Charlot Usabilitytest Tracked

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Thank you for agreeing to participate in our usability test.

This test aims to assess the quality of

the provided instructions for making macarons. It is in no way evaluating your ability to follow
directions. First, you will be recorded as you work through the instructions. This is to note any
comments you make and any problems that you have. Then, you will be asked to complete a
questionnaire. Your responses will be considered in the developments of future versions. If at
any point the instructions are too unclear or confusing to continue, you are encouraged to stop
and avoid destress and/or frustration.

Test Objectives
 Identify any instances where the instructions are hard to follow.
 Evaluate the pros and cons of the layout and organization of the document.
 Assess the effectiveness of visual aids.

Tasks to Perform
Please see the attached instructions and complete the following tasks:
 Apply the appropriate techniques to mix batter and bake.
 Prepare a basic filling.
 Combine the cookies and filling to make macarons.

Follow-Up Questionnaire
1. Please rate the overall usability of the instructions.
o 1 – Impossible to follow
o 2 – Somewhat difficult to follow
o 3 – Neutral
o 4 – Somewhat easy to follow
o 5 – Extremely easy to follow

2. Which parts were hard to follow, if any?ere any parts of the instructions hard to follow?
If so, please indicate them below.



3. Please rate the overall layout of the instructions.

o 1 – Very unpleasant
o 2 – Somewhat unpleasant
o 3 – Neutral
o 4 – Somewhat pleasant
o 5 – Very pleasant

4. Did you find any design element of the layout particularly pleasant? If so, which one(s)?
What did you like about the layout of the document?



5. Did you find any design element of the layout particularly unpleasant? If so, which
one(s)? What did you not like about the layout of the document?



6. How likely are you to recommend this document as a resource?

o Not at all likely
o Not very likely
o Somewhat likely
o Very likely
o Extremely likely

Please add any additional comments on the lines below.




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