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Se dation and Pain

Management in Burn
Pa tie nts
Cornelia Griggs, MDa, Jeremy Goverman, MDb,
Edward A. Bittner, MD, PhDc, Benjamin Levi, MDd,*

 Pain management  Sedation  Burn  Anesthesia  Operative management

 Pain management in patients with burn injuries, while challenging, is critically important to optimum
care of this population.
 Better outcomes in healing, anxiety, and rehabilitation are linked to good pain control in burns.
 Pain assessment requires understanding of acute, chronic, and procedural forms of burn-related pain.
 Multimodal pharmacologic approaches, with opioids as the mainstay of pain control, are ideal for
burn-injured patients.
 Perioperative management demands understanding of complex physiology and dynamic pharmaco-
kinetic changes that occur during the acute injury and resuscitation phase, especially in larger burns.

INTRODUCTION Despite profound improvements in modern burn

care, suboptimal and inconsistent pain manage-
From the moment of injury through rehabilitation ment persists throughout all stages of burn treat-
and beyond, pain control is a major challenge in ment. Without aggressive pain control, patients
the management of patients with burn injuries. In are likely to suffer not only from the acute experi-
fact, some argue that burn pain is the most difficult ence of pain in itself, but the secondary morbidities
to treat among any etiology of acute pain.1 The of higher pain levels, including long-term anxiety
therapies used to treat burn injuries may exacer- and posttraumatic stress,4,5 or even delayed
bate the difficulty of pain control because most wound healing.6 The unique challenge of burn
of these interventions are associated with pain, pain is further complicated by a relative dearth of
be it dressing changes, excision and grafting, or standardized approaches.7 Instead, tradition and
physical therapy. These therapies can cause pain personal/institutional biases often dictate pain
that is equivalent to or worse than the pain of an management. The complex interaction of
initial burn injury. Therefore, pain management anatomic, physiologic, pharmacologic, psychoso-
must be a foundation of burn care. Good pain con- cial, and premorbid issues can make the treatment
trol is linked to better wound healing, sleep, partic- of burn pain particularly difficult. An overview of
ipation in activities of daily living, quality of life, and pain management strategies specific to the treat-
recovery.2,3 ment of burn injuries is summarized here.

Disclosure statement: Dr B. Levi was supported by funding from National Institutes of Health/National Institute
of General Medical Sciences grant K08GM109105-0, American Association of Plastic Surgery Academic Scholar-
ship, and American College of Surgeons Clowes Award. Dr B. Levi collaborates on a project unrelated to this
review with Boehringer Ingelheim.
Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; b Division of Burn and Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; c Department
of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA; d Division of
Plastic Surgery, University of Michigan, 1500 East Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Clin Plastic Surg - (2017) -–-
0094-1298/17/Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Griggs et al

