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Main body.......................................................................................................................................2
Technological change in the current workplace environment............................................2
Technology and nature of employment.................................................................................3
Technology and nature of workplace.....................................................................................3
Technology and HRM...............................................................................................................3
Legal and ethical framework...................................................................................................4

The dynamics of work has been changed over the past few decades formed by factors that
incorporate a ruthless downturn, mechanical advances and another age of laborers with totally
different thoughts of what business ought to resemble (Milligan 2017). Ten years’ prior,
organizations reviewed by the SHRM Foundation said their top future difficulties were
progression arranging and furnishing pioneers with the aptitudes should have been effective.
Today, businesses state the expanding rivalry for talented laborers is a top concern. Thus, the
work environment is considerably more worker engaged and individualized. That is pushing
bosses to, in addition to other things, furnish adaptable timetables to individuals with family
commitments or give educational cost help to passage level laborers so they can find another
line of work elsewhere.

This changing trend inside a workplace is mainly due to technology which has empowered
individuals and consumer to think beyond the expectation. The consumer become so conscious
of its choices which forces the organization to change their workplace trends and ways.
Moreover, with the fear of consumer becoming aware of comparing the quality and prices of
products with other companies, organizations become self-centric to bring change inside their
workplace. In this essay one of the biggest change inside a workplace is the automation and
technology which drives the leaders to bring changes.

Main body

Technological change in the current workplace environment.

One of biggest change identified so far is the use of technology which is growing rapidly on
regular basis. Since with every new invention of software and gadgets, organization are
investing money to adopt that in their workplace. This is mainly being adopted to stay in
competition and fulfil the ever growing demand of consumer. In this section, technological
change will be observed in terms of employment, workplace, and function of Human Resource
Management HRM (Grant 2019).

Technology and nature of employment
Technology has evolved the nature of employment by increasing productivity and efficiency of
work. The nature of employment involves the factor linked with the position of employment. For
example, the terms and conditions which must be catered by the employee to hold the
employment. Hence, with the technology revolution more flexible and sustainable approach
have been derived to ease human being. With greater decent variety in pay, working time
courses of action and sorts of business contracts. This will help individuals who cannot fit into
old working environment to enter the workforce and furnish them with good and practical work
(Sherman 2019).

Technology and nature of workplace

Organization of today believes that in order to stay in line, they need to manufacture up-to date
products along with up-to date technology. Automation revolution influences more than
efficiency, business, and salary disparity. Ever since the technology revolution, the dynamics
and working condition of labors has been updated. Its effect on the workplace has smoothed
out monotonous and energy inefficient procedures, sped up access to work while exponentially
expanding efficiency and made working simpler and easier for humans (Lai 2011).

Technology and HRM

As mentioned in the above section, technology has advanced the meaning of working inside a
workplace. People in older times used to manage and deal with all the nature of employment
which results in risk of errors. But ever since the technology advancements, employees of today
feel empowered and comfortable with the use of technology (John Ekuma & Agbani Akobo
2015). As the inner environment of workplace evolved after technology revolution, it also
impacts the working environment of HR section. It changes the whole process of communicating
with employees, storing files and analyze the performances of each employee to help the
organization stay in lead. Human resource department feel empowered due to rise of
technology because they easily process various things like recruiting the talented candidate by
just making the advertisement online. Moreover, with the help of software HR manager can
prepare the performance metric of each employee without spending hours and days to collect
information and then measuring it manually. Strategic objectives are the primary aim of Human
Resource Management which requires and IT strategic plan to help organization while staying in
competition. Such activities are directly linked with technological advancement for example,
design of new product (Li, McCauley & Shaffer 2017).

Human Resource Management HRM has the key role in developing ethical culture in a
workplace. The HR manager is responsible to train the employees in order to promote cultural
diversity inside an organization. Technology has enabled HR managers to enhance their skills
and knowledge in relation to promote ethical consideration in an organization. HR manager of
today feel empowered by using technology to save their extra time and effort in storing files and
making the performance chart of each employee. They used technology to promote cultural
diversity inside a workplace by celebrating cultural events etc. every Human Resource
department is responsible of tackling some major issues inside a workplace. These are:

 Finding and recruiting talented people

 Training and management of interns and new hiring
 Managing the payroll system
 Dealing with daily issues of employees
 Firing the employees who are not performing well
 Retaining talented people

These above are some functions which must be fulfilled with Human Resource Management
HRM. Technology has increased the efficiency of performing the above task in such a way:

Social media platforms help to find the eligible person as one can simple upload the vacancy
post on these social media pages. The online system of applying for a job remove the hustle of
finding a resume and filling the paper work.

Human Resource Information Software HRIS can enable HR manager to deal with certain tasks
without any human error. For example, it can store all the information and data online to fill the
forms automatically. It can automatically generate payroll and other holidays allowances. Hence
all the data stored online can much easier to recall as compared to manually entered data.

Legal and ethical framework

Ethical standards are the moral way of conducting business and activities. An ethical framework
depicts that every organization is oblige to follow ethical code of conduct in order to be
competitive. The ethical standards to oblige the change of technology is the Fair Work Act 2009
(Wheelwright, 2013), according to which HRM needs to establish such policies which depicts
that each employee is equally important in order to run an organization. This act practice anti-
discrimination policies to promote cultural diversity. The Fair Work Act 2009 can also be

influenced with use of technology to promote employee’s training programs and managing the
environment of workplace.

It is concluded with the fact that HRM helps the organization to practice ethical behavior inside a
workplace. It helps the organization to increase the efficiency of employees by making them feel
respected. The change in the workplaces have also impact on HRM practices. One of the
biggest change in workplaces is due to emerging technologies which help people to improve
their productivity as an employee. Moreover, it impacts HRM in positive way by managing the
main operation without any chance of errors.

Grant 2019, 'How Does Technology Affect the Work Environment Today?', Small Business -, accessed June 2, 2020, from <
John Ekuma, K & Agbani Akobo, L 2015, 'Human Resource Management Ethics and
Professionals’ Dilemmas: A Review and Research Agenda', Human Resource
Management Research.
Lai, T 2011, 'How Does Information and Communication Technology Affect Workplace
Organization?', SSRN Electronic Journal.
Li, A, McCauley, K & Shaffer, J 2017, 'The influence of leadership behavior on employee work-
family outcomes: A review and research agenda', Human Resource Management Review,
vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 458-472.
Milligan, S 2017, '6 Trends That Changed HR Over the Past Decade', SHRM, accessed June 2,
2020, from <
Sherman, F 2019, 'How Does Technology Impact HR Practices?', Small Business -,
accessed June 2, 2020, from <
Wheelwright, K., 2013. Bearing the Economic Loss of Industrial Action: The Payment of Striking
Employees under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). Deakin Law Review, 18(2), p.292.

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