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Ecosystem Services Provided by Birds

Article  in  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences · July 2008

DOI: 10.1196/annals.1439.003 · Source: PubMed


439 4,134

3 authors:

Christopher J Whelan Dan Wenny

Moffitt Cancer Center San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory


Robert J Marquis
University of Missouri - St. Louis


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Ecosystem Services Provided by Birds
Christopher J. Whelan,a Daniel G. Wenny,b
and Robert J. Marquisc
Illinois Natural History Survey, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie,
Wilmington, Illinois, USA
Lost Mound Field Station, Illinois Natural History Survey, Savanna, Illinois, USA
Department of Biology, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Ecosystem services are natural processes that benefit humans. Birds contribute the
four types of services recognized by the UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment—
provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting services. In this review, we con-
centrate primarily on supporting services, and to a lesser extent, provisioning and
regulating services. As members of ecosystems, birds play many roles, including as
predators, pollinators, scavengers, seed dispersers, seed predators, and ecosystem en-
gineers. These ecosystem services fall into two subcategories: those that arise via be-
havior (like consumption of agricultural pests) and those that arise via bird products
(like nests and guano). Characteristics of most birds make them quite special from the
perspective of ecosystem services. Because most birds fly, they can respond to irrup-
tive or pulsed resources in ways generally not possible for other vertebrates. Migratory
species link ecosystem processes and fluxes that are separated by great distances and
times. Although the economic value to humans contributed by most, if not all, of the
supporting services has yet to be quantified, we believe they are important to humans.
Our goals for this review are 1) to lay the groundwork on these services to facilitate
future efforts to estimate their economic value, 2) to highlight gaps in our knowledge,
and 3) to point to future directions for additional research.

Key words: birds; ecosystem engineering; ecosystem services; excavation; guano; nests;
pest control; pollination; reciprocal nutrient fluxes; scavenging; seed dispersal

Introduction pact ecosystem function, and often in surprising

ways (Holmes & Sturges 1975; Holmes 1990)?
Birds are both visually and acoustically con- In the intervening decades many studies have
spicuous components of ecosystems. Birds at- examined various roles of birds in ecosystems
tract attention. But ecologically, do birds mat- throughout the world. We now have a much
ter? We know from two classic studies in the greater appreciation of the ways that birds func-
1970s that birds may contribute rather little tion within numerous ecosystems. As members
to overall ecosystem productivity (Wiens 1973; of ecosystems, birds play many roles, includ-
Holmes & Sturges 1975). Do birds therefore ing as predators, pollinators, scavengers, seed
live off the fat of the land, contributing little to dispersers, seed predators, and ecosystem engi-
ecosystem function (Wiens 1973)? Or, despite neers (Sekercioglu 2006).
their small contribution to productivity, could “Ecosystem services” are natural processes
their place within food webs allow birds to im- that benefit humans. For instance, honeybees
pollinating orchards provide a service that ben-
efits humans through the production of ap-
Address for correspondence: Christopher J. Whelan, Illinois Natural ples. In contrast, native bees pollinating milk-
History Survey, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, 30239 South State
Highway 53, Wilmington, IL 60481 Voice: +1-815-423-6370-250; fax:
weeds provide a service for the milkweed—they
+1-815-423-6376. facilitate its reproduction. Both are services,
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1134: 25–60 (2008). 
C 2008 New York Academy of Sciences.
doi: 10.1196/annals.1439.003 25
26 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

but only the former can reasonably be argued activities help maintain ecosystems throughout
to have a direct or extrinsic benefit for hu- the world.
mans. Wallace (2007) reviews problems con- In this paper, we concentrate primarily on
cerning the classification of ecosystem ser- supporting services, and to a lesser extent, pro-
vices. Here, we follow the United Nations visioning and regulating services. Because we
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2003; see are interested primarily in the ecological impact
also Kremen & Ostfeld 2005), which dis- of birds, we will not consider cultural services.
tinguishes four principal types of ecosystem Supporting services arise through the myriad
services: functional roles that birds play in ecosystems.

These ecosystem services fall into two subcat-
Provisioning services, such as production
egories: those that arise via behavior (like con-
of fiber, clean water, and food;

sumption of agricultural pests) and those that
Regulating services, obtained through
arise via bird products (like nests and guano).
ecosystem processes that regulate climate,
Currently, the economic value to humans con-
water, and human disease;

tributed by most, if not all, of the supporting
Cultural services, such as spiritual enrich-
services has yet to be quantified. Nevertheless
ment, cognitive development, reflection,
we believe that these services are important,
recreation, and aesthetics;

in some cases vitally important, to the human
Supporting services, which include all
enterprise. One goal of this paper is to lay the
other ecosystem processes, such as soil for-
groundwork on these services that may facil-
mation, nutrient cycling, provisioning of
itate future efforts to estimate their economic
habitat, and production of biomass and
value. A second goal is to highlight gaps in our
atmospheric oxygen.
knowledge and point to future directions for
Birds contribute all four types of services. additional research.
Provisioning services are provided by both
domesticated (poultry) and nondomesticated Why Birds Are Unique
species. Nondomesticated birds have been im-
portant components of human diets historically Characteristics of most birds make them
(Moss & Bowers 2007), and many are still to- quite special from the perspective of ecosys-
day (Peres 2001). In developed countries, many tem services. Most birds fly, so most are highly
are hunted for consumption and sport (Ben- mobile, with high mass-specific metabolic rates
nett & Whitten 2003). Bird feathers provide (and, hence, high metabolic demands). These
bedding, insulation, and ornamentation. Scav- characteristics allow birds to respond to irrup-
engers contribute regulating services, as effi- tive or pulsed resources in ways generally not
cient carcass consumption helps regulate hu- possible for other vertebrates. Their mobility
man disease. Via art, photography, religious also allows them to leave areas in which re-
custom, and bird watching, birds contribute sources are no longer sufficient. Because many
cultural services. Bird watching, or birding, is species are migratory, birds link ecosystem pro-
one of the most popular outdoor recreational cesses and fluxes that are separated by great
activities in the United States and around the distances and times. Different bird species ex-
world. In the United States, in 2001, 45 mil- hibit a wide range of social structure during any
lion bird watchers spent $32 billion in retail given phase of the annual cycle. For example,
stores, generating $85 billion in overall eco- many species are territorial when breeding, but
nomic impact, and supporting over 860,000 others breed colonially. Finally, in many bird
jobs (LaRouche 2001; see also Sekercioglu species, social structure changes drastically be-
2002). Birds contribute supporting services, as tween breeding and nonbreeding phases of the
their foraging, seed dispersal, and pollination annual cycle. For many such species, breeding
Whelan et al.: Birds and Ecosystem Services 27

communities are composed of individual pairs ton 1933; McAtee 1935; Martin et al. 1951).
of relatively low density owing to intraspe- Such food habit studies, while informative, can-
cific (and sometimes, interspecific) territorial- not reveal the functional significance of bird
ity. In the nonbreeding season, these species diets, because they do not measure impacts on
may form heterospecific flocks that can attain either the prey population itself or the resources
extremely high densities. Such differences in so- of the prey.
cial structure can lead to very large differences Interest in the economic role of birds as pest-
in avian impact on the environment. control agents receded as agriculture became
more mechanistic, large scale, and dependent
Behavior-driven Services upon the rapidly growing availability of effec-
tive pesticides (see Kirk et al. 1996). Current
Most of the ecosystem services we consider interest in the functional roles of birds arose
here result from bird behavior, specifically, for- from two complementary concerns. First, de-
aging behavior. Among the nearly 10,000 bird bate over factors, such as food competition
species on the planet, we find species that con- and predation, as structuring mechanisms of,
sume virtually every imaginable resource, in ecological communities (see Amer Nat 122[5],
aquatic, terrestrial, and aerial environments, 1983: A Round Table on Research in Ecology
from remote oceanic islands to every continent. and Evolutionary Biology) spurred renewed in-
Many services and ecosystem functions are thus terest on impacts of birds (and other animals)
the consequence of resource consumption. on their food resources (Rodenhouse & Holmes
1992). Second, concern over declining popula-
Pest Control tions (Ambuel & Temple 1983; Robbins et al.
1989; Terborgh 1989; Askins et al. 1990) in-
A pest-control agent must do more than creased interest in the potential consequences
simply consume the pest species. The control of those declines (Askins 1995; Whelan & Mar-
species must affect the population of the pest quis 1995; Martin & Finch 1995; Sekercioglu
species sufficiently that there is a positive impact et al. 2004).
on the resource that the pest itself consumes.
The impact should be evident either through Herbivorous Insects
some measure of the abundance and/or the Quantifying the impact of bird predation
fitness of the resource, or, when the resource on arthropods typically involves cages that ex-
is an agricultural crop, as an increased yield clude birds from their foraging substrates, or
and/or economic profit derived from the crop. less commonly, deploying perches and nest
Bird–crop interactions fall under the domain of boxes to increase their abundance. Askenmo
“economic ornithology.” et al. (1977) used net exclosures to determine
Economic ornithology launched in the that bird predation decreased densities of over-
United States in 1885 with a small Congres- wintering spiders in northern spruce forests.
sional appropriation within the USDA for “the Solomon et al. (1977) placed logs containing
study of the interrelation of birds and agricul- coddling moth (Cydia pomonella) cocoons in ap-
ture, an investigation of the food, habits, and ple orchards. They found that logs caged in
migrations of birds in relation to both insects wire netting to exclude birds experienced al-
and plants” (Henderson & Preble 1935). Early most no losses of cocoons over winter and
efforts focused on food habits of species pre- spring, but losses on uncaged logs accessible
sumed to be either beneficial or detrimental to birds exceeded 90%. Holmes et al. (1979)
to agriculture, including granivorous and in- used experimental exclosures to assess the im-
sectivorous songbirds as well as birds of prey pact of birds on arthropods during the breed-
(Fisher 1893; Weed & Dearborn, 1903; Erring- ing season. They found that birds significantly
28 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

