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Learning Objectives
• To understand how plant and animal cells are
classified and organized according to structure
• To identify and distinguish between what
constitutes prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell

Classification of Organisms
Prepared by:
Giselle Gina Marie S. Esquinas

Two Major Premises for

Cellular Classification
1. Prokaryote
• The absence or presence of a nucleus
 Absence of a nucleus
• The absence or presence of membrane
 Absence of membrane enclosed organelles
enclosed organelles
 Unicellular organisms

Commonalities Between
2. Eukaryote
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
 Presence of a nucleus that contains the cell’s
genetic materials
• Both have cytoplasm
 Presence of membrane enclosed organelles
with specific functions • Both have cell wall

 Mostly multicellular except for unicellular • Both have plasma membrane

euglena, paramecium and amoeba


Prokaryotic Kingdom
a. Methanogens
1. Archaebacteria
Produce methane and
A large class of about 250 mostly thrive in sewage
bacteria species with no facilities, bogs, and inside
specific structure but are the intestines of ruminant
classified into three types animals like cows, goats,
based on the substance and sheep
they create and the
environment they live in Image credit: ethan opyru s.jpg/1 798 78 689/dm ethan opyr us.jpg
Bacilli methanogens
Image Credit:

b. Halophiles c. Thermophiles
Want salty environments Attracted to heat and
and thrive in salt lakes thrive in hot places such
and pools of sea water as geothermal vents and
hot springs

Image credit: lo g

Image Credit: Colorful Archaea at Midway Geyser by Wing-Chi Poon. Retrieved from

2. Eubacteria (or the “true

Constitute the most number
of species and possess rigid
cell walls with peptidoglycan
that can either be motile or

Disease-causing bacteria
belong to this type.

Staphylococcus aureus


2. Paramecium
Eukaryotic Kingdom A genus of the Protozoa
1. Euglena class known for its ciliated
A big family of about structure that has become
800 species that is very the favorite model
intriguing as they organism of scientists for
exhibit both animal-
their researches
and plant-like traits ‒
flagella tails for It can also be found mostly in
movement and the Image credit: ia/Fil e:Paramec ium.j pg freshwater, brackish, and
presence of green marine environments.
Image credit: dia/Fil e:Eug len a_sp.j pg chloroplasts for

3. Diatoms (“gems of the 4. Fungi

sea”) • A very big family that
Have transparent cell consists of yeasts,
walls made of silicon molds and mushrooms
dioxide hydrated by
water which gives them Chitin found in their cell
their very colorful and walls including digestive
beautiful patterns enzyme secretions are
Image credit: e:Diat g
Image credit: e:Fung i_co ll age.j pg
some of their distinct traits.

5. Plantae a. Oryza Grass Group

World of plants composed Characterized by their
of grasses, trees, shrubs, blade-like pointed leaves
vines, leaves, and that grow very tall and
flowering plants serve as primary sources
of carbohydrate foods

Image cred it: https://en.wikipe di i/Oryz a_sativ a#/me dia/Fil e:Oryz a_sat iva_-
Image credit: _K%C3%B6hler%E2%80% 93s_M edi zin al-Pfla nze n-23 2.jpg


b. Angiospermae Group
c. Gymnospermae
The biggest phylum in the Group
plant kingdom with around
300,000 species of Also seed-bearing plants
flowering trees, fruits, but instead of flowers
seeds, and flowers. come in the form of
Angiospermae came from the
Greek words angeion and Most of its 1,000 species
sperma which, when are highly valuable timber
Image credit: _ja pon ica #/medi a/File:Ca mel lia _ja po nica-IM G_ 205 1.jpg
combined, stands for and lumber trees.
“enclosed seeds.”

6. Animalia
The largest group composed
of millions of species that are
characterized by their
motility, adaptation/survival
mechanisms and predation

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