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sa1072017 Cancer Metabolism as a Therapeutic Target: Metabolic SynthaticLethalily | Cancer Network Wiolcome Gusst_|_Losin or Resisr Bringing you the most rele PU tl nomur courant ac i Cancer Metabolism as a Therapeutic Target: Metabolic Synthetic Lethality ONCOLOGY 1 Ireestinagsing metabolism a3 possible cance therapy has boon rnowed in rock yar as rosa nesses curunderanéng oh The Avicle Reviews sored metabote pf of cancer al compared wt tat of ral cal, A mentioned by Or. Bata, Rose, and Sanmugar, metabole as ‘eprogramming allows tumor ces to aunive and rote inthe ste Lune enwronmant AReratonsin tuner cellnetabolamiesdohghar Taso ge ‘e-ysrosictan induction of anabole patways, nd msintnance ofcalllr redox pte, These mechanisms re essere ural ne pletion of tuner el. Metaboli procestes ara aguble by goat vets al ere cance calle depend! ern nuit, such {35 gtamine a pds Meraove,mypola cance ces tha re distant fom tr oxygen SUPP wld th nce ef hypoea-ace ‘cor 1 (HF) a wanatsn ator respons or changes in melabolem hs support ka suniva ale in ypaeumer area. Several atpect of metal are tered in tena oas—acudng lose and gtaminemeisbolam, a6 te sure have mensaned—tulWwe woul Ike o po ou Mal pl meaboam aso hese cut ten [As old in tne revaw by Or Bata ae colaaguos sun processes al are couple with raabok reptogriring could be ued fr ‘horaovte targeting, but he most mporanchaonge woul be 0 specizaly lathe metabolism of wr as wihout atectn that of rnoncanceraus cle, The meiatolsm changes n cancels hype: timot wea may ransr hee cele rre verse o etal ren. Targeting Cancer Gell Metabolism ‘Several tutes oer evidence that hypona meats resistance 0 chematheapy. Fr lntanee, a-angogene heaps have been shown neice nypoxi within tuner, esting inh nreages eal main and star rlatate prea] Ths, a beter understanding oe obey af hypoxia induced by ese Vetnent, and af melabelereprogrenning, wou ea a proven ex therapies WOU obo ‘cn the sere naw eget ht mint be set overcome rsstane to ans-aniogen eatment/2} neon of space metaboke tay inca by hypo oud represen crcl coratuentn he Secvery of ein! aneanca therapies ‘As sugges by te aubrey lel cancr cll ray ba ariel senlive lobe fucose maabaan eapecaly wren ‘gucose and oxygen a tice nthe umes mereereronment Numerus studies Rave bean pe“ermos wih aha nhbtr 8.4] or nnbtors of spect cole eneyes, sucha phosphostcaral mate (PGM),Nexolnaoe 2 (A), of al dentrogenass A (DH.A)8.7 SEE MUIRTITE o) Sernets, nese morpe stages have not shown sgearesus a ntcance eamens neal the boat desrbed Interview, uch as PFKFB3, pyrrat kas M2 (M2) or posshegyortedoyerogeras PHGOM) seem esr tho sural of FEES MIMIN vec corcercts nc tave toon tngtnd yoy dr seen pac de 69 Pre Ina tart amine meta ck te naar myo ric cancer el ua} are crest tense , shine dentro ea in phased her (052) wha alan ior nipperar roi BE ‘ranstrmation wtbol ater the grou of taal cel (1) The gsriee-saogue ach. nesodsion wih laminae, snergstcaly ej "nots he pterson ar nan ne cancr el yes Foamy tinea wh wort ony aeree (OF moe commun from sctodoghtamin a source forthe production of 2-yaronglarat (2G). ison of CLS! by an iso aru reduces the growth of gets lctestome cas expressing muartbutnot wide I-13) eacbvaton of ischrsiluton cold be anther patway tat might be targots in anteancr therapy The Haare prt tettrognase tna 1 PDK) ited bythe rug dihbreacaate (OCA). DCA decreases mor celloferatr, increases call eth, and Inno umor yowt (OCA Ras as ben std in cinos in patents wih glblstomes,eedng io escvatin a he mitochon uncon ana generation ofrenctve onyoen specen.15) Lip metaboton arth easnt metabo owsha cau be aged cance cel al oma sues, ha