reduced densities of Lepidoptera larvae on for- Owing to mobility, many bird species can re-
est understory vegetation. The largest impacts spond to temporally and/or spatially disjunct
coincided with nestling and fledgling periods of bonanzas of arthropods. An early case was re-
the nest cycle. Joern (1986) demonstrated exclu- ported by Mormon pioneers newly settling near
sion of birds in grasslands increased densities the Great Salt Lake in Utah in 1848 (Schwarz
and diversity of grasshoppers (Orthoptera). 1998). In late May, their crops were attacked
These early exclosure experiments presented by “millions” of crickets, which “took every-
compelling evidence that birds can depress thing clean.” Near disaster was averted when,
abundance of at least some arthropod prey. in answer to the Mormon’s prayers, “. . .sea
But they assessed only the predators (birds) and gulls have come in large flocks” and destroyed
their prey (arthropods, especially herbivorous the crickets. In their review, Kirk et al. (1996)
insects). Insect pest predators need not be insect mention several additional anecdotal reports
pest control agents, as reductions in pests may of birds responding to “outbreak” situations.
not translate into reductions in pest damage. They conclude (p. 227) that, “while the amount
Atlegrim (1989) documented the effect of of detail included in some of the reports makes
birds on plant performance: leaf damage to bil- it difficult to dismiss them,” the frequency and
berry (Vaccinium myrtillus) increased significantly effectiveness for control or regulation remains
in their absence. Bock et al. (1992), however, unclear.
found that birds significantly reduced grasshop- Nonetheless, numerical responses to high
per densities in Arizona grassland, but those ef- arthropod populations are well known. Stewart
fects did not cascade measurably to the plants and Aldrich (1951) attempted to remove birds
fed upon by them. In contrast, Marquis and from an experimental area in Maine undergo-
Whelan (1994), working in Missouri oak forest, ing an outbreak of the spruce budworm moth
found that excluding birds from sapling white (Choristoneura fumiferana Clem). Despite consid-
oak (Quercus alba) significant increased density of erable effort, birds continually repopulated the
leaf-damaging insects and leaf damage, which experimental area, leading the authors to con-
in turn decreased production of new biomass clude that a large number of nonterritorial
in the subsequent growing season. birds (floaters) were available in the surround-
We now know that such top-down effects ing area. Alternatively, birds may have gradu-
are widespread though not universal. Although ally moved into this area of outbreaking bud-
most studies of impacts of birds on arthro- worms. MacArthur (1958) and Morse (1978)
pods are still restricted to those two trophic also noted movements in response to spruce
levels, there are now investigations of all three budworm outbreaks.
trophic levels in a variety of both natural and Gale et al. (2001) examined response of birds
agro-ecosystems, and in both terrestrial and to outbreaks of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar)
aquatics habitats (Table 1). Studies in agri- in some eastern states. Yellow-billed cuckoos
cultural systems vary from coffee plantations (Coccysus americana), black-billed cuckoos (C. ery-
(Greenberg et al. 2000; Philpott et al. 2004) to thropthalmus), and indigo buntings apparently
ephemeral Brassica (broccoli, cauliflower) fields responded positively to the outbreaks, but few
(Hooks et al. 2003). Perhaps the most exciting other responses were observed. Similarly, Bar-
example comes from Dutch apple orchards. ber et al. (2008) found that gypsy moth defolia-
Mols and Visser (2002) reported that emplace- tion events in eastern United States and adja-
ment of nesting boxes to attract great tits (Parus cent Canada affect regional movements and
major) reduced caterpillars and fruit damage distribution of yellow-billed and black-billed
and increased fruit yield. The increase in yield cuckoos, drawing them in from long distances.
was striking, from 4.7 to 7.8 kg apples per tree, How cuckoos detect local defoliation events is
an astonishing increase of 66%. unknown, but they may rely on postmigration
Whelan et al.: Birds and Ecosystem Services 29

TABLE 1. Investigations of top-down effects TABLE 1. Continued

of birds on herbivorous insects by habitat
Bird–insect Tri-
Bird–insect Tri- top-down trophic
top-down trophic Habitat effects? effects?
Habitat effects? effects?
Terrestrial Rocky intertidal
Agricultural Hori and Noda (2007) yes NT
Perfecto et al. (2004) yes NT Ellis et al. (2007) yes likely
Jones et al. (2005) yes NT Snellen et al. (2007) yes likely
Philpott et al. (2004) yes NT Hargrave (2006) yes likely
Hooks et al. (2003) yes yes Wootton (1997) yes NT
Mols and Visser (2002) yes yes Wootton (1995) yes yes
Greenberg et al. (2000) yes NT Wootton (1992) yes yes
Grassland Intertidal mudflat
Boyer et al. (2003) yes no Ellis et al. (2005) yes yes
Riparian Hamilton et al. (2006) yes no
Sipura (1999) yes yes Hamilton and Nudds (2003) yes (weak) NT
(variable) Hori and Noda (2001) yes NT
Bailey and Whitham (2003) yes yes Hamilton (2000) yes no
Bailey et al. (2006) yes yes Coleman et al. (1999) yes NT
Temperate Forest
Investigations were identified by using Web of Science
Mooney (2007) yes yes
to find published studies that cited Wootton (1992) and
Mooney (2006) yes yes
Marquis and Whelan (1994). NT, not tested.
Mooney and Linhart (2006) yes yes
Gonzalez-Gomez et al. (2006) yes yes nomadic movements in spring (Hughes 1999,
Recher and Majer (2006) yes NT 2001). Studies showing local aggregation in re-
Cornelissen and Stiling (2006) no no
Mantyla et al. (2004) yes NT
sponse to insect outbreaks or defoliation events
Mazia et al. (2004) yes variable do not themselves provide evidence for control
Medina and Barbosa (2002) yes NT or regulation of the insect. They do illustrate
Lichtenberg and yes no the ability of some specialized bird species to re-
Lichtenberg (2002) spond to the outbreaks, demonstrating at least a
Sanz (2001) yes yes
potential to reduce insect outbreaks. At least in
Jantti et al. (2001) yes NT
Strong et al. (2000) yes no some places or times, such numerical responses
Murakami and Nakano (2000) yes yes may also help regulate those pest populations.
Forkner and Hunter (2000) yes no Fayt et al. (2005) reviewed the considerable
Murakami (1999) yes no literature on response and predation of wood-
Gunnarsson and Hake (1999) yes NT peckers on bark beetles (Coleoptera, Scolyti-
Gunnarsson (1996) yes NT
Tropical Forest
dae) infecting spruce (Picea). They conclude,
Boege and Marquis (2006) yes yes based on the trifecta of empirical observa-
Terborgh et al. (2006) yes yes tion, exclosure experiments, and modeling,
Van Bael and Brawn (2005) yes variable that woodpeckers are capable of regulating
Gruner (2004) yes no these important forest pests. Many studies
Van Bael et al. (2003) yes NT
show both strong numerical and functional
Strengbom et al. (2005) yes NT responses of woodpeckers to bark beetle in-
Tanhuanpaa et al. (2001) yes NT festations that reduce bark beetle outbreaks
and contribute to regulation of bark beetle
Continued populations. Although all Picoides woodpeckers
30 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

studied show such responses, the three-toed launched in China during Mao Zedong’s Great
woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) appears most Leap Forward, led to massive increases in pest
responsive. Budworm outbreak effects range insects and, thus, crop damage, ultimately con-
from reduction in growth of individual trees tributing to a catastrophic famine from 1958–
to death of vast forest stands. Affected trees 1962 in which 30 million Chinese died from
often succumb to secondary infestations of in- starvation (Becker 1996).
sects and diseases. Infested trees, regardless of
survival, often suffer growth abnormalities that Rodents
reduce their value as timber. Consequently, the In the late nineteenth century, many peo-
economic impact of defoliation by pests, such as ple believed that birds of prey were detrimental
budworms, from loss of timber yields and costs to agriculture through predation of poultry or
of control measures may exceed a billion dol- game birds (Allen 1893). Early reports from
lars per year (Ayres & Lombardero 2000). Al- the USDA Division of Ornithology and Mam-
though we know of no estimate of the economic malogy on food habits of the common hawks
value of woodpeckers in the budworm–forest and owls of the United States (e.g., Fisher 1893)
interaction, by regulating budworm popula- helped to change that perception: most hawks
tions and reducing the frequency of outbreaks, and owls were far more helpful than injurious
woodpeckers must contribute substantially to to the farmer or “poulterer.” Rodents, rabbits,
the economic value of timber harvested from hares, snakes, and insects were vastly more im-
spruce-fir forest ecosystems around the world. portant prey items than chickens or game.
Bird-driven, top-down trophic cascades are Given the preponderance of rodents in the
not restricted to terrestrial systems. Woot- diets of many raptors (both hawks and owls), it
ton (1992) excluded avian predators from a seems reasonable to assume that these birds
rocky intertidal community. In the absence of benefit agriculture. Moreover, several raptor
avian predation, abundance of one herbivo- species readily occur in agricultural landscapes
rous limpet species increased, which in turn (Williams et al. 2000). However, few studies
decreased foliose algae. Algal cover was also have directly assessed effects of birds of prey
indirectly related to abundance of competitors as agricultural rodent-control agents, and the
for space. Hence birds affect abundance of al- results are somewhat ambiguous. In fact, al-
gae via two different interaction chains (her- though rodent-control measures (such as ro-
bivory and space competition). Other studies denticides and integrated pest management)
have found top-down effects of birds in rocky are used widely, surprisingly few studies have
intertidal communities and in intertidal mud- assessed effects of rodents on agricultural pro-
flats (Table 1). Although these studies demon- duction (Brown et al. 2007). Nonetheless, there
strate top-down effects, as none of the species is are examples of rodents having strong effects
considered a pest, these studies do not demon- in agricultural crops (Brown et al. 2007), nat-
strate pest control. In sum, many investigations ural plant communities (Ostfeld & Canham
in terrestrial and aquatic habitats, both natu- 1993; Cote et al. 2003; Lopez & Terborgh 2007),
ral and human-dominated, find that bird pre- and newly established synthetic prairie gardens
dation decreases invertebrate prey populations. (Howe & Brown 1999, 2001; Howe et al. 2002).
Most studies that examined cascading effects of Wood and Fee (2003) reviewed rat-control
birds on plants found them, in some cases, with efforts in Malaysian agriculture, including de-
positive economic consequences for humans. In ployment of nest boxes to boost populations
stark contrast, bird persecution may have dev- of barn owls (Tyto alba). They concluded that
astating consequences. Although information the evidence is inconsistent and the effect of
is only anecdotal, apparently the “war against owls warrants further investigation. Marti et al.
the sparrows,” part of a pest-control campaign (2005) concur: barn owls clearly eat many
Whelan et al.: Birds and Ecosystem Services 31