MECHANISMS AND TYPES OF PAIN IN BURNS tools in form of verbal adjective, numeric, or visual
analog scales (VASs) can be useful guides for pain
Although burns are classified according to depth, management in burns. In adults, VAS and numeric
area, and severity of injury, pain does not neces- rating scales (NRSs) are commonly used.13 Both
sarily correlate with these measures. The individ- NRS and VAS have undergone repeated validation
ual experience of pain varies widely between and have performed well in different patient popu-
patients and throughout the healing process in lations.14 Children, especially those who are pre-
burn injuries.7 Because individuals have varying verbal, and noncommunicative adults present a
pain thresholds, coping abilities, and even physio- more difficult challenge. Observational scales
logic responses to injury, patients may experience and physiologic indicators, such as heart rate
disparate levels of pain despite having similar in- and blood pressure, may be used to gauge pain
juries.7 The most immediate and acute form of in these populations.
burn pain is the inflammatory nociceptive pain Second, understanding the type and chronicity
attributed to burn injury and tissue trauma. Noci- of a patient’s pain is useful for tailoring pain man-
ceptive pain is often followed by and potentially agement strategies. The Patterson burn pain para-
exacerbated by procedural pain related to the digm provides a roadmap for the management of
treatment of burn wounds, be it surgical debride- burn pain through 5 different phases of injury,
ment, grafting, staple application and removal, treatment, and recovery.15 (1) Background pain is
physical therapy, or dressing changes. As burn pain that is present while the patient is at rest, re-
wounds begin to heal, neuropathic pain, charac- sults from the thermal tissue injury itself, and is
terized by a throbbing or constant burning sensa- typically of low to moderate intensity and long
tion potentially adds an additional layer of duration. (2) Procedural pain is brief but intense
discomfort. pain that is generated by wound debridement
Although all burns are painful, conventionally, and dressing changes and/or rehabilitation activ-
deeper, full-thickness burns are thought to be ities. (3) Breakthrough pain describes unexpected
somewhat less painful than superficial and partial spikes of pain that occur when background anal-
thickness burns because of afferent nerve gesic effects are exceeded, when at rest, during
destruction.8 However, this does not always play procedures, or with stress. (4) Procedural pain is
out in clinical practice.9 Additionally, full- an expected and temporary increase in pain that
thickness burns eventually require debridement occurs after burn excision, donor skin harvesting,
and grafting and subsequent dressing changes grafting, or interventions, such as the placement
that all lead to substantial pain. At the time of of central lines due to the creation of new and
burn injury, tissue damage is the primary mecha- painful wounds in the process. (5) Chronic pain is
nism of pain. Stimulation of local nociceptors pain that lasts longer than 6 months or remains af-
transmits an impulse via Ad and C fibers to the ter all burn wounds and skin graft donor sites have
dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Peripheral sensory healed. The most common form of chronic pain is
nerves and descending influences from cortical neuropathic pain, which is the result of damage
areas can modulate the magnitude of the pain im- sustained by the nerve endings in the skin. Each
pulse.10 Ultimately, conscious perception of pain of these 5 phases presents unique challenges in
is regulated by areas of the brain, often named the management of burn pain. Clinicians should
the “pain matrix,” which is thought to involve a be prepared to adjust treatment strategies using
network of higher cortical areas and the both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic tech-
thalamus.11,12 The conscious perception of pain niques, discussed in further detail in the next
is affected not only by the burn wound itself but sections.
also by context, cognition, pharmacologics,
mood, and other predisposing factors.10 Burn
pain also may vary and fluctuate widely over the PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGIC
span of recovery. Therefore, the successful treat- CONSIDERATIONS
ment of burn pain should involve a multimodal Major burns cause massive tissue destruction
approach tailored to the patient and scenario. and activation of a cytokine-mediated inflamma-
tory response leading to dramatic pathophysio-
PAIN ASSESSMENT logic effects.16 The inflammatory response is
initiated within minutes of burn injury, which re-
The first step in determining a pain treatment plan sults in a cascade of irritants that sensitize and
is assessing the degree of the patient’s pain, stimulate pain fibers. Burn wounds may become
which, in the case of burn injuries, may be mild primarily hyperalgesic to mechanical and/or ther-
to excruciating. Reliable, valid pain assessment mal stimuli.10 Two distinct phases, a burn shock
Sedation and Pain Management in Burn Patients 3

