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Structural S

tructural engineers know the mechanics of Talking Point #4

the seismic provisions of the International The MCER is the ground shaking intensity that
Building Code (IBC) and ASCE 7-10. They the IBC requires to be considered, but larger

know how to get Ss and S1 for a site and shaking intensities are possible. In reality, the
apply the equations to calculate a seismic response MCER should be thought of as the minimum
coefficient (Cs) that is used to calculate the seismic ground shaking intensity that must be considered.
base shear, which is used to size the seismic resisting
Talking Point #5
elements of the building. However, many do not
practical knowledge beyond A specific fault rupture or a specific magnitude earth-
understand the background behind the equations
the textbook quake may not cause an MCER level ground shaking
and the coefficients. The purpose of this article is to
intensity. A fault could rupture many times before it
establish a foundation for a common understand-
results in the MCER level ground shaking intensity
ing as an aid in discussing seismic concepts with
being reached or exceeded. The maximum expected
owners, clients, and other engineers.
earthquake on a fault may not cause an MCER level
ground shaking intensity, but conversely, it is also
Earthquakes vs. Ground Motion possible that it could®cause the MCER level ground
shaking intensity to be exceeded.

Talking Point #1
Engineers design for a specific ground motion Talking Point #6

shaking intensity, not a specific earthquake. Even though the MCER is the considered ground
shaking intensity, building design and perfor-

Talking Point #2
t mance is usually based on an intensity of 2/3 of the
The IBC mandates the yMaximum Considered

Cop MCER (see Talking Point #8), which this article
Earthquake (MCER)
will call the design ground shaking intensity.

ground motion that
Are You Communicating must be considered in
the design process. Code Performance Expectations
Seismic Concepts Correctly? Earthquakes cause the
i n
It is important to understand the life safety per-
earth to shake. It is the

formance expectations of the code and to be able

g a
ground shaking caused
to clearly communicate these to clients and build-

by the earthquake that causes building movement
By Brent Maxfield, S.E. ing owners.
and damage. The code writers didn’t do us any favors

by using the terms Maximum Considered Earthquake
and Design Earthquake (sometimes referred to as the
Design Basis Earthquake). Using these terms alone
Talking Point #7
Although the term Life Safety has specific mean-
ing to engineers, it can have other interpretations
implies that we are designing for a specific earth- and be misconstrued by clients and owners.
quake. The MCER is a ground shaking intensity, Three key damage states not specifically men-
Brent Maxfield is an active given as a response acceleration, which is gener- tioned but implied by the IBC are Immediate
member of SEAU and is the ally caused by a range of earthquakes of different Occupancy, Life Safety, and Collapse Prevention.
Past President of the EERI magnitudes from several earthquake sources, or in A building owner who would be satisfied with a
Utah Chapter. He has an some areas, a single earthquake from a dominant Collapse Prevention damage state may say that
active interest in seismic earthquake source. Engineers should be clear and they want a Life Safety damage state because
topics. He can be reached at use the phrase Maximum Considered Earthquake they misunderstand the terms. Here are simple Ground Motion to emphasize that it is the ground definitions of performance expectations:
motion shaking intensity we are designing for and • Immediate Occupancy: A building can
not the earthquake. be used after some cleanup occurs and
can be occupied during the repairs to fix
Talking Point #3
building damage.
Beginning in 2012, the IBC established a risk-
• Life Safety: A building could have
modified MCER, which is based on a uniform risk of
significant structural damage, but it
building collapse (1% in 50 years, or 1/5000 per year),
has reserve structural capacity to resist
and results in the same risk of a building collapse in
aftershocks. The building may not be able
New York, Atlanta, Seattle, and the rest of the country.
to be occupied until after repairs are made.
The Uniform Hazard MCE ground shaking
• Collapse Prevention: A building has been
intensity is no longer used in building design (see
pushed to the limits of its strength and stiffness
Talking Point #16). To get the MCER, the Uniform
and is on the verge of collapse. Aftershocks
Hazard ground shaking intensity is increased or
may cause the building to collapse.
decreased until there is a 1% probability of building
This article is based on an article collapse in 50 years. In most areas of the country, Talking Point #8
and is used with permission the code shaking intensity is reduced from the For an accurate discussion of performance
from the SEAU News, Seismic Uniform Hazard, meaning that a shaking intensity expectation, engineers must provide clients and
Communication: Let’s Get on the matching the MCER is likely to occur more often building owners with a clear understanding of the
Same Page, May 2015. than a shaking intensity matching the older MCE. expected building performance and the ground

