National Anthem and Flag Circular - Hong Kong Schools

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: EDB(SA1)/SA/POL/16(II) Government of the HKSAR

Education Bureau

18 June 2020

Education Bureau Circular No. 9/2020

Display of the National Flag and the Regional Flag

and Playing and Singing of the National Anthem

[Note: This circular should be read by –

(a) Supervisors and Heads of All Primary and

Secondary Schools (including Special
Schools) – for action;
(b) Supervisors and Heads of All Kindergartens
and Private Schools Offering Non-formal
Curriculum; and Heads of Sections – for


This circular serves to provide schools with guidelines on the display of the
national flag1 and the regional flag2 , and the playing and singing of the national
anthem 3 ; as well as latest information on curriculum resources and support
measures for reference.


2. National flag, national anthem and national emblem are symbols and
signs of a nation, and should be respected by every citizen. Fostering students’

Refers to the national flag of the People's Republic of China
Refers to the regional flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
Refers to the national anthem of the People's Republic of China
national identity is one of the key learning goals of primary and secondary
education. Enabling students to understand the development of their own country
in different aspects, such as history, culture, economy, technology and political
systems and laws, as well as cultivating in them a national sentiment, are the
educational obligation of schools. Schools have the responsibility to educate
students about the national flag, the national anthem, and the national emblem of
their own country. This is part of Moral, Civic and National Education (MCNE),
and helps enhance students’ sense of national identity.

3. The National Anthem Ordinance was gazetted and came into effect on
12 June 2020 while the National Flag and National Emblem Ordinance as well as
the Regional Flag and Regional Emblem Ordinance were enacted as early as on
1 July 1997. To promote national education and enhance students’ sense of
national identity, primary and secondary schools must display the national flag and
the regional flag as well as play and sing the national anthem when holding
celebration activities for the New Year’s Day (1 January), the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region Establishment Day (1 July) and the National Day
(1 October). The Education Bureau (EDB) also strongly advises schools to display
the national flag and the regional flag, as well as to play and sing the national
anthem on important days and special occasions, such as the first day of a school
year, open day, graduation ceremony, swimming gala/sports day, school
anniversary events and Chinese Culture Day; and encourages schools to display
the national flag and the regional flag, and/or play and sing the national anthem
regularly. Teachers and students should stand solemnly and deport themselves
with dignity while the national flag and the regional flag are being raised, and
observe the relevant etiquette while the national anthem is being played and sung
to show their respect for the country and demonstrate their good quality as
nationals. For non-Chinese school staff and students, observing the etiquette while

the national flag is being raised and when the national anthem is being played and
sung is a way of showing respect for the country they are located.

Information on the National Flag, the Regional Flag and the National Anthem

4. For information related to the national flag, the regional flag and
the national anthem, please refer to the webpage of the Protocol Division,
Government Secretariat ( For
learning and teaching resources on knowing the national flag, the national
anthem and the regional flag, please refer to the webpage of the MCNE
Section of the EDB (

Raising and Lowering of the National Flag and the Regional Flag

5. Schools should note the proper procedures for raising and lowering the
national flag and the regional flag, and ensure the flags are of good condition.
Webpages referred to in paragraph 4 above provide details on the display of the
national flag and the regional flag, as well as the etiquette for raising and lowering
of the national flag and the regional flag.

Playing and Singing of the National Anthem

6. Schools should note that the spirit of the National Anthem Ordinance is to
respect the national anthem, while there should not be any public and intentional
acts to insult the national anthem or misuse the national anthem. All primary and
secondary schools should provide opportunities for students to learn to sing the
national anthem, understand its history and spirit, as well as to observe the etiquette

when playing and singing the national anthem. For the full text of the National
Anthem Ordinance, please refer to the following webpage:!en -zh-Hant-

Curriculum Resources and Support Measures

7. To cultivate students’ sense of national identity is one of the key learning

goals of primary and secondary education. The learning content of the national
flag, the national anthem and the regional flag has long been incorporated in the
local curricula of different subjects such as General Studies for primary schools,
Music, Chinese History, as well as in MCNE. The EDB has been providing schools
with related curriculum resources and professional development programmes for
teachers. To support the school sector to capitalise on the existing foundation as
well as to teach students to know and respect the national flag and the regional flag,
to sing the national anthem and understand its history and spirit, and to observe the
etiquette for playing and singing the national anthem, the EDB has reviewed the
curriculum, compiled relevant resources, and enhanced curriculum support
measures, which include:

i. The Learning and Teaching of the National Anthem: Supplement

to the Music Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 – Secondary 3) (the
Supplement) ( which has been
endorsed by the Curriculum Development Council. Schools offering the
local curriculum should adopt the Supplement in full from the 2020/21
school year onwards, as well as teach students to sing the national anthem
and about the etiquette for playing and singing the national anthem;

ii. Local schools should strengthen the link between respective

subjects/curriculum areas, such as General Studies for primary schools,

Chinese History, as well as MCNE, and the learning and teaching of the
national flag and the regional flag, introduce the national flag and the
regional flag in lessons where appropriate, as well as teach students about
the history and spirit of the national anthem, etc. so as to enhance students’
learning effectiveness;

iii. The organisation of teacher professional development programmes

(including experience sharing) to introduce to schools the learning and
teaching examples, implementation strategies, and good practices related
to different subjects/curriculum areas so as to help schools take forward
relevant work effectively; and

iv. The updating of the “Getting to Know the National Flag, the
National Anthem and the Regional Flag” (Chinese and English
versions) on the webpage of the MCNE Section of the EDB
( Relevant learning and teaching
resources, including brief descriptions of the national flag, the national
anthem and the regional flag, points to note while displaying the national
flag and the regional flag in schools, relevant information and useful links
would be provided to primary and secondary schools (including
international schools and the English Schools Foundation schools).

8. For further details regarding the playing and singing of the national
anthem at schools, please refer to the “Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
on Playing and Singing of the National Anthem at Schools”. The path is as

EDB Webpage(> Education System and Policy >

Primary and Secondary School Education > Applicable to Primary and
Secondary School

9. This circular supersedes Circular No. 5/2010 dated 18 June 2010.


10. For enquiries, please contact the respective Senior School Development
Officer or the MCNE Section (telephone number: 2153 7485) / Arts Education
Section (telephone number: 3698 3529) of the Curriculum Development Institute.

for Secretary for Education

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