rodent agricultural pests, but whether this phase in the microtine population cycle (Kor-
consumption is sufficient to benefit agricultural pimaki & Norrdahl 1998). Indeed, in contrast
production remains unknown. They cite Marsh to the ambiguous results from efforts to boost
(1998), who, in a data-free paper, “rejected the raptor numbers or foraging with nest boxes or
idea that attracting nesting barn owls offered perches, predator exclusion generally produces
any hope of rodent control.” In contrast, Kay clear and dramatic effects. On predator-free is-
et al. (1994) found that placing perches around lands created by a hydroelectric impoundment
soy bean fields in Australia increased the num- in Venezuela, densities of rodents, howler mon-
ber of diurnal raptors around and over the keys, iguanas, and leaf-cutter ants were 10 to
fields, which in turn decreased mouse (Mus do- 100 times greater than on the nearby main-
mesticus) population growth rate and the maxi- land, and seedlings and saplings of canopy trees
mum mouse population density attained in the were severely reduced, evidence of a trophic
fields. The effect was greater when perches cascade (Terborgh et al. 2001, 2006). These
were placed 100 m apart than 200 m apart. and many other studies present strong evidence
Other studies demonstrated that provisioning that avian (and other) predators can have strong
artificial perches attracts other birds of prey and density-dependent effects on rodent popu-
(Wolff et al. 1999; Sheffield et al. 2001), including lations, which further suggests further the po-
kestrels (Falco sparverius), suggesting again that tential to exert population control or regulation.
this method may enhance or concentrate forag- Avian and terrestrial rodent predators may
ing in potentially beneficial ways. Clearly, pro- facilitate each other. Kotler et al. (1992, 1993)
visioning with nest boxes and artificial perches demonstrated predator facilitation between
to attract and facilitate birds of prey deserves owls and desert diadema snakes (Spalerosophus
careful experimentation in agricultural settings. diadema) feeding on gerbils (Gerbillus allenbyi and
Such measures could also potentially enhance G. pyramidum). Owls drive gerbils to cover, the
early plant community restorations (Howe et al. preferred habitat of the snake. Such effects lead
2002). to predation on rodents even though the raptor
Most investigations of predation by raptors itself is not directly responsible for it. Similarly,
on rodents center on the predators’ potential Korpimaki et al. (1996) found predator facilita-
role in cyclic population dynamics. From these tion between least weasel (Mustela nivalis) and
studies we know much about the predator– European kestrel, suggesting that “the assem-
prey interactions of many raptor species and blage of predators subsisting on rodent prey
many rodent species. For instance, European may contribute to the crash of the four-year
kestrels (Falco tinnunculus), short-eared owls (Asio vole cycle.” To paraphrase Kotler et al. (1992):
flammeus), and long-eared owls (Asio otus) ex- rodents shifting habitat to avoid an owl may
hibit strong numerical and functional responses wind up in the fangs of a snake (and vice versa).
to Microtus (M. agrestis and M. epiroticus) voles Taken together, available evidence thus sug-
(Korpimaki & Norrdahl 1991). The number gests that raptors exert strong and regulat-
of breeding pairs of each species fluctuated ing predation on rodents under some circum-
in concordance with spring vole density, and, stances. Various management activities can
via rapid immigration and emigration, they likely increase their effectiveness as rodent
tracked vole population fluctuations without predators in cultivated and natural landscapes.
time lags. Spring density of Microtus was pos- These include provisioning of nesting boxes or
itively correlated with the percentage of Mi- platforms to increase potential nesting oppor-
crotus in the raptors’ diet. Such results suggest tunities to boost breeding populations, provi-
the potential for raptor regulation of Microtus sioning perches to increase or concentrate for-
in this system. Yet other studies have found aging activities, and elimination of persecution
that predator exclusion can reverse the decline (Kirkpatrick & Elder 1951; Van Maanen et al.
32 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

2001). These propositions are each amenable plish such recruitment. Obvious and critical
to empirical verification or rejection, and pro- processes are habitat selection (Whittingham
vide numerous avenues for applied ecological et al. 2007), diet selection (Wilson et al. 1999;
research. Holland et al. 2006), and harvest rate—the
functional response (Whittingham & Markland
Weeds 2002). In addition, many bird species once
Many bird species are granivores. As anyone common in agricultural landscapes have un-
with a backyard bird feeder knows, daily and dergone population declines in recent decades
seasonal seed consumption can be prodigious. (U.S.: Valiela & Martinetto 2007; Europe: Don-
Could bird granivores contribute to control of ald et al. 2001; Japan: Amano & Yamaura 2007).
weedy plant species by virtue of seed consump- We need to know, first, how these declines
tion? To date, most investigations approach the may affect aggregate weed seed consumption
interaction from a different perspective: What by avian granivores, and second, how we can
habitat characteristics attract granivorous bird halt or even reverse such declines (Wilson et al.
species to agro-ecosystems (e.g., Robinson & 2005).
Sutherland 1999; Wilson et al. 1999; Moorcroft Current research shows, unsurprisingly, that
et al. 2002; Gibbons et al. 2006)? different suites of bird species found in agro-
Several studies quantified consumption of environments are favored by different aspects
weed seeds by a number of consumers, includ- of the habitat. In general, these affinities seem
ing granivorous birds, in agricultural settings. to reflect attraction to or avoidance of relatively
Small mammals and invertebrates appear to open versus closed habitats. The key factor is
be the most important consumers of seeds in how different species trade off food and safety
these ecosystems. However, Holmes and Froud- (safety may include safety from nest preda-
Williams (2005) found substantial consumption tors). Lima and Valone (1991) provide a use-
of weed seeds by avian granivores, especially in ful framework, pointing out that some species
cropped areas of cereal fields, and in spring. are “cover-dependent” while others are “cover-
Still, avian consumption was significantly less independent.” With this framework, can we
than that of mammals. However, avian and manipulate agro-environments in ways that
mammalian seed consumption were additive, provide for a diversity of granivorous birds
totaling almost 100% of the seeds at the soil while maintaining vigorous agricultural pro-
surface. These studies indicate a need for fur- duction? Milsom et al. (1998) consider related
ther investigation of the roles of granivorous issues with respect to wading birds inhabiting
birds as potential pest control agents of weedy coastal grasslands in England.
plant species in cultured ecosystems. For in- In contrast to patterns found in agro-
stance, Howe and Brown (1999) found positive ecosystems, some research on granivory in nat-
density-dependent seed consumption. How fre- ural ecosystems found relatively greater con-
quently is avian seed consumption density de- sumption of seeds by birds than by either small
pendent? Does density-dependent seed con- mammals or by insects. These include the
sumption vary with bird species, habitat type, Monte Desert in Argentina (Lopez De Case-
and seed species available? nave et al. 1998; Saba & Toyos 2003), miombo
Holmes and Froud-Williams (2005) suggest woodland in Zimbabwe (Linzey & Washok
that recruitment of avian granivores into inte- 2000), and coastal steppe chaparral in north-
grated weed-management programs would re- ern Chile (Kelt et al. 2004). Research in these
duce the need for herbicides, chemicals that systems may point to environmental factors
carry their own costs and potential negative that enhance the relative importance of avian
environmental effects. Research now needs to granivores. Identification of such factors may
investigate practical steps that would accom- suggest habitat modifications or manipulations
Whelan et al.: Birds and Ecosystem Services 33

that may enhance avian granivory in agro- nated by insects, but birds pollinate approx-
ecosystems. imately 5.4% of 960 cultivated plant species
Additional research should identify the with known pollinators (Nabhan & Buchmann
importance of avian granivores in agro- 1997). Among noncultivated plants, most bird-
ecosystems. How does prevalence of weeds in pollinated species are shrubs and epiphytes, but
areas with known recent reductions of avian some tree species are bird pollinated, especially
abundance and diversity compare with areas in Australasia. The number of plant species pol-
containing abundances and diversities typical linated by birds is typically 5% of a region’s
of pre-decline? Many avian “granivores” are flora and up to 10% on islands (Stiles 1985;
only seasonally so: many species switch between Kato & Kawakita 2004; Anderson et al. 2006;
consuming predominantly seeds in the non- Bernardello et al. 2006). In New Guinea, Brown
breeding season to consuming predominantly and Hopkins (1995) found approximately 20%
arthropods in the breeding season. It would be of tree species in a 3 ha site were visited by
of great interest to determine if attraction of nectar-feeding birds, and 13% of the avifauna
such species contributes to control of herbiv- visited flowers, suggesting that nectarivorous
orous insects (when consuming predominantly bird species may be more prominent locally
arthropods) in the growing season even if con- than regionally (Brown & Hopkins 1995).
trol of weed seeds is minimal in winter (when Like seed dispersal mutualisms, pollination
consuming predominantly seeds). interactions are characterized by much over-
lap and redundancy; examples of plant species
Pollination entirely dependent on only one species of pol-
linator are rare (Feinsinger 1983). Neverthe-
Many plants depend on pollination by ani- less, pollination mutualisms are more tightly
mals for successful seed set. Over 920 species of coevolved than those in seed dispersal (Wheel-
birds pollinate plants, including hummingbirds wright & Orians 1982; Johnson & Steiner
(Trochilidae) in the Americas, sunbirds (Nec- 2003). Indeed much of the extensive litera-
tarinidae) in Africa, false-sunbirds (Philepitti- ture on pollination is on the evolutionary as-
dae) in Madagascar, flowerpeckers (Dicaeidae) pects of specialization and adaptation of plants
and white-eyes (Zosteropidae) in southern Asia, and their pollinators (Castellanos et al. 2004;
honeyeaters (Melphagidae) and lories (Lori- Hingston et al. 2004; Anderson et al. 2005;
dae) in Australasia, and Hawaiian honeycreep- Medan & Montaldo 2005; Goldblatt & Man-
ers (Drepanididae) in Hawaii (Stiles 1981). ning 2006; Micheneau et al. 2006). One re-
In southwestern Spain, three species of war- sult of such specialization is that morpholog-
blers (Sylvidae) pollinate the only native species ical matching of flowers and pollinators results
of bird-pollinated plant known in Europe in better pollination service. Many exclusion
(Ortega-Olivencia et al. 2005), although some experiments have shown greater fruit and/or
non-native plant species may be pollinated by seed set from bird than from insect pollination
birds (Burquez 1989). Most bird pollination (Carpenter 1976; Waser 1978; Waser 1979;
should be considered supporting services (Kre- Bertin 1982; Collins & Spice 1986; Ramsey
men & Ostfeld 2005). 1988; Celebrezze & Paton 2004; Hargreaves
In neotropical rainforests the proportion of et al. 2004; Anderson et al. 2006). These stud-
nectarivores in the avifauna ranges from 7.4% ies show that even in plants apparently special-
in Costa Rica to 4% in Brazil and Peru (Karr ized for pollination by birds, insects also provide
et al. 1990). Within Costa Rica, nectarivores some pollination. Thus, in the absence of birds,
comprise 6% of avifauna in tropical dry for- plants may not suffer total reproductive failure
est and 10% in montane forests (Stiles 1985). if insects are present. For example, Campsis radi-
The majority of agricultural crops are polli- cans, a hummingbird-pollinated plant native to
34 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

