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DATE 12/01/2015 DOC. MSE10177 REV. 7.0.

Revision 7.0.0
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7.0.0 All 12/01/2015 Issued Lodi
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1. PREFACE ........................................................................................................................ 7

2. SOFTWARE SELECTIONS ....................................................................................... 9

2.1 Menu file ................................................................................................................................. 10

2.1.1 New ............................................................................................................................. 10
2.1.2 Open ........................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.3 Save Results ................................................................................................................ 11
2.1.4 Save in TDMS ............................................................................................................. 11
2.1.5 Notes to the test ................................................................................................................. 11
2.1.6 Print results ................................................................................................................ 11
2.1.7 Quit .................................................................................................................................... 11

2.2 Tools ........................................................................................................................................ 11

2.2.1 Header ......................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.2 Digital input types ....................................................................................................... 12
2.2.3 Advanced settings ........................................................................................................ 13 Instrument options ...................................................................................................... 13 Other Options.............................................................................................................. 19 Program Preferences ................................................................................................... 21

2.3 Window ................................................................................................................................... 21

2.4 Languages ............................................................................................................................... 22

2.5 ?................................................................................................................................................ 22
2.5.1 Instrument information ...................................................................................................... 22
2.5.2 ISA WEB site .................................................................................................................... 23
2.5.3 About program.. ................................................................................................................ 25

2.6 Other icons .............................................................................................................................. 25

3 PROGRAM CONTROL WINDOW ............................................................................... 29

3.1 Nominal Characteristic; phase overcurrent ........................................................................ 30

3.1.1 Define relay characteristic ........................................................................................ 30 Nominal and test parameters ...................................................................................... 31 Tolerances ................................................................................................................... 32
3.1.2 Update characteristic curve . ...................................................................................... 32
3.1.3 Insert curve characteristic . ......................................................................................... 32
3.1.4 Add curve characteristic . ............................................................................................ 32
3.1.5 Delete curve characteristic . ........................................................................................ 32
3.1.6 How to define the curve characteristic . ...................................................................... 33
3.1.7 Directional diagram ........................................................................................................... 35
3.1.8 Setting table ....................................................................................................................... 38
3.1.9 Diagram icons.................................................................................................................... 39 Overcurrent diagram ................................................................................................... 39
2Doc. MSE10177 Rev. 7.0.0 Page 4/111 Angle sector diagram .................................................................................................. 41

3.2 Nominal Characteristic; earth fault overcurrent ................................................................ 44

3.2.1 Define relay characteristic ........................................................................................ 44
3.2.2 Other selections ................................................................................................................. 48

3.3 Test settings; phase overcurrent ........................................................................................... 49

3.3.1 Test settings icons ............................................................................................................. 49 Set binary inputs .................................................................................................. 49 Set binary outputs ............................................................................................... 52 Add test ............................................................................................................... 53 Automatically add or update a result row ............................................................ 53
3.3.2 Test selections ................................................................................................................... 53 Test selection: Click and test ...................................................................................... 53 Test selection: Sequence ............................................................................................. 55 Test selection: Automatic test I-t (Angle and I fixed) ................................................ 56 Test selection: Verify sector (I and V fixed) .............................................................. 57 Test selection: Verify drop-out ratio........................................................................... 59

3.4 Test settings; earth fault overcurrent................................................................................... 62

3.4.1 All tests .............................................................................................................................. 62
3.4.2 Verify Vres threshold ........................................................................................................ 63
3.4.3 Verify dropout ratio ........................................................................................................... 63

3.5 Tests ......................................................................................................................................... 65

3.3.1 Tests: the test table................................................................................................................. 65
3.3.2 Tests: Click and test ............................................................................................................... 68
3.3.3 Tests: Sequence ..................................................................................................................... 69
3.3.4 Tests: Automatic test I-t......................................................................................................... 69
3.3.5 Tests: Verify sector ................................................................................................................ 69
3.3.6 Tests: Verify drop-out ratio ................................................................................................... 70
3.3.7 Tests: test set connection for Phase overcurrent tests ............................................................ 70
3.3.8. Tests: test set connection for Earth fault overcurrent tests ................................................... 71

3.4 Results ......................................................................................................................................... 72

4 PRINTING RESULTS .................................................................................................. 74

APPENDIX 1: MEANING OF VARIABLES ....................................................................... 79

APPENDIX 2: IEC61850-8 ................................................................................................ 83

A2.1 Relay connection...................................................................................................................... 83

A2.2 File Menu ................................................................................................................................. 84

A2.3 Main Area ................................................................................................................................ 85

A2.3.1 Exploring Goose ................................................................................................................. 85
A2.3.2 Filters .................................................................................................................................. 87
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A2.3.3 Virtual Contacts .................................................................................................................. 88

A2.3.4 Substation files (SCD) ........................................................................................................ 90
A2.3.5 Virtual contact test example ............................................................................................... 91
A2.3.6 Publishing Gooses............................................................................................................... 93

APPENDIX 3: IEC61850-9 ................................................................................................ 98


A4.1 IEC and IEEE Standards ...................................................................................................... 103
A4.2 IAC and ANSI Standards ..................................................................................................... 103
A4.3 US Standards........................................................................................................................ 104
A4.4 ANSI 37.112 Standards ....................................................................................................... 104
A4.5 ANSI / IEEE Standards........................................................................................................ 105
A4.6 Custom curves...................................................................................................................... 105
A4.7 Mathematical equation ......................................................................................................... 106

APPENDIX 5: TRACING AND VIEWING ........................................................................ 108

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Every effort has been made to make this material complete, accurate, and up-to-date. In addition, changes are periodically added
to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated into new editions of the publication. ISA S.R.L reserves the right to
make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this document without notice, and shall
not be responsible for any damages, including but not limited to consequential damages, caused by reliance on the material
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Copies, reprints or other reproductions of the content or of parts of this publication shall only be permitted with our prior written
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Copyright 2013© ISA S.R.L. Italy – All rights reserved.

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The program OVERCURRENT 50-51-67 is an interactive test software for all ISA Automatic
test sets, to test overcurrent and directional relays, as per ANSI-IEC 50-51-67, or per ANSI-
IEC 50N – 51N – 67N.
From the beginning, the user is guided throughout all steps in simple way, so that he has the feeling
that everything is under control.

It is like playing with a manually controlled test equipment, with very powerful tools. The
following are the features available in the program:
 Capability to load/save test results as a Microsoft Access files (*MDB;*.5051);
 Manual and automatic test of any type of overcurrent and directional relays;
 Capability to load a result and to repeat all tests included.

There are many types of time-dependent curves. They follow standards set by IEC, IEEE, IAC,
ANSI, US, and are defined as Standard Inverse; Very Inverse; Extremely Inverse or so.
The curve is defined by two parameters:
. The setting threshold I>;
. Another parameter, that can be either the Time Multiplier (K or KT), or the Time Dial setting
(tI>), that is the delay with Current equal to 10 times the Pick-up Current (10I>).

From these parameters, the program draws the corresponding nominal characteristic, according to
the mathematical formula that changes with the different standards and the type of curve.

Modern overcurrent relays incorporate the feature of being sensitive to the direction of the fault. In
addition to this, for each of the current setting, the directional sensitivity can be established with
different angle sectors. The software provides this feature.
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The difference between 50 and 50N type of protection is given by the fact that, with N types, the
relay may use the Sensitive earth fault input: this is why the program foresees two different paths.
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To start the program, open the TDMS suite Programs Control window, and select Overcurrent. The
following selections are displayed.

 With the first selection, you can perform all phase fault tests, both overcurrent and
directional, for relays 50, 51 and 67; with the second one, you can perform earth fault tests,
again overcurrent or directional, for relays 67N. In both instances, the following window is
opened. The difference between the two selections is just in the heading; however, other
differences will show in other selections, and the testing mode is different: so, don‟t
mistake the first selection!

The first two lines are the menu bar and the toolbar. As you start the program, many of the
icons of the toolbar are in gray, because the test set is not connected. In the following, we
will explore the menu bar, and the corresponding toolbar icons.

 The last selection allows calling the former software ISA has developed for the test of these
relays. Pressing it, you have the following further selections.
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You can select the desired program, and proceed: for your reference, see manuals
MSE20037 OC – 5051 or MSE20030 – DIR – 67 respectively.

2.1 Menu file

Pressing File, you access the corresponding selection window.

2.1.1 New

With this selection, you can start programming the relay parameters from blank. See later on the
explanation about how to input the relay settings.

2.1.2 Open
This menu item allows loading a setting file, or a result file that contains all the tests performed and
the relative relay settings (graphics included). Results are stored into a database file (Microsoft
Access file), with extension .ovc.

NOTE. The former overcurrent software created files with extension .5051; the directional software
created files with extension .67. Neither extension can be opened with this software: in case, you
can use the older versions.
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NOTE. Files saved with the “Phase overcurrent” selection cannot be opened with the “Earth fault
overcurrent” selection, and vice versa.

2.1.3 Save Results

This menu item allows saving a result file containing all the tests performed and the relative relay
settings. The standard dialog window appears to allow the user select the name of the file to be

2.1.4 Save in TDMS

This menu item allows exporting the result file into the database of TDMS program. When you
click this icon, a window with the network topology defined inside TDMS will appear. This
window allows the user to select the node of the network tree, created by TDMS, into which the
result is saved, and to assign a name to the result file. To save, press the “Save” button. By pressing
the “Cancel” button, the sequence is not saved into TDMS.

2.1.5 Notes to the test

By selecting this menu, it is possible to add comments regarding the tests performed. These notes
will be included in the results file, and will be printed with it.

2.1.6 Print results

This menu item is discussed in the relative chapter about printing.

2.1.7 Quit
This selection closes the application.

2.2 Tools
Pressing tools you access the following options.

2.2.1 Header
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By choosing this menu item, you can fill the data that identify the conditions of the test. They will
be printed on the results, allowing the traceability of the test performed. In detail, please insert the
Substation name (Plant name), the Line name (Feeder), data regarding the relay such as Relay
Manufacturer, Relay Model and Serial Number. Also, fill the Operator and Instrument Serial
Number fields. The other fields are optional.

2.2.2 Digital input types

Pressing this icon, the following selection window is accessible.

Digital inputs are divided into groups with the same common ground: for instance, two groups for
the DRTS X series, and six groups for the DRTS XX series. It is possible to apply different
selection to the groups, or the same selection to all inputs.
Selections are:
 Contacts: pressing the down arrow, the following is displayed.

This window refers to DRTS XX; for other test sets, there are two groups of isolated
 Type. There are three selections: Dry contact (default); DC voltage; AC voltage.
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o Dry contact: there is no voltage on the contact, which is polarized by the test set;
o DC voltage. With this selection, the table to the right becomes accessible, and you
can select the threshold, i.e. the voltage below which the input will be considered

o AC voltage. Also with this selection, the table to the right becomes accessible, and
you can select the threshold, i.e. the voltage below which the input will be
considered zero. With an AC voltage input, the accuracy of the measurement
decreases, because the program must ignore the zero crossings caused by the AC
voltage itself. To solve the problem, the program takes the value of the debounce
equal to 2 ms (see here after), and the corresponding window is turned in grey.
 Debounce. For dry contacts and DC voltage contacts, this field allows to program the time
duration of bounces, in μs: any change beyond this time is taken as an actual change of the
input. The purpose is to ignore bounces on the input.

At the end of programming, press OK. These parameters will be applied to all tests: they cannot be
changed from a test to another one.

