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ArcGIS Enterprise

Why should I care?

Why this Branding is Important and Worth Discussion

• Confirms a hosted or “in-house” architecture solution has a long future

• ArcGIS Online and the cloud model are no longer sucking all the air from the room
• Illustrates how integrated the GIS infrastructure and architecture is becoming in the
lives of all GIS professionals
• Confusion - The term “enterprise” has been used previously by ESRI in several ways
and now another use with multiple meanings is being widely marketed
One Perspective of ArcGIS Enterprise

• Cloud Based • Hosted

• Hardware/Servers reside in the cloud • Hardware/Servers reside in client’s network

• ArcGIS Server(s) / Portal

• ArcGIS Online
• Can support 3rd Party Front End
• Can now use cloud resources
Another Perspective of ArcGIS Enterprise

• The new evolution of the ArcGIS Server/Portal platform

• Includes both Base Setup
• ArcGIS Server
• Web Adaptor
• Portal
• Data Store
• & Enhanced Setup models
• Various Dedicated Purpose ArcGIS Servers
• Portal to Portal Functionality
Another Perspective of ArcGIS Enterprise

• Version 10.5

• Not synonymous with 10.5

• But… many of the ArcGIS Enterprise enhancements

are part of 10.5

• 10.5 doesn’t force architecture change but provides

new ArcGIS Enterprise architecture options
And Yet Another Perspective of ArcGIS Enterprise

• Expanded Resources disguised as a new ArcGIS Server Licensing Model

• Previous License Extensions are now Designated Servers
• Image Server Extension becomes a separate Image Server

• GeoEvent Extension becomes a separate GeoEvent Server

• There is now a dedicated GeoAnalytics Server
Knowledge to Leverage Your GIS Options

Desktop GIS
Individual GIS

Server GIS
Access to New Shared Resources

Streamlined & Standardized Method to Consume, Use, and Display

Distributed GIS
Multiple New Resources and Options with Enhanced Collaboration

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