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Patton Rot Prosze uzupetnié poniisze zdania odpowiednim stowem lub zwrotem, W kaidym zdaniv moiliwa jest tylko =| edna poprawna odpowieds. Zolecane jest uzupelnienie maksymalne| ilosci zdov niezaleénie od poziomu =| osoby testowane|. Odpowieds! prosze wpisaé do arkusza ANSWER SHEET. ry ° re ° P14. José is___ Argentina. g @. from cot with A 2. is your favourite music? a. Who b. How c, What d. These. 3. ___ Susan like spaghetti? als b. What c. Does, d.Do 4. How old __ your brother? 0. does bis edo d. ore 5. His___name is Sam, 0. dad’s b. dad dads d. dad is 6. Lucy doesn’t like _. co. swim b. swimming swims d. ot swimming 7. go to that restaurant. It’s very expensive. No b. Not €. Doesn't d. Don't 8. Does Tony work in a bank? No, he __. a. isn't b. not doesn’t d. don't 9. Sarah ___ two children. a. have b. have got cis d. has 10. Where __ Mike live? a. do bis «. does d. has 11, Maggie can _Chinese. ©. speak b, to speak «©. speaking d. in speaking 12, ___ offen do you go to the cinema? . What b. How . When d. Who 13, Are ___ any plates on the table? «a. those b. these there 14, What colour _ her hair? ois bore «has d. have 15, There are__ pictures in that gallery. ony b. many much da 16, There is a pub __ the post office. a. front b. in front al front d. in front of ers cape ee ae ee eee \© Pearson Educotion Polsko 2008 17. We went to the theatre __ last Saturday. an bain con 18. The film starts__ six. @. about bot cin __ than London? b, the biggest ©. bigger b. hove to c need 21, This is____ restaurant in town. a. the most expensive _—_-b. more expensive _c. rather expensive 22, We _ Manchester next week. «@. going to b. are going to «. going in 23. Whose is this book? It’s__. ame be my mine 24, Emma is worried __ the exam. ©. with bon «for 25. ___ did you finish reading? «. Whose b. Who ©. Which 26, She _ 1 was wrong. @. said b. told ©. spoke 27. Peter hasn't finished __ «@. olready b. sill c. always, saw an accident when I____ down the street, o. walking, b. hove been walking c. wos walking 29, __ stayed in a hospital? @. Did you ever b. Have you ever €. Do you ever 30. What food ___on Christmas Day in England? @. eats b. is eating cate 31, How __ pocket money does Steve get a week? @. much b. many ©. some 4. ony 32. They __visited London in 1999. 9. hove b= c did 33. We've celebrated Independence Day __15 years. «@. from b, since J. for 34, At the end of the course, 1 ____ speak English fluently. 2. om going b. will be able will be ot biggest have got |. expensive are going in bout When telling wos wolked . Are you ever is eaten hove been (© Pearson Education Polsko 2008 Par aes Pra Tae 1 35. I've got some phone calls to__. ado b. hove «make d. get 36. Li in photography. «. interesting b. interested «interest d. interestingly 37. hon there is___ pollution than in Manchester. . much b. less fewer d. not enough 38, We usually have lunch at 1 o'clock, _ some people have lunch later. o.s0 b, because c. however d. then 39. Could you tell me_? «a. the station b. where a station isc. where the stotion isd. where is a station 40. Will you go to that concert if it_? . will rain brain rains d. rained 41. Some people go to shops ___ the prices are reallly high. . which b. what &. where di that 42. What would you do if you __ one million dollars? win b. won «. have won d. have been winning 43. The cinema is__ the restaurant and the newsagent’s. ©. oppose b. nearly c. between d. close 44, You didn’t learn Russian at school, __? «©. didn't you don't you d. did you 45. We've never __ to Austr @. been b. went « lived d. visited 46. That coffee tastes__. ©. owully b. badly c awful d. terribly 47. When she was younger, she __ have more friends than anyone else. o. would b. used to was used to d. used 48. Doing regular exercises will____you fit. a. keep b become eget d. stoy 49. The police arrested the man who __a bank. @. robs b. had robbed «. has robbed d. had been robbing 50. People saylread__. . quick b. slow «fost 4. pacey 51. Before I went to school, |__paint very well. can't b. can’t have ¢. couldn't d. couldn't have 52. I'm so tired. 