2.2.3 Advanced settings

This menu item opens a window where the operator can specify general parameters that will
influence the way test are carried out, or results are displayed. The window has three tabs:
Instrument options, Other options, Program references. Instrument options

 If the test set is connected to the PC, the selection Instrument displays the connected test
set type. If the test set is not yet connected, and it is desired to prepare a test for a given
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device, the selection allows choosing the test set that will be used, including boosters, so
that it is possible to program the test with the correct selections for current, voltage ranges
and so on. Pressing the down button, the test sets list is displayed.

Changing the test set type changes also the available options: for instance, the following is
the window with the DRTS-6 selection.

This is the window with the selection REL TEST.

 The selection V4 Output acts on voltage output V4 of DRTS6 and DRTSXX.

If the selection is V4, the output can be programmed as all other outputs.
If the selection is V0, the test set computes the zero sequence voltage and phase as a
function of voltages V1, V2 and V3, applying the formula:
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V0 = (V1 + V2 + V3) /3
Where bolded characters are vectors.

If the selection is V0*√(3), the test set computes the zero sequence voltage and phase as a
function of voltages V1, V2 and V3, applying the formula:
V0*√(3) = (V1 + V2 + V3) / √(3)
Where bolded characters are vectors.

NOTE: with this latter selection, the amplitude and phase of the three voltages can be such
that the amplitude of V0*√(3) exceeds the test set maximum: in this case, the user is
 The selection Current Output has two operating modes, according to the type of
connections: parallel or series.

Both selections act on current outputs of DRTS6 and DRTS66, but with different limits.

o Parallel connection.

You have three choices: 6x32 A, 3x64 A, 1x96 A.

For DRTS64 or 66, with the selection is 6x32 A, the operation is the normal one.

If you select 3x64 A, you should put in parallel I1 with I4; I2 with I5; I3 with I6,
respectively. The program accepts that the maximum current value is 64 A; then, for
any programmed current values, it divides the programmed value by two, and
commands the two paralleled outputs with this current. Test result is also doubled, so
that the user is eased in his task of operating at 3x64 A.

If you select 1x96 A, you should put all outputs, I1 to I6, in parallel. The program
accepts that the maximum current value is 96 A; then, for any programmed current
values, it divides the programmed value by six, and commands all outputs with this
current. Test result is also multiplied by six, so that the user is eased in his task of
operating at 1x96 A.

For DRTS6, the selection is 6x15 A the operation is the normal one.
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If you select 3x30 A, you should put in parallel I1 with I4; I2 with I5; I3 with I6,
respectively. The program accepts that the maximum current value is 30 A; then, for
any programmed current values, it divides the programmed value by two, and
commands the two paralleled outputs with this current. Test result is also doubled, so
that the user is eased in his task of operating at 3x30 A.

If you select 1x60 A, you should put all outputs, I1 to I6, in parallel. The program
accepts that the maximum current value is 60 A; then, for any programmed current
values, it divides the programmed value by six, and commands all outputs with this
current. Test result is also multiplied by six, so that the user is eased in his task of
operating at 1x60 A.

o Series connection.

With this selection you have only one choice.

For DRTS64 or 66, the selection is 3x32 A. You should put in series I1 with I4; I2
with I5; I3 with I6, respectively. The program accepts that the maximum current
value is 32 A; then, for any programmed current values, it generates two equal and
opposite currents on the output pairs. Test result is only reported on I1, I2 and I3.

For DRTS6, the selection is 3x15 A. You should put in series I1 with I4; I2 with I5;
I3 with I6, respectively. The program accepts that the maximum current value is 15
A; then, for any programmed current values, it generates two equal and opposite
currents on the output pairs. Test result is only reported on I1, I2 and I3.

 With the test set DRTS XX, to the right the following selections are available. The
following is the window when the device is not connected.

If the test set is not connected, it is possible to check the TRANSCOPE option. The zero
power option is also selectable. Available boosters are AMI332 and AMI632.

According to the type of DRST XX and of booster, the window displays the possible
corresponding operation modes. The following table summarizes the possible selections.
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A) DRTS 33 OR 34
SELECT. 6I – 9I 3I 1I
AMI332 Currents ranges Currents ranges are Current range is
are 6x32 A. 3x64 A. They are 128 A; programs
generated by the booster assume that all
and by DRTS 33: outputs are in
programs assume that parallel.
they are in parallel.
AMI632 Currents ranges Currents ranges are Current range is
are 9x32 A. 3x96 A. They are 192 A; programs
generated by booster assume that all
and by DRTS 33: outputs are in
programs assume that parallel.
they are in parallel.

B) DRTS 64 OR 66
SELECT. 9I – 12I 6I 3I 1I
AMI332 Currents ranges n.a. Currents ranges are Current range is
are 9x32 A. 3x96 A. They are 192 A; programs
generated by the booster assume that all
and by DRTS66: outputs are in
programs assume that parallel.
they are in parallel.
AMI632 Currents ranges Currents ranges are Currents ranges are Current range is
are 12x32 A. 6x64 A. DRTS66 3x128 A. They are 256 A; programs
outputs are in parallel generated by booster assume that all
between them. and by DRTS 66: outputs are in
programs assume that parallel.
they are in parallel.

If the device is connected, the window becomes the following one.

The window tells you the situation of the connected device: if it is with or without the
TRANSCOPE option (with the option in the above example), and if a booster is connected
(no booster in the example). Here, the Zero power option is selectable by checking it.

 The selection DRTS6 with refers to the booster only. Available boosters are: AMI150,
AMIV66, AMI66, AMV66, AMI99. According to the type of booster, to the right the
window displays the possible corresponding operation modes. For instance, these are the
selections for the AMIV66 booster.
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Once performed the selection, for instance 6I + 6V, the program will allow using six
currents and six voltages. Available selections are summarized in the following table.

AMIV66 Currents ranges Currents ranges are Currents ranges are Current range is
are 9x15 A. 6x15 A. Currents are 3x45 A. They are 135 A; programs
generated by DRTS generated by the booster assume that all
6. and by DRTS6: outputs are in
programs assume that parallel.
they are in parallel.
AMI66 Currents ranges Currents ranges are Currents ranges are Current range is
are 9x15 A. 6x15 A. Currents are 3x45 A. They are 135 A; programs
generated by DRTS generated by booster assume that all
6. and by DRTS 6: outputs are in
programs assume that parallel.
they are in parallel.
AMI99 Currents ranges Currents range is Currents ranges are Current range is
are: 6x15 A on 6x30 A. With this 3x60 A. They are 180 A; programs
DRTS XX, and selection, currents are generated by booster assume that all
3x30 A on AMI- generated by booster and by DRTSXX: outputs are in
99. and by DRTS 6, programs assume that parallel.
which has the outputs they are in parallel.
in parallel.

 For DRTS and DRTS3, selections are: AMI 150, AMIV3 or AMIV 33, AMI3 or AMI 33.
For instance, with the AMIV33 booster, the selection is the following one.

To the right, the program remembers to perform the correct connections on current outputs.

The selections for DRTS and DRTS3 are summarized in the following table.

SELECT. 6I 3I+3V 3V-3I 1I

AMIV-3 Current ranges are Current ranges are N.A. Current range is
(DRTS) 6x12.5 A. Currents 3x25 A. Currents are 1x50 A.
from booster and generated by booster
from DRTS. and by DRTS:
programs assume that
they are in parallel.
AMI-3 As above As above N.A. As above
AMIV-33 Current ranges are Current ranges are Current ranges are Current range is
(DRTS.3) 6x12.5 A. Currents 3x25 A. Currents are 3x12.5 A. Booster 1x50 A.
from booster and generated by booster currents are equal
from DRTS3. and by DRTS3: and opposite to
programs assume that DRTS.3
they are in parallel.
AMI-33 As above As above As above As above
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 The selection ART100 SETUP

refers to the ART100 single-phase test set, where four operating modes are possible: V1-I1
(basic); V1-V2 (synchrocheck relay tests); I1-I2 (current differential); V2-I2 (earth
directional). As the test set has three current sockets and three voltage sockets, it is also
possible to select to which sockets are connected V1 and I1.

 The selection Tracing sampling frequency

refers to a feature available on the DRTS XX series only. Tracing means that the selected
input contacts are continuously monitored during all test duration, at the sampling frequency
here selected. After the test, it is possible to verify all transitions occurred on these inputs:
the feature is the one of a digital analyser.

 The last two parts to the right are dedicated to REL TEST and its six possible output

On outputs V1, V2, V3 it is possible to select the range: 100 V or 400 V. On the V0 output
it is possible to select the range: 13 V or 130 V. Other Options

The following window is opened.
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 The selection CT Ratio allows using a CT on the current outputs. By choosing Use CT, the
following selections are enabled (specifically designed for the option IN2-CDG).

It is possible to select the CT primary side and secondary side currents, and to define on
which outputs it will be used. The program takes into account the ratio, and allows
programming the secondary side currents that will be injected into the relay during the test,
while generating primary side currents. Test results are secondary side currents.

 The selection Measure Conversion constants

is applicable when the MISU option (DRTS6) is present. The selection is useful when
measuring signals via a transducer, such as clip-on transformer: by setting the transformer
ratio, primary values are displayed.

 The selection Zero Power is accessible only if it is selected in the Instrument options

It allows defining the working parameters of this operation mode. Selections are: current and
voltage conversion ratios, and maximum voltage outputs. With the ratio values, the program
will accept as an input the primary voltages and currents here displayed (that can have
values up to 500 V and 500 A) and transform these values into the secondary ones. With the
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“Max peak voltage on current outputs” selection, with the selection 1.024 V (not available
with DRTS XX), the current range is reduced to 1/10th, to improve accuracy.
In this operating mode, the selection “Rogowsky coil” allows the device to simulate outputs
as if they were coming from a Rogowsky coil current transformer. In this mode, voltages are
nominally phase shifted by 90° with respect to the input current. Program Preferences

The following window is opened.

 The selection Icons Dimensions allows to choose the dimensions of the program icons.

 The selection Show Coloured Currents and Voltages allows displaying Currents and
Voltages tabs in different colours (red, yellow and blue for the first three outputs).

 The selection Show Prefault cycle in Waveform viewer allows displaying the outputs
generated before the fault, when opening the waveform viewer.

By pressing OK, all parameters will be saved, and with Cancel any change is discarded.

2.3 Window

The program allows opening many windows: pressing the selection, you can read the open
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2.4 Languages
This menu gives the capability to change the language of the software without closing the program.
The active language will be saved by quitting the program.

2.5 ?
Pressing the question mark, the following selections are accessible.

2.5.1 Instrument information

The window shows some information regarding the connected instrument, (RAM, Flash EPROM,
firmware release, serial number).
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A picture of the connected instrument is displayed (in the example, DRTS 66), and the firmware
version. Please, periodically check that it is the most updated one by visiting the ISA WEB site; if
it is not, please update your test set using the UPGRADE program!

2.5.2 ISA WEB site

With this selection, the software calls the ISA WEB site, which has the following address.

Here you find all information related to our products. If you want to check the firmware revision
number, or get the software manual, press:

The software opens this page:

Input the requested information; pressing Send you get the following window. NOTE: the serial
number has the format: (Manufacturing year) / (Order number) – (Item number, in case of more
than one unit in the same order).
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Here you can:

 Download the latest software issue, free of charge;
 Download the latest device firmware issue, free of charge;
 Download the latest revision of the instruction manuals.

Let us follow the instance of upgrading the software. As you select it, you get the following
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To update the program, follow the instructions.

2.5.3 About program..

The following window is displayed

It informs you about the software release that you are using, and also about ISA contacts.

2.6 Other icons

The complete set of icons is the following one.

If the device is not connected, the following icons are turned off.