32 March 2016
shaking intensity at which that building per- This estimation of ground motion shaking
formance is expected to occur.
Code Ground Motions intensity is called a deterministic approach. From
The implied safety objective of the IBC is to The following is a very brief description cov- a code standpoint, a deterministic ground motion
achieve Life Safety if the building site experi- ering basic concepts about how the Ss and looks at the 84th percentile response acceleration
ences a ground shaking intensity equal to the S1 values found on the USGS website are from all nearby active faults and selects the largest
design ground shaking intensity (2/3 MCER) derived. These values could be based on either response acceleration (shaking intensity).
and to achieve Collapse Prevention if the a deterministic or a probabilistic ground
building site experiences a ground shaking motion shaking intensity.
intensity equal to the MCER.
Probabilistic Ground Motions
The IBC uses a Seismic Importance Factor
of 1.5 for essential facilities to increase the
Deterministic Ground Motions Talking Point #14
Probabilistic ground motions refer to the
strength of the building and reduce the duc-
Talking Point #12 probability that a specific ground shaking
tility demand on the structure. The objective
A deterministic ground motion analysis for a spe- intensity level will be exceeded.
continued They
on next
for an essential facility, such as a hospital, is to
cific fault will predict a range of ground shaking refer to a specific magnitude earthquake (see
achieve Immediate Occupancy if the building
intensities from a specific magnitude earthquake. Talking Point #1).
site experiences a ground shaking intensity ®
Deterministic ground motion predictions

equal to the design ground shaking intensity Talking Point #13
assume that a characteristic earthquake occurs,
(2/3 MCER) and to achieve Life Safety if the It is only possible to predict a range of ground

but they do not consider the likelihood of it
building site experiences a ground shaking shaking intensities from a specific earthquake
occurring. Probabilistic ground motions add
intensity equal to the MCER. Note that a at a specific site. It is impossible to predict what

another dimension by considering the prob-
hospital may not be operational if it experi- the exact ground rshaking ht intensity will be at a
y ig ability that a specific magnitude earthquake

ences the MCER ground shaking intensity. specific site. Cop
will actually occur. They are expressed as a prob-
When a specific magnitude earthquake hap-

ability that a specific level of ground shaking
Talking Point #9 pens, the ground shaking intensity around the
intensity will be exceeded in a specific period
The risk of collapse is reduced for buildings that region could vary greatly. Areas close by each
of time. For example, a 10% in 50 year ground
are designed using Seismic Importance Factors other can have very different levels of ground
i n shaking intensity means that there is a 10%

of 1.25 or 1.5. Seismic Importance Factors shaking intensity. Recordings from previous
z probability that the shaking intensity will be

are intended to improve the building perfor- same-magnitude earthquakes show that there
mance at the design ground shaking intensity a
is a wide range of possible shaking intensities.
exceeded in 50 years. It could also be stated that

