Ethiopia Solar Power PB - Final Web PDF

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December 2017

Key messages
llEthiopia has a target of increasing
A climate for solar power: Solutions
energy access for up to 4 million
households by 2020. The Government
for Ethiopia’s energy poverty
of Ethiopia has ambitious plans for
rolling out solar power in rural areas to Solar energy is playing an important role in Ethiopia’s rural electrification by
achieve this, as part of its Growth and providing off-grid energy to households and enterprises across the country.
Transformation Plan II. Under the country’s Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II), the
llAchieving the goals will require Government of Ethiopia has set ambitious targets for expanding access to
significant private sector investment. off-grid energy through solar technologies, including 3.6 million lanterns,
Current policy does not provide 400,000 solar house systems and 3,600 solar photovoltaic (PV) systems for
attractive incentives or create a
rural health centres, schools and other government service centres by 2020.1
sufficient enabling environment for
private sector investment.
In 2005, only 1.2% of rural households for solar lanterns than for solar home
llImproving policy alignment will used electricity, while the rest used systems. According to information
attract the private sector to invest and kerosene and firewood. By 2016, electricity obtained from the Development Bank of
have positive co-benefits of creating use in Ethiopia had increased to 26%, Ethiopia, about 80% of the solar products
employment and reducing import whereas kerosene and firewood use for imported into the country using the
challenges. lighting had dropped to under 8%.2 Ten Bank’s finance facility were solar lanterns.
llThe Government can increase certainty years ago, the penetration of solar systems Information obtained from key
for the private sector by: in rural areas was negligible, whereas stakeholders and end users in a recent
•• sharing knowledge of its grid today these are used by more than 16% of market intelligence survey (see
expansion and off-grid plans so the the population – and this figure is growing.3 ‘Recommended resources’) also indicated
private sector does not invest in places that the price of a solar lantern is lower
There is a range of off-grid products
that are soon to be connected than that of a solar home system. In
available to Ethiopia (see Table 1
•• speeding up importation processes and overleaf). Off-grid electricity is currently addition, it does not need a technician for
reducing the associated costs used for lighting, charging mobile installation, making it a more accessible
•• creating incentives for local phones, and the provision of electric technology than solar home systems. As a
manufacture that will increase power to rural health centres, schools and result, the rate of dissemination of solar
employment opportunities and reduce water pumping systems, among other lanterns in Ethiopia has been increasing
the need for foreign exchange uses, and has seen remarkable growth in sharply in recent years.
•• insisting on quality products that the past five years. In addition to falling
The involvement of the private sector to
ensure sustainability and build global prices for solar equipment, this
consumer confidence help meet the targets set in the
transformation can be directly attributed
overarching national policy is critical.
•• supporting financing options that to the introduction of fiscal (e.g. tax
However, the recent spike in demand for
make these products affordable to exemptions for imports) and technical
off-grid solar equipment has not been
the poor (including pay-as-you-go regulations (e.g. Global Off-Grid Lighting
models). met by the supply end. The main
Association approved standards), as well
challenges identified by the private
as increased access to financing, made
Authors: sector include the lack of clear policy and
available to suppliers and consumers.
Hilawe Lakew, Ethio Resource Group, and standardisation procedures on solar
Beza Hailu, Tesfaye Hailu and Suzanne Carter, Dissemination of solar products for equipment, limited foreign exchange
CDKN off-grid use is disproportionately larger availability and the involvement of

Table 1. Types of solar products used for off-grid lighting
Off-grid rural electrification with solar PV products can be broadly categorised into three types of technologies: solar lanterns, solar home
systems and micro or mini grids

Category Description Descriptive sketches

Solar lantern • A typical solar lantern is a one-light system, which may

© Courtesy of Lighting Africa

have a jack for phone charging
• All system components except the solar panel are
integrated and contained in one unit
• The power rating is usually less than 5 Watt peak (Wp)

Solar home • These may contain two or more lights with phone-

© Courtesy of INTERSOLAR
system charging capacity
• Higher capacity systems may provide sufficient power to
operate several light bulbs, TVs and refrigerators
• They usually have a capacity of more than 10 Wp