North America, is pollinated (rarely) by bees nectarivore species (Borgella et al. 2001), al-
in Poland where nectarivorous birds are absent though the overall number of individual nec-
(Kolodziejska-Degorska & Zych 2006). tarivores declines with fragmentation (Seker-
Natural disasters and human decimation of cioglu et al. 2002). How those effects impact
native bird species can provide clues regard- pollination has rarely been studied. An agri-
ing the role of birds as pollinators. A hurri- cultural landscape in Costa Rica had fewer
cane in the Bahamas virtually eliminated two species of hummingbirds (Daily et al. 2001)
bird species that pollinated the shrub Pavonia and lower abundance of bird-pollinated plants
bahamensis, resulting in a decline in fruit set of (Mayfield et al. 2006) in fragments than in a
74% (Rathcke 2000). The effects of pollinator large forest, but neither study examined pol-
declines and extinctions are best known from lination. Aizen and Feinsinger (1994) found
New Zealand. Most native bird pollinators have no effect of fragmentation on fruit or seed set
been extirpated from the main islands and per- in two hummingbird-pollinated plants in Ar-
sist only on small offshore islands. Many plant gentina. In southern Chile pollinator visits were
species are pollen limited because of declines of higher in pasture trees than in forest because a
bird pollinators (Montgomery et al. 2001; Mur- main visitor was territorial in forest but absent
phy & Kelly 2001). Even in areas where popu- from pasture. Consequently, more species vis-
lations of the pollinators occur, pollination was ited pasture trees (Smith-Ramirez & Armesto
the limiting step in plant reproduction because 2003). Similarly, bird visitation in New Zealand
there are simply not enough birds to pollinate was higher on forest edges than in forest inte-
all flowers during the relatively short time they rior, leading to higher fruit set for edge plants
are available (Robertson et al. 1999; Kelly et al. (Montgomery et al. 2003). The most detailed
2004). The breakdown of bird pollination in study on pollination in habitat fragments is
New Zealand is apparently widespread and in- from Australia. Bird pollinators were present
cludes plant species previously thought to be and active in smaller fragments. Although they
insect pollinated (Anderson et al. 2006, 2007). transported pollen long distances, they trans-
Similarly, many bird-pollinated tree species in ferred pollen among fewer plants, leading to in-
the Hawaiian Islands may be at risk (Sakai et al. breeding and lower seed set in fragments than
2002), but, as in New Zealand, what little pol- in intact forest (Byrne et al. 2007; Yates et al.
lination does occur is by insects (Cox 1983). 2007a,b).
The substitution of insects for birds as pollina-
tors of “bird pollinated” plants will likely lead Seed Dispersal
to a substantial reduction of plant reproduction
and subsequent population decline (Robertson Seed dispersal is among the most important
et al. 1999) but may avert plant extinction (Bond ecosystem services provided by birds. Seed dis-
1994; Robertson et al. 2005). persal by birds is geographically widespread;
In some areas the substitution of insects both the bird and plant participants are taxo-
for birds results from the spread of the intro- nomically diverse. Plants and their avian dis-
duced honeybee rather than declines of avian persers form part of a complex mutualistic
pollinators. Consequences of this recent phe- network fundamental to maintaining biodiver-
nomenon are not well understood (Hansen et al. sity and community structure (Bascompte &
2002; Celebrezze & Paton 2004; Dupont et al. Jordano 2007). Ecological and evolutionary as-
2004a,b). In one example, honeybees may have pects of seed dispersal have been reviewed sev-
taken over pollination duties from birds because eral times (van der Pijl 1972; Howe 1986; Will-
they visit more frequently (England et al. 2001). son 1986; Jordano 2000; Willson & Travaset
Effects of habitat fragmentation tend to be 2000; Herrera 2002). Most bird dispersal activ-
more severe for avian insectivore species than ities likely fall into the category of supporting
Whelan et al.: Birds and Ecosystem Services 35

services. When birds disperse seeds of plants of that is a major factor in maintaining biodiver-
economic significance (lumber and landscape sity (Schupp et al. 2002; Kwit et al. 2004).
species, Table 2), their activities may represent The importance of seed dispersal can of-
provisioning services. ten be seen clearly in its absence. For exam-
Birds disperse seeds by various mechanisms. ple, in Tanzania, frugivorous birds are rare or
In the most common, endozoochory, the bird absent from small forest fragments (Cordeiro
consumes a fleshy fruit (or analogous structure) & Howe 2003). Consequently, foraging vis-
and regurgitates or defecates the seed(s). One its to the tree Leptonychia usambarensis were
variation of endozoochory is waterfowl and much less frequent, and seedling recruitment
shorebirds dispersing aquatic plants and inver- in suitable sites was much lower (Cordeiro &
tebrates, many of which are ingested inadver- Howe 2003). More broadly, seedling recruit-
tently. Another variation is when raptors sec- ment of the guild of animal-dispersed tree
ondarily disperse seeds ingested by their prey species was 3–40 times lower in fragments than
(Nogales et al. 2002). Birds also cache seeds in larger forests, while seedling recruitment
(synzoochory), primarily pines (Pinus spp.), and among wind-dispersed species was unaffected
oaks (Quercus spp.) in the north temperate zone. by fragmentation (Cordeiro & Howe 2001).
Less frequently birds disperse seeds by adhe- Extrapolations of such disperser declines
sion (epizoochory) to feathers or in mud ad- and extinctions suggest substantial loss of
hered to the legs or bill, but virtually nothing plant species richness (da Silva & Tabarelli
is known about the extent and consequences of 2000; Webb & Peart 2001). New Zealand
these interactions. and south Pacific islands have already suffered
At the ecosystem level, seed dispersal is but wholesale extinctions of frugivorous birds and
one stage in plant reproductive cycles, but dis- widespread dispersal failure is suspected, par-
persal by birds has a large role in shaping ticularly among large-seeded plant species (Mc-
plant community composition in many habitats Conkey & Drake 2002; Meehan et al. 2002).
(Herrera 1985). Seed dispersal benefits plants However, as in pollination systems, total extinc-
through one or more of the following: gene tion of a plant species in the absence of its main
flow (Godoy & Jordano 2001), escape from ar- dispersers may be averted although seedling
eas of high mortality (Harms et al. 2000), colo- recruitment may be drastically reduced. (e.g.,
nization of new sites (Neeman & Izhaki 1996; Witmer & Cheke 1991). Through much of the
Shanahan et al. 2001; Richardson et al. 2002; neotropical rainforests, hunting of large verte-
Laurance et al. 2006), and directed dispersal to brates is likely to lead to increased dispersal and
especially favorable sites (Wenny & Levey 1998; abundance of species dispersed by small birds,
Tewksbury et al. 1999). Because the chance of a bats, and wind (Peres & Palacios 2007; Wright
given seed surviving the entire cycle from seed et al. 2007).
to reproductive adult is so small, any move-
ment away from the parent plant (under which Endozoochory
survival is almost always nil) is likely beneficial Birds are ideal endozoochorus seed dis-
(Howe & Miriti 2004). Resulting patterns of persers. Frugivorous species typically swallow
seed dispersion tend to be aggregated or “con- fruits and seeds intact. Birds are highly mo-
tagious.” Seeds are more likely to be deposited bile and many migrate long distances. Birds
in some places than in others as a result of dis- occur nearly everywhere and provide mobile
perser behavior. This pattern is known as dis- links within and among habitats. In most cases
persal limitation and plays a key role in recruit- seeds cannot germinate from within an intact
ment limitation (the failure of plants to establish fruit and an additional, and frequently over-
recruits in all suitable locations). Contagious looked, benefit of endozoochory is the removal
dispersal often leads to recruitment limitation- of fruit skin and pulp from the seeds during the
36 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