phase followed by a hypermetabolic phase, were hypermetabolic stages of burn recovery.19 Ani-
first described by Cuthbertson in 1942.17 Burns mal studies of burn injury have shown changes
involving more than 20% of total body surface in spinal cord receptors, including downregula-
area cause generalized edema even in noninjured tion of m opioid receptors, and upregulation of
tissues.16 Continued loss of plasma into burned protein kinase C (PKC)-g and N-methyl-D-aspar-
tissue can occur up to the first 48 hours or tate (NMDA) receptors.20 Therefore, ketamine re-
even longer in these larger burns.16 These pro- quirements to anesthetize patients with burn
found physiologic changes contribute to altered injuries also may be increased.16 For patients
pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic re- with burn injuries who develop extreme tolerance
sponses to many drugs.16 Plasma protein loss to morphine, treatment with clonidine, dexmede-
through burned skin and further dilution of tomidine, ketamine, and methadone has been
plasma proteins by resuscitation fluids decrease found to be effective.21,22 Dexmedetomidine
the concentration of albumin.16 Increase in vol- has been used to provide sedation–analgesia
ume of distribution has been shown in almost for burned patients and to decrease opioid re-
every drug studied, including propofol, fentanyl, quirements.23,24 Titration of dexmedetomidine
and muscle relaxants.18 Burned patients may may also allow weaning of benzodiazepine, as
demonstrate variable or unpredictable responses patients get close to extubation. Dexmedetomi-
to drugs, thereby requiring adjustments to dosing dine has been shown to result in less delirium
or complete exclusion of certain drugs (eg, succi- than benzodiazepines in several critical care
nylcholine).16 Cardiac output goes down in the studies.
acute injury phase (0–48 hours) even with aggres- Ketamine has many potential advantages for
sive volume resuscitation. As a result, elimination induction and maintenance of anesthesia in pa-
of some drugs by the kidney and liver may be tients with burn injuries.16 Ketamine is associated
decreased. Next, the hyperdynamic phase leads with hemodynamic stability, preserving airway
to increased cardiac output and blood flow to patency as well as hypoxic and hypercapnic re-
the kidneys and liver, meaning increased clear- sponses, and decreasing airway resistance;
ance of drugs dependent on organ blood flow therefore, ketamine may be the agent of choice,
for elimination.16 particularly in scenarios in which airway manipu-
lation is to be avoided.16 Intensive dressing
PHARMACOLOGIC MANAGEMENT changes at the bedside, removal of hundreds of
staples, or other procedures requiring conscious
Oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs sedation are examples in which ketamine might
(NSAIDs) and acetaminophen are mild analgesics be the agent of choice. Administration of benzo-
that exhibit a ceiling effect in their dose-response diazepines along with ketamine can reduce
relationship. Such limitations render these agents dysphoria, and coadministered glycopyrrolate
unsuitable for the treatment of typical, severe can reduce the severity of increased secretions
burn pain. Oral NSAIDs and acetaminophen are associated with ketamine. Burned patients
of benefit in treating minor burns, usually in the receiving ketamine must be closely monitored
outpatient setting. For hospitalized patients with for myocardial depressant affects, however,
burn injuries, opioids are the cornerstone of phar- because persistently high levels of catechol-
macologic pain control.1 Opioids are inexpen- amines results in desensitization and downregu-
sive, widely available, and familiar to most lation of b-adrenoreceptors in these patients.16
clinicians. Opioid requirements are increased in Additionally, patients with prior drug use might
patients with burn injuries and may far exceed experience distressing anxiety with ketamine
standard dosing recommendations; therefore, use.
tolerance is a challenge throughout burn care.16 Anxiety is a common issue for burn-injured
Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) with intrave- patients and may be closely linked to pain.
nous opioids is a safe and efficient method of Background pain and the anticipation of proce-
achieving flexible analgesia in burn-injured pa- dural pain exacerbates anxiety, which can in
tients.1 Studies comparing PCA with other routes turn exacerbate the pain.7 Anxiolytic drugs
of administration have shown mixed results as to have commonly been used in conjunction with
benefit and patient satisfaction.7 Although opi- opioids in the treatment of burn pain.1 When
oids delivered via oral and intravenous routes administered as an adjunct to opioids, benzodi-
are a mainstay of burn pain treatment, it is impor- azepines have been shown to decrease both
tant to note that pharmacokinetic changes have background pain and pain in those patients
been documented for morphine, fentanyl, and with high levels of procedural pain.1 Further-
propofol throughout the hyperdynamic and more, low-dose benzodiazepine administration
4 Griggs et al

