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 ESXI 5.5
o Can use for 60 days without limitations
 Hypervisor
o Running VMs remotely
 Iptables

 Quiz on Wednesday, Friday (i.e. every other day)

o ISO must be uploaded to Hypervisor using vSphere client

 Datastore
o One or more hard drives where VMs are stored
 Thick provision:
o Will allocate 16 GB on your hard drive right now – WE DON’T WANT THIS!!

 Thin provision:
o Allocates when needed

 Installing with LVM

o Will be possible to resize disks afterwards

 Select Guided – use entire disk and set up LVM

 Configure
 Select: No automatic updates
 Install:
o OpenSSH
 Install GRUB boot loader to the MBR? YES

o Open SSH
o Stands for “Secure Shell”
o You should NEVER use Telnet
o Remote shell
o Not used anymore
o Remote login
o Not used anymore
o We usually use SSH nowadays

o ifconfig
o Put IP address in “host name” in PutTy

o sudo su –

o apt-get install apache2

o This installs Apache

o Type IP address in your browser – will display a page if Apache works

o Tells you that you’ve just installed a web server in Linux
o Apache = most popular web server in the world

o 3 types of virtual web hosts (these are web hosts – one physical machine serving multiple
o Assign separate IP address for every website
 We don’t use this method anymore
 We’re out of IPv4 addresses
o Different port numbers – one IP for all
 Don’t really use this one much either
o Name-based in HTTP 1.1
 Requires HTTP protocol 1.1
 HTTP protocol 1.0 – told you “get me the index.html”
 In HTTP 1.1 – client connect to web server – “I’d like to get index.html from
____ website”
 Almost all servers in the world use this method
 HTTP 1.1 brought 2 important features:
 Name-based virtual hosting
o This was not possible in previous versions of HTTP (ex. 1.0)
 When downloading a file, can specify which byte you’d like to start off
with – resume download from the place you’ve left off
 Better caching support

o Command to show all files brought onto the system by apache2:

o dpkg –L apache2 | less
o Command to show all files brought onto the system by apache2, and containing “/etc”
o dpkg –L apache2 | grep /etc

o cd /etc/apache2
o ll

o apt-get install vim-gtk

o vi apache2.conf

o Configuration directives of Apache:

o Apache, by default, only reads the apache2.conf file

o Tells it to go inside sites-enabled file and find all files with .conf extension??

o esc + : + q + !

o ll sites-*
o You can see this one contains a symbolic link
 Can remove symbolic link without removing target file
o One file per domain that you’re hosting
o Apache is told to read “sites-enabled”, not “sites-available”
o To create new configuration piece, you will create it in “sites available”, and once you’re
ready, you’ll create a symbolic link

o cd sites-available
o ll

If no other virtual hosts apply, then the 000-default.conf will apply

o vi 000-default.conf


o We’re going to use a pretend DNS, that works only on the local machine
o Client will be Windows

In Windows:

o Searching for “Windows hosts file editor” – download & install it

o Open Hosts File Editor
o Type in your IP address in Hosts File Editor, and put Host Name as “”

o Check by going into C: → Windows → System32 → drivers → etc → hosts . Open hosts file in
Notepad, and make sure it looks like this:

o Now go into web browser, and type in “” or “”. You should be
redirected to your Apache page:

o If you’re asking for index.html, it will look for it in /var/www/html

In server:

o mkdir /var/www/
o echo “This is Dawson” > /var/www/

o cp 000-default.conf 111-dawson.conf
o vi 111-dawson.conf

o Look for line above “ServerAdmin” called “ServerName”. Remove the hash (#) symbol in front of
ServerName. Then change the URL to “”. This is what it will look like after all
the changes:

o Add the line under “ServerName” that says the following: “ServerAlias”

o Change the path beside DocumentRoot to /var/www/

o Save it by pressing: ESC + SHIFT + Z + Z

o a2 + TAB + TAB
o a2ensite 111-dawson.conf
o ll ../sites-enabled

o service apache2 reload

o reloading = re-read configuration

 Advantage: If there is a problem, then Apache will still work with old
 We use this command whenever possible, and restart only when we absolutely
need to
o restart = shuts down Apache, then turns it on again

Configuring static IP configuration

o cd /etc/network
o vi interfaces

o Put hash (#) sign next to the “iface…” line

o ifconfig eth0
o You will find IP Address and Mask

o route –n
o You will find Gateway
o cat /etc/resolv.conf
o You will find NameServer

o Copy the IP address, Gateway, Mask, and NameServer into Notepad in Windows

o cd /etc/network
o vi interfaces
o Type “iface eth0 inet static” line in vi, and add all 4 IP settings:

o ESC + SHIFT + Z + Z
o ifdown eth0 ; sleep 3 ; ifup eth0


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