TABLE 2. Genera of trees, shrubs, and TABLE 2. Continued

lianas of North America of ornamental, tim-
ber, or other (agricultural, medicinal) eco- Family Genus Ornamental Timber Other
nomic value, in which at least one species Aquifoliaceae
produces fruits or seeds dispersed by birds Ilex X
Family Genus Ornamental Timber Other Rhamnaceae
Ceonothus X
Pinaceae Frangula X
Pinus X X X Vitaceae
Cupressaceae Parthenocissus X
Juniperus X X X Vitis X X
Taxaceae Sapindaceae
Taxus X X Sapindus X X
Magnoliaceae Anacardiaceae
Magnolia X X Rhus X
Lauraceae Araliaceae
Persea X Aralia X
Sassafras X Verbenaceae
Lindera X X Callicarpa X
Fagaceae Caprifoliaceae
Fagus X X Diervilla X
Quercus X X Lonicera X
Ulmaceae Symphoricarpos X X
Celtis X X Viburnum X
Moraceae Sambucus X
Morus X Arecaceae
Myricaceae Sabal X
Morella X X X Serenoa X
Ericaceae Smilacaceae
Gaultheria X Smilax X
Arctostaphylos X
Vaccinium X Malus refers to crabapple, not domestic apple.
Gaylussacia X X
Ebenaceae interaction (Traveset & Verdu 2002; Samuels
Diospyros X X X
& Levey 2005). Consequently, any bird–plant
Ribes X X interaction involving endozoochory potentially
Rosaceae benefits the plant.
Rubus X X With the exception of birds dispersing mistle-
Rosa X X toes (see Box 1), the interaction of most bird dis-
Prunus X X X persers with most other plant species is rather
Malusa X
Photinia X
generalized. A single bird species consumes
Sorbus X fruits of many plant species, and the fruit of a
Crataegus X single plant species is consumed by many bird
Amelanchier X X species. “Bird fruits” of many species are also
Elaeagnaceae consumed by mammals (Herrera 1989; Willson
Shepherdia X
1993). Together, these diffuse interactions result
Cornus X in diffuse coevolution (Janzen 1983; Herrera
Nyssa X X 1984). Because of the overlap between birds
Celastraceae and mammals as consumers and dispersers of
Celastrus X many plants, on the one hand, and the variety
Euonymus X of ways in which birds disperse seeds on the
Continued other, it is difficult to state precisely how many
Whelan et al.: Birds and Ecosystem Services 37

Box 1

Birds and Mistletoes: A Specialized Mutualism

The relationship between mistletoes and seed-dispersing birds is perhaps the most specialized and tightly
coevolved dispersal interaction and perhaps best illustrates the importance of bird seed dispersal. Mistletoes
in the families Viscaceae, Loranthaceae, and Eremolepidaceae occur worldwide, with highest diversity in the
tropics and subtropics (Watson 2001). Mistletoes require dispersal to stems or branches of other plants for
establishment. Because mistletoes are parasitic and only establish as seedlings on branches, seeds in fruits of
these plants not eaten by birds and those dispersed to the ground have no chance of survival. As a result,
successful dispersal is provided almost entirely by passerine birds. Mistletoe fruits contain a sticky substance
called viscin that is not digested during gut passage and, after deposition by birds, enables the seeds to cling to
a branch until germination and connection with the host xylem.
Birds often disperse mistletoes nonrandomly (Sargent 1995; Botto-Mahan et al. 2000). In some cases dispersal
is directed to the most suitable establishment sites, which can be certain host species or a specific range of branch
sizes. In Australia, Amyema quandang mistletoes establish best on 1–6 mm diameter twigs, and mistletoebirds,
Dicaeum hiruninaceum, were more likely to deposit seeds on these twigs than were honeyeaters, Acanthagenys
rufogularis (Reid 1989). In Costa Rica, Phoradendron robustissimum established best on 10–14 mm twigs, and
euphonias tended to perch on this size branch (Sargent 1995). For both Amyema and Phoradendron, within tree
establishment is on a nonrandom set of the available branches and is dependent upon a restricted set of
dispersers. Nonrandom distribution of mistletoes among the available host plants (host preferences) has been
shown in other studies (Monteiro et al. 1992; Martı́nez del Rio et al. 1995; Larson 1996; de Buen & Ornelas
2002). In most areas, mistletoe populations are aggregated because birds preferentially forage in, and therefore
deposit more seeds on, already infected host plants, or perch in trees with certain characteristics (de Buen &
Ornelas 1999; Aukema & Martı́nez del Rio 2002; Medel et al. 2004; Carlo 2005; Ward & Paton 2007). In New
Zealand, several mistletoe species are rare or declining because, at least in part, of loss and rarity of their avian
pollinators and dispersers (Anderson et al. 2006; Ward & Paton 2007).

plant species are dispersed by birds and how a mate. Some species have taken such displays
many bird species are effective dispersers. The to the extreme, including many tropical frugiv-
frequency of vertebrate-dispersed plant species orous birds with lek breeding systems in which
in regional floras ranges from 22% in Aus- the males have display perches where they
tralian scrubland to 89.5% in tropical rain- spend the majority of the day during the breed-
forest, with dispersal of trees more common ing season. Wenny and Levey (1998) showed
in the tropics and New Zealand and dispersal that display perches of three-wattled bellbirds
of shrubs and vines more important in north (Procnias tricarunculata) enhance early seedling
temperate forests (Snow 1981; Howe & Small- establishment of species they disperse. Fifty-
wood 1982; Willson et al. 1990; Jordano 2000). two percent of the seeds dispersed by bellbirds
Many birds eat fruits. Some of the important landed in canopy gaps (under display perches),
families include trogons (Trogonidae), hornbills compared to only 3% of the seeds dispersed by
(Bucerotidae), toucans (Ramphastidae), cotin- four other species. Seedlings in gaps had almost
gas (Cotingidae), manakins (Pipridae), birds- twice the chance of surviving one year subse-
of-paradise (Paradesidae), waxwings (Bom- quent compared to seedlings in closed canopy
bycillidae), bulbuls (Pycnonotidae), thrushes forest. In leks of the Guianan cock-of-the-rock
(Turdidae), and tanagers (Thraupidae). (Rupicola rupicola), 77% of the plants present as
Many birds are territorial and sing from seedlings and saplings were likely dispersed by
perches to maintain the territory and attract Rupicola, while only 11.5% of the species in a
38 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

forest understory site were shared with the lek ten higher there than in the surrounding soil
(Théry & Larpin 1993). Thus, the Rupicola leks (Valiente-Banuet et al. 1991; Fulbright et al.
greatly impact vegetation structure and may 1995; Callaway et al. 1996; Tewksbury et al.
contribute to clumped and patchy distributions 1999). Nurse plants in arid and semiarid ecosys-
of fruiting plants. Even though the plants in tems are often the only perches available and
these examples benefit from directed disper- thus provide both high seed input in a non-
sal to suitable sites, they also are dispersed by random pattern and a favorable microclimate
other bird species providing colonization, es- for bird-dispersed species. Several studies re-
cape, and gene-flow benefits. This overlap and port higher seedling emergence under certain
redundancy is a key part of mutualistic net- post-foraging perches than others (Herrera &
works (Bascompte & Jordano 2007). Neverthe- Jordano 1981; Tester et al. 1987; Izhaki et al.
less, these examples also show that dispersal 1991; Chavez-Ramirez & Slack 1994). Chilies
services differ among disperser species, often (Capsicum annum) dispersed by birds in Arizona
with a subset of species providing the majority provide an exemplary case. Most chili plants
of dispersal to a particular area or range of dis- grow under other fleshy-fruited species, espe-
tances (Jordano et al. 2007; Spiegel & Nathan cially two Celtis species. Not only were Celtis
2007). trees used preferentially as perches by the main
Birds often exhibit nonrandom movement dispersers, but survival of transplanted chilies
following a foraging bout, resulting in differ- was higher under Celtis than under other nurse
ential movement of seeds. In forests, many plants (Tewksbury et al. 1999).
birds either feed in or move to forest gaps fol- The importance of avian seed dispersal in
lowing feeding. Fruiting plants produce larger both forest and arid environments led to the
crops in gaps (Levey 1988a,b; Levey 1990; realization that birds could contribute to the
Martı́nez-Ramos & Alvarez-Buylla 1995), and restoration of deforested land. High rates of
frugivorous birds are also especially active in seed dispersal by birds to perches in pastures,
and around gaps (Thompson & Willson 1978; oldfields, or other human-disturbed landscapes
Schemske & Brokaw 1981; Willson et al. 1982; have been documented many times. Perches
Levey 1988b; Malmborg & Willson 1988). In added by land managers to act as recruitment
deciduous forest in eastern North America, foci range from artificial structures (McDon-
Hoppes (1988) found a bimodal pattern of seed nell 1986; McClanahan & Wolfe 1993; Holl
rain, with most seeds landing near parent plants 1998; Shiels & Walker 2003; Zanini & Ganade
and a second smaller peak at gap edges. Over- 2005) to trees or shrubs (Robinson & Han-
all, 50% of bird-dispersed seeds landed in gaps del 1993; Robinson & Handel 2000; Martinez-
and gap edges, which comprised 16.8% of the Garza & Howe 2003). Other foci include ex-
study area (Hoppes 1988). The importance of isting shrubs (Nepstad et al. 1996; Holl 2002;
gaps in forest dynamics can likely be scaled up Lozada et al. 2007), remnant trees (Guevara &
to the landscape level for which forest edges and Laborde 1993; Debussche & Isenmann 1994;
corridors are areas of high-seed input resulting da Silva et al. 1996; Toh et al. 1999; Slocum &
from bird dispersal (Harvey 2000; Levey et al. Horvitz 2000; Slocum 2001; Martinez-Garza
2005). & Gonzalez-Montagut 2002 ;Pausas et al. 2006;
In arid and semiarid habitats the pattern of Zahwai & Augspurger 2006), and fences, wires,
bird dispersal is in some ways the opposite of or other existing structures (Holthuijzen &
that in forests. Here, the shaded areas beneath Sharik 1985; Neeman & Izhaki 1996). The
shrubs and trees provide the critical recruit- suitability of such sites for growth and sur-
ment sites for many plant species. Such “nurse vival is less clear. Seedlings of woody species
plants” shelter seedlings from heat stress. Soil may face grazing animals, frequent fires, or
moisture levels and nutrient availability are of- competition from thick grass cover (Duncan
Whelan et al.: Birds and Ecosystem Services 39