We have already explained the first eight icons; let us explain the other ones.
 Show time in seconds or cycles . When you press the first icon, time measurements
are displayed in seconds; pressing the second one, time measurements are displayed in
cycles, following the nominal frequency selection in “Nominal characteristics” – “Relay
 Current measurement relative or absolute . With the first selection, currents are
set and reported as the fraction of the nominal current In; with the second one, currents are
 Primary or secondary current values . This selection is accessible only if currents
are displayed in A. With the first selection, currents are primary side values; with the second
one, currents are secondary side values.
 Connect . Press this icon when the test set is ready for the connection to the PC. As
pressed, a communication icon is displayed; then, the icon is shown as pressed. With this
command, the test set communicates to the test program its configuration in terms of
available options.
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 Apply VDC only . Pressing this icon the test set generates the auxiliary DC voltage.
NOTE: with the DRTS XX series, it is possible to generate the DC voltage supply acting on
the local control: see the corresponding manual.
 Generate pre-fault values . Pressing this icon the test set generates all the pre-fault
 Start . Pressing this icon the test is started.
 Stop . Pressing this icon the test is stopped, and outputs return to the pre-fault values
(not to zero).
 Reset . Pressing this icon the test is stopped, and outputs return to zero. NOTE: this
includes the auxiliary DC voltage supply, unless with the DRTS XX series, where it is
possible to avoid resetting the DC voltage supply, even when the reset icon is pressed, using
the local control commands: see the corresponding manual.
 IEC 61850-8 . With this selection, the test set monitors the GOOSE messages
exchanged between the relay and the system. The selection is an option for DRTS.6 and for
the DRTS XX test sets.
 IEC61850-9 . This selection allows testing the relay without generating currents and
voltages, but sending instead digital data on the optical fibre link. The selection is an option
for the DRTS XX test sets.

The next six icons operate on the tables and diagrams to be displayed.

 Show nominal characteristic and test details . If you press the icon once, you will see
only the selected diagrams (overcurrent, angle or both); pressing the icon again, you will see
the test details and the diagrams.

 Show test values and vector diagram . When you are in the test window, if you press
the icon once, you will see test results and the current and voltage vectors; pressing the icon
again, you will see only test results.
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 Show overcurrent characteristic . If you press the icon once, you will see only the test
details; pressing the icon again, you will see the test details and the overcurrent diagram.

 Show angle sector . If you press the icon once, you will see only the test details;
pressing the icon again, you will see the test details and the angle sector.

 Show both overcurrent characteristic and angle sector (vertical split) . If you press
the icon once, you will see the only the test details; pressing the icon again, you will see the
test details and the diagrams.

 Show both overcurrent characteristic and angle sector (horizontal split) . As above,
but diagrams are displayed horizontally.
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The program control window is the following one.

There are two sections, left and right:

- Left: test parameters;
- Right: nominal curve and test results.

In the Left Section there are four tabs:

- Nominal Characteristics: Define the nominal curve;
- Test settings: Select the type of test;
- Test: follow the test evolution, and read test results;
- Results: After the test, store results.

For the test execution, you should first define the nominal characteristic; then, select the type of
test; then, you can start the test, save and print test results.
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3.1 Nominal Characteristic; phase overcurrent

Whenever you enter the program, this is the default tab shown at the beginning. The reason is that
you need to define the nominal parameters before starting the test. As you start the program, the
window is the following one.

On the top are located these icons . Purpose of the selections is to allow
inputting the characteristic curve, which can be made of up to five sections. Each section can be
definite time, or any type of time-dependent characteristic. The operation of the icons is the

3.1.1 Define relay characteristic .

With this first selection, you can program the overall relay parameters. When you press the icon, the
following window is opened.
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With this tab, you can program the key parameters; their meaning is the following.

- V DC: it is the auxiliary DC voltage to power-on the relay.

- Ramp V DC: if the DC voltage is applied with a step, an overload may occur on the DC voltage
generator. This is normally caused by a high filter capacitor put in parallel of the power supply.
In this case, it is recommended to generate the V DC with a ramp, so that the capacitor is slowly
- Nominal frequency: in Hz. Any frequency can be set, depending on the test set capabilities.
- Nominal primary voltage LL: it is the phase to phase voltage at the primary side, in Volts.
Any value can be set.
- Nominal secondary voltage LL: it is the phase to phase voltage at the secondary side, in Volts.
Any value can be set.
- Nominal primary current: it is the current at the primary side, in Amps. Any value can be set.
- Nominal secondary voltage LL: it is the current at the secondary side, in Amps. Any value can
be set.
- CT side: it can be selected Line or Busbars. The program will rotate voltage to current angles
accordingly, without displaying it on the angle sector diagram.
- Positive angle convention: two selection; anticlockwise (the standard one) or clockwise. We
refer to the angle between the voltage, which is the reference, and the current. For instance,
with the anticlockwise convention, the following is an angle of + 60° of the current with respect
to the voltage.

+ 60°

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- Phase sequence: two selections; ABC or ACB. Take care, as the reversed phase sequence
involves the reversal of the current. Tolerances
When you select this tab, you access the following window.

With this tab, you can program the tolerances; their meaning is the following.

 Angle, absolute value: you can program the angle tolerance, in degrees.
 Trip time: the tolerance is divided in two; relative and absolute value. The relative value is
the percent of the nominal time; the absolute value is the minimum error. The total error is
the sum of the two. For instance, with the above values, if you had to measure 100 ms, the
maximum error is: (1% of 100 ms) = 1 ms + 10 ms = 11 ms. If you had to measure 1 s, the
maximum error is: (1% of 1 s) = 10 ms + 10 ms = 20 ms.
 Current: the tolerance is divided in two; relative and absolute value. The relative value is the
percent of the nominal current; the absolute value is the minimum error. The total error is
the sum of the two. For instance, with the above values, if you had to measure 1 A, the
maximum error is: (1% of 1 A) = 10 mA + 100 mA = 110 mA. If you had to measure 10 A,
the maximum error is: (1% of 10 A) = 100 mA + 100 mA = 200 mA.

Once performed all selections, press OK: you return to the Nominal characteristic window.

3.1.2 Update characteristic curve .

Once the curve has been created, pressing this icon all changes are kept, and the curve is updated.

3.1.3 Insert curve characteristic .

If you have created a number of sections, with this command you can insert a new section between
two already created.

3.1.4 Add curve characteristic .

Pressing this icon, you add a section at the end of the list.

3.1.5 Delete curve characteristic .

Pressing this icon, you delete the selected section. When you press the icon, the following message
is displayed.
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Confirm with Yes to complete the deletion. Note that you cannot delete the section if there is just
one: if you try, you get the following message.

3.1.6 How to define the curve characteristic .

Now that we have seen the icons, let us create a curve. Take, for instance, that the curve has the
following settings.

TYPE OF SECTOR I pick-up TD (s)

(I/In or A)
IEC CLASS A 1.667 0.12
DEFINITE TIME 4.167 0.38

In all, they are three sectors. At the beginning, your screen is as follows: to the right the table to
define the characteristic, to the left the corresponding diagram.

Each section is defined with three parameters:

 Pick up current: it is given in units of In or A, next to the selection .
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 Characteristic curve. The program allows selecting very many type of curves (definite time,
normal inverse, very inverse, standard…). If you press the slide-down window, you get the
following selection.

The list includes also two selections, Custom curve and Mathematical expression, that are
explained in Appendix 4, along with the Standard curve types.
 Time setting: in seconds or cycles, next to the selection .

So, now, enter the first section, in our example: IEC Class A, with its settings. Next, press the “Add
section” icon : there will be a new line. Input the first definite time parameters; then, press Add
again, and input the second definite time parameters. The setting window and the diagram will look
as follows.
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The characteristic curve has been defined.

NOTE: the dotted red line to the right is the maximum test current. In “Nominal characteristics”,
“Test settings”, you set the nominal current; then, in “Relay settings”, you can define the maximum
current as absolute value or referred to the nominal.

If you move the mouse on the diagram, the pointer is displayed with a cross. On the top in the
middle are displayed the current and time corresponding to the pointer position.

3.1.7 Directional diagram

The last selection of the Nominal characteristic window is:

The slide-down window gives you three choices:

 The “Not directional” selection corresponds to standard over-current relays;

 The “Forward” selection means that the relay trips if the current is situated in quadrants 1 or
4 with respect to the voltage;
 The “Backward” selection means that the relay trips if the current is situated in quadrants 2
or 3 with respect to the voltage.
For both selections, the following selections are added.

 MTA: it is the maximum torque angle. The reference is the phase to phase voltage of the
two phases opposed to the faulty one. In fact, with isolated neutral, a fault in phase 1 can
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be such to null the corresponding phase voltage. The following refers to the ABC phase
sequence, counterclockwise angle definition.

So, if you select Angle V-I = 90°, you get:



 Leading sector limit (MTA+): starting from MTA, and rotating in the positive angle
direction, it is the limit of intervention of the directional relay.
 Lagging sector limit (MTA-): starting from MTA, and rotating in the negative angle
direction, it is the limit of intervention of the directional relay.

In the diagram, the colored portion of the circle corresponds to current and angle points where
the relay trips; the white portion is where the relay does not trip: there is always a white inner
circle. Different colors are for different trip times. The dotted red circle is the maximum test

In the following example, we have: MTA = 30° (green line); MTA+ = 60° (that is, the sector
ends at 30 + 60 = 90°); MTA- = 45° (that is, the sector starts at 30 – 45 = - 15°.
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Above selections can be different for each curve sector. Also, it is possible to overlap the
MTA definitions and the corresponding sectors: the relay will trip with the shortest selected
time. This allows drawing any directional characteristic curve, even the most complex ones. For
instance, let us have a look at the following case. Relay settings are as follows.

As you see, the direction is Forward for the three sections, and also angle limits are the same,
but the MTA is different for the three sections. The result is the following one.

 From 0° to 30° there are two superimposing sections: one and two;
 From 30° to 120° all sections superimpose;
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 From 120° to 180° there are two superimposing sections: two and three;
 From 180° to 210° there is only section three;
 From 210° to 300° there is no section;
 From 300° to 360° there is only section one.

With the “Click and test” selection, if you move the mouse on the diagram, inside the external
circle, the pointer is displayed with a cross.

On the top in the middle are displayed: the current, the angle, the angle sector and time
corresponding to the pointer position.

Please, note the small number to the left down of the curve : it is the value of the current for

the external circle. Note also the small number to the right : as the fault is on phase
1, the angle reference is the phase to phase voltage V23.

3.1.8 Setting table

All the selections performed before, both for the overcurrent characteristic and for the intervention
sector, are summarized in the setting table.

The table reports:

For the overcurrent characteristic:
 Section number;
 Type of characteristic;
 Pick-up current;
 For the time depending curves, the discrimination time;
 For the time depending curves, the corresponding trip time at 10 times the current setting;
 For the definite time curves, the trip time setting;
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For the intervention sector:

 The direction;
 The Maximum Torque Angle;
 The leading limit, MTA+;
 The lagging limit, MTA-.

3.1.9 Diagram icons Overcurrent diagram

Above the overcurrent diagram are located the following icons.

They serve to adjust the diagram on the screen; their operation is the following.