jt aay ts caer i ce asa Sthn tsarceet se OncoTherapyes Seiten cee yaetne ch ty ne pa eericn c a ne nit eee eae eee oe ‘cancer els using pharnaclogial gens or RNA o trp FASN oF ACC. 8] no of taroyLCaA dante 1 (SCO), fay ac eusiace, seo does el Gath varius cancer call ype 19.2), Metabolic Synthetic Lethality -Ataaton tone snl away ne melas nor may nde compensa pay gorarste sme sources ht can cpen ‘eth es of cen ‘rte Mable saclay orcs wen inutacoue mars nwo lettre epee ae hla raten tn ste a be a gees ‘lores oleabl nama ow, The smutaneaus suppression of several gnos that ogeter have the potter syle Katy may apn new avenue fr ercscar sroarent ‘The cantiraton vesinert ofan and 2-eaygucoe, a sede heelys ible, inp tuna owt in mouse xenograft mole (21 The combina en LOH lnheor wn the nestnamis aden duceoide(NAD#) sythess bor FKBSS great raduced th NAD* clr ool andes o lymphoma ress 2| Syhte hay ‘scented at ac enzes cid be ue tol Ut nigh wo mrt of bs ola for icncer roy, nl co. beni to oerome rene ‘to comentoalchamoterapy agen, suchas Bevacaume (Avast). petetal tryel's yeage phosphatase Ne om (PYCL), whieh stawes nased exgession long hitp:lwww cancernetwork.comlartcles/cancer-metabolism-therapauiicarget-matabolic-yntheticlethaliy 18 sa1072017 Cancer Metabolism as a Therapeutic Target: Metabolic SynthaticLethalily | Cancer Network Conelu n Das targeting ferent melatotsatweys indice in tumors may de Used i cosine Weare arabe tincuce sete in cancer cel, while reser the sural of pamalypolortng cals, Nes, tare a muro of fren: Woes of ance an he specs mabe pathway args may oer om ons yp tur mathe improved cance eharacarzsion an hey. ‘Acenowedgements: Or Bonsod recone foloweip suport rm Cancer Research UK Pro Har rectes nang tom Cancer Reseach UX. he Oo Cancer imaging Conte, ho Gras! Cancer Research Foundation, rhe Onors NNR (aoa Intute for Heath Research Gomes Resoren Care Financial Disclosure: Te authors hve no slyncant ancl erst or other relatonshi with te maouecuers ary produ powders fey series mentions this REFERENCES References legen therapy Eur J Concer 2010461528392, 2. Bids EM, Har Al. The anglogo prcoss as a herapetelrgtin cance. Bloom Pharaol 20181-18891 4. Plano H Main OS, Xu RH Huang P.Ghoodl nln for anscancer inant, Oncogene, 2006:25 4599-46 5. Engel, Mazuo 8, Egon Wor C. Phosphoalcarate mizase-dorvedpolipapie inhibes aol hx ard nds call gem rest in tumor calls. 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Aet-COAcaronlas-a a » nove target for cancer ray, Fro Bos (Semel Ea, 2010:2815-26, 19, Hess D, Chabal, gl RA. nhiton of sauoyCoA dette actly lacks ell cle progreston an induces programmed ll dosh ning cnc a, PLaS On 120. caglaN,Chshokn JW, gal RA, lebson ostoaroy2CoA cosatiasetinacvaosacsyLGaA carboxylase anders rlfraton cancels: of AMPK, PLoS Ono. 21, onaorg JH, Par 8, Lang J velit tuner enaraypatway by Z-deoxghicas and maori is cive aginst a bras spectrum of precinct cancer 122.6, Cooper CR, Gown AM, a, bilan calle dehydrogenase indus xa tes and hit uarpogestion, Prot Nal Acad Sel U § A, 2010;07 2057-42 23, Fear, BonsaadK, Grong MG, eta. ltoseutlzaton va aycogenphosshorias sustains proferaton and prevents premature senescance i cancer cls. Cll Mea hitp:lwww cancernetwork.comlartcles/cancer-metabolism-therapauiicarget-matabolic-yntheticlethaliy 218 sa1072017 Cancer Metabolism as a Therapeutic Target: Metabolic Synthatic Lethalily | Cancer Network in targeted Pace iced Cree eed ONCOLOGY JOURNAL and immunotherapies ee ee one ‘SPONSORED RESOURCES Brome MT tal illn COC ec are hitp:lwww cancernetwork.comlartcles/cancer-metabolism-therapauiicarget-matabolic-syntheticlethaliy

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