality .
Selection : Organisation will try to recruit those who are compatible for many
different kinds of jobs. In this way it end up selecting having same personal
attributes people , although they may not share same level of competencies.
Attrition : When people does not fit into an environment they tend to leave
the organization , which latter leads to homogenous kind of people.
 Personality : It is a profile or combination of characteristics that capture the
unique nature of a person as that person reacts and interacts with others . It
combines the physical and mental characteristics that reflects how a person
acts , looks thinks and feels . It is formed by both genetic and environment.
 Key Traits are
 Locus of Control : the extent to which a person feels able to
control his/her life . Internal locus of control – here people
believe that they can control their destiny . In External ..
people believes that it is in control of environment.
 Authoritarianism/dogmatism-Authoritarianism. Is the
tendency to adhere rigidly to conventional values and to obey
recognized authority. Dogmatism is the tendency to view the
world as a threatening place.
 Machiavellianism-Rooted in Niccolo Machiavelli’s The
Prince evokes images of guilt, deceit, and opportunism. It is a
tendency to view and manipulate others purely for personal
 Values : It is a broad preference concerning appropriate course of actions or
outcomes . It influence both behaviour and attitudes .Sources of Values are
Parents , Society , Teacher Role models , External reference group .
 Perception : The cognitive process that involves receiving stimuli, organizing
the stimuli, and translating or interpreting the organized stimuli to influence
behavior and form attitudes. Each person selects various cues that influence
perceptions and people often misperceive.
 Attitudes : Attitude is a mental state of readiness learned and organized
through experience. It is exerting a specific response to people, objects, and
situations with which it is related. Attitudes are influenced by values and are
acquired from the same sources as values. It is a predisposition to respond in a
positive or negative way to someone or something in one’s environment.
Attitudes are determinates of behaviour because they are linked with
perception, personality, feelings, and motivation.
 Stage Of Group Development (Bruce Tuckman)
 Forming Stages : Most of the team members are positive and polite as they are
joing the group for first time . So some are anxious. As the rules and
regulations are not laid down team Leader can take the charge . This stage are
for short term because as people start working together they understand each
other well.
 Storming Stage : People start to push against the boundaries established under
forming stage . This stage begins when there is a conflict between team
members natural working styles as the rules and regulations are clearly
defined .
 Norming Stage : Under this stage members start resolving conflict and start
appreciating the leader . The socialize together and ask for help and provide
productive feedback.
 Performing Stage : Those team who work hard and that too without fiction
reaches this stage . Due to team work the team is able to achieve the team
goal. Under this stage if person leave or join the team it doesn’t impact the
work .
 Adjourning Stage : Many team may reach this stage and after the time or task
completion this team is disbanded.
 Theories Of Group Formation : It has four theories
 Propinquity Theory : Propinquity means that individuals affiliate with one
another because of spatial and geographical proximity. In an organisation
employee who work in same are or p lant will form groups due to proximity .
 Homan’s Theory(George) : The more activities person share ,the more
numerous will be there shared activities and sentiments, and more sentiments
will lead to more interaction and share activities .
 Balance Theory(Newcomb) : Persons are attracted to each other due to the
similar attitude towards share common goals . Once the relationships is
formed , it strive to maintain a balance between the attraction and the common
 Exchange Theory : This theory is based on reward cost theory. The person will
think about what he will get while interaction with this group. The rewards
from interaction gratify needs while cost incur anxiety , frustrations etc.
Reward should be greater than cost.
 There are 5 conflict – handling intentions :
 Competing (I Win – You Lose ) :Induce pressure by individual on
other person by whatever mean to achieve goal.
 Collaborating ( I Win , You Win ) : Both parties concern to fulfil the
goals by resolving the conflict without sacrificing their satisfaction.
 Avoiding ( No Winners, No Losers)
 Accommodating ( I Lose , You Win) – Set aside his concern to fulfil
the concern of other parties.
 Compromising (You Bend, I Bend)

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