& Duncan 2000; Duncan & Chapman 2002). tory stopover and wintering site in southwest-
Nevertheless, once woody species are estab- ern Spain, over 65% of nearly 400 fecal sam-
lished above the existing matrix, recruitment ples contained seeds and aquatic invertebrates,
of additional bird-dispersed species is likely to suggesting the widespread occurrence of dis-
increase (Hatton 1989; Li & Wilson 1998; Toh persal during migration (Figuerola et al. 2003).
et al. 1999; Holl 2002). Seed dispersal by birds Waterfowl also play a role in upstream disper-
is likely to play a key role in restoration and re- sal along rivers for plants that would otherwise
covery of degraded lands (Duncan 2006; Neilan be dispersed passively only downstream (Pollux
et al. 2006; Lozada et al. 2007). et al. 2005).
Future research should investigate the full
Waterfowl range of waterfowl species that engage in seed
Although the role of waterfowl as seed dis- dispersal and their relative effectiveness. Fur-
persers was recognized decades ago (Ridley ther, in addition to waterfowl and some shore-
1930), only recently has the ecology of this in- birds, other taxa, most likely herons and allies
teraction been studied. Waterfowl (Anatidae; (Ardeidae), may also disperse both seeds and
∼150 species) occur worldwide, are migratory invertebrates. The significance of invertebrate
or otherwise capable of long-distance move- transport by aquatic birds remains largely un-
ments, and many species are largely vegetarian. known. Although this transport appears inad-
Thus, waterfowl can be highly effective mobile vertent or accidental, it need not be so. Investi-
links within and among wetland habitats. Al- gation of this interaction could use the study of
though some waterfowl act as typical frugivores hummingbird transport of mites (e.g., Colwell
(Willson et al. 1997), more often waterfowl for- 1986) as a model.
age actively as herbivores or granivores. Seeds
are ingested inadvertently by herbivores, and a Seed-caching
few escape digestion (e.g., Janzen 1984). Inter- Approximately 20 species of pines (Pinus;
estingly, in addition to plant seeds, waterfowl most in the subgenus Strobus) are dispersed
also disperse aquatic invertebrates (Figuerola & by jays and nutcrackers (Corvidae; Tomback
Green 2002a,b; Charalambidou & Santamaria & Linhart 1990). These pines occur in west-
2005). ern North America and across Eurasia and
The field of seed dispersal by waterfowl is are distinguished from the primarily wind-
largely unexplored (Santamaria & Klaassen dispersed species by having large seeds that
2002). The majority of research in this area lack a well-developed winged appendage for
has focused on whether seeds and other propag- wind dispersal and cones that require seed re-
ules survive gut passage, and many of these moval by animals (Tomback & Linhart 1990).
studies have used mallard ducks (Anas platyrhyn- Two species of Nucifraga nutcrackers are the
chos) as subjects (Charalambidou & Santamaria most specialized dispersers. Nutcrackers have
2002). Shorebirds (Charadriidae, Scolopaci- a sublingual pouch (unique among birds), in
dae) also disperse seeds and invertebrates, but which they carry up to 90 seeds (Vander
the extent and ecological importance of these Wall & Balda 1977; Tomback 1982). They
interactions is almost completely unknown bury 1–4 seeds in the ground in shallow sur-
(Green et al. 2002). Given the migratory routes face caches. Presumably they disperse seeds
of many waterbirds and shorebirds and the considerable distances (Lanner 1996). Each
widespread distributions of many aquatic or- nutcracker caches thousands of seeds each year,
ganisms (Santamaria 2002), long-distance dis- exceeding its dietary requirements by 2–5 times
persal (20–1000 km) must occur, but its fre- (Vander Wall & Balda 1977; Tomback 1982).
quency relative to local dispersal is unknown Several other corvids, including pinyon jays
(Clausen et al. 2002). At a waterfowl migra- (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus), western scrub
40 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

jays (Aphelocoma californica), and Steller’s jay more common in mud on feet (Figuerola &
(Cyanocitta stelleri), cache pine seeds and are Green 2002a,b). Dispersal by adhesion was a
important dispersers. These birds have highly major source of the Hawaiian flora, and the di-
developed spatial memory (Balda and Kamil versity of species dispersed adhesively by birds is
1989; Kamil and Jones 1997) but do not re- not found in any other terrestrial habitat (Price
trieve all caches every year (Lanner 1996). Most & Wagner 2004). The most extreme case of
seeds that are not taken by birds and fall be- adhesive seed dispersal involves Pisonia grandis,
neath adult Pinus monophylla trees are harvested found among seabird colonies on oceanic is-
by rodents that are less effective dispersers than lands. Pisonia is one of the few woody plants that
corvids because they larder-hoard seeds in bur- can survive in the highly acidic guano-derived
rows (Vander Wall 1997). Most of the corvid- soils associated with these colonies. A variety of
dispersed pine species are found in xeric habi- seabirds nest in Pisonia trees. Birds can become
tats, where burial protects seeds from desicca- entangled within entire infructescences and die.
tion (Lanner 1996). In addition, some of the Seeds cannot survive prolonged immersion in
pines are early successional species (pioneers), seawater, so they depend upon seabirds for dis-
and the birds, nutcrackers and pinyon jays in persal. Effective dispersal then depends on ad-
particular, are known to make frequent caches hesion to birds that do not become entangled
in open areas (Lanner 1996). in plant parts (Burger 2005).
Corvids also disperse oaks and beeches (Fa-
gaceae) by scatterhoarding. Although the pre- Scavenging
sumed mutual adaptations in these species are
less clear than for nutcrackers and pines, many Animals die, and when they do, their car-
seeds are cached in suitable sites for germina- casses become available to scavengers. Scav-
tion and establishment (Darley-Hill & Johnson engers here refer to microbes, invertebrates,
1981; Johnson & Adkisson 1985; Johnson et al. and vertebrates. Among the birds, the New
1997; Pons & Pausas 2007). Dispersal by jays World (Ciconiiformes) and Old World (Falconi-
likely aided the rapid post-Pleistocene north- formes) vultures are essentially obligate scav-
ward spread of oaks and other species (John- engers, but many bird species in many orders
son & Webb 1989; Wilkinson 1997; Clark et al. are known to scavenge facultatively or oppor-
1998). A variety of other birds hoard seeds tunistically (DeVault et al. 2003). DeVault et al.
(Paridae, Sittidae, Picidae), but their roles as (2003) argued that, contrary to conventional
seed dispersers are not well known and deserve wisdom, most scavenging is accomplished not
further study. by microbes and invertebrates, but by verte-
brates. In contrast to early human perceptions
Adhesion of birds of prey (predatory Falconiformes), vul-
Seed dispersal by adhesion to birds is much tures were traditionally viewed as beneficial—
less frequent than by mammals and has re- Cathartes, the genus of the New World turkey
ceived very little attention. In eastern North vulture, means “purifier” (Kirk & Mossman
America 75% of four waterfowl species had 1998). Some persecution did occur in the
seeds of up to 12 plant species, mostly attached twentieth century owing to a mistaken be-
to feathers, with a few in mud on the feet lief that vultures occasionally attacked livestock
(Viviansmith & Stiles 1994). In southwestern or spread disease (Parmalee 1954; Mossman
Spain 35–100% of six species of waterbirds car- 1991; both in Buckley 1999).
ried seeds or invertebrate eggs. Up to 12 species Based on energetics, Ruxton and Houston
were found on an individual, with 22 species (2004) argue that obligate scavengers (the New
overall. Plant seeds were more commonly at- and Old World vultures) must be generally
tached to feathers, and invertebrate eggs were large-bodied birds that locomote primarily by
Whelan et al.: Birds and Ecosystem Services 41

soaring flight. Their models predict that soaring (Houston 1986; DeVault et al. 2004; Antworth
flight and large size (allowing infrequent feed- et al. 2005). These rapid removal rates may
ing and maintenance on body reserves) give mask the true extent of carcass production
birds a competitive advantage over terrestrial through nonpredatory death. Consequences of
mammals, and thus, even precluded the evo- near extirpation of Gyps vultures due to sec-
lution of obligate scavenging in the mammals. ondary consumption of the pharmaceutical di-
On the other hand, obligate avian scavengers clofenac in south Asia (Oaks et al. 2004) un-
have lost the agility needed to kill prey. Mam- derscore the vital services performed by these
mals and facultative avian scavengers have re- scavengers. Following the collapse of popula-
tained the ability to flexibly kill their own prey tions of Indian white-backed (Gyps bengalensis),
and scavenge carrion, but neither can live ex- long-billed (G. indicus), and slender-billed (G.
clusively on carrion. Shivik (2006) developed tenuirostris) vultures, accumulation of putrefying
empirically based models of competition be- carcasses led to apparent increases in feral dog
tween microscavengers and macroscavengers and rat populations (Pain et al. 2003; Prakash
and concluded that evolution of macroscav- et al. 2005). Uneaten carcasses become infested
engers will favor traits, such as flight, that with potentially pathogenic bacteria, and they
maximize rapid carrion detection. These two may be foci for diseases like anthrax (Pain et al.
modeling approaches, though quite different 2003). Increasing populations of dogs and rats,
conceptually, both conclude that obligate ver- which serve as reservoirs and vectors of diseases
tebrate scavengers are most likely to be large like canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus,
birds. Leptospira spp. bacteria, and rabies, can lead
Numerous sources of mortality cause non- to increased rates of transmission of these and
predatory death. Historically, these would have other diseases to humans and domesticated and
included natural death due to old age, mal- natural animal populations. The vulture de-
nutrition, disease, parasites, accidents, expo- cline in south Asia has also devastated the Parsi
sure, and catastrophic events like storms and (Zoroastrian) tradition “sky burial,” in which
wildfires. Today we can add collisions with their dead are made available for vultures, who
human-built structures (buildings, especially consume the corpses (Pain et al. 2003; Watson
glass; power lines and transmission towers; and et al. 2004).
causeways), collisions with automobiles, poi- The swift and catastrophic decline of the
soning, and pollution (e.g., oil spills). In the Gyps vultures in south Asia underscores a
absence of carcass removal or consumption by growing concern in environmental toxicology:
scavengers, the extent of nonpredatory mor- widespread presence of pharmaceuticals in the
tality (and the accumulation of carcasses that environment (Dorne et al. 2007). To date, the
would accrue), may be surprising. For example, suspected pathways by which pharmaceuticals
Houston (1979) estimated that most large un- enter the environment include municipal waste
gulate deaths (64%, representing 26 million kg treatment systems, use of sludge as agricultural
annually) on the African savanna are due fertilizer, manure from medicated animals, or
to nonpredatory causes. One hundred million through excretion directly from medicated ani-
to 1 billion birds are conservatively estimated to mals into grasslands (Carlsson et al. 2006). The
die annually within the United States from col- poisoning of vultures feeding on carcasses in
lisions with glass alone (Klem 1990 & Dunn south Asia points to yet another potent path-
1993; both in Klem et al. 2004). Clearly, in way. How common pharmaceuticals enter food
the absence of consumption (whoever the con- webs via this pathway needs further research.
sumer), such deaths would quickly accumulate. Many bird species are facultative scavengers.
Studies quantifying carcass removal by scav- The diversity of documented avian taxa is
engers indicate rapid removal or consumption impressive: herons, Ardeidae (Hiraldo et al.
42 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