may reduce burn wound care pain reports.1 Pa- rehabilitation. Regional anesthesia should be
tients with high anticipatory procedural anxiety considered for both burn wound pain and donor
and high levels of pain are most likely to benefit site pain. If both burn and donor sites are on the
from anxiolytic therapy.7 However, benzodiaze- same extremity, regional anesthesia can be
pine use, as in other critical care populations, considered. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
can lead to short-term and long-term delirium. blocks also can be used to improve thigh donor
Antipsychotic medications (eg, haloperidol and site pain.
quetiapine) also are good options and are Tumescent local anesthesia injected into a
increasingly used for management of anxiety donor site before harvesting, subcutaneous cath-
and agitation associated with burns. Antidepres- eter infusions, peripheral nerve, and central neu-
sants appear to enhance opiate-induced anal- raxial blocks may all have roles in the regional
gesia, especially in patients with chronic management of burn pain. The use of epidural
(neuropathic) pain.16 analgesia has been limited in the burn population
because of the potential for increased risk of infec-
INTRAOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT AND tion and colonization that has been associated
REGIONAL ANESTHESIA with indwelling vascular access. Therefore,
caution should be exercised in selecting appro-
In addition to anesthetic concerns, intraoperative priate patients with burn injuries who might benefit
management of burned patients may demand from central neuroaxial blockade.16 Truncal blocks
special attention to airway access, vascular ac- can be very advantageous for donor site harvest-
cess, monitoring, and ventilator management, all ing. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block is
of which may be affected by the severity and loca- particularly well suited for this approach because
tion of a patient’s burn. Facial burns, increased it is exclusively a sensory nerve and innervates
risk of infection from vascular access, profound the lateral thigh, which is a donor site for split-
fluid shifts, and dynamic pharmacokinetic thickness skin grafts.16
changes during the acute injury phase make intra-
operative management of burned patients partic- STRATEGIES FOR WEANING VENTILATOR
ularly challenging. If muscle relaxants are given
intraoperatively, succinylcholine should not be Weaning the ventilator while maintaining appro-
administered within the first 48 hours of injury priate pain control is one of the most challenging
due to the risk of exaggerated hyperkalemic aspects of burn care. Historically, patients with
response in burned patients.25 Decreased sensi- burn injuries would remain intubated and sedated
tivity to the neuromuscular effects of nondepola- for weeks to months during their burn care,
rizing muscle relaxants (NDMRs) also has been negating the need to titrate pain medications.
observed in this population; therefore, the dosage With obvious improved outcomes with the push
of NDMRs needed to achieve desired paralysis for daily spontaneous breathing trials, early extu-
may be substantially increased in burned pa- bation, and ambulation in multiple surgical critical
tients.16 Rocuronium and atracurium also demon- care populations, patients with burn injuries also
strate somewhat reduced effectiveness in burned have benefited from more rapid extubation.
patients and may require increased dosing as Concurrently, transitioning patients with burn in-
well.16 Choice of anesthetic should be determined juries off the high doses of pain medications and
by the hemodynamics, pulmonary status, and need for analgesia can be challenging. In general,
predicted difficulty of securing an airway. The patients who are expected to be extubated within
choice of volatile anesthetic is not thought to the first 48 hours of admission might tolerate pro-
change outcome in burned patients. However, if pofol. However, as mentioned previously, propofol
propofol is chosen as the agent for induction or can cause hypotension, and high doses may be
sedation, then the operative team must be aware required given the high fluid resuscitation in pa-
that clearance and volume of distribution may be tients with burn injuries. Additionally, triglycerides
markedly increased.16 Therefore, patients with must be monitored for high doses. If patients are
major burn injuries may require larger bolus doses expected to be on the ventilator for longer than
and/or increased infusion rates of propofol 48 hours, as is seen in inhalation injuries, fentanyl
intraoperatively.16 and midazolam (Versed) is often titrated. As
Regional anesthesia has an important role in the mentioned previously, dexmedetomidine can be
intraoperative management of patients with burn added to help wean Versed as the patient gets
injuries, not only because it provides anesthesia closer to extubation. Seroquel also serves as a
in the operating room, but also because it can offer helpful adjunct when beginning to wean
postoperative pain control and facilitates benzodiazepine.
Sedation and Pain Management in Burn Patients 5