1___ in the forest all morning. a. have been jogging —b. jogged cam jogging d. had been jogging inbrich| oe (© Pearson Educotion Polske 2008 53. It___me an hour to get to work today. ©. got b, took «made d. hod «©. ore watching b. ore watched ©. watched d. ore being watched 55. I think we will __ b. hove ©. got d. must 56. They__ forgotten about our wedding. @. can’t have b. couldn't c con't d. can’t have been 57. My girlfriend is a fantastic dancer. I wish |__ my dancing lessons. ©. hoven’t given up b.hodn't given up. didn't give upd. don’t give up 58, We get__well with our new teacher. @. off b.up down dion 59. Before we start, we should introduce __ to the audience. a. us b. ourselves c. myself d. yourselves 60. The beach, __ situated close to the town, is used by surfers. «@. that is b. what is «. which is dis 61. Her family was very_. «a. well-done b, well-born ¢. well-earned d. well-off 62. I saw Jane ___ the supermarket. o. enter b. entered . being enteredd, be entering 63, Jim said he __ the project two days before. «©. will have finished b. will finish «finished d. had finished Carl has been __about his past. a. dishonest b. disloyal c. disclosed d. discontented 65. He looks terrified! He ___ a ghost or something. @. had to see b. hod seen c musthave send. must see 66, __ does he look like? ce. How b. Who Whom d. Whose 67. Could you ___ me a favour, please? ado b. make c-have 4. give 68. The police officer_me to move along. «@. spoke b. said «told d. announced 69. She did ___in the test. @. bad b, badly ©. wrong d. wrongly 70. I'm going into the centre. Catch ___ me there. 0. off b.up ©. up with d.on (© Pearson Education Polske 2008 Par aes Pra Tae 1 71. The club was so small that they ___to let any more people in. ©. denied b. gave up «©. refused d. stopped 72. This was the basis on_ the movement was formed. @. that b. what which d. whom 73. You should take an umbrella __ it rains. ©. in case b. otherwise «. instead d. so thot 75. Tom would rather you __it. ado b. did have done d. doing 76. British policemen don’t carry guns__ duty. ein bot by dion 77. you _ me, I would never have known. «had told b. hadn't told «told d. didn’t tell 78. | suggested that Robbie __ again. on tries baty tried d. had tried 79. Jack decided to___ for the competition because he knew he was going to win. «@. take up b. goin «©. set off 4. get by 80. What's ___ the cinema? aon bot conat din picked up the wrong suitcase _ mistake. a. by b. through casa d. because of a 82. We walked quietly __ fear of being discovered. a. on b. for cc. from din 83, One __ three children doesn’t read books at all. a. from b. out with dein 84, She was given the award in _ of her academic achievements. @. charge b. recognition spite d. light 85. The miners are out____ strike again. acon bot cin dito 86. Water was ____ slowly from the pipe. «filtering b. spilling «©. gushing d. leaking 87. I'd prefer beer__wine. ato b, than «from d. not 88. Iwas __ work late hours. o. made b, made to ©. got d. got to (© Pearson Educotion Polske 2008 89. The new employee was __a failure. «9. considered b, decided . established d. believed 90. Thanks for your help. | wouldn't have finished it__. «. therefore b. nevertheless ©. hence d. otherwise 91. _ your help, we would have been in trouble. a. Due to b. But for c. Thanks to d. Along with ry S rs ry 7 i) iy ° = rs 92, __we went to Italy instead. ©. Suppose b. Think ©. Suggest d. Relate 93, You _ better finish it by tomorrow. @. should b. would could d.hod 94, __ had a moment passed before we heard the explosion. @. Only bb. No sooner Hardly 4. Quickly 95. They can’t even play, __ write their own songs. «less likely b. not to mention «let alone d. needless to soy 96. I don’t think Harry has spent more than a month in Spain. _he has acquired some basics of the language. ©. Although b, Much as ©. Even though d. Even so 97. Vil meet you __ arrival. a.on bot © d. through 98, After the incident with the press, the actor_ disrepute. «. fell through b. fell into dipped in 4. dipped into 99, Although there is a dress code, it isn’t _ by many students these days. @. remarked b. conducted c. observed 4. ottended 100, Some of the delegates made an extremely useful___to the discussion. «@. contribution b. suggestion «. insertion d. opinion Dzigkujemy 2a wypetnienie testu. (© Pearson Education Polske 2008

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