Micro/mini grid • These can be powered from one or more power sources

© Courtesy of INTERSOLAR
• Power is distributed to end consumers using low voltage
distribution lines
• They generate 10 kilowatts (kW) to 10 megawatts (MW) of
electricity, which households and enterprises can use for
their energy needs
• They consist of distributed generation and interconnected
loads within a clearly defined electrical boundary that acts
as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid4

several government actors in the various Electricity Access Program (on grid) had a Investment barriers
stages of the import process.5 A recent budget of US$45 m. for the same period Too many organisations are involved in
assessment of the sub-sector concluded and employed more than 2,000 people, the business licensing, quality verification
that finding workable solutions to lifting making it the largest electrification and taxation processes for off-grid solar
these barriers is critical to ensuring the programme in sub-Saharan Africa. products. The process involves numerous
viability of off-grid solar as an effective actors, ranging from ministries to banks
energy alternative in rural electrification, The lack of availability of long-term grid and agencies working together in a system
and to meeting the targets set in the GTP expansion plans by the Government of that is not streamlined.8 This has led to
II and Sustainable Development Goal 7. Ethiopia6 has resulted in a lack of delays and increased the transaction costs
confidence in the private sector for for enterprises. In addition, it has made
Barriers to off-grid solar investing in micro-grid infrastructure in the off-grid business unattractive for
expansion rural areas. investors and made higher-wattage
off-grid equipment unaffordable for most
Capacity constraints While the markets for off-grid lanterns
end users, thereby decreasing the
The Government of Ethiopia’s and solar household systems have grown,
penetration rate of off-grid solar equipment.
commitment to off-grid rural the technical services infrastructure –
electrification does not match its including capacity for design, manufacture The involvement of various agencies in
commitment to on-grid electrification. and assembly, as well as installation and the importation process has also created
For example, in 2008 the Rural service provision – has not grown along communication gaps that inconvenience
Electrification Fund (REF) focusing on with the rapid increase of sub-standard enterprises involved in the import and
off-grid connectivity had a budget of solar products on the market.7 As a distribution of solar products. This is
US$45,000 from the Government and consequence, customers have had to deal compounded by unclear jurisdiction in
US$1 m. in grant funding from with faulty installations, encountering terms of which agency is in charge of
multilateral sources, and only four technical problems with their devices and verifying and approving quality
employees. In contrast, the Universal problems with poor quality. certificates for solar products when they

arrive at customs.9 It appears that the additional opportunities for private sector 2.  Speed up and reduce the costs of
Ministry of Water, Irrigation and actors to provide long-term financing the importation process. Parallel
Electricity, the Ethiopian Energy Authority, arrangements for end users to purchase formalisation and streamlining of
the Ethiopian Revenues and Customs solar products. Given that access to institutions and regulations involved
Authority, the Ministry of Trade, and the foreign currency is a constraint affecting in the import process will go a long
Ethiopian Conformity Assessment imports to Ethiopia as a whole, solutions way to addressing the hurdles behind
Enterprise all assume some responsibility, that reduce this dependency are highly the import barriers. A ‘Green Line’
depending on various factors that are encouraged by the Government of declaration to fast track customs
neither clearly defined nor effectively Ethiopia. clearance procedures could be
communicated to importers. introduced to streamline the process.
There are five key steps that the A ‘Green Line’ is essentially a customs
Presently, solar equipment that is Government of Ethiopia can take to clearance fast-tracking mechanism for
imported into the country takes about 47 unlock further investment in the off-grid all goods certified by the Pre-export
days to be fully tested. Testing is solar sector. Verification Conformity. This will help
conducted without unloading the goods avoid delays in customs, reduces
1.  Share knowledge of the
from the truck, which brings about high potential losses from the importation
Government’s grid expansion and
demurrage expenses for the importer. of non-compliant products, directly
off-grid plans. The Government of
Ethiopia can reduce the uncertainty reducing the price of goods for the
Financial constraints
preventing private actors from end user.
The limited availability of foreign currency
requires importers to wait up to three investing in off-grid projects by The recent adoption of third-party
months or longer to access the foreign developing and communicating its verifications through Pre-export
exchange needed to purchase solar electric grid expansion plan clearly Verification Conformity seems to be
products.10 and effectively. In addition, off-grid working well for other countries in
solar can be placed on a sustainable East Africa (e.g. Kenya, Tanzania and
Lack of sufficient consumer financing, track by restructuring the REF to Uganda).
coupled with high interest rates for solar meet its full mandate and allocating
products, have depressed demand and a larger government budget. A larger 3.  Create incentives for local
made solar products unaffordable for budget allocation can be leveraged manufacture. Providing the necessary
many. Enterprises are required by to increase the level of donor policy instruments – such as tax-free
multilateral financial institutions to deposit funding by proactively seeking ‘holidays’, tax-free import privileges for
10% of the value of the products being match funding. equipment to manufacture and
imported. Multilateral financial institutions assemble solar technologies, the
also charge interest rates of 15–20%. In addition, an update of the off-grid creation of awareness in industry hubs,
Similarly, commercial banks provide loan electrification master plan study and the establishment of associations
guarantees to solar enterprises to access a conducted in 2006 should be to build capacity among local investors
undertaken by the Government to – will entice the private sector to
loan facility from the Development Bank of
reflect current realities and a broader manufacture and/or assemble solar
Ethiopia. While the Bank charges 12%
scope (focusing on the potential for equipment locally, as has been the
interest, commercial banks add an
renewable micro/mini grids, micro experience in neighbouring East
additional 4% to secure the loan
hydro, wind farms, etc.). Furthermore, African countries. This would have
guarantee, increasing the total interest to
key elements of the plan, particularly wider co-benefits, not just in
16%, which is directly accrued by the end
those focusing on market intelligence, addressing the foreign exchange issue,
user – increasing costs further.
should be updated every two or three but also in creating employment and
years. Providing market intelligence,
Recommendations to expand reducing the import challenges that
risk guarantees and capacity-building
off-grid solar uptake in off-grid solar financing to banks
are currently prevalent.