CHRONIC PAIN MANAGEMENT nonopioid adjuncts for chronic burn pain anal-
gesia is needed.
Sensitivity to analgesics can fluctuate over the
course of burn injury and recovery, with periods
of increased sensitivity acutely followed by toler-
ance in the long term. Opioid-induced hyperalge- Hypnosis, cognitive behavioral techniques, and
sia is a complication that may result from the distraction approaches are examples of nonphar-
continuous administration of analgesics, there- mocologic strategies that have been studied in
fore creating a cycle of increased opioid dosing burn populations. The use of hypnosis for the
and tolerance. Methadone is a synthetic opioid treatment of procedural pain and anxiety has
drug that has both a long and predictable dura- growing evidence for its effectiveness.29 Virtual re-
tion of action, making this drug a favorable drug ality systems also have been studied and shown
for chronic pain management in the burn patient some promise in procedural pain control, but
population. Because methadone exerts its anal- may not be practical in certain clinical set-
gesic effect not only through opiate receptor tings.30,31 Multidisciplinary interventions from
binding but also through a weaker pain modula- psychologists, physiotherapists, and pain man-
tion at spinal NMDA receptors, it can be a stra- agement specialists can contribute greatly to the
tegic drug choice when making an opioid burn patient’s recovery. Early introduction to these
switch in patients with burn injuries.10 Neuro- support mechanisms alongside multimodal thera-
pathic pain also is an important consideration in peutic approaches may reduce overall anxiety,
both healed and unhealed burn wounds. Gaba- thereby mitigating the experience of pain in the re-
pentin is an agent that has been studied in both covery from a burn wound.
the acute and chronic management of burn
pain. The use of gabapentin as an adjunct to STANDARDIZATION AND GUIDELINES
standard analgesia has shown reduction in the
severity of neuropathic pain in limited studies of Standardized pain and anxiety guidelines are used in
patients with burn injuries and burn injury many burn centers to ensure appropriate and
models.26,27 However, recent data from a ran- consistent patient comfort. Ideally, pain manage-
domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study ment guidelines should ensure safety and efficacy
showed that the use of gabapentin in acute burn over a broad range of burn severities while providing
pain management did not decrease pain scores clear recommendations for drug selection, dosing,
or lessen opioid requirements.28 Antidepressants and titration. Frequent reassessment of pain and
and clonidine also have been proposed as poten- anxiety levels can safeguard against inadequate
tial analgesic options for chronic burn pain, but treatment of pain in the burn unit. Bittner
have not been studied extensively. Further and colleagues16 have proposed the following
research into long-term opioid management and guidelines for sedation and analgesia in acute burns:

Stage of Injury Background Anxiety Background Pain Procedural Anxiety Procedural Pain
Acute burn #1 Midazolam Morphine infusion Midazolam boluses Morphine boluses
ventilated infusion
#2 Morphine infusion Dexmedetomidine Morphine boluses
Dexmedetomidine higher infusion
infusion rate
#3 Antipsychotics Morphine infusion Haloperidol (very Morphine boluses
slow) boluses
#4 Propofol infusion Morphine infusion Propofol boluses
Morphine boluses
(<48 h)
Acute burn not Dexmedetomidine Morphine IV or PO Lorazepam IV/PO Morphine IV/PO
ventilated IV, scheduled or ketamine IV
lorazepam IV or PO
Chronic acute Scheduled Scheduled Lorazepam or Morphine PO
burn lorazepam or morphine or antipsychotics (PO) or oxycodone
antipsychotics (PO) methadone

Fentanyl infusions could be substituted for morphine infusions. In view of the increased incidence of delirium with ben-
zodiazepines, minimal use of them is advocated.
Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; PO, per oram (by mouth).
6 Griggs et al

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