 The first two icons to the left are: decrease minimum time and increase minimum time
. When you press it, the minimum time of the diagram (the y axes) decreases or
increases. When you decrease, the diagram moves upwards; vice versa, when you
increase, the diagram moves downwards. Time limits are: 1 ms and 60 s. Note that the
total time span changes: so, operating these buttons is like shifting and pressing the diagram
down or up.
 Next two icons are: decrease maximum time and increase maximum time . When
you press it, the maximum time of the diagram (the y axes) decreases or increases. When
you decrease, the diagram moves upwards; vice versa, when you increase, the diagram
moves downwards. Time limits are: 1 s and 1000 s. Note that the total time span changes:
so, operating these buttons is like shifting and pressing the diagram down or up.
 The first two icons are: decrease minimum current and increase minimum current .
When you press it, the minimum current of the diagram (the x axes) decreases or increases.
When you decrease, the diagram moves to the right; vice versa, when you increase, the
diagram moves to the left. Current limits are: 1 mA and 10 A. Note that the total current
span changes: so, operating these buttons is like shifting and pressing the diagram left or
 Next two icons are: decrease maximum current and increase maximum current .
When you press it, the maximum current of the diagram (the y axes) decreases or increases.
When you decrease, the diagram moves to the right; vice versa, when you increase, the
diagram moves to the left. Current limits are: 1 s and 1000 s. Note that the total current
span changes: so, operating these buttons is like shifting and pressing the diagram left or
 Show all tests . If you have performed faults of different types on the same relay, with
this icon they will be displayed together on the same screen.
 Export image to bitmap . Pressing this icon, the program opens the standard selection
window. After the selection, the diagram is saved; for instance, as follows.
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 Show settings . Pressing the icon, you open the following window.

Here you can name the diagram, set the diagram characteristics, change colors. An interesting
setting is “Show tolerances”. You can select it and choose the color; the result is superimposing to
the nominal diagram the time limits, as per the programmed tolerances.
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Test results must stay within the limits: you can check it at a glance. Angle sector diagram

Above the angle sector diagram are located the following icons.

 Zoom in and zoom out : as you press them, the sector diagram is increased or

Please the small number to the left down of the curve, which is the value of the current for
the external circle, changes during the operation. If you zoom out, this value will grow; with
zoom in, it will be reduced. The following is an instance of zoom out.

In general, it is useful to zoom out until the red circle, corresponding to the maximum test
current, is displayed: all tests will be displayed.

 Other icons: they have the same operation already explained for the overcurrent diagram.

In the angle sector diagram there is a red line: the overcurrent diagram to the left applies to the
selected angle. If you click the mouse outside the external circle, you make the red line to rotate; to
the left, you can see how the overcurrent characteristic changes. If you go on the red line, you can
drag it where you want.

The following is a simple instance of a relay setting with a definite time overcurrent characteristic.
If the red line is in the intervention area, to the left you have the overcurrent diagram.
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If you move the red line outside the intervention area, to the left there is no overcurrent
characteristic: this is because the relay does not trip.

In the following example, the directional characteristic is more complex. The corresponding
overcurrent characteristics change very much, according to the sector selection.

First selection: time dependent plus definite time.

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Second selection: no intervention.

Third selection: definite time, one setting.

NOTE: when you define the characteristic, may be that you can see it on the overcurrent diagram,
but you don‟t see the angle sector diagram.

The reason is that the current setting is too small: press zoom out!
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3.2 Nominal Characteristic; earth fault overcurrent

Whenever you enter the program, this is the default tab shown at the beginning. The reason is that
you need to define the nominal parameters before starting the test. As you start the program, the
window is the following one. This window is very similar to the one related to “Phase overcurrent”
relays, unless some additional parameter which we will explain in the following.

Here we find an additional selection: Vres. It is the residual voltage; the value is the ratio with
respect to the residual nominal voltage, Vrn. The adjustment range is from zero to 1.73. This is the
value below which the relay does not trip.

NOTE. Residual voltage Vres is three times the zero sequence voltage V0: Vres = 3*V0. Residual
current Ires is three times the zero sequence current I0: Ires = 3*I0. The program uses residual
voltage and currents.

3.2.1 Define relay characteristic .

With this first selection, you can program the overall relay parameters. When you press the icon, the
following window is opened.
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As compared to the phase overcurrent table, you find here the additional parameters related to the
residual voltage and current.

 Nominal primary residual voltage: The residual voltage before the transformer.
 Nominal secondary residual voltage: The residual voltage after the transformer. Note that
for phase overcurrent relays these are phase to phase voltages, while this is a phase voltage.
 Nominal primary residual current: The residual current before the transformer.
 Nominal secondary residual current: The residual current after the transformer. Note that
this setting is usually different from the phase secondary current.
 CT side: line or busbar.
 VT side: line or busbar.

To the right, we have other parameters.

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 Polarizing quantities: the slide-down window offers the following choices.

o Vres | Ires: the relay controls the residual voltage and current.
o 3V2 | 3I2: the relay controls the inverse component instead of the residual one: this
serves in case of earthed neutral, with single phase fault. In this mode, the fault is
simulated generating only a reverse sequence, as follows.




With this selection, the left part of the window is modified as follows.

 Generation mode; Vres|Ires: the slide-down window offers the following choices.
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o One voltage – one current: this corresponds to the selection Vres | Ires above.
o Three voltages – one current: the residual voltage is computed from the three phase
voltages; the standard formula is:
Vres = (V1 + V2 + V3)
Where Vres, V1, V2 and V3 are vectors.
o One voltage – three currents: the residual current is computed from the three phase
currents; the formula is:
Ires = (I1 + I2 + I3)
Where Ires, I1, I2 and I3 are vectors.
o Three voltages – three currents: both the residual voltage and current are computed
from the three phases.

 Generation mode; 3V2|3I2: the selection is fixed on three voltages and three currents.

 Angle reference; Vres|Ires: the slide-down window offers the following choices.
o Ires vs Vres: Vres is the reference: this is the standard angle definition.
o Vres vs Ires: Ires is the reference: this is the opposite angle definition; it is the
complement to 360° of the above definition.

 Angle reference; 3V2|3I2: the slide-down window offers the following choices.
o 3I2 vs 3V2: V2 (that is, the voltage reverse sequence component) is the reference:
this is the standard angle definition.
o 3V2 vs 3I2: I2 (that is, the current reverse sequence component) is the reference: this
is the opposite angle definition; it is the complement to 360° of the above definition.

 Positive angle convention: two selection; anticlockwise (the standard one) or clockwise.
We refer to the angle between the reference, usually the voltage, and the other parameter,
usually the current. For instance, with the anticlockwise convention, the following is an
angle of + 60° of the current with respect to the voltage.

+ 60°

 Residual current: it can be the vector sum of currents, or the same divided by three.
 Residual voltage: four choices.
o Vres;
o Vres * √3;
o Vres / √3;
o Vres / 3.
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 Phase sequence; 3V2|3I2: two selections; ABC or ACB. Take care, as the reversed phase
sequence involves the reversal of the current.

3.2.2 Other selections

All other selections of the earth fault overcurrent are the same as the phase overcurrent.
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3.3 Test settings; phase overcurrent

After selection, the window is the following one.

3.3.1 Test settings icons

Test settings icons are the following ones. Set binary inputs

When pressed, the following window is opened.
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The window allows selecting the logic associated to trip inputs, while their physical characteristics
have been set using the icon . The meaning of the parameters is the following one.

 Start timer. The default is that the timer starts when fault is injected: the measurement is
shown here below.

If you press the down arrow by the side of Start timer, the following selection is opened.

It is possible to start the timer at the trip or reset of any input, that should be enabled; timer
is stopped at trip or reset of another input, also enabled. For instance, measuring the Reclose
delay can be performed starting the timer when the relay trips (for instance, connected to
C1) and stopping it when the Reclose command arrives (for instance, connected to C2).

The operation is shown here below.

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In the example, C1 timing is zero, as timer starts and stops at the meantime; C2 displays the
Reclose delay.

 Label: you can label the input contact.

 Status: the contact status can be selected: NO means Normally Open; NC stays for
Normally Closed; n.a. means not applicable, disabled.
 Stop timer: you can choose whether the timer will stop on contact trip or reset: the second
selection serves to measure fixed time contacts, like the Reclose command.
 AND or OR: the selection applies when more than a contact is selected. In this instance,
you can stop the test when ALL inputs have tripped (AND selection) or when the first one
has tripped (OR selection).

NOTE: before this feature was provided, the program was automatically setting the above
parameter as follows:
. Trip time delay measurements: AND criteria;
. Threshold measurement: OR criteria.
From this version on, and for the DRTS66 series, when you use more than one contact, you
have to decide on each test whether to use AND or OR; else, the AND (default) criteria will
be applied to all tests, including threshold tests.
 Last selection, Tracing, means that the selected input contacts are continuously monitored
during all test duration. After the test, it is possible to verify all transitions which occurred
on these inputs: the feature is the one of a digital analyser.

Trip inputs can be checked, even if not enabled for the trip stop. The button
enables all inputs; as you have pressed it, it turns into Deselect all. Once
you have performed a selection, if you double click on , the selection you have
performed is reversed.
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The default sampling frequency for the tracing is 1 kHz; however, for longer tests, you can
go to the selection Settings > Advanced settings, and change the sampling frequency to 100
Hz or to 10 Hz.

NOTE: The test stops, as usual, on the AND or the OR of the selected inputs. If you want to
monitor all checked inputs during the selected maximum time, just select for the time stop
an input that will not trip, and select the AND condition.

For an example of the Tracing features, please refer to Appendix 5. Set binary outputs

If you click on the icon, you can make the selected contacts to close as the test is started. The
following window is opened.

 Label: you can label the output contact.

 Status: the contact status can be selected as Normally open or normally closed .
 Delay time: it is possible to time the contact switch with respect to test start, programming
the desired delay. NOTE: as the relay takes some time to trip, about 5 ms, the relay delay,
will be added to the programmed value. This can be useful to simulate the CB changing
position after trip command, to simulate over-reach command and so on.
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This icon turns on unless for the Click and test selection. For other selections:
 Define the corresponding test parameters;
 Press the icon: the selected tests will be added to the test list.
 When all tests have been added, you can proceed with the test. Automatically add or update a result row

When you press the icon, it changes its appearance, as follows .

If it is not checked, the test table is the same as the result table; otherwise, after having performed
the tests, you can go to the test table and select which test(s) have to be copied with a right click to
the result table: it will be more compact, as you desire.

3.3.2 Test selections

The following selections are available. Test selection: Click and test

Click and test means that you can directly select the test point on the overcurrent or sector diagram.
The mouse position in the graph defines:
 The test current and the test angle;
 The maximum time for the test, as a percentage of the nominal trip delay.

Below the test selection, the following parameters are displayed.

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 Fault type: the slide-down window provides the following selections.

Here you can select the type of fault: single phase, two phases, three phases.

 Fault sequence type: the slide-down window provides the following selections.

Available sequences are:

o Start with the pre-fault, then apply the fault, and then return to the pre-fault situation;
o Apply the fault, and then return to the pre-fault situation (usually zero); this is the
o Start with the pre-fault, then apply the fault, and then generate zero;
o Apply the fault, and then go to zero.

 Iload (pre-fault): we can simulate the load current, before the fault. This is called pre-fault
 Pre-fault time: it is the minimum duration of the pre-fault current, before generating a fault.
The parameter is important with the Pre-fault – Fault – Zero and with the Fault – zero
sequences, because a too short pre-fault duration could be understood by the relay as a close
on to fault situation.
 Maximum test time: if the relay does not trip within this time, the test result is no trip, and
the current generation is stopped. With time dependent characteristics, it is important to
program a value which is not too short, as compared to the expected trip delay.
 Circuit breaker delay: if checked, the current generation will last the programmed value
after the relay trip. This allows simulating the real case situation; see the following drawing.
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 Maximum current: it is value not to be exceeded during tests, for the sake of the relay, or
taking into account the limits of the test device.

