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Know What High Blood Pressure is and How to Control It

Blood pressure is a vital force, which enables the blood to move throughout the circulatory
system of your body. Apart from the blood, it carries nutrients and oxygen through the body to
nourish your organs and tissues. It provides hormones like insulin and antibodies for immunity.

You may have severe health issues if your blood pressure is too low or too high. Your blood
vessels may get damaged from it. According to a WHO report, approximately one in five people
across the world have high blood pressure, which causes more than half of the total deaths from
heart diseases and stroke. Around 9.4 million people around the globe die from hypertension.

What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure, also acknowledged as hypertension, is a typical health condition. Your
ageing increases your chances of having it, and you may face complicated health issues, like
damage to your arteries, kidney disease, stroke, and heart disease if you leave it untreated for a
more extended period.      

Blood pressure chart

Blood Pressure Category Systolic (mm Hg) Diastolic (mm Hg)

Normal                        Below 120 Below 80
Elevated (hypertension) 120–129 Below 80
Stage 1 hypertension 130–139 80–90
Stage 2 hypertension 140 or above 90 or above
Hypertensive crisis Over 180 Over 120

Source – Medical News Today

What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

Hypertension is acknowledged as a silent killer, as most of the people with it don’t experience
any visible signs. When it reaches around 180/120 mm Hg, which is a medical health crisis, you
may have:

        A headache

        Blurred or double vision

        Breathlessness  

        Dizziness

        Heart palpitations

        Nausea
        Nosebleeds

        Vomiting

If you are a pregnant woman, your high blood pressure can be a sign of preeclampsia, which
symptoms can include vision changes, abdominal pain, headaches, and swelling.

Teens and children may have a headache, blurred vision, fatigue, and nosebleeds.

What causes hypertension?

High blood pressure may occur to you when particular changes take place in your body, or you
are born with a specific genetic disorder. You may have hypertension if you have

        Congenital conditions, like acromegaly, Cushing's syndrome, or pheochromocytoma

        Kidney disease

        Lupus

        Type 2 diabetes

        Obesity

        Obstructive sleep or sleep apnoea

        Scleroderma

        Underactive or overactive thyroid


How to control your high blood pressure?

To control it, you need to consult your doctor and follow his/her instruction to have a better high
blood pressure treatment. Your hypertension treatment can include diagnosis, medications, diet
plan, and some lifestyle changes that are as follows:

        High blood pressure diagnosis – During the consultation, the physician does a physical
examination of your body and asks you to explain whatever you noticed when your blood
pressure got increased. Your doctor tries to know the type or stage of your blood pressure
and may ask you for tests like EKG or ECG (Electrocardiogram), Echocardiogram, CT
scan, Ultrasound, Chest X-ray, and Doppler ultrasound.

        Hypertension medications – In your high blood pressure medications, your doctor may
prescribe drugs like Beta Blockers (Bystolic, Nebivolol), Calcium Channel Blockers,
Thiazide Diuretics, and Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Follow your
doctor’s instructions and take only prescribed medicines.  

        Diet – A balanced diet is essential for all, and you need to be more careful in your diet if
you have faced hypertension once. You must include plant-based foods, such as green
vegetables, fruits, omega oils, and whole grains in your diet. Besides, you need to lower
your salt intake, stay away from statuary fats, and maintain a distance from fast foods. 

        Lifestyle changes to make – Your lifestyle (a bad one) creates health issues for you.
You need to have a good and healthy lifestyle, which prohibits you from smoking
cigarettes/cigars & drinking alcoholic beverages, gives priority to physical activity and
encourages you to manage your stress.

Hypertension, which is also known as high blood pressure is a critical health issue that kills you
slowly if you ignore or leave untreated it for a longer period. You have not an alternate to high
blood pressure treatment if you face it once. And for better hypertension treatment, you need to
be aware of the associated signs, complications, diagnosis, and medications. Further, you need to
pay attention to your diet and make the required lifestyle changes.

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