1991); rails, Rallidae (Zembal & Fancher 1988); able ecosystem service resulting from scaveng-
skuas, Stercorariidae (Norman et al. 1994); wil- ing fisheries discard, there are many potential
let and turnstone, Scolopacidae; gulls, Lari- ecological consequences. Fisheries discard can
dae; plovers, Charadriidae (Gochfeld & Burger attract and support great numbers of seabirds
1980); raptors, Accipitridae (Selva et al.2003, (Furness 2003; Valeiras 2003). It is unknown
2005; Selva & Fortuna 2007); woodpeckers, Pi- how this scavenging affects transport of nutri-
cidae (Servin et al. 2001); and passerines, such ents (e.g., Payne & Moore 2006) and contami-
as crows, Corvidae, and tits, Paridae (Selva nants (e.g., mercury; Monteiro & Furness 1995;
& Fortuna 2007). Unlike vultures, whose di- Furness & Camphuysen 1997). Reducing dis-
gestive systems may destroy ingested bacteria card is encouraged by the food and Agriculture
and viruses (Houston & Cooper 1975) or pos- Organization of the United Nations and the
sess a gut microflora that may confer resis- International Council for the Exploration of
tance to pathogenic microorganisms and their the Sea (FAO 1995; Furness 2003). Decreas-
toxins (Carvalho et al. 2003), these faculta- ing discard rates may affect not only scaveng-
tive scavengers appear frequently to harbor ing species themselves, but entire seabird com-
such pathogens (Blanco et al. 2006). Unsurpris- munities (e.g., Furness 2003; Votier et al. 2004,
ingly, vultures also appear to possess elevated 2007), as large scavenger species switch to prey-
immunocompetence against many pathogens ing on smaller species (but see Oro & Martı́nez-
widely encountered in carcasses (Ohishi et al. Abraı́n 2007).
1979; Apanius et al. 1983; Pérez de la Las- Further research is needed on the ecolog-
tra and de la Fuente 2007). Many facultative ical (e.g., predation on nearby nests; Husby
scavengers, including gulls, crows, and starlings, 2006) and epidemiological consequences of
feed extensively at landfills (Burger & Gochfeld large numbers of facultative scavengers feed-
1983; Belant et al. 1995; Baxter & Allen 2006), ing at landfills. Research must also address how
where they may either contract pathogens and to minimize negative consequences, either by
toxins or spread them (Ortiz & Smith 1994). improved landfill siting and night landfilling
These facultative scavengers are known carriers (Burger 2001), or by altering their availabil-
of pathogens, including Salmonella (Monaghan ity to and/or use by generalist and faculta-
et al. 1985), and toxins, such as botulinum (Ortiz tive scavengers via integrated bird management
& Smith 1994), and they may pose hazards to strategies that may employ avian predators, dis-
human health and water quality. Where land- tress calls, blank shot, pyrotechnics, gas can-
fills are located near airports, collisions with nons, and other techniques (Baxter & Allen
aircraft are common (Baxter & Allen 2006). 2006).
Opportunistic scavenging among birds Additional research should address the eco-
reaches its zenith with marine birds that as- logical conditions that favor macro- versus mi-
sociate with commercial fisheries, feeding on croscavengers. For instance, are there certain
discards and offal. Large quantities of un- areas or conditions in which macroscavengers,
wanted fish and invertebrate by-catch are dis- particularly the obligate avian scavengers, are
carded overboard, providing a rich food source rare or absent? J.S. Brown (personal commu-
for ship-following birds. These are typically nication) suggests that avian scavengers may
large seabirds, including albatross, gulls, and be totally absent from the island of New
skua (Furness 2003; González-Zevallos & Yorio Guinea, possibly because environmental con-
2006). Association of seabirds with fisheries can ditions (constant high humidity and warm tem-
affect breeding success, species interactions, perature) there so favor microbial decomposers
and distribution (Tasker et al. 2000; Furness as to preclude vertebrate scavengers. If so,
2003; Votier et al. 2004; González-Zevallos & then how do we explain the occurrence of
Yorio 2006). Although we know of no identifi- macroscavengers throughout the wet areas of
Whelan et al.: Birds and Ecosystem Services 43

Central and South America and West Central of three species of Ithomiinae (Lepidoptera:
Africa? Such studies would elucidate the situ- Nymphalidae; Ray & Andrews 1980). The fe-
ations in which avian scavengers are relatively male butterflies feed upon the droppings of the
more (and relatively less) important contribu- antbirds, possibly as a predictable resource nec-
tors of these ecosystem services. essary for prolonged egg production.

Feeding Opportunities
Product-driven Services
Honeyguides (Indicator indicator Sparrman), as
their name implies, guide humans to trees hous- Many bird species modify their environ-
ing bee nests (Isack & Reyer 1989). Humans, in ment by activities like nest construction, and,
the process of harvesting the honey for them- hence, act as ecosystem engineers (Jones et al.
selves, make this rich resource available to the 1994). These product-driven services include
birds. The symbiosis between honeyguides and both provisioning and supporting services.
the Boran people of northern Kenya was stud-
ied by Isack and Reyer (1989) over a 3-year pe- Nests
riod. Honeyguides use distinct behaviors and
vocalizations to attract humans, and the Boran Many bird species construct nests, which dis-
honey gatherers use whistles and other sounds play a great range of complexity, size, longevity,
to attract honeyguides to them. By following and usefulness to other organisms. Bird nests
honeyguides to bee nests, Boran honey gath- come in many varieties (see Ehrlich et al. 1988),
erers conservatively increase their hunting ef- but most nests fall into one of three categories:
ficiency approximately threefold. We know of excavated cavities or burrows, cup nests, and
no other example of similar services provided domed nests.
by birds for humans. In at least one case, bird nests contribute pro-
A variety of bird species engage in an in- visioning services. Some species of cave swifts
teraction known as “beaters and followers.” (Apodidae) are renowned for their edible nests
The beater species “stirs” a substrate, which (Gausett 2004), which are constructed predom-
in turn enhances prey availability for the fol- inantly from their saliva. These nests are pro-
lower species. Various bird species interact this duced by a number of cave-dwelling species
way, including waders, Ardeidae; kites, Ac- from the Malaysian and Indonesian region: pri-
cipitridae; kingfishers, Alcedinidae; woodpeck- marily the white-nest swiftlet (Aerodramus fuci-
ers, Picidae; grackles, Icteridae; and drongos, phagus) and the black-nest swiftlet (Aerodramus
Dicruridae (Meyerriecks & Nellis 1967; Ben- maximus). The nests have a long history of hu-
nets & Drietz 1997; King & Rappole 2000; man exploitation. The nests were used medic-
Styring & Ickes 2001). One interpretation is inally in the Tang (618–907 AD) and Sung
that the beater species purposefully provides (960–1279 AD) dynasties in China (Koon &
an ecosystem service for the follower species, Cranbrook 2002, in Marcone 2005). Today
much as honeyguides and humans. However, they are a globally consumed delicacy, known as
it is also possible, and perhaps more likely, the “Caviar of the East” (Marcone 2005). Peak
that the follower is simply taking advantage of annual harvest from a single cave, the Niah
an unintentional consequence of the foraging Cave of Malaysia, produced around 18,000 kg
or locomotor behavior of the beater. Beater– of black swiftlet nests around 1931 (Gausslet
follower interactions can also lead to surprising 2004). Today, bird’s nest soup is one of the
opportunities. Antird (Formicariidae) follow- most expensive foods sold. We found an on-
ers of army ant (Eciton burchelli, Hymenoptera) line retailer who today (12 October 2007) sells
swarms are themselves followed by females grade AAA “swallow nest” at $725.00 (US)
44 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