The last two selections apply to the Sequence test.

With this selection, as you click on the diagram, the corresponding current and angle are
generated. For the explanation of the test mode, please refer to the Tests chapter. Test selection: Sequence

It is similar to Click and Test. The only difference is that you first define all test points, and then
you press the Start button to run the tests.

The test points definition can be performed two ways.

 Click on the over-current or on the directional diagram: the corresponding test point is
displayed, as a dot, on the characteristic curve, and is added to the list of tests to be
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As you program test points on the characteristic curve, they are displayed also on the
directional curve. TAKE CARE, because, when you click on the directional curve, test
points are not displayed on the overcurrent curve, unless you select the corresponding

NOTE: the program does not accept test points with a current greater than the maximum
one. On the contrary, the program accepts test points to the left of the curve: this serves to
test the first threshold setting.

 The above operating mode does not allow to get easily the exactly desired value. To this
purpose, you can take advantage of the last two setting parameters.

o Current test value: here you can input the test current you desire.
o Angle test value: here you can input the test angle you desire.

When these parameters have been programmed, press the icon “Add test to the test list”
: the defined test values are added to the test list. You can continue this way adding test
points; at the end, go to the Tests folder: all programmed tests are there. Test selection: Automatic test I-t (Angle and I fixed)

With this selection, test parameters are the same as for click and test, plus the followings.

Test parameters are:

 Angle test value: tests are performed at the selected angle.
 Current test value (Start): it is the first test current.
 Current test value (Stop): it is the last test current.
 Current test value (Step): it is the current increment between two tests.

The test is performed generating the test currents, and measuring the correspondent delay.
When these parameters have been programmed, press the icon “Add test to the test list” : the
defined test values are added to the test list, and are displayed on the diagram.
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You can change the test angle and add test; at the end, go to the Tests folder: all programmed tests
are there. Test selection: Verify sector (I and V fixed)

With this selection, test parameters are the same as for click and test, plus the followings.

 Verify relay characteristic nr: you can specify in which section of the characteristic you
want to perform the test. This selection defines the angle limits which will be tested.
 Current test value: Input here the test current value; it must be consistent with the selected
characteristic section.

Pressing “Add test to the test list” , the defined test values are added to the test list, and are
displayed on the diagram.
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In the above example, we have selected to test in sections 1 and 2. As you may see, there are four
points for each selected tests; two close to the upper angle limit; the other two close to the lower
angle limit. In fact, unlike other tests, where we inject current and measure the trip time, here we
want to verify a threshold; that is, the angle limit between trip and no trip. This is the reason why
we need two tests: in one, close to the limit but within the trip area, the relay will trip; in the other
one, close to the limit but outside the trip area, the relay will not trip. These events will confirm the
angle threshold, with an accuracy equal to the angle difference between the two test points, that is,
the selected angle tolerance.

You can change the test angle and add test; at the end, go to the Tests folder: all programmed tests
are there.

Now, let us consider a more complicated sector characteeristic, such as the following one.

Let us start programming the test of section 1, corresponding to the sky-blue sector. I start with a
low current: two points are added in a sector where the color is sky-blue.

Now, I add other tests, still on section 1, with a greater currents: this is the programming.
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As you may see, tests enter sectors 2 (blue) and 3 (dark blue). As a consequence, test results will not
be any more trip – no trip, but, in sector 3, trip for both angles. The program knows this situation,
and gives a “pass” judgement.

The complete programming of all sectors is the following one. Test selection: Verify drop-out ratio

Purpose of the test is to measure the drop-out, or release, current. The test is important, also because
it is the only practical way to test the I> threshold for a time-dependent characteristic curve. In fact,
by definition, when the current approaches I>, the intervention time goes to infinity, and it is
nominally impossible to understand when the relay does not trip because the current is less than I>.

The programming window is the following one.

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Aside the already known parameter, the additional one is the selection of the relay characteristic

section number .

To perform the test, you have to use the starting contact of each section, rather than the timed trip
contact. If you don‟t have them available, you have to program your relay; else, the test cannot be

The following is an example of the programming of contacts.

In this instance, the first three inputs are the trip contacts of the three phases; the other three are the
start contacts of the three sections of your relay characteristic. The programming is performed in
 Select the characteristic section number ;
 Use the icon to open the contact setting table above;
 Program the contact corresponding to the selected section;
 Press OK on the table;
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 Now, on the main page, press the icon “Add test” , select another section number, and
repeat the sequence;
 When all sectors have been programmed, you can execute the test.

Starting the test, the program generates a current which is ramping up until the relay trips: this is the
trip threshold I>. Next, the current ramps down, until the relay resets: this is the reset threshold. The
ratio between the two thresholds is the drop-out ratio. The test is repeated on all programmed
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3.4 Test settings; earth fault overcurrent

After selection, with the selection Vres | Ires, the window is the following one.

As compared to the “Phase overcurrent” selection, differences are the followings.

 In the “Test selection”, there is the additional test “Verify Vres threshold”. In this test, we
look for the voltage threshold in the Vres – Ires curve. Besides, the I-t curve is now Ires-t.
 In the parameters, selections “Fault type” (not applicable) and Iload (not applicable) are not
available if there are only one voltage and one current.
 In the parameters, there is a new one, which is “Voltage test value”. It is the voltage, above
Vres, at which tests are performed.

With the selection 3V2 | 3I2, the window is the following one.

 In the “Test selection”, instead of “Automatic test Ires – t”, there is “Automatic test 3I2 – t”.
The parameter is changed, but the test is the same.
 In the “Test selection”, instead of “Verify Vres threshold”, there is “Verify 3V2 threshold”.
The parameter is changed, but the test is the same.

3.4.1 All tests

With respect to the “Phase overcurrent” selection, in all tests there are two differences.
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 Fault type. The first one is that, as you select the test, if in the “Nominal and test
parameters” you have selected “Three voltages – one current”, or “Three currents – one
voltage”, or “Three currents – three voltages”, at the “Fault type” selection you have the
following choices.

The selection is on the phase (current or voltage or both) which will be used to create the
residual component. You can select the type of fault you want to simulate; for the complete
test, it is better to select all of them. If in the “Nominal and test parameters” you have
selected “One voltage – one current”, then the “Fault type” selection is not displayed.

 Voltage test value. The second difference is that you have to specify the value of the
residual voltage.

You can select any value, provided that it is higher than the voltage threshold: the overcurrent curve
is not affected by the selection.

3.4.2 Verify Vres threshold

Test parameters are the following ones.

The test is performed with two trip delay measurements, both at the same current and angle, but
with voltages above and below the nominal value above of an amount equal to the specified
tolerance. The test result is OK when: for voltage less than the nominal the relay does not trip, and
for voltage more than the nominal the relay trips.

3.4.3 Verify dropout ratio

With respect to the “Phase overcurrent” selection, here we have the following additional selection.
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The test is separately performed on the current or on the voltage threshold.

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3.5 Tests

This chapter applies to the “Phase overcurrent” and to the “Earth fault overcurrent” selections.

After having confirmed your tests, if you press the Start icon the program opens the Tests folder:
from here, you can follow the test evolution, both in the table and in the diagrams.

3.3.1 Tests: the test table

When you first start a test, the default test table looks like the following.

 Columns are the test set variables.

 The dimension of each column can be widened or reduced by using the mouse.
 It is possible to scroll the table horizontally or vertically.
 If you left click on the table, the line on which you have clicked is highlighted, and the
following window is opened.
 If you keep the left button of the mouse pressed and move it on the table, you can select
more tests.

If you left click on a test, and then right click on it, the following window is displayed.

The meaning of the selections is the following one.

 Select all. When pressed, all tests are highlighted.
 Repeat selected tests. You have performed some tests, and modified some relay settings
because something was wrong. Now you want to repeat these tests: you can select them, and
then press Start: the selected tests are repeated.
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 Mark as executed. May be that you have added tests, and you don‟t want to repeat the older
ones: if they are checked as executed, they are not executed again.
 Copy test row to the result table. When the test has been executed, it is possible to copy to
the Results table the selected ones.
 Delete. Selecting this option, you can delete all selected tests. Before executing the
command, the software displays the following message.

You can confirm or null the command.

 Delete all rows. Selecting this option, you can delete all tests. Before executing the
command, the software displays the following message.

 Define instructions. With this option, you can add a comment for each test line, or, more
important, you can display a message to the operator (for instance, change connection,
change relay settings) before the test is performed. The following window is opened.
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Type the message, then press OK: the comment is saved with the test settings and result. To the left
of the test number, a small icon remembers that there is a comment.

If you check “Show the message”, before executing the test, the program stops and displays
the message to the operator. The test does not start again until the operator presses OK.
 Modify columns layout. The following window is opened.

In this window it is possible to select the parameters to display on the Tests screen. A
similar selection is available in the Results table. The operation on this table and the
meaning of the parameters are explained in Appendix 1.

The program proposes the last selection of parameters.If it is desired to see some more or
different parameters, the table allows to do it.

 Waveform viewer. It is possible to see the waveform of the test parameters, prior to
perform the test. The operation is explained in Appendix 5.
 Decrease font size and increase font size. Pressing the selection, or Ctrl Alt + or -, it is
possible to increase or decrease the size of the font used in the table.
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3.3.2 Tests: Click and test

For this test, just reach the desired test point on the diagram, overcurrent or directional, and click:
the selected fault is generated, and so you don‟t need to press the Start button to run the test. The
program waits for the trip of the relay, displays on the diagrams the tested point in red, and adds a
line to the test table.

Actually, dots have different colors according to the Fault type:

 Red is for faults L1 and L12;
 Yellow is for faults L2 and L23;
 Blue is for faults L3 and L31;
 Purple is for fault L123.

You can select the type of fault to be displayed opening the Test Settings tab, and selecting it with
the scroll-down window.

Note that, also with this test, on the test table are displayed the time error and the pass/fail
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3.3.3 Tests: Sequence

After having programmed the test points, press Start: all tests will be executed; test results will be
displayed in the table and in the diagram. Results are identical to the click and test.

3.3.4 Tests: Automatic test I-t

The test execution is simple: press Start; for each point, the program generates the fault current and
measures the corresponding trip time. On the result table you can read:
 The test current;
 The measured trip time;
 The nominal trip time;
 The time error, in ms;
 The Pass/fail judgement. The result is Pass if the time error is less than the tolerance.

The following is an example of how the table and diagrams look like.

3.3.5 Tests: Verify sector

The test execution is simple: press Start; for each point, the program generates the fault current at
different angles. The test result looks like the following one.
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The table displays the two angles at which the test has been performed: they are the nominal angles
at limit, plus or minus the tolerance. The Measured time column displays the corresponding trip
times, and the error column the corresponding time errors.

3.3.6 Tests: Verify drop-out ratio

The test execution is simple: press Start; for each point, the program generates the fault current at
different angles. The test result looks like the following one.

The table displays: the value of the current at pick-up (relay intervention) and drop-off (relay reset);
from these values, it computes the ratio.

3.3.7 Tests: test set connection for Phase overcurrent tests

Connections of the test set to the relay are as follows.

 Connect test set outputs I1, I2 and I3 to the relay current inputs of phases L1, L2 L3. Note
that, even when we simulate single phase faults, there is current in all phases. The reason
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is that, in isolated ground systems, during single phase faults, for instance L1, as the current
cannot flow through the ground, the current loop is closed by two currents of half amplitude
and opposite phase, which are returning back via L2 and L3.
 VERY IMPORTANT: if your relay is single phase, you must connect outputs I2 and I3
to IN; else, you would get an overload message.
 If the relay is directional 67, connect test set outputs V1, V2 and V3 to the relay voltage
inputs of phases L1, L2 L3.
 Connect the test set logic input C1 to the relay trip output.
 If necessary, connect the test set auxiliary voltage output to the relay auxiliary voltage input.