there is a 1/475 probability that in any one year
(2/3 MCER) and at the MCER ground shaking Engineers and seismologists who have studied
intensity. This is accomplished by reducing the a
earthquake ground motions can only predict
the shaking intensity would be exceeded. A 2%
Response Modification Factor (R). Note that
the Seismic Importance Factor is not applied m
a range of shaking intensities from a specific
earthquake based on fault type, distance, site
in 50 year ground shaking intensity is larger and
rarer. There is only a 1/2475 probability that the
shaking intensity will be exceeded in any year.
to the demand coefficient (SDS or SD1). conditions, and other factors because there is
so much variability in these parameters. The Talking Point #15
Talking Point #10
ground motion prediction equations provide a The USGS acknowledges that a magnitude
The IBC allows for a very small risk of build-
median shaking intensity and a standard devia- 7.5 earthquake could occur anywhere in the
ing collapse.
tion, from which the range of shaking intensities United States. If a probabilistic ground shak-
1) There is a 1% in 50 years probability
can be calculated, and do not predict what the ing intensity is low, it is not because there can
(1/5000 per year) that a building will
exact ground shaking intensity will be. never be a large magnitude earthquake; it is
collapse due to a seismic event.
Predicting what the ground shaking intensity because the probability of a large magnitude
2) Up to 10% of buildings designed
will be from a future earthquake is like predict- earthquake is very low.
and constructed per the IBC could
ing when a kernel of popcorn will pop. Some A probabilistic ground shaking intensity is
experience some collapse when
kernels pop early, some pop late. If you were based on the probability of various size earth-
subjected to the MCER ground
given a kernel of popcorn, you could not predict quakes impacting a specific location. It considers
shaking intensity.
when it will pop, but you could say that there both nearby and distant faults, and considers
Talking Point #11 is a 50% likelihood that it would pop before how many very small to large earthquakes have
Nonstructural components are designed for the the median time. Or, you could say that there occurred in the area. It is a complicated process
design ground shaking intensity (2/3 MCER), and is an 84% likelihood that it would pop before to calculate a probabilistic ground motion, and
there are no performance goals for a MCER level the median + one standard deviation time. So is beyond the scope of this article.
ground shaking intensity. the question is not, “When will it pop?” but
At the design ground shaking intensity “How likely is it to pop before a specific period Deterministic Caps
(2/3 MCER), components with an Ip = 1.0 can of time?” Likewise, it is not appropriate to guess
be expected to have major damage, but signifi- what the exact ground shaking intensity will Talking Point #16
cant falling hazards are avoided. Components be from a magnitude X earthquake. Instead, it The older MCE (prior to the 2012 IBC) is
with an Ip = 1.5 can have limited damage, but is better to ask, “What is the ground shaking a Uniform Hazard ground shaking intensity
should remain functional. There should be intensity level where there is an 84% likelihood with a 2% in 50 year probability of being
no expectation that essential components will that a magnitude X earthquake will cause a exceeded (1/2475 per year).
be operational for the MCER ground shaking ground shaking intensity less than this level?” When a 2% in 50 year probabilistic ground
intensity. At MCER intensity, nonstructural ele- This question could also be asked for 50%, or shaking intensity is calculated for every location
ments may fall, causing localized deaths. any other percentile. around the United States, areas with many active

STRUCTURE magazine 33 March 2016

faults will have very high ground shaking inten-
The following are references to learn more about the specific Talking Points:
sities, and areas with no active faults will have
much lower ground shaking intensities. Each ASCE/SEI 7-10, Minimum Design Loads for Building and Other Structures, 3rd Printing
location has the same probability that the calcu- NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures, FEMA
lated ground shaking intensity will be exceeded: P-1050-1/2015 Edition
2% in 50 years, or 1/2475 per year. This creates Talking Points #1 and #2: ASCE 7-10, Section C11.1, Nature of Earthquake ‘Loads’,
what is referred to as a “Uniform Hazard.” and Section C21.2.
Because some areas of California have many Talking Point #3: ASCE 7-10, Section C11.4. See ASCE 7-10 Figures 22-17 and
active faults, it results in very high probabilistic 22-18 for the Mapped Risk Coefficients, CR, that are applied to the 2% in 50-year
ground shaking intensities. It was decided to cap Uniform Hazard ground motion shaking intensity.
the MCE based on the deterministic ground Talking Point #4: ASCE 7-10, Section C11.4. Even though MCE is an acronym for
shaking intensity of the controlling nearby fault. Maximum Considered Earthquake, it must not be considered as the largest ground
The MCER also uses a deterministic cap. The motion shaking intensity that can occur at a specific site. In its current use, it does
current cap is based on the 84th percentile deter- not stand for Maximum Credible Earthquake. MCER is the lowest ground motion
ministic ground shaking intensity. shaking intensity that the code allows to be used.
Talking Point #5: ASCE 7-10, Section C11.4. If MCER is capped ® by the determin-
Talking Point #17