for 303 g (approximately equivalent to $2400 provide homes for numerous other organisms.
per kilogram). Hong Kong and North Amer- Burrow excavators provide roughly analogous
ica constitute the world’s two largest importers, supporting ecosystem services as the woodpeck-
with estimated annual harvest of 17–20 mil- ers. For instance, Casas-Crivillé and Valera
lion nests (approximately 2 metric tons; Mar- (2005) found at least 19 vertebrate species
cone 2005). Harvest is of sufficient magnitude (12 birds, 2 snakes, 4 mammals, and 1 am-
to cause conservation concern for the swift- phibian) using burrows excavated by the Eu-
let species whose nests are harvested (Gausset ropean bee-eater (Merops apiaster). Markwell
2004). Swiftlet husbandry may be one method (1997) and Newman (1987) report on the
of alleviating the stress placed on natural swift- use of burrows dug by fairy prions (Pachyp-
let populations from nest harvest. tila turtur) by the endangered tuatara (Sphenodon
Woodpeckers (Picidae) are the most familiar punctatus).
group of cavity-excavating birds. Woodpeckers Wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans),
are found on all continents except Antarc- which nest on oceanic islands of the Southern
tica, wherever forest, woodland, or other Ocean, build elevated nests upon which they in-
suitable habitats (e.g., cactus) are available. cubate eggs and raise chicks (Sinclair & Chown
Twenty-five genera comprise about 180 2006). The chicks occupy the nest through
species, ranging in size from about 30 g (e.g., winter. The nests support high invertebrate
the NA downy woodpecker, Picoides pubescens) biomass, including larvae of the flightless moth
to over 500 g (e.g., the endangered imperial Pringleophaga marioni. Sinclair and Chown (2006)
woodpecker, Campephilus imperialis). Cavity size suggest that the moth larvae select albatross
varies with the size of the species. As primary nests as habitat due the elevated thermal envi-
cavity excavators, woodpeckers are important ronment provided by the nests, which increases
ecosystem engineers. Their cavities are used survival and food exploitation.
by a large number of other animal species, Open cup and domed nests are the most
including birds, mammals, amphibians, and common nest types (Collias & Collias 1984;
arthropods (Connor et al. 1997; Neubig & Collias 1997). These nests are constructed of
Smallwood 1999; Monterrubio-Rico & a wide variety of materials, including plants,
Escalante-Pliego 2006). Akin to woodpeckers, lichens, and spider webs. These nests are some-
citreoline trogons (Trogon citreslus) exca- times taken over by small mammals after the
vate nesting cavities in arboreal termitaria original occupants finish nesting and subse-
(Valdivia-Hoeflich & Vega-Rivera 2005). After quently abandon them, but on occasion, an
abandonment, these cavities are colonized active nest may be usurped before nesting
by secondary users, including various mam- is completed (Gates & Gates 1975). Otzen
mals and arthropods (Valdivia-Hoeflich & and Schaefer (1980) report that some over-
Vega-Rivera 2005). Primary excavators like wintering spiders exhibit preferences for com-
woodpeckers and trogons are keystone species plex structures, such as bird nests, likely both for
that help maintain diversity in many areas predator avoidance and insulation from cold
(Daily et al. 1993; Connor et al. 1997; Duncan temperatures. Abandoned bird nests are also
2003). used by various insects, including ants (per-
Burrows are excavated by many taxa of sonal observation) and bumble bees (Public
birds, including penguins (Sphenisciformes), Health Pesticide Applicator Training Manual;
various seabirds (Procellariiformes, Charadri- 2007). Remsen (2003)
iformes), parrots (Psittaciformes), owls (Strigi- reports that many animals, including insects
formes), kingfishers (Coraciiformes), and song- like beetles and social wasps, rodents, lizards,
birds (Passeriformes). These burrows alter soil snakes, frogs, and even other bird species, use
properties (see below) and, in some cases, nests of the tropical ovenbirds (Furnariidae),
Whelan et al.: Birds and Ecosystem Services 45

which build domed nests generally located on Tarapacá and the Bolivian province of Litoral,
the ground. areas rich with guano deposits. Conflicts also
arose between the governments of the United
Nutrient Dynamics States, Great Britain, and Venezuela, over Aves
Island in the Caribbean Sea (Cordle 2007). An-
Some breeding bird communities contribute nual importation of guano into Britain peaked
little to nutrient fluxes (shrubsteppe, Wiens at over 200,000 tons—worth over 2,700,000
1973; northern hardwoods, Holmes & Sturges British pounds—in the late 1850s (Mathew
1975). In contrast, other avian communities 1970, 1976; Cordle 2007). Most imported
or aggregations may contribute substantially guano came from Peru, for which this was the
to nutrient fluxes (Manny et al. 1975; McColl main export commodity from 1840 through
& Burger 1976; Hicks 1979; Hayes & Caslick the early 1880s (Mathew 1970). Demand for
1984). The differences reflect the greatly dif- guano declined with the advent of alternative
ferent sorts of aggregations that birds attain at fertilizers, such as superphosphate (the mineral
different phases of the annual cycle or due to apatite treated with sulfuric acid), in the late
different social structures. Migrants of many 1800s. Once commercial processes, such as the
taxa form large monospecific or heterospecific Haber–Busch process for making atmospheric
flocks that can attain extremely large densities. N 2 available as ammonia, were invented the
Some species nest or roost colonially and like- guano industry all but ceased to exist (Skaggs
wise attain very high densities. Large aggrega- 1994). An interesting and largely contemporary
tions of birds contribute sizable nutrient fluxes. account can be found in Lotka (1924).
The impact of birds on nutrient fluxes, in some Bird aggregations affect nutrient fluxes, and
cases, represents provisioning services, but in nutrient cycling and availability in many other
others, supporting services. situations, including near-shore islands (Gill-
Seabirds congregate to nest colonially on ham 1956; Bosman et al. 1986), coastal ma-
many oceanic islands, typically within regions rine communities (Wooton 1991; Pfister et al.
of oceanic upwelling, which support very rich 2007), wildlife refuges (Kitchell et al. 1999),
fisheries. Here their excreta, or guano, accumu- terrestrial marine ecosystems (Sánchez-Piñero
lates over many years if not centuries, and can & Polis 2000), and isolated urban forest frag-
attain great depths. Guano became extremely ments (Fujita & Koike 2007). Importation
valuable in the 19th century because of its rich of nutrients has both direct effects, favoring
concentration of nitrates and phosphates and some primary producers over others, and in-
their importance for fertilizer, gunpowder, and direct effects, as bottom-up forces cascade to
the explosives and chemical industries (Wilkin- primary consumers (Wootton 1991) and detri-
son 1984; Skaggs 1994). The United States tivores (Sánchez-Piñero & Polis 2000). Burrow-
passed the Guano Islands Act of 1856, allow- ing seabirds also affect soil nutrient character-
ing U.S. citizens to claim uninhabited oceanic istics (Bancroft et al. 2004; Fukami et al. 2006)
islands for the mining of guano (Skaggs 1994). through nutrient addition (via guano) and biop-
Some claimed islands still remain possessions erturbation (disturbance and soil turnover) and
of the United States. In 1864, Spain seized can be major ecosystem drivers (Fukami et al.
the guano-rich Chincha Islands from Peru, 2006).
provoking the Spanish–Peruvian and Spanish– Birds can also figure importantly in re-
Chilean Wars, which ended with Spain’s with- ciprocal nutrient fluxes between contiguous
drawal in 1866. The “Guano Wars” or the habitats in heterogeneous landscapes (Nakano
War of the Pacific, waged by Chile against joint & Murakami 2001). Such reciprocal nutrient
forces of Peru and Bolivia from 1879–1883, re- fluxes directly and indirectly affect food-web
sulted in annexation of the Peruvian province of dynamics (Baxter et al. 2005), sometimes in
46 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

ways contrary to theoretical expectation. For fend sap trees (Sutherland et al. 1982). Al-
instance, Polis et al. (1997) predicted that al- though many other species, including passer-
lochthonous prey inputs should result in neg- ines, insects, and mammals, are known to feed
ative indirect effects on in situ prey species. at sap wells created by sapsuckers (Kilham
Nakano et al. (1999), studying reciprocal flows 1953; Foster & Tate 1966), only humming-
between a river and adjacent terrestrial forest, birds appear to have strong dependencies on
instead found decreased consumption of in situ them.
prey in presence of allochthonous input, but
once discontinued, in situ prey consumption in-
creased. At the ecosystem level, allochthonous Synthesis and Future Directions
inputs sustain greater densities and diversities of
consumers (Nakano & Murakami 2001). Effects An extensive literature examines techniques
of cross-habitat subsidies may vary seasonally and challenges of determining the economic
(Nakano & Murakami 2001). Power (2001) and value of ecological services to humans. A good
Fausch et al. (2002) provide commentaries on starting point is the UN Millennium Ecosystem
the work of Nakano, who died tragically in an Assessment (2003). Additional sources include:
accident in 2000. Many questions remain re- Turner et al. (2003), Barbier (2007), Boyd
garding such aquatic–terrestrial reciprocal en- (2007), Croitoru (2007), Kroeger and Casey
ergy flows (Baxter et al. 2005). For instance, is (2007), and references therein. Important con-
this sort of reciprocal flow restricted to aquatic– siderations include the temporal and spatial
terrestrial systems, or could it also occur in dif- scale over which any potential service is gen-
ferent types of adjacent terrestrial habitats, such erated (Chee 2004). Also critical is whether the
as grassland–forest, or, say, forest–agricultural agent(s) responsible for the service is unique or
field? Do such reciprocal flows between adja- part of a redundant network (Power et al. 1996).
cent, heterogeneous habitats vary with climate A final aspect we feel important is the intrin-
or with latitude? sic variability inherent in the production of the
ecosystem service. Ecosystem processes natu-
Feeding Opportunities rally vary over time. Understanding natural
variability is critical to the proper accounting of
Although we typically think of humming- any ecosystem service (Millennium Ecosystem
birds feeding on flower nectar, some hum- Assessment 2003).
mingbirds feed and even defend sap trees of We believe a number of gaps in knowledge
woodpeckers or sapsuckers. Sapsuckers and regarding bird services need to be addressed.
woodpeckers, in their foraging activities, pro- We know considerably more about how birds
duce wells of sap. These wells provide rich re- function as consumers of arthropods and fruits,
sources, and other species use them. Species and hence as control agents of herbivorous in-
like hummingbirds acquire both sap (a source sects and as seed dispersers, respectively, than
of carbohydrate) and insects (a source of pro- we know about birds as pollinators. Additional
tein), which are attracted to the wells. Ex- research regarding which plant species are pol-
amples include the ruby-throated humming- linated by which bird species, and the effective-
bird (Archilochus colubris) and the yellow-bellied ness of birds relative to other pollinators would
sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius) in eastern North be extremely useful. More research on avian
America (Southwick & Southwick 1980), and granivory in agro-ecosystems is also warranted,
the buff-tailed coronet (Boissonneaua flavescens) particularly with respect to seasonal switching
and acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) of diet between seeds and arthropods. Does the
in South America (Kattan & Murcia 1985). interaction of beaters and followers represent
Rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) de- simple exploitation by followers, or might the
Whelan et al.: Birds and Ecosystem Services 47

follower species provide a return service, per- References

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