3.3.8. Tests: test set connection for Earth fault overcurrent tests

Connections of the test set to the relay depend upon your type of relay.
 If the relay has dedicated inputs for V0 and I0, connect test set output I1 to the relay current
input I0 and the test set output V1 to the relay voltage input V0.
 If the relay computes V0 from the phase voltages and has a dedicated input for I0, connect
test set output I1 to the relay current input I0 and the test set outputs V1, V2 and V3 to the
relay voltage inputs L1, L2 and L3.
 If the relay computes I0 from the phase currents and has a dedicated input for V0, connect
test set output V1 to the relay voltage input V0 and the test set outputs I1, I2 and I3 to the
relay current inputs L1, L2 and L3.
 If the relay computes I0 from the phase currents and V0 from the phase voltages, connect
test set outputs I1, I2 and I3 to the relay current inputs of phases L1, L2 L3, and test set
outputs V1, V2 and V3 to the relay voltage inputs of phases L1, L2 L3.
 Connect the test set logic input C1 to the relay trip output.
 If necessary, connect the test set auxiliary voltage output to the relay auxiliary voltage input.
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3.4 Results

This chapter applies to the “Phase overcurrent” and to the “Earth fault overcurrent” selections.

Once all tests are performed, you can transfer them to the Results table, for the final saving and

For example, you have performed the automatic I-t test of an overcurrent relay: the test result table
and diagram look like the following.

The transfer to the results table is performed as follows:

 Right click on a test, and select “Select all” : all tests are shown in
heavy blue;
 Right click again, and press “Copy test row to the result table” :
all results are copied into the Results table;
 In the Tests table, you can “Select all” again, and press “delete all rows: a confirmation
message is displayed.

Remember that what you see in the I-t graph depends on the selection of the test angle. If you don‟t
see any dot, select also the directional diagram; then, read on the results table the I angle, and select
the same angle on the directional diagram.

When you are in the Results table, if you right click on a result, you have the following commands
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The meaning of the selections has been explained in the Tests paragraph.

Now, you can save test results: click on the Save icon ; the standard dialogue window is opened.
Once the result is saved, you can recall it.

NOTE. If you have selected the test of relays type “Phase overcurrent” , you

cannot open results of the type “Earth fault overcurrent” : if you do, the
program alerts you with the following message.

After OK, you get a further message.

You have to press OK again, to quit the program and to change your initial selection.
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By selecting the “Print Results” option in the file menu, or pressing “Print” in the results window,
the following window opens:

The core part of the report, is the following one. The first one refers to the I-t test, and also to the
“Click and test” and to the “Sequence” selections.

The second one refers to the Verify sector. As you see, for each point there are two tests, at different
angles and with different time delays. The two test values are separated by |.
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The third one refers to the Drop-out ratio.

 Show relay characteristic: the result table includes the description of the overcurrent
characteristic curve, and of the directional selections.

 Show overcurrent and sectors plot: the test report includes the overcurrent and directional
diagrams of all the selected test types. On the directional diagram it is displayed the test
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 Show relay settings: the result table includes the general relay settings.

 Include Notes Page: the report will include the page containing the notes added by means
of the menu item “Notes to the test”.
 Notes to the test: if the above is selected, when pressed, the following window is displayed.
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You can input all test comments. Notes are added at the end of the report.

 Change report logo: click to change the logo to be printed on the test report. The following
window is displayed.

Pressing Browse, the standard dialogue window will be opened; many logos are available in
the C/XTEST/LOGO directory: double click on the desired one to select it. You can add
your company‟s logo to the list: it should be a .bmp or .jpg file.
 Print preview: it allows you checking the report before printing it. When selected, the
following window appears.
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The report includes, in order:

 The header;
 The relay characteristic;
 The overcurrent and directional diagrams, according to selection: a diagram per test type;
 The nominal parameters;
 The test result table, divided into test types;
 The notes.

The toolbar at the top left of the window is the following one.

 Export report : as you press it, the standard selection window is displayed. You can
select the desired directory, and save the report with the extensions: .rpt, .pdf, .xls, .doc, .rtf.
 Print : as you press it, the standard selection window is displayed.
 The next four buttons allow the user to browse through the pages of the
report (first, previous, next and last page).
 Go to page : you can specify the page you desire to see.
 Page size : the scroll-down window allows you to choose the desired page width.
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When you select, on the results table, Selection of the columns to show, the following window is

To the left, the “Parameters list” lists all the other parameters which have not been selected to be
displayed; to the right, the “displayed parameters” lists the parameters you can see on the table.

The movement between the two lists is controlled by the arrows , , , .

 With , all available parameters are moved from left to right;
 If you want to add a parameter to the table, select it in the list to the left; pressing , the
parameter is moved to the right.
 If you want to remove a parameter from the table, select it in the list to the right; pressing
, the parameter is moved to the left, and it is not displayed any more.
 With , all available parameters are moved from right to left: the table is empty.

The movement in the table, that is, the order of the columns, is controlled by the arrows and
 If you want to display a variable before another one in the results table, select it to the right;
then, pressing the arrow , you can move it up; that is, to the left in the table;
 If you want to display a variable after another one in the results table, select it to the right;
then, pressing the arrow , you can move it down; that is, to the right in the table.
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The following table shows:

 The parameters, as shown in the selection table;
 The meaning of each parameter;
 Whether the parameter is displayed in the test table, in the result table or both;
 Variables in yellow are the most commonly used for our tests;
 Variables shown in grey are parts of the message not interesting for the user.


Show notes A message can be added to each test line. X
Row Number X X
Executed When the test is executed, the box is checked. X
Test row Number of the test. It can differ from the row number X
Number because pre-faults are listed in the row, but are not
I1, I2, I3 I Values for the first three currents X X
I1, I2, I3 phase Angle Values for the first three currents X X
V1, V2, V3 V Values for the first three voltages X X
V1, V2, V3 Angle Values for the first three voltages X X
I4 to I9 I Values for the other currents X X
I4 to I9 phase Angle Values for the other currents X X
Test Type Shot, Delta Ramp, Ramp X X
Shot Type Pre-fault – Fault – Pre-fault; FP; PF0; F0 X X
Fault type L1, L2, L3, L12, L23, L31, L123 X X
Binary In 1 to Timing of contacts C1 to C12 X
12 (s)
Pref. Time Pre-fault duration X
Max. Time Maximum test time. If the test is Ramp, then the X
parameter becomes (Max time) : (Nominal relay trip
CB delay CB delay X
Contacts Shows the timer stop enabled contacts; it is expressed as X
Enabled the decimal number of 2^(selected contacts binary value).
Contacts Level 0= N.O. X
Start Timer Timer start Trip input, if enabled; 0 = at test start; else = X
TRIP trip enabled contacts at Trip, expressed as the decimal
number of 2^(selected contacts binary value).
Start Timer Timer start Reset input, if enabled; 0 = at test start; else = X
RESET trip enabled contacts at Reset, expressed as the decimal
number of 2^(selected contacts binary value).
Stop Timer Trip or Reset; 0= Trip X
Current conf. It is the configuration of the test set currents. It is 6x15 for X
DRTS.6, 6x32 for DRTS 64 and 66.
Test current It is the current of the phase being tested. X X
Min. Tolerance The minimum accepted current X
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Max. Tolerance The maximum accepted current X

Test angle It is the phase rotation: adding it to the angle of the output X
phase, we get the phase angle.
Tolerance (°) The angle tolerance X
Characteristic Number of the section of the characteristic curve X
Test point nr The number of the test point can differ from the test X
Auxiliary The auxiliary relay timing X
Binary Outputs, Here is reported the programmed delay of the output X
1 to 8
Nominal time It is the nominal time at the selected test current X
Min. Tolerance The minimum value of the trip delay X
Max. Tolerance The maximum value of the trip delay X
Meas. Time (s) The measured trip delay X
Error The difference between nominal and measured trip delay, X
or between nominal and measured angle.
Pickup value X
Reset value X
Drop-out ratio X
Pass/Fail The result is Fail if it is outside the tolerance limits X
Test date Date and time of test X

If you don‟t want on the table the directional tests, you can remove them as explained; then, it is
wise to give the selection a name, in order to be able to recall it. The operation is performed by the
following buttons.

 After having selected the desired variables, press “Save current layout”: the following
window is opened.

Key in the name and press OK: the template is saved.

 When you want to recall a template, open the slide-down “Layout Template” window: all
saved templates are displayed.
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Just click on the desired template: the corresponding parameters are displayed to the right.

 Once a template is selected, you can remove it pressing “Delete current layout”.
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APPENDIX 2: IEC61850-8

By means of a dedicated module, ISA Instruments can expand their testing capabilities by handling
IEC61850-8 messages. One such message coming from a device connected to the substation
network (such as a relay) is called Goose.

To control the IEC61850-8 board, press the relative icon .

When the button is pressed, the Goose Explorer window is opened.

By means of the Goose Explorer, it is possible to explore the IEC61850-8 messages on the network.
The window shows a File menu, a main area divided in three pages (Exploring Goose, Virtual
Contacts and Goose Publishing) and an optional side that shows the Activity Log.

A2.1 Relay connection

Purpose of the test is to verify gooses sent by the relay on the Station bus. The connection is shown
in the drawing below.
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The connection to the relay is performed by connecting current and voltage outputs to the relay
under test. Also trip outputs are to be connected, so that it is possible to verify the trip delay.

Next, the instrument is to be connected to the Station bus. To this purpose, the instrument is
provided with an ETHERNET-type connector on its front. The connection to the Station bus can be
performed in two ways:
. A switch is available: connect the instrument to the switch, with the direct ETHERNET cable
provided. With this connection, very many messages will be seen by DRTS.6;
. A switch is not available: the relay is to be disconnected from the Station bus and connected
directly to the test set with the crossover ETHERNET cable provided. With this connection,
messages seen by instrument are only those coming from the relay.

The next paragraph will describe how to perform the tests.

A2.2 File Menu

A simple and basic menu is provided, in order to handle the data that is captured by the Goose
Explorer window.
 Open Exploring File: opens a database file (.gse extension) containing the result of a
session of exploring of the IEC61850-8 network. It will also load the filters, virtual contacts
and publishers that have been previously saved in the file.
 Save Exploring File: saves a database file (.gse extension) containing the result of a session
of exploring of the IEC61850-8 network. The file contains also any info on filters, virtual
contacts or publishers that have been set up.
 Open Substation File: opens a substation setting file (extension .scd; .icd; .xml) containing
the configuration of the substation, including the gooses available for each IED on the
network. Please refer to paragraph A5.3.4 for a more detailed explanation of this menu
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A2.3 Main Area

The main Area is divided in three main pages, which become four when a substation file is opened:
 Exploring Goose
This page controls the Exploring Options, displays the Goose List and the Goose details and
also handles the Filters.
 Virtual Contacts
This page displays and sets the Virtual Contacts.
 Substation File (only when selected from the File Menu)
This page shows the Goose List and details of gooses that are saved in a Substation file.
 Goose Publishing
This page displays and sets the Gooses that can be reproduced. Goose Publishing is only
available on DRTSxx instruments with IEC61850-8 board firmware revision from 1.00.

A2.3.1 Exploring Goose

The first action to perform in order to use effectively the Goose Explorer is to catch the messages
on the network. To this extent, there are three Exploring options: Explore at START, Explore Now
and Use Virtual Contacts to STOP the test.