istic value, a fault rupture for a specific earthquake has an 84% chance of causing
When the MCER ground shaking intensity (see
a shaking intensity less than the 84th percentile deterministic ground motion. If

Talking Point #3) is based on the deterministic
MCER is based on a probabilistic ground motion, then it does not relate to a specific
cap, then the shaking intensity will be lower
earthquake magnitude, and a fault rupture could result in a larger or smaller shaking

than the risk adjusted Uniform Hazard ground
intensity than hMCE
t R.
shaking intensity. Because it is lower, the risk yrig

Cop #6: ASCE 7-10, Sections C1.4 and C11.4.4, and NEHRP, Section 1.1.2,
Talking Point
of building collapse is greater than the IBC
Page 2.

objective of 1% in 50 years, and it is likely to
Talking Point #7 and #8: ASCE 7-10, Section C11.5 introduces the concepts of
occur more often than either the 2% in 50 year
Immediate Occupancy, Life Safety, and Collapse Prevention, but does not discuss
Uniform Hazard or the risk adjusted Uniform
Hazard ground shaking intensities.
i n
them in detail. The best discussion of these damage states or performance levels is

found in ASCE/SEI 41-13, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings.
Refer to Table C2-3 for a brief description.
Concluding Thoughts a
Talking Point #8: ASCE 7-10, Section C11.5.
Talking Point #9: ASCE 7-10, Section C11.5.1, NEHRP, Section 1.1.1, Pages 2 and 3,
This article only scratched the surface on
and Section 2.1.1, Pages 4 and 5.
many topics. Hopefully the information pro-
vided will whet our appetite to learn more
and establish a common understanding for
Talking Point #10: The code deems these probabilities as an “acceptable level of seismic
safety.” ASCE 7-10, Section C11.4, NEHRP, Section 1.1.1, Pages 1and 2, and
Sections 2.1 and 2.1.1, Pages 4 and 5.
discussing seismic concepts.▪
Talking Point #11: ASCE 7-10, Section C13.1.3, NEHRP, Sections 1.1.2, 1.1.4, and
1.1.5, Pages 2 and 3, and Section 2.1.2, Page 6
USGS website: Talking Points #12, #13, and #14: ASCE 7-10, Sections C21.2.1 and C21.2.2. There are many sources that discuss the differences between deterministic and probabilistic
designmaps/us/application.php. ground motions. One of them is: Baker J.W. (2008) An Introduction to Probabilistic
Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA). White Paper. Version 1.3. 72 pp. http://web.stan-
Talking Point #15: Petersen, M.D., Moschetti, M.P., Powers, P.M., Mueller, C.S.,
Haller, K.M., Frankel, A.D., Zeng, Yuehua, Rezaeian, Sanaz, Harmsen, S.C., Boyd,
O.S., Field, Ned, Chen, Rui, Rukstales, K.S., Luco, Nico, Wheeler, R.L., Williams,
R.A., and Olsen, A.H., 2014, Documentation for the 2014 Update of the United States
National Seismic Hazard Maps: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014-
1091, 243 p.,, Pages 24, 28-31.
Talking Point #16: ASCE 7-10, Section C11.4, NEHRP, Section 1.1.1, Page 1 and 2,
and Section 2.1.1, Pages 4 and 5.
Talking Point #17: ASCE 7-10, Section C11.4.

STRUCTURE magazine 34 March 2016

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