In mid-2017, the Energy Compact was (development, commercial and 4.  Insist on quality products.
signed between the Government of microfinance) would enhance their Appropriate conformity standards
Ethiopia and the Government of the UK. readiness to lend to off-grid solar must be defined in line with the local
The Energy Compact can provide product suppliers and consumers. context, specifically for renewable

off-grid mini/micro grids, as they making small payments at regular Development Knowledge Network
have large market potential in intervals using mobile money. (CDKN).
Ethiopia. The Pre-export Verification Pay-as-you-go not only makes the 4. NREL (2016) ‘Distributed generation
Conformity mechanism of importing product affordable to low-income to support development-focused
solar equipment can address rural households, but the fact that it climate action’. Golden, CO: National
capacity constraints at the Ethiopian is distributed and maintained by Renewable Energy Laboratory. Ibid.
Conformity Assessment Enterprise. professional companies ensures that
5. ERG (2017b) ‘Off-grid solar
Granting tax-free privileges only for any technical issues are addressed
development in Ethiopia: Evaluation
equipment that meets the Pre- appropriately.
of alignment of government policies
export Verification Conformity
and actions for the sector’. Addis
standards will encourage the private Recommended resources Ababa: Ethio Resource Group. Study
sector to import certified equipment

Front cover photo: Daleen Loest/  |  Editing, design and layout: Green Ink (
Ethio Resources Group (2017) ‘Off- commissioned by CDKN.
– ensuring quality products are grid solar development in Ethiopia:
imported into the country. 6. Ministry of Water Irrigation and
Market intelligence study report’. Study Electricity, Ecofys, SNV (2016)
5.  Support affordable financing commissioned by the Climate and ‘Off-grid rural electrification in
options. Increasing access to Development Knowledge Network Ethiopia – NAMA developed within
consumer finance through (CDKN). the Mitigation Momentum project’.
microfinance institutions (MFIs), Addis Ababa: Government Press.
pay-as-you-go technology providers References
7. ERG (2012) ‘Solar energy vision for
and other sources is needed. 1. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Opportunities for creating a
Promoting arrangements such as risk Ethiopia (2015) The Second Growth photovoltaic industry in Ethiopia’.
guarantees and grants would reduce and Transformation Plan (GTP II) Addis Ababa: Ethio Resource Group.
the high interest rates charged by (2015/16-2019/20). Addis Ababa: 8. Ministry of Water Irrigation and
banks and MFIs, and make solar Government Press. Electricity (2013) Ethiopian National
products more affordable. Long- 2. Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia Energy Policy. Addis Ababa:
term financing arrangements are (2016) Ethiopia Socio-economy Government Press.
needed for end users to purchase Survey (ESS) – 2015/2016. Addis
solar products. 9. ERG (2017b) Op. cit.
Ababa: Government Press.
10. TAK IRDI (2016) ‘Assessment of the
One way in which this could be 3. ERG (2017) ‘Off-grid solar role the private sector plays in the
addressed is through the development in Ethiopia: Market GTP II’. Addis Ababa: TAK –
implementation of the pay-as-you- intelligence study report’. Addis Innovative Research and
go model, which allows people to Ababa: Ethio Resource Group. Study Development Institution.
purchase solar home systems by commissioned by the Climate and

About CDKN
The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) aims to help decision-makers in developing countries design and deliver
climate compatible development. We do this by providing demand-led research and technical assistance, and channelling the best available
knowledge on climate change and development to support policy processes at the country level.

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This document is an output from a project commissioned through the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN). CDKN is a programme funded by the UK Department for International
Development (DFID) and the Netherlands Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) for the benefit of developing countries. The views expressed and information contained in it are
not necessarily those of or endorsed by DFID, DGIS or the entities managing the delivery of the Climate and Development Knowledge Network, which can accept no responsibility or liability for such
views, completeness or accuracy of the information or for any reliance placed on them. This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute
professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given
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it. Management of the delivery of CDKN is undertaken by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, and an alliance of organisations including Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano, LEAD Pakistan, the Overseas
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Copyright © 2017, Climate and Development Knowledge Network. All rights reserved..

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