It is possible to Reset the Goose queue with the relative button. This will clear the IEC61850-8
board from any previous goose still pending. Press this button when the Exploring session is closed.

Explore at START
When the Explore at Start option is selected, the exploring is started by the test start.

The Exploring will be automatically performed during the execution of a Shot type test. This means
that. at the execution of the Shot, the software will:
 Open an exploring session just prior to the test start;
 Execute the shot test until the relay trips as normal;
 Close the exploring session;
 Get the IEC61850-8 messages that have been generated, and display them in the Exploring
Goose window;
 Display the results of the Shot in the main window of the software.
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Explore Now

When the Explore now option is selected, it is possible to execute the exploring by pressing the
Start Exploring button. Choose appropriately the Exploring time by setting the relative box.
Upon pressing the button, the IEC61850-8 board mounted in the ISA Instrument starts to capture
the messages, and these are immediately displayed in the Goose list frame.

The Start Exploring button turns Red and its caption is changed into Stop Exploring. The exploring
can thus be stopped at any moment by pressing the button.
The grid displays for each Goose:
 Source Mac Address: physical address of the generator of the message;
 Destination Mac Address: physical address of the destination of the message;
 Goose ID: Identifier of the Message;
 Data Set Reference: Identifier of the type of message created by the IED;
 Event TimeStamp: Universal Time that identifies the Goose.

Data in this grid can be ordered in various ways, included in the Order Goose List by menu.

You can select this menu at any time, even during the download of gooses. It is possible to Order
data according to
 Number: the actual sequence in which the goose has been captured. (not necessarily they
are received by Time Stamp);
 Time Stamp: the UTCTime identifier of the goose;
 Goose ID;
 Source Mac Address.
By selecting a row of the Goose List, it is possible to see the details of the Data Structure handled
by the selected DataSet Reference. The Goose Details grid is loaded accordingly.
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Use Virtual Contacts to STOP the Test

In this case, the exploring is not be shown in this window.

It is possible to select to use the standard trip inputs: if so, the trip time on the result table will be
the one measured on these inputs.

If you check to ignore the C1- C12 inputs, at the execution of the test, the software will:
 Set the virtual contacts as they have been selected by the user;
 Execute the shot test until the relay trips as normal (but taking into account not only the trip
contacts but also the virtual contacts);
 Get the trip times for the contacts monitored by the software and for the Virtual Contacts
 Display the trip times in the Time columns of the table in the Virtual Contact page.

Do not Explore
Disables the IEC61850-8 option so that from now on it will not monitor the LAN for gooses.

A2.3.2 Filters
The amount of messages that can travel on an IEC61850-8 network can be burdening due to the
amount of devices connected to it. In order to select a portion of the messages, especially only the
meaningful once, related to the device undergoing the test, it is possible to set Filters.
Once a number of messages have been received, typically through an Explore now session, it is
possible to select only those that match a selection.
In particular, by selecting one message from the Goose List and by right-clicking with the mouse, a
menu is opened:

Relating to Filters, it is possible to:

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 Add filter as IED: extracts the IED of the selected Goose and use it as a Filter, in order to
capture only the messages with that same DataSet Reference.

The filter cannot be changed. A name can be given to the filter by selecting the Name
column and writing an appropriate name. Click on the En column in order to Enable the

 Add filter as TIMESTAMP: extracts the timestamp of the selected Goose and use it as a
basis for a Filter. The Time can be edited.

The filter can be changed: click on the Value column and a box appears in order to edit the
time of the filter.

This will represent the minimum time after which messages will be sensed and captured by
the IEC61850-8 board. Any message with UTCTime prior to the Filter time will be
A name can be given to the filter by selecting the Name column and writing an appropriate
name. Click on the En column in order to Enable the Filter.

It is possible to set up to 8 filters, although only one at a time can be enabled.

At the start of an Exploring session, if the filters have been changed, a message box will appear to
let the user choose whether to use the new filters or leave the previous filter condition.

A2.3.3 Virtual Contacts

Once the user has performed an Exploring of the messages, be it with or without Filters, it is
possible to set Virtual contacts. As the name describes, this is not a physical contact of the ISA
Instrument, but is a „virtual‟ contact or a condition that becomes true for a device on the network.
This condition is verified by means of the occurrence of a very specific goose.
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After selecting a goose from the Goose List in the Exploring Goose page, the Goose details frame
is loaded with the details of the selected Dataset data structure. Each of the parameters in this data
structure can be set in order to define a virtual contact.
Right-click with the mouse on a parameter and a menu appears.

It is possible to set the parameter as a basis for a virtual contact. By choosing the menu item, a new
virtual contact will be added to the Virtual Contacts page. It is possible to add up to 8 virtual

A virtual contact is identified by a

 Name: it can be given by the user by editing the relative box in the grid. The same name
will appear in the lower frame that represent the Trip condition for the Virtual contact.
 Dataset Reference: it represents the exact goose that serves as the basis for the virtual
contact. The same device can and does produce more than one Goose ID, so in order to set
the virtual contact it is not enough to define the Goose ID, but the selection has to be made
on the Dataset Reference.
 Type: it can be Boolean, BitString, Unsigned, Signed, Float or UTCTime.
 Condition: depending on the type of the data it can be: Equal to, Less than, Greater than
or Not Equal to. It is set by default to Equal to, but it can be changed according to the data
type. Select the appropriate condition form the menu that appears when clicking on the
condition column.
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 Value: together with the condition field, it defines the actual condition of the Virtual
Contact. In case of data type Boolean, it can only assume value True or False.
 Time: represents the actual „trip time‟ of the virtual contact, or the time interpreted from the
goose that the device produces when the condition is verified. It cannot be modified, it is
automatically set by the software when a test is performed and a virtual contact has tripped.

In the lower part of the page, it is possible to set the Virtual Contacts trip conditions.

In the situation here pictured, the test will trip, apart from the Trip contact conditions set in the main
page of the software in this conditions:
 trip of virtual contacts 1 and 2;
 trip of virtual contacts 3 and 4;
 trip of virtual contacts 5, 6 and 8;
 trip of the only contact 7.

A2.3.4 Substation files (SCD)

By choosing the menu item File – Open Substation File, it is possible to explore the configuration
of the substation as provided by the manufacturer.
A standard dialog window appears to let the user choose the file. At the selection, a new page of the
Goose Exploring window called Substation File is opened.
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This page can be closed by pressing the button that is shown on the header. The page is very
similar to the Exploring Goose page. It shows a table in the Goose List frame that can be ordered
by a dropdown menu, and for each goose that is displayed it shows the relative data structure in the
Goose Details table.
The list of gooses and relative details here shown are not the result of an exploring session, they
represent the nominal configuration of the substation.
Exactly as for the Goose List frame in the Exploring Goose page, it is possible to set filters by
choosing a Dataset Reference or to use a detail to add a Virtual Contact.
This page can also be used by the operator to compare the contents of the SCD file with the results
of an exploring session as contained in the Exploring Goose page.

A2.3.5 Virtual contact test example

As an example, let us follow the procedure to use the virtual contact.

 Select Explore now, and press: ; in the Goose list, a number of
messages are displayed.
 In the easy case, as ours, there is just one type of message. If this is not the case, you have to
refer to the Substation manager to know the meaning of the messages and of the bits in the
message. In alternative, you can select Explore at start, and then start a “Click and test” test.
The recorded messages are those related to the trip, and you can find the bit to be used,
because it will change from False to True, and again to False.

In our case, the situation is the following.

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We have selected one of the messages: the details are shown below.
 Now we have to assign to one of the bits the task of becoming the virtual contact. We know
that the bit no. 1 is the good one; so, we left click on it to select it; then, we right click on it:
the following message is displayed.

 You have to left click on the set virtual contact message: the message disappears; the contact
has been acquired.
 Now, select the Virtual contacts tab: it looks like the following.

The Virtual contacts line diplays the contact we have selected. However, there is one thing
we have to modify: we have to say that the test is finished when the contact becomes True.

Then, on the AND-OR line, we have to say that the test stops on the OR (or AND) of input
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Eventually, select Use virtual contacts to stop the test, and check Ignore binary inputs.

Now, you can proceed with your tests, as usual. When a time test is performed, the fact that
the measurement comes from a virtual contact is shown on the test result table.

Instead of the measured time alone, in the T(s) column it is written the Virtual Contact
which tripped: in our instance, VC1.

A2.3.6 Publishing Gooses

The Publishing Gooses functionality is available only on DRTSxx instruments with IEC61850-8
board firmware version 1.00 and following.
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Publishing Gooses is a different activity than exploring. In this case, gooses are not simply
explored, but generated by the instrument and sent on the network to which the instrument is
The instrument can therefore be both a publisher of Gooses and an explorer of Gooses.
In order to Publish a Goose, it is essential to capture a goose first and use it as a basis for the
publisher. Gooses can be obtained by exploring what is circulating on the 61850 network or by
selecting one from the list of gooses provided when loading a substation file.

Both the Goose List grid in the Exploring Goose page and the Goose List grid in the Substation
File page, allow the user to set a goose for publishing. When selecting a goose and right-clicking on
the grid, a menu appears as shown in the following picture.

The Goose menu allows the user to select a goose for publishing by choosing the Publish Goose
menu item. This will copy the goose to the Goose Publishing list as displayed by the following
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It is possible to set up to 16 different publishers. If the user tries to publish more than the maximum
number of publishers, the following message appears.

The Goose List grid enables the user to interactively define the publishing depending on the
selection performed in each column of the grid:
 #: it represents the publisher port. Up to 16 different ports can be used at the same time,
therefore it is possible to publish 16 different gooses. The port number cannot be selected by
the user, it is automatically selected by the software when a goose is added to the list of
goose to be published. The port number is not important to the end of the publishing, it is
displayed just as an information to the user.

 Enable : By clicking on the cell identified by this column, it is possible to disable

the publishing of a goose during a publishing session. If the publisher is disabled, the entire
row is greyed-out and it is not possible to make any change until the goose is enabled again

 Status : A publisher can be in any of the two states: Idle ( ) or Running ( ).

When the publisher is in running mode, then the goose is ready to be published according to
the other selections in the grid. The entire row is greyed-out and it is not possible to make
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any change. By clicking the cell identified by this column, it is possible to change the status
of the publisher from Idle to Running and from Running to Idle.
 Publish Mode: When clicking on the cell identified by this column it is possible to select
the Running mode of the Publisher:

If the selection is continuous, as soon as the publisher is set to running mode (see previous
column) the instrument starts publishing the goose immediately and continuously with a
period of 5 seconds. The publishing ends when the publisher is set to Idle (see previous
If the selection is During Test, then when the publisher is set to running mode (see previous
column) the instrument does not start publishing the goose. The publishing will be
synchronized to the fault development when a test is performed according to the conditions
set through the columns Pre-Fault, Fault and Post-Fault.
 Dest Mac Address: this displays the Mac Address to which the goose is going to be
destined. This parameter cannot be changed and is inherited by the original goose that has
been selected for publishing
 Goose ID: as for the Mac Address, this parameter cannot be changed and is inherited by the
original goose that has been selected for publishing
 Dataset Reference: as for the Mac Address, this parameter cannot be changed and is
inherited by the original goose that has been selected for publishing

 Prefault : By clicking on the cell identified by this column it is possible to define

whether the goose will be published during the prefault section of the test. As soon as a test
starts, for as long as the prefault conditions are generated the goose will be published, with a
period of 5 seconds. Gooses published during this section will normally simulate the
presence of healthy values on the line.

