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TLE Housekeeping 9
4th Quarterly Examination

Name: ____________________________________ Yr & Sec. __________________ Score: ___________


Read the following questions carefully and write the letter of thr correct answer on the space
provided before the number.

________ 1.A rectangular piece of cloth or linen cotton used to cover a mattress.

a.apron b.bed sheets c. blanket d. pillow

________ 2.Table linen used for wiping the mouth and fingers while eating.

a.blanket towel c.handkerchief d.napkin

________ 3.Protective table pad usually made of paper,plastic or cloth for restaurants and household

a.apron b.handkerchief c.napkin d.placemat

________ 4. An elastic running around the edge that helps keep it flat upon the mattress.

a.blanket b. comforter c. fitted sheets d.flat sheets

________ 5.The following are procedures in cleaning the toilet bowl except one.

a.Flush the toilet bowl c. Wet the surface

b.Clean the toilet seat and cover d.Flush again

________ 6.Hygienic means of promoting health through prevention of human of human contact with
the hazards of waste.

a.Disposal b.Sanitation c.segregation d.washing

________ 7.Center of the house where meal is prepared.

a.bedroom b.dining room room

________ 8.The member of the team who checks the room after it is cleaned.

a.sanitation c. inspector

b. assistant housekeeper d.washing and drying

________ 9.Entering the guest room;Cleaning the guest room;Providing guest supplies;Reporting
problems;Limiting guest access;Turndown service.

a.clean attendant c.inspector d.task of the room attendant

________ 10.The state of being free of dirt and bad odors.

a.bedding b.wiping c.clean d.scouring

________ 11.Responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of all linens.

a.ironing cart c.laundry department d.guestroom

________ 12.Where clean linens are stored.

a.linen room c.laundry department

b.mildew d.inspector

________ 13.Manages the inspectors and the room attendants

a.laundry department c.folding and storing

b,assistant housekeeper d.washing laundry purpose

________ 14.A doorway-sized cart that holds cleaning supplies-equipment-guest room supplies and

a.mildew b.turndown servive cart d.laundry

________ 15.The persons who cleans the guest rooms

a.laundry supervisor c.guest

b.toiletries attendant

________ 16.Soaking in a stain removal solution;applying a detergent past to the stain;using special
treatment methods listed on a stain removal chart.

a.three basic treatment methods for laundry

b.laundry is dried in the dryer


________ 17.This department is responsible for protecting guests from infections and illness;Largest
staff in the hotel;Mjor function[keep clean-sanitary-and attractive]

a.consumables c.housekeeping department

b.washing and drying attendant

________ 18.The physical removal of dirt from surfaces. b.clean c.linen room d.guest room

________ 19.Consist of the actions taken to prevent and control diseases.

a.sanitation c.washing laundry

b.guest are given sign with… d. turndown service

________ 20.The staff includes the laundry supervisor-laundry attendants-and semesters

a.toiletries b. clean c.laundry department d.washing laundry

________ 21.After linens are dried-they must be ironed and folded.Flatwork presses and flatwork irons
are used to iron sheets.Some hotels have machines that authomatically fold sheets.

a.folding and storing

b.executive housekeeper

c.washing and drying


________ 22.Consist of all the items in the guest room made of cloth.

a.washing laundry purpose

b.housekeeping department

d.assistant housekeeper

________ 23.Responsible for keeping the hotel clean.

a.executive housekeeper c.turndown service

b.laundry department staff d.housekeeping department

________ 24.Regular inspections of any chemical containers for damage is a good housekeeping

a.true b.false c. neither a or b d. none of these

________ 25.The house wife should set a good examole in housekeeping by keeping her own house
neat and clean.

a.true b. false c.maybe d. none of these

________ 26.Which of the following would not be considered as part of a cleaning routine:

a.tidying c.recording d.storing

________ 27.Some of the everyday housekeeping that you should be doing includes:

a.picking up after yourself c.not leaving things lying on the floor

b.keeping your area neat d.all of the above

________ 28.Why does a housekeeping manager need to understand the procedures of guesroom

a.housekeeping managers typically are responsible for cleaning guestrooms

b.housekeeping managers can’t set up inventories unless they know how to clean guestrooms

c.It isn’t neccessa ry for a housekeeping manager to understand guestroom cleaning

d. none of these



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