EFL Presentation Notes

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Do schools make kids less intelligent?

By Saket Gudimella

Education is not a privilege. It is a fundamental human right across the world and schools are
built for the purpose of passing on the accumulated knowledge, skills, values, and traditions to
the next generation. But “Do schools make kids less intelligent? I believe the answer to that
question is “Yes”, because in the modern industrial era that we are living in education is
becoming just business and less knowledge for the children. With still using the traditional ways
of teaching and learning it has adversary effects on child development and actually making them
less creative and less intelligent, since school curbs children’s passion for things other than
academic achievements and tell that this is the only path that leads to success in life.
Proven by a number of researches – very few educational systems around the world don’t stress
on this factor and this definitely, needs to change as academic excellence is not the only path for
a child to achieve life success. It is also important to teach every child to follow their inner
passion, allowing them to creatively think and believe in it to become successful.
My target audience for this presentation are students of the age group of (14 – 18), educators and
parents. My aim is to convey the views of my topic and to persuade my audience.

Sections of my presentation
 Education
 Purpose of schools
 A short story (This explains the link between schools and intelligence)
 Major countries educational system (COMPARISON) and statistics
 Conclusion (How you measure success? And convey last bits of main points)

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Date accessed: June 1st, 2020

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