 Fault : By clicking on the cell identified by this column it is possible to define

whether the goose will be published during the fault section of the test. As soon as a test
starts, for as long as the fault conditions are generated the goose will be published, with a
period of 5 seconds. Gooses published during this section of the test will normally simulate
the presence of faulty values on the line.

 Postfault : By clicking on the cell identified by this column it is possible to define

whether the goose will be published during the post fault section of the test. As soon as a
test ends, for as long as the post fault conditions are generated the goose will be published,
with a period of 5 seconds. Gooses published during this section will normally simulate the
activity of the relay at the time of tripping.

 Test Mode : By clicking on the cell identified by this column it is possible to

define whether the goose will be published with the Test mode field set to 1 ( ) or 0 (no

 Commissioning : By clicking on the cell identified by this column it is

possible to define whether the goose will be published with the Commissioning field set to 1
( ) or 0 (no icon).
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When clicking on a row of the Goose List grid, it is possible to view the data composition of the
goose in the Goose Details grid.
In this case it is possible to change the value of the data in order to prepare a different Goose for
publishing, for example it is possible to change the Value of Boolean data (between True and False)
to simulate the trip contact of the relay, or change the Value of BitString data.

Upon right-clicking on a row of the grid the following menu appears:

The Remove Goose option deletes the goose from the list of the publishers.
The Duplicate Goose option creates a copy of the goose in the list of the publishers.
The Delete All Gooses option clears the publishers list upon confirmation of the following

In order to stop the publishing of every publisher that has been set, press the Kill Publishing button.
This will set all publishers in idle mode.
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APPENDIX 3: IEC61850-9

The standard IEC 61850-9 defines the characteristics of digital data to transmit to protection relays,
instead of analog currents and voltages.

On the DRTS XX series, it is available an option, whose purpose is to allow generating these digital
data alone, or the analog and the digital data at the meantime. It is also possible to monitor a
physical relay contact, or the GOOSE message exchanged on the IEC61850-8 interface.

The connection of the IEC 61850-9 digital signals to the relay under test is made of two optical
fibers, which are connected on the rear of the test set.

NOTE: The DRTS 66 TX connector is connected to the relay RX connector, and vice versa.

The operation is the following. Connect the PC to the test set, and then press the icon : the
following window is opened.
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The first operation is to select if we want to generate the Sampled Values and the normal currents
and voltages, or the Sampled Values only.

The selection does not affect the further selections; however, with the choice “SVs & Amplifiers”,
the optical fibers, current and voltage outputs are connected to the relay under test, while with the
choice “Sampled Values only”, only the optical fibers are connected.

Next, it is necessary to input the address of the relay under test, and a number of data related to the
relay settings.

All the above information come from the Substation Manager.

After this, there are three slots, 1, 2 and 3, where it is possible to program the digital output
generation. Each slot includes four currents and four voltages: therefore, with this kind of
simulation, the test set is capable of generating up to 12 currents and 12 voltages at the meantime.
The following is slot 1: thee three slots are identical.
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The slot is divided in two parts.

In the upper part, there are other data to be asked to the Substation Manager.

NOTE: for the ISATEST relay, the critical parameters are the followings:
 Sampled Value ID: it must be 15 characters long;
 VLAN ID: 1 for Slot 1; 2 for slot 2; 3 for slot 3.

In the lower part there are the data related to the relay connection.
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 Nominal frequency: the nominal plant frequency; it can be 50 Hz or 60 Hz.

 Number of samples: the standard foresees 80 samples per period.
 Nominal primary L-L voltage: the unit of measurement is kV.
 Nominal secondary L-L voltage: the unit of measurement is V.
 Nominal primary current: the unit of measurement is A.
 Nominal secondary current: the unit of measurement is A.
 Number of phases: 4.
 Description of currents and voltages of the various phases.

This performed, come back to the Connected AP folder, and press OK: the bottom left of the
window displays the following message.

After the file has been transmitted, you can return to the normal test execution, like with the normal
current generation: instead of generating currents and voltage, the test set is transmitting digital data
to the relay under test, which will react as usual, and the usual tests will be performed: the test result
table and diagram don‟t change. The following result was obtained with sample values only.
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NOTE: it is understood that the relay has available a trip contact, which is connected by two copper
wires to an input; inputs selection are performed as usual. If the relay does not have this output, but
just a communication path on the IEB61580-8 interface, then you have to select the Virtual Contact,
as explained in Appendix 2.
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The Appendix provides the computation formulas for the existing Standards.

A4.1 IEC and IEEE Standards

IEC and IEEE standards draw the characteristic curve according to the following formula.
 
 
 a 
t ( s )  KT *   c
 I  
 
 1 
 IR  

Constants of the formula change according to the type of curve; they are summarised in the
following table.

a c b
IEC Class A Standard Inverse 0.14 0 0.02
IEC Class B Very Inverse 13.5 0 1
IEC Class C Extremely Inverse 80 0 2
IEC Long Time Inverse 120 0 1
IEC Short Time Inverse 0.05 0 0.04

IEEE - US Moderately Inverse 0.0515 0.114 0.02

IEEE - US Very Inverse 19.61 0.491 2
IEEE - US Extremely Inverse 28.2 0.1217 2
IEEE – US Normal Inverse 29.75 0.9 2
IEEE - US Short Inverse 0.0171 0.0131 0.02

A4.2 IAC and ANSI Standards

The different curves correspond to the following formula.
 
 
 b d e 
t (s)  K * a    3 
 I 
T 2
   c   I  c   I

 c  
  
 I R  I R  I R  

Constants of the formula change according to the type of curve; they are summarised in the
following table.
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a b c d e
IAC Inverse 0.2078 0.863 0.8 -0.418 0.1947
IAC Short Time Inverse 0.0428 0.0609 0.62 -0.001 0.0221
IAC Long Time Inverse 80 0 2 2 2
IAC Very Inverse 0.09 0.7955 0.1 -1.2855 7.9586
IEC Extremely Inverse 0.004 0.6379 0.62 1.7872 0.2461

ANSI - Extremely Inverse 0.0399 0.2294 0.5 3.0094 0.7222

ANSI - Very Inverse 0.0615 0.7989 0.34 -0.284 4.0505
ANSI - Normal Inverse 0.0274 2.2614 0.3 -4.1899 9.1272
ANSI - Moderately 0.1735 0.6791 0.8 -0.08 0.1271

A4.3 US Standards
The different curves correspond to the following formula.
 
 
 B 
t ( s )  KT*  A  
  I 
C 
    1 
 
  IR  

Constants of the formula change according to the type of curve; they are summarised in the
following table.

US Moderately Inverse 0.0226 0.0104 0.02
US Inverse 0.18 5.95 2
US Very Inverse 0.0963 3.88 2
US Extremely Inverse 0.0352 5.67 2

A4.4 ANSI 37.112 Standards

The different curves correspond to the following formula.
 
 
 B  14 * KT  5
t ( s)   A  C *
 I   9
  
I   1 
  R 
Constants of the formula change according to the type of curve; they are summarised in the
following table.
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Extremely Inverse 0.0250 6.407 2
Very Inverse 0.0712 2.855 2
Inverse 0.0185 0.0086 0.02
Moderately Inverse 0.0037 0.00172 0.02
Inverse Short Time 0.0050 1.281 2
Extremely Inverse Short Time 0.2500 64.07 2
Very Inverse Short Time 0.0712 28.55 2
Inverse Long Time 0.0352 0.086 0.02

A4.5 ANSI / IEEE Standards

The different curves correspond to the following formula.
 
 
 B 
t (s)   A  C  * KT
 I  
    1 
  IR  
Constants of the formula change according to the type of curve; they are summarised in the
following table.

Inverse Time 8.9341 2.0938 0.17966
Short Inverse Time 0.2663 1.2969 0.03393
Long Inverse Time 5.6143 1 2.18592
Moderately Inverse Time 0.0103 0.02 0.0228
Very Inverse Time 3.922 2 0.0982
Extremely Inverse Time 5.64 2 0.02434
Definite Inverse Time 0.4797 1.5625 0.21359

A4.6 Custom curves

It is also possible to edit the relay characteristic point by point.

Columns I (xIn) and T [s] are used to define the characteristic point by point.
o Click on Add button to insert a section
o Then edit the coordinates I (xIn) and T [s]

In order to take into account a point-by-point characteristic, there must be at least two points.

Just as an example, the followings are the setting table and the corresponding curve.
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A4.7 Mathematical equation

If you enter this selection, the icon by the side of the selection turns on.

Click the icon: the following window is displayed.

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The slide-down window at top left has three selections.

They open the corresponding formulas. Select the type of formula, and input the corresponding
parameters: any value will be accepted, including zero. Once parameters are input, pressing OK the
corresponding nominal characteristic curve is displayed.
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The following is the example of what is obtained as the result of the Tracing. We have
selected two inputs, C1 and C2, for the timer stop, and the AND criteria. We have also
selected two more inputs, C3 and C4, which are not enabled for the timer stop.

Then, we have performed a test: the test stops on the second enabled input. The test result
table is the following one.

Now, select the test result, and right click on it: the selection window is opened.

Select Waveform viewer: the following window is opened.

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The window shows, above, the current and voltage waveforms, and below the recorded
transitions on the selected inputs. NOTE: the analog recording is a simulation; it does not
display the currents and voltages actually being generated.

The display has two cursors, red and blue, corresponding to the left and right mouse buttons.
It is possible to move them, to measure trip delays or durations. It is also possible to zoom
the area between cursors, for a more detailed investigation.

On the top of the window, you can find the icon . Pressing it, you access the following
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Below the icon, you can find the following toolbar.

The meaning of the icons is the following one.

 Zoom . With this selection, you can zoom horizontally and vertically. Press the icon, and
then move the mouse on one of the analog channels. You have to stay inside the horizontal
dotted lines. Move the mouse horizontally and vertically, to cover the area of interest: a
dotted rectangle shows you the area about to be zoomed.

This area will

be zoomed

As soon as you release the mouse, the zoomed part is displayed. Exit clicking again the
same icon, or with the zoom out icon.

 Zoom in – out . With this selection, you can zoom only horizontally. Move the two
cursors around the part you want to zoom, then press zoom in : the area is magnified.
You can continue zooming in as you like. When you press zoom out , you return to the
original recording.
 RMS value . The analog values pointed by the red cursor and displayed to the right of
the waveforms are the absolute values; pressing RMS, they become the root mean square
values of the period around the cursor.
 Show currents . Clicking the icon, you can view only current outputs; clicking again,
you return to the original diagram.
 Show voltages . Clicking the icon, you can view only voltage outputs; clicking again,
you return to the original diagram.
 Show main contacts . Clicking the icon, you can view only main contacts; clicking
again, you return to the original diagram.
 Show auxiliary contacts . Clicking the icon, you can view only auxiliary contacts;
clicking again, you return to the original diagram.
 Modify Graph Settings . Pressing the icon, the following window is opened.
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The meaning of selections is clear, unless for the last two, which refer to the export of the
file in COMTRADE format.
o The sampling frequency can be selected from 500 Hz to 10 kHz. Note that this is not
the sampling frequency at which the analog data have been recorded: this is just for
the COMTRADE file.
o The data format can be selected as floating point or as an integer; both are accepted
by the COMTRADE file.
 Export graph . With this command, it is possible to export the recording in the
bitmap format. You can choose the directory and assign a name to the file using the standard
Windows selection. Note that you will export what you have on the display: if you have
zoomed, you will export the zoomed file.
 Export to COMTRADE format . With this command, it is possible to export the
recording in the COMTRADE files format. You can choose the directory and assign a name
to the file using the standard Windows selection. Two files will be created, with extensions
.CFG and .DAT.

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