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Importance of learning languages

Many years ago, people thought learning a second language was a waste of
time. But it has been proven that it boosts our confidence and brain to reply
faster when a conflict outcomes. In the era we are living, it is very easy for the
world to be connected simultaneously. The key for someone to get access to
this world is by learning languages. Learning languages implicates patience,
dedication, and discipline: if you don’t take it seriously, you won’t learn. As
examples we are going to mention the benefits of knowing Portuguese and
German that include academic, economic, and cultural

Knowing multiple languages is a huge benefit in the academic aspect of life.

Firstly, because it increases the amount of sources for researching information
and learning you have. There are many investigations and books that aren’t
translated to all languages. For example, if you have to do a research about
something and you know more than one language you have access to
investigations done in different countries and can use this information to do your
work. Secondly, it gives you the opportunity to travel to other countries to study
or to do specializations in your career. These offers you academic opportunities
that maybe doesn’t exist in your country and also is a life experience. Although
some countries offer studies in English, even if it isn’t their natal language, in
many other countries knowing the natal language is a requirement to study
there. Other general benefits of learning a foreign language are: it boosts brain
power, improves memory, and develops cognitive skills.  These benefits affect
positively in all aspects of life, including the academic one.

Knowing German gives graduates access to important research published in

German books and professional journals. As a nation committed to research
and development, Germans are on the frontline of new technologies turning
German is the second most commonly used scientific language. Also, Germany
awards a generous number of scholarships and other supports to study in
Germany. In the case of Portuguese, in the ranking of the best universities of
Latino America, Brazil has the first place with the Universidade de São Paulo
and occupies many others of the first places. Knowing Portuguese is the first
step to access to the best education of Latin America.
In the socio-cultural aspect, knowing languages permit you to live other cultures

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